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from Chapter 44 of Christ Will

9. Remember that the universe is nothing more than a floating shadow, and that the most divine planes of
consciousness are no more than pure masses of shadows before the majesty of the uncreated light of the Absolute.

15. This universe exists because of karma, and the gods themselves exist because of karma.

16. When the Causal Logos started his electric movement at the dawn of the mahamanvantara, nothing was heard
other than children’s cries, pleadings, and anguish.

17. The gods cried at the dawn of the mahamanvantara.

18. The Causal Logos contains in his divine mind all the karmic causes that gave rise to the existence of the universe.

19. When this great being started to move on the face of the waters, there was nothing but weeping and anguish of
the gods.

20. The uncreated light of the Absolute moved away from the gods little by little, and then the gods fell amongst this
mass of universal shadows.

21. When the great Logos which expresses itself as electricity in all that exists emitted the Logos of the solar system
and the seven planetary genies, there was nothing but bitter weeping.

22. When the gods that were fertilizing the chaotic matter with fire started to weave on the loom of God, there was
nothing but bitter weeping.

23. The gods wept over the departure from the Absolute.

24. They cried because the uncreated light had already become darkness for them, and they justified themselves to
one another, saying, “I am not to blame, I am not guilty,” etc., etc., etc.

25. The gods fell when the Great Mother stole their fire.

26. The Great Mother shone with pleasure with the universal Protogonos [primeval god].

27. The Virgin Mother snatched the rod from the gods, and withdrew the world from the muladhara chakra.

28. This is the karma of the gods.

29. Fortunately, with the dawn of each mahamanvantara, the spiral of life continuously raises the soul of the gods to
planes of consciousness that are more elevated each time.

30. In each great cosmic day, the universe is raised to a higher plane.

31. Until, in the end, the soul of fire of the gods is totally absorbed by the Absolute.

32. This is the karma of the gods, to work with the worlds.

33. In the dawn of life, they cried when they were submerged into the shadows of the universe.

34. When the gods started to weave on the loom of God, when they started to fecundate the chaotic matter with
sacred fire, they cried with pain.

35. It was then, when feeling sorry for them, an inhabitant of the Absolute, the Christ, a Paramarthasatya, descended
from the universal shadows, moved by compassion, to save men and gods.

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