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English work

Student: carmen Johana Say



Group 514016_6

National open and distance university UNAD 2021


Through this document we recognize the technologies in which we highlight the negative

and positive things for the environment where we can close the progress of each of the

The activity consists of: Clearly write a text on this topic: "Effects of technology on the

environment", for that, you must do the following: - Talk about past events; - Use "If

clauses" to express a future meaning; - Use "Wish" to express hypothetical situations; -

Give advice and recommendations. - Write a letter to the Secretary General of the United

Nations1; For this task, consider: - Read carefully the information on collaborative work

considered at UNAD: 1 The Secretary-General of the United Nations

is the head of the United Nations Secretariat, one of the six main organs of the United

Nations. The Secretary-General serves as the Administrative Director of the United

Nations. two - Participations or contributions shared in the forum 3 days before closing the

task or out of time, will be scored below the medium or low level. - Your tutor will tell you

which stages you must complete each week to complete all the stages suggested for this


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