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Operation Paperclip (also credited as Project Paperclip) was the code name under which the U.S.
intelligence and military services extracted German scientists from Nazi Germany, during and after the
final stages of World War II. In 1945 the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and
given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip.[1]

Osenberg List
Following the German failure of its invasion of the Soviet Union (codenamed Operation Barbarossa)
and the entry of the US into WWII, the strategic position of Germany was at a disadvantage since
German military industries were unprepared for a long war.
As a result, Germany began efforts in spring 1943 to recall scientists and technical personnel from
combat units where their skills could be used in research and development: [2]
‘Overnight, Ph.D.s were liberated from KP duty, masters of science were recalled from
orderly service, mathematicians were hauled out of bakeries, and precision mechanics
ceased to be truck drivers.’
— Dieter K. Huzel

The recall effort first required identifying such personnel and then tracking them (particularly for
loyalty), which culminated in the Osenberg List by Werner Osenberg, a University of Hannover
engineering scientist who headed the Wehrforschungsgemeinschaft (English: Military Research
Association).[3] In March 1945, a Polish laboratory technician found the shredded pieces of the
Osenberg List in a toilet that hadn't flushed properly. [4]
US Army Major Robert B Staver, Chief of the Jet Propulsion Section of the Research and Intelligence
Branch of the US Army Ordnance in London, subsequently used the Osenberg list to compile the Black
List, the code name for the list of scientists targeted for interrogation, with the rocket scientist Wernher
von Braun's name at the top.[5]

Operation Paperclip scientists pose together

Operation Overcast
The original unnamed plan to interview only the rocket scientists changed after Major Staver sent a
cable (signed by Colonel Joel Holmes) to the Pentagon on May 22, 1945 of the urgency to evacuate
the German technicians and their families as "important for Pacific war."[4] Likewise, an equally strong
desire was to deny German expertise to the Soviet Union.
In the Operation Alsos case of Werner Heisenberg, the head of the German nuclear energy project:
"…he was worth more to us than ten divisions of Germans."[6]
In addition to scientists specializing in rocketry and Nuclear physics, various Allied teams were also
searching for experts in chemistry, medicine, and naval weapons. An effort that predated Overcast was
the US Navy's acquisition in May 1945 of Dr. Herbert A. Wagner, who[7] worked at Naval Air Station
Point Mugu in 1947.

The majority of the scientists were involved with the V-2 rocket, and the rocket group was initially
housed with their families at a housing project in Landshut Bavaria. Operation Overcast was
designated by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on July 19, 1945,[5] but when the nickname "Camp
Overcast" was being openly used for the housing, the code name was changed to Paperclip.[5][4]

By 1958, many aspects of Paperclip had become common knowledge. It was openly mentioned in a
Time magazine article about von Braun.[8]

Groups of scientists
In early August 1945, Colonel Holger N. Toftoy, chief of the Rocket Branch in the Research and
Development Division of Army Ordnance, offered initial one-year contracts to the rocket scientists.
After Toftoy agreed to take care of their families, 127 scientists accepted the offer.
In September 1945, the first group of seven rocket scientists arrived from Germany at Fort Strong in
the US:
1. Wernher von Braun
2. Erich W. Neubert
3. Theodor A. Poppel
4. August Schultze
5. Eberhard F. M. Rees
6. Wilhelm Jungert
7. Walter Schwidetzky [4]
Eventually the rocket scientists arrived at Fort Bliss, Texas for rocket testing at White Sands Proving
Grounds as "War Department Special Employees."[2]

In early 1950, legal status for some "Paperclip Specialists" was obtained when visas were issued [5] at
the US consulate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; from which the scientists legally entered the US. [2] In later
decades, some scientists' WWII wartime activities were investigated — Arthur Rudolph was linked to
the Mittelbau-Dora slave labor, and Hubertus Strughold was implicated in Nazi human

Eighty-six aeronautical experts were transferred to Wright Field, which had also acquired aircraft and
other equipment under Operation Lusty.[9]

The United States Army Signal Corps employed 24 specialists — including:

1. physicists:
i. Dr. Georg Goubau
ii. Dr. Gunter Guttwein
iii. Dr. Georg Hass
iv. Dr. Horst Kedesdy
v. Dr. Kurt Levovec
2. physical chemists:
i. Professor Rudolf Brill
ii. Dr. Ernst Baars
iii. Dr. Eberhard Both
3. geophysicist Dr. Helmut Weickmann
4. technical optician Dr. Gerhard Schwesinger
5. electronics engineers:
i. Dr. Eduard Gerber
ii. Dr. Richard Guenther
iii. Dr. Hans Ziegler [1]
The United States Bureau of Mines employed seven German synthetic fuel scientists in a Fischer-
Tropsch chemical plant in Louisiana, Missouri in 1946.[2]

In 1959, 94 Paperclip individuals went to the US, including:

1. Friedwardt Winterberg
2. Hans Dolezalek
3. Friedrich Wigand [7]
Through 1990, Paperclip acquired a total of 1,600 personnel,[7] with the "intellectual reparations" taken
by the U.S. and the UK (mainly German patents and industrial processes) valued at close to $10

Related operations
 Special Mission V-2 - US operation commanded by Major William Bromley to
recover V-2 rocket parts and equipment. Major James P. Hamill, with the aid
of the 144th Motor Vehicle Assembly Company, coordinated the shipment of
the first trainload of V-2 equipment from Nordhausen to Erfurt. [5] (see also
Operation Blossom, Broomstick Scientists, Hermes project, Operations Sandy
and Pushover)
 Operation Backfire - Rocket experiments in the area of Cuxhaven
 ECLIPSE - unimplemented 1944 plan for post-war operations in Europe [11] that
would destroy V-1 and V-2 missiles found by the Air Disarmament Wing. [12]
 Safehaven - US project under ECLIPSE to prevent German researchers from
escaping to other countries (e.g., Latin America). [5]
 JCS Directive 1067/14 - On April 26, 1946, Joint Chiefs of Staff Order 1067
had been issued to General Eisenhower to "preserve from destruction and
take under your control records, plans, books, documents, papers, files and
scientific, industrial and other information and data belonging to … German
organizations engaged in military research."[13] The U.S. occupation directive
stated that German scientists should be detained as needed for intelligence
purposes, except for war-criminals.[14]
 Field Information Agency; Technical (FIAT) - US Army agency for securing the
"major, and perhaps only, material reward of victory, namely, the
advancement of science and the improvement of production and standards of
living in the United Nations by proper exploitation of German methods in these
fields." [15] FIAT was dissolved in 1947 when operation PAPERCLIP began
large scale operations.
 DUSTBIN (counterpart of ASHCAN) - US Army detention center established
first in Paris and later in Kransberg Castle outside Frankfurt. [16][17]
 National Interest/Project 63 - "Project to help former Nazis obtain jobs with
Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation or other defense
contractors during a time when many American engineers in the aircraft
industry were being laid off."[7]
 Operation Alsos, Operation Big - US efforts to capture German nuclear
secrets, equipment and personnel
 Operation Lusty - US efforts to capture German aeronautical secrets,
equipment and personnel
 Target Intelligence Committee (TICOM) - US project to gather German experts
in cryptography.
 Operation Surgeon - UK operation to deny German aeronautical expertise to
the USSR and instead exploit the scientists in order to further British research.

References and footnotes
1. Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
2. Huzel, Dieter K (1960). Peenemünde to Canaveral. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall,
3. Forman, Paul; Sánchez-Ron, José Manuel (1996). National Military Establishments and
the Advancement of Science and Technology, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 308. 
4. McGovern, James (1964). Crossbow and Overcast. New York: W. Morrow,
5. Ordway, Frederick I., III; Sharpe, Mitchell R (1979). The Rocket Team, Apogee Books
Space Series 36, p310,313,314,316,325,330,406. 
6. Naimark, Norman M (1979). The Russians in Germany; A History of the Soviet Zone of
occupation, 1945-1949. Harvard University Press, p207.  
7. Hunt, Linda (1991). Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and
Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. New York: St.Martin's Press, p6,21,31,176,204,259.  
8. "Reach for the Stars", Time (magazine), February 17, 1958. Retrieved on 2007-07-
21. "Shirtsleeved, tousled, and bright-eyed with the dream that gave Germany its V-2 and
the U.S. its first orbiting satellite, bull-shouldered Wernher von Braun paced the yellow-
walled office in Building 4488, nerve center of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency at
Huntsville, Alabama. Already on his cluttered mahogany desk last week was a new
satellite assignment: preparing…" 
9. The End of World War II. (television show, Original Air Date: 2-17-05). A&E. Retrieved on
10. Naimark. 206 (Naimark cites Gimbel, John Science Technology and Reparations:
Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany) NOTE: The $10 billion compares to the
U.S. annual GDP of $258 billion in 1948 and to the total Marshall plan expenditure (1948-
1952) of $13 billion, of which Germany received $1.4 billion (partly as loans).
11. Ziemke, Earl F (1990). The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany 1944-1946.
Washington DC: US Army, p163. 
12. Cooksley, Peter G (1979). Flying Bomb. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, p 44. 
13. McGovern. 185
14. Beyerchen, Alan. German Scientists and Research Institutions in Allied Occupation
Policy. History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3, Special Issue: Educational Policy
and Reform in Modern Germany. (Autumn, 1982), pp. 289-299.
15. Ziemke. pg 316 NOTE: So much of the FIAT information was used for commercial
purposes that the office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas let it be
known that they wanted the future peace treaty with Germany be phrased so that U.S.
industry that made use of the information would be protected from lawsuits.(Beyerchen.
16. Ziemke pg 314
17. The New Form of Government: Bombocracy (html). Current Concerns. Dr. Annemarie
Buchholz, historian, Switzerland. Retrieved on 2007-05-03.
18. "UK 'fears' over German scientists" BBC NewsUK 31 March 2006
Return to Project Paperclip

por Red Voltaire

7 Enero 2005
del Sitio Web RedVoltaire

Al final de la
Segunda Guerra
Mundial el estado
mayor de los
Estados Unidos
inicia la operación
Paperclip a
espaldas del
En algunos años,
cerca de 1 500
científicos nazis
son sacados de
Alemania y
reclutados para
trabajar contra la
URSS comunista.
sobre armas
químicas, el uso de
psicotrópicos en la
tortura y la
conquista del
Lejos de situarlos
en puestos
subalternos el
Pentágono les
confía la dirección
de estos programas
en los que
estampan su sello

Apenas terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el teatro de operaciones, se inicia la rivalidad entre
los Estados Unidos y la URSS.
La prioridad de ambos pasa a ser el rápido saqueo del enemigo vencido: el Tercer Reich de Adolf
Hitler. Así, el conocimiento tecnológico desarrollado por los científicos alemanes despierta la codicia
aunque haya sido fruto de la explotación de una mano de obra en cautiverio en los campos de

Una parte del estado mayor de los Estados Unidos, sacudida por lo que descubren sus hombres en
Dachau, Auschwitz, Dora, ordena recoger la mayor cantidad posible de pruebas con vistas a un
proceso de los dirigentes nazis.
Por el contrario, otros oficiales del estado mayor consideran que estos criminales son un personal
insustituible que conviene poner al servicio del poderío de los Estados Unidos, de modo que el
Pentágono pone en marcha una operación para recuperar a los científicos alemanes que hayan
trabajado para el Tercer Reich nazi de Adolf Hitler.

Llamada "Operación Paperclip" (Operación clips), se le confía a la Joint Intelligence Objectives

Agency (JIOA) [1], que entonces agrupa a todos los servicios de inteligencia militar de los Estados
Como explicará más tarde su director, Bosquet Wev,
"el gobierno se preocupaba por 'tonterías' - como los expedientes de los nazis - en
lugar de priorizar 'el interés de los Estados Unidos, de modo que malgastaba
inútilmente sus fuerzas queriendo golpear al monstruo nazi muerto'.” [2].
La operación se enfrenta a una gran resistencia proveniente al mismo tiempo de dirigentes políticos y
en el estado mayor.
La posición del presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt es clara: rechaza el conceder privilegios a los
oficiales de las SS y a los miembros del ministerio alemán de Relaciones Exteriores al ser interrogado
sobre el asunto por William Donovan, jefe de la OSS.

Entre las personas así reclutadas por la OSS,

"algunos tendrán que ser definitivamente juzgados por crímenes de guerra o al menos
detenidos por haber participado de forma activa en las actividades nazis", argumenta.
Pasando por encima de la orden presidencial, la JIOA toma la decisión de falsificar expedientes
militares de los científicos alemanes que se propone sacar con destino hacia los Estados Unidos

Los científicos más codiciados en lo inmediato son los que han constituido la amenaza más fuerte
para los Aliados, es decir, los que han concebido los temibles misiles V2, (cohetes supersónicos) en
cuya vanguardia está el nazi Wernher von Braun.
Con sólo 32 años en 1945, se trata de uno de los más brillantes ingenieros de la época. Desde la
década de 1930 trabaja con Hermann Oberth, padre del cohete alemán.

Pasa a formar parte de las SS y del comando personal del jefe de la organización, Heinrich Himmler,
antes de obtener el grado de comandante.
Durante la guerra trabaja en el centro de Peenemünde en el proyecto de los cohetes V2, construidos
en la fábrica Mittelwerk por personal procedente del campo de concentración de Dora.

El mayor de las SS Wernher von Braun en 1943 (círculo rojo).

Presentación a los dignatarios nazis del centro de investigación Peenemünde
donde fue concebida la "guerra de las galaxias" y realizados los cohetes V2 nazis.
Von Braun se convirtió posteriormente en director de la NASA estadounidense.

Tras la victoria de los Aliados, es internado por un tiempo en Garmisch por el equipo del coronel
norteamericano Holger Toftoy, quien alberga un proyecto descabellado:
reiniciar en la base de Fort Bliss, en los Estados Unidos, el programa coheteril en el
que trabajaba von Braun, a quien le encarga además convencer a sus antiguos
colegas para unirse en la aventura.
La tarea no es muy difícil: en su mayoría, los científicos corren el riesgo, si se quedan en Europa, de
ser conducidos ante un tribunal por "complicidad en crímenes de guerra".
Paralelamente, uno de los directores de la JIOA, E.W. Gruhn, se encarga de hacer una lista de
científicos alemanes y austriacos de los más calificados para que sean reclutados y trabajen para el
gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Para ello se apoya en Werner Osenberg, quien dirigió la sección científica de la Gestapo encargada
de verificar la confiabilidad política de los científicos que trabajaban para el Reich. Los informes y
expedientes de la siniestra policía le permitieron a Osemberg hacer una lista de 15 mil nombres de
científicos con su filiación política y valor científico.
Como lo señala Linda Hunt, este método,
"favorecía sobre todo la contratación de nazis acérrimos y convencidos"
El programa confiado a von Braun no obtiene inmediatamente los resultados esperados.
En junio de 1947 se efectúa el lanzamiento del primer V2 modificado desde la rampa de White Sands
Proving Ground, en Nuevo México.
El misil, ensamblado a partir de piezas alemanas recuperadas en Mittelwerk, se aleja de su trayectoria
inicial para ir a estrellarse del otro lado de la frontera mexicana, a menos de cinco kilómetros de un
barrio superpoblado de Ciudad Juárez, lo que obliga a Washington a explicarles inmediatamente a los
mexicanos que bajo ningún concepto pretende lanzar un ataque coheteril contra su país.

Nota desclasificada del jefe del Estado Mayor de la US Air Force,

del 2 de junio de 1953, en la que hace constar que 820 científicos nazis
han sido ya reclutados en el marco del proyecto Paperclip.
El traslado de científicos tan implicados en el aparato nazi no podía producirse sin dificultades.
Muchos de ellos sólo aceptaron este "exilio" bajo amenaza de persecución judicial en su país, lo que
no es una prueba de confiabilidad. En el mejor de los casos consideran colaborar con un aliado
objetivo en la lucha contra la URSS.

En el peor, están decididos a compartir lo menos posible las tecnologías que dominan o a venderlas al
mejor postor. Estos problemas son identificados al principio de la operación.
Walter Jessel, teniente del ejército norteamericano, fue encargado en 1945 de evaluar la lealtad de
los científicos antes de que abandonaran Alemania. Su informe, basado en los interrogatorios,
concluye que Von Braun y sus hombres tratan de ocultar sus informaciones a los oficiales
Según el militar estadounidense, confiar en ellos sería "absurdo". Después de todo, los científicos
alemanes estaban hasta hacía poco en el campo enemigo.

A pesar de ello no serán puestos nunca bajo estricta vigilancia por el comandante James Hamill,
responsable directo del grupo Paperclip en Fort Bliss:
"No sólo (...) los miembros de Paperclip estaban autorizados a un amplio acceso a las
informaciones secretas, sino(...) que no había ni toque de queda ni verificación del
correo alemán".
Además, "las actividades de los científicos en el exterior eran muy poco controladas", lo que da fe de
una ligereza increíble o de una confianza ciega que sólo puede explicarse como simple ingenuidad.

Una operación de "interés nacional"

La opinión pública no se inmuta por esta llegada al territorio norteamericano de antiguos científicos
nazis, además de haber sido cuidadosamente desinformada al respecto.
A finales de 1946 el departamento de Guerra organiza incluso un día a puertas abiertas en Wright
Field a fin de presentarle a la prensa una delegación de "sabios alemanes". Los artículos publicados
tras esta iniciativa propagandística silencian los antecedentes dudosos de estos brillantes ingenieros.

La ortodoxia del Pentágono quiere que todos sean "pasados por el tamiz".
El subsecretario de Guerra Patterson declara,
"que ningún científico sospechoso de crímenes de guerra ha sido introducido en los
Estados Unidos".
En realidad, existen importantes diferencias dentro de la propia base de Wright Field, donde varios
militares norteamericanos se indignan por tener que trabajar con "criminales de guerra nazis".

Así, Theodor Zobel es acusado de haber,

"efectuado experiencias con seres humanos cuando dirigía los túneles de pruebas
aerodinámicas de Chalais-Meudon, en Francia," información confirmada por un
informe del OMGUS, la administración militar norteamericana en Berlín.
El experto en carburantes de reactores, Ernst Eckert, ve resurgir su pasado de antiguo miembro de
las SA, luego del NSDAP a partir de 1938 y de las SS en 1939.
Pero la política del Pentágono es la de proteger al máximo a estos hombres mientras sigan trabajando
mientras se va trayendo a otros más.

A partir del verano de 1947, la JIOA lanza una nueva operación titulada "National Interest" (Interés
Nacional) que le permite reclutar a toda la gama de científicos nazis, incluso a los que han sido
condenados por crímenes de guerra.
Esta les propone trabajar para el ejército o para grandes empresas privadas, especialmente para,
 Lockheed
 W.R. Grace and Company
 CBS Laboratories
 Martin Marietta
Otto Ambros es de los que se benefician con el programa.
Director del I.G. Farben durante la guerra, participa en la decisión de utilizar el Zyklon B (producido por
una filial del IG Farben) en las cámaras de gas y escoge el campo de exterminio de Auschwitz para
instalar una fábrica. Esto le permite producir, con mano de obra en condiciones de esclavitud, gases
asfixiantes que probaba allí mismo con prisioneros antes de extender su uso a los demás campos.
Declarado culpable en Nuremberg de esclavización y asesinatos en serie, es beneficiario de la
clemencia del tribunal y sólo es condenado a ocho años de prisión.

Durante su encarcelamiento su nombre se mantiene en las listas de contratación de la JIOA, que lo

recluta desde su liberación anticipada mediante John McCloy, alto comisionado de los Estados
Unidos para Alemania.
Entonces es integrado como "consejero" a los efectivos de,
 W.R. Grace Company
 Dow Chemical
 US Army Chemical Corps

Objetivo la Luna
A pesar de las dificultades encontradas al inicio del programa, la operación Paperclip cumple
rápidamente sus promesas en varios campos en los que el estado mayor no vacila en colocar a "sus"
científicos nazis en puestos clave.
El más emblemático es el de la conquista espacial en el que se destaca todo el antiguo equipo de los
V2, que dirige prácticamente la totalidad de las investigaciones.

Elevado al rango de prioridad por el presidente John F. Kennedy en 1961, el envío de un hombre a la
Luna es directamente confiado a los ingenieros nazis del equipo de Wernher von Braun, quien se
convierte en el primer director del Marshall Flight Center, el centro espacial de la NASA en Huntsville.

Arthur Rudolph es nombrado jefe de proyecto para el programa de la nave Saturno V, la que llegaría a
la Luna en 1969.
Durante la guerra, como jefe de producción en Mittelwerk, Rudolph estuvo especialmente encargado
de determinar el número de horas de trabajo que podían realizar los prisioneros procedentes del
campo de concentración de Dora.

Finalmente, el ex miembro de las SS, de las SA y de otras dos agrupaciones nazis, Kurt Debus, se
convierte en el primer director del Kennedy Space Center en Cabo Cañaveral.
La colaboración de los tres hombres permite a los Estados Unidos realizar una de las hazañas más
espectaculares de su historia ya que, el 21 de julio de 1969, Neil Armstrong pisa la Luna, una
verdadera coronación para la cooperación científica entre el partido nazi y el estado mayor

Hubertus Strughold. Científico nazi que experimentó con cobayas humanas,

generalmente prisioneros de guerra, la resistencia al frío del cuerpo humano,
este era el triste final para miles de deportados en el campo de concentración de Dachau.
Hubertus Strughold fue reclutado para el proyecto Paperclip.

Sin embargo, no es el único campo en que esta operación da excelentes resultados.

A principios de la década de 1950 el ejército de los Estados Unidos lanza un programa destinado a
mejorar el conocimiento de la salud de los pilotos y los cuidados a dispensarles en caso de accidente
o circunstancias extremas, como el lanzamiento en paracaídas a muy elevada altura. Estas
investigaciones son centralizadas en la Escuela de Medicina Aérea de Randolph Field, en Texas, bajo
la dirección del general Harry Armstrong.

Varios científicos nazis trabajan junto a él.

El más eminente de ellos es Hubertus Strughold, quien, tras haber vivido en los Estados Unidos en
el período de entreguerras, se convierte en el responsable del Instituto de la Luftwaffe para la
medicina aérea en Berlín.
Se trata de un centro siniestro donde científicos han realizado experimentos especialmente atroces
con detenidos de los campos de concentración a fin de determinar la resistencia al hielo, a la
absorción de agua salada y a la falta de oxígeno.
Oficialmente Strughold no habría tenido conocimiento de estos experimentos, sin embargo fueron
realizados por sus más cercanos colaboradores:
Siegfried Ruff, responsable de los experimentos de simulación de gran altitud (que
volvían completamente locos a los detenidos por la falta de oxígeno) escribió con él
un libro sobre salud aérea.
Poco faltó para que Ruff también fuera contratado en el marco de Paperclip después de haber sido
absuelto milagrosamente en Nuremberg.
Aún hoy, el edificio de la US Air Force en San Antonio lleva el nombre de Hubertus Strughold.

Edgewood Arsenal - del gas mostaza al control del cerebro

El Código de Nuremberg, destinado principalmente a prevenir la reedición de los errores nazis, así
como las leyes vigentes en la zona norteamericana de Alemania que prohibían a los alemanes hacer
investigaciones sobre guerra química, no impidieron al gobierno de los Estados Unidos utilizar los
cerebros nazis en el marco de la operación Paperclip.
Muy por el contrario.

La ultrasecreta base militar de Edgewood Arsenal, en el estado de Maryland, era desde 1922 el
principal centro de investigaciones médicas sobre guerra química en los Estados Unidos.
Primero para probar los gases creados por los alemanes durante la guerra, y más tarde los métodos
de manipulación psicológica, muchos científicos de la operación Paperclip realizaron experimentos en
la misma entre 1947 y 1966, con frecuencia de manera demasiado empírica y utilizando los conejillos
de Indias que tenían a mano, lo que no mejoró la imagen de Paperclip, incluso entre el personal
científico permanente de la base.

Así, el entonces director científico de Edgewood, el Dr. Seymour Silver, comentaba sus trabajos en
los siguientes términos:
"Su apreciación general tanto en lo referente a la elección de los sujetos como a los
experimentos en sí mismos era errónea, muy mala".
Ahora bien, en el campo de los gases de combate, de los gases paralizantes y psicotrópicos, tales
métodos tuvieron consecuencias humanas terribles.

Uno de los primeros nazis reclutados en la base es Kurt Rahr, segundo asesino nazi buscado en
Alemania tanto por delitos comunes como por su apoyo al III Reich.
A pesar de un uniforme desfavorable que no lo consideraba digno de confianza y por lo tanto peligroso
para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos, la JIOA envía a este especialista de la electrónica de alta
frecuencia a Edgewood en septiembre de 1947, pero no le confían trabajos secretos y es demasiado
moderado para el gusto de Hans Trurnit, otro reclutado, importado en 1947, de la élite científica nazi
esta vez, que lo acusa de comunista y hace que sea expulsado a Alemania.
Profesor titular en la universidad de Kieldu de 1934 a 1940, Trurnit fue adjunto del profesor Holzlöhner,
quien realizó experimentos con prisioneros de Dachau durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial
relacionados con el frío.

Sin embargo, el principal triunfo de Edgewood en el marco de Paperclip es el químico Friedrich

Hoffmann, uno de los primeros en llegar ala base.
Este antiguo candidato rechazado por las SA sintetizaba durante la guerra los gases tóxicos y las
toxinas para el laboratorio de química de guerra de la universidad de Würzburg y el Instituto de
Investigaciones Técnicas de la Luftwaffe.
Una vez en los Estados Unidos, es encargado de crear nuevos trajes de protección y antídotos contra
los dos gases más mortales creados por los nazis y que posee la US Army, el Tabun y el Sarín,
llevados en grandes cantidades desde Alemania a los arsenales norteamericanos.
Con ayuda de los informes sobre las experiencias realizadas en los campos de concentración y de
conejillos de Indias seleccionados entre soldados de la base, voluntarios, pero poco informados sobre
la realidad de las experiencias, trata de determinar los efectos de estos gases en el organismo.
El protocolo experimental es sumario:
se transforma una amplia pieza en cámara de gas, en la misma se sitúan animales y
soldados a quienes se les pide que retiren su máscara antigases y respiren dosis de
veneno hasta que no puedan soportarlo.
El soldado Don Bowen, después de haber visto agonizar en medio de atroces sufrimientos a todos los
animales de la pieza, cuenta:
"Mi primer reflejo fue no respirar y, cuando finalmente hice una larga inspiración, el
gas me quemó la nariz, la garganta y los labios".
Numerosos conejillos de Indias fueron así hospitalizados luego de haber respirado pequeñas dosis de
gas mostaza o Tabun.

El LSD, arma de guerra psicológica

En 1949 a los científicos de Paperclip en la base de Edgewood se les confía una nueva misión: probar
un asombroso psicotrópico que provoca alucinaciones y tendencias al suicidio entre los humanos.
Se trata del LSD, descubierto algunos años antes por otro Hoffmann, Albert esta vez, en los
laboratorios Sandoz, de Basilea [5].
Según su principal promotor, L. Wilson Greene, su utilización debía hacer posible una guerra más

Al principio el objetivo es determinar si se puede recurrir al LSD y a otros sesenta psicotrópicos para
realizar una guerra "psicoquímica" destinada a debilitar a la población y a las tropas enemigas.
Pero progresivamente, con el aumento en potencia de la Guerra Fría y la multiplicación de las
operaciones de contrainsurgencia, la CIA acapara el proyecto para utilizarlo en la conducción de los
interrogatorios y como medio para quebrar la resistencia psicológica del interrogado, provocar
disociaciones psicológicas y estados de amnesia [6].

Las fuentes de información de la CIA para la guerra química eran en lo fundamental científicos
alemanes que habían trabajado para la I.G. Farben (la sociedad que producía el gas Zyklon B utilizado
en los campos de concentración) como Walter Reppe, su ex químico jefe, a quien los Estados Unidos
tratan de captar en vano en 1948 mientras trabaja ya para los británicos.
Friedrich Hoffmann inicia un amplio censo de las plantas psicotrópicas para ultimar el "suero de la

Se dan igualmente importantes dosis de LSD a soldados-conejillos de Indias en Edgewood antes de

someterlos a interrogatorios agresivos que provocan en ellos estados de miedo intenso, incluso en
algunos casos convulsiones, epilepsia o crisis de paranoia aguda que les dejan numerosas secuelas.
Las investigaciones sobre la amnesia condujeron a la utilización del Sernyl (SNA), conocido
igualmente como PCP o "polvo de ángel", administrado por vía oral o por aerosol a soldados mientras
caminaban sobre una estera rodante.
Accesos de locura intensa, amnesia total y otros estados críticos fueron observados en los
laboratorios de Edgewood.
Entre los nazis más virulentos de Paperclip participantes en las investigaciones sobre guerra química
y psicológica se encontraba igualmente el ex brigadier general Walter Schieber (empleado durante 10
años), quien había supervisado las fábricas de armamentos francesas durante la ocupación, las
plantas alemanas que empleaban STO y el programa nazi de guerra química.
Encarcelado en 1945 bajo sospecha de crímenes de guerra, salvó la vida redactando informes sobre
la guerra química para el US Army tras haberse presentado como testigo vedette en Nuremberg. Fue
integrado a Paperclip en 1947.

Entre 1955 y 1975 siete mil soldados fueron utilizados como conejillos de Indias no voluntarios,
sometidos a gas, asfixiados y drogados para las investigaciones sobre el control del cerebro.

Un elemento de una política

El final de la aventura es lastimoso.
A partir de inicios de los años 70 disminuye el financiamiento militar para los programas científicos de
Paperclip. En 1971 las restricciones presupuestarias afectan duramente el programa espacial,
especialmente a los ingenieros alemanes.
Arthur Rudolph pasa a retiro con la más alta distinción de la NASA, la Distinguished Service Medal.

El mismo año, Wernher von Braun es obligado a testimoniar ante fiscales de Alemania Occidental
encargados de investigar los crímenes cometidos en el campo de concentración de Dora. Poco
después debe abandonar su sueño secreto de convertirse administrador general de la NASA. En 1974
le corresponde el turno del retiro a Kurt Debus.
Diez años más tarde, en 1984, cuando resurgen las acusaciones de crímenes de guerra contra Arthur
Rudolph, este último es obligado a abandonar los Estados Unidos para trasladarse a Hamburgo.

En total, los diferentes programas de la Operación Paperclip movilizaron a cerca de 1 500 científicos
nazis para luchar contra la URSS y dan fe de la decisión del estado mayor interarmas de los Estados
Unidos de colaborar con el partido nazi a pesar del veto del presidente Roosevelt.
Esta decisión fue validada posteriormente por el presidente Truman y elevada a nivel de política
federal sistemática.
Bajo el control del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional son realizadas operaciones paralelas en otros
campos para recuperar e integrar a los cuadros nazis, así como a los cuadros del sistema militar
japonés, al aparato de seguridad de los Estados Unidos o para emplearlos en las operaciones
secretas en el extranjero.
[1] La Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency fue creada en 1945, auspiciada por el Joint
Intelligence Commitee (JIC), el servicio de inteligencia del estado mayor intejércitos
USA. El JIC estaba compuesto por el director de los servicios de inteligencia del
ejército, por su homólogo del Navy, por el vicedirector del Air Staff-2 y por un
representante del Departamento de Estado. "Records of the Office of the Secretary of
Defense" (Record Group 330), sitio del Interagency Working Group.

[2] "US Coverup of Nazi Scientists", por Linda Hunt, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
abril de 1985, p.24.

[3] El jefe del estado mayor del US Army era entonces Omar N. Bradley.

[4] L’Affaire Paperclip - La récupération des scientifiques nazis par les Américains
1945-1990, (El asunto paperclip, la recuperación de científicos nazis) libro en francés
de Linda Hunt, ediciones Stock, 1995 (1a ed. 1991) Francia.

[5] La utilización de la molécula que Albert Hoffmann había experimentado de forma

trivial, esta vez en el marco de las experiencias de Edgewood y luego de la operación
"MK ULTRA" para el control de la contracultura y del pensamiento en una persona
(lavado de cerebro) lo llevará más tarde a que sea llamado el "niño terrible".

[6] Ver igualmente sobre este tema "Los manuales de tortura del ejército de los
Estados Unidos", por Arthur Lepic, Voltaire, 8 de junio del 2004.
Regresar a Proyecto

from GreyFalcon Website

After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt
throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty.
They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they
were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the
war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine.

The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended
merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the
scientists knowledge and expertise, the War Department decided it would be a waste to send the
scientists home.
Following the discovery of flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in German military
bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must control this technology, and the Nazi
engineers that had worked on this technology.

There was only one problem: it was illegal. U.S. law explicitly prohibited Nazi officials from immigrating
to America--and as many as three-quarters of the scientists in question had been committed Nazis.

'Operation Paperclip'
America derived secret technology and science from the Nazis, that it now uses at Area 51......

In Operation Paperclip,
America Derived Secret Technology and Science From the Nazis,
That it Now Uses at Area 51......
from GreyFalcon Website
According to Tom Bower’s book The Paperclip Conspiracy
The Paperclip Conspiracy was the climax of an astonishing battle between the Allies in the aftermath of war to seize the
spoils of Nazi Germany: a successful plot by senior officers in the Pentagon to rewrite the wartime record of brilliant German
scientists. Men who were classified as ‘ardent Nazis’ were chosen - just weeks after Hitler’s defeat - to become ‘respectable’
American citizens. [1]

Some in Britain, too, conspired to employ Nazis, seeing that as their last hope for economic recovery, but were opposed by
outraged politicians and officials. While they argued, their erstwhile Allies advantageously hired the most incriminated
Germans - the French and the Russians took on anyone regardless of their crimes, and the Americans through a taut web of
deceit, sanitized the murderous record of Nazi scientists.... reveals for the first time the despair, lies and calculating
ruthlessness of Allied politicians, officers, civil servants and businessman who, after five years of bitter war, openly began
fighting amongst themselves about the plunders and profit of victory.
The pawns in the middle were the men, machines and secrets of the Third Reich, but the ultimate victors were the Germans
themselves. [1]

Neil Armstrong’s epic landing on the moon in 1969 was courtesy of two groups of Germans: Wernher von Braun’s rocket
team, which approved the use of slave labour to build the V2 rocket, and the German aviation doctors whose pioneering
experiments had included fatal tests on the inmates at Dachau... [1]

Keeping the operation totally secret was impossible, since the Germans were scattered around the country and were
mingling with American citizens. Because the government’s first announcement had, deliberately, never been contradicted,
the public believed the Germans were just temporary visitors. Yet the rest of the operation was top secret, and it fell to the
army to deflect attention away from the secret long - term immigration and denial policies.
This policy of deception would soon be extended towards the State Department and the White House. In the spring of 1946,
however, it simply amounted to emphasizing the harmlessness of the Germans and their potential benefit to America. [2]

I wonder if the ‘diversion of public attention' was the UFO topic? Where public wondered if strange objects in the sky were
alien craft, when more likely they were aircraft being tested. But because these Nazi scientists were working on these secret
aircraft, it was too close to being the truth, if one made the connection Nazi instead of Alien. And so it was a deception
campaign that got out of hand?
Later the topic of UFOs may have turned into a more complicated set of different phenomenon?
Bower continues:
Gruhn hoped to control potential criticism by arranging a visit for journalists to Wright Field to meet ‘representative German
In a lengthy press release, he described the recruits as ‘comparable to Prof. Einstein’, and cited the new denial policy as
evidence that the government was,
‘using vacuum cleaner methods to acquire all the technical and scientific information that the Germans have.’
Had the press been more alert, Gruhn could have been seriously embarrassed. Einstein had vigorously protested to
President Truman about allowing German scientists into America, and apparently no one realized that there was a possibility
of large numbers of Germans arriving in the USA. [2]
The press in 1946, were too ‘dumb’ to add two and two together, and deduce there was a scandal going on with large
numbers of Nazi Scientists suddenly starting to work long term in America.

If someone had been clever, and added together ‘large numbers of Nazi scientists working at Wright Field on aircraft,’ with
‘sightings of strange crafts in the sky,’ the answer then would have been man made crafts not alien crafts, but the public
found the idea of aliens more exotic and got diverted.

But what about this "...lengthy press release, he described the recruits as ‘comparable to Prof. Einstein’," mere ‘hype’? Or
could he have been telling the truth? The scientific environment that led to the creation of Einstein, could have easily led to
scientists of his calibre, and it did!
Einstein was not some lone genius coming from nowhere, he was in a community of German scientists that were of his same
How else, would Germany suddenly make a leap in technology during the war?
It had to make that leap, because:
Germany's declaration of war against America and the abortive invasion of Russia had forced Hitler, at the beginning of 1942,
to change his strategy from a short - to a long - term war. Admiral Dönitz’s submarine designers began a crash program
which pushed technical frontiers far beyond anything envisaged two years earlier.
New U - boats were designed to dive to six hundred feet, a specification which the Admiralty found incredible since British
designers were unable to produce anything similar; special supply - submarines , ‘Milch Cows’, which could replenish the U -
boats at sea, were sent out into the Atlantic, permitting the packs to sustain longer operations ...... [3]
And we all know about the V- weapons etc. Germany just stepped up its technological capability because it had the potential
to do so; it had Einstein caliber scientists and engineers.
The result:
On the eve of the Normandy landings, both American and British army chiefs privately acknowledged that their soldiers,
fighting with inferior weapons, would suffer an enormous disadvantage............ [4]
And the Allies suddenly became engaged in a ‘mad rush’ to acquire Nazi technology and science:
All four wartime allies, the Americans, British, Russians and French became involved in the frantic and at times ruthless
competition for German scientists [because] the use of Germans was simply not contemplated until as late as 1945. On the
contrary, until the eve of peace, the notion of associating on equal terms with the men who had helped Hitler’s regime perfect
weapons to kill Allied citizens was totally unthinkable.......But that sudden reversal in policy happened at the same time as the
concentration camps and the worst crimes of the Nazis were discovered. [5]

It remains a very unpalatable fact that at the very moment when thousands of determined Allied officers began the hunt for
German scientists, only a very few were charged to seek out the war criminals. [6]
Originally, a small number of ex-Nazis were supposed to be imported, but more were wanted:
Officially, Paperclip was terminated on 30 September 1947. In a public statement, the army announced that during the
‘procurement phase’, 457 scientists and 453 dependants had been brought to America. But with so much unfinished business
and so many demands from the military for more scientists, the pressure for continuation was overwhelming. [7]

In order to achieve that object, the air force orchestrated a public chorus of praise extolling the genius of the German genius.
Two hundred and nine scientists owned by the air force, it was claimed, had begun to open up new horizons in weapons
technology, hitherto undreamed of. In the Air Staff’s opinion, they were ‘superlative specialists .... the best available in the
world today’, and they were saving the air force millions of dollars and up to ten years’ work.
‘These German engineers,' they asserted, ‘are industrious, have technical and scientific training second to none, have
production and operational experience in all types of advanced aircraft power plants and have demonstrated initiative,
invention and practicability of design.’ [7]
The air force proceeded to inundate Washington with an endless series of secret reports which listed projects masterminded
by the Germans. Already under way were trials and experiments designed to test the feasibility of diesel engine, new fuels
and lubricants, guided missile control, helicopters, high - temperature alloys, precision optics, infra-red detectors, in-flight
refueling, pilot’s equipment for high- altitude flying, ribbon parachutes and a gun sight for night - fighters ‘of epoch - making
Most astounding of all were the advances in jet aircraft development which the German scientists had allegedly achieved.
Zobel, Götheret and Walther Boccius had delivered amazing calculations regarding aeroplane structures and delta-wing
configurations and aerodynamics, which finally convinced the air force of the superiority of German over Allied designs.
Other impressive achievements included pioneering work on engine test stands, optic developments for high- altitude
reconnaissance, mapping, gun sights and evapographs. In the revolution of air warfare, the German contribution seemed
paramount. [8]

From the ordnance laboratory in Maryland, the navy reported that the German mathematicians, aerodynamicists and experts
in heat transfer had proved that ‘their professional education and training’ were ‘superior to that of any US personnel
available.' The Kochel wind tunnel was running at Mach 8, three times the speed and ten years ahead of the best American
wind tunnel.
Other Germans had produced original research on acoustic weapons, counter- devices and explosives, and the Signal Corps
reported that the Germans had ‘made contributions of an unusual and fundamental nature’ in the realms of equipment design
and development, generators, microwave techniques and crystal structures. [8]

To critics, the general euphoria seemed suspect. Later analysis would, in fact, suggest that some of the research was little
more than a year ahead of the field, and the Germans’ true value was their availability as highly experienced technicians and
engineers - cheap labour for the military, who could not afford to hire Americans with similar qualifications. Equally, the
assertion that the Germans were more security- conscious than Americans and could consequently be trusted, did not
correspond to the alarm with which the news of German scientists' duplicity in France was received.
Throughout 1947, British and American intelligence reported the fears of General Libessart, the head of the French Ballistics
and Aeronautics Research Centre in St Louis, about the Germans working for their own ends in a conspiracy with other
German groups working both for Britain and Russia. [8]
Most Nazi scientists became American citizens:
..quietly operating behind a screen of misinformation, JIOA officers were plotting the perfect solution: to rewrite and sanitize
the Nazi’s wartime activities by falsifying the security reports which were a vital preliminary for the scientists’ visas and their
eventual citizenship. [9]
So, there we have it, a good part of the solution to UFOs when 'they' first started ‘they’ were part of a misinformation diversion
from Operation Paperclip, but it then soon got out of hand. The ‘diversion’ was too close to what was really going on. With
time the UFO phenomenon evolved into encompassing a much wider range of things. It started as strange crafts in the sky,
and became strange encounters with possible aliens and numerous other related topics.

But these reports from witnesses of aliens, how reliable are they?

There are a larger number of people today that have a Spiritual New Age outlook on life, and these sort of people believe that
dreams are just as important as waking experiences. So, how many reported alien encounters are merely from witnesses that
believe dreams are reality, and how many are ‘real’ waking experiences? I have no idea.
From the humble beginning of diversion from Operation Paperclip, the UFO phenomenon now encompasses a great many
things than what it originally was all about. To the word UFO there has been stuck numerous other mysteries than what it
originally started as. And there still might be aliens out there. We were easily diverted in the past from what was ‘really’ going
on, so how much misinformation do we get today that diverts us from knowing what is ‘really’ going on now?

The corruption of this misinformation could run very deep. It might have fostered upon us New Age Religious ideas that are
nonsense, and given us a false science, while the science practiced at Area 51 is very different from that taught at public
access Universities.

The Paperclip Conspiracy, Tom Bower, Michael Joseph, London, 1987
[1] blurb
[2] p 212
[3] p 213
[4] p 52
[5] p 66
[6] p 3
[7] p 269
[8] p 270
[9] p 252

Convinced that German scientists could help America's postwar efforts, President Harry Truman
agreed in September 1946 to authorize "Project Paperclip," a program to bring selected German
scientists to work on America's behalf during the "Cold War"

However, Truman expressly excluded anyone found,

"to have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its
activities, or an active supporter of Naziism or militarism."
The War Department's Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background
investigations of the scientists. In February 1947, JIOA Director Bosquet Wev submitted the first set of
scientists' dossiers to the State and Justice Departments for review.

The Dossiers were damning. Samauel Klaus, the State Departments representative on the JIOA
board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were "ardent Nazis." Their visa requests were

Wev was furious. He wrote a memo warning that,

"the best interests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended
in 'beating a dead Nazi horse.'"
He also declared that the return of these scientists to Germany, where they could be exploited by
America's enemies, presented a "far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi
affiliations which they may have had or even any Nazi sympathies that they may still have."

When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers on the Nazis, the Nazi
Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles and Gehlen hit it
off immediately. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi
Intelligence network.
Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA.

Apparently, Wev decided to sidestep the problem. Dulles had the scientists dossier's re-written to
eliminate incriminating evidence. As promised, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the
CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi mad research. (MK-ULTRA /
Military Intelligence "cleansed" the files of Nazi references. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists
had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific
community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted
experiments on humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had committed other war

In a 1985 expose in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Linda Hunt wrote that she had examined more
than 130 reports on Project Paperclip subjects--and every one "had been changed to eliminate the
security threat classification."

President Truman, who had explicitly ordered no committed Nazis to be admitted under Project
Paperclip, was evidently never aware that his directive had been violated. State Department archives
and the memoirs of officials from that era confirm this. In fact, according to Clare Lasby's book
Operation Paperclip, project officials "covered their designs with such secrecy that it bedeviled their
own President; at Potsdam he denied their activities and undoubtedly enhanced Russian suspicion and
distrust," quite possibly fueling the Cold War even further.

A good example of how these dossiers were changed is the case of Wernher von Braun. A
September 18, 1947, report on the German rocket scientist stated,
"Subject is regarded as a potential security threat by the Military Governor."
The following February, a new security evaluation of Von Braun said,
"No derogatory information is available on the subject...It is the opinion of the Military
Governor that he may not constitute a security threat to the United States."
Here are a few of the 700 suspicious characters who were allowed to immigrate through Project
During the war, Rudolph was operations director of the Mittelwerk factory at the Dora-
Nordhausen concentration camps, where 20,000 workers died from beatings,
hangings, and starvation.
Rudolph had been a member of the Nazi party since 1931; a 1945 military file on him
said simply:
"100% Nazi, dangerous type, security threat..!! Suggest internment."
But the JIOA's final dossier on him said there was "nothing in his records indicating
that he was a war criminal or and ardent Nazi or otherwise objectionable." Rudolph
became a US citizen and later designed the Saturn 5 rocket used in the Apollo moon
In 1984, when his war record was finally investigated, he fled to West Germany.


From 1937 to 1945, von Braun was the technical director of the Peenemünde rocket
research center, where the V-2 rocket - which devastated England - was developed.
As noted previously, his dossier was rewritten so he didn't appear tohave been an
enthusiastic Nazi.

Von Braun worked on guided missiles for the U.S. Army and was later director of
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. He became a celebrity in the 1950s and early
1960s, as one of Walt Disney's experts on the "World of Tomorrow."
In 1970, he became NASA's associate administrator.

A high-ranking Nazi scientist, Blome told U.S. military interrogators in 1945 that he had
been ordered 1943 to experiment with plague vaccines on concentration camp
prisoners. He was tried at Nuremberg in 1947 on charges of practicing euthanasia
(extermination of sick prisoners), and conducting experiments on humans. Although
acquitted, his earlier admissions were well known, and it was generally accepted that
he had indeed participated in the gruesome experiments.

Two months after his Nuremberg acquittal, Blome was interviewed at Camp David,
Maryland, about biological warfare. In 1951, he was hired by the U.S. Army Chemical
Corps to work on chemical warfare.
His file neglected to mention Nuremberg.


According to Linda Hunt's article, the US military tribunal at Nuremberg heard
evidence that,
"Schreiber had assigned doctors to experiment on concentration camp
prisoners and had made funds available for such experimentation."
The assistant prosecutor said the evidence would have convicted Schreiber if the
Soviets, who held him from 1945 to 1948, had made him available for trial.

Again, Schreiber's Paperclip file made no mention of this evidence; the project found
work for him at the Air Force School of Medicine at Randolph Field in Texas. When
columnist Drew Pearson publicized the Nuremberg evidence in 1952, the negative
publicity led the JIOA, says Hunt, to arrange "a visa and a job for Schreiber in
Argentina, where his daughter was living."
On May 22, 1952, he was flown to Buenos Aires.


These two, along with Blome, were among the 23 defendants in the Nuremberg War
Trials "Medical Case." Becker-Freysing was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in
prison for conducting experiments on Dachau inmates, such as starving them, then
force-feeding them seawater that had been chemically altered to make it drinkable.
Ruff was acquitted (in a close decision) on charges that he had killed as many as 80
Dachau inmates in a low-pressure chamber designed to simulate altitudes in excess of
60,000 feet.
Before their trial, Becker-Freysing and Ruff were paid by the Army Air Force to write
reports about their grotesque experiments.
It was five years after the end of WW2 but one of Hitler's chief intelligence officers was
still on the job. From a walled-in compound in Bavaria, General Reinhard Gehlen
oversaw a vast network of intelligence agents spying on Russia. His top aides were
Nazi zealots who had committed some of the most notorious crimes of the war. Gehlen
and his SS united were hired, and swiftly became agents of the CIA when they
revealed their massive records on the Soviet Union to the US.

Gehlen derived much of his information from his role in one of the most terrible
atrocities of the war: the torture, interrogation and murder by starvation of some four
million Soviet prisoners. Prisoners who refused to cooperate were often tortured or
summarily executed. May were executed even after they had given information, while
others were simply left to starve to death. As a result, Gehlen and members of his
organization maneuvered to make sure they were captured by advancing American
troops rather than Russians, who would have executed them immediately.

Two months before Germany surrendered in 1945, the Gehlen organization made its
move. Gehlen and a small group of his most senior officers carefully microfilmed the
vast holding on the USSR in the military section of the German army's general staff.
They packed the film in watertight steel drums and secretly buried it in a remote
mountain meadow scattered throughout the Austrian Alps.

General William Donovan and Allen Dulles of the CIA were tipped off about Gehlen's
surrender and his offer of Russian intelligence in exchange for a job. The CIA was
soon jockeying with military intelligence for authority over Gehlen's microfilmed
records--and control of the German spymaster. Dulles arranged for a private
intelligence facility in West Germany to be established, and named it the Geheln
Organization. Gehlen promised not to hire any former SS, SD, or Gestapo members;
he hired them anyway, and the CIA did not stop him.

Two of Gehlen's early recruits were Emil Augsburg and Dr. Franz Six, who had been
part of mobile killing squads, which killed Jews, intellectuals, and Soviet partisans
wherever they found them. Other early recruits included Willi Krichbaum, senior
Gestapo leader for southeastern Europe, and the Gestapo chiefs of Paris and Kiel,

With the encouragement of the CIA, Gehlen Org (Licio Gelli) set up "rat lines" to get
Nazi war criminals out of Europe so they wouldn't be prosecuted. By setting up transit
camps and issuing phony passports, the Gehlen Org helped more than 5,000 Nazis
leave Europe and relocate around the world, especially in South and Central America.
There, mass murderers like Klaus Barbie (the butcher of Lyons) helped governments
set up death squads in Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, and elsewhere.

Known as the Nazi butcher of Lyons, France during World War 2, Barbie was part of
the SS which was responsible for the and death of thousands of French people under
the Germany occupation.

Some of Rupp's best work was done for the CIA, after he was imported in Operation
Paperclip. Rupp has been convicted of bank fraud. He was an operative for the CIA
and is deeply involved in the Savings and Loan scandals. A federal jury has indicated
they believe testimony that Rupp, the late CIA Director William Casey - then Reagan's
campaign manager, and Donald Gregg, now U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, flew
with George Bush to Paris in 1980, during the election in which Bush was on the ticket
with Ronald Reagan.
The testimony states that three meetings were held on October 19 and 20 at the Hotel
Florida and Hotel Crillion.
The subject? According to the court testimony, the meetings were to sabotage
President Jimmy Carter's reelection campaign by delaying the release of American
hostages in Iran. The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, right after Reagan
and Bush were sworn into office.
Iran was promised return of its frozen assets in the United States and the foundation
for the Iran- Contra deal was set into motion.

Head of a 2400 member secret Masonic Lodge, P2, a neo-fascist organization, in Italy
that catered to only the elite, Gelli had high connections in the Vatican, even though he
was not a Catholic. P2's membership is totally secret and not even available to its
Mother Lodge in England. Gelli was responsible for providing Argentina with the
Exocet missile.
He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. He assisted many former Nazi high
officials in their escape from Europe to Central America. He had close ties with the
Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini. He was also closely
affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.
Calvi was murdered. Gelli's secret lodge consisted of extremely important people,
including armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, head of Italy's financial
police, 30 generals, eight admirals, newspaper editors, television and top business
executives and key bankers - including Calvi. Licio Gelli and others in P2 were behind
the assassination of Pope John Paul 1.

The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic Lodge,
Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian government
and several international banks was Licio Gelli. He, with Klaus Barbie and Heinrich
Rupp, met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the Argentine purchase of
the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland Island attack to kill British

Who is Gelli and why was he so important?

To understand Gelli, one must understand the complex post war years of Europe. The
biggest threat to Europe in pre-war times was Communism - it was the great fear of
Communism that gave birth to the Fascists and the Nazis. Though both sides were
dreaded, the Fascists represented right-wing government, while the Communist
represent left-wing government.
It was the right-wing that the United States and the Catholic Church desired over
Communism - because Communism would destroy the capitalistic system. This is why
the CIA and the Vatican had go through with Operation Paperclip. The Nazis had
massive amounts of Soviet intelligence, had infiltrated Communist partisans, and were
in no way going to be given up to the Soviet Union.

Gelli worked both sides. He helped to found the Red Brigade, spied on Communist
partisans and worked for the Nazis at the same time, a double agent. He helped
establish the Rat Line, which assisted the flight of high ranking Nazi officials from
Europe to South America, with passports supplied by the Vatican and with the full
acknowledgment and blessing of the United States intelligence community.
While on one hand, the U.S. participated in the war crime tribunals of key Nazi officials
and maintained an alliance with the Communist Soviet Union, secretly, the U.S. was
preparing for the cold war and needed the help of Nazis in the eventual struggle the
U.S. would have with the Soviet Union. Gelli's agreement with U.S. intelligence to spy
on the Communists after the war was instrumental in saving his life. He was
responsible for the murder and torture of hundreds of Yugoslavian partisans.

The Vatican provided support to Nazis and Fascists because the Communists were
the real threat to the Church's survival. The Italian Communists would have taxed the
Church's vast holdings and the Church has had a dismal experience with Communist
governments throughout the world - where religious freedom was stamped out.

Gelli was well connected with the Vatican from the days of the Rat Line and he worked
for American intelligence, as well. Gelli formed the P-2 Masonic Lodge-which did not
follow the direction of any Grand Lodge - and it was supplied with a sum of $10 million
a month by the CIA. Its membership was a Who's Who in the intelligence, military and
Italian community. So prominent was Gelli's influence, that he was even a guest of
honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.

Gelli used blackmail in order to gain prominent members of his P-2 lodge, its
membership is estimated at 2400 members, including 300 of the most powerful men in
the Western World.. He was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of Argentina,
Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in the Italian and
American governments - he is also reported to have had some financial dealings with
the George Bush for President campaign.

Gelli and his P-2 lodge had staggering connections to banking, intelligence and
diplomatic passports. The CIA poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Italy in the
form of secret subsidies for political parties, labor unions and communications
At the same time the Agency continued its relationship with far-right and violent
elements as a back-up should a coup be needed to oust a possible Communist
government. This covert financing was exposed by the Prime Minister of Italy in a
speech to Parliament. He indicates that more than 600 people in Italy still remain on
the payroll of the CIA. Licio Gelli was an ardent Nazi and a perfect asset of the CIA. As
part of Reinhard Gehlen's intelligence team, he had excellent contacts.
Licio was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge.
Project Paperclip was stopped in 1957, when West Germany protested to the U.S. that these efforts
had stripped it of "scientific skills."
There was no comment about supporting Nazis. Paperclip may have ended in 1957, but as you can be
seen from Licio Gelli and his international dealings with the CIA in Italy/P2, and Heinrich Rupp with his
involvement in October Surprise, the ramifications of Paperclip are world-wide.

The Nazis became employed CIA agents, engaging in clandestine work with the likes of George Bush,
the CIA, Henry Kissinger, and the Masonic P2 lodge. This is but one of the results of Operation
Paperclip. Another umbrella project that was spawned from Paperclip was MK-ULTRA.

A secret laboratory was established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles in Montreal, Canada at
McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. For the
next several years Dr. Ewen Cameron waged his private war in Canada. What is ironic about Dr.
Cameron is that he served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal who heard the cases against the
Nazi doctors.

When it was at its height in drug experiments, operation MK-ULTRA was formed. This was the
brainchild of Richard Helms who later came to be a CIA director. It was designed to defeat the
"enemy" in its brain-washing techniques. MK-ULTRA had another arm involved in Chemical and
Biological Warfare (CBW) known as MK-DELTA.
The "doctors" who participated in these experiments used some of the same techniques as the Nazi
Techniques used by Dr. Cameron and previous Nazi scientists include electro shock, sleep
deprivation, memory implantation, memory erasure, sensory modification, psychoactive drug
experiments, and many more cruel practices.

Project Paperclip brought us MK-ULTRA. Paperclip ultimately brought in key players involved in the
Assassination of Pope 1, October Surprise (sabotage of Carter's peace talks), and a great many other
things still classified to this day. The results of Project Paperclip were devastating, and very far
reaching. I guess that is what you would expect from collaborating with Nazis.

This research shows that the OSS/CIA that was formed in the National Security Act, the same agency
that employed hundreds of Nazis, has been in alliance with the Vatican through various Agency
connections such as Licio Gelli. The CIA/Vatican alliance that Assassinated Pope John Paul 1, JFK,
and hundreds of dictators of 3rd world countries is the Illuminati.

The Bavarian Illuminati has been around for centuries in one way or another. It's presence in the 20th
century is the direct result of the Nazis. The Nazi connections to the occult and the Bavarian Thule
Society were parallel to the American members of 33rd degree Freemasonry. When the Operation
Paperclip was successfully executed, the Nazi element of the Bavarian Thule society was fused with
the American members of Freemasonry to create the Illuminati.

Operation Paperclip, MK-ULTRA, October Surprise, and George Bush are all facets of the Illuminati, a
group whose ideals are rooted in the occult, and dedicated to world domination.

Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor of rural philosophy at Edinburgh
University in Scotland and member of a Freemason lodge, said that he was asked to join the Illuminati.
After studying the group, he concluded that the purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his
In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy," which states:
"An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the
religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments.... The leaders
would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed
as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors."
The CIA and the Vatican have rooted out all the religious establishments in the world. The CIA has
overthrown and set up dictators under their control all over the world. The CIA and the Vatican have
fulfilled the purpose of the Illuminati.
The CIA and the Vatican "are" the Illuminati.
[B]oth the USA and the Vatican... wished to help the flight of war criminals from
Europe, each with its own objectives. Whereas the USA wanted to rescue them to
carry out political operations against Soviet Russia and the oncoming Cold War, the
Vatican, while thinking upon the same lines, had been motivated by an additional
objective. Namely to help former political and religious supporters whom it had blessed
during, the reign of terror under the Nazi imperium.

The basic motivation of such strange Vatican-USA fellowship... [was] derived by the
necessity... to recruit, as energetically and as quickly as possible, trustworthy anti-
Russian, anti-communist battalions ready to fight against Bolshevik Russia. And where
could Vatican and the State Department find such ready, dedicated, anti-communist
recruits, if not in the rank and file of... the fleeing war criminals now seeking asylum in
the Americas and the USA? The fugitives... were now ready to... help the USA fight
Soviet Russia, her former ally.

The recruitment of proven anti-communist individuals, from the fleeing war criminals,
therefore became part and parcel of the USA-Vatican grand postwar strategy.

While Vatican City and its many extraterritorial buildings in Rome turned into the
protective semi-official refuge for hundreds of war criminals, the USA's State
Department became busy integrating many of them within its multi-varied branched
subterranean machinery, operating outside official officialdom.
~Baron Avro Manhattan, "The Vatican's Holocaust"

1. It's a Conspiracy! Michael Litchfield, Earthworks Press
2. Operation Paperclip, Clare Lasby, Athenaeum 1975
3. U.S. Coverup of Nazi Scientists, Linda Hunt, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
4. Acid Dreams, Martin Lee and Bruce Schlain, Grove Press
5. Journey Into Madness, Gordon Thomas, Bantam Books
6. Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, New York
7. Kiss the Boys Goodbye, by Monika Jensen-Stevenson and William Stevenson.
8. Inside Job - The Looting of America's S&L, by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker
9. In God's Name, An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I, by David
10. The Crimes of Patriots - A True Tale of Dope. Dirty Money, and the CIA by
Jonathan Kwitny.
11. Mengele - The Complete Story, by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware.
12. Blowback, America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effects on the Cold War, by
Christopher Simpson.
13. Jury Says Story of Reagan-Bush Campaign Deal With Iran Is True, San
Francisco Chronicle May5, 1990.
14. Hawaii Scheme Cost Napans $500.000, Napa Register October 3, 1983.
15. The Vatican Connection by Richard Hammer
16. The Great Heroin Coup, Drug's, Intelligence & International Fascism by Henrik
17. The Nazi Legacy by Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton, Neal Ascherson
18. The P-2 Time Bomb Goes Off, May 1984 The Economist


The Great Patents Heist

from GreyFalcon Website

One of the greatest rip-offs of all time was the theft of German patents after World
War II
It is quite acceptable to American pride to acknowledge that immigrants have contributed to our
prosperity and greatness. It's a little harder to swallow that a good deal of our scientific lead and
prosperity - despite the ever-increasing burdens of non-skilled illegal immigrants and unproductive
home-growns - has come from simply seizing German patents and inventions after World War I [the
most prominent war booty which Woodrow Wilson seized in 1917 was the patent on aspirin, that
"miracle drug"] and far more so after World War II.

There are those who claim the key to America's felicity has been its Jewish citizens. After all, this is
now a "service economy" of stockbrokers and financial and entertainment services. Could America
dispense with actually manufacturing or growing anything, and instead focus on the essentials like
Broadway shows, Hollywood sitcoms and currency speculation?

The message of Bernt Engelmann's 1974 Deutschland ohne Juden, published in English by Bantam
Books, New York in 1984 as Germany Without Jews, is clear: You Germans were mediocre until we
Jews came, and now that we're gone, you have sunk back into mediocrity.

Engelmann cites endless lists of great Jewish MDs of German or Austrian domicile, several of whom,
such as bacteriologists Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) and Robert Koch (1843-1910), won the Nobel Prize in
medicine and physiology (Ehrlich, 1908; Koch, 1905). Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), of dubious
credentials, is one of Engelmann's prize examples.

Engelmann also slays entire forests with pages of printed paeans to forgotten Jewish playwrights,
songsters, operetta producers, critics, publishers etc. How could one forget the immortal Meyerbeer?
To the wary eye, it smacks of ethnic self-congratulation. One gifted Jew writes a piece, another
publishes it, yet another reviews it favorably, a fourth sits at the box office counting out his money and
a fifth takes his 10 percent as agent - an unconvincing proof that the nation of Mozart, Bach and
Beethoven needed music lessons.

Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900) and Karl Benz (1844-1929) invented the modern gasoline engine in
1878-1887. Other Germans took the lead in 19th-century chemistry and created the first contact lens
(in the 1880s), X-rays (Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895), quantum physics (discovered in 1900 by Max
Planck, 1858-1947), aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and last (and least), saccharin in 1913.
As for previous centuries, the Germans got no credit for inventing the croissant or "Kipferl," as the
Germans call it, in Vienna to celebrate defeating the Turks in 1683; one notes the Turkish religious
logo, the crescent (a baked good then snatched up by the French as the "croissant"). Equally, they
receive zero credit for baking the first quiche, which in Lorraine and Rhinelander dialects ("Kisch")
simply means "kitchen leftovers baked into a pie."

Baked goods aside, the facts reveal that the most creative period in world history may have been
Germany between 1932 and 1945, and that much of America's scientific lead came from looting
German patents by the ton, both in World War I and far more so after World War II.

And because Germany was so devastated after World War II, there has been a brain drain ever since
of the top young German scientists - to Massachusetts and California for computers and genetics and
to greater Los Angeles, Houston and Cape Canaveral for aerospace. As one German scientist
remarked: "Since the war, we have not had the financing capabilities for basic research for the long-
term future. That kind of serious money only the Americans have. In Germany, and in Japan, also, we
do applied and clinical research for immediate applications. But to be on the cutting edge, the money
and the positions are now in America and we have to go there. [1]

An astounding admission of the stripping of German inventiveness after the war came in an October
1946 article by C. Lester Walker in Harper's magazine.
Entitled "Secrets by the Thousands," it presents some problems for the Bernt Engelmanns of this world
who imply that German science in the 1932-45 period would have been "nothing without the Jews."
In every collection of Harper's - even that held in a prestigious university research
library - the October 1946 issue is missing.
A coincidence?

Fortunately this document exists in cyber-space...

In fact, the article suggests in deadly seriousness that German Chancellor Adolf Hitler had been right,
from his point of view, to prolong the war to the last gasp. According to the deputy commanding
general of Army Air Forces Intelligence, Air Technical Service Command, in a speech to the American
Society of Aeronautical Engineers:
The Germans were preparing rocket surprises for the whole world in general and
England in particular which would have, it is believed, changed the course of the war if
the invasion had been postponed for so short a time as half a year.
Even without its brilliant Jewish minority, the Germans',
"V-2 rocket which bombed London was just a toy compared to what the Germans had
up their sleeve."
They had 138 types of guided missiles in various stages of production or development, using every
kind of remote control device or fuse: radio, radar, wire-guided, continuous wave, acoustics, infrared,
light beams and magnetism. And for power the Germans were years ahead in jet propulsion at both
subsonic and supersonic speeds - even creating a "jet helicopter" wherein tiny jets spun the helicopter
blade tips at blinding speeds.

Just as the war was ending, and President Franklin Roosevelt was ordering both Gens. George Patton
and Dwight David Eisenhower to pull back and let "Uncle Joe" (Josef Stalin) have Berlin and Eastern
Europe, the Germans had been readying their giant A-4 rocket for production.
Forty-six feet in length, it weighed over 24,000 pounds and could travel 230 miles - rising 60 miles over
the earth to a blistering top speed of 3,375 miles per hour. Its secret was a rocket motor running on
liquid nitrogen and alcohol. It was either radar controlled or self-guided by a gyroscope. Since it flew
faster than the speed of sound (by many times), it could not be heard before it struck.

Another rocket in the works was the A-9, still bigger at 29,000 pounds and equipped with wings. It had
a range of 3,000 miles. Manufactured at Peenemünde, it arced into the sky at an incredible 5,870 miles
per hour.
Fritz Todt
(September 4, 1891 – February 8, 1942)

Todt first caught Hitler's attention in 1932 by emphasizing the importance of road building for national economic recovery.
Following the appointment of Hitler as Reichskanzler on January 30, 1933, Todt became (in July) Generalinspektor für das
deutsche Straßenwesen ("Inspector General for German Roadways") and was involved in the new construction company for
the motorways (Reichsautobahnen). Every aspect of Autobahn construction -- its design, aesthetic ("to harmonize with the
German landscape"), and model role in National Socialist labor relations -- was stamped with Todt's personality.
He later became Leiter des Hauptamts für Technik in der Reichsleitung der NSDAP ("Director of the Head Office for
Engineering in the Administration of the Reich of the NSDAP") and Generalbevollmächtigter für die Regelung der
Bauwirtschaft ("General Commissioner for the Regulation of the Construction Industry").
As a special privilege, Todt was permitted to have considerable power and was not necessarily immediately answerable to
any of the Reich ministries. He was also appointed to the rank of Generalmajor of the Luftwaffe after its official promulgation
in March 1935.

In 1938, he founded the Organization Todt (OT), joining together government firms, private companies and the
Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service), for the construction of the "West Wall", later renamed the "Siegfried Line", for the
defense of the Reich territory. With the outbreak of war, Todt's organization provided German troops an exemplary corps of
engineers, filling out Germany's expanding imperium with new roads, bridges, aircraft fields, and fortifications.

On March 17, 1940, he was appointed Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition ("Reich Minister for Armaments and
Munitions") and oversaw the work of Organisation Todt in the occupied west. After the invasion of the Soviet Union in June
1941, he was appointed to manage the restoration of the infrastructure.

In 1941, he became increasingly distant from the commanders of the Wehrmacht and from Reichsmarschall Hermann
Göring, the Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (Commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe) in particular. He did remain close to Hitler
at this time, yet, after an inspection tour of the Eastern Front, he complained to him that, without better equipment and
supplies for the armed forces, it would be better to end the war with the USSR. Inevitably, Hitler rejected such an assessment
of the situation and carried on the offensive against the Soviets regardless.

On February 8, 1942, while flying away from the conclusion of a meeting with Hitler at the Wolfsschanze ("Wolf's Lair") at
Rastenburg, his aircraft exploded and crashed. He was succeeded as Reichsminister by Albert Speer, who had narrowly
missed being on the same aircraft. He was buried in the Invalidenfriedhof, located in the Scharnhorst-Strasse in Berlin and
became the first holder, albeit posthumously, of the Deutscher Orden ("German Order"). It was even suggested that Todt was
the victim of an assassination plot, but this has never been confirmed.

Speer recounted that the power-hungry but lazy Hermann Göring raced to Hitler's headquarters upon word of Todt's death,
hoping to claim the office of Reichsminister for Armaments. Hitler instead presented Göring with the fait accompli of Speer's

Speer tried to put the German economy on a war footing comparable to that of the Allied nations, but found himself
incessantly hindered by party politics and lack of cooperation from the Nazi hierarchy.
Nevertheless, by slowly centralizing almost all industry control and cutting through the dense bureaucracy, he succeeded in
multiplying war production four times over the next two and a half years, and it reached its peak in 1944 during the height of
the Allied strategic bombing campaign.
But most Americans know about German World War II rockets.
A few even know that in addition to the car engine the Germans also invented the jet and perfected the
superhighway or Autobahn (the three most important inventions binding this vast country. Virtually no
one knows that in Wright-Patterson Field in Ohio, in the Library of Congress and in the Department of
Commerce in Washington, a "mother lode" of 1,500 tons of German patents and research papers were
being mined furiously after the war.
One gloating Washington bureaucrat called it,
"the greatest single source of this type of material in the world, the first orderly
exploitation of an entire country's brain power."
Fortunately, it was for the benefit of the United States, which, having thwarted Hitler's crusade against
the Soviet Union, had to take up the same gauntlet against a communism spread worldwide by the late

The genesis of the project to grab German secrets was in 1944, when, amazed by German technology
in everything from rockets and jets to Tiger tanks, a Joint Intelligence Objectives committee was set up
to confiscate German inventions the instant they were obtained, even before the surrender, for use
against Japan.

Even before reaching the German border, fascinating discoveries began to be made, including one
with which every American is familiar: audio tape.
The 1946 Harper's article shows the head of the Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch, in quaint
"...[p]ulling some brown, papery-looking ribbon off a spool. It was a quarter-inch wide,
with a dull side and a shiny side. "That's Magnetophone tape," he said. [2] "It's plastic,
metalized on one side with ferrous oxide. In Germany, that supplanted phonograph
recordings. A day's radio program can be magnetized on one reel. [Then] you can
demagnetize it, wipe it off, and put on a new program at any time. No needle, no noise
or record wear. An hour-long reel costs 50 cents."
A Short History of Recording and Its Effects Upon Music by Michael Chanan [3] points out that even in
the late 1920s, before the "12 darkest years of German history," [4] one Fritz Pfleumer had developed a
plastic recording tape. It was launched commercially by BASF [5] in 1934. The idea was based on the
film strip, and its original application was for dictation in an office environment. In Britain, a project
funded by the great radio genius Guglielmo Marconi was attempting the same thing. (On D-Day, the
Americans played audio tapes of combat loudly at various locations to try to throw off the German

However, the great leap forward came when one A. M. Poniatoff, president of a small California
company called Ampex (a trade name still familiar to the older generation), then wearing a U.S. Army
uniform, helped seize German-held Radio Luxembourg in late 1944. Instantly grasping the gold mine in
profits and quality which the Magnetophone tape represented, Poniatoff had the 3M Company rush the
new tape into American production, and it swept the Los Angeles entertainment industry.

Its major breakthrough came in 1947 when Bing Crosby first used it to record his network shows. The
crooner not only preferred the Magnetophone sound but invested heavily in Ampex. Later, movie
soundtracks went onto audio tape as well, improving mixing and dubbing efficiency as well, and
avoiding the infuriating mishap where a successfully shot movie scene had to be retaken due to sound
defects. Ampex later went on to introduce the first videotape recorders in 1956 (all now but a memory,
sacrificed on the altar of free trade with Japan).

The list goes on and on: synthetic mica, which increased American cold steel production by 1,000
percent; "the secrets for 50,000 dyes, many of [which] are faster and better than ours, colors we were
never able to make"; milk, butter and bread preservation without chemicals; and refrigeration and air-
conditioning for German U-boats so efficient that their subs could cruise from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
fight there for two months and return to Germany without having to take on fresh water for the crew. In
addition, there was the pilot ejector seat, the infrared rifle scope, and even the negative-air ionizer,
which many Americans use for the fresh feeling it puts in the air, with claims of reduced blood
pressure, allergy and asthma symptoms.

In addition to official government looting of Germany (what GIs always called "liberating"), there was
also the personal looting bonanza exemplified by Robert Maxwell, financier extraordinaire, and at one
time the most hated man in Britain. The great contribution of this Orthodox Jewish citizen, born Jan
Hoch in what was then Czechoslovakia, was to found a scientific publishing empire in Britain, called
Pergamon Press, based entirely on German research he had looted with British intelligence
Maxwell came to dominate the British tabloid press and raided his own employees' pension fund to the
tune of 90 million pounds. He finally perished mysteriously and nakedly in a plunge from his yacht in
1991 just a week after standing up to the Israeli secret police, the Mossad - who may have set him up
in business in the first place. Interestingly, his main co-conspirator in the United States, Robert Rubin,
formerly of Goldman Sachs, is now secretary of the treasury [6].

When not gunning down a surrendering German mayor armed only with a white flag (as he boasted in
a Der Spiegel interview) or bribing British officers to invent his heroic war record (for which war record
Montgomery personally pinned a medal on him), Maxwell/Hoch [7] was in the British Zone of Berlin in
1946 with the full backing of British intelligence, coercing the vast research findings of the Springer
science publishing house from Springer's widow for pence on the pound.

Ultimately, after Maxwell stripped $94 million from the pension funds of the 5,000 employees of the
Mirror Group, his U.S. financiers at Goldman Sachs were stripped of an estimated $250 million to settle
their claims - whereupon Maxwell's body was fished from the sea by an astonished Spaniard, to be
buried with full honors in Israel and hopefully forgotten. Far from exemplifying that the Germans were
nothing without Jewish scientific help, his life suggested that one Jew could become a billionaire
exploiting German ideas.

Which raises the justifiable question of the atom bomb, which European Jews did produce for America
and German scientists did not provide in time for Germany.

In his magisterial Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler ("Conspiracy and Treason Against Hitler"), [8]
Gen. Otto Ernst Remer details how anti-Hitler elements in the German scientific community
maneuvered their own Werner Carl Heisenberg (b. 1901) into the key uranium-developing program at
the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now succeeded by the Max Planck Institute of Physics). His clear mission,
proudly proclaimed after World War II, [9] was to bureaucratically delay the German A-bomb project until
the Allies had won the war. [10]

As just one example, munitions minister Albert Speer pleaded with Heisenberg and his fellow
conspirator von Weizsäcker (brother of a later West German president) to name whatever money or
materials they required after they claimed they had been held up by shortages. Von Weizsäcker's reply
asking for "40,000 marks" caused Speer to stare in amazement, and to later confess that he had
himself planned to propose 100 million marks for starters.

Not only did Heisenberg state explicitly to Der Spiegel,

"We never tried to produce any atomic bombs and we are glad not to be responsible
for having made any," he also admitted leaking the latest information on German
uranium-splitting research to the half-Jewish Danish scientist Niels Bohr, who promptly
informed his racial confreres in the U.S.
Thus, Germany did not lack the bomb because it lacked Jews, but rather because a handful of key
scientists hostile to Hitler wormed their way into the German atomic program. Heisenberg had even
admitted to a shocked Luftwaffe audience in 1942, after the devastating British 1,000-bomber
annihilations of the port cities of Kiel and Lübeck, that Germany could produce a bomb with material
"the size of a banana" (gesturing with his hands) to wipe out an entire enemy city, but then he caught
himself and said this of course would be economically impossible. [11]

One of Gen. Remer's most interesting assertions is that just as the Americans were racing in the final
days to convert German inventions for use against Japan, Hitler was sending a U-Boat packed with
secrets to that same nation at Emperor Hirohito's explicit request.

In Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler, Remer first notes the criticism that propaganda minister Josef
Göbbels had received for his "stand-fast, the miracle weapons are coming" message after Stalingrad.
Ironically, while many of these weapons came too late to save Germany from its fate of occupation,
government decapitation and dismemberment, Remer reports that a member of U-234 sent him the
In the spring of 1945 I was ordered to report to serve on U-234. The sub was a
specially redesigned former mine layer of the type XB with 1,760 tons, 4,200
horsepower and a 52-man crew.
The commander was [a] Capt. Fehler.

On March 23, 1945 the boat steamed out of Kiel toward southern Norway unsubmerged. On April 15,
1945 it dove at South Christians and with an immediate goal of proceeding between Iceland and the
Faroe Islands. The destination was Japan.

Our orders stated that we were to bring air force Gen. Kessler as a Luftwaffe attaché with his staff and
technicians to Tokyo. The [emperor] had asked us to help build up Japan's air defenses with the
weapons developed in Germany.

Also on board to this end were, besides the general, two air force officers, a navy anti-aircraft
specialist, an underwater demolitions specialist, a low-frequency specialist from the staff of Prof.
Küpfmüller as well as two Messerschmitt engineers (specialists for the construction of Me-262s) [12] and
two Japanese frigate captains. One of them was [a] Capt. Tomonaga, who had collaborated with us in
his capacity as a specialist for one-man torpedoes [13] when we were developing our own small combat

Our cargo consisted of 12 steel cylinders, of the sort used for storing in mines, containing
comprehensive microfilm material on the latest developments in German offensive and defensive
weaponry, especially in rocket and rocket defense [anti-rocket rockets; TBR ed.] warfare, as well as
our research findings in the areas of high- and low-frequency technology, and finally a decisive
contribution to the development of nuclear energy and atomic warfare.

After passing through the Straits of Iceland and 28 days submerged at an average depth of 260 feet, a
message reached us in the night of the 12th to the 13th of May [14] during snorkel travel, in which Grand
Admiral [Karl] Dönitz ordered us to capitulate. At this point in time we were located in the middle of the
Atlantic, southeast of the banks of Newfoundland.

The order to our captain was couched in a very personal tone, telling him to hand the U-boat over
without destroying its valuable cargo. [15] After 12 hours of debate and reflection, Capt. Fehler decided in
harmony with Gen. Kessler and after informing the two Japanese frigate captains that he would be
carrying out Dönitz's order and surface to surrender. The two Japanese officers took their own lives
before the boat surfaced.

Eight hours later, U-234 was taken as a prize of war by the American destroyer Sutton and brought to
the U.S. Navy base at Portland, Maine.

The American officers and officials who subsequently interrogated us were evidently horrified over the
contents of our U-boat. They criticized us for supposedly having no idea how valuable our cargo was.
At the end of July 1945 the officer in charge of the investigation team declared to me that the microfilm
evidence and the testimony of our technicians had proved that in decisive technical developments, we
were "100 years" ahead of the United States.

Which raises the nagging question of where all these continual "UFO" sightings come from, which
began a few short years after World War II - and the capture of German high tech. The same
government which gave us the Warren Commission cover-up, the public silent treatment of the Israeli
assault on the USS Liberty, [16] and a blithe nonchalance about the social significance of the
Black/White/Asian racial differences proven in the best-selling Harvard study The Bell Curve, seems
anxious to keep the public in the dark about all such "unconfirmed" sightings. [17]

It is at least interesting that it was just two years after the seizure of "50 tons" [18] of German aerospace
and physics papers that the first major UFO story, the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico incident, broke.
After all, what has fascinated researchers ever since (particularly government skeptics monitoring Area
51 at Groom Lake, north of Las Vegas) is things the Germans were working on: spacecraft which use
new, tough, but lightweight materials, make 180 degree turns at Mach 4 without spilling the drinks and
generally defy the laws of gravity, perhaps by the use of gyroscopes within gyroscopes.

It is well known that the German SS sent expeditions to Tibet, reputedly a land of mind-over-matter
marvels - in the late 1930s. [19] The purpose was both to delve into evidence of Indo-European origins
in the Himalayas and secret techniques used there, possibly including anti-gravity levitation. What ties
this together with Europe, ancient America and Egypt is the finding of blond mummies or Nordic
remains in or near many sites of architectural miracles.

As anyone who has seen the excellent programs on Egypt on the cable History Channel, can testify,
both the people living in ancient Egypt and the rulers of Macchu Picchu were doing virtually gravity-
defying feats in constructing their pyramids and temples.

One can only speculate as to what secrets the Germans may have revived or discovered anew during
the Third Reich, and which are now being utilized by the current government in Washington. It is well
known from excavations of blond mummies in Egypt and in South America by Thor Heyerdahl as well
as the statements of Mexican Emperor Montezuma (welcoming the Spanish "back" as their fabled
"white gods") that some sort of ancient white scientists or advanced physicists were involved with the
origins of these cultures.
Even the Chinese admit the existence of red-haired, blue-eyed tribes constantly infiltrating into ancient
China (of which pictorial evidence is presented in a recent National Geographic). The great teacher
Confucius himself (roughly 551-479 B.C.), of the noble K'ung family, was said to be a man of unusually
tall stature for a Chinese, and Genghis Khan (A.D. 1167-1227), the Mongol conqueror, had red hair
and green eyes.

But the historical blackout continues. The government appears to be willing to hint that "aliens" from
outer space are behind all this high tech.
God forbid it should turn out that ancient Indo-Europeans were doing these things thousands of years
ago, or especially Germans researching without the benefit of the Jews in the Third Reich.

[1] In Anton Zischka's Und war es ein Wunder ("And It Was a Miracle") we read:
"If the surely not oversensitive Nazis had retired [with pension!] a total
of 1,628 professors when they took power, the victims of the [Allied]
anti-Nazis numbered no less than 4,289 professors and instructors,
who received no pension whatsoever. As the newspaper Christ und
Welt calculated in 1950, the Nazis dismissed 9.8 percent of their
university teaching staff, the Allies 32.1 percent. Almost every third
German professor lost his teaching or research post through the will of
the victors. In Germany as a whole it was every second professor... In
accordance with Control Commission Directive No. 24 of January 1,
1946, a total of 373,762 persons were found inappropriate for any
public service or economic activity above that of manual laborer."
Quoted in Remer, Otto Ernst, Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler
("Conspiracy and Treason against Hitler"). See below (Note 9).
[2] Magnétophone is still the French word for an audiotape player.

[3] London, Verso Publishing, 1995.

[4] The mantra-like phrase every modern German schoolchild learns about the Hitler

[5] A German chemical giant, which nowadays has a large plant for adhesives and
audiotape in North Carolina.

[6] See Maxwell articles in The Spotlight newspaper of Nov. 18, 1991; May 16, 1994;
April 10 and May 1, 1995; and Feb. 3, 1997.

[7] And, briefly, Du Maurier, after a popular cigarette.

[8] Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler, Urteil des Frontsoldaten ("Judgement by a

front-line soldier"), Otto Ernst Remer, general, retired, Verlag K. W. Schütz, Preussisch
Oldendorf, 1981. Remer was a highly decorated combat officer, a ramrod straight old-
style Prussian. Bearer of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves
(personally presented to him by Hitler), he instantly thwarted the July 20, 1944 officers'
putsch against Hitler once he had heard Hitler's voice on the phone stating that he was
alive and how to proceed. After the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, he
founded the highly popular Socialist German Reich Party (13 percent of the vote),
which the Allies banned. He had to flee Germany in the early 1990s and died in
Spanish political exile in 1996.

[9] Der Spiegel, Nov. 24, 1952.

[10] No more unbelievable than people calling themselves "Americans" parading the
streets of Washington, D.C. during time of war in 1968, screaming: "Ho! Ho! Ho Chi
Minh! Viet Cong are gonna win!"

[11] Remer .

[12] The German 500-mph fighter-bomber.

[13] One intact example of such a manned torpedo may be seen at the Mystic Seaport
museum in Connecticut.

[14] After the German surrender and the arrest of all its officials, including Hitler's
successor, Grand Admiral von Dönitz

[15] Dönitz, who had been chosen as successor by Hitler because of his immaculate
war record as well as his genuine National Socialist leanings, apparently felt that
whatever his admiration for the fighting Japanese people, it would be better that the
Americans get these secrets for use against the Soviets than for their ally (who had not
notified Berlin before she attacked Pearl Harbor) to receive them in an obviously losing

[16] U.S. Navy officers seem well aware of this outrage. The author spoke with a Navy
captain (and, coincidentally, Mayflower descendant), who waved his hand and said,
"Don't get me started."

[17] Which is the same as "unconfirmed sightings" of Vietnam-era American POWs,

and the standard operating procedure when the Pentagon, CIA or White House has
something to hide: "We will neither confirm nor deny..."

[18] Walker

[19] In fact, one expedition was trivialized into a movie, Seven Years in Tibet, about
the real SS man Heinrich Harrer - played by Brad Pitt - and a young Dalai Lama.

"Captured" German and Japanese Information and Know-How

Following the advancing Allied Troops into France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and, later,
Japan, teams of military and industrial specialists came right on the heels of the combat units to collect
documents and study German and Japanese military and industrial developments that had produced
some of the major weapons used by the enemies especially towards the end of the war: the jet engine,
the V-1 and V-2 rockets, high-speed aircraft, remotely guided mini-tanks to destroy combat tanks, one-
and two-man kamikaze U-boats, and many more.
Worse, there was talk of the existence of flying saucers, atomic bombs, chemical and biological
ammunition, and other miracle weapons which Hitler or the Japanese were going to use during the
end-phase of the fighting in order to wrest victory from the Allied Forces.

The more desperate the situation became for the Axis Powers, the weirder the schemes that came to
light: there was talk, for example, that the Japanese were building mini-bombers which could be stored
on U-boats and thus transported close to the Central American mainland.
Re-assembled on board and launched from the boat, these bombers were to destroy in a suicide
mission, the gates of the Panama Canal and thus interrupt the shipping of essential war materials and
supplies from the factories of the eastern United States to the Pacific theater of war. The American and
British teams of military and industrial specialists following the combat troops were charged to find out
what was actually there and what could, reasonably, be expected to happen. This was, by no means, a
safe and pleasant job.
Most of the 'targets' had, more or less, been subjected to bombing or devastated during the fighting;
the Germans were still counter-attacking; there were mines and unexploded ammunition everywhere;
and the just 'liberated ' Germans were not always friendly or co-operating. Some of the intelligence
men lost their lives or were wounded and all were living and working under conditions that were not
better than those for the soldiers.
But why the hurry, could this information gathering not have taken place later?

One reason why not was the lack of intelligence concerning the state of atomic bomb development in
Germany. The Allies did not know that Hitler, not wanting, or not being able to recognize the
revolutionary potential of atomic weapons, did not favor, and, therefore, support financially, the
development of these bombs on the level that would have assured success.
There was also talk later on that German physicists like Werner Heisenberg and Otto Hahn, and their
staffs, who had been in the forefront of atomic research prior to the war, were hesitant to deliver the all-
destructive power of the atom into the Führer's hands and kept stalling. Furthermore, some of the most
brilliant minds had left Germany and Europe for the United States during Hitler's persecution of the
Jews and were now working for the Allies.
True or false: the West did not know what was really going on and how far the German research had
advanced literally until the last days of the conflict when, with the capture of Heisenberg, they finally
could breathe easier.

What was known to the Allies was that the German chemists had developed highly toxic and deadly
gases and biological cultures, that these were already being used to kill Jews and other 'undesirables'
by the thousands, and that there would be a good chance that Hitler would use these poisons at the
end of the war to destroy his enemies and what was left of his own people. To secure and study these
weapons and, possibly, find antidotes, was another reason for the rapid deployment of the intelligence

Thirdly, it was expected that the war against Japan, especially following the Allied invasion of the
Japanese homeland, would be a bitterly fought and long-lasting battle costing many casualties on both
sides. Where there any weapons in the German arsenal that could be quickly adapted for use against
the Japanese?

Finally, the development of German miracle weapons had to be based on advances in research and
development by Germany's industry and research facilities from basic to advanced levels and the
results of that research had to be made available to American and Allied companies for their
exploitation and use, especially during the period of conversion from wartime to peacetime economy.

The Collectors
The teams collecting military and industrial information and documents were made up of small groups
of military and/or industrial specialists, working independently. They were recruited from military or
Government laboratories and from American and British companies and were experts in their fields.
Knowing the state of development in their specialties in their own countries, they were able to judge
whether German development was superior, inferior, or just useful.
All teams reported to their own field agencies; their reports were generally classified "secret" until after
the capitulation of Germany and of Japan respectively.
There seems to have been little coordination or cooperation between the individual agencies and, to
the dismay of German factory owners and what was left of their technical staffs, many of the targets
were visited by several teams and more than once, and, what one team left behind, the others took.
The most important agencies working in Germany and their 'fields of interest' were the following: (1)
 OSS, the Office of Strategic Services - identified targets of strategic and industrial importance
and provided this information to other agencies which then sent investigative teams.
 EEIS, the Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service - actually located German and Japanese
equipment, such as new aircraft, tanks, binoculars, ammunition, metalworking equipment, etc.
for evaluation and to instruct Allied personnel in its use. Later, the staff was used to evaluate
German industrial equipment in general.
 ALSOS Mission - This group, composed of military and counter-intelligence specialists was
charged with a specific mission: to determine the state of atomic bomb development in
 FIAT, the Field Intelligence Agency, Technical - was established to investigate German industrial
development during 1939 - 1945 primarily in the American Occupation Zone. Headquartered in
Frankfurt, it was the 'collecting' arm of the Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee (TIIC).
 CIOS, the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee - was made up of American and
British specialists to examine German industrial targets. The reports issued by this group are
the CIOS and JIOA (Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency) document series.
 TIIB, the Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch (later: TIIC, Technical Industrial Intelligence
Committee) - was established as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but transferred to the
Department of Commerce in January 1946. Its task was to look into every segment of the
German industrial landscape and obtain any information that might be of interest to American
During 1946 TIIB sent over 400 investigators into Germany. Many of these industrial experts
traveled at their company's expense, sworn in as temporary Government employees without
compensation. TIIB arranged with the Army for their transportation and for their living and
working quarters in Germany.
In return, the investigators agreed that their findings would be fully reported in writing to TIIB
and that these reports would be made public.
To make sure that individual investigators did not use information obtained from German
companies for their own or their company's exclusive use, two men from competing companies
were teamed up. Furthermore, the reports submitted were reviewed for completeness by TIIB
staff and the American military government.
Overall, TIIB staff selected from the 3.5 billion pages collected from the files of German
industry about 3.5 million which were considered of interest to United States industry. The
documents chosen were filmed in Germany, the rest were left there. In addition, TIIB brought
more than 300,000 pounds of German equipment and product samples from Germany, in
addition to the 200 tons of materials captured by the Army and Navy, which was also turned
over to civilian agencies for study and testing after the military had completed its studies (2).

Navy Technical Mission, Europe (Japan) - original a portion of the ALSOS Mission, was
assigned to investigate German (and Japanese) advances in synthetic fuels and lubricants of
interest to the Navy. U.S. Naval Technical Oil Mission in Europe: Production of Synthetic Fuels
by the Hydrogenation of Solid and Liquid Carbonaceous Materials (PB 27701).
 TOM (Technical Oil Mission) - A non-military group sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, was
made up of American and British petroleum experts and charged with investigating the
industrial production of synthetic fuels and lubricants from coal using the Fischer-Tropsch
method. The Bureau and American industry actually built petroleum manufacturing plants
according to German specifications after the war, but the glut of petroleum available then
made the program uneconomical.
In the 1970's, however, faced with a petroleum embargo, the Republic of South Africa
developed the SASOL synthetic petroleum plant using the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Working
under different economic constellations, it is still in operation today. U.S. Government
Technical Oil Mission. Index. Microfilm. Reel.... (LC call number: Z6972.U6)
The Documents Research Center, A-2, United States Air Forces in Europe - was,
"organized for the purpose of collecting and processing all captured
German air documents. The organization was moved to Wright Field,
Dayton, Ohio, in 1946 where the project is being continued by the Air
Documents Division, Intelligence, T-2. While the Research Center was
still in Europe it was estimated that between 1,000 and 1,500 tons of
German air documents eventually would be collected.
The final screened library, however, and the collection which is now at
Wright Field consists of approximately 220 tons. These documents are
in the process of being cataloged, indexed, abstracted, translated and
analyzed." (3)
 The Library of Congress was to have received a complete copy of the filmed material but only
about one third of the total output was sent. The archival copy was turned over by the Air
Force to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and can be consulted at its Garber Facility in
Suitland, MD. The copy retained by the Library of Congress cannot be used in modern reader-
printers which tear the microfilm copies into small segments.
All books and journals from the same haul were turned over by the Air Force to the Library of
Congress where they were examined and new items incorporated into the general collections.
Duplicates were made available to other libraries or discarded, if not claimed. The reports are
indexed in a multi-volume Desk Catalog of German and Japanese Air-Technical Documents
(Z5063.A1U6). Some of the air documents were also made available to the Publication Board
of the Department of Commerce, re-issued and made available to the public as PB documents.
 The United States Strategic Bombing Survey - studied the effectiveness of the Allied bombing
effort on targets in Germany, as well as German-occupied France, Belgium and the
 The Library of Congress Foreign Mission - was sent to gather books and journals published in
Germany (and the rest of Europe) and not available for purchase through normal channels
once the war had been declared.
Up to that point German literature could still be obtained either directly from the sources or by
way of neutral countries (Sweden).

The Targets
Any company having in some form contributed to the German war effort (and who had not, no matter
how large and small) or having research information or products that would be of interest to Allied
manufacturers, was considered a 'target'. Much information on German industries had already been
compiled and made available to the Allied air armies by the United States intelligence agencies.
Further targets were research institutes, universities, military laboratories, testing ranges and supply
depots, Government agencies like the Reichsforschungsrat (The National Research Council), even
concentration camps (sites of medical research using humans as test objects), the Reichspatentamt
(Patent Office), the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Air Force Ministry), the Wehrmachtwaffenamt (Army
Weapons Agency), their subordinate departments, research/test facilities, etc...

It was not always easy to find the targets - many had been destroyed by bombing or during combat,
their documents burned, looted, removed for or from safe storage; owners, managers, scientific
personnel killed, drafted into the armed forces, dispersed, relocated; roads and rail lines impassible;
the population frightened, uncooperative, hostile:
'After what you have done to us, why should we give you our family- company- and
commercial secrets? They belong to us, we will need them to rebuild...'
In other cases people cooperated willingly, often for the chance of getting food, cigarettes.

Sometimes several visits and some arm-twisting was needed to get the Germans to deliver
documents, information, and sometimes it just took a good dose of Yankee ingenuity. Theodore von
Karman, a world famous aeronautical scientist, who was a member of one of the teams looking for
information on German experimental aircraft, describes his experiences at an aeronautical research
facility near Braunschweig that had escaped Allied detection and bombing because it was so well
camouflaged that nobody knew it existed.
The team had gone through the trashed, chaotic laboratories, looking, but finding very little, when,
suddenly, on a desk in a corner someone noticed a scale model of the swept-wing bomber, a type of
aircraft that nobody had ever seen before. They reasoned that were there was a model, there must
also be documentation, like wind tunnel, testing, and design data. But no matter where they looked and
whom they interrogated, the records could not be located.
Finally von Karman, who had been a student at nearby Göttingen University before the war, resorted to
a ruse:
I had with me a sergeant assigned to Intelligence. Frank Tchitcherine was of Russian
origin, and in fact had been related to the first minister of education in the Kerensky
government of Russia.
As we were walking to our automobile with the director, I said in English, which I knew the director
'Listen, Tchitcherine, we are through here. I think now it is time to notify Russian
Intelligence to take over'
Russian Intelligence was nowhere in the vicinity. But I knew that the Germans were terrified of the
Russians and that this might stir them into action. I was right. The next day the director called in
Tchitcherine and took him to a dry well. He looked inside. It was full of documents.

Among them were the papers describing the sweptback wing and providing considerable wind-tunnel
data which showed clearly that the sweptback plane had superior speed properties near the speed of
sound. These data were the first of its kind. Schairer quickly wrote to his Boeing associates to stop
work on the Mach 1 transonic plane with the straight wing which they had designed, telling them of his
find. He microfilmed the data and used them when he got back to Seattle to design the B-47, the first
U.S. sweptback bomber....

In going through the papers, Ted Toller, one of my former assistants who was on a committee involved
with these documents, came to me one day and said that he had found a very interesting report. The
title, as translated by the English-speaking German sergeant, was 'The Resistance of Undernourished
Bodies.' Troller wondered what this title was doing in a collection of aerodynamics material. So he
looked up the author and found it was von Karman.
It was a translation of my 1931 paper 'The Drag on Slender Bodies'.
"The documents revealed that the Germans had conducted a variety of interesting
research at Braunschweig. For instance, they had run studies of the effect of wind on
human beings and shown that the human being can take velocities up to 550 miles an
hour. They also had developed an emergency pressure suit fixed up with a cylinder of
oxygen like those used in USAF life rafts. If a plane flying at 70,000 feet loses
pressure, the pilot can jerk a ribbon and re-pressurize himself. All these items were
valuable to the United States." (4)
The Loot
I am not sure that there was, in the end, an exact accounting of how many documents/pages were
taken from Germany, or if that was at all possible. Some documents contained more than 1,000 pages,
others, like patent applications, only one.

Von Karman, in the source already cited goes on to say that,

"some 3,000,000 documents, weighing 1,500 tons were sifted and microfilmed in
Europe; eventually they formed the basis for the collections of ASTIA, the Armed
Services Technical Information Agency," the Defense Technical Information
Center (DTIC).
The Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce for 1946 (5) talks about 3,500,000 pages that TIIB
selected. If one adds the documents brought to the United States and processed at Wright Field, and
those deposited at the Library of Congress, then the number of pages becomes astronomical.

I remember that when I came to the Library in 1957, there were large green boxes, 'footlockers' 8 feet
long, stored, to the very ceilings, in the hallways and vestibules of the 4th floor of the Adams Building,
containing documents to be processes by the Air Information and Air Technology Divisions under
contract to the Air Force. One day they were gone - "shipped back to Germany" and soon AID and
ATD were abolished also.
In addition to corporate papers, there were interviews with plant/laboratory personnel, photographs,
blueprints, patents and patent applications (the Secretary of Commerce talks of thousands of
applications obtained from the files of the giant I.G.Farben complex alone which had not even been
filed with the Reichspatentamt because of staff shortages everywhere) and much more. From these
mountains of materials the industrial teams prepared summary reports some up to 1,000 pages thick.
To give an idea of the coverage it is interesting to look at just a small selection of the important new
discoveries which they contained:
One of the best customers for German technical information were the American
aircraft and airline industries.
In addition to general studies of the German air transport industry (PB 17920, 19717), there are studies
 'Plastics in the Aircraft Industry' (PB 1104, 4351, 27000,
 'Aircraft Hydraulic and Fuel Systems' (PB 16684)
 'Magnetic Brakes for Propellers (PB 464, 4349)
 'Helicopters' (PB 6339, 6340, 16712, 17544)
 'De-icing of Windshields' (PB462, 23815, 23856, 31251,
40292, 58242)
Then there are numerous reports:
 Reports on rocket fuels (PB186, 392, 405, 4284, 23815, etc). In terms of military aircraft two
reports are of interest: The Horton Tail-less Aircraft (PB 260) possibly a forerunner of the
stealth bomber, and German High-Speed Airplanes and Design Development (CIOS XXXI-3).
 In the area of construction the Germans were forced, because of the devastating success of
Allied bombings, to put their most important factories underground. Immense tunnels running
for miles under the Harz Mountains in Thuringia were built by slave labor from the nearby
Buchenwald concentration camp at a horrendous cost in human lives to house whole synthetic
fuel refineries as well as aircraft and rocket assembly lines.
 Obviously, such underground installations and their ventilation, heating and cooling, sanitation,
etc. systems were of great interest to the Bureau of Mines and the mining industries, as well as
the Defense Department, which was preparing abandoned mines as 'safe places' for high
Government officials in case of future wars. (PB 25638, 25639, 27779).
 Acetylene is one of the most versatile intermediates for the generation of synthetic rubbers,
plastics (vinyl), and industrial alcohols, plus many other compounds. It is also highly explosive
so that its generation, transport and use must be subject to very strict controls. German
industry, depending greatly on acetylene, devoted much energy and research to making it safe
and expanding its use. (PB 188, 189, 377, 485, 517, 969, 1017, 4287, 7745, 7747, 23750,
25560, 28556, 44943, 46966).
 Germany has not been blessed with significant oil deposits; to fuel her war machine she
depended on imports from the Soviet Union and Rumania. When these sources were lost, she
had to rely on synthetic fuel derived from her rich coal reserves. The process, called the
Fischer-Tropsch Process, uses water gas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide
derived from the hydrogenation of coal, coke, or lignite and extra hydrogen over catalysts at
elevated pressures and temperature to generate straight-chain hydrocarbons and waxes which
can be further processed to yield fuels, lubricants, facts, even some type of margarine. (PB
284, 288, 289, 373, 1279, 1291, 7745, 7917, 12624, 18911, 18926, 23750, 28883, 46390,
49196, 66130, 75817, 75845, 77706, 78242)
 Plastics and synthetic fibers have always spawned successful industries in Germany. Here are
just a few examples of many reports published in these areas: 'Plastic Plants' (PB 400, 403,
531, 979, 1069, 25642, 37784); 'Chemical Developments in the Synthetics Industry' (PB 1243);
'Soda Ash and Caustic Soda' (PB 7746, 7797, 27434, 40122); 'Dyestuff Intermediates' (PB 82,
60945, 67569, 77672, 78269, 78276)
 Solid fuels: Germany always has had enormous supplies of coal in the Ruhr and, after the
annexation of portions of Poland in 1939, also control over the Upper Silesia coal deposits.
Improving the technologies of mining and processing coal was important for the war effort (PB
1827, 4322, 4323, 4345, 4461, 4462, 20579).
 Sulfonamide: In wars past more soldiers died of infections of their wounds than in actual combat.
With the beginning of the 20th century, great strides were made in the development of sanitary
methods and anti-bacterial agents. German doctors, chemists and pharmacists had always
been in the forefront of medical research. The development of sulfonamide was no exception
(that it was tested on human guinea pigs in the concentration camps is another chapter). (PB
237, 248, 918, 77766, 80380 with 10 supplements)
 One of the most dreaded diseases was malaria and research to find effective drugs was really
universal. The German effort , except for the test methods, was significant (PB 237, 239, 246,
1101, 1718, 1859, 81613)
 Some of the most cruel experiments were performed in the field of aviation medicine by the
infamous SS-doctor Sigismund Rascher at Dachau Concentration Camp. Simulating
conditions experienced by a pilot shot down over the North Atlantic, he subjected inmates to
exposure to cold by immersing them in ice water to find out how long they could survive and
possibly have a chance for being rescued (PB250). Another experiment involved pilots at high,
oxygen-poor altitudes - when should they pull the cord to inflate the parachute and how long
could they free-fall before losing consciousness? (same report).
 Metallurgists in Germany were far ahead of their American counter-parts in the field of
magnesium and magnesium alloy production and processing; the reports were much in
demand by American companies (PB 204, 18930, 18948, 29663, 23748, 44675, 49828,
One curiosity is reported in the literature that simply begs to be repeated: Among all these high-
technology, war-related products and efforts, there appears a lonely teddy bear and other stuffed toy
animals manufactured by the Steiff Company, which was the target investigated by a British specialist
on behalf of a British manufacturer.

Evaluating the Loot

The activities of FIAT and the 'acquisition' of German industrial know-how are best described in a
unique book by John Gimbel: "Science, Technology, and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in
Postwar Germany." It is 'must-reading' for anybody studying or interested in the years immediately
following World War II in Europe. It is the only attempt, to my knowledge, of reporting the efforts of
trying to put a price tag on what was taken.
In summary, Gimbel refers to a meeting early in 1947 in Moscow of the Council of Foreign Ministers,
established by the victorious nations to deal with problems arising from inter-zonal relations and the
question of German reparations.

Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister,

"argued the case of his government's claim against Germany for 10 billion dollars in
reparations, reportedly stating that Great Britain and the United States had already
received considerable reparations from Germany in the form of patents and other
technical know-how. 'Press reports say that these reparations amount to more than ten
billion dollars' Molotov said" (6)
(In true Soviet fashion, and true to the old Communist maxim that 'what is yours is mine and what is
mine is none of your business' Molotov did not mention that the Soviet Union had already taken from
her occupation zone literally everything that was not nailed down, and if it had been, they took that and
the nails, too. For example, the Russians dismantled vast stretches of the rail system in East Germany,
the locomotives, passenger- and freight cars, the rails, the ties upon which the rails rested, and then
the gravel upon which the ties had been laid).
"General Marshall", Gimbel continues, "the American Foreign Minister, in response
stated: 'We have used United States scientists to obtain information on German
science, including patents, all of which information is being published in pamphlets and
made available to the rest of the world.
As a matter of fact, Amtorg, the Soviet Purchasing Agency in the United States, has
been so far the biggest single purchaser of these pamphlets. The pamphlets cost a
nominal fee to cover printing and administrative expenses. No ten billion in reparations
is involved." (7)
But once raised, the question of the value of the German industrial information obtained by Britain and
the United States would not go away. Early estimates ranged from $10 million to $275 million. It was
General Lucius Clay, the American High Commissioner in Germany, who kept on raising the question
and prod the War-, Navy-, State-, and Commerce Departments to come up with a 'realistic' figure.
General Clay was not against the official position of the United States that America should not pay the
Germans for the industrial know-how taken; on the other hand he felt strongly that the value of this
information should be counted towards the reparations that would be imposed by the victors on the
Germans. Years of political maneuvering between the U.S. Government departments involved
produced no results.

The Departments of the Army and the Navy did submit data; Commerce declined, saying that the true
value could only be assessed five to ten years down the road when it became known what American
industry had done with the information; State refused to comply outright saying,
"that such an evaluation would serve no practical purpose except 'to keep the
American conscience clean'... The FIAT material should not be valued for reparation
The discussants had essentially three reasons:
1. First, given the hundreds of tons of documents and materials held by the
Commerce Department, the task of sorting and evaluating separate items with
the staff that could be assigned to it would be physically impossible.
2. Second, the material was not only for the United States, and it would be
doubtful that other countries would agree to charge their reparations accounts
3. Third, reparations was an integral concern and properly the subject of an
international agreement." (8)
John Gimbel tried to make his own evaluation of the know-how taken from Germany. Using
statements made in public or in writing by U.S. Government officials and industrialists directly involved
in evaluating and/or using the information contained in the German documents, as well as reports from
the political and trade press, he arrived at a value of $ 5 billion for the U.S. take.
By doubling this value to account for the British 'acquisitions' he arrived at - surprise! - the $10 billion
mentioned by Mr. Molotov.

But this did not conclude the question of the value of the intellectual know-how derived from German
industry. In late 1946 and early 1947 various German initiatives were started to evaluate the German
losses. Up to this point the Germans had only been repaid for copying costs of the documents,
obviously a ridiculously low sum. But the German efforts also failed as most companies, even those
hardest hit, refused to cooperate for tax reasons. In other attempts the reported data could not be
reduced to common denominators to yield meaningful results.

Only after the new West German Government had agreed to forego any tax investigations that might
evolve from the reporting, did industry finally comply.
A report, issued by the Notgemeinschaft für Reparationsgeschädigte Industrie (Emergency Union of
Industries Damaged by Reparations) in February 1951,
"estimated the total value of the patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property
('geistiges Gut') removed from Germany to be somewhere in the range of 10 to 30
billion Deutschmarks (DM) not Reichsmark, the currency used in Germany prior to its
devaluation of 1949, or between $4.8 and $12 billion" (9)
What was the actual value?
If we consider that the Library of Congress still receives requests for copies of the German materials,
more than 50 years after the War, primarily in the areas of dyestuffs, plastics, fuels, and, more recently,
for the location of industries, test ranges for guns and ammunition, storage depots of chemical,
biological, and explosive weapons (for the purpose of localizing and sanitizing toxic soils) then, maybe,
the Commerce Department was right when it insisted that the value should be based on the usefulness
and actual use by American industry over an extended period of time?

Other Foreign Documents

Obviously, the main interest in foreign information was concentrated on the German collection: its size,
the immediacy of collecting and processing, the language (many American scientists and engineers
still had studied German in college), the fact that German industry before the war had been a main
competitor of many American companies, and that the Germans were renowned for the quality of their
This also explains why Germany was investigated so thoroughly.

From the very beginning, the situation involving Japanese information was different: not many people
could read Japanese and the systematic investigation of Japanese industries did not begin until much
later, giving the Japanese industrialists a chance to sort out what they wanted to give and what not.
Also, as the mountains of German documents, along with materials from U.S. and British sources
started to pile up, the Japanese documents were somewhat neglected.
In his Annual Report for 1947 the Secretary of Commerce stated:
In addition to data from Germany, and documents from American sources, the
(Bibliographic and Reference) Division (of the Office of Technical Services) is
beginning to receive materials directly from Japan. Some of it consists of up-to-date
technological studies prepared by Japanese nationals on subjects of interest to
American industry.
Many wartime and pre-war Japanese publications have also been received during the past year from
the Washington Document Center. This Center is the Washington processing office which was set up
to handle materials gathered in Japan by the military forces. Although much material has already been
received, a large part of it is now out of date and of little value.
We have been assured, however, that valuable documents from this source will reach us during the
coming year. (10)

The Secretary continues:

The Belgian Government has voluntarily contributed scientific reports to the Division.
In addition, extremely important material has been received from Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, Hungary, South Africa, Italy, and France.... The excellent relations
which OTS through this Division, has had with the British in the exchange of reports is
At present the British Intelligence Objective Subcommittee, commonly known as BIOS,
maintains a liaison office in Washington. Our work with this office might well be cited
as a fine example of international cooperation. The British have generously provided
large quantities of their printed reports and with single microfilm copies of any of their
manuscript reports which were requested. They also provide a special reference
service for this Office and for American business firms.
We, on our part, provide a similar service for the British. (11)
What Happened to the Documents?
We must not forget that the collectors were dealing with mountains of material and that only a very
small fraction was processed and filmed. Thus the question has remained ever since "What happened
to the rest?"
It is still being asked today, especially if a researcher is interested in, let's say, a particular camera
made by the Leitz Company and he is looking for the user manual.
In my search for the answers I have, over the decades, talked to many people some of whom had
been in the collecting and processing effort.
"You cannot imagine, unless you had been there, how many documents and single
pages were scattered all over the floors, crammed into shelves, stacked from floor to
ceiling, falling over, spilling, it was utter chaos," I was told.
The filming was often equally wild: page after page the documents were pulled through the machines ,
with quantity rather than quality being the determining factor by untrained machine operators who did
the best they could under the circumstances. Quality control was non-existent. The result was that
some film rolls contain almost in their entirety, only blurred, useless images. Also, when specialists
wrote reports, let's say on the 'German Optical Industry' the supporting documents were, unless the
were deemed important enough to be registered individually, discarded; the same happened to
translated documents.

Military and Nazi Party documents generally were brought to the United States, sorted, filmed, and
eventually returned to German archives. Books and journals were, supposedly, turned over to the
Library of Congress, but we are not sure that we actually received all that was designated for the
According to Richard Eells, Acting Chief of the Aeronautics Division,
"the Library, by agreement with the Air Material Command, Wright Field, has become
the depository for all purely historical and descriptive portions of this captured material.
The preliminary winnowing of the shipment from Wright Field yielded 9,114
aeronautical books, periodicals, and ephemera. In addition, more than 18,000 items
representing the literature of related fields were turned over to the Library for its
general collection.
Some of the confiscated libraries belonged to institutions that loomed large in the
history of the Luftwaffe: e.g., Junkers, Focke-Wulf, the Deutsche Akademie der
Luftfahrtforschung (German Academy for Aeronautical Research), the Deutsche
Forschungsinstitut für Segelflug (German Research Institute for Gliding), the
Flugfunkforschungsinstitut (Research Institute for Aeronautical Radio), and the
Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Air Ministry) itself." (12)
During the past years I have inspected about two thirds of the Library's aeronautical collection but
found but a dozen or so volumes having book plates ascribing them to the libraries of the institutes just
mentioned. This certainly does not add up to the 12,000 books from the Junkers Aircraft Company
Library alone that we supposedly received.

It is interesting to note that according to German newspaper reports (13) published after the war, the
American officer in charge of the team collecting the Junkers Library was none other than Charles
Lindbergh, who was no stranger to Hitler's Germany. Because of his friendship with Reichsmarschall
Hermann Göring and General Udet (he was later accused of having been a Nazi sympathizer) many
doors had opened to him in Nazi Germany and he had visited and inspected the aircraft manufactured
by Junkers several times.
We must also remember that the Allies had much respect for the German Luftwaffe and that one of the
stipulations of the German capitulation was that she would never again build an air force. Therefore, all
books and reports in German libraries that could be used to re-build the Luftwaffe, were to be removed
from Germany.
Now Dessau, where Junkers was located, was to be in the designated Russian Zone - why would the
Americans leave a library of such importance to the Russians? So, what happened to these libraries?

Eells, in the article cited (14) also mentions another important aspect:
A check of the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie indicates that the Library of Congress
has acquired many, if not all, of the commercial aeronautical imprints in Germany
during the war years.
One of the strengths of the Library of Congress before and for some decades after the War was its
aeronautical collection. Now, if we already had almost all of the books contained in the Junkers and the
other German libraries, we would have made the rest either available to other interested American
libraries, or, on demand, returned the volumes to German archives (the disappeared footlockers?).
Since the Junkers Aircraft Company, located in the Russian Zone or the German Democratic Republic,
did no longer exist after 1945, who would have received the returned material? The Russians?

1. Library of Congress. Science & Technology Division. Note of Karl Green. n.d.
2. United States Department of Commerce. Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 34th 1946.
Washington, DC : GPO, 1946: xxvi-xxvii
3. Eells, Richard. 'Aeronautical Science. German Documents.' Library of Congress Quarterly
Journal of Current Acquisitions 3 (4) Aug. 1946
4. Von Karman, Theodore. The Wind and Beyond. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co. 1967
5. United States Department of Commerce. Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 34th, 1946.
Washington, DC: GPO, 1946
6. Gimbel, John. Science, Technology, and Reparations. Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar
Germany. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990
7. Ibid
8. Ibid
9. Ibid
10. United States Department of Commerce. Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 35th, 1947.
Washington, DC: GPO, 1947
11. Ibid
12. Eels, Richard. 'Aeronautical Science'. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current
Acquisitions 3(4) Aug. 1947
13. 13:
a. "Junkers Bibliothek: Ein verschollenes Objekt der Begierde" Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Dessau, 17 June 1995
b. "'Bernsteinzimmer der Technik' soll nach Dessau zurückkehren." Anhaltische Zerbster
Nachrichten 24 March 1995
c. "Fundgrube für Junkers Forschung und die Bibliothekssuche in Amerika" Der Alte
Dessauer, 28 April 1995
14. Eells, Richard. Ibid, 1947

After World War One the Germans of America have become so disenfranchised that they displayed the
Stars and Stripes even in their own clubs, and sing the American national anthem there louder than
anywhere else! There were no longer any clubs or associations that retained their German character or

American historians find that no more than one percent of the German-Americans were "fanatical
National Socialists" during and since the war – in 1940 a political periodical described America as the
"mass grave of the German emigrant".

German industrialists contributed extensively to the production of arms against their country of origin.
In the Seattle assembly plants of the entrepreneur Boeing, whose origins are in
Hohenlimburg, the Flying Fortresses are built that drop 640,036 tons of bombs on
Germany. The Bechtels arm the navy. Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose ancestor was
driven out of the Odenwald for his pacifist views, is the Commander-in-Chief of the
Allied forces, and Chester D. Nimitz, whose grandparents were from Bremen,
becomes Fleet Admiral.
Generals Krüger and Eichelberger lead two armies, General Spaatz commands the
bomber fleet, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers of German extraction fight for
America. Additionally, after the war, the financiers Bernard Baruch and Henry
Morgenthau Jr. compete in the development of ideas for Germany's ultimate
annihilation. Baruch's ancestors were from East Prussia, the Morgenthaus from
Regarding America's entry into the war under the leadership of Roosevelt, the President who according
to the unanimous verdict of all Revisionists 'tricked America into the war with lies', Joachim Fernau
The 'Lusitania' had once cost 128 Americans their lives, but Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor
cost 4,000!
These were lives which this ambitious and cynical warmonger sacrificed in cold blood in order to finally
force his reluctant people "through the back door" and into the war against the Axis powers!

In his 1947 book The Crime of Our Age about America's war politics, war aims and political morals - a
book which circulated widely in America even in the highest political circles, including President
Truman's - the American Reverend Dr. Ludwig A. Fritsch writes:
In the presence of God I ask our nation, I ask you, ministers of the Gospel: Did the
Germans in all our histories ever inflict such injuries on us as we did in the two World
Wars and still do inflict on them? What wrong did the German nation do to us
Americans that we punished them twice in a generation in the most cruel and inhuman
way such as history never saw before? Do you call that American gratitude for all the
hard work and faithfulness by which German people here built up our country and won
our victories?
Of the German scientists and engineers who worked under Wernher von Braun in Peenemünde to
develop the V2 rocket and who surrendered to the Americans in 1945, some 120 went to America
"voluntarily" as intellectual war booty. Among them was the noteworthy scientist Dr. Rudolph, who was
later - after he had served his purpose! - banished again from the United States, even though he held
American citizenship!
Working in Huntsville, Alabama within the framework of NASA, von Braun invented the propulsion
system for the Saturn V, making the 1969 "Apollo" trip to the moon possible. Martin Schwarzschild, a
professor who had immigrated from Potsdam in 1937, had contributed substantially to this success.
And even Neil Armstrong, "the first man on the moon", was of German extraction - his ancestors were
from Ladbergen in Westphalia.

Between 1951 and 1960 a new wave of immigrants arrived in America: almost 478,000 Germans and
some 104,000 Austrians - and these were not a negative selection, such as would be the case later on,
in a different country, but the cream of the crop, selected according to strict criteria! Additionally, the
American occupiers of post-war Germany brought several thousand German women home as "war
Most of these immigrants were people with special qualifications, who no longer saw a future for
themselves in their homeland, destroyed as it had been by Anglo bombs. Another reason for the
hopelessness experienced by these unemployed Germans is to be found in the post-war dismantling of
vital German industries, as well as in the influx of millions of Germans fleeing from Stalin's Red hordes.

Reverend Fritsch comments on this post-war situation:

The extradition and presentation of entire countries and nations to the Russians by
Roosevelt; the senseless and deliberate destruction of the most magnificent cities; the
most cruel expulsion of millions of Eastern-Germans from their century old homes; the
development and the execution of the Eisenhower-Morgenthau-Roosevelt plan, the
most inhuman act of revenge since there is a recorded history; the slow and painful
murdering of 20-30 million human beings by starvation, cold and privation.
Those are not political 'mistakes' as our leaders now want us to believe; they are
conscious, deliberate, premeditated crimes!
In 1987 the American Congress declared October 6 to be "German American Day", an empty gesture
since the Germans continue to be the States' only, yet largest, minority with no voice. But at least at
that time reference was still made to the countless contributions Germans made to America's
development (a subject which is now an absolute taboo again).
According to Längin, there was a certain recollection that,
"Walter Chrysler (Kreisler) had founded the automobile manufacturing company that is
named for him; that Martin Brill from Kassel had established the largest manufactory of
street cars, Johann Bausch and Heinrich Lomb the foremost manufactory of optical
lenses, and Karl Pfizer from Ludwigsburg a leading drug company.
Charles Schwab and Henry Flick are regarded as giants of the steel industry, and the
Viennese Charles Bluhdorn was co-founder and President of Gulf & Western
Industries. Frank A. Seibelring, a descendant of immigrants from Stuttgart, was the
founding father of the company Goodyear, and the ancestors of his main competitor
Harvey Firestone (these are the two largest American rubber manufacturers; ed.) were
Austrians who had immigrated via Alsace.
Hermann Hollerith introduced the first electric calculating machine in his adopted
homeland, and in 1942 the Viennese woman Hedy Lamarr (actually Hedwig Kiesler)
received the patent for a torpedo guidance system."
"The opinion of history remains divided," adds Längin. "The German sickness, namely
a lack of group consciousness, is the formula that facilitates a rapid and thoughtless
assimilation into the host society, which quickly turns the German into the 'Anglo
monkey' and the United States into the 'graveyard of the Germans'."
The historian Lamprecht comments in a similar vein:
"The Germans have failed as Germans," and no Oktoberfest with lederhosen, chamois
hat decorations, yodeling and beer can whitewash that!
The question remains whether the demise of America's most numerous, efficient and probably also
most decent ethnic group with the lowest crime rate of all is the consequence primarily of German
naiveté and lack of political ability, or of a large-scale, clever exploitation of German energy and
expertise by the politically savvy Anglo-Saxon leadership elite.
Regarding the crimes committed by America against the Germans as well as other peoples in both
world wars and since, Reverend Dr. Fritsch expresses the educated German-American view thus:
All these tremendous might and power and profits were achieved at the lowest price in
comparison to the appalling damage and the irreparable loss we inflicted on our
'enemies.' Hitherto we were in our whole history the lucky winners of all our aggressive
wars against the Indians, the English, Spaniards, Mexicans, Japanese and twice
against the Germans. In this last gigantic struggle of nations we have lost only as
many human lives as we have at home by accidents.
The American Red Cross in 1945 reported officially that '99 per cent of the American
prisoners of war in Germany have survived and are on their way home!' (In contrast to
this fact we have sent not 1 per cent of our German prisoners of war home, but we
traded them as slaves to France and England!) Concerning the 260 billions - the cost
of Roosevelt's war - it is more than paid off through the patent secrets and art
treasures and scientists stolen and kidnapped from the Germans.
Thus we have only profited from all the wars we waged while at the same time we
inflicted on mankind unspeakable misery and bitter disappointments. The greatest of
all sins in the presence of God and in the light of history that we as a nation have
committed is making ourselves guilty of matricide. Europe is our physical and spiritual
But most of all we should appreciate and honor that nation whose sons' and daughters'
blood and sweat mostly had flowed for our country: the German. Is it not true that in
every third American's veins flows Teutonic blood?
And as for the possibilities of a Germany left in peace, Reverend Fritsch writes:
"In my opinion the Germans would have broken the eccentricities of Hitlerism after
they had reached their goal - unification of all Germans. Their unique ability to
organize would have created order and tranquility in Europe and in the World in the
shortest possible time. They would have created the United States of Europe without
They would have placed their great capabilities in the fields of science, arts and
technology to the disposition of the whole world as they did before. Their deep spiritual
life would have enriched and ennobled mankind, as for example the unique German
music and hymns heretofore did."
With regard to the jealous fear of competition that characterizes England, the nation Hitler (oddly
enough) admired so much, he writes:
Germany was at that time at the zenith of her might, fame and reputation. She built the
greatest and most luxurious ships of the world with which she gained the world market,
because she was able to supply the best and cheapest production. In the realm of
science Germany was ahead of all nations of the world.
Her scientists had more Nobel-Prizes in all spheres of science than all the other
nations combined. From all countries of the globe the seekers of knowledge and lovers
of art came to the famous universities of the 'people of poets and thinkers.' But the
might and greatness of Germany was at the same time envied and suspected.
England, feeling that she was put back to play the second fiddle in world affairs, in her
insatiable greediness worked so hard and so long until she succeeded in surrounding
Germany with enemies. Europe became a powder keg. Only the spark was necessary
to make her explode.
The world became ablaze. For the second time!
For even regarding the earlier great European fraternal war, Fritsch observed:
When our soldiers returned home and after they had seen the sad consequences of
our intervention in the European quarrel they cried out: 'We fought on the wrong side!'

Return to Project Paperclip

October, 1946  Page 329

Harper's readers are familiar with Mr.
Walker's articles and the skillful mechanics
of the Allied war.
He now gives us a look at some of the
disconcertingly effective tricks that were
hidden up the enemy sleeve.


C. Lester Walker

The Great
Patents Heist

Someone wrote to Wright Field recently, saying he

understood this country had got together quite a collection of
enemy war secrets, that many were now on public sale, and
could he, please, be sent everything on German jet engines.
The Air Documents Division of the Army Air Forces

Sorry – but that would be fifty tons.

Moreover, that fifty tons was just a small portion of what is

today undoubtedly the biggest collection of captured enemy
war secrets ever assembled. If you always thought of war
secrets – as who hasn't? – as coming in sixes and sevens, as
a few items of information readily handed on to the properly
interested authorities, it may interest you to learn that the
war secrets in this collection run into the thousands, that the
mass of documents is mountainous, and that there was
never before been anything quite comparable to it.

The collection is today chiefly in three places: Wright Field

(Ohio), the Library of Congress, and the Department of
Commerce. Wright Field is working from a documents
"mother lode" of fifteen hundred tons. In Washington, the
Office of Technical Services (which has absorbed the Office of
the Publication Board, the government agency originally set
up to handle the collection) reports that tens of thousands of
tons of material are involved. It is estimated that over a
million separate items must be handled, and that they, very
likely, practically all the scientific, industrial and military
secrets of Nazi Germany.

One Washington official has called it "the greatest single

source of this type of material in the world, the first orderly
exploitation of an entire country's brain-power."

How the collection came to be goes back, for beginnings, to

one day in 1944 when the Allied Combined Chiefs of Staff set
in motion a colossal search for war secrets in occupied
German territory. They created a group of military-civilian
teams, termed the Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee,
which was to follow the invading armies into Germany and
uncover all her military, scientific, and industrial secrets for
early use against Japan. These teams worked against tine to
get the most vital information be: ore it was. destroyed, and
in getting it performed prodigies of ingenuity and tenacity.

At an optical company at Wetzlav, near Frankfurt, for

example, the American colonel investigating felt positive that
the high executives were holding out on him. But nothing
would shake their story: they had given him everything. He
returned next day with a legal document which he asked
them all to sign. It declared they had turned over "all
scientific and trade data; and if not, would accept the
consequences." Two days later they glumly signed the
document, then led he colonel to a cache in a. warehouse
will. From a safe tumbled out the secret file on optical
instruments, microscopy, aiming devices.

One two-man search team found itself completely stymied.

Records that they had-to find had completely disappeared. A
rumor indicated they might have been hidden in a mountain.
The two scoured 1 the region in a jeep. Nothing. But keeping
at it, they stumbled one day onto a small woods road whose
entrance was posted:

Achtung! Minen! Gingerly, slowly, they inched their jeep in.

Nothing happened. But a concrete dugout sunk in the hill
revealed another sign: "Opening Will Cause Explosion."

"We tossed a coin," one member of this search team said

later, "and the loser hitched the jeep towrope to the dugout
door, held his breath! and stepped on the gas."

There was no explosion. The door-ripped from its hinges. The

sought-for secret files were inside.

The German Patent Office put some of its most secret

patents down a sixteen-hundred-foot mine. shaft at
Heringen, then piled liquid oxygen, in cylinders, on top of
them. When the American Joint Intelligence Objectives team
found them, it was doubtful that they could be saved. They
were legible, but in such bad shape that a trip to the surface
would make them disintegrate. Photo equipment and a crew
were therefore lowered into the shaft and a complete
microfilm record made of the patents there.

Perhaps one of the most exciting searches was also the

grimmest. This was the hunt for hidden documents which
might reveal that Nazi scientists had frozen human beings to
death and then tried to bring them back to life again.
Interviewing four Nazi doctors one day in June 1945, at a
laboratory of the Institut für Luftfahrtmedizin, at Gut
Hirschau, Bavaria, an American medical corps major, Leo
Alexander, was struck with the dreadful conviction, despite
repeated denials, that this had occurred.

His suspicion were aroused by three things. All the small

animal laboratory equipment was carefully preached; all
large-animal equipment destroyed. One of the doctors
wanted to dissolve his research institute and dismiss his

And none of the scientists could find any data on human

beings at all, not even on those rescued from North Sea
waters and saved by the new revival techniques. Did this
mean that everything of the sort was hidden away with other
data which, the doctors didn't want to show?

Wishing to leave the four Germans in a frame of mind not to

destroy their records, the American concealed his suspicions,
and, for the time being, transferred his search elsewhere.

Chance suddenly played into his hands. The Allied radio one
night broadcast a grim tale of the Dachau concentration
camp. Researches on death, and treatment of shock, from
exposure to cold had been performed on prisoners. The
broadcast named the leading experimenter, one Dr. Rascher,
and called him a member of the medical staff of the SS.

For Alexander this was a lead. He happened just to have

learned that the American Seventh Army had recently
captured a vast mass of especially secret SS records. He
therefore headed for the Seventh Army. Documents Center
to see what was there.

There was more than he anticipated. Even to the complete

and final report – Himmler's personal copy, with his green-
penciled annotations, all over it – with the names of Rascher
and all others involved, and containing all the damning
details of the almost unbelievable experiments.

Victims had been immersed naked in ice water until they lost
consciousness. All the time elaborate testings were
constantly made: rectal, skin, and interior-of-the-stomach
temperatures; pulse, blood sugar, blood chlorides, blood
count and sedimentation; urine tests; spinal fluid. Appendix
7, Figure 5, showed that seven subjects were chilled to death
beyond revival in from fifty-three to one hundred and six

"This table," Alexander commented in his own report, "is

certainly the most laconic confession of seven murders in

It had been with the rest of the documents – in Himmler's

private cave in mountain at Hallein. Even though the aide of
the mountain had been dynamited down over the cave
mouth, the American searchers had found it.

The earliest Joint Intelligence Objectives search teams were

followed by others, which were to dig out industrial and
scientific secrets in particular. The Technical Industrial
Intelligence Committee was one group of these, composed!
of three hundred and eighty civilians representing seventeen
American industries. Later came the teams of the Office of
the Publication Board itself and many mow groups direct
from private industry. Of the latter – called, in Germany,
Field Intelligence Agencies Technical (FIAT) – there have
been over five hundred; of one to ten members each,
operating by invitation and under the aegis of the OPB.

Today the search still goes on. The Office of Technical

Services has a European staff of four to five hundred. At
Hoechst, it has one hundred abstractors who struggle
feverishly to keep ahead of the forty OTS document-
recording cameras which route to them each month over one
hundred thousand feet of microfilm.

What did we find? You'd like some outstanding examples

from the war secrets collection?

The head of the communications unit of Technical Industrial

Intelligence Branch opened his desk drawer and took out the
tiniest vacuum tube I had ever seen. It was about half

Notice it is heavy porcelain – not glass – and thus virtually

indestructible. It is a thousand watt – one-tenth the size of
similar American tube. Today our manufactured know the
secret of making it. . . . And here's something. ...

He pulled some brown, papery-looking ribbon off a spool. It

was a quarter-inch wide, with a dull and a shiny side.

"That's Magnetophone tape," he said. "It's plastic, metallized

on one side with iron oxide. In Germany that supplanted
phonograph recordings. A day's Radio program can be
magnetized on one reel. You can demagnetize it, wipe it off
and put a new program on at any time. No needle; so
absolutely no noise or record wear. An hour-long reel costs
fifty cents." He showed me then what had been two of the
most closely-guarded, technical secrets of the war: the infra-
red device which the Germans invented for seeing at night,
and the remarkable diminutive generator which operated it.
German cars could drive at any, speed in a total blackout,
seeing objects clear as day two hundred meters ahead.
Tanks with this device could spot; targets two miles away. As
a sniper scope it enabled German riflemen . to pick off a man
in total blackness.

There was a sighting tube, and a selenium screen out front.

The screen caught the incoming infra-red light, which drove
electrons .from the selenium along the tube to another
screen which was electrically charged and fluorescent. A
visible image appeared on this screen. Its clearness and its
accuracy for aiming purposes were phenomenal. Inside the
tube, distortion of the stream of electrons by the earth's
magnetism was even allowed for!

The diminutive generator – five inches across – stepped up

current from an ordinary flashlight battery to 15,000 volts. It
had a walnut-sized motor which spun a rotor at 10,000 rpm
– so fast that originally it had destroyed all lubricants with
the great amount of ozone it produced. The Germans had
developed a new grease: chlorinated paraffin oil. The
generator then ran 3,000 hours!

A canvas bag on the sniper's back housed the device. His rifle
had two triggers. He pressed one for a few seconds to
operate the generator and the scope.. Then the other to kill
his man in the dark. "That captured secret," my guide
declared, "we first used at Okinawa – to the bewilderment of
the Japs."

We got, in addition, among these prize secrets, the technique

and the machine for making the world's most remarkable
electric condenser. Millions of condensers are essential to the
radio and radar industry. Our condensers were always made
of metal foil. This one is made of .paper, coated with
1/250,000 of an inch of vaporized zinc. Forty per cent
smaller, twenty per cent cheaper than our condensers, it is
also self-healing. That is, if a breakdown occurs (like a fuse
blowing out), the zinc film evaporates, the paper immediately
insulates, and the condenser is right again. It keeps on
working through multiple breakdowns – at fifty per cent
higher voltage than our condensers! To most American radio
experts this is magic, double-distilled.

Mica was another thing. None is mined in Germany, so during

the war our Signal Corps was mystified. Where was Germany
getting it?

One, day certain piece of mica was handed to one of our

experts in the U.S. Bureau of Mines for analysis and opinion.
"Natural mica," he reported, "and no impurities."

But the mica was synthetic. the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for
Silicate Research had discovered how to make it and –
something which had always eluded scientists – in large

We know now, thanks to FIAT teams, that ingredients of

natural mica were melted in crucibles of carbon capable of
taking 2,350 degrees of heat, and then – this was the real
secret – cooled in a special way. Complete absence of
vibration was the first essential. Then two forces directly
perpendicular to each other were applied. One, vertically,
was a controlled gradient of temperature in the cooling. At
right angles to this, horizontally, was introduced a magnetic
field. This forced the formation of the crystals in large
laminated sheets on that plane.

"You see this . . ." the head of Communications Unit, TIIB,

said to me. It was metal, and looked like a complicated doll's
house with the roof off. "It is the chassis or frame, for a
radio. To make the same thing, Americans would machine
cut, hollow, shape, fit – a dozen different processes. This is
done on a press in one operation. It is called the 'cold
extrusion' process. We do it with some soft, splattery metals.
But by this process the Germans do it with cold steel!

Thousands of parts now made as castings or drop forgings or

from malleable iron can now be made this way. The
production speed increase is a little matter of one thousand
per cent."

This one war secret alone, many American steel men believe,
will revolutionize dozens of our metal fabrication industries.
In textiles the war secrets collection has produced so many
revelations, that American textile men are a little dizzy.
There is a German rayon-weaving machine, discovered a
year ago by the American 'Knitting Machine' Team, which
increases production in relation to floor space by one
hundred and fifty percent. Their "Links-Links" loom produces
a ladderless, runproof hosiery. New German needle-making
machinery, it is thought, will revolutionize that business in
both the United Kingdom and the United States. There is a
German method for pulling the wool from sheepskins without
injury to hide or fiber, by use of an enzyme. Formerly the
"puller" – a trade secret – was made from animal pancreas
from American packing houses. During the war the Nazis
made it from a mold called aspergil paraciticus, which they
seeded in bran. It results not only in better wool, but in ten
per cent greater yield.

Another discovery was a way to put a crimp in viscose rayon

fibers which gives them the appearance, warmth, wear
resistance, and reaction-to-dyes of wool. The secret here,
our investigators found, was the addition to the cellulose of
twenty-five per cent fish protein.

But of all the industrial secrets, perhaps, the biggest windfall

came from the laboratories and plants of the great German
cartel, I. G. Farbenindustrie. Never before, it is claimed, was
there such a store-house of secret information. It covers
liquid and solid fuels, metallurgy, synthetic rubber, textiles,
chemicals, plastics. drugs, dyes. One American dye authority

It includes the production know-how and the secret formulas

for over fifty thousand dyes. Many of them are faster and
better than ours. Many are colors we were never able to
make. The American dye industry will be advanced at least
ten years.

In matters of food, medicine, and branches of the military art

the finds of the search teams were no less impressive. And in
aeronautics and guided missiles they proved to be downright
alarming. One of the food secrets the Nazis had discovered
was a way to sterilize fruit juices without heat. The juice was
filtered, then cooled, then carbonated and stored under eight
atmospheres of carbon-dioxide pressure. Later the carbon-
dioxide was removed, the juice passed through another filter
– which, this time, germ-proofed it – and then was bottled.
Some thing, perhaps, for American canners to think about.

Milk pasteurization by ultra-violet light has always failed in

other countries, but the Germans had found how to do it by
using light tubes of great length, and simultaneously how to
enrich the milk with vitamin D.

At a plant in Kiel, British searchers of the Joint Intelligence

Objectives Committee found that cheese was being made –
"good quality Hollander and Tilitser" – by a new method at
unheard-of speed. "Eighty minutes from the renneting to the
hooping of the curd," report the investigators. The cheese
industry around the world had never been able to equal that.

Butter (in a creamery near Hamburg) was being produced by

something long wished for by American butter makers: a
continuous butter making machine. An invention of dairy
equipment manufacturers in Stuttgart, it took up less space
than American churns and turned out fifteen hundred pounds
an hour. The machine was promptly shipped to this country
to be tested by the American Butter Institute.

Among other food innovations was a German way of making

yeast in almost limitless quantities. The waste sulfite liquor
from the beechwood used to manufacture cellulose was
treated with an organism known to bacteriologists as candida
arborea at temperatures higher than ever used in yeast
manufacture before. The finished product served as both
animal and human food. Its caloric value is four times that of
lean meat, and it contains twice as much protein.

The Germans also had developed new methods of preserving

food by plastics and new, advanced refrigeration techniques.
Refrigeration and air-conditioning on German U-boats had
become so efficient that the submarines could travel from
Germany to the Pacific, operate there for two months, and
then return to Germany without having to take on fresh
water for the crew. A secret plastics mixture (among its
ingredients were polyvinyl acetate, chalk, and talc) was used
to coat bread and cheese A loaf fresh from the oven was
dipped, dried, redipped, then heated half an hour at 285
degrees. It would be unspoiled and good to eat eight months

"As for medical secrets in this collection," one Army-surgeon

has remarked, "some of them will save American medicine
years of research; some of them are revolutionary – like, for
instance, the German technique for treatment after
prolonged and usually fatal exposure to cold." This discovery
– revealed to us by Major Alexander's search already
mentioned – reversed everything medical science thought
about the subject. In every one of the dread experiments the
subjects were most successfully revived, both temporarily
and permanently, by immediate immersion in hot water. In
two cases of complete standstill of heart and cessation of
respiration, a hot bath at 122 degrees brought both subjects
back to life. Before our war with Japan ended, this method
was adopted as the treatment for use by all American Air-Sea
Rescue Services, and it is generally accepted by medicine

German medical researchers had discovered a way to

produce synthetic blood plasma. Called capain, it was made
on a commercial scale and equaled natural plasma, in
results. Another discovery was periston, a substitute for the
blood liquid. An oxidation production of adrenalin
(adrenichrome) was produced in quantity Successfully only
by the Nazis and was used with good results in combating
high blood pressure (of which 750,000 persons die annually
in the United States). Today we have the secret of
manufacture and considerable supply.

Likewise of great importance medically were certain

researches by Dr. Boris Rojewsky of the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute of Biophysics at Frankfurt. These were on the
ionization of air as related to health. Positively ionized air
was discovered to have deleterious effects upon human well-
being, and to account for the discomfort and depression felt
at times when the barometer is falling. In many persons, it
was found, its presence brought on asthma, hay fever, and
nervous tension. It raised high blood pressure, sometimes to
the danger point. It would bring on the symptoms common in
mountain sickness-labored and rapid breathing, dizziness,
fatigue, sleepiness.

Negatively ionized air, however, did all the opposite. It was

exhilarating, creating a feeling of high spirits and well-being.
Mental depression was wiped out by it. In pathological cases
it steadied breathing, reduced high blood pressure, was a
check on allergies and asthma. The importance of its
presence wherever human beings live, work, or recuperate
from illness may some day make its production one of the
major functions of air conditioning.

But of highest significance for the future were the Nazi

secrets in aviation and in various types of missiles.

"The V2 rocket, which bombed London," an Army Air Force

publication reports, "was just a toy compared to what the
Germans had up their sleeve."

When the war ended, we now know, they had 138 types of
guided missiles in various stages of production or
development, using every known kind of remote control and
fuse: radio, radar, wire, continuous wave, acoustics, infra-
red, light beams, and magnetics, to name some; and for
power, all methods of jet propulsion for either subsonic or
supersonic speeds. Jet propulsion had even been applied to
helicopter flight. The fuel was piped to combustion chambers
at the rotor blade tips, where it exploded, whirling the blades
around like a lawn sprinkler or pinwheel. As for rocket
propulsion, their A-4 rocket, which was just getting into large
scale production when the war ended, was forty-six feet long,
weighed over 24,000 pounds, and traveled 230 miles. It rose
sixty miles above the earth and had a maximum speed of
3,735 miles an hour – three times that of the earth's rotation
at the equator. The secret of its supersonic speed, we know
today, lay in its rocket motor which used liquid oxygen and
alcohol for fuel. It was either radio controlled or self-guided
to its target by gyroscopic means. Since its speed was
supersonic, it could not be heard before it struck.

Another German rocket which was coming along was the A-9.
This was bigger still – 29,000 pounds – and had wings which
gave it a flying range of 3,000 miles. It was manufactured at
the famous Peenemünde army experiment station and
achieved the unbelievable speed of 5,870 miles an hour.

A long range rocket-motored bomber which, the war

documents indicate, was never completed merely because of
the war's quick ending, would have been capable of flight
from Germany to New York in forty minutes. Pilot-guided
from a pressurized cabin, it would have flown at an altitude
of 154 miles. Launching was to be by catapult at 500 miles
an hour, and the ship would rise to its maximum altitude in
as short a time as four minutes. There, fuel exhausted, it
would glide through the outer atmosphere, bearing down on
its target. With one hundred bombers of this type the
Germans hoped to destroy any city on earth in a few days

Little wonder, then, that today Army Air Force experts

declare publicly that in rocket power and guided missiles the
Nazis were ahead of us by at least ten years.

The Germans even had devices ready which would take care
of pilots forced to leave supersonic planes in flight. Normally
a pilot who stuck his head out at such speeds would have it
shorn off. His parachute on opening would burst in space. To
prevent these calamitous happenings an ejector seat had
been invented which flung the pilot clear instantaneously. His
chute was already burst, that is, made of latticed ribbons
which checked his fall only alter the down-drag of his weight
began to close its holes.

A Nazi variation of the guided air missile was a torpedo for

underwater work which went unerringly to its mark, drawn
by the propeller sound of the victim ship from as far away as
ten miles. This missile swam thirty feet below the water, at
forty miles an hour, and left no wake. When directly under its
target, it exploded.

All such revelations naturally raise the question: was

Germany so far advanced in air, rocket, and missile research
that, given a little more time, she might have won the war?
Her war secrets, as now disclosed, would seem to indicate
that possibility. And the Deputy Commanding General of
Army Air Forces Intelligence, Air Technical Service Command,
has told the Society of Aeronautical Engineers within the past
few months:

The Germans were preparing rocket surprises for the whole

world in general and England in particular which would have,
it is believed, changed the course of the war if the invasion
had been postponed for so short a time as half a year.

For the release and dissemination of all these one-time

secrets the Office of the Publication Board was established by
an order of President Truman within ten days after Japan
surrendered. The order directed that not only enemy war
secrets should be published, but also (with some exceptions)
all American secrets, scientific and technical, of all
government war boards. (The Office of Scientific Research
and Development, the National Research Council, and other
such.) And thereby was created what is being termed now
the biggest publishing problem a government agency ever
had to handle.

For the war secrets, which conventionally used to be counted

in scores, will run to three-quarters of a million separate
documentary items (two-thirds of them on aeronautics) and
will require several years and several hundreds of people to
screen and prepare them for wide public use.

Today translators and abstracters of the Office of Technical

Services, successor to the OPB, arc processing them at the
rate of about a thousand a week. Indexing and cataloguing
the part of the collection which will be permanently kept may
require more than two millions cards; and at Wright Field the
task is so complicated that electric punch-card machine; are
to be installed. A whole new glossary of German-English
terms has had to be compiled – something like forty
thousand words on new technical and scientific items.

With so many documents, it has, of course, been impossible

because of time and money limitations to reprint or
reproduce more than a very few. To tell the public what is
available, therefore, the OTS issues a bibliography weekly.
This contains the newest war secrets information as released
– with titles, prices of copies currently available or to be
made up, and an abstract of contents.

The original document, or the microfilm copy, is then

generally sent to the Library of Congress, which is now the
greatest depository. To make them more easily accessible to
the public, the Library sends copies, when enough are
available, to about 125 so-called "depository" libraries
throughout the United States.

And is the public doing anything with these one-time war

secrets? It is – it is eating them up. As many as twenty
thousand orders have been filled in a month, and the order
rate is now a thousand items a day. Scientists and engineers
declare that the information is "cutting years from the time
we would devote to problems already scientifically
investigated." And American business men...! A run through
the Publication Board's letters file shows the following;

The Bendix Company in South Bend, Indiana, writes for a

German patent on the record player changer "with records
stacked above the turntable." Pillsbury Mills wants to have
what is available on German flour and bread production
methods. Kendall Manufacturing Company ("Soapine") wants
insect repellent compounds. Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company,
Iowa, asks about "interrogation of research workers at the
agricultural high school at Hohenheim." Pacific Mills requests
I. G. Farbenindustrie's water-repellent, crease-resistant finish
for spun rayon. The Polaroid Company would like something
on "the status of exploitation of photography and optics in
Germany." (There are, incidentally, ten to twenty thousand
German patents yet to be screened.)

The most insatiable customer is Amtorg, the Soviet Union's

foreign trade organization. One of its representatives walked
into the Publication Board office with the bibliography-in hand
and said, "I want copies of everything." The Russians sent
one order in May for $5,594.00 worth – two thousand
separate war secrets reports. In general, they buy every
report issued. Americans, too, think there is extraordinarily
good prospecting in the war secrets lode. Company
executives practically park on the OTS's front doorstep,
wanting to be first to get hold of a particular report on
publication. Some information is so valuable that to get it a
single day ahead of a competitor, may be worth thousands of
dollars. But the OTS takes elaborate precautions to be sure
that no report is ever available to anyone before general
public release.

After a certain American aircraft company had ordered a

particular captured war document, it was queried as to
whether the information therein had made it or saved it any
money. The cost of the report had been a few dollars. The
company answered: "Yea – at least a hundred thousand

A research head of another business firm took notes for three

hours in the OTS offices one day. "Thanks very much," he
said, as he stood to go, "the notes from these documents are
worth at least half a million dollars to my company."

And after seeing the complete report the German synthetic

fiber industry, one American manufacturer remarked:

This report would be worth twenty million dollars to my

company if it could have it exclusively.

Of course you, and anybody else, can now have it, and lots
of other once secret information, for a few dollars. All the war
secrets, as released, are completely in the public domain.

by Andrew Walker
21 November 2005
BBC News
from BBCNews Website
Sixty years ago the US hired Nazi scientists to lead pioneering projects, such as the race to
conquer space. These men provided the US with cutting-edge technology which still leads the
way today, but at a cost.

The end of World War II saw an intense scramble for Nazi Germany's many
technological secrets. The Allies vied to plunder as much equipment and
expertise as possible from the rubble of the Thousand Year Reich for
themselves, while preventing others from doing the same.

The range of Germany's technical achievement astounded Allied scientific

intelligence experts accompanying the invading forces in 1945.

Wernher von Braun

Nasa icon and former SS officer
Supersonic rockets, nerve gas, jet aircraft, guided missiles, stealth technology
and hardened armor were just some of the groundbreaking technologies
developed in Nazi laboratories, workshops and factories, even as Germany
was losing the war.

And it was the US and the Soviet Union which, in the first days of the Cold
War, found themselves in a race against time to uncover Hitler's scientific

In May 1945, Stalin's legions secured the atomic research labs at the
prestigious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in the suburbs of Berlin, giving their
master the kernel of what would become the vast Soviet nuclear arsenal.

US forces removed V-2 missiles from the vast Nordhausen complex, built
under the Harz Mountains in central Germany, just before the Soviets took
over the factory, in what would become their area of occupation.
And the team which had built the V-2, led by Wernher von Braun, also fell into
American hands.


Shortly afterwards Major-General Hugh Knerr, deputy commander of the US

Air Force in Europe, wrote:
"Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed
the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research.
"If we do not take the opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that
developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain
several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited."
Thus began Project Paperclip, the US operation which saw von Braun and
more than 700 others spirited out of Germany from under the noses of the
US's allies.
Its aim was simple:
"To exploit German scientists for American research and to deny these
intellectual resources to the Soviet Union."

Arthur Rudolph: "100% Nazi"

Events moved rapidly. President Truman authorized Paperclip in August 1945
and, on 18 November, the first Germans reached America.

There was, though, one major problem. Truman had expressly ordered that
anyone found,
"to have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant
in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazism militarism" would be
Under this criterion even von Braun himself, the man who masterminded the
Moon shots, would have been ineligible to serve the US. A member of
numerous Nazi organizations, he also held rank in the SS. His initial
intelligence file described him as "a security risk".

And von Braun's associates included:

 Arthur Rudolph, chief operations director at Nordhausen, where
20,000 slave laborers died producing V-2 missiles. Led the team
which built the Saturn V rocket. Described as "100 per cent Nazi,
dangerous type".
 Kurt Debus, rocket launch specialist, another SS officer. His report
stated: "He should be interned as a menace to the security of the
Allied Forces."
 Hubertus Strughold, later called "the father of space medicine",
designed NASA's on-board life-support systems. Some of his
subordinates conducted human "experiments" at Dachau and
Auschwitz, where inmates were frozen and put into low-pressure
chambers, often dying in the process.
All of these men were cleared to work for the US, their alleged
crimes covered up and their backgrounds bleached by a military
which saw winning the Cold War, and not upholding justice, as its
first priority.
And the paperclip which secured their new details in their personnel files gave
the whole operation its name. Sixty years on, the legacy of Paperclip remains
as vital as ever.

With its radar-absorbing carbon impregnated plywood skin and swept-back

single wing, the 1944 Horten Ho 229 was arguably the first stealth aircraft.

The Stealth bomber: Based on a 1944 German design

The US military made one available to Northrop Aviation, the company which
would produce the $2bn B-2 Stealth bomber - to all intents and purposes a
modern clone of the Horten - a generation later.

Cruise missiles are still based on the design of the V-1 missile and the
scramjets powering NASA's state-of-the-art X-43 hypersonic aircraft owe
much to German jet pioneers.

Added to this, the large number of still-secret Paperclip documents has led
many people, including Nick Cook, Aerospace Consultant at Jane's Defence
Weekly, to speculate that the US may have developed even more advanced
Nazi technology, including anti-gravity devices, a potential source of vast
amounts of free energy.

Cook says that such technology,

"could be so destructive that it would endanger world peace and the US
decided to keep it secret for a long time".
But, while celebrating the undoubted success of Project Paperclip, many will
prefer to remember the thousands who died to send mankind into space.
Return to Project Paperclip

by J.Marrs
extracted from "Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America"
from Archive Website
ON MAY 19, 1945, JUST TWELVE DAYS AFTER GERMANY’S unconditional surrender, Herbert
Wagner, creator of the first Nazi guided missile used in combat, landed in Washington, D.C., in a U.S.
military aircraft with blacked- out windows.

Wagner was the first of a stream of Nazi scientists, technicians, and others to arrive in the United
States in a program that came to be known as Project Paperclip. It began as Operation Overcast, a
program authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to exploit the knowledge of Nazi scientists. (Overcast
was mentioned but not clearly explained in the 2006 film The Good German starring George Clooney.)
This operation was renamed Paperclip and formally authorized in August 1945 by President Harry
Truman, who was assured that no one with “Nazi or militaristic records” would be involved.

By mid-November, more Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians were arriving in America, including
Wernher von Braun and more than seven hundred other Nazi rocket scientists.

By 1955, nearly a thousand German scientists had been granted citizenship in the United States and
given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of
the Nazi Party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, used
slave labor, and committed other war crimes.

Von Braun, who in later years became the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), is one of the more recognizable names of the Paperclip scientists.
Others included:
 Major General Walter Dornberger, a close associate of von Braun’s
 Werner Heisenberg, physicist and Nobel laureate who founded quantum
 gaseous uranium centrifuge expert Dr. Paul Harteck
 Nazi atomic bomb physicist and military project leader Kurt Diebner
 uranium enrichment expert Erich Bagge
 1944 Nobel Prize winner Otto Hahn, called the “father of nuclear chemistry”
 scientists Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker, Karl Wirtz, and Horst Korsching
 physicist Walter Gerlach
CNN reporter Linda Hunt’s 1991 book Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi
Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945–1990 first revealed the extent to which Nazi infiltration was
aided by persons within the U.S. federal government and military.
Like other researchers, Hunt found many government files pertaining to recruited Nazis “missing” or
otherwise unavailable. Despite government claims that Paperclip was ended in 1947, according to
Hunt, this project was,
“the biggest, longest-running operation involving Nazis in our country’s history.”

“The project continued nonstop until 1973 - decades longer than was previously
thought. And remnants of it are still in operation today,” she wrote.
By the 1990s, when details of Paperclip finally reached the public’s ears, the infusion of Nazis into
America’s military-industrial complex was complete.

IN 1952 , NEWLY elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower was persuaded to name John Foster
Dulles as his secretary of state, and his brother, Allen Dulles, as the director of the CIA.
“The reigning Dulles brothers were the ‘Republican’ replacements for their client and
business partner, ‘Democrat’ Averell Harriman. Occasional public posturing aside, their
strategic commitments [to the globalists] were identical to his,” stated authors Webster
Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their well-documented 1992 Unauthorized
Biography of George H. W. Bush.
It should be noted that the Dulles brothers were both attorneys for and business partners with Averell
It should also be noted that Allen Dulles, as OSS station chief in Bern, Switzerland, sat at the nexus of
U.S. intelligence as well as Soviet intelligence, such as the infamous Rote Kapelle, or Red Orchestra,
spy network. It was during his stint as assistant to the U.S. ambassador that Dulles used SS
Brigadefuehrer, or brigadier general, Walter Schellenberg to communicate with his immediate superior,
Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler.
Dulles constantly sent intelligence reports to Washington, although, as stated by Adam LeBor,
“there are questions as to whether his motive was supplying genuine economic
intelligence or merely building a complicated empire of information and disinformation
that reached from Bern to Berlin and back again.”
Dulles moved from Bern to become OSS station chief in Berlin at the end of the war. In 1947, when the
OSS was rolled into the newly created CIA, Dulles’s translator was an army intelligence officer named
Henry Kissinger, who would go on to become secretary of state under President Richard Nixon, a
lifelong friend to Dulles.

Project Paperclip quickly came under the control of an “old boy” network encompassing members of
the globalists centered in the Council on Foreign Relations.

After its inception, Paperclip was run by the intelligence division of the

U.S. Army’s European Command, directed by Robert Walsh operating out of Berlin.
“The Paperclip office operated out of the intelligence division’s headquarters in
Heidelberg, under Deputy Director Colonel Robert Schow, who would become
assistant director of the CIA in 1949 and assistant chief of staff for intelligence in
1956,” Hunt wrote in Secret Agenda.
She added that officers of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) who managed Project
Paperclip soon began receiving security reports from Schow’s office, regarding the Germans recruited
into the program. All reports on these men had been altered from a determination of “ardent Nazi” to
read “not an ardent Nazi.”

After assuming the directorship of the newly created CIA, Allen Dulles, who, as attorney for the
Shroeder bank, had brokered the deals allowing Hitler’s rise to power, assumed control over Project
Paperclip and increased the flow of National Socialists into the United States.

After former Nazi spymaster General Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Dulles and offered to
turn over his extensive spy network to the CIA in exchange for non-prosecution of their Nazi pasts, the
scientists’ dossiers were rewritten to eliminate incriminating evidence of their work for the Nazis.
“For over forty years ... Paperclip’s dark secrets lay safely hidden in cover-ups, lies,
and deceit,” stated Hunt.
Hunt uncovered documents showing that even Wernher von Braun, who in 1947 had been described
as “a potential security threat” by the military governor, was reassessed only months later in a report
stating, “he may not constitute a security threat to the U.S.”
Likewise, von Braun’s brother, Magnus, who had been declared a “dangerous German Nazi” by
counterintelligence officers, was brought to America and his pro-Nazi record expunged.
“The effect of the cover-up involved far more than merely whitewashing the information
in the dossiers,” noted Hunt. “Serious allegations of crimes not only were expunged
from the records, but were never even investigated.”
In a 1985 exposé in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Hunt wrote that she had examined more than
130 reports on Project Paperclip subjects - and every one “had been changed to eliminate the security
threat classification.” President Truman, who had explicitly ordered no committed Nazis to be admitted
under Project Paperclip, was evidently never aware that his directive had been violated.
Again, this is evidence of control at a level higher than the president.

By the late 1940s, the now-ascendant Cold War added new impetus. Potential intelligence assets were
recruited from all across Europe, many of them zealous Nazis who could be relied upon to be
anticommunists. In an effort to avoid the negative publicity that had burdened some of the early
Paperclip activities - some Americans just did not think it proper to bring former Nazis to the United
States and place them in responsible positions - JIOA officers began bringing Nazis from Argentina,
that haven for the Bormann organization.

According to Hunt, all of this activity was almost totally unknown to the public but rested in the hands of
certain top-ranking government officials like the Dulles brothers and John J. McCloy.
The agenda of the globalists was moving ahead.

Paperclip had several spin-off projects. Expanding on Paperclip, the National Interest program was
tightly connected to the new CIA and provided a means of bypassing close scrutiny by anti-Nazi
elements within military intelligence.
No longer were Nazi scientists the sole objective; recruitment of Nazis now included Eastern
Europeans thought to be helpful against the communists, and even convicted Nazi war criminals.
Anyone, regardless of their past, was eligible as long as someone within the U.S. government deemed
their presence in the national interest.
Linda Hunt wrote:
Prevailing myth has it that the first group in National Interest, the German scientists,
were employed solely because of their scientific expertise, but there were other
reasons as well. First, defense contractors and universities could hire German
scientists for substantially less money than they could American employees.
Salary statistics show that the Germans signed contracts for approximately $2,000 a
year less than their American counterparts received in comparable positions. Of
course, the Germans were unaware of the salary discrepancy, since they had earned
even less money in West Germany. The JIOA, however, took advantage of the
situation by promoting cheap salaries to convince corporations to participate in the
Second, because of the Joint Chiefs of Staff connection with the National Interest
project, German scientists could obtain necessary security clearances more easily
than could American scientists. Defense contractors looking for new employees to
work on classified projects found this aspect of National Interest to be particularly
By 1957, more than sixty companies were listed on JIOA’s rosters, including
Lockheed, W. R. Grace and Company, CBS Laboratories, and Martin Marietta...
National Interest placed German scientists at major universities in research or teaching positions,
regardless of their Nazi pasts.
Even the U.S. Office of Education helped JIOA send fliers to universities all over the country touting the
advantages of hiring the Germans on federally financed research projects, since they could obtain
security clearances more easily than Americans. The University of Texas, Washington University
School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and Boston University were among the participants.

It should be noted that Yale University, alma mater of the Bush and Harriman families and home of
Skull and Bones, also received Paperclip Nazis as employees.

Another program, code-named simply Project 63, was designed specifically to get German scientists
out of Europe and away from the Soviets.
“Most went to work for universities or defense contractors, not the U.S. government,”
noted Hunt.
“Thus the American taxpayer footed the bill for a project to help former Nazis obtain
jobs with Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other defense
contractors during a time when many American engineers in the aircraft industry were
being laid off .”
The Project 63 effort to import Nazis grew so public - in 1952, JIOA deputy director Air Force colonel
Gerold Crabbe and a gaggle of military officers, Paperclip members, and civilians journeyed to West
Germany on a recruitment drive - that even McCloy expressed concern over a “violent reaction” by
West German officials.
West Germans complained to U.S. ambassador James Conant, demanding that Paperclip be ended.
Conant appealed to then secretary of state John Foster Dulles to shut down Paperclip,
“before we are faced with a formal complaint by the West German government against
a continuing U.S. recruitment program which has no parallel in any other Allied
But the project was not stopped. As usual, there was simply a name change. Paperclip became the
Defense Scientists Immigration Program (DEFSIP). Conant may not have realized his appeal was
aimed at one of the architects of the very program he was trying to end.

As the Paperclip project began to lose momentum, yet another stimulus arose. On October 4, 1957,
the Russians launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth and the space race was on. The Nazi
scientists were in demand more than ever.

Paperclip again began to grow.

Specialists were imported from Germany, Austria, and other countries under Project 63 and National
Interest and gained positions at many universities and defense contractors, including Duke University,
RCA, Bell Laboratories, Douglas Aircraft , and Martin Marietta.
“Information about the number of defectors and other individuals brought in by the CIA
and military intelligence agencies is unknown, since JIOA records concerning them
were either shredded or pulled during the FBI’s investigation in 1964,” noted Hunt,
adding, “It had taken the greatest war in history to put a stop to an unspeakable evil,
and now the cutting edge of that nightmare was being transplanted to America.”
Interestingly, even as we were bringing foreign defectors into the USA, we discovered a traitor within
our own government.
Lieutenant Colonel William Henry Whalen, who from 1957 served as deputy director of JIOA, the
agency that commanded Paperclip, became the highest-ranking American ever recruited as a mole by
the Soviet intelligence service. Only four months after he began spying for the Soviets, Whalen was
promoted to the directorship of JIOA.
When arrested in 1962, Whalen was an intelligence adviser, which permitted him access to any
information pertaining to the Joint Chiefs of Staff planning and allocation of military forces, including
communications and electronic intelligence-gathering.

Whalen, who suffered from alcoholism and debt, was recruited by the Soviets in the mid-1950s by
Colonel Sergei Edemski, a loquacious Soviet military attaché in Washington, D.C.
Although it became publicly known that Whalen admitted providing the Communists with our utmost
secrets concerning U.S. nuclear weaponry and strategies, his connection with Paperclip was not
Yet, author Hunt raised a relevant question about Whalen by asking,
“Did he use blackmail to recruit a spy or saboteur from among the approximately 1,600
Paperclip specialists and hundreds of other JIOA recruits brought to this country since
1945? It certainly is clear from the evidence that many of them had a lot to hide.”
Though charged with espionage, in 1966 Whalen made a deal with the Justice Department, in which
he pled guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for his cooperation. Federal judge Oren Lewis, while
accusing Whalen of “selling me and all your fellow Americans down the river,” nevertheless sentenced
the spy to a mere fifteen years in prison.
He was paroled after serving only six years.

But it was not just homegrown spies like Whalen who were slipping information out of Paperclip.
Imported Nazis had every opportunity to pass national security information out of the country.
According to Hunt, there was no further army surveillance over the Nazi Paperclip specialists after just
four months of their signing a contract with the U.S. government.
Furthermore, anyone receiving any more than 50 percent support from a Paperclip specialist
constituted a “dependent,” according to their contracts.
“The large number of so- called dependents - including mistresses and maids -
brought to Fort Bliss [Texas] as a result of [this situation] were subject to no off-the-
post surveillance, even though it was assumed that they had access to at least some
classified information because of their close contact with Paperclip personnel,” wrote
Incidents of information being passed out of Paperclip were presented to authorities, yet nothing was
A Fort Bliss businessman reported Paperclip engineer Hans Lindenmayr to the FBI, claiming the
German had been using his business address as an illegal letter drop.
According to Hunt, at least three other Nazis maintained illegal mail drops in El Paso,
“where they received money from foreign or unknown sources and coded messages
from South America.”
It was also learned that many Paperclip Nazis received cash from foreign sources.
“Neither Army CIC not FBI agents knew where that money came from, and by all
appearances, no one cared to know how more than a third of the Paperclip group
suddenly were able to buy expensive cars,” noted Hunt.
When word was passed that Nazi scientists working for the French were suspected of receiving orders
from Germany to work toward a reemergence of the Reich, army intelligence officers finally began to
take a closer look at Paperclip. Amazingly, the biggest catch was Wernher von Braun. It was revealed
that at the end of the war, the rocket scientist had been caught sending a map overseas to General
Dornberger and concealing information from U.S. officials.
Further investigation revealed that Paperclip specialists were allowed to make unsupervised trips off
base and even out of town, the only requirement being that they report when they arrived at their
destination. Several had their own telephones that were never monitored.

President Truman was once notified by the CIA that the Nazi scientists working for the Soviets were
using a postal address in the U.S. sector of West Germany as a cover for communications with the
Paperclip scientists in America.
One General Electric manager working with Paperclip specialists told the FBI that the Army’s lax
security at White Sands Proving Grounds bordered on “criminal neglect,” especially since about 350 of
the Germans’ former coworkers were serving the Russians. He believed that it was reasonable to
assume that friendly contacts between the two groups still existed.

Apparently, overseas communication between the Nazis in America and the Nazis in Russia continued
unabated, which has raised the possibility of a parallel space race controlled or manipulated by the
very globalists who had created and financed both communism and the Third Reich.

Almost everyone who was of age in 1969 recalls vividly the pride and excitement of the U.S. Apollo
mission’s moon landing on July 20. It is difficult then for them to seriously consider the many
contradictions and anomalies of the six moon landings.
What may be even more difficult is to consider that the space race was never a true competition
between the United States and the former Soviet Union; rather, it was a combined space program run
by Nazi scientists and controlled by high-level globalists.

As the Allies closed in on Nazi Germany in the spring of 1945, top American commanders were given
orders to leave all the rockets and their plans at the Nazi facility at Nordhausen for the Russians.
However, some commanders unofficially absconded with about a hundred V-2s, along with a large
collection of plans, manuals, and other documents.
According to one American officer,
“We gave the Russians the key to Sputnik... [F]or ten weeks, the American army had
in its hands the rocket plant that gave the Russians their head start in the missile
Here was more evidence of the collusion taking place at the level of the globalists who were already
directing activities that would lead to the Cold War.

After the war, at NASA’s George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, the Nazi
rocket scientists established nearly a carbon copy of their organization at the wartime secret Nazi
rocket facility at Peenemunde.
According to Linda Hunt, James Webb, NASA administrator during the Kennedy years, complained
that the Nazi scientists were circumventing the system to the extent of attempting to build their own
Saturn V rocket in-house at the Marshall Center.
“... the Germans dominated the rocket program to such an extent that they held the
chief and deputy slots of every major division and laboratory. And their positions at
Marshall and the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, were similar to
those they had held during the war,” wrote Hunt.
“The Peenemunde team’s leader, Wernher von Braun, became the first director of the
Marshall Space Center; Mittlewerk’s head of production, Arthur Rudolph, was named
project director of the Saturn V rocket program; Peenemunde’s V-2 flight test director,
Kurt Debus, was the first director of the Kennedy Space Center.”
Rudolph, who gained American citizenship after entering the USA with his boss von Braun under the
program that was to become Paperclip, was credited with helping to place Americans on the moon.
He retired with a NASA pension in 1979 but was stripped of his American citizenship in 1983, after he
conceded to the Justice Department that he had,
“participated under the direction of and on behalf of the Nazi government of Germany,
in the persecution of unarmed civilians because of their race, religion, national origin,
or political opinion.”
However, a West German investigation of Rudolph stated there was no factual basis for charging him
with war crimes and granted him German citizenship.
Several Americans, including Lieutenant Colonel William E. Winterstein Sr., who was commander of
the Technical Service Unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, which supported the German scientists, claimed
Rudolph was railroaded by the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations, some members
of which “had the full cooperation of the Soviet Union; therefore, close coordination with the KGB.”

As recently released files from behind the Iron Curtain have revealed, many of the scientists in
Paperclip as well as some on the Manhattan Project indeed were spying for the Soviet Union. Their
motivations were many. Some spied for pay, some for ideology, but all were manipulated by
intelligence chiefs far above them.

The flow of information between the scientists in the Soviet Union and the United States has led some
researchers to suspect that a covert space program - a third program - was in effect.
Joseph P. Farrell, who holds a doctorate degree in patristics (the study of early christian writers and
their work) from the University of Oxford, also has researched ancient history and physics, to include
the space program.
In his 2004 book Reich of the Black Sun, Farrell wrote,
“[I]t is perhaps significant that some contemporary observers of the American space
program and its odd thirty-year-long ‘holding pattern’ and tapestry of inconsistencies,
lies and obfuscations have long suspected that there are indeed two space programs
inside the U.S. government, the public NASA one, and a quasi-independent one based
deep within covert and black projects.”
This idea is somewhat supported by the fact that the space programs of Russia and America moved
along different paths.
At the start, the Russians proved more capable of attaining space flight than the Americans. Under the
leadership of their brilliant engineer Sergei Korolev, the Russians produced giant heavy-lift rockets
while their American counterparts were busy developing the internal technology for guidance and

The Soviet Russians were first:

 to launch a satellite, Sputnik, into Earth’s orbit (1957)
 to orbit a man, Colonel Yuri Gagarin, and return him safely (1961)
 to place a live animal, the dog Laika (1957), and Valentina Tereshkova, the
first woman into orbit (1963)
 to land unmanned vehicles on the moon (1970)
 to conduct an extravehicular “space walk” by cosmonauts
 to place nuclear warheads on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM)
Both nations used captured Nazi V-2 rockets to begin their space programs. A common joke in the
1950s involved an argument between a Russian and an American.
“Our German scientists are better than your German scientists,” they shouted at each
Yet, the evidence indicates that the American rocket scientists were indeed placed into a holding
pattern while their Soviet counterparts caught up with their technology.
William E. Winterstein Sr., a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and one of the rocket engineers on
NASA’s Apollo team, noted in his 2002 book Gestapo USA,
“The space history of this country reveals that during the 1950s, the von Braun team
had developed a multistage rocket by adding solid propellant rocket stages to a
Redstone rocket as booster. In 1956, such a rocket with two solid stages made
successful high- speed rocket reentry tests with model warheads covered with ablative
heat protection.
With three solid stages, such a rocket could have placed a satellite into orbit more than
a year before the U.S. was defeated by Sputnik. However, and almost unbelievably,
the von Braun team was given direct orders from Washington to stop further
development. The team was restricted to the development of rockets whose range was
less than 200 miles.
It was only after President Kennedy announced the lunar mission in 1961 that the
German rocket team was finally released from agonizing bureaucratic blunders from
Washington, and was given a free hand, and even orders, to accomplish von Braun’s
lifelong goal to travel into space.”
It has been argued that a primary incentive of the German scientists was the sheer desire to continue
their work.
“Some of these would stop at nothing, even resorting to duping their colleagues and
superiors in order to ensure the continuance of their research,” commented British
authors Mary Bennett and David S. Percy.
However, in some cases, such as that of von Braun, the connection between the work and the Nazis
was close and continuous. Von Braun, the son of a well- connected Prussian minister who founded the
German Savings Bank, was brought into Germany’s rocket program by Luftwaffe general Walter
Dornberger, who, although charged as a war criminal for the rocket attacks on London and Antwerp,
was never brought to trial.
Instead, he came into the United States as part of Project Paperclip.
Likewise, von Braun, revered as the father of the U.S. space program, was found to have been a Nazi
Party member, a member of the SS with the rank of major, a friend to SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich
Himmler, and, according to Linda Hunt, was accused by survivors of the rocket factories at Mittlewerk
and Peenemunde of at least once ordering the execution of slave laborers.
Kurt Debus, who became the first director of the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, was both
a member of the Nazi SS and the SA. According to documents obtained by Hunt, in 1942 Debus
turned a colleague over to the Gestapo for making anti-Hitler remarks.

The Soviet manner of dealing with their Nazi scientists greatly differed from the laxity of Project
“With hindsight, it would seem that the Soviets demonstrated a more humanitarian
approach toward their technical prisoners than did the Americans,” noted Bennett and
“Moreover, the way in which the technical information was passed from teacher to
pupil was very different. The Soviet experts and the Germans worked side by side in
the same factory, but in separate areas. Information was passed between these teams
without the Germans ever meeting their Soviet counterparts. They only spoke directly
to Korolev, who was far curter with them than he had been in Bleicherode [the V-2 test
area in Germany’s Harz Mountains, where Korolev had first debriefed the scientists at
war’s end].”
Some serious researchers have opined that the space programs of both the USSR and the USA,
despite the political posturing, were actually the same program, one far ahead of the current joint
Russian-American space efforts such as the International Space Station.
“This [overall] project was conceived and designed as a collaboration between two
superpowers,” wrote Bennett and Percy.
“The Cold War was a convenient cover under which aspects of this program could be
implemented and hidden. All these machinations were orchestrated at the very highest
level, with only a select and hidden few ever knowing the overall objectives of the
As noted by Farrell,
“This, of course, implies some entity or agency of coordination existing both within the
Soviet Union and the United States.”
If this were so, who were these hidden manipulators?

To begin with, there were the German rocket scientists themselves. In 1945, Lieutenant Walter Jessel
was assigned to investigate how much trust to give the scientists before bringing them to America.
According to author Hunt, the lieutenant,
“uncovered evidence of a conspiracy among von Braun, Dornberger, and Dornberger’s
former chief of staff , Herbert Axster, to withhold information from U.S. officers.”
Secret codicils within the 1945 Yalta Agreement between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin allowed for
the partitioning of Europe between the Allied powers.

Dr. Wilhelm Voss, the former head of the Skoda Munitions Works in Pilsen, had handled much of the
material for Kammler’s Kammlerstab Special Projects Group. In May 1945, when elements of the
American Army arrived in the Czech city of Pilsen, Voss attempted to hand over a truckload of
Kammlerstab documents but was told by the commanding

U.S. officer that he was under orders to give everything to the Russians.
While entire German divisions were trying desperately to surrender to the Western Allies, it is well
known that Patton’s Third Army had reached the outskirts of Berlin before being ordered back a
hundred miles to await the arrival of the Russians, who were required to fight desperately for every
block of the city. Such a withdrawal is clear evidence of the deals being made at the highest levels.

As has been noted, there was communication between the two groups of Nazi scientists even though
they were half a world away from each other. This could have been facilitated by the interconnected
business and banking interests already described.

As detailed in the section “Communism versus National Socialism” the same Western bankers and
financiers who funded Hitler’s National Socialism also supported Communism in Russia. The U.S.
federal government’s leniency toward communism has been well documented, beginning with
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who began his career as a Wall Street attorney specializing in
corporate law.
Roosevelt echoed his Wall Street cronies’ warm regard for both Stalin and communism.
According to historian Thomas Fleming, the U.S. government was rife with globalist agents conveying
secrets back to Russia.
“There was scarcely a branch of the American government, including the War, Navy,
and Justice Departments, that did not have Soviet moles in high places, feeding
Moscow information. [William] Wild Bill Donovan’s Office of Strategic Services, the
forerunner of the CIA, had so many informers in its ranks, it was almost an arm of the
NKVD. Donovan’s personal assistant, Duncan Chaplin Lee, was a spy,” Fleming
Another possible crossing point for aerospace information may have been the British Interplanetary
Society (BIS), according to Bennett and Percy. While the BIS was reportedly created in September
1945 by combining several existing organizations interested in the future of space exploration, it was
not officially inaugurated until December of that year.

At that time, Wernher von Braun, the man behind the V-2 rockets, was named as an honorary fellow.
Arthur C. Clarke, an early member of the BIS, claimed the society had been in existence long before
the war and was merely in “suspended animation” from 1939 to 1945.

Noting that the Soviet embassy in London subscribed to no less than twenty copies of the bimonthly
BIS journal, Bennett and Percy asked,
“Why was it necessary to reform a society already in existence?
Why did the British hasten to grant such an award to the man who only nine months
before [as technical director of the Nazi V-1 and V-2 rocket programs], was
responsible for the annihilation of so many people in London and the Home Counties?
Why did both the British (and von Braun) wish to play down the real timing, if
everybody felt comfortable with the reasons for honoring [von Braun]?”
Their insinuation is that valuable rocket technology information was passed along via the BIS, possibly
with the approval of von Braun.

President Eisenhower, aware of the American public’s concern that the Soviets might be winning the
space race, ordered a Manhattan Project approach to the problem. This mandate resulted in a
structure that became compartmentalized and shrouded with secrecy. All relevant information was on a
strictly “need to know” basis, controlled by members of the self-styled globalist elite, the plutocrats who
owned the emerging multinational corporations.

To fully understand how this control over parallel space programs worked, one must look past the
Eisenhower administration and study the National Security Act of 1947.

On September 15 of that year - only three months after pilot Kenneth Arnold saw flying discs over
Mount Rainier, and just two months after something crashed near Roswell, New Mexico - President
Harry S. Truman signed into law the National Security Act of 1947, which, among other things, created
the National Security Council (NSC) and the Air Force as a separate branch of service, united the
military branches under a Department of Defense, and created America’s first peacetime civilian
intelligence organization, the Central Intelligence Agency.

An important example of the tight inner government control by secret society members may be found in
the NSC, which has come to dominate U.S. policy decisions, including the use of armed force. Most
Americans have no idea who exactly comprises the powerful NSC.
The council principals are the president, vice president, and secretaries of state and defense, positions
predominantly held throughout the later twentieth century by members of the globalist societies, the
Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission. The NSC staff is directed by the
president’s national security adviser.
To coordinate covert operations, the NSC created the 5412 Committee, also called the Special Group,
which has changed names several times to avoid public exposure. In 1964, it was known as the 303
Committee and in 1970 it was renamed the 40 Committee.
Within this organization - which included such familiar names as Nelson Rockefeller, Robert
McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray, and Allen Dulles - was a subcommittee dealing with
science and technology. It is here that the connection between the corporate and financial world and
government-held technological secrets may be found.
Here is centered control over rocketry, space, alternative energy sources, and even UFOs. And it is
here that researchers have tracked the mysterious group known as Majic Twelve, later known as
Majestic Twelve or simply MJ-12.

The MJ-12 issue was first publicly raised in 1984 when a TV producer and UFO researcher received
an undeveloped roll of 35-mm black-and-white film in his mail. The film contained eight pages of what
appeared to be official U.S. government documents stamped TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY and
dated November 18, 1952.
The pages were a “ briefing document” prepared for president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower,
concerning “Operation Majestic 12.” There has been ongoing controversy over the legitimacy of these
and the subsequent release of other MJ-12 documents, including a Standard Operations Manual (SOM
1-01) marked “Top Secret/MAJIC,” dated April 1954, and titled “Extraterrestrial Entities and
Technology, Recovery and Disposal.”

The documents listed twelve prominent men as members of Operation Majestic 12, “a TOP SECRET
Research and Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the President of the
United States,” who were to deal with the UFO issue at the highest level.
The papers went on to detail how a “secret operation” was begun on July 7, 1947, to recover the
wreckage of a disc- shaped craft from a crash site,
“approximately 75 miles northwest of Roswell Army Air Base.” Also, “four small
human-like beings [who] had apparently ejected from the craft ” were found dead
about two miles east of the wreckage site.
The document added,
“Civilian and military witnesses in the area were debriefed, and news reporters were
given the effective cover story that the object had been a misguided weather research
Later, when the weather balloon story became discredited, the story was changed to a Mogul balloon,
used to monitor the upper atmosphere for Soviet A-bomb testing, though why such a monitoring device
would be launched from New Mexico was never explained.

The “briefing” papers ended by stating,

“Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in that the motives
and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain completely unknown. In addition, a
significant upsurge in the surveillance activity of these craft beginning in May and
continuing through the autumn of [1952] has caused considerable concern that new
developments may be imminent.
It is for these reasons, as well as the obvious international and technological
considerations and the ultimate need to avoid a public panic at all costs, that the
Majestic-12 Group remains of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the strictest
security precautions should continue without interruption into the new administration.”
These MJ-12 documents created a storm of controversy within the UFO research community.
Debunkers claimed to have found all sorts of discrepancies - from misspellings to identical signatures.
However, no one has been able to definitively disprove all the MJ-12 documents as fakes and, in fact,
there is much evidence to indicate their authenticity.
For example, Dr. Robert M. Wood, who managed research and development at McDonnell Douglas
for forty-three years, found that the typeface and style of the SOM 1-01 manual matched that of U.S.
government printing presses in use during the 1950s.

If the information in the MJ-12 documents is proven correct, it is strong evidence that certain persons
within the United States had access to remarkable technology, both taken at Roswell and similar to
that described as being in Nazi hands toward the end of the war.

A cursory look at the men identified as the original MJ-12 group, as well as their corporate and
intelligence connections, makes clear the potential for high-level control over exotic technology -
groundbreaking technology that could upset the monopolies over energy, transportation, and
communications held by the wealthy globalists who financed Hitler.
As listed in the documents, MJ-12 members included:
 Administrator Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, a 1919 graduate of the Naval Academy, who was
familiar with both intelligence work and the Nazis, having worked undercover for a year in
Vichy, France.
After serving as the third director of Central Intelligence Group, he became the first director of
the CIA upon its formation in September 1947, obviously a good choice for a top- secret group
like MJ-12.
After his retirement from government, Hillenkoetter joined the National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), a private UFO group, and stated publicly that
UFOs were real and “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the
unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
 Dr. Vannevar Bush, an eminent American scientist, who in 1941 organized the National
Defense Research Council, and in 1943 the Office of Scientific Research and Development
that led to the production of the first atomic bomb. Dr. Bush was another prime candidate for a
high-level group dealing with space.
He also was a close friend to Averell Harriman, the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, who
had ownership in Union Banking Corporation along with Prescott Bush. (It is reported that
Vannevar Bush was unrelated to the political Bush family.)
In 1949, the U.S. Intelligence Board asked Bush to study ways of combining intelligence from
all agencies. Bush’s plan was initiated by America’s first secretary of defense, James V.
Forrestal, who also is listed as an MJ-12 member. Bush’s connections to the corporate world
were deep and many. In 1922, Bush, along with his former roommate Laurence K. Marshall
and scientist Charles G. Smith, formed American Appliance Company, today known as the
powerful Raytheon Corporation heralded in its company literature as an “industry leader in
defense and government electronics, space, information technology, technical services and
business aviation and special mission aircraft.”
Bush joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a professor in 1919, and in
1936 was awarded a major grant by the Rockefeller Foundation. His work during World War II
resulted in the development of the Rockefeller Differential Analyzer, an analog mainframe
computer composed of 2,000 vacuum tubes and 150 motors.
Bush also served on the board of directors of the Metals and Controls Corporation, which in
1959 merged with Texas Instruments to become the first U.S. government–approved fabricator
of uranium rods. Bush also was a presence in the corporate world of pharmaceuticals,
eventually becoming chairman of the board of Merck and Company, one of the world’s most
powerful drug companies. Merck has been among the leaders in researching the human
genome, the DNA structure that forms cells into humans.
Bush also was connected to the Carnegie wealth, serving as president of the Carnegie
Institute from 1935 to 1955.
 James V. Forrestal, who, prior to World War I, was a bond salesman for William A. Read and
Company, later to become Dillon, Read and Company. After the war, he returned to Read and
Company and by 1937 was named president.
This was at a time when Dillon and Read were the most profitable of all Wall Street syndicate
managers handling German industrial issues in the U.S. capital market. In 1957, Fortune
magazine named Clarence Dillon as one of the wealthiest men in America, with a fortune
estimated to have been between $150 and $200 million.
Russell A. Nixon, the young attorney for the U.S. Military Government Cartel Unit who tried to
break up the Nazi corporate syndicates at the end of the war, was blocked in his efforts by
Brigadier General William H. Draper, who along with Forrestal was an officer of Dillon and
According to Sutton,
“Banker William Draper, as Brigadier General William Draper, put his control
team together from businessmen who had represented American business in
prewar Germany.”
Forrestal also sat on the board of General Aniline and Film (GAF), a subsidiary of I.G. Farben
with 91.5 percent ownership by the brother-in-law of Farben chairman Hermann Schmitz.
Heading GAF was Rudolf Ilgner, who near the outbreak of war offered the U.S. Army Agfa film
at a low price for photographing the Panama Canal and other defense installations.
“Ilgner has a sense of humor,” noted Charles Higham, the New York Times
writer who traced the Nazi- American money plot in his 1983 book Trading
with the Enemy.
“He gave the American government copies of the movies and still photographs
and kept the originals, which were shipped via the Hamburg-Amerika
steamship line [partly owned by Prescott Bush]. The president of this company
was Julius P. Meyer, head of the Board of Trade for German-American
Commerce, whose chairman was - Rudolf Ilgner.”
Forrestal became secretary of defense in July 1947 - the time of the Roswell incident - but
resigned in March 1949, a month before he reportedly committed suicide at Bethesda Naval
Hospital. He claimed he was being followed by Zionist agents.
His MJ-12 position was permanently filled by General Walter B. Smith.

 General Walter Bedell Smith, who had been Eisenhower’s chief of staff and former U.S.
ambassador to Moscow, replacing Averell Harriman. In 1950, Smith replaced Admiral
Hillenkoetter as Director of Central Intelligence. Most intriguing was Smith’s close relationship
as friend and business partner with Prince Bern-hard of the Netherlands, the former SS officer
who, with Smith’s help, founded the secretive Bilderberg Group.
Before leaving for En gland prior to hostilities, the German-born Bernhard was employed in
I.G. Farben’s Intelligence Department, NM7.
 General Nathan F. Twining, commander of the Air Material Command based at Wright-
Patterson, who was already heavily involved in the UFO issue by the time of MJ-12. He had
canceled a scheduled trip on July 8, 1947, “due to a very important and sudden matter.” This
was the day the Roswell Air Base press release regarding the recovery of a flying saucer was
UFO researcher William Moore claimed that Twining actually made a two-day trip to New
Mexico. On September 23, 1945, just as the air force became a separate service, Twining sent
a letter to the chief of staff of the Army Air Force, Brigadier General George Schulgen, who
had requested information on “flying discs.” In a letter stamped SECRET, Twining began by
stating without equivocation, “The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or
He recommended that a permanent group be established to study UFOs.

 General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, a West Point graduate and military man, who served as U.S. Air
Force chief of staff and Director of Central Intelligence. As a named MJ-12 member,
Vanderberg did not appear to have solid Wall Street connections.
However, he was a close relative to the powerful U.S. senator Arthur Vandenberg, who served
as president pro tempore of the Senate, third in line of succession to the presidency, and
chaired the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Vandenberg also participated in
the creation of the United Nations. In January 1945 the senator made headlines by announcing
his conversion from isolationism to internationalism. As such, he orchestrated bipartisan
support for the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.
The “Vandenberg Resolution,” passed by the Senate in 1948, paved the way for mutual Allied
security through the creation of NATO. In the early 1950s, it was General Vandenberg who
ordered the destruction of the original Project Sign Air Force report stating that UFOs were
Many UFO researchers believe Vandenberg’s role was to maintain security for MJ-12.
 Dr. Detlev Bronk, a physiologist and biophysicist with international credentials, who chaired the
National Research Council and was a member of the medical advisory board of the Atomic
Energy Commission. From 1953 until 1968, he was president of the Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research, during which time he was given a $600,000 mansion.
Bronk maintained a long correspondence with Vannevar Bush and also was on the Scientific
Advisory Committee of the Brookhaven National Laboratory along with Dr. Edward Condon,
who later debunked UFOs in a major UFO study for the Air Force.

 Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, an aircraft designer, who chaired the departments of mechanical and
aeronautical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
In 1933, the year Hitler came to power, Hunsaker became vice president of the Goodyear-
Zeppelin Corporation, which manufactured airships that off ered passenger flights to various
countries, including Germany, Brazil, and the USA. It should be noted that less than three
months after the 1984 death of Dr. Hunsacker, the last survivor of those named in the MJ-12
documents, the disputed documents suddenly arrived at the home of a UFO researcher.
Many feel Hunsacker’s death may have signaled to someone in the official world that it was
now permissible to leak the MJ-12 Eisenhower briefing document.
 Sidney W. Souers, a retired rear admiral who in 1946 became the first Director of Central
Intelligence, appointed by President Truman. He was executive secretary to the National
Security Council in 1947 and remained a special consultant on security matters for a time after
leaving that post. Souers also had a lifelong connection to American corporate business.
Between 1920 and his death in 1973, Souers held executive positions in the Mortgage and
Securities Company of New Orleans, First Joint Stock Land Bank, the Canal Bank and Trust
Company of New Orleans, the Aviation Company, and the General American Life Insurance
 Gordon Gray, an heir to the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company fortune, who was assistant
secretary of the army in 1947, became secretary of the army in 1949, and a year later was
named a special assistant on national security affairs to President Truman. After that, Gray
was named director of the government’s Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), established in
1951 to undertake disinformation and psychological warfare against enemies.
During his stint on the PSB, Gray’s chief consultant was Henry Kissinger, who was also a paid
consultant to the Rockefellers. According to one source, Gray directed a psychological strategy
study of UFOs, consulted by CIA director Walter B. Smith. Gray was also a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations from the Truman through the Ford administrations.
He also was chairman of the board for the communications companies Piedmont Publishing
Company, Triangle Broadcasting Company, and Summit Communications.
 Dr. Donald Menzel, a director of the Harvard College Observatory, a respected astronomer who
led a double life. He became a widely known debunker of UFOs after writing three books in
which he explained away most reports and dismissed others, saying, “All non-explained
sightings are from poor observers.”
However, physicist Stanton Friedman, after studying Menzel’s unpublished biography and
interviewing his widow, discovered that Menzel had been a covert consultant for both the CIA
and the NSA with a top-secret ultra security clearance.
This was verified in a letter Menzel wrote to President John F. Kennedy, in which he
mentioned his intelligence work stating,
“I have been associated with this activity for almost thirty years and probably
have the longest continuous record of association with them.”
Menzel also worked closely with the State Department, especially on Latin American affairs.
Just before the outbreak of World War II, Menzel unsuccessfully tried to interest the
Rockefeller Foundation and Howard Hughes in funding a high- altitude observatory at Boulder,
In Menzel we find a man who, while publicly known simply as a notable astronomer, had
intriguing and high-level intelligence connections.

 General Robert M. Montegue, a military man with no known corporate links, who nevertheless
was the base commander of Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas, in 1947, during the time the
Paperclip scientists worked there.
He also served as director of the Anti- aircraft and Guided Missile Branch of the army’s Artillery
School as well as commanding general of the Sandia Atomic Energy Commission facility in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, from July 1947 to February 1951. His responsibilities included
security at the White Sands Proving Ground.
Montegue was at the center of the controversies concerning both the Roswell crash and the
Paperclip scientists.
 Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, who worked under Vannevar Bush as executive secretary of the Joint
Research and Development Board in 1946 and headed a study that resulted in the creation of
the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group. Berkner was also a member of the 1952 CIA-
sponsored panel headed by Dr. H. P. Robertson, which deflected public attention away from
UFOs by concluding that they did not constitute any direct threat to national security.
Berkner was also president of Associated Universities, Incorporated (AUI), established in 1946
to “acquire, plan, construct and operate laboratories and other facilities that would unite the
resources of universities, other research organizations, and the federal government.” Funding
for the AUI came from such luminary institutions as Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, and
One of the institutions closely connected to the AUI is Brookhaven National Laboratory on
Long Island, long-rumored to be involved with both defense weaponry and UFOs.

These distinguished men appeared to have two things in common -  they were all connected to the
highest levels of the national security as well as American corporate business. They were also all dead
at the time the MJ-12 papers surfaced, thus unable to answer any questions about their role, if any, in
such a group.

The agenda of this control group may have been best expressed by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson
who, speaking to the Senate Democratic Caucus on January 7, 1958, stated,
“Control of space means control of the world... From space, the masters of infinity
would have the power to control the Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to
change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change
the climate to frigid... There is something more powerful than the ultimate weapon.
That is the ultimate position - the position of total control over the Earth that lies
somewhere in outer space... And if there is an ultimate position, then our national goal
and the goal of all free men must be to win and hold that position.”
Johnson, who in 1954 became the youngest Senate majority leader in U.S. history, was in a position to
serve those in both the military and the corporations. In 2007, President George W. Bush echoed
Johnson’s remarks by calling for new space missions and the weaponization of space.

ADDING TO JOHNSON’S puzzling statement about “the masters of infinity” are facts indicating an
astounding connection between the well- documented occultism of the Nazis, the NASA space
program, and the Soviet space program.

Richard C. Hoagland, a former science adviser to Walter Cronkite and CBS News during the Apollo
program, astounded conspiracy researchers in the 1990s with his assertion that the time and date of
many NASA space launches, including the Apollo moon missions, were set to coincide with
astrological alignments of the stars and planets.
In 1992, Hoagland briefed UN officials on the mathematical and geometric linkage connecting the
sitting of “Cydonia” on Mars, the location of the Martian “Pyramids” and “Face,” with the Egyptian
location of the pyramids and sphinx on Earth.
“This remarkable new evidence that ‘all is not as we have thought regarding NASA’ is
distinctly different from the official NASA imagery that [I have] been analyzing for
almost fifteen years,” reported Hoagland.
“This new evidence is of a ‘pattern’ [shown by] an official, undeniable log of NASA
mission planning, mission priorities, and space agency decisions extending back to
when the agency was officially formed by Act of Congress on July 29, 1958. This log
has been carefully compiled from recorded network mission broadcasts from, among
others, ‘my’ old network - CBS; officially published NASA mission time lines; and
documented testimonials of former NASA scientists.”
According to Hoagland, these cross-correlated public records now provide firm evidence of an
astonishing, official link between NASA’s supposedly strictly “scientific” missions and millennia-old
occult beliefs.
In fact, the original official NASA Apollo Lunar Program logo of the 1960s clearly depicted the “belt” in
the constellation of Orion, long thought to represent Osiris, a central figure in Egyptian celestial
“Curiously, immediately after the Apollo 13 ‘accident,’ NASA quietly changed this
official Apollo program logo - adding random stars to the existing constellation, thereby
cleverly obscuring its direct derivation from Orion,” noted Hoagland.
He concluded that the extraordinarily complex and expensive mission-planning for the entire Apollo
Lunar Program, far from being merely “represented” by this “interesting” Egyptian mythological
connection, was in fact completely controlled by, and designed around, this crucial Orion symbolism.
In other words, someone with enough authority to set the launch date and time for an Apollo space
mission, as well as many others, was guided by the astrological alignment of the stars and planets
rather than an objective scientific basis.
This occult aspect has been kept carefully hidden not only from the American taxpayers, who paid for
these missions, but from the vast majority of NASA personnel as well.
"[I]magine the astonishment that you would feel if you learned that Apollo 11’s historic
lunar touchdown... took place at the one location on the entire lunar surface -
Tranquillity - and within minutes out of an entire solar year (8:17 P.M. GMT, July 20,
1969), where and when Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and the central stellar
figure, Isis, in the Egyptian triumvirate of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, could have been seen
hovering above the airless Eastern horizon - precisely at 19.5 degrees elevation!" said
Yet, this is exactly what happened.

Mary Ann Weaver, a former Boeing engineer and computer professional, was intrigued by the data
produced by Hoagland and his associate Michael Bara.
As a former researcher with the antenna division of Boeing, she was experienced in 3-D computer
modeling, computational analysis, and developing equations and analytic methods for problem-solving.
Weaver set out to confirm or deny the findings of Hoagland and Bara.

After a careful study of their data, Weaver concluded that the star alignments for the mission activities
and launches did not happen by accident.
“[T]hey must happen by design,” she stated. “To try and explain them via random
processes results in odds of billions to one. I would not bet on the ‘random’ side of
these kind of odds.”
“The significance of these findings is [that] I have shown there to be a pattern
throughout eighty- two launches that were part of the Apollo preparation phase - and
Apollo itself. Additionally, I have shown that the Apollo missions follow this same
pattern on a day-to- day, mission- activities level, which is even more improbable
because of its consistency with the launch data.
Furthermore, it is improbable that the frequency of these stellar alignments are [sic]
tied to weather or lighting conditions, because of the fact that they occur for a variety of
mission events, even those that do not require specific lighting or weather conditions,”
she concluded.
Michael Bara pointed to a disturbing similarity with Russian space flights.
He noticed that the launch of the first module for the new International Space Station was launched
from the Baikonur Cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan, now an independent nation that borders
Russia and the Caspian Sea, and was apparently designed to coincide with a number of the significant
celestial alignments already found in NASA’s long-established ritual pattern.
This would indicate some connection between the former Soviet space program and NASA, perhaps
through the Nazi scientists working in both.

After studying the August 1998 mission, Bara noted,

“[The module] Zarya, which translates into ‘sunrise’ or ‘rising sun’ in English, was
launched from pad 333 at its precisely scheduled time despite Russian requests to
have the launch delayed. NASA, citing a number of minor technical considerations,
refused the Russian request and the launch went off as originally scheduled and was
witnessed by NASA administrator Dan Goldin.
Considering that the [International Space Station] program was already a year behind
schedule, another minor delay would not, despite NASA protestations to the contrary,
have led to a significant problem. Only when you consider the symbolic significance of
the moment does this steadfast insistence make sense.”
It is not necessary for one to believe in astrology. The point is that someone high enough in power in
the U.S. government - and, apparently, in Russia - to be able to order the dates and times of space
missions does believe in such things.
Is this evidence of Nazi occultism in our space program?

President John F. Kennedy may have been aware of a parallel space program and decided to make it
public policy. On November 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination, he instructed NASA
administrator James Webb to develop a program of “joint space and lunar exploration” with the Soviet
Union. This proposal, which may startle Americans today, was verified by Sergei Khruschev, the eldest
son of the former Russian premier, in 1997.
The importance of Kennedy’s step toward reconciliation with the Soviet Union and his control over
NASA will become apparent in the upcoming chapter, “Kennedy and the Nazis.”
 Who would have wanted to stop joint U.S.-Soviet space missions that might
have ended the Cold War in the early 1960s?
 And who has been orchestrating the launches of space missions in both the
United States and Russia with an eye toward occult astrological alignments?
 Does this mean that someone with the power to set space mission launches in
both nations truly believes in the power of the position of the stars?
 And whom did Johnson mean by the “masters of infinity”?
Strong evidence suggests they may well be the subject of this book - those global National Socialists
and their minions, who have a goal of controlling the entire world.
Nicholas “Nick” Rockefeller, a participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on
Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies, may have revealed the overall
globalist agenda when he said,
“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the
bankers and the elite people control the world.”
But this control goes far beyond military and space hardware.
In modern warfare, there is also the struggle for control over the hearts and minds of whole
populations, whether by psychological or chemical means.
Return to Project Paperclip

From: Whiteout
from MindControlForum Website
In the wake of Gary Webb’s articles, nothing more enraged the CIA’s defenders than the charges that in
its dealings with crack entrepreneurs the Agency might have deliberately targeted poor black and Latino
communities in the inner cities as a covert attempt at social control. As we have seen, CIA director John
Deutch traveled to South Central Los Angeles to face a furious black audience and deny in the
strongest terms any such suggestion. Some of the most effective attacks on Webb were couched not in
substantive challenges to his account, but in imputations that he was cynically fanning "black paranoia"
and engaging in irresponsible conspiracy-mongering.

The bleak truth is that a careful review of the activities of the CIA and the organizations from which it
sprang reveals an intense preoccupation with the development of techniques of behavior control,
brainwashing, and covert medical and psychic experimentation on unwitting subjects including religious
sects, ethnic minorities, prisoners, mental patients, soldiers and the terminally ill. The rationale for such
activities, the techniques and indeed the human subjects chosen show an extraordinary and chilling
similarity to Nazi experiments. This similarity becomes less surprising when we trace the determined
and often successful efforts of US intelligence officers to acquire the records of Nazi experiments, and in
many cases to recruit the Nazi researchers themselves and put them to work, transferring the
laboratories from Dachau, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Auschwitz and Buchenwald to Edgewood
Arsenal, Fort Detrick, Huntsville Air Force Base, Ohio State, and the University of Washington.

As Allied forces crossed the English Channel during the D-Day invasion of June 1944, some 10,000
intelligence officers known as T-Forces were right behind the advance battalions. Their mission: seize
munitions experts, technicians, German scientists and their research materials, along with French
scientists who had collaborated with the Nazis. Soon a substantial number of such scientists had been
picked up and placed in an internment camp known as the Dustbin. In the original planning for the
mission a prime factor was the view that German military equipment - tanks, jets, rocketry and so forth -
was technically superior and that captured scientists, technicians and engineers could be swiftly
debriefed in an effort by the Allies to catch up.

Then, in December 1944, Bill Donovan, head of the OSS, and Allen Dulles, OSS head of intelligence
operations in Europe operating out of Switzerland, strongly urged FDR to approve a plan allowing Nazi
intelligence officers, scientists and industrialists to be,
"given permission for entry into the United States after the war and the placing of their
earnings on deposit in an American bank and the like."
FDR swiftly turned the proposal down, saying,
"We expect that the number of Germans who are anxious to save their skins and
property will rapidly increase. Among them may be some who should properly be tried
for war crimes, or at least arrested for active participation in Nazi activities. Even with
the necessary controls you mention, I am not prepared to authorize the giving of
But this presidential veto was a dead letter even as it was being formulated. Operation Overcast was
certainly under way by July 1945, approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to bring into the US 350 German
scientists, including Werner Von Braun and his V2 rocket team, chemical weapons designers, and
artillery and submarine engineers. There had been some theoretical ban on Nazis being imported, but
this was as empty as FDR’s edict. The Overcast shipment included such notorious Nazis and SS
officers as Von Braun, Dr. Herbert Axster, Dr. Arthur Rudolph and Georg Richkey.

Von Braun’s team had used slave labor from the Dora concentration camp and had worked prisoners to
death in the Mitteiwerk complex:
more than 20,000 had died from exhaustion and starvation. The supervising
slavemaster was Richkey. In retaliation against sabotage in the missile plant - prisoners
would urinate on electrical equipment, causing spectacular malfunctions - Richkey
would hang them twelve at a time from factory cranes, with wooden sticks shoved into
their mouths to muffle their cries. In the Dora camp itself he regarded children as
useless mouths and instructed the SS guards to club them to death, which they did.
This record did not inhibit Richkey’s speedy transfer to the United States, where he was deployed at
Wright Field, an Army Air Corps base near Dayton, Ohio. Richkey went to work overseeing security for
dozens of other Nazis now pursuing their researches for the United States. He was also assigned the
task of translating all of the records from the Mitteiwerk factory. He thus had the opportunity, which he
used to the utmost, to destroy any material compromising to his colleagues and himself. By 1947 there
was enough public disquiet, stimulated by the columnist Drew Pearson, to require a pro forma war
crimes trial for Richkey and a few others. Richkey was sent back to West Germany and put through a
secret trial supervised by the US Army, which had every reason to clear Richkey since conviction would
disclose that the entire Mittelwerk team now in the US had been accomplices in the use of slavery and
the torture and killing of prisoners of war, and thus were also guilty of war crimes. The army therefore
sabotaged Richkey’s trial by withholding records now in the US and also by preventing any interrogation
of Von Braun and others from Dayton: Richkey was acquitted. Because some of the trial materials
implicated Rudolph, Von Braun and Walter Domberger, however, the entire record was classified and
held secret for forty years, thus burying evidence that could have sent the entire rocket team to the

Senior officers of the US Army knew the truth. Initially the recruitment of German war criminals was
justified as necessary to the continuing war against Japan. Later, moral justification took the form of
invoking "intellectual reparations" or as the Joint Chiefs of Staff put it, as "a form of exploitation of
chosen rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use." Endorsement for this
repellent posture came from a panel of the National Academy of Sciences, which adopted the collegial
position that German scientists had somehow evaded the Nazi contagion by being "an island of
nonconformity in the Nazified body politic," a statement that Von Braun, Richkey and the other slave
drivers must have deeply appreciated.

By 1946 a rationale based on Cold War strategy was becoming more important. Nazis were needed in
the struggle against Communism, and their capabilities certainly had to be withheld from the Soviets. In
September 1946 President Harry Truman approved the Dulles-inspired Paperclip project, whose
mission was to bring no less than 1,000 Nazi scientists to the United States. Among them were many of
the vilest criminals of the war: there were doctors from Dachau concentration camp who had killed
prisoners by putting them through high altitude tests, who had frozen their victims and given them
massive doses of salt water to research the process of drowning. There were the chemical weapons
engineers such as Kurt Blome, who had tested Sarin nerve gas on prisoners at Auschwitz. There were
doctors who instigated battlefield traumas by taking women prisoners at Ravensbruck and filling their
wounds with gangrene cultures, sawdust, mustard gas, and glass, then sewing them up and treating
some with doses of sulfa drugs while timing others to see how long it took for them to develop lethal
cases of gangrene.

Among the targets of the Paperclip recruitment program were HerMann Becker-Freyseng and
Konrad Schaeffer, authors of the study "Thirst and Thirst Quenching in Emergency Situations at Sea."
The study was designed to devise ways to prolong the survival of pilots downed over water. To this end
the two scientists asked Heinrich Himmler for "forty healthy test subjects" from the SS chief’s network
of concentration camps, the only debate among the scientists being whether the research victims should
be Jews, gypsies or Communists. The experiments took place at Dachau. These prisoners, most of
them Jews, had salt water forced down their throats through tubes. Others had salt water injected
directly into their veins. Half of the subjects were given a drug called berkatit, which was supposed to
make salt water more palatable, though both scientists suspected that the berkatit itself would prove
fatally toxic within two weeks. They were correct. During the tests the doctors used long needles to
extract liver tissue. No anesthetic was given. All the research subjects died. Both Becker-Freyseng and
Schaeffer received long-term contracts under Paperclip; Schaeffer ended up in Texas, where he
continued his research into "thirst and desalinization of salt water."

Becker-Freyseng was given the responsibility of editing for the US Air Force the massive store of
aviation research conducted by his fellow Nazis. By this time he had been tracked down and brought to
trial at Nuremberg. The multivolume work, entitled German Aviation Medicine: World War II, was
eventually published by the US Air Force, complete with an introduction written by Becker-Freyseng
from his Nuremberg jail cell. The work neglected to mention the human victims of the research, and
praised the Nazi scientists as sincere and honorable men "with a free and academic character"
laboring under the constraints of the Third Reich.

One of their prominent colleagues was Dr. Sigmund Rascher, also assigned to Dachau. In 1941
Rascher informed Himmler of the vital need to conduct high-altitude experiments on human subjects.
Rascher, who had developed a special low-pressure chamber during his tenure at the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute, asked Dimmer for permission to have delivered into his custody "two or three professional
criminals," a Nazi euphemism for Jews, Russian prisoners of war and members of the Polish
underground resistance. Himmler quickly assented and Rascher’s experiments were under way within
a month.

Rascher’s victims were locked inside his low-pressure chamber, which simulated altitudes of up to
68,000 feet. Eighty of the human guinea pigs died after being kept inside for half an hour without
oxygen. Dozens of others were dragged semi-conscious from the chamber and immediately drowned in
vats of ice water. Rascher quickly sliced open heir heads to examine how many blood vessels in the
brain had burst due to air embolisms. Rascher filmed these experiments and the autopsies, sending the
footage along with his meticulous notes back to Himmler,
"Some experiments gave men such pressure in their heads that they would go mad and
pull out their hair in an effort to relieve such pressure," Rascher wrote. "They would tear
at their heads and faces with their hands and scream in an effort to relieve pressure on
their eardrums."
Rascher’s records were scooped up by US intelligence agents and delivered to the Air Force.

The US intelligence officials viewed the criticism of people like Drew Pearson with disdain. Bosquet
Wev, head of JOIA, dismissed the scientists’ Nazi past as "a picayune detail"; continuing to condemn
them for their work for Hitler and Himmler was simply "beating a dead horse." Playing on American
fears about Stalin’s intentions in Europe, Wev argued that leaving the Nazi scientists in Germany,
"presents a far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliation they
may have had or even any Nazi sympathies which they may still have."
A similar pragmatism was expressed by one of Wev’s colleagues, Colonel Montie Cone, head of G-2’s
exploitation division.
"From a military point of view, we knew that these people were invaluable to us," Cone
said. "Just think what we have from their research all of our satellites, jet aircraft,
rockets, almost everything else."
The US intelligence agents were so entranced with their mission that they went to extraordinary lengths
to protect their recruits from criminal investigators at the US Department of Justice. One of the more
despicable cases was that of Nazi aviation researcher Emil Salmon, who during the war had helped set
fire to a synagogue filled with Jewish women and children. Salmon was sheltered by US officials at
Wright Air Force Base in Ohio after being convicted of crimes by a denazification court in Germany.

Nazis were not the only scientists sought out by US intelligence agents after the end of World War II. In
Japan the US Army put on its payroll Dr. Shiro Ishii, the head of the Japanese Imperial Army’s bio
warfare unit. Dr. Ishii had deployed a wide range of biological and chemical agents against Chinese and
Allied troops, and had also operated a large research center in Manchuria, where he conducted bio
weapons experiments on Chinese, Russian and American prisoners of war. Ishii infected prisoners with
tetanus; gave them typhoid-laced tomatoes; developed plague-infected fleas; infected women with
syphilis; and exploded germ bombs over dozens of POWs tied to stakes. Among other atrocities, Ishii’s
records show that he often performed "autopsies" on live victims. In a deal hatched by General Douglas
MacArthur, Ishii turned over more than 10,000 pages of his "research findings" to the US Army,
avoided prosecution for war crimes and was invited to lecture at Ft. Detrick, the US Army bio-weapons
research center near Frederick, Maryland.

Under the terms of Paperclip there was fierce competition not only between the wartime allies but also
between the various US services - always the most savage form of combat. Curtis LeMay saw his new-
minted US Air Force as certain to prompt the navy’s virtual extinction and thought this process would be
speeded if he were able to acquire as many German scientists and engineers as possible. For its part,
the US Navy was equally eager to snare its measure of war criminals. One of the first men picked up by
the navy was a Nazi scientist named Theordore Benzinger. Benzinger was an expert on battlefield
wounds, expertise he gained through explosive experiments conducted on human subjects during the
waning stages of World War II. Benzinger ended up with a lucrative government contract working as a
researcher at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.

Through its Technical Mission in Europe, the navy was also hot on the trail of state-of-the-art Nazi
research into interrogation techniques. The Navy’s intelligence officers soon came across Nazi research
papers on truth serums, this research having been conducted at Dachau concentration camp by Dr.
Kurt Plotner. Plotner had given Jewish and Russian prisoners high doses of mescalin and had watched
them display schizophrenic behavior. The prisoners began to talk openly of their hatred of their German
captors, and to make confessional statements about their psychological makeup.

American intelligence officers took a professional interest in Dr. Plotner’s reports. OSS, Naval
Intelligence and security personnel on the Manhattan Project had long been conducting their own
investigations into what was known as TD, or "truth drug." As will be recalled from the description in
Chapter 5 of OSS officer George Hunter White’s use of THC on the Mafioso Augusto Del Gracio, they
had been experimenting with TDs beginning in 1942. Some of the first subjects were people working on
the Manhattan Project. The THC doses were administered to targets within the Manhattan Project in
varied ways, with a liquid THC solution being injected into food and drinks, or saturated on a paper
"TD appears to relax all inhibitions and to deaden the areas of the brain which govern
the individual’s discretion and caution" the Manhattan security team excitedly reported
in an internal memo. "It accentuates the senses and makes manifest any strong
characteristic of the individual."
But there was a problem. The doses of THC made the subjects throw up and the interrogators could
never get the scientists to divulge any information, even with extra concentrations of the drug.

Reading Dr. Plotner’s reports the US Naval Intelligence officers discovered he had experimented with
some success with mescalin as a speech - and even truth-inducing drug, enabling interrogators to
extract "even the most intimate secrets from the subject when questions were cleverly put." Plotner also
reported researches into mescalin’s potential as an agent of behavioral modification or mind control.

This information was of particular interest to Boris Pash, one of the more sinister figures in the CIA cast
of characters in this early phase. Pash was a Russian émigré to the United States who had gone
through the revolutionary years at the birth of the Soviet Union. In World War II he ended up working for
OSS overseeing security for the Manhattan Project, where, among other activities, he supervised the
investigation into Robert Oppenheimer and was the prime interrogator of the famous atomic scientist
when the latter was under suspicion of helping leak secrets to the Soviet Union.

In his capacity as head of security Pash had supervised OSS officer George Hunter White’s use of
THC on Manhattan Project scientists. In 1944 Pash was picked by Donovan to head up what was
called the Alsos Mission, designed to scoop up German scientists who had been involved in atomic,
chemical and biological weapons research. Pash set up shop at the house of an old prewar friend, Dr.
Eugene von Haagen, a professor at the University of Strasburg, where many Nazi scientists had been
faculty members. Pash had met von Haagen when the doctor was on sabbatical at Rockefeller
University in New York, researching tropical viruses. When von Haagen returned to Germany in the late
1930s he and Kurt Blome became joint heads of the Nazis’ biological weapons unit.

Von Haagen spent much of the war infecting Jewish inmates at the Natzweiler concentration camp with
diseases including spotted fever. Undeterred by the wartime activities of his old friend, Pash
immediately put von Haagen into the Paperclip program, where he worked for the US government for
five years providing expertise in germ weapons research. Von Haagen put Pash in touch with his
former colleague Blome, who was also speedily enlisted in the Paperclip program. There was an
inconvenient hiatus when Blome was arrested and tried at Nuremberg for medical war crimes,
including the deliberate infecting of hundreds of prisoners from the Polish underground with TB and
bubonic plague. But fortunately for the Nazi man of science, US Army Intelligence and the OSS withheld
incriminating documents they had acquired through their interrogation. The evidence would not only
have demonstrated Blome’s guilt but also his supervising role in constructing a German CBW lab to test
chemical and biological weapons for use on Allied troops. Blome got off.

In 1954, two months after Blome’s acquittal, US intelligence officers journeyed to Germany to interview
him. In a memo to his superiors, H. W. Batchelor described the purpose of this pilgrimage:
"We have friends in Germany, scientific friends, and this is an opportunity to enjoy
meeting them to discuss our various problems."
At the session Blome gave Batchelor a list of the biological weapons researchers who had worked for
him during the war and discussed promising new avenues of re search into weapons of mass
destruction. Blome was soon signed to a new Paperclip contract for $6,000 a year and flew to the
United States, where he took up his duties at Camp King, an army base outside Washington, D.C. In
1951 von Haagen was picked up by the French authorities. Despite the tireless efforts of his protectors
in US intelligence, the doctor was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to twenty years in prison.

From the Paperclip assignment, Pash, now in the new-born CIA, went on to become head of Program
Branch/7, where his ongoing interest in techniques of interrogation was given ample employment. The
mission of Program Branch/7, which came to light only in Senator Frank Church’s 1976 hearings, was
responsibility for CIA kidnappings, interrogations and killings of suspected CIA double agents. Pash
pored over the work of the Nazi doctors at Dachau for useful leads in the most efficient methods of
extracting information, including speech-inducing drugs, electro-shock, hypnosis and psycho-surgery.
During the time Pash headed up PB/7 the CIA began pouring money into Project Bluebird, an effort to
duplicate and extend the Dachau research. But instead of mescalin the CIA turned to LSD, which had
been developed by the Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman.

The first CIA Bluebird test of LSD was administered to twelve subjects, the majority of whom were black,
and, as the CIA psychiatrist-emulators of the Nazis doctors at Dachau noted, "of not too high mentality."
The subjects were told they were being given a new drug. In the words of a CIA Bluebird memo, CIA
doctors, well aware that LSD experiments had induced schizophrenia, assured them that "nothing
serious or dangerous would happen to them." The CIA doctors gave the twelve 150 micrograms of LSD
and then subjected them to hostile interrogation.

After these trial runs, the CIA and the US Army embarked on widespread testing at the Edgewood
Chemical Arsenal in Maiyland starting in 1949 and extending over the next decade. More than 7,000 US
soldiers were the unwitting objects of this medical experimentation. The men would be ordered to ride
exercise cycles with oxygen masks on their faces, into which a variety of hallucinogenic drugs had been
sprayed, including LSD, mescalin, BZ (a hallucinogen) and SNA (sernyl, a relative of PCP, otherwise
known on the Street as angel dust). One of the aims of this research was to induce a state of total
amnesia. This objective was attained in the case of several subjects. More than one thousand of the
soldiers who enlisted in the experiments emerged with serious psychological afflictions and epilepsy:
dozens attempted suicide.

One such was Lloyd Gamble, a black man who had enlisted in the air force. In 1957 Gamble was
enticed to participate in a Department of Defense/CIA drug-testing program. Gamble was led to believe
that he was testing new military clothing. As an inducement to participate in the program he was offered
extended leave, private living quarters and more frequent conjugal visits. For three weeks Gamble put
on and took off different types of uniform and each day in the midst of such exertions was given, on his
recollection, two to three glasses of water-like liquid, which was in fact LSD. Gamble suffered terrible
hallucinations and tried to kill himself. He learned the truth some nineteen years later when the Church
hearings disclosed the existence of the program. Even then the Department of Defense denied that
Gamble had been involved, and the coverup collapsed only when an old Department of Defense public
relations photograph surfaced, proudly featuring Gamble and a dozen others as "volunteering for a
program that was in the highest national security interest."

Few examples of the readiness of US intelligence agencies to experiment on unknowing subjects are
more vivid than the foray of the national security establishment into researches on the effects of
radiation exposure. There were three different types of experiments. One involved thousands of
American military personnel and civilians who were directly exposed to radioactive fallout from US
nuclear testing in the American Southwest and South Pacific. Many have heard of the black men who
were the victims of four decades’ worth of federally funded studies of syphilis in which some victims
were given placebos so that doctors could monitor the progress of the disease. In the case of the
Marshall Islanders, US scientists first devised the H-test - a thousand times the strength of the
Hiroshima bomb - then failed to warn the inhabitants of the nearby atoll of Rongelap of the dangers of
the radiation and then, with precisely the equanimity of the Nazi scientists (not surprising, since Nazi
veterans of the German radiation experiments rescued by CIA officer Boris Pash were now on the US
team), observed how they fared.

Initially the Marshall Islanders were allowed to remain on their atoll for two days, exposed to radiation.
Then they were evacuated. Two years later Dr. G. Faill, chair of the Atomic Energy Commission’s
committee on biology and medicine, requested that the Rongelap Islanders be returned to their atoll "for
a useful genetic study of the effects on these people." His request was granted. In 1953 the Central
Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense signed a directive bringing the US government into
compliance with the Nuremberg code on medical research. But that directive was classified as top
secret, and its existence was kept secret from researchers, subjects and policy makers for twenty-two
years. The policy was succinctly summed up by the Atomic Energy Commission’s Colonel 0. G.
Haywood, who formalized his directive thus:
"It is desired that no document be released which refers to experiments with humans.
This might have adverse effects on the public or result in legal suits. Documents
covering such fieldwork should be classified secret."
Among such fieldwork thus classified as secret were five different experiments overseen by the CIA, the
Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Defense involving the injection of plutonium into
at least eighteen people, mainly black and poor, without informed consent. There were thirteen
deliberate releases of radioactive material over US and Canadian cities between 1948 and 1952 to
study fallout patterns and the decay of radioactive particles. There were dozens of experiments funded
by the CIA and Atomic Energy Commission, often conducted by scientists at UC Berkeley, the
University of Chicago, Vanderbilt and MIT, which exposed more than 2,000 unknowing people to
radiation scans.

The case of Elmer Allen is typical. In 1947 this 36-year-old black railroad worker went to a hospital in
Chicago with pains in his legs. The doctors diagnosed his illness as apparently a case of bone cancer.
They injected his left leg with huge doses of plutonium over the next two days. On the third day, the
doctors amputated his leg and sent it to the Atomic Energy Commission’s physiologist to research how
the plutonium had dispersed through the tissue. Twenty-six years later, in 1973, they brought Allen back
to the Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago, where they gave him a full body radiation scan,
then took urine, fecal and blood samples to assess the plutonium residue in his body from the 1947

In 1994 Patricia Durbin, who worked at the Lawrence Livermore labs on plutonium experiments,
"We were always on the lookout for somebody who had some kind of terminal disease
who was going to undergo an amputation. These things were not done to plague people
or make them sick or miserable. They were not done to kill people. They were done to
gain potentially valuable information. The fact that they were injected and provided this
valuable data should almost be a sort of memorial rather than something to be ashamed
of. It doesn’t bother me to talk about the plutonium injectees because of the value of the
information they provided."
The only problem with this misty-eyed account is that Elmer Allen seems to have had nothing seriously
wrong with him when he went to the hospital with leg pain and was never told of the researches
conducted on his body.

In 1949 parents of mentally retarded boys at the Fernald School in Massachusetts were asked to give
consent for their children to join the school’s "science club." Those boys who did join the club were
unwitting objects of experiments in which the Atomic Energy Commission in partnership with the
Quaker Oats company gave them radioactive oatmeal. The researchers wanted to see if the chemical
preservatives in cereal prevented the body from absorbing vitamins and minerals, with the radioactive
materials acting as tracers. They also wanted to assess the effects of radioactive materials on the kids.

Aping the Nazis’ methods, the covert medical experiments of the US government sought out the most
vulnerable and captive of subjects: the mentally retarded, terminally ill, and, unsurprisingly, prisoners. In
1963, 133 prisoners in Oregon and Washington had their scrotums and testicles exposed to 600
roentgens of radiation. One of the subjects was Harold Bibeau. These days he’s a 55-year-old
draftsman who lives in Troutdale, Oregon. Since 1994 Bibeau has been waging a one-man battle
against the US Department of Energy, the Oregon Department of Corrections, the Battelle Pacific
Northwest Labs and the Oregon Health Sciences University. Because he’s an ex-con he has not, thus
far, obtained much satisfaction.

In 1963 Bibeau was convicted of killing a man who had tried to molest him sexually. Bibeau got twelve
years for voluntary manslaughter. While in prison another inmate told him of a way he might get some
time knocked off his sentence and make a small amount of money. Bibeau could do this by joining a
medical research project supposedly managed by the Oregon Health Sciences University, the state’s
medical school. Bibeau says that though he did sign an agreement to be part of the research project, he
was never told that there might be dangerous consequences for his health. The experiments on Bibeau
and other in mates (all told, 133 prisoners in Oregon and Washington) proved dam aging in the extreme.
The research involved the study of the effects of radiation on human sperm and gonadal cell

Bibeau and his fellows were doused with 650 rads of radiation. This is a very hefty dose. One chest X-
ray today involves about 1 rad. But this wasn’t all. Over the next few years in prison Bibeau says he was
subjected to numerous injections of other drugs, of a nature unknown to him. He had biopsies and other
surgeries. He claims that after he was released from prison he was never contacted again for

The Oregon experiments were done for the Atomic Energy Commission, with the CIA as a cooperating
agency. In charge of the Oregon tests was Dr. Carl Heller. But the actual X-rays on Bibeau and the
other prisoners were done by entirely unqualified people, in the form of other prison inmates. Bibeau got
no time off his sentence and was paid $5 a month and $25 for each biopsy performed on his testicles.
Many of the prisoners in the experiments in the Oregon and Washington state prisons were given
vasectomies or were surgically castrated. The doctor who performed the sterilization operations told the
prisoners the sterilizations were necessary to "keep from contaminating the general population with
radiation-induced mutants."

In defending the sterilization experiments, Dr. Victor Bond, a physician at the Brookhaven nuclear lab,
"It’s useful to know what dose of radiation sterilizes. It’s useful to know what different
doses of radiation will do to human beings."
One of Bond’s colleagues, Dr. Joseph Hamilton of the University of California Medical School in San
Francisco, said more candidly that the radiation experiments (which he had helped oversee) "had a little
of the Buchenwald touch."

From 1960 to 1971 Dr. Eugene Sanger and his colleagues at the University of Cincinnati performed
"whole body radiation experiments" on 88 subjects who were black, poor and suffering from cancer and
other diseases. The subjects were exposed to 100 rads of radiation the equivalent of 7,500 chest X-
rays. The experiments often caused intense pain, vomiting and bleeding from the nose and ears. All but
one of the patients died. In the mid-1970s a congressional committee discovered that Sanger had
forged consent forms for these experiments. Between 1946 and 1963 more than 200,000 US soldiers
were forced to observe, at dangerously close range, atmospheric nuclear bomb tests in the Pacific and
Nevada. One such participant, a US Army private named Jim O’Connor, recalled in 1994,
"There was a guy with a mannequin look, who had apparently crawled behind a bunker.
Something like wires were attached to his arms, and his face was bloody. I smelled an
odor like burning flesh. The rotary camera I’d seen was going zoom zoom zoom and the
guy kept trying to get up."
O’Connor himself fled the blast area but was picked up by the Atomic Energy Commission patrols and
given prolonged tests to measure his exposure. O’Connor said in 1994 that ever since the test he had
experienced many health problems.

Up in the state of Washington, at the nuclear reservation at Hanford, the Atomic Energy Commission
engaged in the largest intentional release of radioactive chemicals to date in December 1949. The test
did not involve a nuclear explosion but the emission of thousands of curies of radioactive iodine in a
plume that extended hundreds of miles south and west as far as Seattle, Portland and the California-
Oregon border, irradiating hundreds of thousands of people. So far from being alerted to the test at the
time, the civilian population learned of it only in the late 1970s, although there had been persistent
suspicions because of the clusters of thyroid cancers occurring among the communities downwind.

In 1997 the National Cancer Institute found that millions of American children had been exposed to
high-levels of radioactive iodine known to cause thyroid cancer. Most of this exposure was due to
drinking milk contaminated with fallout from above-ground nuclear testing carried out between
1951 and 1962. The institute conservatively estimated that this was enough radiation to cause 50,000
thyroid cancers. The total releases of radiation were estimated to be ten times larger than those
released by the explosion in the Soviet Chernobyl reactor in 1986.

A presidential commission in 1995 began looking into radiation experiments on humans and requested
the CIA to turn over all of its records. The Agency responded with a terse claim that "it had no records or
other information on such experiments." One reason the CIA may have felt confidence in this brusque
stonewalling was that in 1973, CIA director Richard Helms had used the last moments before he retired
to order that all records of CIA experiments on humans be destroyed. A 1963 report from the CIA’s
Inspector General indicates that for more than a decade previously the Agency had been engaged in
"research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of employment in
clandestine operations to control human behavior." The 1963 report went on to say that CIA director
Allen Dulles had approved various forms of human experimentation as "avenues to the control of
human behavior" including "radiation, electroshock, various fields of psychology, sociology and
anthropology, graphology, harassment studies and paramilitary devices and materials."

The Inspector General’s report emerged in congressional hearings in 1975 in a highly edited form. It
remains classified to this day. In 1976 the CIA told the Church committee that it had never used
radiation. But this claim was undercut in 1991 when documents were unearthed on the Agency’s
ARTICHOKE program. A CIA summary of ARTICHOKE says that,
"in addition to hypnosis, chemical and psychiatric research, the following fields have
been explored ... Other physical manifestations including heat, cold, atmospheric
pressure, radiation."
The 1994 presidential commission, set up by Department of Energy secretary Hazel O’Leary, followed
this trail of evidence and reached the conclusion that the CIA did explore radiation as a possibility for the
defensive and offensive use of brainwashing and other interrogation techniques. The commission’s final
report cites CIA records showing that the Agency secretly funded the construction of a wing of George
town University Hospital in the 1950s. This was to become a haven for CIA-sponsored research on
chemical and biological programs. The CIA’s money for this went via a pass-through to Dr. Charles F.
Geschickter, who ran the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research. The doctor was a Georgetown
cancer researcher who made his name experimenting with high doses of radiation. In 1977 Dr.
Geschickter testified that the CIA paid for his radio-isotope lab and equipment and closely monitored
his research.

The CIA was a major player in a whole series of inter-agency government panels on human
experimentation. For example, three CIA officers served on the Defense Department’s committee on
medical sciences and these same officers were also key members on the joint panel on medical aspects
of atomic warfare. This is the government committee that planned, funded and reviewed most human
radiation experiments, including the placement of US troops in proximity to nuclear tests con ducted in
the 1940s and 1950s.

The CIA was also part of the armed forces’ medical intelligence organization, created in 1948, where the
Agency was put in charge of "foreign, atomic, biological, and chemical intelligence, from medical
science’s point of view." Among the more bizarre chapters in this mission was the dispatch of a team of
agents to engage in a form of body-snatching, as they tried to collect tissue and bone samples from
corpses to determine levels of fallout after nuclear tests. To this end they sliced tissue from some 1,500
bodies - without the knowledge or consent of the relatives of the deceased. Further evidence of the
Agency’s central role was its lead part in the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Commit tee, the clearing
house for intelligence on foreign nuclear programs. The CIA chaired the Scientific Intelligence
Committee and its subsidiary, the Joint Medical Science Intelligence Committee. Both these bodies
planned the radiation and human experimentation research for the Department of Defense.

This was by no means the full extent of the Agency’s role in experimenting on living people. As noted, in
1973 Richard Helms officially discontinued such work by the Agency and ordered all records destroyed,
saying that he did not want the Agency’s associates in such work to be "embarrassed." Thus officially
ended the prolongation by the US Central Intelligence Agency of the labors of such Nazi "scientists"
as Becker-Freyseng and Blome.

The story of the recruitment of Nazi scientists and warfare technicians by the Pentagon and the
Central Intelligence Agency is told in two excellent but unjustly neglected books: Tom Bower’s The
Paperclip Conspiracy and Linda Hunt’s Secret Agenda. Hunt’s reporting, in particular, is first rate.
Using the Freedom of Information Act, she has opened up thousands of pages of documents from the
Pentagon, State Department and CIA that should keep researchers occupied for years to come. The
history of the experiments of the Nazi doctors comes largely from the trial record of the medical cases at
the Nuremberg tribunal, Alexander Mitscherlich and Fred Mielke’s Doctors of Infamy, and Robert
Proctor’s frightening account in Racial Hygiene. The US government’s research into biological warfare
is admirably profiled in Jeanne McDermott’s book, The Killing winds. The best account of the US
government’s role in developing and deploying chemical warfare agents remains Seymour Hersh’s
book Chemical and Biological Warfare from the late 1960s. In an attempt to track down the cause of
Gulf War Syndrome, Senator Jay Rockefeller held a series of remarkable hearings on human
experimentation by the US government. The hearing record provided much of the information for the
sections of this chapter dealing with unwitting experimentation on US citizens by the CIA and the US
Army. Information on human radiation testing by the Atomic Energy Commission and cooperating
agencies (including the CIA) comes largely from several GAO studies, from the massive report compiled
by the Department of Energy in 1994 and from author interviews with four of the victims of the plutonium
and sterilization experiments.
 Allen, Charles. "Hubertus Strughold, Nazi in USA." Jewish Currents, Dec. 1974.
 Annas, G. J., and M. A. Grodin. Human Rights in Human Experimentation. Oxford Univ. Press,
 Bar-Zohar, M. The Huntfor the German Scientists. Barker, 1967.
 Bellant, Russ. Old Nazis, the New Right and the Reagan Administration. Political Research
Associates, 1988.
 Bernstein, Victor. "I Saw the Bodies of 3,000 Slaves Murdered by Nazis." PM, April 17, 1945.
 Beyerchen, A.D. Scientists Under Hitler. Yale Univ. Press, 1977.
 Borkin, Joseph. The Crime and Punishment of IG. Farben. Andre Deutsch, 1979.
 Bower, Tom. Blind Eye to Murder. Andre Deutsch, 1981.
-. The Paperclip Conspiracy. Michael Joseph Ltd., 1987.
 Clay, Lucius. Decisions in Germany. Doubleday, 1950.
 Cole, Leonard. "Risk and Biological Defense Program." Physicians for Social Responsibility
Quarterly, March 1992.
Clouds of Secrecy: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests over Populated Areas. Row-man and
Littlefield, 1988.
 Corn, David. Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA ’s Crusaders. Simon and Schuster, 1994.
 D’Antonio, Michael. Atomic Harvest: Hanford and the Lethal Toll of America’s Nuclear Arsenal.
Crown, 1993.
 Dornberger, Walter. V-2. Viking, 1958.
 DuBois, Josiah. The Devil’s Chemists. Beacon Press, 1952.
 Ensign, Tod, and Glenn Alcalay. "Duck and Cover(up): US Radiation Testing on Humans."
CovertAction Quarterly, Summer 1994.
 Ferenscz, Benjamin. Less Than Slaves. Harvard Univ. Press, 1979.
 Gallagher, Carole. American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War. Random House, 1993.
 Gimble, John. The American Occupation of Germany, Stanford Univ. Press, 1968.
"US on Policy German Scientists: The Early Cold War." Political Science Quarterly, 101, 1986.
 Goudsmit, Samuel. Alsos. Henry Schuman, 1947.
 Herken, Gregg, and James David. "Doctors of Death." New York Times, Jan. 13, 1994.
 Hersh, Seymour. Chemical and Biological Warfare. Doubleday, 1969.
 Hilts, Philip. "Medical Experts Testify on Tests Done Without Consent." New York Times, June 3,
 Hubner, . "The Americanization of Nazi Scientist." West, Sept. 25, 1985.
"The Unmaking of a Hero." West, Oct. 6, 1985.
 Hunt, Linda. "US Coverup of Nazi Scientists." Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, April, 1985.
-. "Arthur Rudolf, NASA and Dora." Moment, April 1987.
"NASA’s Nazis." Nation, May 23, 1987.
Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945-
1990. St. Martin’s Press, 1991.
 Irving, David. The Virus House. Kimber, 1967.
The Mare’s Nest. Panther, 1985.
 Kolata, Gina. "In Debate on Radiation Tests, Rush to Judgement Is Resisted." New York Times,
Jan. 1, 1994.
 Lasby, Clarence. Project Paperclip. Atheneum, 1971.
 Lifton, Robert Jay. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide. Basic
Books, 1986.
 McDermott, Jeanne. The Killing Winds: The Menace of Biological Warfare. Arbor House, 1987.
 Michel, Jean. Dora. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979.
 Middlebrook, J. L. "Contributions of the US Army to Botulinum Toxin Research." Botulinum and
 Neurotoxins. B. R. Das Gupta, ed. Plenum Press, 1993.
 Miller, Richard. Under the Cloud. The Free Press, 1986.
 Mitscherlich, Alexander, and Fred Mielke. Doctors of Infamy. Schuman, 1949.
 Nishimi, Robyn. Research Involving Human Subjects. US Office of Technology Assessment,
 Nuremberg Military Tribunals. United States of America v. Karl Brandt et al. (The Medical Case).
Government Printing Office, 1947.
 Pash, Boris. The Alsos Mission. Award House, 1969.
 Pechura, C. M. and D. P. Rail, eds. Veterans at Risk: The Health Effects of Mustard Gas and
Lewisite. National Academy Press, 1993.
 Puller, C., and K. R. Yamamoto. Military Control over the New Genetic Technologies. Beech Tree
Books, 1988.
 Proctor, Robert. Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis. Harvard Univ. Press, 1988.
 Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Simon and Schuster, 1986.
Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb. Simon and Schuster, 1995.
 Rodal, Alti. Nazi War Criminals in Canada. Canadian Government Commission of Inquny on War
Criminals, 1986.
 St. Clair, Jeffrey. "Germ War: The US Record." CounterPunch, April 1-15, 1998.
 St. Clair, Jeffrey, and Alexander Cockburn. "Meet Harold Bibeau: Human Guinea Pig."
CounterPunch, Dec. 1-15, 1997.
 Schneider, Keith. "Cold War Tests on Humans to Undergo a Congressional Review." New York
Times, April 11, 1994.
 Schoemaker, Lloyd. The Escape Factory. St. Martin’s Press, 1990.
 Simon, Leslie. German Research in World War!!. Wiley, 1947.
 Simpson, Christopher. Blowback. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.
 Somani, S.M. Chemical WarfareAgents. Academic Press, 1992.
 Speer, Albert. Inside the ThirdReich. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970.
 Uhi, Michael, and Tod Ensign. G.J. Guinea Pigs. Playboy Press, 1980.
 US Army Intelligence Center. History of the Counter-Intelligence Corps. USAIC, 1959.
 US Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression.
Government Printing Office, 1948.
 US Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. Military Hallucinogenic Experiments.
Goverment Printing Office, 1976.
-. Committee on the Judiciary. Alleged Nazi War Criminals. Government Printing Office, 1977.
Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Human
Radiation Experimentation and Gene Therapy. Government Printing Office, 1994.
Subcommittee on Conservation and Natural Resources of the Committee on Government
Operations. Environmental Dangers of Open-Air Testing of Lethal Chemicals. Government
Printing Office, 1969.
-. Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the
Judiciary. "Statement of David Gries, Director, Center for the Study of Human Intelligence, CIA."
Government-Sponsored Tests on Humans and Possible Compensation for People Harmed in
the Tests. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1994.
 US Congress. Senate. Committee on Veterans Affairs (Rockefeller Committee). Is Military
Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century. Committee Print,
Dec. 8, 1994.
Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources.
Human Drug Testing by the CIA: Testimony of Sidney Gottlieb. Govern ment Printing Office,
 US Department of the Air Force. German Aviation Medicine: World War II. Govern ment Printing
Office, 1950.
History of AAF Participation in Project Paperclip, May 1945-March 1947.
Air Materiel Command, Wright Air Force Base, 1948.
 US Department of Defense. Research and Development Board, Committee on Medical Sciences.
Medical Aspects of Atomic Warfare. Committee Report, 1951.
 US Department of Energy. Health and Environmental Research Advisory Committee. Summary
of Findings and Recommendations, Review of the Office of Health and Environmental Research
Program, Protection of Human Research Subjects. Gov ernment Printing Office, 1994.
 US Office of the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office. Nazis and Axis Col laborators
Were Used to Further US Anti-Communist Objectives in Europe-Some Immigrated to the United
States. Government Printing Office, 1985.
 Widespread Conspiracy to Obstruct Probes of Alleged Nazi War Criminals Not Supported by
Available Evidence-Controversy May Continue. Government Printing Office, 1978.
-. Nuclear Health and Safety: Examples of Post-World War!! Radiation Releases at US
NuclearSites. Government Printing Office, 1993.
Human Experimentation: An Overview on Cold War Era Programs. Government Printing Office,
 Weiner, Tim. "CIA Seeks Documents from Its Radiation Tests." New York Times, Jan. 5, 1994.
 Welcome, Eileen. "The Plutonium Experiment: Even in Death, Albert’s Still Their Guinea
Pig."Albuquerque Tribune, Nov. 16, 1993.
 Wilkenson, Isabel. "Medical Experiment Still Haunts Blacks." New York Times, June 3, 1991.
 Winterbotham, F. W. The Nazi Connection. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979.
Return to Project Paperclip
from MindControlForum Website
The following is a staff memorandum or other working document prepared for the members of
the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. It should not be construed as
representing the final conclusions of fact or interpretation of the issues. All staff memoranda are
subject to revision based on further information and analysis. For conclusions and
recommendations of the Advisory Committee, readers are advised to consult the Final Report to
be published in 1995.


TO: Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

FROM: Advisory Committee Staff

DATE: April 5, 1995

RE: Post-World War II Recruitment of German Scientists - Project Paperclip

The Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas
conducted dozens of human radiation experiments during the Cold War, among them
flash-blindness studies in connection with atomic weapons tests, and data-gathering for
total-body irradiation studies conducted in Houston. (These have been the subject of
prior briefing books.) Because of the extensive postwar recruiting of German scientists
for the SAM and other U.S. defense installations, and in light of the central importance
of the Nuremberg prosecutions to the Advisory Committee’s work, members of the staff
have collected documentary evidence about Project Paperclip from the National
Archives and Department of Defense records. (The departments of Justice and
Defense, as well as the Archives staff, have provided substantial assistance in this

The experiments for which Nazi investigators were tried included many related to
aviation research. These were mainly high-altitude exposure studies, oxygen
deprivation experiments, and cold studies related to air-sea rescue operations. This
information about air crew hazards was important to both sides, and, of course,
continued to be important to military organizations in the Cold War.

Background of Project Paperclip

Project Paperclip was a postwar and Cold War operation carried out by the Joint
Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA).1 [Operation Paperclip’s code name was said to
have originated because scientific recruits’ papers were paperclipped with regular
immigration forms. The JIOA was a special intelligence office reporting to the Director of
Intelligence in the War Department, comparable to the intelligence chief of today’s Joint
Chiefs of Staff.] Paperclip had two aims:
 to exploit German scientists for American
 to deny these intellectual resources to the
Soviet Union
At least 1,600 scientists and their dependents were recruited and brought to the United
States by Paperclip and its successor projects through the early 1970s. The most
famous of these was Wernher von Braun.
In recent years, it has been alleged that many of these individuals were brought to the
United States in violation of American government policy not to permit the entrance of
"ardent Nazis" into the country, that many were security risks, and that at least some
were implicated in Holocaust-related activities.

The secondary literature on Paperclip includes Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda (1991) and
Tom Bowers, The Paperclip Conspiracy (1989). The following is drawn from these
sources and material retrieved from the National Archives and DOD files.

Nuremberg and Postwar Recruitment of Scientists

At the time of its inception, Paperclip was a matter of controversy in the War
Department, as demonstrated by a November 27,1946 memorandum from General
Groves, director of the Manhattan Project, relating to the bringing to the United States
of the eminent physicist Otto Hahn.

Groves wrote that the Manhattan Project does not desire to utilize the services of
foreign scientists in the United States, either directly with the Project or with any
affiliated organization. This has consistently been my views. (sic) I should like to make it
clear, however, that I see no objection to bringing to the United States such carefully
screened physicists as would contribute materially to the welfare of the United States
and would remain permanently in the United States as naturalized citizens. I strongly
recommend against foreign physicists coming in contact with our atomic energy
program in any way. If they are allowed to see or discuss the work of the Project the
security of our information would get out of control. (Attachment 1)

Biomedical Scientists at American Facilities

A number of military research sites recruited Paperclip scientists with backgrounds in
aeromedicine, radiobiology and ophthalmology. These institutions included the SAM,
where radiation experiments were conducted, and other military sites, particularly the
Edgewood Arsenal of the Army’s Chemical Corps.

The portfolio of experiments at the SAM was one that would particularly benefit from the
Paperclip recruits. Experiments there included total-body irradiation, space medicine
and bed-rest studies, and flash-blindness studies. Herbert Gerstner,2 [The Committee
has no documents at this time indicating that Dr. Gerstner engaged in human
experimentation in Germany.] a principal investigator in TBI experiments at the SAM,
was acting director of the Institute of Physiology at the University of Leipzig; he became
a radiobiologist at the SAM. (Attachment 2)

The Air Force Surgeon General and SAM officials welcomed the Paperclip scientists.
In March 1951, the school’s Commandant, O.O. Benson Jr., wrote to the Surgeon
General to seek more first-class scientists and highly qualified technologists from
Germany. The first group of Paperclip personnel contained a number of scientists that
have proved to be of real value to the Air Force. The weaker and less gifted ones have
been culled to a considerable extent. The second group reporting here in 1949 were, in
general, less competent than the original paperclip personnel, and culling process will
again be in order. (Attachment 3)

General Benson’s adjutant solicited resumes from a Paperclip prospect list, including a
number of radiation biology and physics specialists. The qualifications of a few
scientists were said to be known, so curricula vitae were waived. The adjutant wrote,
also in March 1951:
"In order to systematically benefit from this program this headquarters
believes that the employment of competent personnel who fit into our
research program is a most important consideration."
(Attachment 4)

The Head-Hunting Competition with the Soviet Union

Official U.S. government policy was to avoid recruitment of "ardent Nazis." Many of the
Paperclip scientists were members of Nazi organizations of one sort of another. The
documentary record indicates, however, that many claimed inactive status or
membership that was a formality, according to files in the National Archives.

The director of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, Navy Captain Bosquet N.
Wev, bluntly put the case for recruitment in a April 27,1948 memo to the Pentagon’s
Director of Intelligence:
"Security investigations conducted by the military have disclosed the
fact that the majority of German scientists were members of either the
Nazi Party or one or more of its affiliates. These investigations disclose
further that with a very few exceptions, such membership was due to
exigencies which influenced the lives of every citizen of Germany at
that time."
Wev was critical of over-scrupulous investigations by the Department of Justice and
other agencies as

reflecting security concerns no longer relevant with the defeat of Germany, and "biased
considerations" about the nature of his recruits’ fascist allegiances. (Attachment 5)

The possibility of scientists being won to the Soviet side in the Cold War was, according
to Captain Wev, the highest consideration. In a March 1948 letter to the State
Department, Wev assessed the prevailing view in the government:
"[R]esponsible officials ... have expressed opinions to the effect that, in
so far as German scientists are concerned, Nazism no longer should
be a serious consideration from a viewpoint of national security when
the far greater threat of Communism is now jeopardizing the entire
world. I strongly concur in this opinion and consider it a most sound and
practical view, which must certainly be taken if we are to face the
situation confronting us with even an iota of realism. To continue to
treat Nazi affiliations as significant considerations has been aptly
phrased as 'beating a dead Nazi horse.’"
(Attachment 6)
In his April 27,1948 report to his superiors, he again cited the Soviet threat:
In light of the situation existing in Europe today, it is conceivable that
continued delay and opposition to the immigration of these scientists
could result in their eventually falling into the hands of the Russians
who would then gain the valuable information and ability possessed by
these men. Such an eventuality could have a most serious and adverse
affect on the national security of the United States.
(Attachment 5)
Hubertus Strughold and the SAM
Perhaps the most prominent of the Paperclip physicians was Hubertus Strughold,
called "the father of space medicine" and for whom the Aeromedical Library at the
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine was named in 1977. During the war, he was
director of the Luftwaffe’s aeromedical institute; a Strughold staff member was
acquitted at Nuremberg on the grounds that the physician’s Dachau laboratory was not
the site of nefarious experiments.

Strughold had a long career at the SAM, including the recruitment of other Paperclip
scientists in Germany. His background was the subject of public controversy in the
United States. He denied involvement with Nazi experiments and told reporters in this
country that his life had been in danger from the Nazis. A citizen for 30 years before his
death in 1986, his many honors included an Americanism Award from the Daughters of
the American Revolution.

An April 1947 intelligence report on Strughold stated:

"[H]is successful career under Hitler would seem to indicate that he
must be in full accord with Nazism."
(Attachment 7)
However, Strughold’s colleagues in Germany and those with whom he had worked
briefly in the United States on fellowships described him as politically indifferent or anti-

In his application to reside in this country, he declared:

Further, the United States is the only country of liberty which is able to
maintain this liberty and the thousand-year-old culture and western
civilization, and it is my intention to support the United States in this
task, which is in danger now, with all my scientific abilities and
(Attachment 8)
In a 1952 civil service form, Strughold was asked if he had ever been a member of a
fascist organization. His answer: "Not in my opinion." His references therein included
the Surgeon General of the Air Force, the director of research at the Lovelace
Foundation in New Mexico, and a colleague from the Mayo Clinic. (Attachment 9)

In September 1948, Strughold was granted a security certificate from the Joint
Intelligence Objectives Agency director, Captain Wev, who in the previous March had
written to the Department of State protesting the difficulty of completing immigration
procedures for Paperclip recruits.

Follow-up Research
The staff believes this trail should be followed with more research before conclusions
can be drawn about the Paperclip scientists and human radiation experiments. That
the standard for immigration was "not an ardent Nazi" is troubling; in Strughold’s case,
investigators had specifically questioned his credentials for "denazification."

It is possible that still-classified intelligence documents could shed further light on these
connections. Staff is attempting to identify sites that may continue to hold this material.
The Department of Defense has supplied a number of documents and the Central
Intelligence Agency has been asked to search its files. Staff has been sifting
declassified files at the National Archives and plans to inspect further classified files on
this subject.

from YouThink Website

With WWII over, the energies of the United Sates and the Soviet Union were redirected into the cold
war. But Germany was far from forgotten. In 1946, as US military was hunting down Nazi war criminals,
a special intelligence office called the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) instigated a plan to
recruit German scientists into American research programs. These intellectual resources were valuable
to the States- and securing them meant that the Soviets could not.

Operation Paper Clip was born - a code name said to have originated because an immigration form
(holding the unspoken promise of problem-free naturalization) was attached to the papers of each
scientific recruit. Under the auspices of this and similar projects that succeeded it, lasting until the early
1970’s, at least 1600 scientists and their families were quietly brought to the USA and given citizenship.

American government policy stated that ‘ardent Nazis’ and war criminals were not allowed to enter the
country, and the project was, not surprisingly, the source of some controversy. Conveniently - according
to files in the National Archives - most of the Paper Clip scientists had been affiliated to Nazi
organizations as a mere formality, and were politically inactive.

In a letter to the State Department in April 1948, the director of JIOA, Captain Bosquet N. Wev, outlined
the prevailing view of officialdom:
‘In so far as German scientists are concerned, Nazism no longer should be a serious
consideration from a viewpoint of national security when the far greater threat of
Communism is now jeopardizing the entire world.'
Paper Clip was considered a resounding success. The recruits were made welcome at number of
military research sites, including the Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM), at Brooks Air Force
Base, Texas, where radiation experiments were conducted.

According to the government’s own investigative body, the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation
‘Experiments at SAM included total-body irradiation, space-medicine and bed-rest
studies, and flash blindness studies… in connection with atomic weapons tests and
data gathering for total-body irradiation studies conducted in Houston.’
Hubertus Strughold, who had a laboratory at Dachau, began his US career at SAM, and is now known
as ‘the father of space medicine’. His chief subordinates at Dachau are widely believed to have been
directly involved in ‘aviation medicine’ experiments - inhumanely conducted studies of high-altitude
exposure, resistance to the cold oxygen deprivation and the like - giving rise to repeated allegations that
these medical atrocities were sanctioned by Strughold.

Many Nazi war criminals managed to avoid prosecution for their crimes, but some were successfully
tried at Nuremberg for experiments related to aviation research. The results of such experiments would
be extremely useful in the protection of air crewmen.

In March 1951, General O.O. Benson Jr., the Commandant at SAM, wrote to the Surgeon General
requesting another shipment of ‘first-class scientists and highly qualified technologists from Germany,’
since ‘the first group of Paper Clip personnel contained a number of scientists that have proved to be a
real value to the Air Force’.

The scientific community was not the only faction to benefit form the ‘brain drain’ at the close of WWII.
Hitler’s master spy Reinhard Gehlen became an important part of America’s intelligence community
and recruited others for a small overseas espionage group that helped nurse the CIA into existence.
Although Gehlen promised not to recruit anyone who had been involved with the SS or the Gestapo,
according to experts Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen,
‘he immediately broke his official word, hiring at least six SS and Sicherheitdienst
veterans. And America’s intelligence elite looked the other way. Two of Gehlen’s
notorious post-war signings were Dr Franz Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg, SS
intelligence veterans involved in the mass extermination of Jews. They were both
fugitive war criminals.’
The US Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps later arrested Six. They caught up with Augsburg too - and
hired him. Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, also assisted Gehlen for a while in his espionage work for
the USA, and even spent some time living there. As Vankin and Whalen note, in an atmosphere of cold
war paranoia US officials ‘found expedient soul mates in Nazi scientists and SS officers they recruited.
After all, Nazi Germany’s fascists were vehemently opposed to communism, too.’

Unit 731
On 17 June 1925, still reeling from a senseless war that had decimated a generation, most of the earth’s
most powerful countries decided they no longer wanted to live in a world of madmen. They signed the
Geneva Protocol, outlawing biological and chemical warfare.

The two most conspicuous abstentions were the ever-independent United States and imperial Japan.
Japan, in fact, was so impressed by the fact that chemical and biological warfare was considered
dangerous enough to ban that it immediately stepped up its research.

The guiding force behind the Japanese effort was a young doctor named Shiro Ishii. Ishii had
graduated from the Department of Medicine at Kyoto University in 1920 and gone straight into the
Japanese Imperial Army. In the late 1920s he was sent to Europe and the United Sates for two years to
study the state of Western biological research. Soon after his return Japan invaded and conquered
Manchuria (in what is now China). Ishii and his team had a literal theatre of operations.

In 1936 Emperor Hirohito’s seal was affixed to a document that established Ishii’s Manchuria-based
‘Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kuantung Army ’ (changed to Unit 731 in
1941). The name was a masterpiece of hubris. In fact, the extremely well funded ‘department’
specialized in epidemic-causing toxins like anthrax, cholera, tetanus, botulism, meningitis, tuberculosis
and bubonic plague.
A constant supply of test victims was provided courtesy of the occupying Japanese Army. At first they
were mostly Chinese and Russian, but once WWII began these were joined with specimens labeled
‘American’, ‘British’, and ‘Australian’. But the staff at Unit 731 had their own special name for the men,
women and children they vivisected, almost invariably without anesthetic. They called them 'marutas' :
The horrors of Unit 731 were unimaginable. Apart from the physical torture suffered by captives before
they were killed, there were countless instances of emotional and mental cruelty. In one case, a
Japanese doctor vivisected an un-anaesthetized pregnant woman whom he himself had impregnated.

One Unit 731 staffer recently tried to justify his actions:

“Of course there were experiments on children. But probably their fathers were spies.”
The extreme de-humanization existed outside the army as well. Civilian Japanese doctors would
regularly practice surgery techniques on healthy prisoners of war. In one case, eight American
servicemen were killed in one day on the operating table at the anatomy department of Kyushu
University. They were taken apart bit by bit: first a lung, then a bit of liver, then part of a brain; until finally
they died.

Ishii’s primary interest was not surgery but large-scale biological warfare. He was developing and testing
diseases on his 'marutas' with the goal of delivering a fatal does to the enemy whilst learning to treat it in
his own men. Throughout the war, Ishii had disease-infected animals (usually fleas) dropped on Chinese
towns, where there were several outbreaks of bubonic plague as a result.

His plans extended to the United States. In December 1944, 200 balloon bombs were sent using
prevailing air currents from Japan to the Western United States, killing seven people in Montana and
Oregon. It is likely these balloons were testing the route for bacterial bombs.

As the war was drawing to a close, Ishii had one last bit of insanity up his sleeve. Operation Cherry
Blossoms at Night would send plague-laden suicide bombers to San Diego, where the plague would be
released and the entire Western seaboard infected. The date of the attack was scheduled for 22
September 1945.

The war in the Pacific ended in August 1945. The cover-up began almost immediately. Ishii was
declared dead and a mock funeral was held in his home town. Although he and his staff had destroyed
some of the evidence against them before the end of the war, they had plenty of information left to
barter. Under the advice of scientists from Fort Detrick, Maryland (the US Army’s own bacterial and
chemical research unit), General Douglas MacArthur radioed Washington, recommending that Unit 731
scientists be granted immunity in exchange for their data.

The reply from the committee for the Far East was:
“The value of Japanese BW [Biological Warfare] data is of such importance to national
security as to far outweigh the value accruing from war crime prosecution.”
To its credit, the State Department was against the plan, if only because it might later embarrass the
United Sates.

Not a single member of Unit 731 was prosecuted for war crimes by the United States. The only ones to
be prosecuted were twelve who were caught by the Soviets in China: their well-documented trial in 1949
was suppressed by the United Sates and regarded as Soviet propaganda.

In spite of articles in 1946 in both the New York Times and the Pacific Stars and Stripes (the official
newspaper of the US Army) the government refused to admit that Americans had been the victims of
Unit 731, let alone that Ishii was cooperating with the United States.

There were rumors throughout the 1950s that not only had Ishii lectured at Fort Detrick, he had also
gone to Korea to help the American war effort. There was certainly some familiar-looking evidence.
According to Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen:
“On an April night in 1952 an American F-82 fighter was spotted flying over a Chinese
village near the Inner Mongolian border. With the break of day, residents were greeted
by an infestation of more than seven hundred voles. Of the voles who survived both the
night cold and ravaging cats, many ‘were sluggish or had fractured legs’. A test on one
dead vole showed it was infected with the plague.”
The US government did its best to kill the rumors. In the 1950s, it even resorted to charges of treason
against some American civilians who had dared to imply that the government might be using technology
originating from Unit 731. The charges were thrown out for lack of evidence.

The cover-up continues. In 1987, US and British veterans of the Manchuria campaign were told there
was ‘no evidence’ for claims that Unit 731 experimented on them. And as recently as 1989, a British
book was published in the United Sates minus one chapter freely available in the British, Canadian,
Australian and New Zealand editions. The chapter was called ‘The Korean War’.

What of the men of Unit 731? Ishii died of throat cancer at the age of 67 in 1959. Others went on to
exalted positions in post-war Japan: Governor of Tokyo, president of the Japanese Medical Association
and head of the Japanese Olympic Committee. The leader of the team in charge of inflicting frostbite
and vivisecting went on to a lucrative career in the frozen fish industry.

In 1975, the United Sates finally signed the Geneva Protocol.

Prison Tests
Prisons have long been a popular testing ground in America. Between 1963 and 1973 Dr Heller, an
award winning medical scientist, ran a series of experiments on inmates at the Oregon State Prison in
order to assess the effect of radiation on sperm production. Another test involving radiation and
reproduction was conducted in Washington sate.
Prisoners in Pennsylvania were used to test the effects of radiation on human skin. Inmates in Illinois
drank water laced with radium. Prisoners in Utah had their blood removed, irradiated and re-injected.
And the tests were not confined to radiation. Just on example: starting in 1944, hundreds of prisoners at
Illinois Statesville Prison were given malaria in a project designed to develop a prevention or cure for the
disease that was disabling Allied forces in the Pacific.

According to the government’s own report:

“It is difficult to overemphasize just how common the practice [of experimenting on
prisoners] became in the United States during the post-war years. Researchers
employed prisoners as subjects in a multitude of experiments that ranged in purpose
from a desire to understand the cause of cancer to a need to test the effects of a new
cosmetic. After the Food and Drug Administration’s restructuring of drug-testing
regulations in 1962 prisoners became almost the exclusive subjects in non-federally
funded Phase-1 pharmaceutical trials designed to test the toxicity of new drugs. By
1972, FDA officials estimated that more than 90% of all investigational drugs were first
tested on prisoners.”
In at least one case, Upjohn and Parke-Davis built and maintained a large Phase-1 testing facility on the
grounds of the State Prison of Southern Michigan.

Prison testing has more or less been abandoned since the late 1970s, not so much for humanitarian
reasons but because the tests were coming under too much scrutiny. And it was becoming easier to
employ two other sources of human experimental material: students and the poor.

The poor
The poor have a history of being subjected to government-run experiments. Amongst the most infamous
was the Tuskegee Study of the early 1930s, in which 412 African-American sharecroppers suffering
from syphilis were identified by the US Public Health Service but were not informed of their condition.
For forty years – even after penicillin was discovered to treat syphilis – US PHS doctors observed the
effects of the disease taking its course, from blindness and paralysis to dementia and death.

Not that treatment was any safer. Woe betide anyone who checked into a research hospital in the
middle of the century. At various institutions across the United Sates, Canada and the United Kingdom,
patients were injected with plutonium without their knowledge, given radioactive ‘cocktails’ or subjected
to full body radiation. In one particularly appalling test, radioactive sodium was injected directly into the
placentas of 270 pregnant women at Hammersmith Hospital in England. The adverse results of these
experiments varied from amputation to birth defects to death.

Radiation Testing
Early in 1963 the Atomic Energy Commission held a conference in Fort Collins, Colorado, for scientists
studying the effects of radiation on reproduction. It was the height of the cold war and there were
questions that needed to be answered. Questions like the one asked by scientists at an AEC meeting in
Washington in 1955:
“How many bombs can we detonate without producing a race of monsters?”
And questions like the one posed in 1949 by an Air Force colonel who enquired how safe nuclear-
powered planes would be for his airmen’s ‘family jewels’. NASA wanted to know about the effects of
solar radiation on astronauts. And the CIA wanted to know about everything.

Dr Carl G. Heller recalled what happened:

“A given group at Fort Collins was working on mice and another group was working on
bulls, and than they extrapolated the data from bulls and mice to man. I commented one
day to Dr [Paul] Henshaw, who was then… with the AEC, that if they were so interested
in [what would happen to] man, why were they fussing around with mice and beagle
dogs and canaries and so on? If they wanted to know about man, why not work on
In October 1995, the US government’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments published
its final report. The committee had been assembled by President Clinton after dogged investigative
journalist Albuquerque Tribune reporter Eileen Welsome uncovered evidence of government-sponsored
radiation tests on civilians.

Whilst ground-breaking and laudable, the committee’s mandate was limited to government-funded tests
between 1944 and 1974. Another problem was that it relied on self-reporting from various government
agencies. The CIA, for example, claim they did only one tiny, innocuous test whereas the Department of
Energy admits to 435 studies involving 16,000 subjects. Regardless, the range of admitted tests was

Given that much of this radiation testing was specifically intended to benefit the military, the average
soldier did not fare much better than his civilian counter part. Between 1946 and 1963 over 200,00 GIs
were ordered to watch nuclear bomb tests either in the Pacific or in Nevada. One blast alone in the
Marshall Islands was more than 1000 times the size of the Hiroshima bomb.

Even in death, citizens are not immune from government testing. Project Sunshine, which started in
1955, was an international body-snatching program that secretly removed body parts from over 9000
corpses at 17 sites around the world and sent them to US laboratories for fallout resting. It was
described by one sensitive American scientist as “a delicate problem of public relations, obviously”

Prisoners, rank-and-file military, the poor, pregnant women, the dead… Who had the government
scientists left out (apart from white, middle-class males, of course)? How about children…

Tests on Children
Not surprisingly, scientists didn’t run tests on their own children; they ran them on children in institutions
and in reform schools. During the 1950s and 60s, Willowbrook State School in New York, an institution
for the severely mentally retarded, was the site of hepatitis testing. Each newly arrived child was
systematically infected. The rationale was that these places offered regulated environments that were
perfect for replicating lab conditions. Oddly, even though private boarding schools also offered regulated
environments, no one ever ran experiments there.

The government’s human radiation committee looked at 21 cases of experimentation on children

involving over 800 subjects, a number they themselves admit I just small proportion of what went on.
One of the cases they concentrated on was dietary research conducted by the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and the staff of Walter E. Fernald School. A residential institute for boys.

Former residents, some of whom ended up there simply because their families didn’t want them any
more, describe the school as being dirty and brutal. In 1946, researchers set up a ‘science club’ at the
school, enticing boys to join with such perks as a quart of milk a day and the occasional chance to leave
the building.

In return, the boys were to eat a special ‘rich’ diet (breakfast food ‘enriched’ with radioactive iron) and to
submit to regular blood tests. Letters to the boys’ parents implied that the testing would improve their
health. The research, along with a later experiment at the school involving calcium, was funded by the
National Institute of Health, the Atomic energy Commission and the Quaker Oaks Company.

The government report ends its section on ‘non-therapeutic’ tests on children with:
“Today, fifty years after the Fernald experiments, there are still no federal regulations
protecting institutionalized children from unfair treatment in research involving human
One ex-Fernald boy, Charlie Dyer, who has fathered two daughters with severe birth defects, said
“Get to the truth fast before the government hides everything and you can’t find nothing
out. Because that’s what the government does, putting it in boxes and crates and hiding
everything from the public.”
In October 1995, President Clinton promised to “make repartitions to Americans whose lives were
damaged or cut short by these [human radiation] experiments” Of course, it is up to the government (or
government-appointed private contractors) to decide who has been ‘damaged’. So far, the vast majority
of claims have not been approved. And there are almost no follow-up studies for people irradiated
without their knowledge; so they are unlikely to even know what it is that is killing them, let alone that
they are eligible for compensation.

The case of 4500 Utah and Nevada sheep, grazing downwind of nuclear test sites, which died
‘mysteriously’ in 1953 shows how willingly reparations are handed out. It took 39 years, much of it spent
in court, for the government to be forced into paying compensation. The presiding judge, A. Sherman
Christensen, made a point of saying that the US government had lied, pressured witnesses and
manipulated the processes of the court.

And yes, the tests never ended.

Ultimately, nothing is inconceivable. All you have to do is look at Nazi Germany, Many machines have
been built that have been engines of evil. Institutionalized evil. Pure Evil… You don’t have to look too
hard to imagine the horror that governments are capable of. In the end, it’s the power of the individual
that will overcome the inherent evil of a monolith like a government run amuck. A little healthy paranoia
is good, I suppose.
Return to Project Paperclip
Return to The Saga of Flying

by Linda Moulton Howe

from NancyRedStar Website

 Bombshell Interview with Dr Carol Rosin about her work

with the late German Scientist Dr Werner von Braun
 von Braun anticipated terrorists, asteroids and ETs on
America's 'enemies list!'
 foresaw and warned of 'war in space' as an eventuality!

 Werner von Braun, Ph.D., rocket physicist from Germany who lead American
space development after WWII.
 Carol Rosin founded, and is President of, the Institute for Cooperation in
Space and Space Preservation Trust Foundation, Ventura, California.
June 20, 2004 Ventura, California – One of the most famous names from the beginning of the American
rocket and missile programs after World War II is Wernher von Braun.
With the defeat of Germany and Japan in 1945 after the United States dropped the atomic bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Dr. von Braun and 126 other German rocket scientists were brought to the
United States under a government project called "Paperclip." They were based at Fort Bliss, Texas and
their work was focused at the White Sands Missile Range north of Ft. Bliss in southern New Mexico.

Dr. von Braun became famous for his expertise and his visionary goal to expand man’s knowledge
through the exploration of space. His pioneering work led to the development of the Explorer satellites,
the Jupiter and Jupiter-C rockets, Pershing, the Redstone rocket, Saturn rockets, and Skylab, the
world’s first space station. Additionally, his determination to "go where no man has gone before" led
America’s first landing on the moon in 1969 during the John F. Kennedy administration.

In 1970, NASA asked Dr. von Braun to move to Washington, D.C., to head up the strategic planning
effort for the government space agency. But in less than two years he decided to retire from NASA and
and went to work for Fairchild Industries of Germantown, Maryland, where he met a 6th grade school
teacher named Carol Rosin.
She was famous for producing a "Students Studying on Spaceship Earth" project for her school classes.
Dr. von Braun asked Carol to join him at Fairchild Industries to help him create a ban of weapons in
As President Eisenhower had warned about the threat of the "military-industrial complex" to America’s
future, Dr. Werner warned that space should be kept free from intrusion by that same military-industrial
power. Carol left her teaching and went to work for Dr. von Braun in 1974. He was her mentor until he
died in Alexandria, Virginia on June 16, 1977.

Afterward, Carol Rosin has persisted for nearly thirty years in trying to carry out Dr. von Braun’s request
to get weapons banned from space. She is now President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space and
of the Space Preservation Trust Foundation.
Last year on December 8, 2003, her U. S. Space Preservation Act was placed by Representative
Dennis Kucinich as House Bill 3657 in the 108th Congress.
Its statement of purpose:
"To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by
prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and (by prohibiting) the use of weapons to
destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes."
Listen excerpts of some Dr. Carol Rosin declarations:

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced Carol Rosin’s U. S. Space Preservation Act as
House Bill 3657 on December 8, 2003.
Further, she has written a Space Preservation Treaty to be introduced to nations of the world for signing
through the United Nations to permanently ban basing of weapons in space.

In the past 30 years as Carol has worked hard to carry out Dr. von Braun’s challenge to her, she has
often thought of his warnings about the misuse of space and an "Enemy’s List" that he said the
American government was using to keep the media and public in support of Pentagon budgets.

Carol Rosin, President, Institute for Cooperation in Space and Space Preservation Trust Foundation,
Ventura, California:
"The message that he (Werner von Braun) was giving me continually was that we must
prevent the weaponization of space from happening because otherwise the truth would
never be officially acknowledged about who we were, who we are, as a human species
in the universes."
Part B

’Universes,’ is the way he put it to me. I had never heard that term before. I thought we
lived in (the only) galaxy solar system universe. But he always used the word





Dr. von Braun would have tears in his eyes every time – and he repeated this
continuously to me when he talked about us in the galaxy – he would say ’with a
hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone. What would make us think that we are the only
life form?’
That was a very typical, repeated quote.

The other one that he would say is that he knew that we must have peace in space in
order to bring the truth in. The only time he used the word, ’extraterrestrial’ and ’alien’ –
and he did this repeatedly as well – was when he spoke to me about the formula for
war. That included the fact that when I entered the industry, we were in a supposed
Cold War with Russia.

He would say, ’Let’s start here where you are.’ There are continuous wars and enemies
identified in order to perpetuate these wars, always with the ultimate goal of seizing the
high ground of outer space to dominate and control the minds of people on Earth so
they would not be given the truth, truthful information about who we really are in the


Well, this is what he did not describe. I believe what was happening is that he was
under threat.
– American "Enemy’s List" to Sustain War Mode and Pentagon
Budgets –
 Soviet Union
 Terrorists
 Asteroids
 Extraterrestrials

That’s right. He repeated this continuously. He would say that starting where I entered
the industry with the supposed Russian threat, but never actually existed the Russians
were made to be the enemy. Then there would be terrorists, Third World country
threats, there would be an asteroid threat.
They might even say to us to try to influence the public into believing that there are
many reasons for why we should put weapons in space. There might be a reason to
protect our assets in space.

But, the real one that he was always holding off on and would say again with tears filling
his eyes every time he said this to me repeatedly was that the last card they are holding
is the ’alien card,’ the extraterrestrial card and none of them are hostile. In any way he
could say those words, the intonation was always on, ’None of them are hostile. It’s all a
lie.’ So, in other words, all the enemies that have been presented to us along the way
it’s a lie with always the intention of seizing the high ground to keep the truth from us.



Actually he (von Braun) never implied that the Russians were part of this.
He implied to me that the kernel of it was in the United States and that this had to be
stopped and he thought that I, as a woman in those days with curly hair and short skirts,
could get into any meeting where a man could probably never say the things that I

At that time, he gave me the assignment of preventing the weaponization of space. He

also mentioned that when he and the other scientists came here (Project Paper Clip) so
many rumors were spread about them, that they were Nazis and were horrible people
and that was all lies.


Yes, of course. I notice that even some people in the peace movement refer to von
Braun and the scientists as people who started the Star Wars program (under
Reagan). That’s just not true. It’s a lie.
They were purely scientists who came here to be space and rocket scientists, but they
were always sucked up into this system that has been existing in the old, obsolete
earth-bound paradigm. At least that’s as much intelligence as the population is given to
keep us in the earth-bound paradigm. But these men were far ahead. These were
space age people.

Yes, he described it not as a blame on just a certain group. He described it as the

inexorably linked military-industrial-lab-university-NASA and other space agencies-
intelligence community-government complex that it was intertwined, but there was a
group that knew all of it. He did not act as if he knew who it was.
– ET Threat to Perpetuate Military-Industrial-Corporate-Academic
Complex –

Not just for the Pentagon, but aerospace industries, labs, universities and anyone else
who has a job and makes a profit from keeping this a secret. Although most of the
people in the industry don’t even know there is this big secret of all time – and yes, you
have articulated this very beautifully.
You are not at all putting words in my mouth – that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Except that it’s not the influence of just people in the Pentagon. This is some how, as he
would put it, inexorably linked to all the facets of profit-making, of so-called security and
defense mechanisms, of people who just need a job to survive and pay for their kids’
college education and also to keep the public stupid.

I have felt that since this happened, since I learned from the heart of von Braun, that
this huge secret is being kept it has to have something to do with the ’off-planet
culture,’ that I call OPC phenomenon that in fact, it was so real that this man could
hardly talk about this big secret and did not because of the threats to his life and
probably to the lives of others who worked with him who might or might not have known.
But he certainly did.


I did not put all this together for many years. I was one of the people in a state of denial
myself. I was a high paid woman executive in an aerospace company who had been
given an assignment from Werner von Braun, but always thought of myself as just an
educator, a school teacher, to keep weapons out of space so that as he would repeat
continuously, ’The truth would not only be revealed, disclosed’ – that official
acknowledgement has happened in different parts of the world, but not in the United

I’m an official adviser to China. I’ve talked with a lot of people over there and I feel they
know the secret, but being what they consider to be the Middle Kingdom, they wait for
other countries including the United States to come forward. They are not what I would
call initiators of something so powerful. But they are very much seekers of the truth and
working on these issues.


I actually had years ago one of the (Chinese) scientists at a university tell me that that is
what they were waiting for. And I said, ’Well, if you know the truth, why don’t you go
public with it?’

They said, ’Well we wait because we consider ourselves to be of the Middle Kingdom
and we don’t want to be aggressive in any way', even though (China) has been
identified as one of the potential enemies against the United States. But they are not.
And neither are the Russians or any other country that I know of except for the
individuals or parts of cultures that we have antagonized so much that they are so angry
with us at this time.

So, I think Werner von Braun saw this back in the 1970s. He died in 1977. Back into the
1940s and 1950s was when he started to become aware of what the potential benefits
of outer space were to humanity.

– Must Prevent Weaponization of Space –

But what he always added on to his talks with me – that for years I did not say because
of the ridicule factor – was this message that we must prevent the weaponization of
space from happening and that the big lie is that none of them are hostile, talking about
this list of potential enemies against whom we have been taught to fear and even
hate – that none of them are hostile.

We are all essence and none of them are hostile haunted me for years until the early
2000s I started to learn about high level military intelligence, corporate people, who had
already gone public by saying things like that, but also by emphasizing the fact that we
must keep weapons out of space and that there is other life in the universe.

I’m just tuning into it myself and it has caused me to work with people around the world
who want to get a Space Preservation Treaty signed and we do have a companion bill
in the Congress that was introduced even before the treaty came forward by
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Dem-10th Congressional District, Ohio) and others
who co-sponsored it to call for a ban on ALL space-based weapons. We don’t have to
study which ones. It would also prevent the destruction or damage of anything in space
that is in orbit.

In other words, our satellites that we need to verify what is in space coming in (toward
Earth) and what is on Earth so we can see the Earth to reduce and eliminate missiles
and nuclear weapons and other dangerous and polluting technologies on the planet.
This must be done – we must protect those satellites and they should NOT be used as
’force multipliers’ in war games which is the old scenario.
But that is happening.

From my information, they do not interfere. They will not, however, allow us to take our
weapons and toxins into space. They will, however, let the human species do whatever
it does to itself.
That’s the information I’ve been given and that’s what I see happening. I have no
evidence myself for this, but I’ve read that OPCs (Off-Planet Cultures) have shut down
the attempt to put operational weapons in space. I have also been given information
that they will not interfere with what we do.

However, there is a possibility that they would leave if we set off nuclear bombs, nuclear
technology, and/or continue with the space-based weapons program. I am moving to
Ecuador now, but we have an office still in Vancouver, B. C., Canada and people I’m
working with here will continue in the United States. I’ll be doing it from Ecuador.

But I’m 60 years old now and I’ve gone through this issue for 30 years now day and
night, holding as von Braun did this piece of information about this big lie that’s being
told – this canopy of lies that especially in the U.S. and because we keep it such a big
secret here – has been kept over our heads. It’s like we live behind this veil of secrecy
and so many of us who know pieces of it – whether it’s intuitively or by experience or by
a learning process – we keep way under the radar. We talk about it at dinner from a
non-believing state to a giggle to an ’Oh, my God! This is real!’



Because we have not weaponized space. There are not operational weapons in space
patrolling us at this time. We have just enough time – that’s how – to get a Space
Preservation Treaty signed into law. You can see the companion Space Preservation
Act now in 2004 the number is H. R. 3615 that’s been introduced into the Congress (by
Rep. Dennis Kucinich).

Congress in the U. S. and this Administration are not going to produce a ban on space-
based weapons. In fact, the next administration might not either, UNLESS we get world
leaders to sign the Space Preservation Treaty. That treaty getting signed would put the
necessary pressure that we need on the U. S. Congress and Administration. So, the
answer is now available to us, we have the bill in Congress and a real treaty to be


In my mind, it’s inevitable obliteration of the human species. I believe that is a very
possible reality. I think we are very close to it, we are in grave danger from any one of a
number of manmade or natural disasters that could occur.



We are headed toward territorial conflicts in space and on the moon. That’s the whole
point of this in the earth-bound context and paradigm. But China does not want
weapons in space. Their leaders have said that for many decades. So has Russia said
that. These are the two main space super powers with the United States.


That we would justify space-based weapons against any country that the U. S.
population and government leaders will buy into as long as that scenario holds.

By the way, everything that I’ve just said to you has already been proven to come true.
In 1977, I was talking about the fact that there was going to be a Gulf War because I
was in a meeting when it was being planned. In 1977! It’s one of the reasons I woke up
and resigned from my cushy position in the industry.

I couldn’t believe there was a chart on the wall of potential enemies against which we
were going to build space-based weapons that I and most people in the room had never
even heard of. This is how these wars are planned and I went forward with that story for
years. And then three months before the first Gulf War started, my husband as my
witness will tell you that I sat down watching TV waiting for the war with even my
husband saying, ’Carol, you’ve flipped out.’ You’ve gone over the top. No one is talking
about a war in the Gulf.’

Because there was a certain amount of money in the space-based weapons program
that I was told would be in it when they were ready to pulling space-based weapons to
test the next phase of weapons. By the way, part of the formula that I didn’t mention
earlier that is part of the creating the scenario of enemies and wars leading to the
potential extraterrestrial threat is that they have to have these wars in order to dump the
old weapons, test the new weapons, and rationalize the budgets for the next set of

This is what they educate the public and the leaders about in order to get their next
enormous budgets. Notice how in each war, if you track the weapon systems that have
been used, they are aiming toward the most advanced weaponry, the most horrific
weaponry, that the human species has mostly yet to imagine. But that’s what is being
tested in each war, aiming at always seizing the high ground and putting these weapons
up in space.

Because if you put these weapons up in geosynchronous orbit just 22,300 miles above
the earth in just three spots in geosynchronous orbit, you hit the whole footprint of the
entire Earth. You can control the Earth from that location in just three spots. Imagine
what they could do with the highest forms of weapons technology.

– 2012? –

No, he did not ever mention that to me, but what he did say about the timing is that the
timing was critical to keep weapons out of space. His timing was with a sense of
urgency that,
’Before the momentum of funding vested interests and technology is put
into place that is as dangerous as is the deployment of operational
weapons themselves, we must achieve a ban on all space-based
weapons on this planet.’
Return to Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun

December 2000
from DavidIcke Website
Dr. Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was
spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security
and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many
occasions about space based weapons.
Von Braun revealed to Dr. Rosin a plan to justify weapons in space based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial
threat. She was also present at meetings in the ´70s when the scenario for the Gulf War of the ´90s was

Dr. Carol Rosin (picture; speaking), Dr. Steven Greer (to the right)
CR: Dr. Carol Rosin
SG: Dr. Steven Greer
CR: My name is Carol Rosin. I am an educator who became the first woman corporate
manager of an Aerospace Company, Fairchild Industries. I am a Space and Missile
Defense Consultant and have consulted to a number of companies, organizations, and
government departments, even the intelligence community. I was a consultant to TRW
working on the MX missile, so I was part of that strategy, which turned out to be a role
model for how to sell space-based weapons to the public. The MX missile is yet another
weapon system that we didn’t need.

I founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, a Washington DC
based think tank. I am an author and have testified before Congress and the President’s
Commission on Space.

When I was a Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries from 1974 through 1977, I met
the late Dr. Wernher Von Braun. We first met in early 1974. At that time, Von Braun
was dying of cancer but he assured me that he would live a few more years to tell me
about the game that was being played- that game being the effort to weaponize space,
to control the Earth from space and space itself.
Von Braun had a history of working with weapons systems. He escaped from Germany
to come to this country and became a Vice President of Fairchild Industries when I had
met him. Von Braun’s purpose during the last years of his life, his dying years, was to
educate the public and decision-makers about why space-based weapons are dumb,
dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable, and an undesirable idea,
and about the alternatives that are available.

As practically a deathbed speech, he educated me about those concepts and who the
players were in this game. He gave me the responsibility, since he was dying, of
continuing this effort to prevent the weaponization of outer space. When Wernher Von
Braun was dying of cancer, he asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on
occasions when he was too ill to speak. I did this.

What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and
over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with
him. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision
makers was to use scare tactics That was how we identify an enemy.

The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to
be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified
enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were
coming to get us and control us -- that they were "Commies."

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about
terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call
them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we
would build space-based weapons.

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he
said it. Asteroids-against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.

And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be
the final scare.
And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving
speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.
"And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to
have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."
I think I was too naive at that time to know the seriousness of the nature of the spin that
was being put on the system.
And now, the pieces are starting to fall into place. We are building a space-based
weapons system on a premise that is a lie, a spin. Wernher Von Braun was trying to
hint that to me back in the early 70’s and right up until the moment when he died in

What he told me was that there is an accelerated effort in place. He didn’t mention a
timeline but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could
possibly imagine. That the effort to put weapons into space was not only based on a lie
but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it until it was already
up there and too late.

When Von Braun was dying in front of me, the very first day that I met him, he had
tubes draining out of his side. He was tapping on the desk telling me,
"You will come to Fairchild." I was a schoolteacher. He said, "You will
come to Fairchild and you will be responsible for keeping weapons out
of space."
The way he said it with this intenseness in his eyes, and added that very first day, the
first time I met him, that space-based weapons were a dangerous, destabilizing, too
costly, unnecessary, untestable, unworkable idea.

The last card that was being held was the extraterrestrial enemy card. The intensity
with which he said that, made me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid
to mention. He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details. I am not
sure that I would have absorbed them if he had told me the details or even believed him
in 1974. But there was no question that that man knew and had a need to know, I found
out later.

There is no doubt in my mind that Wernher Von Braun knew about the extraterrestrial
He explained to me the reasons why weapons were going to be put into space, the
enemies against whom we were going to build these weapons, and that all of that was a
lie. He mentioned that extraterrestrials were going to be identified as the final enemy
against whom we were going to build space-based weapons back in 1974. The way he
said it to me, there was no doubt in my mind that he knew something that he was too
afraid to talk about.

Wernher Von Braun never spoke to me about any of the details that he knew related to
extraterrestrials except that one day extraterrestrials were going to be identified as an
enemy against whom we are going to build an enormous space-based weapons
system. Wernher Von Braun actually told me that the spin was a lie -- that the premise
for space-based weaponry, the reasons that were going to be given, the enemies that
we were going to identify -- were all based on a lie.

I have been tracking the space-based weapons issue for about 26 years. I have
debated Generals and Congressional Representatives. I have testified before the
Congress and the Senate. I have met with people in over 100 countries. But I have not
been able to identify who the people are who are making this space-based weapons
system happen. I see the news. I see the administrative decisions being made. I know
that they are all based on lies and greed.

But I have yet to be able to identify who the people are. That is after tracking this issue
for 26 years. I know that there are big secrets being kept and I know that it is time the
public and decision-makers pay attention to the people who are now going to be
disclosing the truth. Then we need to make some definite changes and build a system
in space that will benefit every single person, and all of the animals, and the
environment of this planet.
The technology is there. The solutions to Earth’s urgent and long-term potential
problems are there. I have a feeling that once we start studying this extraterrestrial
issue, all of the questions are going to be answered that I have had for 26 years.

But I have concluded that it is based on a few people making a lot of money and gaining
power. It is about ego. It is not about our essence and who we really are on this planet
and loving each other and being at peace and cooperating. It isn’t about using
technology to solve problems and heal people in the planet. It isn’t about that. It is about
a few people who really are playing an old, dangerous, costly game for their own
pocketbooks and power struggle. That is all it is.

I believe that this entire space-based weapons game is initiated right here in the United
States of America. What I hope is that with this information that is being disclosed, the
new administration will to do what is right. That is to transform the war game into a
space game so that we use the technologies that are available not just as spin-offs of
war technology, but as direct technological applications to build a cooperative space
system that will benefit the entire world and that will allow us to communicate with the
extraterrestrial cultures that are obviously out there.

Who would benefit from these space-based weapons? They are the people who work in
that arena, people in the military, in industries, in universities and labs, in the
intelligence community. This is not just in the United States but it is worldwide. This is a
worldwide cooperative system. Wars are cooperative. Just as peace will be when it
breaks out. But right now there are a lot of people benefiting. This is what our economy
has been based on in this country and spreading around the world - war.
People suffer as a result. It is not fair. It never has been. People have screamed: "out of
swords let us build plow shares, let’s have peace and hold hands around the world," but
it hasn’t worked because too many people are benefiting. Not only are they benefiting
financially, but from what my experience is there are people who actually believe that
Armageddon should happen so we have to have these wars.

So it is going from the pocketbook, to the religious right: some people actually believe
that we have to have wars for these religious reasons. There are people who just love
war. I have met warriors who just love to go to war. Then there are the good people, the
soldiers, who just take orders.
They have to feed their children and send them to college so they want to keep their
jobs. People in laboratories have told me that they don’t want to work on these
technologies for war but if they don’t they won’t get a paycheck. Who is going to pay
them? But what I see is that there are not only dual uses for these technologies but
there are many uses for the same technologies.

We can build space hospitals, schools, hotels, laboratories, farms, industries. It may
sound far out but if we don’t do that we are going to build battle stations and weapons
pointed down all of our throats and into space. Apparently we have been doing some of
that already. We have a choice now that can be made.
We can all benefit - all of the people in the military industrial complex, in the intelligence
community, in universities and labs, in the United States and all over the world - we can
all benefit. We can just transform that industry so easily with just a decision based on
our highest consciousness, our spirituality, and on the fact that we have no choice
unless we all want to die. And we don’t. So we can all benefit financially, spiritually,
socially, psychologically; it is technologically and politically feasible to transform this
game now and everybody will benefit.

In 1977 I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in a conference room called the War
Room. In that room were a lot of charts on the walls with enemies, identified enemies.
There were other more obscure names, names like Saddam Hussein and Khadafi. But
we were talking then about terrorists, the potential terrorists. No one had ever talked
about this before but this was the next stage after the Russians against whom we were
going to build these space-based weapons.
I stood up in this meeting and I said,
"Excuse me, why are we talking about these potential enemies against
whom we are going to build space-based weapons if, in fact, we know
that they are not the enemy at this time?"
Well, they continued the conversation about how they were going to antagonize these
enemies and that at some point, there was going to be a war in the Gulf, a Gulf War.
Now this is 1977, 1977! And they were talking about creating a war in the Gulf Region
when there was 25 billion dollars in the space-based weapons program that had yet to
be identified. It wasn’t called the Strategic Defense Initiative, at least. Not until 1983.
This weapons system, then, had obviously been going on for some time and I didn’t
know anything about.
So I stood up in this meeting in 1977 and said,
"I would like to know why we are talking about space-based weapons
against these enemies. I would like to know more about this. Would
someone please tell me what this is about?"
Nobody answered. They just went on with this meeting as though I hadn’t said anything.

Suddenly I stood up in the room and said,

"If nobody can tell me why you are planning a war in the Gulf when
there is a certain amount of money in a budget so that you can create
the next set of weapons systems that will be the beginning of the sell to
the public about why we need space-based weapons, then consider
this: my resignation. And you will not hear from me again!"
And nobody said a word, because they were planning a war in the Gulf and it happened
exactly as they planned it, on time.

SG: Who was at this meeting?

CR: The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that
I had seen once in a military uniform and other times in a gray suit and an industry
outfit. These people play a revolving door game. They work as consultants, industry
people, and/or military and intelligence people. They work in the industries and they
revolve themselves through these doors and right into government positions.

I stood up in this meeting and asked if I was hearing correctly. That when there was 25
billion dollars expended in the space-based weapons budget, that there was going to be
a war in the Gulf, stimulated, created, so that they could then sell the next phase of
weapons to the public and the decision-makers. This war was going to be created so
that they could dump the old weapons and create a whole new set of weapons. So I had
to resign from that position. I could no longer work in that industry.
In about 1990 I was sitting in my living room looking at the money that had been spent
on space-based weapons research and development programs and I realized that it had
come to that number, about 25 billion dollars, and I said to my husband,
"I am now going to stop everything. I am now going to stop and sit and
watch CNN television and I am going to wait for the war to happen."
My husband said, "Well, you have finally gone over the edge. You have
flipped out."
Friends said, "You have really gone too far this time. There is not going
to be a war in the Gulf, nobody is talking about a war in the Gulf."

I said, "There is going to be a war in the Gulf. I am going to sit here and
wait for the war in the Gulf."
And it happened right on schedule.

As part of the war game in the Gulf, we in the public were told that the United States
was successful in shooting down Russian Scud Missiles. We were rationalizing new
budgets based on that success. In fact, we found out later, after the budgets were
approved for the next phase of weapons, that it was a lie. We did not have successful
shoot-downs the way we were told. It was all a lie, just to get more money put in the
budget to make more weapons.

I was one of the first people to go independently to Russia when I heard that they had
"killer satellites."

[See the testimony of Dr. Paul Czysz.- SG]

When I went to Russia in the early 70’s, I found out that they didn’t have killer satellites,
that it was a lie. In fact, the Russian leaders and people wanted peace. They wanted to
cooperate with the United States and with the people of the world.

Another time I called Saddam Hussein when he was lighting his oil fields on fire. My
husband was in the kitchen while I was making this phone call.
I got a call back from his First Attaché with Saddam Hussein nearby and he asked,
"Are you a reporter? Are you an agent? Why do you want to know?"

I said, "No. I am just a citizen who helped to start the movement to

prevent the weaponization of outer space and I have found that a lot of
stories that I have been told about weapons systems and the enemies
are not true. I wanted to find out what would satisfy Saddam Hussein so
he would stop making these oil fields catch fire and stop antagonizing
He said, "Well, nobody has ever asked him that question, what he
So when I hear that there is a possible threat of extraterrestrials - and I look at the
history of thousands of years of possible ET visitations, and hear the disclosures of
honest military-intelligence-industry people who have had experiences with UFO’s, with
crashes and landings, with live and dead bodies of extraterrestrial beings - I know it is a
And if I am ever told that these are enemies against whom we have to build space-
based weapons systems, based on my own personal experience of having worked in
the military industrial complex on weapons systems and military strategy, I am going to
know it is a lie. It is a lie.

Not only will I not believe it, but I am going to go out as loudly as I can and tell everyone
to take a look. They [the ET’s] have not taken us away yet. We are still here after
thousands of years of visits. If in fact they are still visiting us now and we have not been
harmed then we have to look at this as something that is not a hostile occurrence.

It would be my hope and my intention to do everything I could to work with people who
are working to communicate with and cooperate with these extraterrestrial beings. They
are clearly not hostile. We are here. That is enough proof for me.

There is no limit to how people can choose to live on this planet. We have a chance to
do that and I think that the window is closing rapidly. I don’t think that we have much
time in which to make that decision. We are too close in too many ways to having some
horrible disaster happen, having some sort of war take place, whether it is from high
technology or an exotic weapons system.

We need leadership and it has to start with the United States President and that is who
we all have to reach.
If you are international, if you are around the world, if you are in the United States of
America, whether you are from any party, any belief system or religion- the United
States Commander in Chief, the President of the United States is the person that needs
to be reached.
We need to say that we want an ultimate, comprehensive, verifiable ban on all space-
based weapons.
Return to Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von
Return to Steven Greer

by L.C. Vincent
May 26, 2010
from HenryMakow Website
Dr. Wernher von Braun, the head of the Nazi rocket program, was brought to America after the war
because our government considered his knowledge and expertise too vital to fall into enemy hands.

Dr. von Braun brought a wealth of information gleaned from other top Nazi scientists like his boss, SS
General Hans Kammler. Von Braun was privy to work on anti gravity propulsion vehicles. With access
to NASA's secret programs, von Braun apparently began to see the "big picture" regarding the true
goals of America's space program and how the military-industrial complex was manipulating it according
to a secret, hidden agenda.

Dr. Carol Rosin was an industry executive when she first met Dr. Wernher von Braun in February
1974. At this time, before his death in 1977, von Braun confided to Dr. Rosin NASA's hidden agenda.
Inviting her into his office, Von Braun stunned Dr. Rosin by explaining that it was all leading to planetary
control under an oppressive One World Government.

According to Dr. Rosin, von Braun then gave her one supreme assignment:
He said a secretive trans-national power, already in existence, would move to
permanently take control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outer space.
According to von Braun, space based weapons, later known as the "Star Wars" program, were to be
promoted as:
 a "shield" against the Russians
 then, as a defense against 'rogue' nations
 then, as protection against asteroids and meteors
 finally they would be presented as a safeguard against an extraterrestrial threat
According to von Braun, all of these rationales would be lies.
These space based weapons would be useless against nuclear suitcase bombs available even in 1974,
as well as chemical, viral, bacterial and biological terror weapons.

More importantly, von Braun told Rosin that we already had the technology to build anti-gravity vehicles
and entire transportation systems which did not require so-called 'fossil' fuels.
Instead, they used "beams" of energy, eliminating all pollution.

If space-based weapons technologies are not being developed to protect the U.S. and its allies, why are
they being developed? Could resistors, whether nation-states or isolated groups opposed to the coming
New World Order, be singled out and eliminated?

Another possibility is that such space-based weapons will be part of the "smoke and mirrors" light show
designed for use in "Project Blue Beam" with its false, projected presentation of an alien invasion.

According to Dr. Steven Greer, the head of the "Disclosure Project,"

"...the prospect that a shadowy, para-governmental and transnational entity exists that
has kept UFO's secret - and is planning a deception that will dwarf the events of 9/11..."
This is a scenario that more people within the depths of our government have begun to reveal.

Dr. Greer writes:

"Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed
Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched... and yet
others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs, but that are built and under
the control of deeply secretive ´black´ projects, were being used to simulate - hoax - ET-
appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early
seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space.
And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the
now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made
by humans by studying actual ET craft) to hoax an attack on Earth."
The goal of this hoaxed space alien invasion was simple: Create a common enemy and drive all nations
to submit to a One World Government.
And in Dr. Greer's words:
" justify eventually spending trillions on space weapons... thus uniting the world in
fear, in militarism and war."
Greer claims that Hollywood movies have been deliberately implanting a fear of ET's:
"...this mental conditioning to fear ET has been subtly reinforced for decades, in
preparation for future deceptions...The Plan is to eventually create a new, sustainable,
off-planet enemy..."


The possibility of an "off planet" space fleet was given even more credence recently when a young
Scottish hacker by the name of Gary McKinnon recently broke into the Pentagon's computers and
reputedly came up with,
 the names of some of our "off-world" U.S. space fleet (identified under the
abbreviation: USSS)
 two specific space ships, (the USSS LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter)
 the names of the various crews, their ranks, and transfer assignments between
various "off Earth" space ships
This computer security breach so enraged the brass at the Pentagon that the U.S. Government is
currently seeking to extradite McKinnon from the U.K. to face charges of computer hacking with a
punishment of LIFE IN PRISON!
Certainly this is one way to permanently silence an embarrassing discoverer of forbidden information.

Now that we know Illuminati plans, we can prepare for the greatest deception in human history by
warning others, and deciding how we might deal with a hoaxed space-alien invasion scenario.
Return to About Carol Rosin and The Late
Werner Von Braun
Return to The Illuminati

Testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin

December 2000

Dr. Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was
spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the
Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified
before Congress on many occasions about space based weapons. Von Braun revealed
to Dr. Rosin a plan to justify weapons in spaced based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial
threat. She was also present at meetings in the ‘70s when the scenario for the Gulf War
of the ‘90s was planned.

CR: Dr. Carol Rosin   SG: Dr. Steven Greer

CR: My name is Carol Rosin. I am an educator who became the first woman corporate manager
of an Aerospace Company, Fairchild Industries. I am a Space and Missile Defense Consultant
and have consulted to a number of companies, organizations, and government departments,
even the intelligence community. I was a consultant to TRW working on the MX missile, so I was
part of that strategy, which turned out to be a role model for how to sell space-based weapons to
the public. The MX missile is yet another weapon system that we didn’t need.

I founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, a Washington DC based
think tank. I am an author and have testified before Congress and the President’s Commission
on Space.

When I was a Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries from 1974 through 1977, I met the late
Dr. Wernher Von Braun. We first met in early 1974. At that time, Von Braun was dying of cancer
but he assured me that he would live a few more years to tell me about the game that was being
played- that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the Earth from space and
space itself. Von Braun had a history of working with weapons systems. He escaped from
Germany to come to this country and became a Vice President of Fairchild Industries when I had
met him. Von Braun’s purpose during the last years of his life, his dying years, was to educate
the public and decision-makers about why space-based weapons are dumb, dangerous,
destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable, and an undesirable idea, and about the
alternatives that are available.

As practically a deathbed speech, he educated me about those concepts and who the players
were in this game. He gave me the responsibility, since he was dying, of continuing this effort to
prevent the weaponization of outer space. When Wernher Von Braun was dying of cancer, he
asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on occasions when he was too ill to speak. I did

What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over
again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him. He said the
strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare
tactics… That was how we identify an enemy.

The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be
considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We
were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and
control us – that they were "Commies."

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.
Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of
Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it.
Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final
scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving
speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the
alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a

I think I was too naïve at that time to know the seriousness of the nature of the spin that was
being put on the system. And now, the pieces are starting to fall into place. We are building a
space-based weapons system on a premise that is a lie, a spin. Wernher Von Braun was trying
to hint that to me back in the early 70’s and right up until the moment when he died in 1977.

What he told me was that there is an accelerated effort in place. He didn’t mention a timeline but
he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine. That the
effort to put weapons into space was not only based on a lie but would accelerate past the point
of people even understanding it until it was already up there and too late.

When Von Braun was dying in front of me, the very first day that I met him, he had tubes draining
out of his side. He was tapping on the desk telling me, "You will come to Fairchild." I was a
schoolteacher. He said, "You will come to Fairchild and you will be responsible for keeping
weapons out of space." The way he said it with this intenseness in his eyes, and added that very
first day, the first time I met him, that space-based weapons were a dangerous, destabilizing, too
costly, unnecessary, untestable, unworkable idea.

The last card that was being held was the extraterrestrial enemy card. The intensity with which
he said that, made me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid to mention. He was
too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details. I am not sure that I would have
absorbed them if he had told me the details or even believed him in 1974. But there was no
question that that man knew and had a need to know, I found out later.

There is no doubt in my mind that Wernher Von Braun knew about the extraterrestrial issue. He
explained to me the reasons why weapons were going to be put into space, the enemies against
whom we were going to build these weapons, and that all of that was a lie. He mentioned that
extraterrestrials were going to be identified as the final enemy against whom we were going to
build space-based weapons back in 1974. The way he said it to me, there was no doubt in my
mind that he knew something that he was too afraid to talk about.

Wernher Von Braun never spoke to me about any of the details that he knew related to
extraterrestrials except that one day extraterrestrials were going to be identified as an enemy
against whom we are going to build an enormous space-based weapons system. Wernher Von
Braun actually told me that the spin was a lie – that the premise for space-based weaponry, the
reasons that were going to be given, the enemies that we were going to identify – were all based
on a lie.

I have been tracking the space-based weapons issue for about 26 years. I have debated
Generals and Congressional Representatives. I have testified before the Congress and the
Senate. I have met with people in over 100 countries. But I have not been able to identify who the
people are who are making this space-based weapons system happen. I see the news. I see the
administrative decisions being made. I know that they are all based on lies and greed.

But I have yet to be able to identify who the people are. That is after tracking this issue for 26
years. I know that there are big secrets being kept and I know that it is time the public and
decision-makers pay attention to the people who are now going to be disclosing the truth. Then
we need to make some definite changes and build a system in space that will benefit every single
person, and all of the animals, and the environment of this planet. The technology is there. The
solutions to Earth’s urgent and long-term potential problems are there. I have a feeling that once
we start studying this extraterrestrial issue, all of the questions are going to be answered that I
have had for 26 years.

But I have concluded that it is based on a few people making a lot of money and gaining power. It
is about ego. It is not about our essence and who we really are on this planet and loving each
other and being at peace and cooperating. It isn’t about using technology to solve problems and
heal people in the planet. It isn’t about that. It is about a few people who really are playing an old,
dangerous, costly game for their own pocketbooks and power struggle. That is all it is.

I believe that this entire space-based weapons game is initiated right here in the United States of
America. What I hope is that with this information that is being disclosed, the new administration
will to do what is right. That is to transform the war game into a space game so that we use the
technologies that are available not just as spin-offs of war technology, but as direct technological
applications to build a cooperative space system that will benefit the entire world and that will
allow us to communicate with the extraterrestrial cultures that are obviously out there.

Who would benefit from these space-based weapons? They are the people who work in that
arena, people in the military, in industries, in universities and labs, in the intelligence community.
This is not just in the United States but it is worldwide. This is a worldwide cooperative system.
Wars are cooperative. Just as peace will be when it breaks out. But right now there are a lot of
people benefiting. This is what our economy has been based on in this country and spreading
around the world- war. People suffer as a result. It is not fair. It never has been. People have
screamed: "out of swords let us build plow shares, let’s have peace and hold hands around the
world," but it hasn’t worked because too many people are benefiting. Not only are they benefiting
financially, but from what my experience is there are people who actually believe that
Armageddon should happen so we have to have these wars.

So it is going from the pocketbook, to the religious right: some people actually believe that we
have to have wars for these religious reasons. There are people who just love war. I have met
warriors who just love to go to war. Then there are the good people, the soldiers, who just take
orders. They have to feed their children and send them to college so they want to keep their jobs.
People in laboratories have told me that they don’t want to work on these technologies for war
but if they don’t they won’t get a paycheck. Who is going to pay them? But what I see is that
there are not only dual uses for these technologies but there are many uses for the same

We can build space hospitals, schools, hotels, laboratories, farms, industries. It may sound far
out but if we don’t do that we are going to build battle stations and weapons pointed down all of
our throats and into space. Apparently we have been doing some of that already. We have a
choice now that can be made. We can all benefit – all of the people in the military industrial
complex, in the intelligence community, in universities and labs, in the United States and all over
the world – we can all benefit. We can just transform that industry so easily with just a decision
based on our highest consciousness, our spirituality, and on the fact that we have no choice
unless we all want to die. And we don’t. So we can all benefit financially, spiritually, socially,
psychologically; it is technologically and politically feasible to transform this game now and
everybody will benefit.

In 1977 I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in a conference room called the War Room. In
that room were a lot of charts on the walls with enemies, identified enemies. There were other
more obscure names, names like Saddam Hussein and Khadafi. But we were talking then about
terrorists, the potential terrorists. No one had ever talked about this before but this was the next
stage after the Russians against whom we were going to build these space-based weapons. I
stood up in this meeting and I said, "Excuse me, why are we talking about these potential
enemies against whom we are going to build space-based weapons if, in fact, we know that they
are not the enemy at this time?"

Well, they continued the conversation about how they were going to antagonize these enemies
and that at some point, there was going to be a war in the Gulf, a Gulf War. Now this is 1977,
1977! And they were talking about creating a war in the Gulf Region when there was 25 billion
dollars in the space-based weapons program that had yet to be identified. It wasn’t called the
Strategic Defense Initiative, at least. Not until 1983. This weapons system, then, had obviously
been going on for some time and I didn’t know anything about. So I stood up in this meeting in
1977 and said, "I would like to know why we are talking about space-based weapons against
these enemies. I would like to know more about this. Would someone please tell me what this is
about?" Nobody answered. They just went on with this meeting as though I hadn’t said anything.

Suddenly I stood up in the room and said, "If nobody can tell me why you are planning a war in
the Gulf when there is a certain amount of money in a budget so that you can create the next set
of weapons systems that will be the beginning of the sell to the public about why we need space-
based weapons, then consider this: my resignation. And you will not hear from me again!" And
nobody said a word, because they were planning a war in the Gulf and it happened exactly as
they planned it, on time.

SG: Who was at this meeting?

CR: The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that I had
seen once in a military uniform and other times in a gray suit and an industry outfit. These people
play a revolving door game. They work as consultants, industry people, and/or military and
intelligence people. They work in the industries and they revolve themselves through these doors
and right into government positions.

I stood up in this meeting and asked if I was hearing correctly. That when there was 25 billion
dollars expended in the space-based weapons budget, that there was going to be a war in the
Gulf, stimulated, created, so that they could then sell the next phase of weapons to the public
and the decision-makers. This war was going to be created so that they could dump the old
weapons and create a whole new set of weapons. So I had to resign from that position. I could
no longer work in that industry.

In about 1990 I was sitting in my living room looking at the money that had been spent on space-
based weapons research and development programs and I realized that it had come to that
number, about 25 billion dollars, and I said to my husband, "I am now going to stop everything. I
am now going to stop and sit and watch CNN television and I am going to wait for the war to
happen." My husband said, "Well, you have finally gone over the edge. You have flipped out."
Friends said, "You have really gone too far this time. There is not going to be a war in the Gulf,
nobody is talking about a war in the Gulf."

I said, "There is going to be a war in the Gulf. I am going to sit here and wait for the war in the
Gulf." And it happened right on schedule.

As part of the war game in the Gulf, we in the public were told that the United States was
successful in shooting down Russian Scud Missiles. We were rationalizing new budgets based
on that success. In fact, we found out later, after the budgets were approved for the next phase
of weapons, that it was a lie. We did not have successful shoot-downs the way we were told. It
was all a lie, just to get more money put in the budget to make more weapons.

I was one of the first people to go independently to Russia when I heard that they had "killer
[See the testimony of Dr. Paul Czysz. SG]

When I went to Russia in the early 70’s, I found out that they didn’t have killer satellites, that it
was a lie. In fact, the Russian leaders and people wanted peace. They wanted to cooperate with
the United States and with the people of the world.

Another time I called Saddam Hussein when he was lighting his oil fields on fire. My husband
was in the kitchen while I was making this phone call. I got a call back from his First Attaché with
Saddam Hussein nearby and he asked, "Are you a reporter? Are you an agent? Why do you
want to know?"

I said, "No. I am just a citizen who helped to start the movement to prevent the weaponization of
outer space and I have found that a lot of stories that I have been told about weapons systems
and the enemies are not true. I wanted to find out what would satisfy Saddam Hussein so he
would stop making these oil fields catch fire and stop antagonizing people." He said, "Well,
nobody has ever asked him that question, what he wants."

Back to Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun

So when I hear that there is a possible threat of extraterrestrials – and I look at the history of
thousands of years of possible ET visitations, and hear the disclosures of honest military-
intelligence-industry people who have had experiences with UFO’s, with crashes and landings,
with live and dead bodies of extraterrestrial beings – I know it is a lie. And if I am ever told that
these are enemies against whom we have to build space-based weapons systems, based on my
own personal experience of having worked in the military industrial complex on weapons systems
and military strategy, I am going to know it is a lie. It is a lie.

Not only will I not believe it, but I am going to go out as loudly as I can and tell everyone to take a
look. They [the ET’s] have not taken us away yet. We are still here after thousands of years of
visits. If in fact they are still visiting us now and we have not been harmed then we have to look at
this as something that is not a hostile occurrence.

It would be my hope and my intention to do everything I could to work with people who are
working to communicate with and cooperate with these extraterrestrial beings. They are clearly
not hostile. We are here. That is enough proof for me.

There is no limit to how people can choose to live on this planet. We have a chance to do that
and I think that the window is closing rapidly. I don’t think that we have much time in which to
make that decision. We are too close in too many ways to having some horrible disaster happen,
having some sort of war take place, whether it is from high technology or an exotic weapons

We need leadership and it has to start with the United States President and that is who we all
have to reach. If you are international, if you are around the world, if you are in the United States
of America, whether you are from any party, any belief system or religion- the United States
Commander in Chief, the President of the United States is the person that needs to be reached.
We need to say that we want an ultimate, comprehensive, verifiable ban on all space-based
Testimony of "Dr. B."

December 2000

"Dr. B." is a scientist and engineer who has worked on top-secret projects almost all his
life. Over the years he has directly worked on or had involvement with such projects
involving anti-gravity, chemical warfare, secure telemetry and communications,
extremely high-energy space based laser systems, and electromagnetic pulse
technology. "Dr. B." has direct knowledge of the fact that certain groups have used these
space-based systems to successfully shoot down extraterrestrial spacecraft and their
occupants. On at least one occasion he has seen extraterrestrial spacecraft in person.

DB: "Dr. B."   SG: Dr. Steven Greer

DB: When I was still at Autonetics prior to my NASA days with the Rockwell contract, I worked on
a project called E Y E L A S S. Which became a billion watt laser system that we launch from
space to shoot down aliens, which I’ve seen. So I worked on that…

sg: Are you confirming that we actually have targeted and hit ET craft?

db: Oh yeah, definitely.

I have a friend of mine named Norm Hayes, who just lives down the road here, who’s another
rocket scientist friend of mine, that, is really hooked up in the laser area.

We developed these systems in ‘62, ‘63. It was really going strong in the early ‘60’s.

sg: Please explain how we are doing this.

db: It’s called plasma. It is called electro-plasma light beams.

sg: And they are based on platforms in space?

db: Yeah. They are actually. They are on platforms in space, but they also have them in 747’s
now. There was one on the front cover of Popular Science about a year ago. It’s a new laser
plasma device that they’ve developed…

I used to work in a Hughes facility in L.A. -- the one up here at Fullerton. I worked both facilities
on a lot of hush-hush projects in those days.

sg: What were they dealing with?

db: Anti-gravity. As a matter of fact, I used to go out to the Hughes in Malibu. They had a big
think tank up there. Big anti-gravity projects; I used to talk to them out there. I’d give them ideas,
because they bought all my equipment.

But the American public will never, never hear about that.

I have buddies of mine that work in aerospace. We have our little get together every once in a
while. And a friend of mine flew a disc. You’ve probable seen that disc, you know, from Area 51.
This flying disc has a little plutonium reactor in it, which creates electricity, which drives these
anti-gravity plates. We also have the next level of propulsion, it is called virtual field, which are
called hydrodynamic waves…

Not only was I talking to people about this anti-gravity propulsion issue, I’m also talking to Von
Braun about it. I mean, I’m loud, you know me, I’m very loud. And I was no quieter then.

Then, the first night we are bringing the Saturn rocket out of the hanger I get a shake. I’m sitting
there at the computer console, sound asleep, it’s 4:00 in the morning. One of my engineers
comes up and shakes me. Mr. B, come on outside, there is something big happening. You said it
was going to happen. I said, what, what what? They had just pulled the bird [Saturn] out and we
are taking pictures. And a big disc came down in Seal Beach, California. I don’t have a picture of
the ship hovering over it, but the disc came down and 400 employees saw it at 4:00 in the
morning, early spring. It was 1966, about April of ‘66.

sg: How has all of this been kept secret?

db: I know that some people I worked with did disappear on certain programs and were never
heard from again. They just disappeared. There has been evidence of that all through my work.
You know, that people go out on projects [and disappear]. But [to protect myself from this] I
wouldn’t go any further on a project because I could see something strange coming. So, a lot of
people have disappeared you know, that are higher up…

It doesn’t matter who is in [the White House] because the industry is controlling this right now.
Special interests -- that is what this whole country is running on right now.

sg: Which industries in particular?

db: Which ones would I think? Oil industry.

Testimony of Lance Corporal John Weygandt

October 2000
Lance Corporal John Weygandt enlisted in the Marine Corp in 1994. Stationed in Peru to
provide perimeter security to a supposed drug-traffic radar installation, one night he and
two other Sergeants were told to secure a possible crash site in the forest. When they
arrived they saw a 20-meter egg-shaped UFO buried in the side of a gorge. He was
called back from the craft, arrested, handcuffed and threatened and abusively
interrogated. One of the men told him that the interrogators basically did what they
wanted and that they were not under Constitutional law. Weygandt believes that this
UFO was shot down by a HAWK missile.

JW: Lance Corporal John Weygandt   SG: Dr. Steven Greer

JW: I enlisted in the Marine Corp under the delayed entry program in July of 1994 while still in
high school. I enlisted, of course, in a delayed entry for a year or so. I went to boot camp on the
18th of June. I graduated 8 September 1995. And from there my MRS was 0311, which was a

In late January of 1996, I was given new orders and was given a new MOS, Military Occupational
Skill listing as a 7212 Stinger Avenger. So I was in training to be an air defense gunner on the
FIM 92 Alpha stinger missile, the surface to air missile, and the avenger weapon. And I was in
training from February to late May of 1996.

After graduating from that school, I was reassigned [to] a first duty station, second marine air
wing, 28th Marine Air Control Group, Second air defense battalion troop in North Carolina. I was
assigned Battery B in June of 1996 and I went on several Ops, Operations – we call them Ops
for short. Basically I was there and I was transferred over to the section for laser strike in
February of 1997. When I got back, I was asked if I wanted to go and I said, "Sure" so I
volunteered and I was sent to the section. We shipped out in March of that year to Peru.

We were sent there to provide perimeter security to this radar installation. Basically this radar
station was tracking- supposedly -drug aircraft that were exiting in and out of Peruvian and
Bolivian air space. One night Sergeant Allen and Sergeant Atkinson came to us and said, "Look,
we have got a situation where we have an aircraft crash and it is possibly friendly and they need
us to go and secure the crash site." This is late at night, about 11:00 or 12:00 at night.

I was on guard duty that night so I was already up and it was my shift. So we got up at about 3:00
or 4:00 in the morning and headed out with about five or six hummers. We drove to where we
needed to go and from there we had to hump through the bush. So we got there at about 6:00 or
7:00, just when it started to get light.

Well, we found the area real easy because there was a huge gash in the land where something
had crashed. It didn’t break anything- I don’t know if you have ever been to a crash site where
you had trees and they had just broken like in half. Everything was burned and it was like
something had almost cut warm butter with a knife. It was like something on fire or had some
kind of energy like a laser had cut it. It was really strange. Anyway, I was in the front with
Sergeant Allen and Sergeant Atkinson. And we were ten or twenty meters ahead of everyone
else. We all had maps and radios and compasses so we wouldn’t get lost.

We were the first ones to see this thing. It had gone up the hill and then off in the side of the
ravine and ridge. This is about a 200-foot ridge, at least -Solid rock. It was buried in the side of a
cliff. Anyway, we didn’t go straight up, we went to the left and walked up to the top of the ridge
and that is when we saw the craft.

This was a huge ship. And when I first saw it I was scared. It scared the heck out of me. I didn’t
know what to do. It was really confusing. We all climbed down and it was buried at about a 45-
degree angle in the side of the cliff there at the ridge. This was a steep cliff. It was straight up and
down. And it was dripping a syrup-like liquid. It was everywhere. And it was greenish-purple and
it kind of fluctuated. You would look at it one time and then you would look at it again and it was
almost like it was alive and changing but every time that you looked at it you saw a different
shade of greenish-purple.

There was one light on the ship that slowly went around. And the machine, I could hear it
because it was still functioning and it had like a hum to it. It was like a bass, like say if you
unplugged an amp from a guitar, that kind of deep sound and it kind of fluctuated and then finally
it just cut off and everything just seemed to stop.

When I was looking at the craft, it was buried so I could see the back of it and there were these
large things that looked liked vents, sort of like a fish gill on the back. I couldn’t see around the
other side and I guess that it was the same way on the other side. Again, this liquid that had
come out of the ship got on my cammies and it discolored them and ate them almost like acid. It
ate some of the hair off my arms- I didn’t know that until later on.

I was down there with the ship. There were three holes in it. I assumed that they were hatches
but there was no way to tell. They were not flush with the main body of the craft. They were, I
don’t know, a few inches below. I knew that there was one on top because you could slightly see
it. I don’t know about the other side. There was another hatch the same width and diameter of the
top hatch and it was kind of crooked to the side and it was half open. I didn’t see any lights or
anything coming out of it but I felt this… presence.

It is real strange. I think the creatures calmed me. It was weird and I think they were trying to
communicate with me, like, I guess, telepathically. It is really weird and I don’t believe in any of
that stuff. It is like basically sitting in your car and turning on an a.m. station that is just noise and
just turning it up real high. That is what I heard when I first got in there.

The ship was about ten meters in width and about 20 meters in length, that is just an estimate
from what I remember. But it was huge. It was shaped like something between an egg and a
teardrop. It looked really aerodynamic at least in the shape. I was close enough to make out
detail on it but it was not just smooth. There were bumps and notches and things on it. It was
really organic -it was almost like art. It looked like something that someone made in a shop. It
looked like it could have been hand made but out of what and what materials, I don’t know.
Definitely nothing like titanium.

It looked metal but it didn’t have any reflection on it. The sun is shining on it and I could see the
different shades of the craft and it didn’t reflect anything. I guarantee that if I had shone a
flashlight on it, it wouldn’t have reflected it.

I wanted to get inside because someone- the creatures I think were calling me to help them.
Everything was going to be all right. I was so mesmerized and into it and suddenly Sergeant
Allen and Sergeant Atkinson were hollering and cussing at me to get the hell out of there.

SG: Why?

JW: I think that they were scared and they didn’t want me to get hurt. I don’t know. And they
were real pissed off at me. Basically what happened was after we climbed back up, the DOE,
Department of Energy people were there. They knew about it so I don’t know why we went there
still to this day. But anyway, I was arrested. I had all my gear taken from me by men in black
cammies. They had no nametags. They were older men, probably in their late 30s or 40s. I was
at the site probably fifteen or twenty minutes- we were the first people on the position. Then there
were other people. They had containment suits. They must have just gotten there. I don’t know
because we were down in the gorge. When we climbed up, there were the guys in the black
cammies. They took me and put me on a cot that they had. They had me cuffed, both hands
down, and they had my legs tied together with those plastic fasteners that the police use. They
are kind of like cuffs. And they took me in this huge 47 and we took off.

SG: Did they explain why they were treating you this way?

JW: No, they were cussing at me saying that I was a "dumb asshole." "Why don’t you fucking
people ever pay attention to orders?" "You weren’t supposed to be there." "You are not supposed
to see this." "You are going to be dangerous if we let you go." I thought that they were going to
kill me, really.

Your question again is how long was I contained or subdued. I don’t know. For about two days I
think. They had a Lieutenant Colonel from the Air Force and he did not identify himself. And he
told me, "If we just took you out in the jungle, they would never find you out there."

[See the similarity of these threats with those made to Glen Dennis at Roswell 50 years earlier.

I didn’t want to test him to see if he would really do that so I just said, "Yeah." And, he said, "You
have got to sign these papers. You never saw this." I "don’t exist" and "this situation never
happened." And if you tell anybody, you will just come up missing.

He was real abrasive. Just a cynical asshole I guess is the best way to put it. They had me
segregated with Air Force personnel for approximately three weeks and after that I was sent

At this facility, I saw there were Americans but there were a lot of other nationalities there. There
were Chinese. I think Germans were there. A lot of other people were at this other base. All they
did was take me to an interrogation room.

I sat in there for, I don’t know, fifteen hours with a light. They put this light in my face and they
were yelling at me. I couldn’t readily identify any of these guys but I knew one of them was at the
crash site because I recognized him and he was in black fatigues. He was saying, "What did you
see?" He was like growling. He goes, "Are you a patriot? Do you like the Constitution?" I’m like,
"Yeah." He said, "We are on our own program. We don’t obey. We just do what we want." And
they are growling and they are relishing it. They are yelling at me and hollering and cursing. "You
didn’t see anything. We will do you and your whole goddamn family."

It was basically that for about eight or nine hours… "We are going to take you off in a helicopter
and we are going to kick your ass out in the jungle and we are going to end you." They didn’t
physically put their hands on me but I was sitting in a chair and I was handcuffed to the chair and
I couldn’t move so basically it was just harassment. I didn’t eat anything for a whole day. No
water. No nothing. I just sat there.

The group, my section was about eight to ten guys but just me, Sergeant Allen and Sergeant
Atkinson saw this ship. We were the only ones that saw it. Now the others saw the crash area
where it came through the jungle. They saw all that. They didn’t go into the ridge. Like I said, we
were ten to twenty meters in front of them and we radioed that we found it and everything was
fine. It was in late March, early April of 1997 when this happened...

When I got back to the US I approached Sergeant Allen about it. He is married and has about
one or two kids and I went to his house on base. He got all upset and threw me out of his house.
He said he didn’t want to talk about it. I guess they scared those guys too. You have got to
understand I can’t speak for the rest of the armed services but in the Marine Corp everything is
monolithic: When they are told to do something, they are going to do it. If you don’t want to go
along, they will basically railroad you.

I didn’t want to keep my mouth shut about it. I told First Sergeant Powell about it. I don’t think that
he is still there anymore. We are talking three years ago.

There was no debris that I saw but there were big gashes in the rear of the aircraft. What it
looked like is it had been hit with maybe a surface to air missile. There were a couple of HAWK
batteries, that’s Homing All the Way Killers – that’s a low to medium anti-aircraft missile.

Basically, it doesn’t have to hit the target in order to destroy the target. What it does is it gets in
proximity of it and it has a high explosive fragmentation warhead and it basically explodes like a
big shotgun in the vicinity of the targeted area. And by fragmentation it is suppose to destroy the
target or damage it so it won’t be able to continue its mission. So I think that we shot it down.

This is what I think happened. We shot it down. The other guys [at the radar facility] knew it was
flying. I knew that these aircraft were flying because I had been in the Command Center there at
the radar installation and I heard a couple of women there in the Air Force talking about aircraft
flying in and out of the atmosphere at mach ten plus. So these aircraft were flying around there.
They would reenter the atmosphere. I believe that the higher ups knew it was flying in the area.

This ship was not one of ours. In Stinger School they teach you about all different kinds of aircraft
and I knew a lot of aircraft anyway. Essentially, when I saw it I said, "This is nothing that I knew

Basically, the radar was sitting on a hill and it rotates. There is a command bunker that was built
under the Earth. It looks like Star Wars in there. It is totally air-conditioned. It is really nice. There
are computers and they have the control panels that control the radar and I guess they are linked
to other sites and get other data coming in.

Well, one night I was in there checking people going in and out. They have ID’s and I would
check them. So these two girls came walking out and they were talking, "Well, we have these
aircraft flying again." And the other girl said, "Yeah, they are coming in and out of the
atmosphere." And they log all these flights coming in. Later a man comes and gets the logbooks
and I had to sign off for him to take all that.

When you have objects that reenter the atmosphere and then stop on a dime and then turn
around and go exactly the opposite direction -- that is kind of strange. Meteors don’t do that.

SG: Is this something that was rare or something that was happening all the time?

JW: Oh, this was happening all the time. There were about three or four instances where I was
on duty there that the same Air Force Officer came in there to get the log books. So these craft
were tracked from this particular radar and were logged in. I guess the reason they were taking
them is that they didn’t want people to know that they were tracking these craft. I am just
assuming that.

So I think they knew this craft was coming in. We can’t identify it. It is violating airspace here.
They could have radioed the Peruvians and said to take them out and they shot them down. I am
confident that when I saw the aircraft, it had been hit by something. Something had taken it out.
I am not doing this to make money or publicity or anything but I think it needs to be told. I think
that people need to hear it. Whether they agree with me or not is of no consequence.

It is not from Earth. I knew that when I looked at it. I wondered if those facilities were built for the
intent to track UFO’s or other objects and their cover was there to track drug aircraft. I don’t
know, but from what I understand they were doing a whole lot more than just tracking drug
aircraft. They had laser range finders and all kinds of high tech stuff that I have never seen
before. I couldn’t really explain it. They [the laser range finders] looked like big telescopes but
they had them in a bunker and it was able to rise up and zoom around- Just a bunch of weird

The base I was taken to was definitely something like NATO or some multinational deal. I keep
going back and really thinking about that. Why are all these guys here? Why would the Chinese
be concerned with drugs being smuggled into the states? I know for a fact that our government is
the one that is importing drugs. I think that this Command Center was permanent. This thing has
been in operation for while…

At the crash site there were about thirty of those guys with hazard suits on, at least. They
marched right by me as I was being taken away. They were marching to get down the cliff. I
guess they were there to check this thing out. I think they went in there and they took everything
out and they shipped it back home.

The behavior of these people was like this is routine and these guys were squared away. They
knew exactly what they were doing. They had been trained to do this stuff before. That was the
atmosphere: professional, cold, unassuming nature. We are here to do a job. Get the fuck out of
our way is basically the attitude.

[See the testimony of Clifford Stone who in the 1970s and 80s served on such a retrieval team.

I almost lost my mind after this happened.

SG: Why is that?

JW: I was raised in a Christian home to believe that there was a God and that he created
everything in the Universe and here they are -- these creatures that I have never seen before and
this happens. It made me almost crazy. Not suicidal, but I had to reevaluate everything that I
knew. It is sort of like when you were a kid and you had been told that Santa Claus is real and
then you find out that he is not. It is like now that you know that there is no going back.

There is no denial. There is no way to say, "I didn’t really see this." What do I do? Do I tell
people? Who is going to believe that a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corp in the middle of the
fucking jungle is going to see an aircraft like this?

If I had to I would go with these creatures right now. I had this obsession with that I guess
because of the pain and the experience in the Marine Corps, but I just wanted to escape and I
was thinking about being with these creatures and wanting to go with them and wanting to get
out of here…

[See the testimony of Larry Warren regarding Airman Burris and how he reacted after the
encounter at Bentwaters AFB in the UK. SG]
These different agencies are on their own. They don’t obey the law. They are rogue. Do I think
that this is a project that goes up through the government and everyone has a piece in it? No. I
think these guys operate on their own and no one knows what they do. It is so easy to do today.
And there is no oversight, no control. They just do whatever they want. They are evil. These
people are evil. Do I think that it goes to Bill Clinton and the Congress? There may be guys up
there that know about it but they are not going to say anything. If they say anything, they are

Lethal, deadly force has been used. For those of you who don’t know, I know marine snipers and
I have heard other guys talk about it and I’ve heard that these guys go on the streets and they
stalk people and they kill them. I know that the Army Airborne snipers do the same thing. They
use Delta Force to go grab these people and silence them by killing them. If this goes on, where
do they get the money to finance all this. Very simply, they are selling arms. They are selling
drugs. A lot of this business is about having the spec ops and how they get these unlimited
amounts of money. Well, it is not coming from the government coffers - it is coming from running
drugs or weapons - the selling of hardware or whatever.

I have lived in honorable circumstances but I confessed to having smoked marijuana so I could
get out of the Marines. That is what I told them because I wanted out. Well, there were two ways
to do it: I could have either told them that [or that] I was homosexual. That wouldn’t have gone
over too well. So I went over to First Sergeant Powell and I told him that I wanted to get out and
what was the quickest way to get out and he said, "Tell them you smoked marijuana. Only tell
them that you smoked it once." So I told them that and they had the CID guy come and talk to me
and I said, "Yeah, I smoked marijuana. I took one puff and I inhaled." I was desperate to get

Testimony of Major George A. Filer III

November 2000

Major George Filer was an Air Force Intelligence Officer who not only had an
extraordinary encounter with a massive UFO on radar over the United Kingdom but later,
in the 1970s while he was at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, found out that an
extraterrestrial biological entity had been shot at Fort Dix. The Extraterrestrial fled to
adjacent McGuire Air Force Base, where it died on the tarmac. He testifies that this life
form was then picked up and taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Afterwards,
many of the key personnel on the base who had a connection with this event, were
quickly transferred. Major Filer also points out that the ridicule factor has been very
effective at silencing people who have seen ETs or UFOs, and has helped to maintain

GF: Major George Filer   SG: Dr. Steven Greer

GF: My name is George A. Filer, III. I was in the U.S. Air Force and my final rank was major. I
was a navigator in various aircraft and tanker transport aircraft. I was an intelligence officer most
of my career, and in that period, frequently briefed generals and congressmen on our capabilities
and the threat to our forces.

Well, I was a briefing officer, and I would come to work [at] 4:00 or so in the morning. On the
morning of January 18, 1978, I drove through the main gate at McGuire, and I noticed that there
were red lights out on the runway, and that probably something was going on out there. [I] didn’t
think too much about it until I got to the 21 st Air Force Command Post, [which] was where I
worked. I was the Deputy Director of Intelligence for the 21 st Air Force, which controlled half the
military aircraft that flew the presidents and the various VIPs from the Mississippi River around to
India. We had some 300 aircraft, and we were flying all kinds of missions — almost anything that
had to do with military airlift, we accomplished.

This particular morning, when I went into the command post, I was met by the head of the
command post, and he said that it [had] been a very exciting evening — that [we’d] had UFOs
over McGuire all night, that one had apparently landed or, possibly, crashed at Fort Dix, and that
when a military policeman came upon the alien, that he had pulled out a gun and shot him. And I
said, foreigner, [that kind of] alien? I was a little bit confused by him saying alien. And he said,
"No, an alien from outer space." He was very specific about the fact that an alien from outer
space had been shot at Fort Dix, and that he had run away after being wounded, and headed for
McGuire. Now McGuire and Fort Dix just have a fence between them, and this alien apparently
climbed the fence or went under it, and got to McGuire and died out on the end of the runway.
The security police were out there and had captured the body, so to speak, and were guarding it.
He said that a C-141 from Wright-Patterson was coming in to pick up the body. That made me
stand up, because I didn’t realize that Wright Patterson had C-141s — I thought Military Airlift
Command was the only one who owned C-141 aircraft — so I was like, my gosh, what’s going on
here? He said, "We want you to brief us at the standup general briefing this morning and explain
what happened to everybody." And, I said you want me to tell General Tom Sadler and
everybody in the command post that we captured an alien?!

They said, "Yes, we want you to brief [them] this morning." Well, I did some checking around, and
I called the 38th Military Airlift Wing Command Post to check with them to see if the story was the
same as I was given. They said, yes, that they had heard the same information; they said that
this actually did happen — that an alien was found on the base.

Later that morning, I was told that they decided not to brief it in the standup briefing, so I didn’t
actually brief it. Later that morning, I carried the code word down to General Sadler’s office, and I
noticed some commotion going on in there, and that some of the security police people were
there, looking rather disheveled. Since General Sadler was a stickler for everyone looking
perfect, it was surprising to see these people that obviously needed shaves and were in fatigues,
so then I knew that this might tie into the story that I had heard.

After the briefing I went to the photo lab; almost every day I went to the photo lab, because in
these briefings, you have four screens and you have to keep them all filled up with pretty
pictures, and so on. There, they indicated that they had taken pictures of something
extraordinary, and I said, well, let me see them. The sergeant was handing them to me, when his
master sergeant said, "He can’t see those," so all I knew is that they had some pictures that I
wasn’t allowed to see — but normally, being the general’s briefer — I had never been stopped
from seeing any pictures that they had.

It was a very serious operation. There are nuclear assets on the base — they used to carry
nuclear weapons back and forth to Europe — and I talked to one of the security policemen who
[claimed] to have been out there. He indicated that he essentially saw a small body that could
have been like a child, but it seemed to have a larger-than-normal head.

One interesting thing is that many of the key personnel on the base at that time who had a
connection with this event, were quickly transferred — from the wing commander on down —
indicating that if you knew something, they tended to split you up, so to speak, so you couldn’t
talk about it. This was done within a matter of weeks. The security policeman told me that he was
transferred within a few days — as a matter of fact, he was taken to Wright Patterson within a
day or two, debriefed by a number of people, and essentially told not to talk about it anymore.

I also heard that they listened to this going on, on the radios, and they heard that this chase was
on; that the alien had been shot at Fort Dix. They were chasing it towards McGuire — for
whatever reason, it chose to run towards McGuire Air Force Base — and that both the state
police and the military police were chasing this person or alien that came from what looked like a
UFO. As I understand it, it was a disc-shaped craft.

They indicated to me that the UFOs had been in the area for quite some time that evening, that
they had [them] on radar, and that the tower operator had seen them. Some of the other aircraft
in the area had apparently seen them as well.

There were six or eight people guarding the body; then there was the commander of the security
police, and a few of us in the command post [who knew of this event]. I assume that General
Sadler was briefed about it.

SG: Have you learned of other UFO events while you were in the military?

GF: Well, I happened to meet a lady who was at White Sands, and was an engineer working out
there. She was out hiking one day, and she told me that she and a couple of her friends had
come up to the top of a hill, and they had looked down in this valley, but only their heads were
showing on the top of the hill. They just happened to be looking over, and down the way the path
was, and they saw a UFO on the ground with a couple of little aliens picking up rocks and things.
They watched it for an extensive period; it was only several hundred yards away from them, and
they got a pretty good look at it. And eventually the aliens did see them, and they jumped in the
craft and took off.

I had personally never seen anything until about 1962, when we were flying tankers over
England, and London Control asked us to intercept a UFO. We happened to be done with our
refueling mission, and we accepted the assignment. We were just over the North Sea, and they
asked us to fly to the center of England. We were doing some 400 miles an hour in a dive down
to intercept this object. They gave us headings, and it was pretty much hovering in the
Stonehenge area — Oxford, to the Stonehenge area, at 20-30 miles out. I got it on radar, and it
was a very large return.

We used to fly up by the Forth of Frith Bridge, which was kind of like the San Francisco Bridge —
it is a very large bridge, and the return of the UFO was similar to that in size and intensity. In
other words, it was a very large radar return. Obviously, London Control had it on their radar, and
they were vectoring us to this object. When we got about a mile from the UFO, it just took off into
space — several thousand miles an hour, almost directly up. Frankly, at least to my knowledge,
we had nothing like that capability.
My best guess is that it was a disc-type craft, but a fat disc — at least, there were lights
something like this at the top and at the bottom. It was more than just a straight plate-like object;
it had a dome on the top of it.

If the radar return was accurate, it was probably 500 yards across in size, or something — I
mean it was a huge thing. We wrote it in the navigator’s log.

I also had a sighting here, where we live. This is Briarwood Lake in Medford, New Jersey; we had
just moved into this house. We were asleep — I’m just guessing it was 3:00 in the morning,
asleep with my wife — and, suddenly, the room got very bright in the middle of the night. I got up
out of bed, and opened up the shade, and looked outside. I don’t know if most people have seen
a submarine surfacing with all the water coming up — well, this was like a disc about 30 feet in
diameter surfacing, and what looked to me like water coming off of it.

Around the craft was this ionization — very similar to the Aurora Borealis. It moved across the
lake for a while, and then flew off at a fairly high rate of speed. Because of that, I have checked
with a lot of the neighbors, and it’s amazing how many people have actually seen craft on these

Also, occasionally I used to do briefings on the UFO sightings that had occurred around the
world, to the generals. One that sticks out in my mind is 1976 — there was a famous encounter
near Tehran.

Around that time, this particular colonel was telling me that the F-106 had set the world’s record
for speed. They had these aircraft going as fast as they could, and they would be diving on this
UFO that was hovering in a valley in Colorado. Just like my experience in England, when they
got near the craft, it took off and left them standing still. They were doing 1,500 mph or something
— whatever the top speed was at that time for these aircraft in a dive — but whoever was flying
these had capabilities far beyond anything that we had for years and years — I think even today.

I think these are something alien: it is a non-human [craft] that has a different form of propulsion
and is coming here and doing reconnaissance.

I’ve talked to a number of astronauts who have seen them; I’ve talked to other military pilots who
have seen them, and I remember Captain Ramidge who I used to work for in Athens, Greece —
he had one during the Korean War fly right off his wing, stay with him like for an hour — not only
off his wing, but [doing] acrobat things around his aircraft! I don’t know the exact percentage of
people, but something like 10 percent of the pilots and aircrews that you ask about it have had

I sat in this room here a few years ago, and a colonel who was in Intelligence told me he had his
whole B-52 crew see a UFO. You know, these people don’t volunteer and sit in front of the
camera and tell about it, but there are an awful lot of people who have seen them. They know
that they have advanced capabilities. They usually see some kind of a solid object that appears
to be made of some kind of metal — usually a gunmetal gray. Particularly at night, people usually
report various lights around them.

SG: What happened to the ET at McGuire?

GF: It seems to me that I was told that it was put in some kind of a casket and flown away.

I also think that in 1947, in that time frame, something crashed out West. I think that something
happened out there, at least based on what you might say is the talk in the military.
The tendency is to make things classified when you don’t know what’s happening — secret, top
secret or whatever — and if it comes down from the President, it’s a very high classification:
probably a code word above top secret. In other words, need to know that kind of thing, and once
that caveat or designation is put on something, it’s very difficult to get it downgraded. You can go
to the archives and despite what they tell you, they have things going back to the Second World
War that you still are not allowed to look at. Once these things are top secret, it just kind of
moves on and forever stays top secret. You can base it on the fact, for example, that this craft
had advanced technological capabilities, so you don’t want the other side to know what you
know, and how these things work — it’s to your advantage to keep this secret.

But, I think that it’s time that these various programs come out. The way that it’s been kept secret
to this extent is through ridicule. If it was just a matter of it being top secret, I think most of the
world would know about it today, but they put in a kind of ridicule factor. You will hear someone
telling a story like this, and people will say, well, he must be crazy — he believes in UFOs. And,
they brought this ridicule out when anyone saw anything, but my experience has been an awful
lot of policemen have seen these; an awful lot of FBI have seen these; an awful lot of military
have seen these.

At times I used to carry nuclear weapons. In other words, I was mentally fit to carry nuclear
weapons, but I’m not mentally fit if I see a UFO. This criticism and this ridicule have done more to
keep the story [from] coming out than almost anything else.

[We hear this over and over from military and other witnesses: the media and official ridicule is so
intense, that it has served as a powerful force for silence and secrecy. Most people do not want
to expose themselves or their families to such ridicule, and instead choose to remain quiet. SG]

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Testimony of Mr. Nick Pope, British Ministry Of Defense

September 2000

Nick Pope is a British Ministry of Defense official, still currently employed at the Ministry
of Defense, who headed up the Ministry’s office for research and investigation of the
UFO phenomenon for a number of years in the 1990s. In his testimony, we will learn of
incontrovertible evidence in several events with massive objects moving at extraordinary
speeds, witnessed by military personnel with impeccable credentials, and tracked on
radar — objects which are not manufactured on this Earth. He will also confirm the
Bentwaters case and other cases within the United Kingdom, and acknowledge the
existence of extensive government files on the UFO phenomenon. Mr. Pope supports
total openness and honesty on the UFO issue, and believes that there should be a full
disclosure of all information on UFOs, held by governments all around the world.

NP: Mr. Nick Pope   SG: Dr. Steven Greer

NP: My name is Nick Pope. I’m a serving official with the British Ministry of Defense, which I
joined in 1985. I’ve done a number of different tours of duty there, the most relevant of which is
from 1991 to 1994, when I was posted to a division called Secretariat Air Staff. My duties there
were to research and investigate the UFO phenomenon for the British government.

I received somewhere between two and three hundred UFO reports each year. My job was to
evaluate these [and] to come to a decision about whether there was evidence of any threat to the
defense of the United Kingdom. After an in-depth investigation, 90-95 percent of those sightings
turned out to have prosaic explanations, but we were left with a hard core of sightings, which
defied any conventional explanation whatsoever. These were a number of interesting cases
involving sightings by military personnel, near misses between UFOs and aircraft, instances
where UFOs were tracked on radar, and cases where UFOs were captured on film and video.

Over the years in which the British government has been looking at the UFO phenomenon, there
have been numerous cases in which uncorrelated targets have been tracked by military flight
controllers and, certainly, on a number of those occasions, military jets were either diverted from
task or, indeed, scrambled, to try and intercept these objects — not to engage them in any hostile
sense, but merely to close with them to identify them.

Now, on those occasions, I have to say, we have not been successful in our attempts to make an
interception. Invariably, we find that the speeds and maneuvers of the UFOs are way ahead of
the best things in our inventory, with regard to aircraft. They run rings around us, frankly.

On occasion — when military jets have actually been chasing UFOs to try and get gun camera
footage, or to try and close within visual range to get an ID on what the mystery craft is, these
things have shown that not only are they capable of phenomenal bursts of speed, but also the
capacity to just stop and turn in an instant, raising all sorts of issues about the G-force implicit in
such a maneuver — G-forces, which frankly, even with the best G-suit, would be far too much, I
think, for any human to survive. That, in itself, raises interesting questions about who’s operating
these things.

To pick a few cases to talk about which are particularly impressive, I think one has to perhaps
start back in 1956, with a radar visual sighting that took place near the Bentwaters area.
Incidentally, this was one of the cases written up in Project Blue Book and judged to be
particularly specific. To cut a long story short, there were fighter controllers who picked up a
radar target, which was not readily identifiable as one of our own aircraft. So, we simply took a
look at that and judged that there was indeed a solid structured craft in the air. It was traveling at
a phenomenal speed compared to the envelope, as it were, of our own fighters.

Jets were launched, and, indeed, the pilots did manage to close and get a visual sighting on this
object. They just described it as some sort of structured, possibly disk-shaped craft, but frankly, it
was just too fast and maneuverable for them to get a really clear view. Again, it ran rings around
them. So, that was an interesting example — one of many of these craft displaying speeds and
maneuvers which we couldn’t hope to match.

To throw in an example of a [much more] modern sighting and one that I was directly involved in
the investigation of [was] on the 30th and 31st of March, 1993 [when] a series of UFO encounters
took place over Great Britain — the most interesting of which involved an occasion where two air
force bases were actually overflown by a large triangular or diamond-shaped UFO. The two
establishments involved in this are RAF Cosford and RAF Shorebury, in the Midlands.

At RAF Cosford, this part of the sighting happened in the early hours of the 31 st, about ten past
one in the morning. The guard patrol at Cosford saw this UFO fly directly over the base. They, of
course, phoned in an immediate report, and found, interestingly, there was nothing showing up
on radar at all — even though they had this thing going right over their heads. They phoned,
amongst other people, their colleagues at RAF Shorebury, which is about ten or twelve miles
down the road. The meteorological officer took the phone call. You have to understand, there is
only a skeleton staff at these establishments, so the "Met" officer there took the call, went
outside, perhaps just thinking, really, that this was people playing a trick on him.

But, sure enough — in the distance he saw a bright light heading his way. This thing got closer
and closer. The way he described it to me, voice shaking with emotion the following morning,
was like a massive flat triangular-shaped craft, possibly raised a little bit like a diamond, passing
over his head at a height of maybe no more than 200 feet, slightly to one side, emitting a low
frequency humming sound, which he said he could not only hear but feel.

Intriguingly, this craft was firing a narrow beam of light down at the fields just beyond the
perimeter fence of the military base. He said that this object came toward him at a speed of
probably no more than 20 or 30 miles an hour — very slowly.

Suddenly, the light retracted up into the craft and, in an instant, it shot off to the horizon in a
matter of seconds. Bear in mind, this is an Air Force officer with eight years experience in the
service. He sees aircraft and fast jets every day of his life. He said the speed of this thing was
probably about ten times the speed of an Air Force jet. When I asked him to estimate the size of
this mystery craft, with typical military precision he said it was probably midway between a C-130
Hercules transport aircraft and a Boeing 747 jumbo jet.

I launched a full investigation into this incident, and in fact, this was one of a series of sightings
that took place over the entire country on that particular night, involving not just members of the
public, but numerous police officers, particularly in the southwest of England and in Wales, and
also in the Midlands. I made all the usual checks. We impounded the radar tapes and had them
sent up to the Ministry of Defense main building. We made all the series of checks that we could
possibly make — checking for everything from satellite tracks and reentry into the Earth’s orbit of
space debris, to astronomical phenomena, meteorites, fireballs, military aircraft exercises,
weather balloon launches — however unlikely this was, we checked. That was always the
philosophy — you check everything in this business.

We drew a complete blank, and at the end of about a week or so of pretty solid work on this, I put
a report up the chain-of-command through my Head of Division to the Assistant Chief of the Air
Staff — an Air Vice Marshal Two-Star Air Force Officer. We put this up to him, and we basically
said that an uncorrelated target, an unidentified craft — but not just a light or a shape — a
structured craft of unknown origin, penetrated what we call the UK ADR, the United Kingdom Air
Defense Region.

On that particular night, it flew without being tracked on radar, without any aircraft being
launched, and flew with total impunity over two military establishments and over a large part of
the rest of the country — and then disappeared, object unexplained. The Assistant Chief of the
Air Staff thought long and hard about that. I suppose it was a Catch-22 situation. He simply came
back and he said, "It’s a very interesting case, but you’ve clearly run all the checks that you can
make. There is frankly nothing more we can do, but it’s fascinating."

Now, I think when that went up the chain-of-command, we certainly changed a few people’s
minds there about the whole nature of the UFO phenomenon, and we got, I think, a number of
senior civil servants and military officers to really realize that on their watch, as it were, this
occurred and was not just nonsense. The UFO phenomenon is not just lights and shapes in the
sky. It’s real, it’s solid; it can involve the military as much as anyone else. I think that that remains
one of the most significant cases ever to have taken place in Britain, and frankly, it shows — if
indeed there is any doubt remaining — the serious defense and national security issues raised
by the whole UFO phenomenon.

Over the years, there have been a number of films taken by military aircraft through gun
cameras. Now, unfortunately, this film footage does not seem to exist anymore, but one of my
predecessors who headed up the division where I worked under its previous title of DS8, that is
Defense Secretariat 8, was a man called Ralph Noyes. He is someone who, before his death,
also as a Ministry of Defense employee, spoke out publicly about the reality of the UFO
phenomenon and made the point to all who would listen that there was a serious phenomenon
here, and it did need and deserve serious study. Now, Ralph certainly did see those bits of film
footage [gun camera footage of UFOs from military aircraft]. Ralph told me — and indeed, I think
his testimony has gone onto the written record as well — that he was called to a briefing of senior
Air Force personnel, and that they all gathered around to look at some of this footage that had
come after a chase where a military jet had been sent up to try and get a closer look at a UFO.
Ralph Noyes told me that he and all these people on the Air Staff just sat around gasping with
astonishment — looking, pointing, wondering — but frankly, not able to really take it that much
further, except, again, the implicit acknowledgement that there are things operating in our
airspace that have better capabilities than we do.

When I say that, of course, I include the point about prototype craft, because one of the points
that is often put forward about the UFO phenomenon is the fairly reasonable question: Couldn’t it
be that what you are seeing when you talk about structured craft with high speeds and
extraordinary maneuvers, is just the next generation of Air Force planes — prototype devices,
whether they be aircraft or remotely piloted vehicles?

Well, speaking as a serving member of the Ministry of Defense and having done the UFO job for
three years, I can tell anyone who makes that point that yes, of course, at any given time, there
are prototype aircraft and devices that we operate, but we know where we operate our own bits
of kit. We operate them in very carefully controlled and defined ranges and danger areas, and we
do not make mistakes about UFOs and prototypes. We don’t go chasing UFOs if it’s a prototype.
We can tell the difference.

So, when the public sees something — who knows? It depends where they see it. But, when
we’re talking about military sightings, and when we’re talking about the research and
investigation that I did, if I had stumbled onto a prototype test, then "A" I would have known, and
"B" if I hadn’t known, I would have been told. And, of course we would have butted out of that
pretty quick.

Britain’s most famous UFO case is the Randelsham Forest incident, which is sometimes also
referred to as the Bentwaters Case. That involved a series of UFO incidents over a number of
nights in December of 1980, involving nominally the Royal Air Force Bases, but in fact, they were
operated by the United States Air Force. They were RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge in

[See the testimony of Larry Warren, Lori Rehfeldt, Clifford Stone, Lord Hill-Norton, et al. SG]

Now, in this case, there were a series of encounters where some people saw lights in the sky
performing extraordinary maneuvers, but much more significantly, on the first night of activity,
people saw a structured metallic craft actually moving — not up in the sky — but right down
pretty much at ground level. It was moving through Randelsham Forest, which adjoins the two
bases. At one point, this small metallic, roughly triangular-shaped craft seemed to actually come
down and land in a particular clearing.

Now, all the witnesses to this are military personnel: they’re trained observers; they don’t make
mistakes. Some of the skeptics have suggested that this could have been a mistaken sighting of
a nearby lighthouse. That’s nonsense for two reasons: firstly, these were trained military
observers who actually were familiar with the lighthouse and saw it pretty much every night of
their tour of duty, [and] secondly, certainly at one point in the encounter, the lighthouse was
clearly visible at the same time as the UFO. So, this simply could not have been the lighthouse,
as the skeptics sometimes suggest.

Although this case predated my own tour of duty by ten years, a little more, I reviewed the case
and I looked through the file. I tried to reopen the investigation into this incident. The most
important thing that I was able to focus on was, in fact, physical evidence that something had
taken place, because after this craft had touched down, people went back in the light of day to
the landing site and found that where they’d seen this craft land there were, in fact, three
triangular indentations on the forest floor. What I mean by that is there were three indentations
which, when you drew lines between them, were pretty much in the shape of a perfect equilateral

One of the things that was done, was that the area was checked for radiation. This is where I
came in. I took the readings that were taken, [and] it’s important to say these readings peaked in
two places: they peaked in the indentations themselves, and also [in] some damage that was
done to the sides of the trees in the clearing — as if this thing had come down and snapped off
some branches and stripped off some bark; as it had done so either coming in or going out.

I sent the figures that had been recorded at the time by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt, who
was the deputy base commander — himself a witness at some of these incidents. I sent the data
from Halt and his team to the Defense Radiological Protection Service, which is part of the
Ministry of Defense. They came back to me, and they were frankly bemused by this whole thing,
and they said that the radiations from the indentations in the ground were ten times background
for that area — ten times what they should have been.

Now of course, it is important to say that the levels were still comparatively low: Halt and his team
were not endangered by this. This was still low-level radiation. But again, looking at it from a
scientific point of view, that’s not the point. The point is that when compared with control readings
immediately outside of the area, you had this peak of ten times normal right where this craft
came down on the forest floor.

So, that, I think is extremely significant, because it involved sightings by trained military
observers and, also, at one point, this craft was tracked on radar from a nearby base, RAF
Watten. So, you had sightings on radar, sightings by trained military personnel, and after the
event, in the cold light of day, the undeniable, scientific, methodological evidence of the radiation
readings. So, that, by anyone’s standards, has to be an extremely significant event, and proof, I
think, beyond all question of doubt, that there was an unknown craft in that particular clearing on
that particular night.

I have seen witness statements from the military personnel, and I’ve heard testimony from some
of those involved that suggests that much more went on that particular night, than even went into
the file that ended up in the Ministry of Defense.

There are also incidents where it’s claimed that UFOs have taken an extreme interest in civilian
nuclear power stations, military installations with nuclear assets, etc.

[At the time it was secret that nuclear weapons were at the Bentwaters Air Force Base under
U.S. control. SG]

During my tour of duty in Secretariat Air Staff at the Ministry of Defense, I operated a very open
policy with regard to the UFO issue. I made it my business to be quite open and honest about the
official research and investigation that I was doing, and not to suppress any data on this. I believe
that governments and the military, and indeed private researchers, politicians — whoever —
should place everything in the public domain on this issue. Governments can’t, I think, have it
both ways. You cannot say on the one hand, as the party line often goes, that UFOs are of no
defense significance, and then on the other, keep back some of the data.

You simply can’t do that. You have to have it one way, or the other. And if, as governments
consistently say when the politicians probe on this issue or when the media inquire, that there’s
really nothing to worry about, then okay, let’s see all the data. Let’s check that that decision is a
valid one, reached through a proper methodology.

I, in support of that aim, believe that there should be a full disclosure of all information on UFOs
held by governments all around the world. I think there are some encouraging signs that that’s
beginning to happen. I know, for example, that early in 2000 at a conference in San Marino,
which was part sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism there, so it had an official flavor to it, the
Italian Air Force actually sent a delegation on duty, in uniform, to talk about UFO cases received
by the Italian Air Force and Ministry of Defense over the years. I’m also aware that this has
happened in Chile. As I’ve said, my own efforts to try and be very open with this and to push data
into the public domain as well, I hope, have taken the issue forward somewhat.

Yes, I am a supporter of total openness and honesty on this issue. Clearly, it’s a very important
issue: one that raises important defense and national security issues, but these are not issues
that should be addressed by a small clique and any one grouping of people. These are issues of
global significance, which should be addressed and debated by everyone. Indeed, we cannot
make a full and proper assessment of the phenomenal data we have, without bringing in all sorts
of people — scientists, politicians, military experts — in a much wider way than perhaps this
information is available now.

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I believe some of these UFOs may well be of extraterrestrial
origin. I know that that’s an extraordinary statement for a serving officer in the Ministry of Defense
to make. I don’t make it, of course, as an official announcement — it is me speaking in a private
capacity — but it is me speaking on the basis of three years official research and investigation;
three years of me looking at new sightings coming in, and reviewing the 250 or 300-odd case
files held by either the Ministry of Defense or the Public Record Office on the UFO issue, some of
which were classified secret at the time. So, I don’t make these statements lightly, and I don’t do
so on the basis of a blind leap of faith. I do it on the basis of the data held by government.

It’s important, as well, to say that I am not alone in this assessment; that even within the Ministry
of Defense in Britain and at the Air Force and indeed political establishment, I am not a lone
voice here. The Ministry of Defense is not a great indivisible organization — like anything else, it
is a collection of individuals. So, when you talk about government, the military, and the
establishment — whatever grouping you talk about — what you’re really talking about is a group
of individuals.

I’ve found that there are skeptics and believers in the world of officialdom, and there are more
believers in an extraterrestrial presence than many might expect — particularly in the Air Force.
When you go out and speak to the Air Force in Britain, somebody may have had a sighting,
somebody may have tracked an uncorrelated target on radar, or [have seen] it do maneuvers
that we couldn’t possibly match. Either somebody has had these experiences themselves, or
knows of somebody — a friend, a colleague — who’s had the same thing.

At the beginning of my tour of duty, I did make some effort to establish a dialogue with opposite
numbers, particularly in America. I was given the party line, I guess, that officially the Americans
had been out of UFO investigations since 1969, when Project Blue Book was closed down. I
didn’t, frankly, have time to follow that up and probe deeper.

SG: How much assistance did your investigations receive from, for example, the NSA facility at
Menwith Hill or the National Reconnaissance Office satellite programs that do reconnaissance?
Did you receive any confirmations from those entities or assistance from those entities?

NP: I don’t want to talk, I’m afraid, about any liaison with certain agencies on this. All I will say, in
very general terms, is that if I had a particularly interesting case on which I felt I needed
assistance from any other agency, with any other capability or bit of hardware, then, I would ask
through channels. But really, most of the UFO cases that came my way I was happy with the
assets that I had, and really did day-to-day research and investigation using national assets such
as the UK Air Defense Region radar stations, the ballistic missile early warning center at RAF
Filingdales, and such like. I don’t want to go much further than that.

Suffice to say that there have been a steady stream, over the years, of good-quality cases which
I think would convince any open-minded observer who actually looked at the data, that there was
something here which went significantly further than just lights in the sky. And something which,
whatever the claims that are sometimes made about this phenomenon, suggests that something
of extreme defense significance is happening, not just in UK airspace, but indeed I think, in
airspace all around the world.

In Britain, at the Public Record Office at present, there are about thirty UFO files open to the
public. In total, I believe, there are between around about 250 and 300 files. Some of those were
classified secret; now, of course, [are] declassified. Britain will get its Freedom of Information Act
shortly. I hope and believe that most, if not all, of the British government and military UFO files
will soon be released.

What there is, however, is a body of evidence which when placed end to end and looked at by
any dispassionate observer with any military or scientific experience, will constitute proof of the
reality of this phenomenon.

One important fact about the British wave of sightings in March, 1993, was that it happened three
years to the very night after the wave of sightings that rocked the establishment in Belgium, and
led to the scrambling of F-16s. That, again, was late on the 30th and in the early hours of the 31st
of March. So, it’s one of those very interesting facts that perhaps two of Europe’s most significant
UFO waves actually happened on the very same night of the year, three years apart.

Although it predated my involvement, one of the most significant waves of sighting in Europe took
place over Belgium in March of 1990. On that occasion, UFOs were seen by large numbers of
people on the ground, and tracked on radar, resulting in two F-16 fighter interceptors being
scrambled. These aircraft then picked up the UFOs themselves on their airborne radar, and an
intriguing game of cat and mouse played itself out in the skies of Belgium over the next hour or

Although that happened before I was posted into Secretariat Air Staff, I made contact with the
British air attaché in Brussels. I asked him, really for my own peace of mind and for my own
background research, to confirm the reality of that. He had certainly spoken directly to one or
both of the F-16 pilots and to the senior military officer involved in this, Colonel DeBrouer. And
certainly the word that came back to me officially, via our embassy, was yes, this incident
happened pretty much as reported.

Yes, there was a solid-structured craft there, which made some maneuvers way ahead of the F-
16s. And as a sort of unofficial aside, there was a comment going around the Belgian Air Staff,
which was to the effect of, "Thank goodness they were friendly."

[See the testimony of Clifford Stone regarding the Belgian events and the official government
documents. SG]

Testimony of Admiral Lord Hill-Norton

July 2000

[We are grateful to James Fox for sharing this interview.]

Lord Hill-Norton is a five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of
Defense who was kept in the dark about the UFO subject during his official capacities. In
this short interview, he states that this subject has great significance and should no
longer be denied and kept secret. He emphatically states, "…that there is a serious
possibility that we are being visited — and have been visited for many years — by
people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it behooves us to find out who they
are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous
scientific investigation, and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid newspapers."

I know a good bit about the Bentwaters incident. I’ve interviewed a number of the people who
took part in it, and what I have decided after careful thought, is that there are only two
explanations for what happened that night in Suffolk. The first is that the people concerned —
including Colonel Halt, who was, at the time, the Deputy Commander of the Base, and a lot of his
soldiers — claim that something from outside the Earth’s atmosphere landed at their air force
base. They went and stood by it; they inspected it; they photographed it.

The following day they took tests on the ground where it had been and found radioactive traces;
they reported this. Colonel Halt wrote a memorandum, which was sent to our Ministry of Defense.
He has appeared on British television at least once, to my knowledge — possibly more often —
in which he has repeated, effectively, what he said in that memorandum. What he said is what I
have just described. That is one explanation — that it actually happened as Colonel Halt

The other explanation is that it didn’t. In that case, one is bound to assume that Colonel Halt and
all his men were hallucinating. My position is perfectly clear — either of those explanations is of
the utmost defense interest. It has been reported and claimed — and I, myself, have raised it to
ministers at the Defense Ministry in this country — that nothing they have been informed about
regarding UFOs is of defense interest. Surely, to any sensible person, either of those
explanations cannot fail to be of defense interest. That the Colonel of an American Air Force
Base in Suffolk and his military men are hallucinating when there are nuclear-armed aircraft on
the base — this must be of defense interest.

And, if indeed what he says took place, did take place — and why on Earth should he make it up
— then, surely, the entry of a vehicle from outer space (and certainly not manmade) to a defense
base in this country also cannot fail to be of defense interest. It simply isn’t any good for our
ministers — and the Ministry of Defense in particular — to say that nothing took place that
December night in Suffolk, or that it is not of defense interest. It simply isn’t true.

Since my name has become connected with UFO matters in quite a big way in this country, and
in one or two other countries too, I have frequently been asked why a person of my background
— a former Chief of the Defense Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee —
why I think there is a cover-up, or what the reasons may be for government’s wishing to cover up
the facts about UFOs. A number of explanations have often been put forward. The most frequent,
and perhaps the most plausible, is the government’s concern (which [is] primarily that of the
United States, and that of my own country) over the public’s reaction if they [were] told the truth
— which is that there are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of
anything that we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here, and that we
have no defense against them, should they be hostile.
I believe governments fear that if they did disclose those facts, people would panic: people would
rush about and jam switchboards like they did that famous day in New Jersey, when there was a
spoof that the Martians [had] landed — people will go mad, and they will jump up and down. I
don’t believe that at all — I’ve said so in print. I do not believe that people today, in the 21 st
century, are going to panic at that sort of information. After all, they have put up with the
introduction of nuclear weapons and the destruction of two Japanese cities 50 years ago. They
take as a matter of course that we can land vehicles on Mars — land to the precise instant,
forecast years before. So why should they panic? They are much more interested in doing the
pools or the lottery. They would shrug their shoulders and take it as a matter of course. Anyway,
they don’t trust politicians, in my experience.

What I’d like to say is that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited — and have
been visited for many years — by people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it
behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be
the subject of rigorous scientific investigation, and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid

It seems to me that the Bentwaters incident is a classic case where an apparent intrusion into our
airspace — and indeed, a landing in our country — occurred, which was witnessed by serious-
minded people in the military — responsible people, doing a responsible job. And, Bentwaters is,
in a sense, a benchmark for how not to deal with these matters in the future.

[See the testimony of Larry Warren, MOD official Nick Pope, Clifford Stone, Lori Rehfeldt, and
others regarding the Bentwaters landing event in the UK. I should also mention that I personally
spent a couple of hours with Lord Hill-Norton, and he was very concerned about the secrecy
surrounding this subject — and the fact that he had been deceived about it. Notwithstanding his
five star Admiral status and his position as former head of the Ministry of Defense, he was never
officially briefed on the subject. This is consistent with my experiences with President Clinton’s
staff and his first Director of Central Intelligence (CIA Director) James Woolsey, senior members
of Congress, very senior Pentagon officials, including the Director of Intelligence (J-2) for the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a sitting Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) — all of
whom I have personally briefed, and had been left out of the loop on this very important matter —
or were directly denied information when inquiries were made. This is, of course, a dangerous
situation. The secrecy itself is a great threat to the national — and world — security, makes a
mockery of democracy and our constitutional form of government, and must be corrected by
official action. SG]

Testimony of Security Officer Larry Warren, United States Air Force

September 2000

Larry Warren was a security officer at Bentwaters Air Force Base in the United Kingdom.
He was present during an event in 1980 when an extraterrestrial vehicle landed,
hovered, and interacted with Air Force personnel on base. Afterwards, the many
personnel who had witnessed the events were intimidated, debriefed, and forced to sign
documents telling a false version of the story. Warren’s testimony is corroborated by
multiple other military witnesses who have been identified. There are official documents
related to this event; there is a photograph related to the event; and there is physical
landing-trace evidence. This entire event is also corroborated by Ministry of Defense
official Nick Pope, and five-star Admiral, Sea Lord, former Ministry of Defense head Lord
Hill-Norton, and Sergeant Clifford Stone.

LW: Officer Larry Warren   SG: Dr. Steven Greer

LW: My name is Larry Warren. In December of 1980, I was assigned to the 81 st Tactical Fighter
Wing in Suffolk, East Anglia, at the NATO Air Base Bentwaters, which is next to Woodbridge. I
was a security specialist and worked with securing the nuclear arsenal we secretly housed there
at that time.

On December 11th, 1980, my security clearance notice, PRP, came through and I was approved.
My clearance was a secret clearance at that time.

The UFO incident took place near Woodbridge, which is our sister base, six miles [away] and
separated [from Bentwaters] by a pine forest known as Rendlesham Forest. I was into my
second week on the flight line, working the night shift.

We had just come off a break. The previous flight, C-flight, had a UFO encounter on Boxing Day
[the first weekday after Christmas] morning, early in the hours — two nights before my event. A
security policeman named John Burroughs and an Airman Parker were at the East Gate at
Woodbridge. Airman Burroughs saw what appeared to be an object in the forest at the east end
of the runway, just within the trees. There were multi-colored lights, and he suspected maybe an
aircraft had crashed. He called in Central Security Control on Bentwaters and reported what he
was seeing. A shift supervisor named Jim Penniston responded — he was a Staff Sergeant —
[and] a few other personnel arrived.

I wasn’t involved in this, but this is what I know of it: they pursued the phenomena into the woods
— they definitely thought there was an air crash, and started to begin those procedures…

They found that it was not an aircraft, but a triangular object about six feet at the base, that rose
to a nine-foot point. It was black like glass, with a great density to it. They didn’t know if it was on
a tripod or on legs of some sort, but it had multi-color lights around it. I do know this — based on
his own testimony — that Sergeant Penniston and these men did bring their side-arms, which are
38-calibers that the law enforcement people carried. Sergeant Penniston drew his revolver when
they encountered this object and saw clearly that it wasn’t anything they were familiar with.
These are all highly trained observers — as we all were at that time — for aircraft or unusual
things. Sergeant Penniston drew his revolver and aimed it at the object.

At some point he approached this [phenomenon], very close to it, and observed a panel on its
side with some sort of language similar to hieroglyphics. It was somewhat familiar to him, but he
couldn’t identify the script. It was raised from the surface; he touched it and felt the surface — it
felt warm to a degree, and [was] the texture of glass, almost — the consistency and hardness.
They sensed there was movement within, through this opaque kind of glass. Sergeant Penniston
heard a voice. These men had four hours of missing time [and] their radio communication had
failed with the base. Luckily enough, some other personnel obviously did respond to see what
was happening with these people — and some brought cameras and snapped some photos.

[See the testimony of Sergeant Clifford Stone who confirms that film and photos were taken of
these events and how they were handled. SG]

These men were debriefed the next morning. They were retrieved, dazed, [from] the forest; they
made statements immediately. They were given injections of what they were told was sodium-
pentathol by some element of the Air Force.

Airman Burroughs told me directly that he knew within the next two days that this phenomenon
was going to return — and it indeed did. Their shift had ended that day; my shift came on.

There was evidence left by this encounter — pod indentations on the ground. The British Suffolk
Constabulary responded to this the next morning, because it was an incident. It was reported to
them from the Base Security Police Operations desk. Col. Charles Halt can explain this very
accurately, because he was present on-site for the investigation. These pods were in a perfect
nine-foot separation, forming a triangle. It represented something [weighing] two and one-half
metric tons sitting down on the ground. There was a break in the canopy of the Corsican pines
where something clearly came through it. There were background radiation readings taken, and
Nick Pope can actually offer some more information on this via the Ministry of Defense.

[See the important testimony of British MOD official Nick Pope which confirms this event and the
radiation readings which were taken. SG]

The readings were 25 times higher than the normal natural background radiation in that area.
How these readings came up, is that Sergeant Nevels, who was the disaster preparedness man
at the base at the time, had the Geiger counters and knew how to read them. These readings
were taken from this ground-zero area — there was residual radiation on the trees and

I was put on a very remote post at the end of the RAF Bentwaters flight line, called Perimeter
Post 18; it was an alert-man position. I went to my position. It was uneventful for about an hour
and one-half. What I noticed first, was an animal disturbance where some deer ran down to a
rather low fence we had at that time surrounding the base. This herd of deer jumped the fence
and ran past my position, right over the runway. They seemed spooked, or I had that feeling.

Suddenly, I started to hear chatter on the open frequencies. We had Motorola radios at that time.
We had four channels of security police and operational active channels. I started to hear
commentary about lights over the forest toward Woodbridge: "Those lights are back again," and I
was looking up. Suddenly, at this point I [got] a call from Lieutenant Bruce Englund, who is a
security police officer. He was the shift commander at that time, and said, "Warren, deactivate
your post. You are going to be picked up by a GOV," which is government-operated vehicle. A
truck pulled up and Sergeant Bustinza, who [was] my reporting officer, was the driver. Lieutenant
Englund was in the passenger seat, and there were other personnel — new personnel like me —
in the back. I was told to get in. We went immediately to the Bentwaters motor pool. There was a
lot of chatter about people trying to find the Base CO [Commanding Officer], and they were
saying, "Change frequencies, put all the radios down." All of this, I must tell you, was recorded in
CSC on the tapes they made of that night. Those were stolen, and so were the logs of that period
— [Col.] Charles Halt can confirm this, also. They came up missing in a few days when he went
looking — that list of personnel on duty and a lot of different things: incident reports and
everything. They were gone…

We had our NATO rounds in the weaponry, which is very unusual, and there was an urgency
among senior people. We went down a logging trail into the forest, and there was an armored
vehicle after [we got] about a half a mile into the woods. I haven’t talked about this in a while,
because I wrote it and thought I’d never have to... The feeling in the forest was very strange.
Movement was odd. Perception was odd the minute we entered the forest. I will tell you this —
there was a problem. Something was wrong. We pulled up. There were some other vehicles.
They took our weapons off us. We broke up into four man units and headed down a trail into the
forest. [Col.] Charles Halt was out there that night with a smaller party of senior people.
Lieutenant Englund joined them at one point. There was a lot of radio contact, but we had to
maintain radio silence — the lower ranking guys. But, I could hear on other open channels [the
others] saying, "You guys coming in have to avoid those hotspots. We don’t want you walking all
over them." I think they had anticipated these objects returning.

Sergeant Burroughs, by the way — from the first night — knew it was coming back, and arrived
at the field, off-duty, in civilian clothes, obsessed to get back near the [phenomenon].
You can hear on the actual tape [Col.] Charles Halt made that night: one of the people on the
perimeter securing an access to the forest, calling [Col.] Charles Halt on the radio, saying,
"Airman Burroughs and two other individuals wish to rendezvous at your location." And [Col.]
Charles Halt responds, "Tell them negative at this time; we’ll tell them when they can come out
here. We don’t want anyone out here right now." This tape you will have, and [it] should be heard
by all interested parties.

What I saw — I wish it was much simpler than what it was. As we moved through this forest in
this small group, I was with Sergeant Bustinza; Robert Ball was there, shift supervisor, and a lot
of other people. We came to a clearing called Capel Green at the end of the Corsican pines, and
there was a phenomenon on the ground in this field: it was like a mist; it looked like a fog on the
ground. There was a cinematic film camera — a movie camera — present, and there was a very
large video camera there — they were very large at that time. These came from public affairs on
Bentwaters. There was anticipation of the return of the [phenomenon]. There is a trail on this film,
which has been established; this isn’t just me talking. Anything I’m telling you can pretty much be
backed up in any court of law — especially with the body of the evidence, and I’m willing to do

I was observing this — it was like watching a movie. This mist was on the ground and it was
being observed. There was disaster preparedness present. There was a house off to the left, a
farmer’s house. I had never been out in this forest before. There was a light on in this house, so
those people were home. There was a dog barking, I remember clearly. I saw a light come in. We
could see the beam of the Orford Lighthouse in this clearing, by the way — very clearly. This
case has been written off as a misidentification of this lighthouse — an exaggeration, or
whatever. In reality, it has been there for over 100 years and was no surprise to anyone. This
object, a red basketball-shaped object, came in from the North Sea area over the trees. I thought
it was a taillight on an aircraft, but it moved so quickly. The mist on the ground appeared to have
structure, and it was 50 feet across. This basketball-sized amber light didn’t seem solid — I
couldn’t tell you what it was — but it was 20 feet above the object, this mist. As soon as I got a fix
on that and everyone else did, the cameras were upon it — these people were reacting. Then
there was an explosion — it’s very hard for me to describe it: this thing broke up into multiple
shards of extremely bright light!

I, and others, suffered burns to the eyes — I have documents of this, because I stole them from
Bentwaters when an officer advised me to. He said, "Your military record is going to vaporize as
soon as you are gone." So my eyes were damaged — flash burns to the retinas and all. This is
established medically — it was as if I’d stared at an arc welder’s torch for about 10 minutes,
which is unadvisable. Everything was very bizarre at that point.

This explosion of light was very silent, and where the explosion of light happened, there
appeared a structured, solid object, rather large — probably 30 feet at the base, to a pyramid-
type shape. It was very rough — it would distort if you looked at it, with a rainbow-like effect. And
yet, through peripheral vision, you could get a clear fix. I will tell you, there is real evidence for
this thing — where it sat — to this day. This one won’t let anyone down — this case — believe

This thing was there, on the ground — and it was filmed, and it was photographed.

There were some British bobbies present on Charles Halt’s tape. You hear the Suffolk
Constabulary pull up in the forest, with their British police vehicle, because their siren was on for
a bit. These police are unattainable — they won’t talk to anyone. They had a camera, and one
was taken off of the British police. Already, an international incident was brewing here.
Our Wing Commander, Gordon Williams — who was at a party, I believe, that night — arrived
on-site with other senior people. There were British military present. They could have been at the
party. And, I will say, they seemed to know how to deal with an event like this.

I have no recollection of any sound emitting from this object. It was almost like a mirage, and yet,
I know it was solid because it left traces and evidence and all, but it was so beyond anything I
have ever seen, and it [was] right in front of us. I was only 30 feet away from it at one point — too

There was a life form in association with it — so I can just cut to the chase: I remember thinking,
what are these children doing here? And the mind starts scrambling. There was a bright light,
and there was movement. These things had an upper body, I clearly saw, and when I saw an
arm move — my, you know — you just, you are in another place at that point. And, these senior
people were very close to that [phenomenon].

What I saw was on the right side of this bizarre machine: this bright light moved out, and it was
bluish-gold and about a foot off the ground. It split — it was only about four feet in height from the
ground up, but it split away — and three individual, oblong cocoons of light with these three
individual people in [them], were there.

SG: But they looked like humans?

LW: They were humanoid. Yeah.

SG: Do you know the height of them?

LW: Yeah, they would have been about, in height, four feet. I mean, you think of children. The
light diminished, and that’s when you could see what was in it. They were hairless, but there was
clothing. There was an apparatus attached — I can’t describe — a dark thing. I could not see the
lower extremities because of the light — these were not walking on the ground — these things.
And, I wish I never saw this, but there was a white membrane around what are large eyes — and
the white membrane was moving, adapting. It was like your eyes adjusting to light.

The Commander was there — and this is where I swear there’s got to be a protocol, in the event
of something like this. He moved forward, and at that point we were called out of the area by
rank. In fact, a lot of lower-ranking people were involved in this, and [were] sent back to the
vehicles. On our way back, there was a lot of phenomena in the forest. These light beings, or
whatever, were there; and there were other craft around, above the trees, almost as if they were
guarding this thing and backing it up. I will tell you that Airman Burroughs was in the parking area
where all the vehicles were. They would not let him out to the sites.

Charles Halt was pursuing other light phenomena and had beams fired down to the ground right
in front of him — literally — pencil-sized beams from these crescent-like objects. Col. Halt was
making a tape recording as it all happened — four hours of audio; you’ve got 18 minutes of

My event was happening about a half a mile away. In fact, on that tape, you hear the beginning
of my event. I will clarify this: I was on the record long before the whole tape became public, and I
was the one that made the whole tape go public. I turned it over to CNN — and I’ve never taken
a penny for anything I’ve done with this, ever. I never have.

As we left, Airman Burroughs told me another object appeared — right in the midst of a lot of
security personnel at the parking area where all the trucks [were]. It appeared right in the midst of
them. Airman Burroughs grabbed this object, and it moved over the ground — ten meters — with
him holding onto it! It’s an absolute fact: he physically touched it! He moved with this thing on it. It
took off. It got away from John…Another beam of light came down. There was one guy, a part of
the security personnel, in a pick-up truck. This thing was following him — one of these beings
and the light — literally following him. He jumped into the pick-up truck, slammed the door, and it
passed through the glass right in front of him, and he freaked and kicked the windscreen right out
of the truck! This thing went out the other window. I know this person — this was happening in
front of many people too! It went out the other window, which was rolled-up because it’s
December. As he turned away from the vehicle, a blue beam of light came down from above the
trees, and this thing got on it and ran right up into something that was dark and looked like a
pinecone with white pins of light on it. It was dark against the night sky, and was watching over
this event. Another Officer has said that he felt that these objects had been there looking for
something. They were conducting grid searches the night before. There were three nights of

They were there for a reason, and it was kind of like, okay, we are here for a purpose; you guys
are bothering us, so we are going to show you what you need to know — but we are going to
accomplish what we need to do.

I will tell you that [Col.] Charles Halt said to me later, "Were you aware that on that night, there
were three massive triangular objects over the base, over the forest, and over the Woodbridge
base the whole time?" And there was missing time with so many personnel over this period — it
was amazing.

Afterwards, I noticed I had a shock of gray hair that did fall out — literally, a shock of gray hair on
the right side. My eyes were watering profusely. I had a metallic taste in my mouth, and I was
sweating profusely, and had cold chills.

I decided: I’m going to go call my mother, but we had secured phones on the base, obviously.
Being rather young and naïve, I didn’t pay attention to the COMSEC rules: communication
security. We had a phone where I knew they’d always listened in on your calls, so I went to a
public phone box (when they used to have them here on the base) and reversed the charges to
my Mom. I said, Mom, you won’t believe this. I said, last night a UFO landed on the base, and we
saw everything, and you wouldn’t believe it! And, I’m just thinking, she’s not responding: Mom?
Mom? She’s gone. I looked at Greg [a friend with me] and I go, oh my God, I got cut-off! I called
the operator, and I said, listen, can you reconnect me? She goes, "Are you calling from the
base?" I go, yeah. She goes, "I’m sorry, you were cut off from the base," and then she hung up
on me. I looked at Greg, and said, man, I think I’m in trouble. So, we ran back to my dorm.

[Before I called my mother] we were called to the office. Malcolm Zickler, a Major, was the Chief
of Security Police, and his underling Major Carl Drury — all were involved in one aspect or
another with these events. There was a Jaguar outside the office, and there was another
expensive car — I don’t remember what it was now. I thought, oh, here we go — the debriefing.
Well, first of all, there were all the lower-ranking guys. There were no people above sergeant in
my group. We were debriefed in a compartmentalized way, which I understand now, but then I
didn’t. And, I said, oh my God, they are going to tell us to shut-up; I know it! I’ll name names.
There were people in plain clothes going in and out of the security police law enforcement desk,
and that was unusual. And, I’m like, oh boy!

They said, "Did any of you retrieve or remove anything from the forest while you were in there?
Anything — a rock, twig, anything?" They kept asking us over and over. And, they said, "If you
have, and are not going to tell us now, you are subject to the UCMJ," all these rules: Article XV,
beyond that, JL-11, everything. We were young; we were all new — we were like, oh my God, we
haven’t even started here, and we are in trouble. We were gone over with a Geiger counter, and
there was one return on one of the guys, and something was taken out of his pocket. This guy
was removed very quickly, and I will swear on my life — I never saw him again! He was removed.
This happened to a lot of people. It led to a suicide that the Air Force is responsible for — this is
a real person with a real name. That base, by the way, after that, eventually had the highest rate
of suicide in NATO — this is an established fact. One of the Captains involved was found
hanging in his back garden from a tree — married, with children — everything. All these people
started to shoot and kill themselves. I’ve lived it — and I’m amazed I got out of there alive.

So, we were brought into the office. There were rows of seats, a very small law enforcement
desk. The law enforcement operators that day were kept out of the office. Everything was
different on that base now. We were brought in and there were sheets on top of the law
enforcement desk. There were about 10 of us, and there were one, two, three, four, five, six,
seven stacks of documents — pre-typed. One was a pre-typed statement, all generic, of what we
saw — which was not what we saw. It said we were off-duty and saw only unknown lights flipping
amongst the trees. I clearly remember that. I said, what if we don’t sign this, Major Zickler? And,
he [said], "You have no choice." And he [said], "I have no choice but to ask you to do this." I kept
seeing these other personnel in his office, because we were heading there next. He [told us to]
sign — I think there were four — documents. One was the UCMJ secrecy thing — I forget,
JANAP-1-something — and that clearly said, JANAP. But, there were other things that we
couldn’t read. They said, "You’ll be able to read them later; put your signature on; social security
number." Then we were filed into his office. There was a movie screen set-up. There were two
rows of chairs, metal chairs, folded out. Major Zickler left, and there were two gentlemen in
civilian clothes — big people, very business-looking: American. They had a plastic ID with a
photo and it said Armed Forces Security Services. I don’t know if that’s Air Force — we have
been told that is a field arm of the National Security Agency. They were intimidating people.

[See the testimony of Merle Shane McDow and others regarding this pattern of intimidating
debriefing protocols. SG]

They didn’t smile or anything. We were in uniform — they asked us specifically to wear the
uniforms we were wearing in the field. I think that was for the Geiger counter thing.

So we sat down, and a Naval Commander from the U.S. Navy ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence]
in London, named Commander Richardson, was there. He had the reins. He was in uniform and
was very affable with us.

Basically, it went like this: I am sitting next to a friend of mine from Alabama, who we called
Alabama. Alabama was religious — at this point, he was so unwrapped...He had a handheld
Bible and was reading it. He was gone. And being so young, at 19, the human condition isn’t
apparent to a lot of people — people’s pain and trauma — but I was watching this guy I knew
melting down — next to me. He is one guy that didn’t make it — and he is a name, and he had a
family, and everything. They didn’t care about that.

But what Commander Richardson did say is that — we were all numb, but this is very clear — in
a nutshell, "You airmen have been exposed to something that we have known about for longer
than any one of you in this room are aware of." And it was all matter-of-fact. He said, "There is a
phenomenon that has been coming here for many, many years. Some of it comes and goes;
some of it is a permanent presence." They didn’t say a phenomenon, they said various
civilizations — advanced civilizations. And, there was a lot of talk about the reasons for secrecy
— national security. He said, "You’re best to go on with your lives." One of the guys in the room
said, "What if we say something?" And he goes, "Know this now — your mail and phones will be
monitored for as long as you are in the military." He said, "The best way to go about it is not
discussing this with anyone, even each other, from this point on. Go about your lives; forget
about all this. Move on with your lives, with the knowing that you have seen something that few
people will ever get to see." Every other word was loyalty to national security, our oath, serving
the country — it was brainwashing, because all-of-a-sudden it was repetitive lines, and there was
a drone to his voice.

Then they showed a film. They said, "We are going to show you a film that might help you best
put into perspective what you gentlemen have witnessed, and help you, maybe, put it to bed a
little bit for yourselves." We were also told, though, if any of us [had] any unusual dreams, there’s
a number we were to call, daily, for the next month. If anyone was trying to pry information out of
us we were to let [the authorities] know. They said that there would be a possibility of Soviet
infiltration of the area — to try to get information from us. At that time, it was the Cold War, and
they said [to] be aware of anything; we were to report that immediately.

They ran the film — I mean, it was just a film on a reel — it was not narrated; he did not narrate
it. It began with gun camera footage [from] what I can only assume [was] maybe the 1940s. It
showed some propeller-driven aircraft in broad daylight. It looked like the Florida Keys, and a
fleet of silver discs [went] under the aircraft. That was one of the first frames. [The] clip
[changed]. This thing went all the way up to the space program. The best clip on it showed the
berets of the 5th Special Forces in Vietnam on a red clay hill [with] low scrub brush and a guy with
a camera…I don’t even know the year, but it was in color. He turns the camera and this giant,
green, delta-shaped thing rises out of the brush, very slowly and deliberately, below where they
are, up to face level, camera level, and then continues — but, shrubbery and brush is falling off
this massive thing, and a flock of big pelicans or (other] birds goes right under it — I’ll never
forget that in my life! I remember that better than the incident in the field.

The space program: I swear to God, this film showed structures on the moon — these box kind of
things — that looked sand-colored.

[See the important corroborating testimony of these structures by Karl Wolf. SG]

It showed that lunar car moving around. I remember those clearly, because I remember being a
child when all that was happening. Then — at a distance — the astronauts pointing at these box-
looking things, and structured objects moving off the surface of the moon — filmed by Apollo

SG: What did the structures on the moon look like? What shape were they?

LW: The structures looked like a continuation of the color of the moon, but there was structure to
it. Like, huge box-kinds of things — very square and angular structures without windows. But
they were artificial, clearly, and, they were being filmed; and then, there were lights and weird
things on top of hills.

SG: Are they in good condition or old?

LW: Oh, no — they looked pristine.

SG: And were the UFOs moving?

LW: Very clearly, in different scenes. A lot of it was with the lunar car — that mission. Some of it
was the astronauts on space walks, and something dark coming right up near them, with points
of red light. I remember that. All of this was very quick. They never showed it again. The Apollo
mission is the era where it ended.

So, after this meeting, and calling my mother and getting cut-off, I knew I was in trouble. I was
called to the communications section of Bentwaters. I knew what was coming. A Staff Sergeant
was there, and the Captain debriefed me. I was asked questions. There was a reel-to-reel tape
machine present in the debriefing, and they kept asking me, "Have you given sensitive
information out over land lines?" Over, and over. And, I said, no, no. And they said, "Do you want
to go with that?" And I said, yes. I was lying through my teeth. And they played the tape — here’s
me, ‘Hi Mom, you’ll never believe…’ They said, "Warren, you have to understand, every phone
on this base is monitored all the time anyway." I was told that I was not given an Article XV
because that is traceable. I would be fined $300.00, and if I caused any more trouble, I’d lose my
stripes. There is a paper trail on that fine, and no explanation. Later, I was threatened with the
IRS and everything. Madness. They are crazy. The machine is crazy.

Later, we were eating, and Sergeant Penniston was sitting right there. Someone asked me,
"What the hell happened to us last night?" And, Sergeant Penniston, who was senior, he goes,
"Shut the fuck up, Warren, shut the fuck up." Just like that. I was like this: oh my God, and I threw
my tray down and just walked out. It was all downhill from there, my friend.

Later that night, Sergeant Bustinza, myself — and I swear it happened to others — received a
phone call to meet a vehicle in the parking lot. Sergeant Bustinza and I were to meet this vehicle
at 5:00 p.m. that afternoon. It was dark at that point in England. We both walked up. I said, hi,
Busty, how you doing? He goes, "All right." And, we both walked toward this vehicle. The door
was open. There was a guy sitting there. In reality, what happened is, two people came up
behind each of us — and I do remember someone heading towards him — and I heard the
sound of what sounded like an aerosol, and I went black. My conscious memory for years was
that the interior lights in the car were too bright, and I just blacked out. In reality, we were hit with
an aerosol of some sort. My nose ran profusely, and my chest got tight. I, obviously, was not
getting into the car properly, so I was beaten — literally hit in the ribs and pushed. I was resisting,
and I know Sergeant Bustinza was doing the same thing.

I had identified myself as a problem. It turns out, years later, that he had made some phone calls
too. We were taken somewhere on the Bentwaters flight line. I knew this by the sound of where
we went. When I was removed from that car, I cut my face, because I fell out of it — obviously,
being immobile — and hit a patch of concrete and ice, and was carried, literally — bodily, face
down. I remember my nose running so profusely, and I couldn’t wipe it or anything. I didn’t know
if it was bleeding or what. I know we descended. I will tell you there is an underground facility on
that base that is — to this day — there.

I have more memories of it being a very clinical situation. We do know, at this time, a lot of
outside people were on the base. There were teams in the forest. Aircraft came into Woodbridge,
and even the commanders of the base had no access to get near it, or ask why they were there.
Teams in white coveralls were going throughout the forest. There were Intelligence people on the
base that were never there before. These are all things that can be established as fact, from
many other people.

[See the testimony of Sergeant Clifford Stone who was involved with this external team
investigating this event. SG]

Anyway, I have 20 minutes of recall, and I’m gone for a day — and, it’s established with other
people. People said I was on emergency leave, or on leave, or off the base — but I was just
under the base — and there were other personnel down there.

There was a lot of high tech machinery, huge vaulted, glass-like ceilings, panels of glass walls —
like a subway wall — old, but huge glass panels. We were brought to one area, and I have a
conscious memory, whether it is real or not, of looking into a very dark void, and having someone
to this side of me explaining that there were tunnels from the base to the North Sea.
My next conscious memory is just broad daylight — walking out into the sunshine from the base
photographic lab. A lot of younger guys and I went through this. I do remember being on a table
and seeing Air Force senior people, and some other unidentified people, talking down to me. I
know I was looking up at them with bright lights. I had marks, by the way, from an IV, or
something, when I came out of there. I had the bruise and I had a bandage. I will admit that.
That’s for real. I had it. I’m terrified to know or think of what might have happened, so I’ve only
pursued these memories a little bit.

I wrote my Mother a letter, and I wrote the letter a week and a half before Charles Halt authored
the actual Halt memo, which was gained by the Freedom of Information Act. It is a document that
reads like science fiction on Air Force letterhead. It’s a minimizing of the event — I believe,
intentional — but it reads like science fiction. It was released in 1983 through Citizens Against
UFO Secrecy, based on information I supplied them, after numerous denials that it existed from
the Air Force itself.

Pod casts were made of the indentations where the object landed on the first night. Charles Halt
still has possession of one of them, and does show people this, and would show it to any
congressional body, I think. Most of them ended up missing. Soil analysis was done on the
landing site, but it was all swept away. Years later, from 1988 to 1990, we did core samples, soil
analysis, which was analyzed by Springborn Environmental Labs in Massachusetts by accredited
scientists. We have the published findings in the book Left at East Gate. An absolute
[phenomenon] took place only in that spot — to a level of three feet down. Plants do not grow in
this one spot — no matter what crop — we’ve talked to the farmers — for 20 years. However, the
soil is darker. It does not absorb water. It is almost crystalline, mixed with a very dry dirt, like
freeze-dried coffee.

[See the testimony with Roberto Pinotti and the results from landing sites in Italy and France,
which show similar changes. SG]

It was, in a theoretical way, heating the soil to a degree in an industrial microwave oven — to a
super high heat — and then dropping it, instantly, into a sub-zero freeze — in almost a conical
direction — down.

RAF Watten, a Royal Air Force Base, had radar returns of these objects on all nights in question.
RAF Watten, on the third night and the first night, picked up an object descending into the forest.
The next day, the U.S. Air Force went to RAF Watten, talked to the air traffic controllers, [and]
told them that an alien spacecraft landed in Rendlesham Forest. There was contact with the base
commander, and they were borrowing the radar tapes, but the tapes were never returned. These
are all real people that are apparently talking now. I also know that on one of the nights in
question, a small object appeared near the perimeter of RAF Watten, not far from our base. Of
course, they had higher security because of the IRA threat at that time. A Royal Air Force police
dog handler (K-9 team) was doing a perimeter patrol, and the dogs went flat down on the ground.
These people are talking now. Then they saw these two beings near the fence line — prodding it
— next to a triangular object. They were prodding the fence with these light-like objects. When
they saw the RAF dog handlers, they fled toward this machine that took off and headed off
toward our base.

When people ask about the film and photographs, there is confirmation — this isn’t a story I
came up with. Captain Mike Verrano verifies on the Cable News Network program, UFO: the
Bentwaters Incident, from 1985, that indeed he drove the wing commander Gordon Williams, the
next morning, to an awaiting jet. The pilot opened the canopy, and he said, "What do you have in
that satchel?" And he said, "I have actual film. We have actual film and photographs of the UFO."
So, Gordon Williams personally handed this material, in a satchel, to the pilot, Mike Verrano
[said]. I, by the way, asked where the film was going, and I was told Germany. That was Air
Force command at that time. From there, we know that there was a paper trail, and that it was
eventually sent back to Washington.

I was an honorably discharged security policeman. I have an honorable discharge. I’ve heard a
lot of nasty things said about me, but I have my records. The only reason I have my records is
because I was advised to steal some of them — by an Air Force Colonel — because he said they
would vaporize you. He said, "They are going to fireproof you."

[See the testimony of Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin regarding his information about being
"erased." SG]

I was looked at almost like a Frank Serpico kind of guy. I was not a team player, because I was
talking to everyone.

Unfortunately, my friend Alabama went AWOL trying to get back home. At O’Hare Airport, he was
captured by the FBI and returned to duty immediately. All he wanted to do was go home, but he
was put back on flight duty. I was riding with the senior master sergeant on vehicle patrol, just
totally depressed with everything, when Alabama called in — this is a real person — and said he
was going to kill himself if he couldn’t go home. And, this guy turned the pick-up truck quick, and
was heading toward the post. He said, "You stay on the Goddamn radio..." I saw all the units
across the flight line responding and everything. I never hear Mr. Halt comment on this at all, and
that’s why he won’t stand with me in a place — because I bring up things that maybe they feel
bad about. As he says, the Air Force [was] on the sidelines for it all. Anyway, Alabama had a
short M16, and he put it in his mouth and took the top of his head off. This was the first time I
ever saw death — violent death — at 19. We were as different as night and day, me and this kid.
You know — he was the south; I was the north. He was very religious. I respect that, but we had
nothing in common. He was a nice guy. And, they did not do anything to help us…

I have had unbelievable phone problems for years — the typical things — [and] my mail is still
intercepted. In this country [the UK], it was, for years, opened and resealed in plastic, with a letter
of apology. Many of our packages don’t get where they are going.

[I can verify this, as we have had great difficulty getting follow-up materials from Mr. Warren out
of the UK. SG]

Later, my passport was coming up for renewal, and I sent it in. It would have expired by the time I
was going on a trip. But soon after sending it in for a new one, I got a letter back saying, "Mr.
Warren, your passport was altered or mutilated and you need to reapply for another one." I said,
oh my God, what the hell was that? So, I just, I said, oh fine, [and] filled it out. Next response:
"Mr. Warren, you must reestablish U.S. citizenship." I’m like, what? I’m calling all these people.
Finally, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, at the National Passport Center, this woman said, "I
can’t tell you what’s happening here." After a while, I said, listen, I’m writing a book called Left at
East Gate, and she goes, "The Bentwaters thing…" She said, "Call me at this number" — it was
her home number in Lebanon, New Hampshire. I called her, and she said to me, "I have the
official printout: ‘This individual’s passport is being revoked under some classification, due to his
speaking of sensitive defense issues at a public forum on foreign soil,’ and then some coding,
DOD coding, under it." I have it all, and it is just bizarre.

Our agent at that time, Perry Knowlton in New York City, was friends with Ramsey Clark, the
former U.S. Attorney General. He set up a meeting with us, and I met with Mr. Clark in person.
He said to me, "I’m going to make some phone calls for you," but he says, "I’m going to tell you
this — after knowing everything — they say it was because you talked about nuclear weapons,
that’s all." Mr. Clark said, "People in England suspected there were nukes there all the time. I will
tell you this: your passport was suspended because of the other things you’ve talked about," and
he wouldn’t elaborate any more. He made two phone calls, and the Department of State, with
apologies, said it was an error.

So, we’ve tried to do our best. I’d be willing to speak and swear to this in front of any
congressional body. I have great respect for my country, and I think it is the people’s right to

[We have identified the names of numerous witnesses who should testify before Congress
regarding these landing events. This case alone establishes the reality of the UFO and
extraterrestrial issue. There are also corroborating documents, tapes, and other evidence, such
as the landing site effects and radiation measurements. SG]

Testimony of Captain Lori Rehfeldt

October 2000

Lori Rehfeldt was stationed at the 81st Security Police Squadron at RAF
Bentwaters in England during the UFO events that occurred in December 1980.
She and a colleague were on duty late that night, when they saw in the distance
an object they thought was a plane landing on the runway — coming in from the
direction of the North Sea. They also saw it silently explode, split into three parts,
and speed across the runway; then it went straight up and disappeared.

… We saw this aircraft... The rate of speed that it was moving when it went across was
tremendous. It was moving in like a regular aircraft, then when it stopped, it did this movement
and split into three. And when sped across the runway going west, it was just going at a
phenomenal speed. The only other thing that really caught our attention was that it didn’t make
any noise. There was no sound to it at all. We just didn’t know what it was…

When it stopped, that’s when it made these fast movements: up, down, left, right- the movement
was very geometric. I mean, it was not a normal movement. That probably threw us more than
anything because it was just so, unusual. It was a lot faster than a jet plane…

He happened to be an electrical engineer for the Air Force. He said, you do know they found
something out there? He said, well, we’ve been working with the plastic, with the material that we
got from back then. And he said, back then it was pretty raw, but now we’ve been able to use it
and to refine it. And they’ve been able to use it and it can take so many degrees of heat and
temperature. He mentioned it was a gray material. But he was validating that there was
something out there. And he said this material was not indigenous to here…

Back to Contents   or   Continue with Government Insiders/ NASA/ Deep Insiders

Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks
College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell-
Douglas in the field of exotic technologies. While at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, he was involved in tracking UFOs over Missouri, Ohio, and
These UFOs were seen my many people: military, local police, and civilians, and were clocked at
speeds around 20,000 MPH as they performed unusual, silent maneuvers. Dr. Czysz spent more than
half his career at McDonnell-Douglas working on classified and compartmentalized projects, and
testifies to the processes involved in maintaining secrecy on these projects.
He warns against the human tendency to make every new technology into a weapon, pointing out that
our weaponization of space does not address the threat of Earth terrorists, and the idea of using these
weapons against extraterrestrial targets would be suicidal.
by Richard C. Hoagland
from EnterpriseMission Website
Part I
A half-century ago, from a windswept Florida beach, the United States finally "got back in the
game" - after the shock of the Soviet Union's Sputnik just three months earlier - and successfully
launched its own satellite into an orbit of the Earth... dubbed after launch, "Explorer I."

Unknown to anyone but a handful of civilian engineers and US Army personnel, intimately
involved with the launch that night, this would became a true "history-defining moment" - when
the launch team, via Explorer I, immediately and serendipitously made America's MOST
important and overarching discovery, of all nations that would someday ever venture off the
Earth... in the entire fifty-year history of "space"...

The secret of gravity and inertia themselves... revealed as a true "anti-gravity effect" - somehow
operating on Explorer I... radically affecting its very orbit!

A seminal discovery... which - at the stroke of a White House pen - could have re-written not only
the history of science… but, the destiny of the entire world...

However, this was not to be.

This monumental, history-making breakthrough was immediately followed by the United States'
most far-reaching political move of this same half-century - a hurried decision, made apparently
that same night, to keep this phenomenal "anti-gravity" discovery a total secret... not only from its
own civilian scientists, its own "free press"... its own citizens and taxpayers... but, from everyone
on Earth!

This is the story of the Enterprise Mission's painstaking, years-long investigation (given context in
our recent New York Times bestseller - Dark Mission: the Secret History of NASA):
the "back-engineering," scientific and political analysis of this "world-changing,
pre-NASA discovery"... and the grave global consequences that have now
evolved from the crucial decision, made by "someone" in a position of Authority
that night... to simply... "bury it."
In subsequent pages, we will detail and document "who" exactly made this amazing
breakthrough, precisely "how" it was achieved, and "what" the stunning, world-wide implications
could have been... if science had been allowed to take its natural course that night - if this unique
discovery had been freely presented, freely studied and freely discussed in the global scientific
community in the ensuing years... and then, implemented as a revolutionary, Earth-based
"gravitational control technology."

But, most important..., we will detail how this paradigm-shattering breakthrough can now be
duplicated - by any student, in any decent high school physics laboratory... literally, anywhere on

And what that now could mean for all Humanity.


Explorer I was launched at 10:48 PM EST, January 31, 1958 - from Pad 26A, at Cape Canaveral.

The Jupiter-C rocket (C standing for "composite") that successfully launched this first US satellite
into the Florida skies (below), was actually a converted "Redstone" military ICBM - a rocket
developed as a US Army advancement over their earlier "V-2s," by Wernher von Braun and his
imported team of "Operation Paperclip" German Nazi rocket engineers to the United States, in
the decade immediately following World War II.
This "Jupiter-C satellite launcher" was built around a main liquid-fueled rocket stage, composed
of two separate tanks for housing liquid oxygen and the "Hydyne" hydrazine-based fuel, standing
a total of 47 feet high and weighing, fully loaded, 62,700 pounds.

Atop this "main stage" were 15 individual, much smaller solid propellant rockets, arranged in
three additional "stages" (weighing a total of 1380 pounds), consisting of 11, 3 - and finally, 1 -
topped, at 71 feet above the ground, by the ~31-lb, bullet-shaped Explorer I satellite itself (below)
- literally bolted to the fnal "solid" stage beneath it.

Explorer I's best-known, unclassified contribution to space science was the discovery of the
famed “Van Allen” radiation belts - named for the University of Iowa physicist, James van Allen,
who first found (via his radiation detectors aboard Explorer I, confirmed by the two successor
Explorer III and IV spacecraft) the high-energy “donuts” of charged particles circling the Earth,
trapped by its "dipole" magnetic field (below).
Van Allen went on to win the equivalent of the “Nobel space physics prize” for this fundamental
space discovery - which was eventually found to be a basic feature of ALL planets in (and
outside) the solar system exhibiting similar magnetic fields.

He even made it to the cover of TIME magazine.

By stark contrast, the ultimately far more significant (literally "physics-shattering" - as you shall
see) anomalous orbital dynamics exhibited by this same satellite, and, on its very first orbit that
That, Explorer I’s actual trajectory, unambiguously (and most disturbingly) seemed to violate two
basic laws of 20th Century Physics, immediately after launch..., have received NO scientific
acknowledgements, prizes, or peer-reviewed discussions… even fifty years after their totally
unexpected discovery...

So, "who" made this remarkable discovery... and then (as the evidence will prove...) actively
participated in its subsequent, deliberate, decades-long (and still on-going) cover-up?

Why - none other than Wernher von Braun, himself...

To fully understand the extraordinary technical and political significance of what "mystifyingly"
occurred that January night in 1958, one has to go back to the events themselves, swirling
around this "super-charged, US Army launch attempt by von Braun and his German team..." - a
desperate effort for the US to "catch up" in a space race it was clearly still losing to the Soviets at
that point - and compare what was expected to happen with Explorer I's launch... with what
actually happened.

Because of the extremely primitive status of the "global satellite tracking network" in 1958,
required to follow a satellite in orbit, the number of "stations" up and running the night Explorer I
was finally launched was "few and far between".
The portion of this Mercator-projection map (below) NOT shaded, is the latitude coverage
straddling the equator dictated by the planned inclination of the first US satellites - Vanguard and
Explorer - designed for orbits between "latitudes 40 degrees north and south."
As you can see, most of the existing ground stations were concentrated along a band running
raggedly north and south, mostly in the Americas - heavily favoring one side of the planet but
leaving the rest of the world "dark" (the scattering of stations seen in other parts of the world -
such as the one in central Australia - did not yet have the proper equipment to detect Explorer I's
radio frequencies, having been originally planned to support the Navy's Vanguard Program).

Explorer I was launched by von Braun and his team with an orbital inclination of "33.3 degrees..."

Thus, when the spacecraft disappeared over the South Atlantic horizon from Cape Canaveral
that evening, after being launched "downrange" (the line extending southeast from Florida -
above), there was essentially no way for von Braun (or anyone else...) to track it, to KNOW from
"telemetry" (radioed information...) if "his" satellite had been successfully placed in orbit by the
Jupiter C... or not...

But to impatiently just wait..., until Explorer I - moving at ~18,000 miles per hour (5 miles per
second...) - had almost completely circled the entire world... and came back around... within
range of special radio receivers set up in the deserts just north of San Diego, California (a place
called menacingly "Earthquake Valley"...).

There, if the receivers picked up Explorer I's faint telemetry signals as it was coming over the
Pacific Ocean for the first time - after the spacecraft had almost circled the entire planet - word
was to be "flashed" (by "long-distance telephone" - as it was quaintly called in those days...) to
Cape Canaveral (where von Braun's Army launch crew was nervously waiting...), and, to the
Pentagon in Washington DC - where von Braun himself, Van Allen, and William Pickering
(Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory - JPL - the West Coast facility which had constructed
the actual satellite) - were also watching "the clock tick down the seconds"...

If the eventual word from Earthquake Valley was "go," the three scientists were then scheduled to
begin a live press conference over at the National Academy of Sciences, and announce
triumphantly to an equally waiting world...
"We did it!"
Only after all this "waiting and nail biting"... a literally hours-long vigil, and an equally archaic
mode of communicating "success" when it was finally learned (over a single telephone line -
stretching between California and Washington DC...) - would (or could!) anyone in the rest of the
world that night really KNOW that Explorer I had successfully made it into orbit!
That key California signal - for a carefully planned, Explorer I trajectory around the Earth of 220
by 1000 miles - was expected at about 12:30 AM EST, February 1, 1958 (below).

Slightly over an hour and a half after Explorer's launch from Florida," the moment of truth" in this
intensely anticipated "window" came... and went... and... nothing.

Then - it was 12:31... then, 12:32... and more nothing.

Because of the "clockwork" nature of satellite orbits when, by 12:33, there was STILL no signal...
it became dreadfully apparent to von Braun's entire senior team - General John B. Medaris,
head of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) which had actually launched Explorer I for the
US Army earlier that night (below)...
And... William Pickering... Director of the Cal Tech laboratory (JPL) under contract to ABMA for
the actual design and construction of Explorer I (below)...

That, they were likely never going to hear that desperately hoped-for signal... because,
somehow... "something" had gone radically wrong!

By 12:41 AM it was all but certain.

Instead of going into orbit and coming around the Earth on time, Explorer I had - somehow - been
plunged back into the atmosphere far over the horizon from the Cape - and, by now, had simply
burned up... literally, somewhere on the far side of the world...

It was never going to "come around the Earth and over Earthquake Valley..." - because it no
longer even existed!

A photograph of von Braun (below) - snapped while he and everyone else at the Pentagon
desperately awaited word... any word - captures perfectly what he was obviously fearing...

Von Braun would later directly write about his roller coaster emotions during that "interminable
wait," in a piece entitled "The Story Behind the 'Explorers,'" appearing in the Des Moines Sunday
Register, April 13, 1958:
“... the bird was due in California about 12:30 A.M., EST. We had four tracking
stations there poised to pick up its signal, and Bill [Pickering] had them on the
long-distance phone.

“Twelve-thirty came. There was no signal.

“A minute went by. And another. And another, without a beep from the satellite.
Eight minutes elapsed and still they didn’t hear a thing.

“We were miserable. Obviously, we’d been mistaken. The Explorer had never
really gone into orbit..."
Then, at 12:42 AM... there it was!
Within the next 30 seconds, all four Earthquake Valley stations picked up Explorer I's transmitted
signals "loud and clear."

The United States was - finally - in orbit!

Explorer I had just been "late."

But... why?

George Ludwig - Van Allen's chief assistant, and designer of the ~18 pounds of batteries and
custom-made radiation-monitoring equipment on-board Explorer I - described his own automatic
first reaction...
"... we all realized immediately that the rocket had provided a larger than
expected thrust, resulting in a higher than planned orbit, and a longer orbital
period. The orbit had been expected to have a perigee (lowest height above the
Earth) of about 220 miles and an apogee (greatest height) of about 1000 miles.
The perigee and apogee heights were actually 223 miles and, more significantly,
1592 miles, respectively, with an orbital period of 114.7 minutes rather than the
105 minutes that had been originally anticipated..."
With the (belated!) acquisition of Explorer I by Earthquake Valley - von Braun, Van Allen and
Pickering were whisked from the Pentagon to the more "scientific" (and civilian...) "National
Academy of Sciences" - for a packed "2:00 AM press briefing..."

Amid all the adulation and congratulations, this iconic photograph (below) was taken, capturing
the mood of "a new US technological and political renaissance" - symbolized now by the
resounding success of Explorer I - in the face of the Soviet Union's "daunting early wins" in this
new game...
Lost in all the well-deserved self-congratulations... was the nagging real reason for Explorer I's
agonizing delay at Earthquake Valley: its "higher than planned" orbit.

And... any serious questioning - either from the assembled scientists that night, or from the press
- as to how something like that could even have been achieved... powered only by von Braun's
relatively primitive "Jupiter-C" rocket...

Van Allen (below) - when he wrote about his own emotional experience that memorable night -
also barely touched upon "the problem"...

" … the burning of all four stages [after launch] was monitored by down-range
stations and judged to be nominal. The final burnout velocity of the fourth stage
was somewhat higher than intended, and there was a significant uncertainty in
the final direction of motion. Hence, the achievement of an orbit could not be
established with confidence from the available data.
The telemetry transmitter was operating properly, and the counting rate data
from our radiation instrument corresponded to expectations… The reception of
the telemetry signal after the lapse of [almost] one orbit was necessary before
success could be confirmed...

"... for about an hour following receipt of the [last] down-range station reports,
there was an exasperating absence of information... The clock ticked away, and
we all drank coffee to allay our collective anxiety. After some ninety minutes, all
conversation ceased, and an air of dazed disappointment settled over the room.
Then, nearly two hours after launch, a telephone report of confirmed reception of
the radio signal by two [sic] professional stations in Earthquake Valley,
California, was received. The roomful of people exploded with exultation, and
everyone was pounding each other on the back with mutual congratulations..."
Van Allen - NOT being a true "rocket scientist" (he was, after all, primarily a physicist -
specializing in custom-designed instrument payloads for sounding rockets... not the launch
vehicles themselves) - can be forgiven for not immediately appreciating the deeper implications
of the problem presented by Explorer I's inexplicable, significantly higher-than-planned orbit that
He could only assume (as, apparently George Ludwig did... and everyone else) that the "higher
orbit" was the by-product of a "slightly greater efficiency" - somewhere in von Braun's pioneering,
multi-staged Jupiter-C launch vehicle - most likely, in the solid-fueled rockets, designed by JPL
(in addition to the satellite), that comprised those critical last three upper stages...

As we have detailed in "Dark Mission," in the chapter devoted to the remarkable history of one of
JPL's key founders - Jack Parsons, and his early solid-fuel rocket pioneering - "solids" in this
period were only slightly more predictable than "alchemy"... or "magik"; depending on a variety of
arcane chemical and physical variables - the exact proportions of fuel to oxidizer mixed together;
the physical size of the propellant grains of that resulting mix.
The density of the final packing of those grains into the rocket's casing, even the temperature of
the propellant - any one of these parameters could affect the final product, which would result in a
well-known "variable thrust and burn time" for all solid-fueled rockets of the period...

Parson's singular claim to fame was, by exhaustive trial and error, over more than two decades
(from the 1930's through the 1950's...), to finally have hit upon a fuel/oxidizer mixture, and a
loading process, which eliminated almost all these inherent solid-rocket variability’s... almost.

For these well-known reasons (to those who "hung around the fledgling space program..."), it was
assumed by all the "non-rocket scientists" (and by the press...) that one of these "normal
variables" in the Jupiter-C's upper stages easily accounted for the rocket's additional

That "everyone assumed" this was the case, is obvious... because, it is equally obvious that no
one at the time (at least, anyone who will talk...) actually sat down and carried out even the most
basic of "rocket calculations" - of just how "over efficient" von Braun's Jupiter-C had to have
been... to result in anything even approaching Explorer I's much higher-than-expected orbit!

Fifty years after the fact, we have done those calculations... with some spectacular and very
thought-provoking results.

OK, now comes the part where the "mathematically challenged" (or squeamish...) might want to
turn away. If you do, we promise we'll summarize the cool stuff - in neat, plain English - at the


The foundation of all true "rocket science" is...

The “Rocket Equation!”
Wp = Wi * (1 - e**(-dV/g*ISP))
Wp = weight of propellant expended during the
thrust arc
Wi = initial weight of the vehicle
V = delta velocity change
g = Earth's gravitational acceleration (32.174
ISP = specific impulse of the engine (and fuel) in
Solving for dV (the final rocket velocity), the equation becomes:
dV = -g*ISP*ln(1- Wp/Wi)
Back to English.

Broken down, the above equation is actually quite simple.

The key parameter is the number representing "ISP" - a rocket's "specific impulse" (expressed as

Specific impulse is somewhat like a "miles per gallon" reading for your car; the higher the specific
impulse (ISP) for a given rocket system (engines plus fuel), the more efficient the total rocket
system is... in terms of "miles per gallon" usage of that fuel...

And, the higher the final velocity you can achieve with a given amount (mass) of fuel.

And... higher final velocities result in higher orbits!

So, high ISP numbers are good; lower ISP numbers are... "less good"...

In terms of determining if the JPL upper stages could have achieved the performance levels
required to place Explorer I into its higher-than-expected orbit, we began by looking at the
published parameters of the solid rockets JPL used in constructing those stages for von Braun's
final "composite" rocket.

One major clue was in Van Allen's own report:

"... the final burnout velocity of the fourth stage was somewhat higher than
intended [emphasis added]..."
According to the Smithsonian's "National Air and Space Museum Data Sheet, Department of
Astronautics" - published on an official NASA website...

The fuel and oxidizer used in the JPL-designed "solid" upper stages for the Jupiter-C was "...
polysulfide-aluminum and ammonium perchlorate." This was pretty standard stuff, even if its ISP
was fairly poor, compared to almost any liquid chemical rocket fuels in use today.
The ISP varied from about "220 seconds" in the atmosphere, to about "235 seconds" in a good
vacuum (because, contrary to common misperception, rocket engines actually work best in a
pure vacuum - when the thrust exhaust isn't slowed down by the surrounding air!).

The Smithsonian data sheet also neatly listed the "fueled" and "empty weight" of each Jupiter-C
stage (below).

Plugging these numbers into the Rocket Equation, and averaging the atmospheric and vacuum
ISP efficiencies of the upper stages together (as the Jupiter-C rose out of the atmosphere that
night, and the later stage ignitions became more efficient...), gave us the maximum theoretical
"by the book" velocity those three upper stages could have imparted to Explorer I at "orbit
dV = -32.2 X 228 X (662lb/1380lb) = 3520 feet per sec

We already knew that this velocity, added to the maximum velocity imparted by the liquid-fueled
first stage (at "staging"), was the "nominal satellite injection velocity" - what was required to place
Explorer I into its planned orbit of about "220 by 1000 miles" (red line, below).

Since the actual orbital parameters (according to George Ludwig's figures) were "223 by 1592..."
- almost 600 miles higher at apogee than "nominal" (the blue line, below) - what we really needed
was a measure of how much additional velocity that approximately 600-mile increase in apogee
represented, to put Explorer I into an orbit that much higher (and more elliptical) than originally
There's a well-known "rule of thumb" in rocket science - that, for "every additional foot per second
of injection velocity" at perigee (the low point of the orbit), a spacecraft gains "about a mile of
additional altitude at apogee" (the highest orbital point).

Using this approximation, Explorer I had gained something like "an additional ~600 feet per

Was this covered by the normal variations for solid rocket performance of that generation?

Inverting our Rocket Equation - and solving for the additional ISP required of those solids, to
match that now known additional performance - produced the following result:
Additional required velocity = ~ 600 feet per second

3520 + 600 = 4120 total feet per second for Explorer I

Increase in Explorer I injection performance = 4120/3520 = 1.17

Equivalent “improvement” in 2nd, 3rd and 4th stage propellant

ISPs = 1.17 X 228 = ~ 267 secs!
This amounted to almost a twenty percent performance increase - in ALL the upper stage solid
ISPs - over the same solid-fueled rockets' measured performance in previous JPL applications!

The idea that one of the 15 solids in those upper stages might exhibit this degree of major
variation, was barely plausible; that ALL of them TOGETHER (required to produce the total delta
velocity increase) had done so that night, was simply impossible... by any known chemistry and
"Normal physics" also says you "can't get something for nothing." Yet, somehow, by this simple
calculation, Explorer I DID exactly that...

Acquiring six hundred extra miles of "something"... from absolutely nothing.

Just how the hell did JPL and von Braun manage to accomplish that!?

It would have been at this point - for anyone who actually DID this simple set of calculations, in
1958 - that they HAD to have realized they had a major discovery on their hands... and... a major

The problem was:

No "small variations" - a few percent, at best - of the Jupiter-C's individual solid rockets in the
vehicle's upper stages - from "grain size, packing density, mixture variations, etc., etc." - could
possibly account for a ~20% INCREASE in overall delta V at burnout... resulting in almost 600
additional feet per second... and 600 additional vertical miles... of "super performance" for
America's first satellite!

So, what was left...?

That, serendipitously, Explorer I had made...

A profound and fundamental scientific breakthrough... regarding how objects really gravitationally
orbit one another!
And that, as a result, almost 300 years of Newton's long-accepted "Law of Universal Gravitation"
was, somehow, wrong... as might be his equally unquestioned "Three Laws of Motion"... and
potentially (shudder...), even Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity"...
Whatever the ultimate cause - this was NOT going to be any "small" Scientific Revolution.

And, that was precisely “the Problem”...

And the solution to "the Problem" - as we can now demonstrate - was a political decision, made
by "someone" that night, to instigate an immediate cover-up of this entire, stunning US space
discovery... which obviously, if openly verified, would have been...

Tthe most important result of the entire space program!

A cover-up which (according to the evidence)...

Is still on-going.

For, while Ludwig and Van Allen - both eminent physicists, both intimately familiar with the
Explorer Program (because they were designing all its intricate on-orbit measuring instruments!) -
freely published the intended orbital parameters of Explorer I we've just cited, and even
compared them to the higher, enlarged orbit... neither of them seemed to realize (and Ludwig
STILL doesn't...) just what those numbers had to represent (unless, of course, they were
ultimately "persuaded" to remain "ignorant"...)

If either physicist, for a moment, had sat down and actually gone through the "rocket calculations"
we just have, both would have instantly realized that to expect that type of "anomalous super
performance" - from EVERY one of the 15 solid-fueled JPL rockets atop von Braun's modified

Was impossible.

Yet, neither of these key physicists (nor, any other physicists, astronomers, rocket engineers,
members of the scientific press, etc., etc.) - over these last fifty years - has apparently EVER
done this simple calculation... or stopped to consider (if they have), even for a moment, the
extraordinary alternative to the inevitable assumption "it must have been the rockets..."

That, it might have been, instead... the Physics!

One blatantly obvious initial reason that Van Allen and Ludwig DIDN'T do this calculation that
same night, HAD to have been "Wernher von Braun."

After all, this was "Wernher's baby!"; if HE didn't know what made his rocket tick... what might
account for its "dazzling increased delta V"... who would?!

That von Braun was immediately prepared to be 'less than candid" about this remarkable Jupiter-
C "over performance" (initially, by simply not discussing it...) - to, in every way, downplay the
ultimate significance of what had really happened to Explorer I that night - is apparent in his
immediate actions at the National Academy press conference that morning...

With the entire world press corps gathered, and hanging on his every word... he said nothing!

And, he continued to say nothing... to his death.

However, giving him the benefit of the doubt... for "great uncertainties" in the numbers that first
roller coaster morning, when "the cold light of day dawned …" von Braun had to have found time
to do those crucial calculations. And he HAD to have realized then that nothing involving the JPL
solid upper stages could have resulted in that amount of "extraordinary, additional

Yet, three months later - writing in that same Des Moines Sunday Register article, in April 1958 -
von Braun would simply say:

"… there’d been just a slight error in our quick estimate of the satellite’s initial
speed and period of revolution..."

"Slight error"...
Six hundred additional feet per second (that's just over "four hundred miles per hour..."); and... six
hundred miles higher as a direct result, at apogee...

Yet, all from... NOWHERE.

Where were the "triumphant official ABMA press releases"... the proud "White House
announcements" (at the height of the Cold War and this sudden "space race" with the Soviets)...
and then, the ultimate "solemn ceremony" in Stockholm... celebrating such an extraordinary
scientific breakthrough in "Newton Laws" by the United States - the first... in almost three

The proof that von Braun knew that this wasn't just "the result of his own rocket" - that, in fact,
this was something BIG... something potentially "extraordinary" - comes from von Braun himself:
Immediately following the baffling events surrounding the launch of Explorer I,
von Braun began quietly writing and sending out a series of clandestine letters all
over the world - to a very select group of "extraordinary physicists"... but
deliberately, NOT to any associated with the Explorer program (like Van Allen!).
In this correspondence, he is clearly, unquestionably, looking for “an alternative
physics” - that could eventually explain what really happened to Explorer I.
Not exactly the actions of "just a rocket guy" - complacently satisfied with his own vehicle's

One fascinating von Braun exchange involved fellow German countryman, theorist Burkhard
Heim (below).

Another - if anything, even more indicative of von Braun's real thinking, in his persistent secret
efforts to understand the apparent “new gravitational physics” that (he obviously now believed...)
had, somehow, radically altered Explorer I's orbit after launch - involved the even more
remarkable, anomalous gravitational discoveries of a future Noble Laureate, Dr. Maurice Allais.

But first - to Heim's theoretical relevance to von Braun's "problem"...

Heim (who had worked at the world-famous "Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics," in

Goettingen, Germany, after the War), had rocked the physics and space communities just a few
years earlier, by presenting at the 1952 and 1954 sessions of the "International Astronautical
Federation (IAF) Congress" historic scientific papers, outlining the first theoretical proposal for
"fuel-less field propulsion technology“ - a means of sending true space vehicles to other planets,
without the profound "limitations of rockets"...

Because his radical proposal was backed by some extremely innovative (if highly complex)
"unified field equations," created by a bona fide physicist attached to such a prestigious German
scientific institution, Heim immediately became something of an international celebrity.
Here was a "scientific somebody" in the 20th century, directly suggesting that Newton's long-
inviolate Third Law of Motion "... for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" - which
lies at the heart of every rocket-based propulsion system - might, in fact, be completely
circumvented by a new 20th Century "space-time field technology"...

Which could itself move through space - yet, expel NO "reaction mass"... by electromagnetically
"hooking into the very fabric of 'space-time'" itself!

Heim worked on his theories in close collaboration with quantum theory physicist and pioneer
Pascual Jordan (himself a close associate of Nobel Laureates, Max Born and Werner
Heisenberg. Jordan also is known as the developer of "the non-associative Jordan Algebras").
Significantly, Heim was seeking in this collaboration to carry out key physical experiments with
Jordan... in gravitation - because, even before the War, the latter had turned his attention from
"quantum mechanics" to "cosmology"... the origin and evolution of the largest structures in the
Universe... where gravity reigns supreme...

But the joint projects Heim proposed, to test his own far-reaching "gravitational theories," never
materialized - as the necessary government funding in post-War West Germany in the 1950's
(except for a small grant from the aerospace firm, Messerschmitt-Belkow-Blohm) was apparently
"not available."

The title of one of Heim's later papers (1976) - "Basic Thoughts on a Unified Field Theory of
Matter and Gravity" - specifically reveals his fundamental and continuing interest in alternative
gravity research, some 20 years after he first burst upon the world stage... and the obvious
reason for von Braun's provocative (and well-documented) "sudden interest in Heim" in 1958...
right after Explorer I!

For, according to the "Research Group - Heim Theory" - a collection of international scientists
currently collaborating on publishing and discussing Heim's "unified field" work, in English
(following Heim's death, in 2001) - Wernher von Braun's telling interest - remember, a "rocket
guy" - centered specifically on Heim's radical ideas re "...spacecraft field propulsion and orbital

According to the Research Group:

" a letter to Heim, Wernher von Braun enquired about progress in the
[German] development of such a field propulsion system since otherwise he
could not accept responsibility for the enormous cost of the [Apollo] moon-
landing project. Heim [because of the lack of West German government funding
to develop the technology] answered in the negative..."
From this documented correspondence, it should be blatantly apparent that Wernher von Braun -
thought by the press and public to be merely a "steely-eyed missile man" - was actually probing
far beyond... searching avidly for an "alternate gravitational solution" to his major Explorer I
problem, one which did NOT involve "trivial rocket explanations."

Obviously, at some point after that memorable January night, von Braun had carried out the
same calculations we just did... and had come to the same conclusion:

Namely, that,
"Something" was radically wrong with all existing gravitational theories... used
(quite unsuccessfully, it turned out...) to attempt to predict the orbit of Explorer I.
In other words, Von Braun - contrary to his public "caviler dismissals" of Explorer I's anomalous
behavior (the statements in the Sunday Register...) - privately, was clearly... secretly... bent on
finding "a serious, workable alternative to Newton and Einstein...!"

As his independently confirmed private correspondence with Burkhard Heim, now

unquestionably confirms.

Von Braun's letters to and from Maurice Allais (below) are even more revealing - in terms of the
alternative gravitational ideas von Braun (backed by personal experience, remember...) was
obviously willing to entertain.

Allais, a French economist by training (he would go on to win the Noble Prize for Economics, in
1988) was also an accomplished physicist - publishing copious experiments through the French
Academy of Sciences [and winning fourteen physics prizes - including, the Gold Medal of the
National Center for Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.), the most distinguished honor in French
Science, from the 1930's through the 1980's].

The work that obviously brought Allais to von Braun's attention was the French physicist's
startling observation of "...highly anomalous pendulum motions, made during a solar eclipse over
Paris in 1954..." (and repeated, during another solar eclipse, also over France, in 1959).

Allais noted that the normal, progressive "Foucault motion" (due to the rotation of the Earth) of his
laboratory's uniquely-designed "paraconical pendulum," during the eclipse, suddenly reversed...
and literally "ran backwards" (with the Earth's rotation!)... until mid-eclipse, when the pendulum
motion reversed again... rapidly resuming its normal rate and direction of angular rotation

This set of completely inexplicable (under any current theory...) solar eclipse observations has
since been termed "the Allais Effect."
Here (below) is a trace of Allais' actual, remarkable 1954 pendulum observations - made during
the eclipse.

The graph shows (red line) the normal, progressive angular trend (the downward slope) of the
pendulum's apparent rotation, mirroring the Earth's actual opposite motion.

This trend is suddenly interrupted by an upward deflection in the graph - at the precise beginning
of the eclipse (left green line) - representative of the complete reversal (backwards rotation) of
the pendulum's (normal) forward angular motion!

This hour-long "pendulum anomaly" is then followed (near mid-eclipse - center green line) by a
rapid resumption of the normal downward trend... once again, the normal "mirrored reflection" of
the Earth's inertial spin...

Needless to say (but, we'll say it anyway...), this astonishing behavior was completely
unpredicted ("unmodeled" is the term...) by either Newton or Einstein - in terms of the "normal"
inertial motions of a pendulum freely swinging under gravity...

Or, to quote Allais directly:

"...indeed, the effects of the eclipse are spectacular and cannot be explained in
the framework of currently accepted [gravitational or inertial] theories...

"Over many centuries, no phenomenon had ever before been exhibited, whose
observed values were from twenty to a hundred million times greater than the
values obtained by [prior theoretical] calculation..."
In a very real sense, Allais' stunning eclipse observations were a remarkable "ground-based
version" of von Braun's equally aberrant Explorer I behavior in space; in von Braun's growing
perception, the two phenomenon could only be caused by the same gravitational anomaly - ergo,
his obvious interest in Allais' continuing experiments.

Documentation of this fascinating von Braun/Allais correspondence comes from two independent
sources: Professor Allais himself... and the current, official website of the NASA-Marshall
Spaceflight Center - whose first Director was... Wernher von Braun.

Allais, writing in 1999, in "a memoir for NASA" - flatly stated:

"...with regard to the validity of my experiments, it seems best to reproduce here
the testimony of General Paul Bergeron, ex-president of the Committee for
Scientific Activities for National Defense, in his letter of May 1959 to Werner von
In that same year - 1999 - a summary of Allais's provocative experiments was posted on the
NASA-Marshall website, in anticipation of a possible repetition of Allais' original observations - to
be carried out during an August, 1999 total solar eclipse about to sweep over Europe in a
geometry very similar to Allais' 1954 event.

Remarkably, the NASA-Marshall website also cited von Braun's "interest" in professor Allais'
experiments... and even made mention (though, quite obliquely...) of "why" he took some
"...rocket pioneer, Wernher von Braun, NASA/Marshall's first director, first
became interested in Allais' experiments in 1958, when early investigations
began to look at predicting satellite trajectories in orbital mechanics..."
The total understatement of "the Problem" by NASA, in 1999, and the equally apparent
"downplaying" of von Braun's much deeper personal involvement with Allais (as you shall see...) -
even after half a century - is telling...

For, the evidence of how just how seriously von Braun took Allais' work is amply revealed by
what the rocket expert publicly did next:

In 1959, following the May letter from General Bergeron (cited by Allais, above) - von Braun
apparently personally arranged for the French physicist to publish a lengthy, three-part series on
his revolutionary pendulum experiments in a leading US aerospace journal (and, for the first time
in English - as Allias' published experiments had previously been available only in French...):

The journal was "Aero/Space Engineering" (below).

Allais' series did not "beat around the bush," but directly confronted the startling possibility that
his lengthy series of meticulous pendulum observations, consisting of literally thousands of hours
of detailed repetitions - which included the extraordinary, totally unexpected 2 hours and 34
minutes of the amazing events during the '54 eclipse - revealed fatal flaws in the previously
"sacrosanct" laws of Newton and Einstein...

The same "fatal flaws" first experienced by von Braun, in space... in the bizarre orbital behavior of
Explorer I, the night of January 31, 1958.

In hindsight, von Braun seems to have hoped that, by sponsoring open US publication of Allais'
revolutionary data in a major US space engineering publication, the resulting "discussion and
debate" might spur a timely "innovative engineering solution"... one that he himself could
ultimately then use to quietly solve "the secret Explorer problem"

For, there was still no open acknowledgment of the existence of the "Explorer anomaly" itself...
either, within the aerospace community, or to the public. Von Braun's idea may have been that,
by exposing other rocket engineers and scientists to Allais' astonishing, compelling experimental
contradictions to existing gravitational theory... someone in that community "might just hit on a

At least, that's the best I can come up with at the moment, to explain - from a remove of over 50
years - von Braun's clearly contradictory efforts in this time period - his continuing decision
(agreement?) to hide the "ultimate space discovery" from the rest of the world... but,
simultaneously, to sponsor open publication and discussion of the potentially revolutionary
physics that seemed to lie at the root of "the Explorer problem!"

For... "the Problem" was only getting worse.

In the slightly more than a year and a half that had elapsed - between the first appearance of the
"Explorer anomaly," January 31, 1958, and the US publication of the first section of Allais' unique,
three-part experimental examination of the real nature of gravity, in September, 1959 - von Braun
had successfully orbited two additional Explorer satellites... and the US Navy had orbited three
(of its planned eleven...) Vanguards.

And, all of them... exhibited the same type of "baffling orbital anomalies" as Explorer I!

Von Braun's "worst fears" - that Explorer I was NOT a fluke - were totally confirmed less than two
months later... with the successful orbiting of Explorer III.

Launched March 26, 1958, the satellite was planned for a trajectory essentially identical to
Explorer I's original intended orbit: 220 by 1000 miles. However, to the chagrin of von Braun and
his launch team, the new spacecraft also wound up in a close repeat of Explorer I's peculiarly
extended flight path!

And, again, no one (except von Braun...) seemed to have a clue as to what was really going on...

Explorer III 's final orbital parameters were - "125 miles by 1750 miles... with a period of 115.7
minutes" - an orbit more elliptical (and even higher) than Explorer I's... but of almost exactly the
same duration!

There was NO WAY this could be dismissed as simply another "over performance" by the
Jupiter-C (and yet, of course, according to the "experts," that's all it could be...)!

With the launch of Explorer IV four months after that - July 26, 1958 - "the anomaly" was solid:
Explorer IV's final orbit was "163 miles by 1373 miles..." compared to the, again,
intended "220 by 1000." At first glance, this does NOT look like any kind of
confirmation... until the fact that Explorer IV was carrying twice the payload of
scientific instruments, compared to the previous spacecraft, was factored in...
Then, the "peculiar physics" matched once again - perfectly.

As previously noted, in this same time frame - March 17, 1958 to September 12, 1959 - the US
Navy (finally) succeeded in placing three Vanguard satellites of its own in space.
All of them... also reached "higher and more elliptical orbits" than originally planned - so high and
so elliptical, that they now represent the three oldest man-made objects still orbiting the Earth...
half a century after they were sent aloft; each still with a remaining life span (before they
someday, finally, dip low enough to reenter the Earth’s atmosphere...) of "several hundred

And yet, despite all this... "the secret" held.

No one in the press, writing about any of these historic early launches, even seemed to suspect
that "something was seriously wrong" (or, if they did, they certainly didn't write about it...). They
didn't seem to even notice that all these early orbits were "significantly higher" than originally
planned, at altitudes (as anyone can calculate...) the rockets themselves weren't even capable of

But, since von Braun - the hero of the hour - was saying nothing... it had to be "the rockets,"
right? They were simply "more efficient" than originally designed (rah... rah for "good ol' American
technology." Take that, you commies...).

After all, who wanted to argue with "the man?!"

Von Braun's cover-up - and simultaneously quiet (if not quietly desperate) quest... for an
"alternative physics" to ultimately fix the problem... was working...

Certainly, "the cover-up" part....


At this point, if there are still skeptics remaining out there (there always are...) - who simply don't
(or won't) believe us - look carefully at von Braun!

Clearly, von Braun's aggressive world-wide search for a workable physics "work around" to this
major (if carefully hidden...) overarching problem, was not something he was doing "just out of
idle curiosity"; he, of all people, obviously realized that if this apparent "breakdown" of Newtonian
mechanics in satellite dynamics was not ultimately understood - and then somehow controlled -
the impossibility of placing future satellites in any kind of planned orbits would rapidly spell "the
End" to the entire space program!

If spacecraft couldn't be launched on precisely predictable trajectories, then, scientific missions

based on known satellite orbits (and thus, calculable Earth geometries), couldn't be successfully
carried out.
Carefully designed military reconnaissance fly-overs of intended targets (like, suspected missile
bases in the Soviet Union...) couldn't be pre-planned (a Cold War concept that the Pentagon was
secretly counting on, even then...) and missions - unmanned or manned - to the Moon... or to the
other planets (such as Mars - von Braun's personal favorite...)

Forget it!

So, it was imperative that someone - von Braun! - truly "figure it out"... and soon.

For mission planners, on both sides of the Iron Curtain (after the successful launch of Explorer I),
had decided to raise the stakes... and set their eyes on the Moon as the next prize in this new
geopolitical game.

William Pickering, Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) - which, you might remember,
had designed both Explorer I and its three solid-fueled upper rocket stages - was at the forefront
of those planners on the US side who now had their sights set on places "far beyond low-Earth
orbit...”; Pickering, in the immediate aftermath of Sputnik, had strenuously argued for a major US
effort to “…send an American spacecraft to the Moon at the earliest possible opportunity..."

In the Pentagon, just one month after Explorer I was launched, ARPA (the "Advanced Research
Projects Agency") was hurriedly formed by President Eisenhower, as a means of coordinating the
various military services response to the new Soviet space challenge (two years later, the new
civilian space agency, NASA - also formed by Eisenhower in the summer of '58 - would assume
control of all of ARPA's "non-military" space missions).

Within a month of this "military R&D agency's" formation, taking its lead directly from Pickering's
earlier proposal ARPA dramatically announced - on March 27, 1958 (just one day after von Braun
successfully orbited Explorer III) - that it was looking to "shoot the Moon," with a "quick and dirty"
program called "Pioneer"... as a way of finally upstaging the Russians and taking back "some of
the political momentum" in the "space race."

That was the obvious political intent.

In the actual DOD statement, the more diplomatic language read,

" determine our capability of exploring space in the vicinity of the moon and
to obtain useful data concerning the moon."
Unfortunately, from August 1958 through December of that year, there were four straight failures
in this hurriedly-put-together, first US "Lunar Program."

And then, one day after New Year's Day, January 1959... came another Soviet surprise:
"The First Soviet Cosmic Rocket" (later renamed Luna-I...) was launched by the
Soviets toward the Moon , on an upgraded "R-7 intercontinental rocket" - placing
an ~800-pound unmanned Russian probe on an impact trajectory designed, for
the first time, to contact the surface of another world...

Given the size of the Soviet "Block-E" upper stage atop its R-7 launcher (below -
top), compared to the tiny American Pioneer lunar spacecraft (below - bottom),
and Block E's sheer mass (which provided ample ability to carry both the
required guidance system and the fuel for several mid-course corrections en
route to the Moon...), Luna I should have easily impacted "within 60 to 120 miles
of its intended aiming point..."

Thirty four hours after launch, the Soviet's first unmanned lunar probe successfully crossed the
Moon's orbit... but, ahead of the Moon... by some "3700 miles..." (below), before eventually
moving into a ~ year-long, recurring solar orbit: the first manmade object of the "space age" to
totally escape from Earth... renamed "Mechta" - Dream.

Major question: why, with all that mass and technology going for them... did the Russians miss!

Von Braun, looking at their mission from the outside (since, it was damn certain the Soviet's
weren't calling him with daily updates!), could only logically conclude one thing:
That, whatever "non-Newtonian" forces were acting on his (and the Navy's
Vanguard) spacecraft in Earth orbit, seemed now also to be acting on the
Soviets as well! This was the first independent confirmation of this possibility, as
in Earth orbit the Soviets could claim (and had) that any orbit they achieved was
the one that "they'd intended"...
Missing the Moon... by more than its own diameter (2160 miles)... and, with the Soviet's
sophisticated space navigation technology, was pretty dramatic evidence that the mysterious
"Force" (non-Newtonian gravity) demonstrably operating on von Braun's spacecraft... had also
been operating on the Soviet's, all along!

And... that it extended into space at least to the distance of the Moon...

What was also obvious was the fact that, they too, seemed totally incapable of doing anything
about it!

Unfortunately, this crucial insight still didn't provide von Braun with any practical assistance in
compensating for these maddening "non-Newtonian" celestial mechanics in his own program...

For, two months later, when it came von Braun's turn to try again - with another US Moon-bound
mission (like Explorer I, built by JPL), "Pioneer 4" - the JPL/von Braun spacecraft missed the
Moon by 37,000 miles (below)... ten times the Russian's error!
Pioneer 4 Trajectory
And still, the US press suspected nothing.

"Space travel" in these early, heady days, was still so new, so filled with all sorts of "known
unknowns" (to borrow a notorious line from later Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld...) that
the press covering these early missions was essentially "just reading press releases."
They were certainly NOT doing any original, sustentative reporting on... let alone real, in-depth,
original investigations of, "government space institutions"...

If the US Army, the Navy, ARPA... eventually, NASA itself... were all excusing these early
mission failures and anomalies as just typical "equipment problems," or, "unexpected thrust," or,
"guidance difficulties," etc., etc. - who in the press corps, in those early years, knew enough
about this totally new profession - literally, "rocket science!" - to effectively argue with a "giant"
like von Braun?!

And - who would want to try!?

So, the cover-up rolled on...

Ten months later, Von Braun had to have experienced another major shock when, on September
12, 1959, the Soviets launched their second unmanned "Cosmic Rocket" to the Moon...
And this time... they didn't miss.

What had the Soviets learned in those "intervening months," that von Braun was still attempting
to figure out - regarding the "non-Newtonian" forces now demonstrably acting on all spacecraft -
whether they were in low Earth orbit... or, headed for the Moon!?

And, how had they been able to "figure it out" - allowing their second lunar attempt to
successfully crash land on the lunar surface (complete with Soviet flag and Communist Party
pennants)... once again, ahead of the Americans?

Inquiring minds...

And yet, just nine years later... on December 24, 1968... three American Apollo astronauts - with
almost surgical precision - would be successfully inserted into lunar orbit via Earth-based,
computer-driven orbital calculations... carried out "in Houston."
They would make ten historic circuits of the Moon that Christmas Eve... returning live television
from their lunar orbit to an awe-inspired world... complete with an eerie and unique reading of
Genesis... before "returning safely to the Earth" - exactly as John Kennedy envisioned...
How did NASA do it?!

How - in the face of the baffling "non-Newtonian gravitational anomaly" discovered by von Braun
only ten years earlier, which had made it impossible for the US to not only predict future orbits of
Earth satellites, but also to successfully aim any spacecraft at the Moon... and certainly, to
successfully place one in lunar orbit - did the United States actually carry out... just nine years
after the Russians hit the Moon with Luna 2..., Apollo 8?!

More inquiring minds really want to know...

Just eight years earlier... in 1960... von Braun was made head of NASA's massive rocket
development program, to ultimately design the monster "moon rocket" - the 363-foot tall, 3300-
ton Saturn 5 (above and below) - that would one day send Americans triumphantly to the surface
of the Moon...
In addition...

Von Braun was one of the key NASA personnel - as first Director of NASA's "Marshall Space
Flight Center" - tasked with finding the best way to use this massive vehicle he was designing "to
carry out the mission"... even before Kennedy's historic commitment to "Apollo," in 1961.

Yet, back in 1960, von Braun secretly also knew he couldn't really "complete that mission"...
because of the continuing "non-Newtonian dynamics" problem!

The immediate task at hand for the rest of NASA (which didn't know they had a problem...) was
determining exactly "how" such a massive launch vehicle could best be utilized in the envisioned
"Apollo Program",
 in support of a "direct ascent" mode (go from Earth, land directly on the
Moon, then return)
 in an "Earth orbit rendezvous" mode (rendezvous various elements of
the Apollo Expedition in Earth orbit first, before heading for the Moon and
then returning)
 in a "lunar orbit rendezvous" mode (send two Apollo craft - on one rocket
- to the Moon... splitting them apart in lunar orbit for a separate landing
by one of them, before rendezvousing back in lunar orbit with the first...
and then returning safely to the Earth - below)
The last concept was nicknamed "LOR"... vigorously championed by a young engineer from
NASA-Langley, John Houbolt .
But, despite LOR's clear engineering and economic advantages in making it feasible to reach the
Moon before the President's 10-year deadline (by NOT attempting to build and land a spacecraft
on the Moon weighing close to a hundred tons, and standing almost 70 feet high - below!),
Houbolt kept running into "...mysterious brick walls" - in his years-long, virtually "one man
crusade" to convince NASA senior management that this was the ONLY way that Apollo could
Houbolt found, to his puzzlement and increasing professional frustration that, despite making
"eminent engineering sense to more and more NASA managers and engineers..." (when he got a
chance to brief them on the full details in person...), LOR stubbornly remained "for some reason"
(that no one would ever come right out and tell him...) the least favored of all of these early lunar
landing ideas... across the Agency.

Based on what we have documented here, at least one man in NASA knew that "reason".... Von
Braun, obviously (because of the still-concealed "non-Newtonian dynamics" situation...) was
adamant that the only hope of achieving any Apollo Landing was "direct ascent."

That meant that your intended "rendezvous target" was the entire Moon... as opposed to (in LOR)
"an infinitesimal, artificial spacecraft... floating somewhere in the dark... in lunar orbit." This
conviction was, undoubtedly, based on von Braun's assessment that, if the Russians had
(somehow!) made it to the lunar surface with a direct ascent trajectory for their unmanned Luna-
2... he could too!

With "direct ascent," with "a big enough rocket and enough fuel..." you could employ a "brute
force technique" to get to the surface of the Moon - overwhelming the unpredictable orbital
dynamics of whatever gravitational anomalies were interfering with the spacecraft trajectories
enroute... by using repeated rocket burns (and a lot of fuel...) to constantly correct your course...
until you safely landed on the Moon!

But that required a truly massive rocket... much bigger even than the Saturn 5...

This, in our opinion, is why von Braun was so fixated on "direct ascent" from the beginning:
a single, ultra-massive rocket (that he eventually, fittingly called Nova - see
below) - designed to send an equally massive lunar landing craft directly to the
lunar surface from the Earth... carrying sufficient fuel to ultimately counteract any
"non-Newtonian uncertainties" that it encountered on the way there... and... in
returning home.
It was the only Apollo strategy - based on what von Braun knew about the real orbital dynamics
of cis-lunar space in 1960 - which had even a slim chance of actually working!

Later, because of the sheer size of the Nova fuel margins, von Braun reluctantly expanded his
"direct ascent" lunar mission concept to include "Earth Orbit Rendezvous" (EOR); the "brute
force" method would also work in Earth orbit - ultimately allowing two (or more) spacecraft to
come together - rendezvous - and thus, a greater mission flexibility in assembling the right
spacecraft components for Apollo... before heading for the Moon.

And, if anything went wrong - if rendezvous was NOT achievable (because of the continuing
"non-Newtionian dynamics problem...") - the astronauts, with EOR, were still "only a couple
hundred miles above the Earth"... where, within hours, they could easily come home...
NOT possible with LOR... where the astronauts could become literally "stranded"... in a
spacecraft not capable of carrying enough fuel to overcome the even more uncertain "non-
Newtonian forces" - operating 240,000 miles from Earth... in lunar orbit.

This, from our analysis, was von Braun's real (though never stated...) reason for totally rejecting
LOR... until, that is, the summer of 1962...

Then - to the amazement of the entire aerospace community, including (especially!) his own
Marshall engineering team (who were definitely NOT for LOR) - von Braun abruptly reversed his
previous position on "how best to accomplish Kennedy's grand vision," and announced at a major
June, 1962 NASA meeting, that he had "changed his mind," and was now "backing lunar orbit
rendezvous unconditionally..."

This was von Braun's public explanation:

"...we at the Marshall Space Flight Center readily admit that when first exposed
to the proposal of the Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Mode we were a bit skeptical -
particularly of the aspect of having the astronauts execute a complicated
rendezvous maneuver at a distance of 240,000 miles from the earth where any
rescue possibility appeared remote.
In the meantime, however, we have spent a great deal of time and effort studying
the four modes [Earth-orbit rendezvous, LOR, and two Direct Ascent modes, one
involving the Nova and the other a Saturn C-5], and we have come to the
conclusion that this particular disadvantage [low probability of successful
astronaut rescue in lunar orbit] is far outweighed by [LOR's] advantages..."
Von Braun's sudden, simply inexplicable (to most NASA veterans...) high profile "LOR reversal"...
could only mean one thing:

That - in this crucial time frame - "something" suddenly had changed... in the whole (still
classified) "non-Newtonian dynamics" situation!

Curiously, just over a month before this major NASA meeting, on April 26, 1962 - out of all the
previous failed attempts - a US unmanned spacecraft, Ranger 4, finally, successfully, impacted
the surface of the Moon!

Was von Braun's sudden, dramatic "turn around decision" regarding LOR because, the "non-
Newtonian dynamics problem" - still standing firmly in the way of all reliable space rendezvous -
had finally, quietly, been solved? Had Ranger 4 been merely the final, visible demonstration of
this in-space celestial-mechanics resolution (with the publicly-presented aspects of the mission
merely a convenient “cover”)?!

The more I thought about it (and my own recollections from the early 60's, of the extremely
troubled history of the entire "Ranger Program" from this period - where, successive spacecraft in
the series "just kept failing," and there were even eruptions in Congress over "gross NASA
mismanagement" of the laboratory in charge, coming after two equally-scathing "high-level"
NASA Headquarters reviews of JPL's Ranger management performance) - the more I began to

Could the entire Ranger Program have been just a "cover," all along... a test-bed (complete with
"scientific instruments" and even "principal investigators" from various universities...), but for the
real purpose of flying - in space - various deep space mission profiles... in repeated empirical
attempts to understand, and then ultimately fix, "the Problem?"

Was this the real objective of Ranger from its inception: to develop practical "non-Newtonian,
celestial-mechanics equations"... that could successfully correct for the "non-Newtonian
anomaly"... in future NASA missions?!

Was this how NASA learned - literally by "trial and error" (LOTS of error...) - how to so precisely
navigate spacecraft in Earth orbit and deep space... despite the continuing "non-Newtonian
Like a flash bulb going off, I suddenly realized that this specific NASA laboratory, once even
under Congressional investigation for all the "gross irregularities" discovered in the Ranger
Program, which had designed... and built... and launched Ranger 4 - the first unmanned NASA
spacecraft to finally, navigationally, make it to the surface of another planet - was none other than
the same laboratory (even before it was in NASA...) whose engineers had also designed and
built... Explorer I..., Bill Pickering's... Jet Propulsion Laboratory!

And suddenly, it all fit...

There was even a statement in an official NASA history of the Ranger Program that correlated
exactly with our own assessment:
“…as the [Ranger] project got underway, the [supposedly scientific] priorities
established at JPL revealed the essential purpose of all five Ranger flights to be
the development of 'basic elements of spacecraft technology required for lunar
and planetary missions' [emphasis added]..."
Which would have definitely included “…develop viable interplanetary navigation techniques...”

JPL had to have known about the "Explorer I anomaly" - and, from the beginning!; it had to have
been aggressively working on its own solution (with von Braun?)... since that January night, in

Who would have had better motivation to figure out and solve this overwhelming celestial
navigation problem - than the one laboratory whose director was intending from the beginning
(according to Bill Pickering's official NASA biography...),
"to turn JPL into NASA's most important interplanetary laboratory..."?
Which (by solving this "insolvable problem?" - and learning to control a Physics which makes
completely obsolete both Newton and Einstein!)... it ultimately became!?

Suddenly, the much broader policy implications of NASA's consistent "kid gloves treatment" of
JPL - even during the Ranger fiasco - especially, in terms of the "inexplicable influence" JPL has
seemed (somehow) to exert over NASA's other programs (out of all proportion to its inherent size
and actual institutional role...) took on entirely new meanings...

In this scenario... without JPL, and its (obviously top-secret) successfully-developed (via
Ranger...?) interplanetary space navigation computer programs, no one else in NASA was going
anywhere… unless JPL agreed.

And that could explain almost everything… regarding NASA’s 50-year-old history... and actions.
In terms of Apollo, the crucial "last-minute switch" by von Braun - from opposing to supporting
LOR - was clearly the single, key decision that ultimately allowed the entire Apollo Lunar Program
to succeed.

Because, with NASA's official selection of LOR a few weeks later, as the means of actually
landing on the Moon - a separate, smaller spacecraft to take the astronauts down from lunar orbit
to the surface... and back up again - the entire Apollo Program suddenly became "manageable":
the individual Apollo components became far "lighter" (less massive...)
Thus, they now required (comparatively speaking) a much smaller moon rocket to carry them
["only" the Saturn 5 - as opposed to von Braun's vastly more robust (and far more expensive!)
twelve million pound thrust Nova rocket].

Ultimately, because of all of this, the Apollo Program itself was carried out on a much shorter
developmental time-frame than it would have followed otherwise - which, in the end, was what
enabled NASA not only to beat President Kennedy's visionary deadline... but, to "beat the
Russians to the Moon" while doing it!

Did Wernher von Braun - with "a little help from his friends at JPL" - make all this happen, by
finally "figuring out" Explorer I's extraordinary, still-classified, "non-Newtonian discovery... and
problem"... and, in 1962?

And, if so, how did they do it... and in so doing, potentially give Humanity the keys to unlocking
not only the entire solar system to future human exploration...

But, the secret of building real "anti-gravity spaceships" - with which to ultimately colonize that
solar system! Finally.
A full half century after Explorer I... is "someone" now doing exactly what we've just described:
Carrying out a real, "top-secret" Space Program... perhaps, by now, far beyond
this solar system... and, with a fleet of "gravity-controlling spacecraft"... all based
on JPL's "secretly-derived New Physics"... while the NASA that we see on
television... still pretends "it only plays with rockets?!"
And, no one in the American press corps is still suspecting... anything!?



Part II
In Part I above, we described surprising - and apparently totally unrecognized, until now - pivotal
new details around the seminal events which quietly unfolded the night of January 31, 1958 -
when the United States finally carried out its first successful launch of an artificial Earth satellite,
Explorer I.
How, Wernher von Braun - "Operation Paperclip" chief German rocket engineer, and head of
the US Army effort that actually launched Explorer I (using the Jupiter-C rocket that von Braun
and his German team had specifically designed) - was, at first, intensely disappointed... then,
obviously surprised and overjoyed... and finally, completely baffled...

By the totally unexpected orbital performance of "his" first US satellite.

For - mysteriously - Explorer I had reached an orbit of the Earth that night fully one third higher
than the one (green line - below) originally planned!

We also noted in Part I of this report the immediate - and still continuing - national security
classification of these amazing scientific findings, which have both prevented open civilian
research into the far-reaching implications of Explorer I's astonishing "anti-gravity" behavior for
these past fifty years... as well as any application of those findings to desperately-needed energy
or transportation problems here on Earth.

Yet, despite this "security lid," we were able to document von Braun's surprising, clandestine,
years-long personal search - following Explorer I - for "answers" to these inexplicable celestial-
mechanics questions... which eventually set him on a remarkable one-man quest for "an entire
alternative physics" - which could explain America's first satellite achieving an orbit (yellow line -
below) for which von Braun's own rocket was literally incapable of reaching... on its own.
But, even more remarkable... Explorer I was not alone in this achievement!

Review of the publicly-available data revealed the equally-unexpected "over performance" of two
additional Explorer satellites in von Braun's early Army program, as well as similar "mysteriously
enlarged orbits" of all three successful US Navy Vanguard satellites... to the point where the latter
have now become the oldest man-made artifacts still orbiting the Earth!

And yet, as also noted in our first section - even after fifty years - no one seems to have noticed
or asked any in-depth questions about this astonishing sequence of events:
the repeated, gross violations of both "Newton's Laws" and "Einstein's
Relativity"... in the launching of America's first satellites!
To say nothing of the simultaneous appearance of enormous quantities of literal "free energy"...
in each of their much larger orbits...

All... apparently from nowhere!

In this Part 2 of our continuing investigation into von Braun's amazing "secret" - we will now lay
out, based on our own ~ 20 years of "hyperdimensional research and experimentation," just how
we "figured it out"; how we have been able to "back engineer" what von Braun (and JPL...)
themselves eventually had to have deciphered about this startling phenomenon, and what it
could mean even beyond "a fundamental revolution in celestial mechanics..."

Explorer I's radically "non-Newtonian" orbital behavior (and that of the other US satellites'...) must
rank as THE major scientific and political discovery of the early space program... if not the last
fifty years of solar system exploration!

Regardless of the public secrecy and security classifications that high-level governmental policy
makers immediately placed around this night, the question which MUST be asked now is:
"were von Braun (and his associates at JPL) eventually able to turn this
revolutionary scientific discovery... into a workable technology? A technology
which ultimately could control even... gravity itself?! And if so, has this
overwhelmingly important technical and political development also been officially
kept secret, literally for decades... from both the American taxpayer... and the
As noted earlier, our own ~ 25 years of research may have given us a technical advantage that
von Braun (at least, initially...) did not possess: a working scientific theory (the Hyperdimensional
Model) - which, from the beginning, has predicted distinct "non-Newtonian" spacecraft motions
and behavior...

There is, however, another school of thought vis a vis "what did von Braun (and other Operation
Paperclip Germans) really know about Explorer I's 'non-Newtonian dynamics' ..?" - an historical
perspective extensively documented and discussed in the works of our friend and colleague, Dr.
Joseph Farrell:

In this discussion, there was the definite possibility that von Braun (after all, once a Major in
Himmler's "SS"...), in fact, was privy (along with other key members of his own "Operation
Paperclip" imported German team...) to a major, ultra-secret, Nazi black-ops SS research and
development program - termed "the Nazi Bell Experiment" (above and below).
An extraordinary experiment which (according to officially declassified "intel" documents from
Eastern Europe, made available after the reunification of Germany...) "manifested several,
extremely anomalous phenomenon... ", including... Anti-gravity!

Which would have been, of course, directly relevant to Von Braun's own ability to instantly
recognize the similar "non-Newtonian behavior" of Explorer I!

After looking at this really hard, I happen not to share this point of view... and neither, by the way,
does Dr. Farrell.

If von Braun had been knowledgeable about prior "... Nazi inertia and gravity-control
experiments" ala "the Bell," why did he then personally go "in hot pursuit" of an alternative
physics theory to explain "the inexplicable" around Explorer I?; in other words, why was he so
obviously surprised...!?

Why, as part of his major effort to understand the startling phenomenon that accompanied
Explorer I's launch into orbit, did he subsequently write to all those "alternative physicists" around
the world, seeking a new theoretical "non-Newtonian solution" to "the Problem?"

Why not simply, quietly, consult with more knowledgeable members of his own German team... in
terms of details of the Bell Experiment he might not have personally known?

In fact, von Braun's well-documented, "inquisitive behavior" - after the "shock" of Explorer I -
compellingly argues for a distinct lack of knowledge of the "Nazi Bell" on his part... and certainly,
a total ignorance of the radical, alternative physics that the Bell manifested to those directly
interacting with its technology... to the point of actually killing some of the scientists and
technicians involved during the SS-run experiments!

However, there is one other possibility..., that von Braun might have heard "just enough" about
the Bell (from "someone" that he trusted...) to impel him - after his Explorer I experience - to seek
further information... to find independent, contemporary confirmation of the existence of such a
"radical, alternative physics"... on his own.

Whatever the facts around his "curious interest" in such physics (and we may never know, for
sure...), unlike von Braun, we at Enterprise, as previously noted, had the distinct advantage of a
remarkable, redundant, beautifully convergent series of non-classified "anomalous gravity and
inertia experiments" to start out with - when we began seriously to examine "the Explorer

In addition, also unlike von Braun (if you totally discount the "he knew about the Bell" scenario...),
we had the distinct advantage of a set of precise theoretical predictions from our
"Hyperdimensional Model" to go on...

All of which formed an extremely solid foundation from which Enterprise could attempt to "back
engineer" the ultimate process von Braun and JPL must have used in their years-long,
documentable efforts to "figure out the Problem."

It is at this point that we must introduce another remarkable player in this "drama" - the late
"alternative physicist," Dr. Bruce DePalma (below).
DePalma (whose brother is the well-known Hollywood director, Brian DePalma) started his career
by graduating from MIT the very year von Braun put Explorer I in orbit - 1958. In graduate school,
he pursued electrical engineering - both at MIT and Harvard.

After grad school, DePalma went to work for some of the Nation's most prestigious scientists and
scientific institutions - serving as Lecturer at MIT under Herold Edgerton; and Head of
Photographic R&D for Dr. Edwin Land - at the famed Polaroid Corporation.

But after almost 20 years of watching the American Science Establishment "up close" - as it
repeatedly ignored new experimental evidence in favor of traditional theoretical "explanations" -
DePalma one day got fed up, and decided to resign... to create his own independent research
organization - which he called "The Simularity Institute."

Based in part on his extensive lab experience with rotating electrical equipment (motors,
generators, etc.), DePalma initially became fascinated by the electrical and inertial properties of
"magnetized gyroscopes..."; after leaving MIT and extending this to gyroscope dynamics in
general, he investigated a wide-ranging series of "systems in rotation"..., which is how our totally
independent research paths eventually crossed.

In 1989, as Erol Torun and I were just beginning to grapple with some of the higher-level
implications of our brand-new "Hyperdimensional (HD) Physics Model," paraphrasing the old joke
about "the most important things to remember about business real estate..."
I paraphrased a (somewhat flip...) response to a similar question about our work...
"What are the three most important things to remember about 'Hyperdimensional
Physics?'; rotation... rotation... rotation..."
Later, when I went looking for a serious "alternative physicist" (meaning, someone who was open
to the "unexpected"...) to run some of our HD ideas past, a major figure in the "free energy"
community, Don Reed, strongly recommended that I talk to "Bruce DePalma."

It was probably one of the most important recommendations I've ever received...


As noted above, DePalma - since the 1970's - had been carrying out perhaps the most
exhaustive laboratory studies of "bodies in rotation" - including MASSIVE objects (~ 30
pounds...), spinning at very high velocities (~ 7600 revolutions per minute...) - that I had ever
seen (below).
He had, thereby, accumulated an extensive experimental database on a subject not normally
dealt with in mainstream physics or mechanics: Rotation.
Matching our theoretical predictions of "the HD Model" against Bruce's extensive experimental
lab results in rotation, became one of the true joys of our initial professional collaboration.

For instance, early on Bruce introduced me to the simplest - yet, probably, the most profound - of
all his many rotational experiments. He just called it (fittingly...) "the spinning ball."

Conceptually, the experiment could not have been much cheaper, or easier to carry out:

Two 1-inch steel balls (like those found in every pinball machine in America...) were positioned at
the business end of an ordinary power drill; one ball was in a cup attached to the drill's motor
shaft, so it spun - at a very high rate of speed; the other ball was in an identical cup, attached by
a bracket to the stationary drill casing, adjusted so that it was level with the first ball.

The experiment consisted of positioning the drill vertically, cups "up," and pressing the drill switch
on the motor.

The drill motor (and its associated cup, containing one of the steel balls) rapidly spun up to
approximately 27,000 RPM. The cup attached to the side of the drill (with the second steel ball
inside it...) was not rotating...

When the drill motor had attained its maximum speed, DePalma (or, more often, Ed Delvers, his
assistant...) would shove the drill into the air with a fast, upward motion - suddenly stopping the
drill it in mid-flight. This would, of course, cause both 1-inch pinballs to fly out of their retaining
cups in the same upward direction - the "spinning ball" (hence the name...) and the non-spinning
ball, right beside it.
DePalma, from his years spent working with Dr. Herald Edgerton at MIT - the famed inventor of
"stroboscopic photography" - was an expert in such stop-motion photography as well.
By positioning Delvers against a gridded black background, in a darkened laboratory (below), and
then illuminating the two upward-flying steel balls with a powerful strobe light, DePalma was able
to take time-exposure photographs with the camera's shutter open, the "pin-balls" only
illuminated (at 60 times per second) by the strobe's periodic flash...

The result was a striking "stroboscopic, time-lapse photograph" of the parabolic arc of both steel
balls - flying upward and then downward under Earth's gravitational acceleration (below).

Looked at even casually, one can instantly see in the resulting time-lapse image (above) that the
two pin-balls did NOT fly along identical parabolic arcs (as they should have); unmistakably, the
steel ball that was rotating (at ~27,000 rpm) flew higher... and fell faster... than the companion
ball that was not rotating!

An experimental result in direct violation of everything physicists have thought they've known
about both Newton's Laws and Einstein's Relativity... for almost (in the case of Newton...) three
full centuries!

The above ~ 34-year-old image is a recent scan of one of the original "spinning ball photographs"
from DePalma's own ~30-year-old files, contrast-adjusted in PhotoShop (with text and grid
added), to bring out the data in the faded original. Nothing else has been added or altered.

What this photograph reveals is truly remarkable... for, in direct violation of both Newton and
Einstein, it SHOUTS that "inertial mass" and "gravitational mass" are NOT equivalent..., thus
violating the foundation of all modern physics in one elegantly simple experiment - which anyone
can safely repeat... even at home!!

When I first saw the orbit of Explorer I (below, right - outer blue line) - compared to the intended
orbit (below, right - inner red line) - my thoughts instantly flashed to the DePalma's remarkable
(and highly controversial) "spinning ball experiment" (below - left)...

The physics of each was identical - a "mass" thrust vertically against the pull of Earth's gravity by
an "outside" force.
In Depalma's case, literally the hand of the experimenter - throwing the two pin-balls
simultaneously into the air at the same speed; in the Explorer I example, von Braun's Jupiter-C
rocket supplying the "outside force" - accelerating the satellite into a trajectory fast enough and
high enough to eventually "fall around the Earth" without hitting it... the quintessential definition of
a satellite orbit.

Was it possible that von Braun had - inadvertently... somehow duplicated some aspect of
Depalma's elegantly simple "spinning ball experiment" that night in January, 1958... some ~ 20
years before DePalma would, in fact, carry it out?!

Was THAT why Explorer I had been boosted so much higher than originally planned that night...?

Could it be as simple as... that!?

Of course, this didn't explain anything about why the DePalma Spinning Ball Experiment works
the way it does... the underlying physics that (somehow!) changes a spinning object's inertia
against "an outside force," compared to one that's NOT spinning...

But, it was a start!

Now, as I've often noted "science is nothing... if it's not prediction."

For this comparison between Explorer I and DePalma's elegant experiment to physically hold
true, for it to be real science - there HAD TO BE some aspect of von Braun's Jupiter-C rocket that
was spinning... during and after launch, as Explorer I was injected into orbit.

Here is George Ludwig's (Van Allen's assistant on the Explorer I electronics) official description
of von Braun's modifications of the "Jupiter-C" - before the effort to launch Explorer I:
"... as the building of the Army’s Redstone rocket was nearing completion, the
ABMA group undertook the development of the Jupiter rocket, a much longer-
range Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile. As a part of that program, in order to
test nosecones for reentry through the atmosphere, they developed a special
test vehicle to achieve the necessary high velocity. Since it was part of the
Jupiter program, it was called the Jupiter C (Jupiter Composite). It consisted of a
Redstone first stage, topped by clusters of small solid propellant rockets forming
an additional two stages. It was consciously designed from the beginning so that
an additional stage could be added in place of the test nosecone to make the
vehicle orbit-capable.

"... sixty miles up, 156 seconds after takeoff, the first stage [would burn] itself out.
The three upper stages with the satellite payload [would then separate] from the
booster and zoom upward, spinning in their tub-shaped assembly in free-
coasting, unpropelled flight, toward the apex... at which instant the remaining
three rocket stages had to be fired.

"... a radio signal [would then be sent] to the speeding missile to fire the second
stage. Off [would go] the first cluster of scaled Sergeants, which quickly [would
boost] the speed [of the entire, still spinning "tub"] by thousands of miles per
hour. Seconds later, the next cluster of rockets [would ignite], pushing the final-
stage rocket, with its satellite, ever closer to that critical orbital velocity. Then the
single rocket in the final stage [would be triggered]. Its thrust [would drive] the
18.13-pound payload over the 18,000 mile per hour mark..."

And here (below), is a modified NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center cut-away of the basic solid-
fueled upper stages of the Jupiter-C IRBM configuration.
The diagram shows how the third stage fit neatly inside the second stage (like a set of nested
decanter glasses...), and the entire upper-stage configuration was then rapidly ROTATED in
flight... as each subsequent stage separated and ignited.

Von Braun and JPL (which designed this rotating, solid-propellant upper stage configuration...),
as Ludwig wrote, simply modified their existing IRBM version a bit more, adding a fourth solid-
rocket upper stage (attached directly to Explorer I) - which then became von Braun's "Jupiter-C
satellite launcher."

There - plain as day! - was the simple fact these upper stages (called collectively "the tub") were
all deliberately set spinning just before launch... to provide (according to the JPL engineers...),
"gyroscopic stability against uneven burn of the Sergeant solid rockets in each
stage, during their subsequent ignition phases."
The added color inset (above - left) is a frame from a 1958 US Army PR film - showing a top-
down view of a one-third scale model of a "nuclear reentry vehicle" for a forthcoming IRBM test,
carefully mounted on "the tub"; with the cover not yet in place, you can also see clearly the
placement of the 11 second-stage JPL "Sergeant" rockets, mounted in their circular (waiting to be
spun up... ) configuration.

The dummy warhead is the purplish "cone" on top of the (hidden) third stage.

As Ludwig noted, this one-third scale warhead model was simply replaced in the "satellite Jupiter-
C configuration," by that additional fourth stage solid-fuel rocket - atop which was literally bolted
the Explorer I satellite itself (below).

Here (below), JPL engineers work on a full-size mock-up of this "spinning tub" assembly, with a
separate mock-up of the fourth stage and Explorer I on top - the full "satellite version" of the
And here (below), is the three-stage "rotating tub's" operational configuration - complete with the
real Explorer I - all mounted atop the conical "instrument section" and (below that), the liquid-fuel
main stage of the Jupiter-C booster itself.

The vertical black stripe painted on the side of the "tub" is to allow blockhouse engineers to
optically monitor the rate of spin of the three nested upper stages on the pad, as they were
coming "up to speed" (between 450 and 750 rpm...) just before launch.
So, precisely as predicted by the HD model (and DePalma!) - a key section of von Braun's rocket,
in fact, did rotate that night... as it placed Explorer I into space!

Mystery of "the unexplained higher orbit"... finally... solved.

Well... not quite, of course, for, this "confirmation" only deepened the real mystery:
Why does "spinning" a steel pinball, or... rotating a one-ton, high-tech "tub" -
containing 15 solid rockets - allow both to climb SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER
against gravity... than if they were NOT spinning!?
One of the first reactions I had to this fascinating confirmation - that portions of von Braun's
rocket HAD to spin, inevitably (from DePalma's experiment...) resulting in the higher orbit for
Explorer I - was a feeling of intense gratification for Bruce; for, this simple engineering detail
proved that Bruce DePalma has been absolutely right all along... for over 34 years... in insisting
that "spinning a mass" also creates "some kind of anti-gravitational, anti-inertial field..." which
allows the object to fly higher against gravity than if it was NOT spinning!

Von Braun - decades before Bruce DePalma ever conceived of his elegant little "spinning ball
experiment" - had already PROVED Depalma right... with easily the most expensive "spinning
ball" demonstration one could possibly imagine (Explorer I cost the American taxpayer
approximately 20 million dollars, in 1958; today, allowing for inflation, that would be something
like "half a billion... ").

Further, it was now obvious that this is why von Braun also missed the Moon... by those "pesky
~37,000 miles" with Pioneer 4.

Again he was using, in his Juno-2 "moonrocket" (a further modification of the Jupiter-C...),
EXACTLY the same "spinning tub" arrangement for the four solid-rocket upper stages that he'd
used in the previous Earth-orbiting Explorer launches; and (from what we now know...), the
"DePalma Effect" struck again... neatly over-accelerating the Pioneer 4 spacecraft to a slightly
higher velocity than JPL had calculated using only standard "Newtonian dynamics"... thus,
causing the spacecraft to arrive at the Moon's orbit slightly sooner than it should have... passing
ahead of the Moon itself (which, of course, hadn't reached the "rendezvous point" yet...) by those
disappointing "37,000 miles (below)..."

It all fit - beautifully.

Of course, the reason why simply "spinning an object" should so dramatically change its
"Newtonian dynamics" - against all current mainstream theories (including, "sacred" Relativity...) -
was still as profound a mystery as ever...

It is hard to overstate both the scientific and political significance of von Braun's initial Explorer I
discovery (swiftly confirmed, as we have documented, by Explorers III and IV, and all three
Vanguard launches!) - as well as all their confirmed connections now to DePalma's totally
independent, rotating laboratory experiments.

Oh, did I forget to mention..., the US Navy Vanguard three-stage rocket also utilized a solid-
propellant in its third stage... so, it also had to be spun during the burn... for "stabilization" - at
~100 rpm (below)!
And, of course, then there was Allais...

ALL these independent, dynamical results revealed "huge, gaping holes..." in conventional
"Newtonian mechanics"... to say nothing of what they did to "General Relativity!"
Yet, mainstream science - and the mainstream science press, including those covering the space
program for the last 50 years - blithely went on... as if nothing was amiss!

DePalma himself, trained as a mainstream physicist for decades at two of the premier
universities on the planet - MIT and Harvard! - wrestled with the extraordinary implications of his
"spinning ball experiment" (first carried out in 1972...) for years - before finally publishing some
tentative, but far-reaching conclusions...
"... the beginning of this author's work with rotating objects began with moment of
inertia measurements of constrained gyroscopes undergoing forced precession.
The increased moments of inertia discovered for precessional motion were
translated into a series of measurements on pendula with rotating bobs.
Although the discoveries of the inertial effects associated with precession and
pendulum oscillations of rotating bob weights were highly suggestive, this author
greatly resisted [for several years] attempts to force him to drop a rotating object
for two reasons.

"Firstly, he had no reason to be able to predict the motion of a freely falling object
on the basis of the inertial alterations he had measured which had concerned
themselves with constrained situations of rotating objects. Second, there was no
reason to expect inertial alterations [because of Einstein's inviolate "Principal of
Equivalence"] to affect the rate of fall of a released object and there was no
available theory which could in any way be applied to the situation or a falling
rotating object in a gravitational field. This is a situation known in religious terms
as a "leap into the dark."

"Since the author and his assistants are experts in the application of
stroboscopic lighting techniques to the study of high speed motions, the first
experimental cut at the situation was to photograph the trajectories of a steel ball
bearing rotating at a high speed together with an identical [non-rotating] control
object moving at a similar initial velocity. The result of the experiment was so
startling and anomalous as to have taken me five years to understand.
"... Basically, the spinning object going higher than the identical non-rotating
control with the same initial velocity, and, then falling faster than the identical
non-rotating control, presents a dilemma which can only be resolved or
understood... on the basis of radically new concepts in physics [distinct from the
existing "Laws of Thermodynamics"... "Newton's Laws"... or "Special and
General Relativity"]...

"We know when we can alter the properties of mechanical objects, i.e. change
their inertia, we have contravened the conservation of energy, because we have
associated the properties of an object with the space which contains the object.
The space which contains the object also contains energy and we can go at the
project in two ways: we can attempt to extract the energy without worrying where
it came from, or we can attempt to understand physics, ourselves, and the
Universe by a new formulation of reality.

"... The behavior of rotating objects is explained [after much thought] simply on
the addition of free energy to whatever motion the rotating object is [already]
making. [Thus] the spinning object goes higher and falls faster than the identical
non-rotating control.

"... In terms of the dropping of the spinning ball, the understanding of the
experiment involves the results of many other experiments as well as the
resolution of a mind picture of the Universe which is our best approximation to
understanding at the present time. What makes it difficult for other experimenters
to understand the experiment is that it is not simply the results which are
important. Without a theoretical foundation of understanding to make the
experiment comprehensible - to fit the results into a context of rational
understanding and harmony with the facts of other experiments - the data
become trivial and worthless, and, worst of all, subject to misinterpretation.

"The [technological] availability of free energy from as simple an experiment as

colliding a rotating object with a non-rotating one opens up the development of
other machines for energy extraction and propulsion which may be more
convenient to handle than the extraction of energy from the collision of a rotating
object with a non-rotating one..."
"... The behavior of rotating objects is explained simply on the addition of free
energy to whatever motion the rotating object is [already] making. [Thus] the
spinning object goes higher and falls faster than the identical non-rotating
"Understanding the Dropping of the Spinning Ball Experiment"
Bruce DePalma
Simularity Institute
May 3, 1977

This summation of DePalma's thoughts on the "spinning ball experiment" is, in my opinion, a
significant summation of the results of all of his decades of ground-breaking experiments in

It is also the key to understanding exactly what von Braun - independently, serendipitously -
actually discovered with Explorer I... decades earlier... and then (for whatever reason) decided to
keep secret to the day he died...

For, after literally years of pondering its meaning - in concert with all the other "rotation and inertia
experiments" he had carried out - DePalma, 25 years after Explorer (and knowing nothing of its
anomalies or its profound significance to his own work...), realized that "the spinning ball" was
NOT (directly, anyway...) about "anti-gravity" at all.
That, instead, it represented a unique window into a far deeper reality... re the very "energy
structure" of space and time itself... and the extraordinary possibilities of extracting that unlimited,
"free energy" via a variety of "appropriate" technologies.

"Energy Crisis - Solved!" anyone...?

One of our unfinished, on-going discussions (abruptly cut short by Bruce's tragic and untimely
death, in 1997...) was a resolution of exactly where this "free space energy" was coming from; in
the "HD Model," it is not really coming from "3-Space" at all - but literally from "a higher
dimensional reality," made available in this dimension (as a propagating torsion field distortion -
see Chapter 2 in Dark Mission...) via "physical rotation of mass..."

The act of mere "rotation" - in the HD Model - literally "opens a type of 'gate,' or 'geometric
doorway...'" between other dimensions...

Intriguingly enough, our decades-old debates also now provided another (actually, "collateral"...)
explanation for Explorer I's "orbital over-performance"...

DePalma proposed, as a result of his wide-ranging rotational experiments, that "rotating masses"
in general set up some kind of hitherto unrecognized "inertial field" in their vicinity (the more
widely-used term for this field now, because of how it's accessed, is a "torsion field" - because
"torsion" means literally "rotation").

DePalma's exhaustive measurements (like the famous "Accutron Experiment" - below) eventually
revealed that this "torsion field" was "anisotropic," i.e. it was NOT spherical (like a gravitational or
electromagnetic "bubble," decreasing sharply in intensity with distance...) - but seemed to have
radically different effects, and different geometric properties, depending on the geometric
relationship and orientation of the detecting sensor to the axial spin of the object being measured.
This new "spin field" (another term now in use...) seemed to be, as scientists term it, polarized...

What this means is simple.

If measured along the rotational axis (as seen in the diagram - above)... this
"torsion field" from the resulting rotation seemed to increase the inertia of other
moving objects (such as the tuning fork inside the Accutron); but, if the watch
was rotated 90 degrees (below) - into the plane of the masses rotation - the
Accutron's tuning fork inertia abruptly decreased...!

Again, these differences - measured "within the spin field" - were NOT slight... or ambiguous.

A 1000-second measurement period (~17 minutes...) produced almost a full second (0.9 sec) lag
in the Accutron's previous time setting; the normal drift rate of the watch - as measured by
DePalma before and after each experimental "run" - was about 0.25 second per a four hour
The effect of a nearby, rotationally generated "inertial field" on the Accutron's vibrating tuning fork
- a field created solely by spinning a ~30-lb aluminum/steel disc, at almost 8000 rpm - was
definitely NOT "buried in the noise!"

As can also be seen in the above diagram, because the research of DePalma's "Simularity
Institute" was not funded by "lavish government grants or major corporate donations...",
sometime the measurement technologies were ingenuously "improvised."

Unable to afford expensive "electronic frequency counters" to measure the actual vibrations of
the Accutron tuning fork, DePalma did the next best thing with what he had; he physically
attached the Accutron watch to the face of an electrically-driven "Westclock" (fed by 60 cycle,
"AC line current" from the wall).
He then measured the "time drift" of the Accutron, compared to the clock, by physically
synchronizing the two sweep second hands - the Accutron's and the Westclock's - and then
measuring how far apart their angular positions were when a ~1000-second "rotor run" was

Decades later, in 2004, I decided that Bruce's elegant Accutron-based "inertial field detector" - if
upgraded with a laptop and a "computerized, crystal frequency calibration system" (easily
affordable now...) - would be the perfect sensor for a variety of HD "torsion field" experiments and
measurements for Enterprise.

Combining two previous experiments - DePalma's Accutron detection of the "spin field" around a
massive, spinning laboratory disc, and Maurice Allais' detection (with a paraconical pendulum) of
equally "anomalous pendulum effects during the 1954 solar eclipse" (see Part I) - I decided to
attempt detection of potential "torsion/HD effects" (if any!) generated from the impending Earth-
Venus-Sun alignment during the rare "Venus Transit" - to take place on June 8, 2004 (below).

This is an event, which happens only in "pairs" (separated by 8 years every 122 years ..!) - where
Venus comes directly between the Earth and Sun... essentially, a tiny, tiny "partial solar eclipse" -
caused by the shadowed side of a planet that's almost the twin of Earth moving in-between these
two other celestial bodies...

A friend and colleague, Bill Alek - an electrical engineer and computer systems expert, as well
as an Enterprise Associate - professionally assembled the required equipment for our "Venus
Transit Experiment" (see schematic - below).
He even included ~150 feet of electrically shielded cable, to isolate the Accutron from the quartz-
crystal time standard (and the laptop) we were using to gauge (to millions of times DePalma's
own measurement precision!) the Accutron's inertially-induced, potential tuning fork vibration
changes... during the actual Transit.

Bill's system (as you'll see...) worked perfectly.

We decided to choose as our Transit location, southeast Florida's famed "Coral Castle" (an entire
story in itself!). We chose the Castle, in part, because toward the very end of this particular
Transit, as Venus was about to leave the disc of the Sun... the Sun itself would rise (for us...)
over the Atlantic Ocean horizon!

And physical sunrise - according to our previous hyperdimensional calculations - was a

particularly propitious time to be measuring the possible "torsion alignment effects" of the Sun...
"rising over the eastern horizon of a spinning Earth."

To make a LONG story shorter... the torsion/HD effects of Venus - as it was physically departing
the western edge of the Sun (as seen in the Florida sky at dawn...) - were simply astonishing
Based on the major frequency "jump" of the Accutron tuning fork occurring EXACTLY at the
moment of 3rd Contact (when Venus' edge just "kissed" the Sun's western limb - above) - from
~360 hertz (cycles per second) to 364.5 hertz - the extrapolated daily acceleration of the
Accutron at that rate was about twelve minutes per day!

For a watch normally rated (by Bulova) as "... accurate to a minute a month."

Clearly... unquestionably... "something" had reached out from Venus at the precise moment it
was geometrically projected against the visible edge of our closest star - when, remember, Venus
was ~25 million miles away from Earth - and (somehow!) "touched " our little Accutron detector...
with an inertial change to its tuning fork fully one sixth of the same effect DePalma had previously
measured... when the watch was mere inches from a massive ~30-lb steel/aluminum disc,
spinning at 7600 rpm, in his lab!

Venus and the Sun - by means of their own extraordinary masses and separate, but reversed,
rotations (Venus spins backwards, remember...) - were obviously creating their own
extraordinarily powerful, interfering "torsional fields" - just as we predicted!!

Which (from the frequency plot - above) were clearly able to send successive, "interfering waves"
of torsion (note the descending, "bell-like ringing"... as Venus fully "cleared" the Sun) to visibly
interact with, and change the inertia of, the tiny tuning fork inside our Accutron!

It was an extraordinary and startling scientific moment of discovery - a clear, measurable

demonstration of the reality of DePalma's rotationally-induced "inertial/torsion fields." But, more
than that, it was a vivid confirmation that outside the lab... celestial "planetary alignments" of
major members of the solar system (Hyperdimensional Astrology, anyone...?) can and do have
extremely powerful - and physically measurable - effects on Earth...

If you have the correct physics model... and the right detection equipment!

As I watched the Sun rise over the edge of the Atlantic - with tiny Venus (remember, the size of
the Earth ..!) just dimpling its western edge, and, unbelievingly, simultaneously watched the
computer screen trace the invisible "torsion field" interactions between Venus and the Sun at that
same moment - I couldn't help but wonder...
"What would Bruce think about this amazing confirmation?!"
DePalma had a quirky sense of humor, perhaps best revealed by his naming of this mysterious
"inertial field"... the "OD field."

Thinking of DePalma at that remarkable moment, I couldn't help but also think "how odd... that
he's not here to share this."

However, as Depalma had observed himself years before, the resulting influence of these "OD
field" effects - be it from spinning laboratory discs... rotating planets... and even massive stars (!)
- is NOT limited to mechanical objects, like "tuning forks"...

As he noted...
"...the effect of a field which confers inertia on objects immersed within it can be
applied to a number of [other] situations, not all of which have to be mechanical,
i.e. chemical reactions are [also measurably] affected by such a field. Reactions
which do not take place under 'normal' conditions may be catalyzed. Other
reactions may be inhibited..."
Returning us to the problem of von Braun's "anomaly."

Confirmation of DePalma's projected "OD field chemical effect" (to use his term...) raised the
fascinating prospect that the physical act of rotating those upper rocket stages of the Jupiter-C
had also, somehow, altered the physical chemistry of the solid rockets in those upper stages!
This, in turn, could have markedly increased the efficiency of their previously estimated thrust
and/or ISP!

More precisely...

That their physical rotation (ala DePalma...) had significantly altered what was occurring at the
moment of ignition - by triggering a fundamental enhancement of the rockets' chemical
reactions... during the actual burning of the solid propellants!

Remember DePalma's previous analysis, that,

"...the behavior of rotating objects is explained simply on the addition of free
energy to whatever motion the rotating object is [already] making..."?
What if, as DePalma theorized, this fundamental "free energy" addition also extended down to
the atomic and molecular levels?! What if the "addition of energy" - to whatever motions are
occurring within "the OD field" of a rotating system - also automatically enhances the
thermodynamic efficiency of reactions occurring at the molecular and atomic levels in that

In other words:
what if the sheer rotation of those solid-propellant upper stages, by being
enveloped in their own "OD field," substantially increased their ISPs... and thus,
their effective thrust efficiencies?!!
Could "Von Braun's Secret" that night have involved far more than just a blatant violation of
"Newton's Laws..." (as serious as that obviously was...) caused by an inertial change in those
upper stages created by "rotation?" Could "the Secret" also have encompassed an almost trivial
means of tapping directly into unlimited "free energy" for ANY chemical reaction - by the simple
act of rotation...?

As should be readily apparent to anyone thinking deeply about all this, von Braun himself clearly
(if inadvertently) had tripped over "a vast source of free energy in space..." - simply in those
mysteriously enlarged "satellite orbits" - regardless of the details of how he actually did it... which
"they," for obvious reasons (Big Oil, anyone?), immediately suppressed...

Imagine what the world would look like now... in 2008 - half a century after these historic events...
if, instead of being immediately hidden, this extraordinary discovery had been triumphantly
announced within a few days by the Eisenhower White House... and then, made openly available
to scientists and engineers around the world... even in the former Soviet Union.

Would we even recognize our planet now...?

With our clear identification of Explorer I's "non-Newtonian anomalies" as being due to the
rotation of the launch vehicle's solid-rocket stages, the celestial-mechanics "fix" for future US
space missions - including the Apollo Program - was as simple as it was obvious: DON'T rotate!

So, the fascinating question then becomes: "when" did von Braun and JPL also come to this
critical conclusion?

In other words, when did they "figure out" (regarding Newton's Laws...) what Bruce DePalma,
independently, would also realize through experiment... two decades later?
"The fact that Newton’s Laws do not distinguish between the spinning and the
non-rotating object represents the state of mechanical knowledge at the time.
But because Newton did not distinguish between rotation and non-rotation,
Einstein did not distinguish between the so-called inert and 'gravitational mass.'
The fact that rotation affects the mechanical properties of objects places
Newton’s Laws as a special case and invalidates a geometrical [Einsteinian]
interpretation of space.
"… in a strict sense, the precise application of Newton’s laws [based on these
experiments] … have to be restricted to non-rotating mechanical objects in field-
free space. In a gravitational field, the possibility of extraction of greater energy
by a new mechanical dimension [rotation] opens up the possibility [against both
Newton and Einstein] of an anti-gravitational interaction...”
"Gravity & The Spinning Ball Experiment"
Bruce DePalma
Simularity Institute
March 17, 1977

So, von Braun and Pickering eventually realized that, if you wanted a spacecraft to follow
predictable Newtonian celestial mechanics - in Earth orbit... going to the Moon... or traveling
anywhere Beyond..., rule One - don't let it rotate!

As we described in Part I, this now explains JPL's (as viewed at the time...) "highly risky sudden
spacecraft engineering decisions..." to abandon well-tested spinning system concepts (used in
JPL's previous Explorer series...), and to severely "push the envelope" - to embark on a radically
new type of spacecraft construction... pioneered in (what would soon become...) "the ill-fated,
problem-plagued, Ranger Lunar Program":
A Program attempting to make available to US space planners, for the first time
"...a three-axis, non-rotating, fully stabilized spacecraft design."
Seen against the serious space navigation problems of the "non-Newtonian anomaly" (that JPL
was also obviously racing the clock to try to "figure out"), this risky engineering decision, in
hindsight, now makes perfect sense.

So, the question looms... again:

"when did JPL first realize that rotation was 'the enemy?'"
To answer that key question, we must go back once more in time... to before the shock of


Bill Pickering was named Director of JPL in 1954.

Immediately upon Pickering's appointment, as part of his own long-term agenda to turn JPL "into
the premiere space laboratory in the world..." the new Director began pushing a plan to the
Pentagon (the only agency funding "space" in those pre-Sputnik days...) for an unmanned lunar
probe, called "Project Red Socks" (and, try as I might, I cannot find out where this name
originated! As an emigrated New Zealander, I'm convinced Pickering was NOT a fan of "a certain
Boston baseball team..." so, the origin of this proposed name remains... obscure).

In an era when the idea of just launching "a satellite into orbit... " was viewed by Washington as
"still one step removed from science fiction..." (remember, this is why the "Jet Propulsion
Laboratory" - which never built a "jet," but designed only rockets in its early years - decided to
use the more "acceptable" designation "jet" in all its contracts with the Army...)...

Pickering's idea went... nowhere.

Then... Sputnik happened.

Pickering promptly resubmitted "Project Red Socks" (which, by then, had morphed into an entire
"JPL unmanned lunar program...") to the Pentagon.

Again, it went nowhere...

Until... months later... the newly-formed ARPA suddenly latched onto the idea, renamed it
"Project Pioneer," and split the program (and the contracts) between the US Air Force and the
US Army (with JPL getting the job of building the Army's lunar version...).

What's fascinating about "Red Socks" is how Pickering was originally proposing to send an
unmanned spacecraft to the Moon... and get it back.

For, in his design, the spacecraft was to carry a high-quality reconnaissance camera loaded with
film (no "television")... which would loop around the Moon (red line - below), acquiring
photographic-quality images of the entire "hidden side"... before physically returning to Earth,
reentering... and then being retrieved - so that the film could be developed and physically
examined at JPL!

(Two decades later, the Soviets would do EXACTLY that... with Zond 5, in late 1968. And - they'd
use "Eastman Kodak film" to do it!)

Pickering built his proposal around von Braun's parallel development (discussed earlier...) of a
"survivable reentry vehicle" for a nuclear warhead, yet to be tested (in 1954) by a Jupiter-C IRBM
This indicates the extremely close working relationship between Bill Pickering and Wernher
von Braun, long before Sputnik and Explorer (note the 11 Sergeant rockets visible in this
photograph, down through the holes in the top of the Jupiter-C's rotating "tub" - just below the
one-third scale model of the reentry vehicle itself).
However, there was one major detail about "Project Red Socks" which, in hindsight, could make
one question what von Braun and JPL really knew about the entire "non-Newtonian anomaly"...
and, when they knew it.
This detail centers on that fact that, if it had been funded, Pickering's "Red Socks" proposal would
have encountered exactly the same "non-Newtonian problem"... and for exactly the same
reasons... as Explorer, Vanguard and Pioneer...

For..., as you can see from this artist's concept (below), the Red Socks design also featured "a
ring of solid-fueled rockets, surrounding a single upper stage..." - to which the camera-carrying
lunar spacecraft would have been attached...

Like the later Explorer I and Pioneer Jupiter-C configurations - with their own "spinning upper
stages," and "spacecraft bolted to the final rocket!"

Here (below ) is the startling visual comparison; on the right, Bill Pickering (in 1992), holding a
plexiglass model of Explorer I.

In the background of the same photograph (to his left - with cylindrical housing removed...), a
scale model of the upper stage "spinning tub" of von Braun's Jupiter-C satellite launcher, with the
Explorer satellite attached.
Note again, the circular placement of the 11 "cut-down Sergeant rockets" of the second stage,
and the conical housing of the third stage (hiding its three additional cut-down Sergeants)
protruding from their center... to attach points on the solitary fourth stage - with the (thermally-
striped) model of Explorer I on top.

The comparison graphic (below-left) is Pickering's earlier "'Red Socks' upper stage and lunar
probe configuration..."

Pickering was (obviously) "playing to JPL's own unique history" with his 1954 proposal - the solid
rockets that, up until that point, had formed the foundation of JPL's entire reputation... the solid
rockets that Jack Parson's had successfully created, decades earlier... for a laboratory which
(some still insist...) actually bears the initials of his name, because of that singular, far-reaching
contribution to the American space program...

And, though it's not overtly stated by any sources I could find, Pickering's plan to use an array of
these solid rockets to send a camera to the Moon would have automatically demanded that they
also spin - otherwise, the unbalanced thrust of their individual variations (as we have seen...)
would have sent the proposed lunar spacecraft careening wildly off-course... the same reason
that the upper stages of the Jupiter-C (and the Juno-2 lunar version...) also had to spin.

But, looking at these (essentially...) identical upper stage configurations, I couldn't help but
wonder once again...
"What did Bill Pickering (or, his JPL engineers...) really know - and when did they
first know know it... about the other effects of such an upper stage rotation?"
For, while working on ever larger versions of Jack Parson's solid-fuel rockets after WWII (below),
even then some JPL engineers were looking upward... toward the Moon...
"... the most famous JPL product of that time was a small-scale prototype of
Corporal called WAC Corporal (Without Attitude Control), some of which were
used as a second stage of [the] V-2, reaching altitudes of more than 400 km and
inaugurating, on [sic] 1950, the Atlantic coast missile range which became the
Cape Canaveral 'spaceport.'
While working on this historic project, some laboratory engineers calculated, as a
joke, that by using the full scale Corporal missile and a cluster of anti-aircraft Loki
solid-fueled rockets, it was possible to hurl to the Moon... an empty beer can!"
With a spinning upper stage configuration, as we now know, that "empty beer can" easily could
have grown... into a full-fledged camera-laden mission!

So, when did Pickering first realize that the "secret" to significantly increasing the ISP efficiency
of his JPL solid-fueled rockets (and thus, their payloads) was just... to "spin them!?"

And - when did he first tip off von Braun...?

From the "spinning technology" of the mysterious Nazi Bell, to the "spinning upper stages" of
Pickering's aborted "Project Red Socks," to Pickering's extension of that same "spinning
technology" to the upper stages of von Braun's own Jupiter-C launch vehicle itself... rotation
seemed to professionally surround von Braun at every turn (sorry...).

Yet, after the startling anomalies of Explorer I, von Braun himself seemed profoundly shocked, if
not genuinely confused, by the dynamical behavior he was observing. What did he do then?; he
began secretly writing to key experts around the world, to anyone who might have a clue as what
had really caused Explorer I's (to him...) "inexplicable behavior."

Not exactly the actions of "someone in the know."'

So, did either of them - Pickering or von Braun - know, before Explorer I, what was really going

In my professional opinion - based on this extensive research into von Braun's actions following
Explorer's launch (and Pickering's equally documentable, independent, Herculean efforts to
overcome - with an entirely new type of spacecraft - the "non-Newtonian anomaly" in the wake of
Explorer I...)..., no... neither man... knew anything!

Life is simply full of "irony and strange (some might even say 'hyperdimensional') coincidences..."

The fact that Pickering's "rotating solid-rockets" were the only available means - both to an early
satellite launch into Earth orbit, and to early efforts to send a US spacecraft to the Moon, and,
that in order for them to work as advertised, they had to spin - is, in my opinion, just exactly that:
A remarkable... almost providential... historical... coincidence.
The fact is that von Braun had to choose Pickering's "rotating, solid-rockets"... if he wanted, at
that point of US technological development, to successfully launch anything!

And, if all this hadn't been just "sheer coincidence"... JPL wouldn't have immediately undertaken
the almost impossible task of creating an entirely new space technology, after Explorer I - a non-
rotating lunar and planetary spacecraft "bus."
And, von Braun wouldn't have held out for four full years (as we noted in Part I), before suddenly,
without any prior warning, reversing his previous position and approving "LOR" for the Apollo
Program... after he (we believe, from all the evidence) finally got the word that JPL had "fixed" the
"non-Newtonian problem."

However, all that said... it is this remarkable set of "conspiring coincidences" that has now given
us a stunning new set of blatant clues - "...those mysteriously enlarged, totally revealing, satellite
orbits of the Earth..." (that no one can successfully suppress much longer) to the almost unlimited
potential for HD Physics... right here on Earth...

To truly change the world...

So, just how certain am I that these remarkable HD "rotational effects" can now account for the
all flagrant Explorer, Vanguard and Pioneer satellite anomalies?...

About ninety-nine percent...

Because..., there were subsequent instances of these same "HD rotational effects" observed in
the continuing Explorer Program, which reinforces the idea that it was also due to this same
"anomalous physics"...

George Ludwig - Van Allen's chief assistant (and designer of all the electronics for the radiation
detectors carried in the Explorer spacecraft) - wrote a remarkable personal description of one
fascinating... and now quite telling... subsequent "incident." It is clear, however, that he too
obviously had no idea what he was actually witnessing...

Wrote Ludwig:
"... my Journal also reported... the most serious problem from my point of view...
the difficulty in commanding playback of the [spacecraft's on-board] tape
recorder. When the spin-up of the upper rocket stages was started at X-11
minutes, the recorder operated normally at first. But by the time the spin rate
reached 550 revolutions per minute (out of 750 rpm needed for flight) we were
unable to get a response from our radio commands for playback. The Launch
Director interrupted the spin-up, slowed it down, and then increased the rate
gradually. Playback was successful at 450 rpm but not at 500.

"All of this was happening within the final minutes of the countdown, while the
rocket sat there fully fueled and ready to go. The pressure for a final go/no-go
decision was intense, as further delay would have meant canceling the launch
for that evening and recycling for the following day or later. While we held up the
launch for 18 minutes, the payload manager, other payload engineers, and I had
a spirited discussion, and concluded that the problem was with the on-pad
commanding link, not the recorder itself. Specifically, we believed that there was
a problem with the grounding path for the interrogating signal, and expected that
operation would be normal once the rocket was free of the cluttered pad
environment. We all agreed to proceed based on that assessment.

"The official launch time was 1:28 PM, EST on Wednesday, 5 March 1958.
Performance of the Redstone first stage booster rocket appeared to be normal
throughout its burning. Later analyses indicated that the firing of stages one, two,
and three were all normal. However, the fourth stage apparently failed to ignite,
for reasons that were never completely determined, and the launch attempt
failed. The satellite payload plummeted into the Atlantic Ocean about 1900 miles
downrange from Cape Canaveral [emphasis added]..."
By his own admission, Ludwig's dismissal of the pre-launch "tape recorder problem..." - as
"merely radio interference from the clutter on the launch pad," exacerbated by the high-pressure
"go/no go" pre-launch environment - unfortunately encouraged the collective decision to "just
resume the count and launch..." without taking the time to properly analyze the situation.
Which, unfortunately, resulted in the subsequent loss of the entire spacecraft "for reasons that
were never completely determined..."

Decades later, through another of his remarkable "rotational experiments," DePalma would
(again!) expose the real "HD Physics" behind what likely happened to Explorer II.

Following DePalma's many experiments - that had increasingly verified the existence of a
remarkable, uniquely geometric "OD field" around all massive, spinning objects (and even small
ones...) - DePalma naturally began to wonder about the effects of such an "inertial field" on non-
mechanical systems... specifically, on complex electronics... like "an off-the-shelf FM stereo
receiver" (below).

Here's DePalma's description of an experiment he neatly carried out, to determine what those
effects actually might be...
"... because of the uniqueness of the [OD field] behavior, corroboration [of an
electronic effect] was attempted in the form of an experiment to alter the tuning
of a radio-frequency circuit oscillating at 106 megacycles [megahertz]. The
expected effect did indeed take place with a frequency shift measured to be
about 2500 cycles [2.5 parts in 10(5)] relative to an oscillator located remotely at
a distance of 70 miles and communicated to it by radio [emphasis added]..."
"Simularity: a New Theory of Physical Phenomena"
Bruce DePalma
Simularity Institute
June 15, 1973

The results of DePalma's "inertial field radio experiment" are illustrated below.

The frequency plot of the received FM signal, when the ~30-lb, aluminum/steel disc was NOT
rotating, is displayed as the essentially horizontal "noisy" white line on the bottom of the graph
(lower right). The frequency of the received signal when the disc was spinning (at ~8000 rpm...)
is displayed in yellow (upper right).

An artistic rendition of the FM transmitter is on the left.

The fact that the distantly transmitted signal (when the receiver was "within the field" of the
rotating disc in Depalma's lab) seemed to have a semi-regular "frequency periodicity," indicated
that the generation of an "OD field" by physical rotation was also NOT a "static phenomenon"...
but seemed to have multiple, drifting, interfering frequency components of its own - which
resonated (in some, still undetermined fashion...) with the receiver's own electrically resonant

Exactly like what we saw - when measuring (with the Accutron...) the "OD field" from Venus,
"interfering with" (modulating...) the Sun's much greater "OD field" (below)!
DePalma (remember, an MIT/Harvard electrical engineer...) described his first impressions of the
"radio shift experiment," based on the "variable inertia" model, thus...
"...the radio frequency shift experiment demonstrates the existence of a
phenomena, created here on Earth, which can alter the frequency of an
oscillating circuit, independent of any electro-magnetic interaction. The
phenomena of electrical resonance is created through the interaction of
inductance and capacitance existing in what are known as lumped circuit
As these are real physical objects, we should expect that any field or effect which
altered the inertial properties of the materials from which these are made would
affect the frequency of vibratory electrical resonance..."
Later, as we have seen, DePalma rethought some of these initial assumptions - and moved from
"the OD field/torsion field creates a true variable inertia in physical objects," to a model which
invoked the field's ability "to channel energy from the vacuum" (hyperspace!) into existing energy
processes already occurring in these 3-D objects...

In that model, the effect of the "rotational OD field" on the stereo receiver's circuits could be
viewed as directly altering either their voltage, reactance or amperage (or, all three!)... leading, in
the end, to the same rhythmic, resonant frequency changes that were observed...

Whatever the ultimate physical process (and, unfortunately, DePalma never had adequate
resources to determine what that might have been...) the fact that an "OD field" - from an EM
shielded, spinning laboratory disc - could significantly affect the electrical circuitry of an off-the-
shelf stereo receiver placed within mere proximity, has extraordinary, far-reaching implications...

Including... for the failed attempt to launch Explorer II!

Clearly, Ludwig's Journal description of what occurred, as "the tub" was gradually spun up to its
rated "750 rpm for flight," and the failure of the tape recorder (newly added for this mission) radio
commanding circuits suddenly occurred "above 500 rpm..." is compelling evidence that it was the
ROTATION of "the tub" which (somehow...) was "the problem."

However, completely lacking ANY appropriate physical theory (unlike us...) as to how a physically
rotating set of rockets could possibly affect the radio circuits of the Explorer II spacecraft, the
Launch Director (with Ludwig's grudging concurrence...) decided to proceed..., with the
unfortunate, disastrous consequences.

It doesn't take much extrapolation from DePalma's historic "radio frequency experiment" - carried
out within the powerful torsion field of his rotating laboratory disc - to envision what happened to
Explorer II; somehow, the "torsion field" created by the spinning "tub" above 500 rpm, altered the
electrical properties of the on-board tape recorder radio circuits just enough... to interfere with
their ability to carry information reliably to and from the ground.

Unknown to the launch team, these same "inertial field effects" likely were ALSO interfering
simultaneously with the firing circuits of the fourth stage itself [perhaps, because of physical
proximity of both sets of the wires leading to the tape recorder in the satellite, which (remember)
was physically bolted to the top of the fourth stage]!

Clearly, in light of DePalma's definitive radio experiment (and at a frequency only slightly different
than Explorer's 108 megahertz!), the evidence is heavily in favor of "an HD Physics cause" for the
subsequent inability of Explorer II to successfully reach orbit...

The first compelling case for a truly "hyperdimensional failure" in the US space program!

Which brings us to the little matter of "the Soviets."

Unlike the Americans, because the USSR was using BIG converted ICBMS (Korolyov's "R-7"
boosters - below) to put their "several-thousand-pound satellites" into Earth orbit [or to send their
first, almost half ton (!) unmanned lunar probes toward the Moon], they didn't have to rely on
"marginal clusters of solid rockets" in the final stages, to "barely put up a few-pounds..."
Ergo... they didn't have to spin their boosters!

So, why - with a liquid fueled (kerosene and liquid oxygen), non-spinning "Block E" third stage -
weighing over a ton itself, and directed to the Moon by a set of sophisticated "state-of-the-art,
radio interferometry navigation beams" from Earth...

Why, with all that going for them... did the Soviets still miss the Moon on their first try by those
"~3700 miles!?"

And why, ten months later... did they then "get it right" (somehow) and squarely hit it?

The answer to that fascinating question which, on the face of it, would seem to undercut our
entire thesis in this paper - that, to invoke HD Physics and the "non-Newtonian anomaly" in
celestial navigation, requires that some part of the booster rocket spin...

Is, in fact, the visible exception... "that proves the rule."

Because, again - drawing on the actual HD experiments conducted by DePalma - we've even
been able to figure out the answer to that mysterious little Cold War question:

The key to solving this remaining "celestial-mechanics mystery" is in this little gem from Bruce
DePalma, once again...
"...mechanical energy of motion, stored in the created inertial property, od,
appears as an inertial field. This inertial field has the property of conferring inertia
on surrounding material objects - and a reduction in the frequency of oscillating
electrical circuits placed in the vicinity of the energized machine..."

Even in non-rotating spacecraft... in their boosters... in their "instrument units"... what is the one
thing which is always rotating - even if the vehicles do not.

The gyroscopes.

All spacecraft (and their associated launch vehicles...) have to have a number of whirling
gyroscopes in their on-board "inertial navigation systems." These devices literally steer the
vehicles, providing on-board 3-D coordinates for ground-based navigation and (along with other
on-board devices, called "accelerometers") provide absolutely critical reference points for any
spacecraft trying to reach any distant destination...

The gyros always have to spin!

Back to DePalma...
"…the [inertial altering, OD field] effect is roughly proportional to the radius and
mass [of the rotating object] … and to the square of the rotational speed...”
So, if you have a big "dumb" object - like a main stage booster, or a set of upper stages - and you
spin them... you get a certain "OD Effect," depending on how fast they rotate.

But, if you have a set of tiny, low mass objects - the gyroscopes in the on-board inertial
navigation systems - but you spin them "like the proverbial bat out of hell..." you can get a MUCH
greater proportional effect..., because - their individual torsion fields are directly proportional to
the square of their individual rates of spin!

The key is in DePalma's crucial observation,

"...this inertial field has the property of conferring inertia on surrounding material
What happened to the Soviets was elemental:
The torsion fields of the internal, spinning gyroscopes - rotating upwards of
~100,000 rpm - conferred their torsion field effects to the larger vehicle... causing
it to drift off a "straight Newtonian trajectory"... across ~240,000 miles... by just
enough to miss the Moon by that "... 3700 miles."
By Luna-2 (ten months later...) the Soviets had obviously "figured this out"... and, made the
appropriate "mid-course corrections" enroute to the Moon.

Which then allowed them, to hit the Moon "dead on!"

Which leaves only the future technological effects of this extraordinary discovery on the quietly
developing private space programs trying to "get off the ground" - Burt Rutan, Sir Richard
Branson, Elon Musk, etc., etc., etc.
And, how this same technology can also now be used to dramatically improve the "everyday
lives" of everyone on Earth!
Return to Richard
Return to The Saga of Flying
Return to The Universe of The New
Return to About Carol Rosin and The Late
Werner Von Braun

by Clark C. McClelland
Former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet
Kennedy Space Center, FL 1958-1992
from Rense Website
This amazing interview with Dr. von Braun is only one of many events that I personally experienced as a space
flight pioneer at Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, from 1958 to 1992. 
Clark C. McClelland 
Former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida 
PO Box 233
Tavares, Florida 32778

In 1947, a controversial event took place in New Mexico near the town of Roswell. The "Roswell
Incident," as it has come to be known, remains the paramount case in UFO crash/retrieval history. In
addition to the claims of a downed alien ship, alien bodies were said to have been recovered from the

The USAF and Federal Government have kept a steadfast opinion that the object in question was a high
altitude balloon project, code named: Mogul. The project was designed to detect nuclear blasts in the
USSR. The bodies that were recovered, according to the USAF, were parachute test dummies that had
been released high above the desert, and had eventually drifted into the "balloon" crash area. The
USAF finally settled on this fabricated version of events and passed it off to the American public as truth.

During my long years of service in our national space program, I was very fortunate to come to know
and exchange some very exciting data with former German scientists, who had been brought to the USA
under Operation Paper Clip following WW II.
These men were the elite of the German rocket programs controlled by Adolph Hitler.

On many occasions I had the distinct privilege of speaking with Dr. Wernher von Braun, the leader of
the elite group, and several other scientists who were assigned to the ABMA (Army Ballistics Missile
Agency) launch crews at the Cape Canaveral launch sites.
Eventually, these same men were incorporated into the new National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) organization.
During the periodic MFA (Manned Flight Awareness) meetings that were held at Cocoa Beach, I was
able to talk freely and briefly with such scientists, particularly Dr. von Braun.

On one such occasion, he and I had taken a break and stepped out of the Cocoa Beach Ramada Inn
into the back patio. I admitted that I was aware that he and his German Scientific team were located not
too far from the crash site at that time. They were launching captured V-2 rockets from the White Sands
Testing Range. On this night, I asked him a question concerning the Roswell Incident that caused his
eyebrows to raise.

Did the Roswell Incident in fact happen, was an alien craft recovered along with alien bodies? Did you
have a chance to go to the crash site?"

Dr von Braun was a cigarette smoker and he lit one up. He thought for a second, then proceeded to talk
freely about his inspection of the crashed craft.

He trusted me to hear such astonishing events because I vowed to not report it to newspapers,
magazines, television, etc. I never broke that vow. Since he is deceased, and the incident happened
over fifty years ago, I am now disclosing what I heard. I have a right to speak about anything - even
things that, according to certain agencies, "do not exist."

Dr. von Braun explained how he and his (unnamed, for now) associates had been taken to the crash site
after most of the military were pulled back. They did a quick analysis of what they found. He told me the
craft did not appear to be made of metal as we know metal on earth. He said it seemed to be created
from something biological, like skin. I was lost as to what he indicated, other than thinking perhaps the
craft was "alive."
The recovered bodies were temporarily being kept in a nearby medical tent. They were small, very frail
and had large heads. Their eyes were large. Their skin was grayish and reptilian in texture. He said it
looked similar to the skin texture of rattle snakes he'd seen several times at White Sands. His inspection
of the debris had even him puzzled: very thin, aluminum colored, like silvery chewing gum wrappers,
very light and extremely strong. The interior of the craft was nearly bare of equipment, as if the creatures
and craft were part of a single unit.

That's when I became lost in the moment. We returned to the awards ceremony, in which he
participated, later bidding farewell. I went home with my head spinning from all I had heard. Keeping this
quiet for many years was very difficult, especially with the temptations of having many friends and
associates who believe in UFOs, ETs, etc.
I never released this amazing data to Major Keyhoe and NICAP, or the public, until now.
I considered my honor sacred when a vow was made.
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Return to Philip Corso and The Roswell
Return to Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun

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