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Watson’s theory and Neuman’s theory relate to one another in the way that patients need to be
cared for because of the stressful influences of society. Stressors include intrapersonal,
interpersonal, and extrapersonal forces. For example, a patient is admitted with multiple
sclerosis, his interpersonal stressor is being away from his family. These can be identified with
the help of the nurse by applying transpersonal caring through love and sincere concern to the
patient. Because stressors in the environment cannot be solved solely by the client, it needs
nurses for them to express and resolve it correctly. Therefore, nurse and patient interaction are
necessary to perform transpersonal caring thus settling the stressors.

I chose my own nursing theory based on holistic nursing emphasizing with the stressors
(described by Betty Neuman namely intrapersonal, interpersonal and extrapersonal forces) to
prevent recurrent admission to the hospital. Holistic nursing is defined as a practice of nursing
that focuses on healing the whole person. It does not solely recognize their illness instead it
addresses the interconnectedness of their mind, body, spirit, emotions, and relationship with
others. I believe that one cannot overcome the healing process even if he or she is medically
treated only. For example, an old woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. She can’t function
holistically but after treatment his cancer was cured. The problem is, she is not mentally and
emotionally prepared for the outcome and how it will impact for the rest of her life. Applying
holistic nursing and highlighting the stressors, the nurse should interact with the patient and
utilize experience as a guide for building relationship, knowing her stressors and problem.
Before discharging from the hospital, the nurse should assure the patient that she is fully
recovered so that effective nursing will be implemented thus going back to the hospital would be


Dorothea Orem Orem's theory addresses It directs nurses what Rehabilitation and
client's self-care needs. It is specific patient care they primary care; psychiatri
(Self-Care Deficit characterized as objective should give in certain nursing, geriatric nursin
Nursing Theory) arranged activities that are set situations. It emphasizes pediatrics
towards creating interest in the the importance of
side of the client to continue maintaining the self-care
life and wellbeing process towards the
improvement. The theory independence of the
pointed towards causing the patients.
client to perform self-care
activities to live autonomously.

Imogene King King’s model is composed of King’s theory is applicable Can be applied in large
(Goal Attainment three interacting systems; these to the nursing process: community and tertiary
Theory) are Personal, Interpersonal, Assessment, Planning, hospital
and Social Communication. Implementation, and
These are used to establish a Evaluation. She believes
nurse-client relationship for that nurses must carefully
them to set goals together, and assess clients to set mutual
then take actions to achieve goals and achieve it
them. The factors that can correctly and efficiently.
affect the attainment of goals The theory provided clients
are roles, stress, space, and to participate in the desired
time. outcome of the care plan
and goals.
Betty Neuman Betty Neuman’s theory It is important in defining Medical-surgical nursin
(Systems Model) incorporated concept of a the stressors in nursing therapeutic nursing,
whole person and an open practices. It provides the critical care nursing
system approach. The concept nurse with an accurate
is aimed towards the nursing process of the
development of a person in a planned care and explains
state of wellness having the the utilization of primary,
capacity to function optimally. secondary, and tertiary
The main role of nurse in her prevention in problem-
theory is to help a person adapt solving.
with environmental stimuli
causing illness back to a state
of wellness.
Dorothy Johnson Johnson believes that each Johnson’s model guides Nursing homes
(Behavioral system individual has a focusing and nursing practice, education,
model) repeating ways of acting which and research that generates
covers a behavioral system new ideas about nursing. It
distinct to that individual. also differentiate nursing
These actions or behaviors from other professions by
form outstanding thoughts- out prioritizing behavior an
and included functional unit biology. It classifies
that determines and defines the Nursing from Medicine,
relations between the person although the concepts
and his environment and overlap with the
establishes the bond of the psychosocial professions.
person to the object, events,
and circumstances in his
environment. These behaviors
are logical, fixed, predictable
and adequately secure and
persistent to be satisfying to
depiction and clarification.
Sr. Calista Roy Roy’s model centralize on the The RAM has vividly Can be applied to the
(Adaptation Model) concept of adaptation of the identified the nursing current needs of nurses
person. She explained that process which is an employed in the hospita
adaptation occurs when people important tool in nursing setting
respond positively to practice. It provides
environmental changes. It is direction in providing
the process and result of holistic care for a client. In
individuals who use conscious the process of hypothesis
awareness, self-reflection and testing, new information
option to create human and can be derived from Roy’s
environmental integration. The model. Truly, it served as a
Adaptation Model states that valuable contribution to
health is an inevitable part of nursing science.
person’s life, and is
represented by a health-illness
continuum with many different
states or degrees possible.
Moreover, she states that
health is the process of being
and becoming an integrated
and holistic perso
Myra Estrin Levine

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