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Chapter 3: Assessment Interview

Assessment Interview// the single most important means of data collection during psychological evaluation
Interview// provides potentially valuable information that may be otherwise unobtainable
Interviews// are the primary means for developing rapport and can serve as a check against the meaning and validity of test results.
Structure// A basic dimension of an interview is its degree of ___
Unstructured formats// _____ offer flexibility, possibly high rapport, the ability to assess how clients organize their responses, and the potential to explore unique details of a client’s
Psychometric qualities// highly structured and semi-structured interviews have been developed that provide sound____, the potential for use in research, and the capacity to be
administered by less trained personnel.
Checklist// help clinicians ensure that they have covered all the relevant areas
Clinical Interviewing// It is the earliest form of obtaining information from clients
Q and A medical format// At first, clinical interviews were modeled after what format?
Psychoanalytic// the influence of ___ theories on clinical interviews resulted in a more open-ended, free-flowing style.
Adolf Meyer// the development of the more structured and goal-oriented mental status examination originally formulated by ____ in 1902
mental status examination// it assessed relevant areas of a client’s current functioning
Tests// ___ could be subjected to rigorous psychometric evaluation and were more economical because they required less face-to-face contact with the person(s) being evaluated
nondirective approach// in interviews this approach was most likely to create favorable changes and self-exploration in clients
a directive style// an approach using persuasion, interpretation, and interviewer judgments which typically resulted in clients being defensive and resistant to expressing difficulties.
experienced interviewers// they expressed more warmth, a greater level of activity, and a greater number of interpretations
Level of empathy// In interviews, ___ did not alter regardless of the interviewer’s degree of experience.
Truax and Carkhuff (1967)// who developed a five-point scale to measure interviewer understanding of the client?
Interviewing// an interactive system in which the participants simultaneously influenced each other (Matarazzo, 1965; Watzlawick, Beavin, & Jackson, 1966)
Family// This emphasis on an interactive, self-maintaining system became the core for most early and later formulations of ___ therapy.
Goal-oriented interviews// focused on understanding current and past reinforcers as well as on establishing workable target behaviors.
child assessment// Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, this was conducted primarily through interviews with parents.
Direct interviews// ____ with the child were considered to be for therapeutic purposes rather than for assessment.
BASIC-ID model// describes a complete assessment as involving behaviors (B), affect (A), sensation (S), imagery (I ), cognition (C), interpersonal relations (I ), and need for
pharmacological intervention/drugs (D)

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