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Sawi Sendok Pakchoy BockChoy

Brassica rapa kultivar Chinensis

Brassicaceae / Cruciferae
Origin center from China and was introduced to Japan (Sani
et al. 2020) and then well distributed or cultivated in
Southern China, Southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Thailand) and when winter-hardy increase in
Northern Europa (Lisdiyani et al. 2020)
Annual herbs with epigeal germination. can grow in the
highlands and low with an altitude of 10-1200 masl. Short-
lived plants aged 45-50 days can be harvested. the leaves
are elliptical with blunt tips and not hairy (glabrous). the
stem is thick enough not woody. the Inflorescense
racemos with small flowers consist of 4 yellow corolla
(tetramerous), 6 stamens around 1 pistil (Tiya et al. 2019)
Bok choy are used as fresh and cooked vegetable. Bok choy contain quite a lot of beta-carotene,
folate and nutrients, including protein, vegetable fat, carbohydrates, fiber, Ca, Mg, Fe, sodium,
vitamins A, C and vitamin K that the body needs. The content of beta-carotene in Bok choy can
prevent cataracts and the content of folate, which is good for pregnant women to consume,
functions to form red blood cells and prevent anemia (Tiya et al. 2019) Also pakcoy very good for
relieving itching in the throat in cough sufferers. Cure for head diseases, blood purifier, improve
kidney function, and improve and facilitate digestion (Lisdiyani et al. 2020)
Pakcoy as family Brassicaceae contains glucosinolate compounds produced by secondary
metabolites. In particular, glucosinolate degradation products have been identified as potent
chemoprotective agents in humans against th pathogenesis of many chronic diseases such as
cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disease (Jhonson et al. 2016). Also pakchoy
can prevent cognitive decline cause sulforaphane an organosulfur compound that content of
cruciferae family (Bonetti et al. 2017)
Bonetti F, Brombo G, Giovanni Z. 2017. Nootropics, Functional Foods, and Dietary Patterns for Prevention of Cognitive Decline. Nutrition and Functional Food for Healty Aging. 211-232.
Jhonson TL, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Fahey JW. 2017. Glucosinolates from the Brassica Vegetables and Their Health Effects. Food Science. 248-255.
Lisdiyani, Harahap FS, Sari PM. 2019. Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) terhadap penggunaan pupuk organic cair NASA. J Pertanian Tropik. 6(2):222-
Sani DP, Handayani TT, Zulkifli Z, Lande ML. 2020. The Allelopathic Effects Characteristics of Fresh Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) Leaves Extract on the Germination and Growth of Bok
Choy (Brassica rapa L.) Sprouts. Biosfer. 11(1): 26-43
Tia A, Suaria IN, Andriani AASPR. 2019. Pemberian dosis biourine sapi dan media tanam pada beberapa variable pertumbuhan dan hasil ekonomis tanaman pakcoy (Brassica chinensis
L.). Gema Agro. 24(1):17-21.

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