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Part 1 - pg. 1-50 Reflection/Discussion Questions

1. A) Why do you think Connor’s parents have decided to have him unwound?
B) How is this different from the other teens he meets? Explain Connor, Risa, and Lev’s
individual situations.

2. Why do you think that Pastor Dan told Lev to run?

3. Connor asks Lev “So, what’s it like . . . knowing your whole life you’re going to be
sacrificed?” (pg. 44), to which Lev responds, "It's better than going through life without knowing
your purpose."
A) What does Lev mean by this?
B) Do you agree or disagree? Why?

4. If you found out your parents/guardians were going to have you Unwound, how would you
escape? Write a detailed escape plan. Keep it realistic.
Things to think about:
• Would you take someone with you, or go on your own?
• Where would you try to go?
• What means of travel would you use?
• How would you survive?

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