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Evil Twins #1: Ashtar,

Galactic Federation,
UFO-ology as
Religion –
Scientology and
Unification Church
This is a blog post originally published in August 26, 2017 at
07:10 AM now archived in this format.
(original url:

This isn’t any old blog post.

Not only is it a lot of fun to read but historically, it was the beginning of
what ended up being a two-part series and marks the first time that
correlations on some very particular UFO propaganda being
incorporated into two supposedly disparate groups or “cults” –
Scientology and the Unification Church.


*Note: some of the links aren’t working but we hope to get that sorted
out at some point.


Greetings, earthlings.

Nothing like a little light Saturday Matinee UFO reading.

This is the first of what will probably become a number of posts detailing
the lockstep-action between the Unification Church and Scientology.

For those who have read my library article titled: The Use of
Universities to Conduct Eugenics Research and Intelligence
Operations you might recall that I mentioned a man named Anthony
Brooke suddenly appearing on the Unification Church – I call it Uni for
short – scene in 1964 and UFO-ology began being a part of Uni

We’ll talk about him a bit first, so you can get a feel for what this man
was doing, starting with a brief description of “Ashtar Command”.

The Ashtar Command, a 2005 description:

“Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many

civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the
current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment.
Currently the Office of the Christ is held by Lord Jesus, Lord Moses
and Lord Elijah.”
Anthony Brooke, enters the Uni scene just after John Lofland has been
“grooming” Young Oon Kim and the young cult, together with his
sidekick Rodney stark and later addition Gordon Ross. Lofland was
being paid by the NIMH to do this.

Take a look at this guy Brooke’s basic connections.

Anthony Brooke has been linking with different groups throughout

the world having a special concern for unity and peace and
education for world citizenship. He is a member of the Supreme
Council of the Commonwealth of World Citizens and a Vice-
President of World Union, a life member of the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, International Fellowship of Reconciliation,
Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Study, Spiritual
Frontiers Fellowship, Society for Psychical Research, a member
of Fellowship of Friends of Truth and of the Wider Quaker

Any readers already familiar with our blog know that the RIIA and the
SPR are two very British-intelligence connected organizations. The first,
the RIIA (formed in 1919 under Cecil Rhodes Round Table) is covered
in this article, the SPR is covered in several articles, posts and book
chapters here at the blog, probably the most comprehensive source
would be in this article. Particularly the SPR’s work is utilized heavily in
scientology by L. Ron Hubbard.

How did Brooke hook up with the Unification Church in the first place?
Through Young Oon Kim’s follower Doris Orme, who, incidentally, is
who supposedly hooked up Lofland/Stark as well, at a UFO convention.

February 1964 –

Miss Kim, permanent visa in hand, left the Bay Area for a visit to
Korea in late February. Although her visit lasted eleven months and
left the Bay Area effectively rudderless during that time, Miss Kim
met a singular person before departing.

In Los Angeles, Brooke met Doris Walder, became excited about

the Principle, and immediately flew to San Francisco where he met
with Miss Kim who was about to leave for Korea. Excited even
more, he quickly made plans to join her there. His decision to go is
best described in his own words:

I found myself being drawn by a seemingly irresistible

force to Korea and to the presence of Sun Myung Moon, but
not before I had received a direct inward intimation that Sun
Myung Moon was in a particular sense the “earth form of
Limitless Love.” It was in these precise words that I found
myself giving recognition to him as I awakened in the early
hours before a California dawn with every fibre of my being
aglow. . . . I became increasingly convinced that the role of Sun
Myung Moon would be progressively recognized by mankind as
having unique significance not merely for the peoples of the
East but for the whole of humanity in relationship to the
leadership of the new age and in connection with the events
foretold in the Universal Link Revelation.9,4

Sir Anthony Brooke hooked up with Moon himself in Korea on March 2,


Brooke lecturing in Korea

Moon (center) looking Genyosha gangsta as usual. Brooke to his left.

While in Korea, with Miss Kim translating, Brooke spoke before 800
people at a correctional institution, 2,000 people at Citizens’ Hall, and
on Korean national television. 9

Later that year he wrote a book that talks about connecting up with
Moon, saying that he is the “Christ Ray” of the Ashtar Command.

After spending a month in Korea as his guest, I can myself testify to

the remarkable revelations which come to those who are attuned to
him. It seems to me that because Sun Myung Moon is incarnate
upon the earth at this time and has a particular link with the
Christ Ray, he make an indispensable bridge for many people who
are being given exceptional and life changing experiences by taking
his powerful name into their meditations.

We think our readers would be particularly interested to know of

some of the remarkable visions and revelations which sensitives
are being given in connection with Sun Myung Moon who lives in
Korea but who is reportedly appearing and teaching in spirit
form in many different parts of the world. The circumstantial
evidence of this from our own investigations is overwhelming…

Earlier in this chapter we made reference to the Ashtar Command

as being a hierarchical system under the Cosmic Christ, and
we can only report that a number of sensitives have significantly
linked the name of Sun Myung Moon with this system. 4

This began to be propagated both in Korea, Japan, and when he

returned to America, there as well. John Lofland was present when
Brooke arrived back to the U.S.

Leaving Korea, he arranged for a brief speaking tour covering

Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Tokyo in Japan before arriving back
in San Francisco on April 10, 1964. Lofland wrote “DP’s who met
him at the airport rejoiced in his disembarking exclamation: ‘It’s true!
It’s all gloriously true!’“9

Brooke starts proselytizing for the Moonies immediately.

“He is the Messiah. He is the world spiritual leader of the New Age.”
“I know that the Second Coming is in our Leader, Sun M. Moon!”5

Mr Brooke said strongly, “The New Lord is on earth, and is in


Even Gordon Ross, our undercover Berkeley/intelligence man, joined

the party of being “in the know” about Ashtar Command (part of the
“Western Revelation”) and said in May –

Anthony Brooke arrived on the 24th and inspired both Pete and I
with his testimony and account of the “Western
Revelation,” Knowing of the working of spirit in England only made
us more determined to find those who have been prepared for this
Day, so that we will have teachers when the great breakthrough in
Spirit That it is starting was made clear to me several days ago
when I was at the Perkins theological library on the Southern
University campus. I was talking to one of the desk clerks, he spoke
up: “Have you heard of the flying saucer that a policeman in Arizona
saw land? It was shaped in an oval form and had a prong-like
object projecting from the bottom. When he went to the area where
he had seen it land, there were a number of prong-like marks on the
ground!” The clerk had heard the account over CBS radio. From the
on the clerk’s face when I spoke up and said I could explain what
the saucers were, I think he thought I was a saucer—man myself!6

Could he now…

Conceiving his mission to be that of “coordinating revelations,” Anthony

visited new Unification centers in Los Angeles, Denver, Oklahoma,
Dallas, and Cleveland as well as Col. Pak’s group in Washington, D.C.,
before returning to England in May of 1964.

He also met leaders of the Unity School in Kansas and clairvoyant,

Arthur Ford, with whom he did a ‘reading’ that was to circulate
widely. In England, he established links with several spiritual groups
that subsequently made reference to the name Sun Myung Moon in
their newsletters of 1964. Finally, in November, Sir Anthony Brooke
returned to Sarawak for the first time in twenty years and
“witnessed to the new revelation.” His contact with the Unification
Church continued for several years.9

Then came November –

More significant, however, were the “links” he established between

the UC and several spiritual groups and their leaders. The most
important of these was the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF)
and its principal founder, Arthur Ford.7
Nothing like a little CIA asset channeling, with an MI6/Round Table man
in attendance to get the ole “spiritual juices” flowing.

But see that Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship? The same organization that
Anthony Brooke belonged to? Before we get into what this “channeling”
was with Arthur Ford, let me take a moment to fill you in on how key
that SFF actually was.

In my Universities and Cults article, I brought up that Willis Harman was

working on creating the Institute of Psychedelic Research in 1965. It
didn’t work out, ultimately, but I provided a PDF of the original pamphlet
and noted a couple of the names on its “advisory” board, one of which
was Frank Barron, one of the founders of the CIA/OSS
created Berkeley Institute of Personality Assessment and Research.

Institute for Psychedelic Research – Harman et al

You’ll notice in that PDF that one of the other names listed was James
A. Pike. Turns out that Pike, besides clearly being on the “inner circle”
of CIA ops like the LSD-testing, was also deeply connected with Brooke
and Ford through this SFF.

Bishop James A. Pike, Arthur Ford did a sitting with Rev. Moon
in March, 1965. Sir Anthony Brooke had prepared the way for this
meeting the previous November. In that session, Ford’s
communicator, Fletcher, had testified to the Rev. Moon. 9

But wait. There’s more! Also tied up with Harman’s LSD organization

Gardner Murphy, Director of Research, The Menninger Foundation

(my note: from 1952 to 1958)
Abram Hoffer, Director of Psychiatric Research, Province of
Humphry Osmond, Director New Jersey Bureau of Research in
Neurology and Psychiatry
Abraham Maslow, Professor of Psychology, Brandeis University

All of the above are quoted in the brochure in support of LSD and
“psychedelic” drug-taking.

Hoffer and Osmond were major CIA MKULTRA figures as was Frank
Barron. But, most people didn’t realize that Maslow was one as well.
That’s going to be important later on here. But see that name Gardner

Look what he said in the brochure:

Science develops through the development of instruments which

make new classes of evidence available ••• (One such instrument
is) the psychedelics ••• various leaf-and mushroom-derived drugs
••• notably mescaline, psilocybin and LSD ••• that have been used
since preliterate times, ••• which enhance the sense of meaning or
vitality, or beauty and sheer intensity of existence ••• Quite aside
from absolutely aII interpretations whatever, to say the very least,
these (psychedelic) experiences alter man’s conception of himself
and the world ••• They are a way of looking at the cosmos, and
therefore belong to the central core of man’s needs as a
thoughtful being.

– Gardner Murphy, Director of Research, The Menninger

Foundation, in “Human Psychology in the Context of the New
Knowledge, 11 Main Currents, vol. 21, March – ApriI 1965


The New Knowledge is taking LSD?

We’ll just skip right over that whole psychosis-causing aspect…. is that

Besides being a walking advert for CIA MKULTRA programs, a little

birdie told me that he was also mixed up with Anthony Brooke and the
SFF, but did you know that he was once the head of the
parapsychology department at Columbia University? That must mean
he had connections into the American branch of the Society for
Psychical Research in New York.

1937 – Before leaving on a search for a missing plane near the

North Pole, arctic explorer and friend Sir Hubert Wilkins agreed to
help Sherman with an experiment in mind-to-mind communication.
Each day at a pre-arranged time, Wilkins attempted to send
thoughts of what had transpired that day to Sherman 3400 miles
away in New York City. Sherman recorded his impressions
and immediately mailed the transcripts to Gardner Murphy,
head of the parapsychology department at Columbia
university, who registered and filed them. When later compared to
a diary Wilkins had kept, Sherman’s impressions proved to be 70%
accurate. The full story is told in the book Sherman and Wilkins co-
authored, Thoughts Through Space [Creative Age Press,1942].

– Harold Sherman chronology.

Yep, he did.
According to the history section of the website for the ASPR, as the
American Society for Psychical Research was called –

…The American Society for Psychical Research,

first organized in 1885 with astronomer Simon
Newcomb as president, later became a branch of
the British Society for Psychical
Research,founded in 1882, and functioned in
Boston under the guidance of Richard Hodgson,
formerly of Cambridge University, until his death
in 1905. A newly-organized and independent ASPR
was soon thereafter established in New York with
James H. Hyslop, formerly Professor of Logic and
Ethics at Columbia University, as its secretary and
treasurer. During the years between 1906 and his
death in 1920, Professor Hyslop greatly expanded
the scope of the Society’s work and built up its
endowment fund. …Among the distinguished
contributors of the past may be mentioned the
physicists Sir William Barrett and Sir Oliver Lodge;
the psychologists William James and Gardner
Murphy, both of whom played major roles in the
development of the ASPR.

So, the fact that Gardner showed up with Harman’s LSD institute, in this
obscure publication that I dug up, just nails him as having been mixed
up in CIA/MI6 mind-control research and experimentation.

How’ bout them apples.

Ok. Now that we know what we’re dealing here with this channeling
session with Brooke, let’s see what they came up with. (literally).

Anthony Brooke: At this point can you say something about the
spirit that is appearing in England that calls himself Truth and who
has been seen by some people in solid form?

Fletcher: That’s Mr. Moon’s projection — a form of apparition — the

projection of the Spirit of Truth — who expresses himself through
Mr. Moon. In other words, in the language of the occult mystery
schools, its the astral or spiritual body of Mr. Moon projected and
seen by those who are ready for it.10

That’s Mr. Moon. Got it. Are there any more channelings?


Along with Jeanne Dixon, one of the nation’s most well known
psychics and famous for his sittings with Madame Henri Houdini
and later with Bishop James A. Pike, Arthur Ford did a sitting
with Rev. Moon in March, 1965. Sir Anthony Brooke had prepared
the way for this meeting the previous November. In that session,
Ford’s communicator, Fletcher, had testified to the Rev. Moon. 9

Is that it?
Yep. That’s what they gave us as “evidence”.

How about we fill in the holes a little here, yea?

And away we go…


Why Ashtar Command?

Where the heck did that come from

Why was the name Ashtar picked to star in this New Age UFO story?


It’s a re-boot of the declamatio legends and myths that had their
beginnings in the 1400’s around the time of Pope Nicholas V.

Declamatio is a rhetorical device (a technique) wherein a writer or

speaker invents a character of the past (otherwise known as
BACKDATING) and further invents things said and done by the ancient
fictitious character. In my article: Backdated Overpopulation Myths and
the Forging of The Bible starting at this point: “The Greek myth
of Deucalion and Pyrrha” I take the reader through actual evidence of
how every single supposed source or author are actually all
declamatios. Not one exception, and I think you might be surprised just
how prevalent these declamatios are as part of“education”.

Ok. So, with that in mind, in The Reckoning, chapter 1: God Religion in
Meopotamia Mike McClaughry points out that within the whole
fabricated Greek/Hebrew legends stories, supposedly one of the
Sumerian goddesses, Inanna, was later dubbed with other names such
as Ashtarte and Ashtoreth, and Ishtar. All of which, if you notice, sound
very close to the reboot Ashtar.

If we factor in the usual period of time when such re-naming and

declamatios were being employed, we can tentatively put this particular
re-naming at around 1450 to 1500 A.D, making it the earliest source-
period for the later re-boot of “Ashtar”.

Fast forward a few hundred years, and a another reboot happened in a

very interesting source – The Oahspe.

Reboot #1

Brothers of Light religion has been saying that numerous

evil demons attach themselves to a human body and cause all of man’s

In 1882, John Ballou Newbrough authors a new bible called Oahspe. It

was published in London and New York.
Oahspe, a new Bible in the words of Jehovih and his angel
by John Ballou Newbrough
It is a channeled book.

Like this –

*automatic writing – said to be produced by a spiritual, occult, or

subconscious agency rather than by the conscious intention of the

The Oahspe says hundreds of evil demons attach themselves to the

same human body and cause all of man’s woes.

The same year the Oahspe was published in London, the Society for
Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London. Some of its
founders were involved in backing the Oahspe publication.

From Scientology Roots, Chapter 21 –

Arthur Balfour was a President of the SPR and the SPR

was always dominated by members of the Cecil family. 8,
Dianetics and Scientology were both developed at the
SPR, under the control of the Cecil family, which
means underneath British intelligence.

The SPR is one place where the interconnection is seen

between various slavemaster front groups. The SPR
shows their ties together, and each group was engaged
in “social engineering” by advocating the British New
World Order.

Some noteworthy SPR members:

Arthur Balfour – member of the Cecil family

Frank Podmore – member of the Fabian Society
George Wyld – President of the British Theosophy
Sigmund Freud – member of the Independent Order
B’nai B’rith (Freemason)
Henri Bergson – his sister Mina Bergson was in the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Thomas Edison – promoter of the “Life Units” idea that
was later used in Scientology

The Oahspe specifically mentions Ashtaroth. Twice.

Considering Anthony Brooke’s ties to the SPR, and his role in the later
rebooting of Ashtar Command, that connection should get your

For an in-depth look at the history of the Oahspe and its relationship to
British intelligence agents at the time, as well as links to the best
sources for this book, please see article A Comprehensive History of
the Oahspe: And It’s Surrounds.

We’ll be coming back to that a bit later.

The next big reboot happens in 1952.

Reboot #2

A rather opportunistic man named George Van Tassel had himself a

visit by Ashtar (Astar) the space man from the Galactic Command of the
Galactic Confederacy, in 1952. The same time that L. Ron
Hubbard introduced his pseudo-science called Scientology and began
lecturing on…you guessed it. The politics, the chicaneries and what-not
of that very same Galactic Confederation.

Well, since they both talked about it, it must be true then, right?

Or…maybe that’s because they both had the same ‘boss’ tasking them
to parallel an actual truth and bring in the ‘believers’ in order to
waylay/distract any real truth-seekers.

George published a book in 1952 called: I Rode A Flying Saucer: The

Mystery of the Flying Saucers Revealed through George Van Tassel —
Radioed to you by Other-World Intelligences in Reaction to Man’s
Destructive Action.
The “radio” messages began 6 January, 1952 and continued, sporting
names like Lutbunn, Elcar, Molca. He didn’t really ride a space ship, he
was told that he “had” “astrally” traveled aboard a saucer, by one of the

Tongue in cheek…
George Van Tassel

The Ashtar communications began in July (per the book). According to

one of his Earth friends, Ashtar is sponsored by “Lord Michael and the
Great Central Sun government of this galaxy. . . . Second only to the
Beloved Commander Jesus-Sananda in responsibility for the airborne
division of the Brotherhood of Light,” Ashtar beams his channeled
messages from a colossal starship, or space station, that entered the
solar system on July 18, 1952.

For those of you who have ever heard L. Ron Hubbard lecture about
this sort of thing, listen to George Van Tassel here, live in 1956 and
notice how freakily similar it is to Hubbard. My husband Mike thought
it was Hubbard at first, when he heard me playing it!
That is just not right.

It was in 1947 that George Van Tassel moves to Giant Rock with his
wife, Eva, and their 3 daughters. They lease 4 square miles at Giant
Rock from the Bureau of Land Management, open Giant Rock
Interplanetary Airport and a restaurant, the Come On Inn, famous for
Eva’s hamburgers and spiced apple pie.

George was part of a crew that is usually referred to today as “the

Contactees.” They include George Adamski (1891–1965), the pioneer,
and his quickly emerging competitors, Truman Bethurum (1898–1969),
George Van Tassel (1910–1978), Daniel W. Fry (1908–1992), Orfeo
Angelucci (1912–1993), George King (1919–1997), Buck Nelson
(1894–1982), and about as many others, more obscure.

In August 1953, at 2:00 am, George Van Tassel claimed a ship from
Venus lands at Giant Rock and a being named Solgonda takes him
aboard. Here, he claims, the mysteries of the Integratron are revealed
to him. Ashtar gave him the technique for rejuvenating the human
body. In 1954, Van Tassel and others began building the Integratron to
perform the rejuvenation.

Here is his first hand account:

“From the position of the full moon, I judged it to be

about 2 a.m. On the desert here it is nearly as bright in
full moonlight as it is in daylight. I awakened, not
knowing why, but sensing that something had disturbed
me. We sleep outside about 8 months out of the year, so
you can see that our bedroom is readily accessible. This
is not uncommon as we operate a public airport and
have been awakened many times by our dogs barking at
people coming in the night. However, at this time not a
sound was heard from the dogs.”

I asked the man what he wanted, thinking his car might

have given him trouble and he walked into our remote
field as many others have done. At the same time I sat
up in bed. Beyond the man, about a hundred yards
away, hovered a glittering, glowing ship, around eight
feet off the ground. The man said, “My name is
Solgonda, I would be pleased to show you our craft.”

April 4, 1953 marked the first Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention at

Giant Rock Airport featuring many of George’s fellow “contactees”
including George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, Harold Arnold, Truman
Bethrum, Gene Dorsey, Gerald Heard, Donald Keyhoe, Meade Layne,
Desmond Leslie, George Hunt Williamson, Silas Newton, Ray Palmer,
Frank Scully, Daniel Fry, Gabriel Green.

Watch Van Tassel talking about it –

Thousands attend the Spacecraft Conventions at Giant Rock, which

become huge festivals of music, lectures by “contactees,” UFO
enthusiasts and weird science aficionados. (great pics here)

Life magazine – Van Tassel UFO convention 1954


The Van Tassels held UFO conventions at Giant Rock for almost 20
years to raise money for the project that would make Van Tassel a
noted man of the region, and they were constantly asking supporters for
donations. Thousands of believers passed through.

Amazing Stories editor Ray Palmer created a spin-off magazine
called Mystic and its first issue was in November 1953.

Ziff-Davis Publishing (William B. Ziff Sr.) purchased Amazing

Stories and that’s when Raymond Arthur Palmer was hired to be the
Editor in June 1938.

Ray Palmer

William’s son David Ziff, interestingly enough, would become a

scientologist and produce Scientology’s Advance! magazine starting in
the late 60’s, a magazine which featured psychic ability stories,
interviews with Ingo Swann when he was doing his remote-viewing
schtick, etc.

An interesting co-incidence, wouldn’t you say?

On the UFO angle, which actually was launched by Palmer in Amazing

Stories, Palmer assigned artists to make sketches of objects described
by readers and disc-shaped flying machines appeared on the covers of
his magazine long before the oft-touted (as the beginning of the UFO
movement) June 1947 issue.
Another example from the time period:
In fact, by 1947, MILLIONS of Americans had at least seen the pictures
on the covers, if not having actually purchased and read the magazine.

The funny thing is, that Palmer had been FABRICATING these stories
he was writing, but on June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold made his
famous sighting of a group of “flying saucers” over Mt. Rainier, and Ray
Palmer watched in astonishment as the newspaper clippings poured in
from every state, and he became quite unnerved. Suddenly, the things
that he had been fabricating for his magazine appeared to be coming
Just after this, is when the head of Ziff-Davis had his visit from two
men in Air Force uniforms, who demanded that the whole subject be
dropped. Palmer was let go (fired) and he published a magazine on his
own, called Fate, in the spring of 1948.

However misdirected, Palmer had inadvertently “stepped in it” as the

saying goes. Because at that time (1946/1947) – there was a very real
contact with an advanced aircraft. But it wasn’t in Roswell, nor was it in
the Pacific Northwest. From FBI declassified docs, is where that info
came from.

Ok. So here we are in 1953 and Ray Palmer has his first issue
of Mystic coming out.
In it was a story by Orfeo Angelucci (a partial pen-name) called I
Traveled in A Flying Saucer which bore a marked resemblance to the
theme presented in a similar story in the magazine by Palmer – both of
which were along the same lines as George’s visit from aliens.

“But even as the glowing red orb vanished two smaller discs came
from it. These discs were a soft fluorescent green and shot toward
me like shooting stars. They streaked down in front of my car and
hovered about fifteen feet directly in front of me. I judged them to be
about thirty inches each in diameter. Hanging silently in the air like
iridescent bubbles, their green light fluctuated in pulsations.

As I gazed at those two eerie balls of green fire I heard a

masculine voice, strong, well-modulated and speaking perfect
The voice apparently came from between the two green discs.”

“The voice stated that the small green discs were instruments of
transmission and reception comparable to nothing developed on

Then the voice added that through the discs I was in direct
communication with friends from another planet.”

It might interest you to know, that the CIA website has a

document which says the following (in relation to silvery, or fiery looking

In November 1954, CIA had entered into the world of high

technology with its U-2 overhead reconnaissance project. Working
with Lockheed’s Advanced Development facility in Burbank,
California, known as the Skunk Works, and Kelly Johnson, an
eminent aeronautical engineer, the Agency by August 1955 was
testing a high-altitude experimental aircraft–the U-2. It could fly at
60,000 feet; in the mid-1950s, most commercial airliners flew
between 10,000 feet and 20,000 feet. Consequently, once the U-2
started test flights, commercial pilots and air traffic controllers
began reporting a large increase in UFO sightings. (44) (U)

The early U-2s were silver (they were later painted black) and
reflected the rays from the sun, especially at sunrise and
sunset. They often appeared as fiery objects to observers
below. Air Force BLUE BOOK investigators aware of the secret U-2
flights tried to explain away such sightings by linking them to natural
phenomena such as ice crystals and temperature inversions.

Moving on –

This Oakland Spacecraft Club was connected to an organization

called The Understanding, Inc. which was actually a non-profit
organisation formed in around 1955 by one of the other “contactees”,
Daniel W. Fry, for the purpose of promoting saucerian ideas and
coordinating local working groups of believers.
It had “units” and Della (Del) Larson was the director of the unit called
the Oakland Spacecraft Club.

Here’s a 1957 ad for the Oakland Spacecraft club mentioning Howard

Menger, whoever that is.

Understanding had a newsletter/mag of sorts. Here’s an example of it

(an original scan here) and wouldn’t you know? We see One World
propaganda all over the thing, some of it looking awfully familiar as
appearing in Unification church teachings as well.

The organization came into being for the purpose of bringing about
a better Understanding between the peoples of the earth. At this
moment I cannot think of a better reason for the existence of
anything, but how to bring about that Understanding is a question
pretty big for one of my caliber, so pardon what might follow as
ideas flow through this fellow’s mind.


day of enlightenment and in the life of the race, surely our religious
leaders should have found a common ground of Understanding.

Page 14 of Thy Kingdom Come No. 8 advertises the Northern California

Spacecraft Convention, Alameda County Fair Grounds, Pleasanton,
Calif Sept 5, 6, 1959 pointing people to the Oakland Spacecraft Club for
“info”. It also mentions an upcoming George Van Tassel Convention in

It pictures Daniel Fry (center) –

Note the cover of this issue –

Dedicated to the Physical,

Spiritual and Economic
Emancipation of Man

Could they be any more obvious who they are after recruiting?

This thing is also just totally loaded with propaganda, messages from
Mars, from the interplanetary council, it’s just…wow.
So, George Van Tassel starts up in mid-1952 with the Ashtarand the
Galactic Federation, Confederacy, etc., with all these planets etc. and
how earth is a colony.

L. Ron Hubbard, starting in March 1952 gave a series of lectures that

continued throughout the year (more or less). Hubbard’s stuff takes a
decidedly darker turn than George Van Tassel’s stories, but still with the
“colonization” aspect by invading forces to Earth. Probably the best
example is a lecture called: The ROLE OF EARTH.

Well, now, the point is that the Fifth Invader Force operated for
some little time here in this system without suspecting the existence
of the Fourth Invader Force. And all of a sudden they started to lose
crews, and they didn’t know where they were going. And they got a
little more upset about it and a little more upset about it and a little
more upset about it.

And a battalion was sent down here to Earth 8,200 years ago, the
Third Battalion. If you find somebody who is a member of the Third
Battalion, why, speak up. Because the whole battalion, its officers,
staff and so forth, was under the command of the expeditionary
force commanding officer for this – not for just this area …

So 8,200 years ago, they came down in the Himalayas, the upper
headlands, up about, oh, I’d say about seventy-two miles
northwest of Khyber Pass, and put a base in there, and still not
believing that there was anything like an invader force operating in
this system, failed to take any vaguest precautions with regard to
their installations. They put up no defenses; after all, what was
here! Nothing but Homo Sapiens. That was just nothing, no danger,
no menace, and so on.

And they were in this installation just a very short time when all of a
sudden, with a terrific crash, the Fourth Invader Force, which was a
little more active then than it has become since, knocked out this
whole battalion (a battalion of that size is in the neighborhood of
about three thousand beings) and picked up all of its staff, all of its
staff officers and so forth, and took them through to Mars and then
knocked them back into this human race here. They’re still here.
There are saucer crews here; there’s all sorts of things on Earth
here from the Fifth Invader Force. Very interesting.

This is directly and violently in opposition to the Fourth Invader

Force. And the Fifth Invader Force, out of its own protection,
took over Venus – oh, relatively in modern times – took over
Venus and tried to stabilize the Venusian. If you called a Fifth
Invader, though, a Venusian, he would probably shoot you out of
hand, because it would be a horrible insult. They merely monitor the
government of Venus, and they leave Mars strictly alone.

…Really, from death back to assumption of a new body and so

on, is ordinarily a time period of about fifteen minutes, and he
has three engrams in those fifteen minutes:

1) The death,
2) The wipeout and implant between lives, and
3) The assumption – knocking out the GE and taking over a body at
birth. Very interesting.

…And there was – the Fourth Invader Force was here. The Fifth
Invader Force came in to use this area, and the name of this solar
system is Space Station 33. They started to use this area without
suspecting that the Fourth Invader Force had been there for God
knows how many skillion years, had been sitting down, and they
have their installations up on Mars, and they have a tremendous,
screened operation.

The Martian operation is a fascinating operation, simply because it

has gone into 100 percent holding force. And it does everything it
does with tremendous coversion. It’s sitting behind a defense
screen of enormous size, and nobody – it’s practically impossible to
penetrate that, except as a thetan. And if you penetrate it as a
thetan, you go through the Martian screen, and they got you!
[contrary facts, he just said it was not doing very well, busted etc. –
see 16 April 1952]
…But completely aside from that fact, Earth has been used
consistently as a prison; and it is a prison, and it is heavily
screened. There are installations in Mongolia, there are installations
in the Pyrenees here on Earth, and there are installations down in
the Mountains of the Moon in Africa which pick up, very often,
people on death.

Note: you might want to peruse this post to see just how much this
lecture was incorporated into the CIA remote-viewing adventures of Pat
Price over at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) in the 1970s.

Here’s a snippet where he sounds like George Van Tassel and is talking
about “galactic jump” spots as well as one of the other quotes above.

Note the introduction into Scientology by Hubbard of this planet as a

“prison” idea. Where’s he getting that from?

The Catholics.

…the grand Christian dogma on which religion rests as

on its foundation – that, when we have given up this
present life, then shall we really begin to live. God has
not created us for the perishable and transitory things of
earth, but for things heavenly and everlasting; He has
given us this world as a place of exile…

…the other pains and hardships of life will have no end

or cessation on earth; for the consequences of sin are
bitter and hard to bear, and they must accompany man
so long as life lasts.

To suffer and to endure, therefore, is the lot of

humanity; let them strive as they may, no strength and
no artifice will ever succeed in banishing from human
life the ills and troubles which beset it.
If any there are who pretend differently – who hold out
to a hard-pressed people the boon of freedom from pain
and trouble, an undisturbed repose, and constant
enjoyment – they delude the people.
– Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (of revolutionary change) May
15, 1891

Reboot #2
Here, there, everywhere a Galactic Federation

On December 10, 1962 the story of Xemu the intergalactic overlord
came out in Strange Tales fanzine.


Issue #103, December 10, 1962 – Strange Tales

You can see the story for yourself at Marvel’s digitized library.

The basic story is:

When newly built houses in the area have been found to sink into
their foundations, Reed Richards sends Johnny to go and
investigate. What Johnny stumbles upon is somebody from the 5th
Dimension, who has been involved in these incidents, when Johnny
learns the truth, he finds himself suddenly transported to the 5th

In the 5th Dimension, Johnny is taken before Xemu a dictator who

rules the dimension and plots to take over Earth, and he
discovers that the area where the houses were being built is where
they materialize when they travel to Earth’s dimension. Put in a wet
prison to prevent his flame powers, Johnny is freed by Valeria who
is the daughter of Phineas, who used to be the ruler before Xemu
overthrew his rule.

With the help of the Human Torch the people of the 5th Dimension
are able to overthrow Xemu and retake their realm.


When this character first he appeared in Strange Tales #103(1962), his

name was spelled Zemu. This was changed when he later appeared
in Fantastic Four #158 (1975).

Remember this, it’s about to have a lot of bearing on what Hubbard

does later on.

A little orientation now.

Both Anthony Brooke and L. Ron Hubbard were what are called “case
officers”. Both in respect to what they both began putting the pedal to
the metal about in this second reboot, and in a number of other areas
as well.

An Inspector General’s report of 1963, about the CIA, gave an

assessment of what a good clandestine – or covert – case officer was

The case officer is first and foremost, perhaps, a

practitioner of the art of assessing and exploiting
human personality and motivations for ulterior
purposes. The ingredients of advanced skill in this art
are highly individualistic in nature, including such
qualities as perceptiveness and imagination. [The PAS]
seeks to enhance the case officer’s skill by bringing the
methods and disciplines of psychology to bear…. The
prime objectives arecontrol, exploitation, or
neutralization. These objectives are innately anti-ethical
rather than therapeutic in their intent.13

Highly CIA-project connected Abraham Maslow came out with Toward a

Psychology of Being in 1962. This text is highlighted a number of times
in Willis Harman’s Changing Images of Man , where the main concept is
essentially the “gradient” scale of changing man’s awareness. Maslow,
showing his Rosicrucian/Masonic influence, often utilized a “pyramid” or
upward pointing Triangle model, with it’s “base” correlating to “base
needs” (Body needs) and it’s “point” correlating to “self-actualization” or
the “higher self”. In fact, you see this exact idea start showing up in the
Unification Church as well, by the way. In a NAF May 1, 1964
publication featuring Gordon Ross’s visit with Anthony Brooke (among
other things).


Kabala and Scientology


Scientology – ARC triangle


Freemasonry “signature”

Scientology – KRC triangle


Hubbard loved him some triangles.




Ok, so….

The CIA at that time, had just finished going through an inspection/re-
organization of its MKULTRA projects by an Inspector General,
resulting in what is colloquially known as the Earman Report13 which
came out in July of 1963.

The formation of the new Office of Research and Development or ORD

was a hot topic (and a bone of contention between various CIA officials)
throughout 1962, until finally in the summer an accord was reached.
Part of their initial charter was to assume TSD’s main research
functions, including behavioral science – thus ORD took over part
of the MKULTRA program.

The ORD began work in January 1963, with a staff of 3 transferred

from the former TSD. One from each of its divisions – Research,
Systems, and Analysis. Its scientists merrily continued searching for
ways of controlling our behavior.

Less well known, is WHAT they were going to focus on.

Know what it was?


The CIA’s ORD (as well as MKSEARCH) had begun shifting the focus
of testing all that had been learned during the previous 11 years into a
whole new arena.

The general public.

Lecture by Dr. Alan Scheflin, Professor of Law, Santa Clara University

and author of the book “The Mind Manipulators” published November
30, 2008

But it was in the 1960’s that the idea of using these

techniques on essentially freestanding populations was
experimented with and the cults provided the laboratory
setting for social influence processes where the people
are not taken into complete physical custody.

A prison environment without bars.

Get it?

Lab settings like…the Church

of Scientology.
Lab settings like…the
Unification Church
Their focus, and the focus of their generated propaganda they wanted
to use, test, study, etc., is a very interesting topic. In a nutshell, the
focus of propaganda on freestanding populations now, was not
to modify ideas, but to provoke action. It was not to change
adherence to a doctrine, but to make the individual cling irrationally to a
process of action. It was not to lead to a choice, but to loosen the
reflexes. It was not to transform an opinion, but to arouse an active and
mythical belief. 14

Listing them –

to provoke action
to make the individual cling irrationally to a process of action.
to loosen the reflexes
to arouse an active and mythical belief.

Especially that last one – Hubbard really went into overdrive on. All
sorts of materials12 of mythical and science-fictional events or “implant
incidents” were being churned out in lectures and bulletins left, right and

Ellul (the author we just quoted) said that for some, conditioned reflex
was the best methodology, but for Americans? The use of myth was
better to accomplish these things.

That’s interesting. Their excuse for why this is “ok” was summed up well
by Willis Harman in Changing Images of Man on p. 155.

“Myths shape perception.”

Perception of, not what actually is, you understand. That’s the
slavemasters, as we call them, alright. They’re all about “image”, not

This is what they are using to try and come up with what they
called conversion processes. How to get that “conversion” of perception
to what they wanted it to be, not what it actually is.

That’s where the “cults” come in.

In fact, this same year as the CIA shift in “testing” choice, L. Ron
Hubbard began completely changing around the structure of
Scientology, and it’s direction – the first real rumblings of which were in
November/December 1963.

The Administrative changes begin showing in Scientology. A “General

Classification Chart Issue One” is found in Scientology Administrative
Bulletin (HCO) Policy Letter 26 Nov 63 “Certificate and Classification
Changes, Everyone Classified”. This administrative change was
immediately followed by an amended version the following month, HCO
PL 11 Dec 63 “Classification for Everyone”.

*Both are in Volume 4 of the Organization Executive Course

The Technical changes as to the operational materials of Scientology,

also began showing at this time, where in a Saint Hill Special Briefing
Course lecture, Hubbard states:

[referring to someone hearing about Scientology]

He sees a chart up on the wall of where he’s supposed

to go. This tells him at once that there is someplace to
go, that there is a way to get there, and if various states
of arrived beingness are described with great reality on
this chart, and so on …

He frankly won’t look at the upper levels of the chart.

They won’t interest him. He will be mostly looking at the
immediately adjacent interests of the chart, you see.
And he’ll say, those are a good thing to have and this is
all he has to do. And this is all he has to study. And this
is his practice of activity and it’s on this schedule and
that sort of thing. And that [the hierarchal chart of
beingness] shows him that he can move from that point
on forward. The road then is not blocked out because he
sees that every time he gets at one of these points, he
can then take off to the next point similarly informed and
– Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #325, renumbered 1991: #357
Certifications and Classifications, given on 3 Dec 63)

Hubbard then invents a story of “how he came up with” the degrees or

gradients of awareness – the real reason is because he was told to.

“The other big shock that I had was just a very short
time ago, I sat as innocent as could be. I was happily
plotting away and working out the logical reduction for
common denominators of behavior [that’s totally
straight out of Maslow there] and I found out that the
common denominator of behavior was degree of
awareness – which you can put down if you want to as a
very interesting datum. It’s the degree of awareness is
the thing in common to all life.

That’s not true, but it’s interesting that he wants to present it as true, the
same way as Maslow and Changing Images of Man does.

It should be clear enough at this point, Hubbard’s deep involvement

with “the Great Plan” to re-make over the rest of us, and it should also
be understandable why he then completely rearranges the technical
aspects of Scientology, into a whole “bridge over the chasm”, with
ascending levels of Awareness leading to “Total Freedom”, or to use the
exact same concept from Maslow with a different name (words), to
reach Self-Actualization – the top of the Pyramid, the All-Seeing Eye;
to ascend the gradient of awareness in order to “join” with the “Great
Architect” of the Universe.

Which is it’s own special category of re-boot, a very old one.

The use of Myths.


The Bible

Nesilim double-headed eagle stuck onto Albert Pike’s freemasonry

Bridge to Light
Scientology Promotional materials – 1970s


Anthony Brooke –

After spending a month in Korea as his guest, I can myself testify to

the remarkable revelations which come to those who are attuned to
him. It seems to me that because Sun Myung Moon is incarnate
upon the earth at this time and has a particular link with the Christ
Ray, he make an indispensable bridge for many people who are
being given exceptional and life changing experiences by taking his
powerful name into their meditations.4

Pretty obvious, is’t it?

1963 happens to also be the same year that Hubbard starts going
sci-fi with a vengeance and actually begins incorporating literally
biblical writings mixed with sci-fi ufology within the “levels” of
Scientology courses and auditing.

UFO-ology as Religion.

UFO-ology as Science

UFO-ology as a path to freedom

Now we’ll discuss that in the context of how L. Ron Hubbard began re-
booting the whole Ashtar story “Galactic” organization scenario.

Hubbard named this galactic “Federation” as having something to do

with Marcabians, which he also said was not their right name and they
were really Espinolians – a not too thinly veiled dig at the highly
Catholic Spanish regimes.

The Espinols abandoned the Solar System in AD

1150, “when a group on Mars was finally abolished and
vanished”, and since then have used the system as a
dumping ground for convicts.
– Ron Hubbard lecture, The Free Being, SHSBC-281, July 9, 1963

Still workin’ that Prison Planet idea that he first discussed in 1952
though, as you can see. Also note the whole “Mars” group getting wiped
out that was also mentioned in the 1952 Role of Earth lecture.

Hubbard appears to have first introduced this Marcab theory though in


…Let’s start back a little bit further, where you will find
quite a few pcs. And that is the Marcab, or the Big
Dipper area of this particular galaxy…
– Principal Incidents on the Track, 27 Nov 59. Note: PC means Pre-Clear.
Someone who in Scientology has not achieved “Clear” status yet
through Hubbard’s auditing procedures.

In 1961, is (I believe) the first time Hubbard uses the term Marcabian.

Marcabian intelligence report date-something or other.

Did you hear about the Marcabians who had to PDH the
Thedeans who had to -in order to make Frank Sullivan
safe for democracy. Anyhow-ah, it’s a wonderful life.
– Points in Assessing – 7 June 1961 – SHSBC

Why is he using that name Marcab?

Because he “located” its society “in one of the tail stars” of the Big
Dipper constellation. One of which Hubbard decided to name Marcab.

…we have often called it and referred to it in the past as

the Marcab Confederacy. And it has been wrongly or
rightly pointed to as one of the tail stars of the Big
Dipper, which is the capital planet…
– AUDITING COMM CYCLES, 6 August 1963. Note: COMM is short
for Communication.

Hubbard is deliberately confusing the issue here, yep, he does that. A

lot. How? Well, because there happens to be a REAL star named
Markab, which is in the constellation Pegasus. Otherwise known as
Alpha Pegasus. Markab means “Saddle” in arabic. (recall that Pegasus
was a horse).

So, he takes off from a star name in a totally different constellation than
the Big Dipper, then says the home planet of the “Marcab” society is
located in one of the tail stars.

It’s the same name as a star, but it isn’t a star, it’s a planet, and it’s not
it’s right name, and it’s not located where the star that has that name is,
it’s maybe one of the tail stars of the big Dipper.


I think you’re supposed to look like this after all that bs posturing.

So that’s why “Marcab”.

Hubbard begins to flesh out this whole “story” quite a bit more in 1963,
by the way. He literally went on galactic overload, just making up more
and more bullshit.

… Helatrobus — not to be confused with Helatrobe.

Helatrobe is the Galactic Confederation.
… Oh, recording devices, and detective devices and
thisas and thatas and the other thing
all exist on the whole track. And there are all kinds of
things and my old pals in certain
sections of this universe — well, in the Galactic
Confederacy particularly — would be
absolutely horrified if I said, “Well, we developed a
meter we don’t have here,” because
their pride is that they have all the equipment that was
all — has ever existed or that will
ever be developed, and they know every electronic
activity that has ever existed or will
ever exist anywhere.
– SHSBC The Helatrobus Implants 21 May 1963

You can see much more like that here.

In one of his lectures, he again brings up this prison planet idea

… But the rest of this universe isn’t run this way. It’s a
question of where are we? Why?

Well, I know this: that onto this planet there’s a great

deal of dumping has gone on.

Stuff from the nearby galaxy — not this galaxy but from
the next galaxy over and so forth, is going on here. I
know they take political prisoners and guys who they
don’t want around, but it’s less personal than you
think. They just have excess population so they start to
get rid of their excess population, you see?

They’ve got a revolt, or you’re on the wrong side of a

war, or something like that, and they pick you up in
droves and ice-cube you and throw you into a sea
– Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Tape – Between
Lives Implants – 23 July 1963

Now look what Hubbard has done here.

Basically Hubbard is positioning Earth entire, as being a colony of
some universal Empire. You can see how he’s directly pulling from the
propaganda/colonization efforts of the 15 and 1600’s.

Not only is this a reboot of both the “flood” and the “overpopulation”
myths, it’s also a direct parallel of the whole prison planet, place of
exile Catholic myth.

Only now we have an interplanetary “mission” to save it, with Hubbard

the galactic space officer leading the way.

Less than a year later?

We have Anthony Brooke’s entrance of sci-fi Ufology with Sun Myung

Moon and Young Oon Kim.

Sun Myung Moon is direct link with Ashtar Command.

Through him the forces are dispersed where necessary.
These forces are not of one planet alone.
They are gathered from many and are the chosen ones for this
work for their knowledge and for their great love for the universal

Earlier in this chapter we made reference to the Ashtar Command

as being a hierarchical system under the Cosmic Christ, and
we can only report that a number of sensitives have significantly
linked the name of Sun Myung Moon with this system. 4

An interplanetary mission as well.

Reboot #2 Expanded –

Now things really get going.

In Towards Human Unity (republished and updated) p. 85 The
Universal Link Revelation II, Anthony Brooke mentions it happened
again – linking Moon to Ashtar Command in 1968 – this is the one
quoted earlier.

Earlier in this chapter we made reference to the Ashtar

Command as being a hierarchical system under the Cosmic
Christ, and we can only report that a number of sensitives have
significantly linked the name of Sun Myung Moon with this
system. While we were at Findhorn in the summer months
of 1968, a visiting sensitive who had no previous knowledge of
the mission of Sun Myung Moon was awakened early on 30th
July, with words which puzzled her so much that it was only with
reluctance that she was able to bring herself to share fully with
us the clear message which had been given her. It was as

“Sun Myung Moon is direct link with Ashtar

Command. Through him the forces are dispersed where
necessary. These forces are not of one planet alone. They
are gathered from many and are the chosen ones for this
work for their knowledge and for their great love for the
universal God.”

This is during the period of time that Brooke is literally single-handedly

being the British representative to promote Moon and his
newly dynamic duo spawned Unification Church reboot.

Ashtar Command.

Just before this, over in the Synanon/Scientology lockstep territory,

Charles Dederich and L. Ron Hubbard were changing to accomodate
this new catch-all thrust or “rehab”, but make no mistake, this was no
feel-good uplifting of man as it was propagandized. It was about
preparing him to better serve in slavemaster utopic ideas of society.

Synanon began operating game clubs so non-addicts outside it could

play the famous game. Three clubs were opened in California, one in
Detroit, and one in New York City. By 1968, some 3,400 outsiders were
playing the Synanon game.

This 1965 movie clip gives a dramatized example of the game.

On the heels of heavy promotion of Synanon and “successful” rehab

programs using the Game, Narconon was formed in early February of
1966 before the new U.S. NARA act even went into effect. At this time,
people caught using drugs were sent to prison – there were no federal
funds available yet for rehab units or places.

A man named William “Bill” Benitez – having gained approval from Ron
Hubbard – started Narconon on February 19 while he was still
incarcerated in Arizona state prison on narcotics charges.

In 1966, Synanon began going mainstream in a similar fashion as

Hubbard was doing. The propaganda slogan that was being circulated
to prepare for more “testees” among young Americans, was that a
human potential movement was beginning. Richard Middle-class
sophisticates getting in touch with themselves, taking part in sensitivity
training, and flocking down the coast to Big Sur to take off their clothes
and encounter each other nude at Esalen.

The Unification Church, through Young Oon Kim, had formed deep ties
with both Esalen and this “human potential” movement a few years
earlier in 1963.15

All this posturing is just so, so humanitarian.

However, the later activities of the Unification Church and its support of
drug lords and drug smuggling with scientologists and the Brotherhood
of Eternal Love to fund the mass killing of Nicaraguans who just wanted
their country to be, you know, their country, while giving cocaine to the
natives to keep them under control and with the Vatican bank happily
financing all aspects of this – does tend to put a damper on the whole
“humanitarian” image.16

Meanwhile in 1966 Hubbard starts his own personal intelligence agency

called the Guardian’s Office, then goes off to Africa on a British
intelligence/CIA mission.

Hubbard created the Guardian’s Office in March, which would house his
new personal intelligence unit. He made his wife Mary Sue in charge of
it, calling her The Guardian.

Right after this he took off for Africa. You can read all abouthis little CIA
mission down there (with the cover of supposedly establishing an “OT
base” for scientologists) but what’s interesting is when he
came back after having been kicked out of the country.

He resigned his position with the official Church and began planning
to form a BROTHERHOOD called the Sea Organization – dedicated to
getting the fallen through the “highest levels” of the chart.

And what was its original purpose as stated October 12, 1967?

A Cleared Confederation.

As helpfully told to us by the Church of Scientology in a 2015

recruitment flyer –


This same year – for the first time, L. Ron Hubbard incorporates an off-
shore money laundering account called Hubbard Explorational
Company Ltd. out of Panama on 15 December. Panama being where
General Manuel Noriega had just gone on the CIA payroll. (corporate
documents were obtained by me and Scott Gordon, please see
Scientology Drug Trafficking timeline section starting “Due to translation
problems and confusion“)

This, of course, happened to have been right after he had “resigned”

from all the boards of the Church.

The drug running and money laundering will now begin,

Hubbard ended his Saint Hill Special Briefing Course
lectures and under the cover of being “kicked out of
England” he takes off in his newly purchased sea-going
vessels to North Africa – Morocco and Las Palmas,
where the United States has a SIGINT military base and
where CIA Operation Gladio is underway to train
terrorists for Italy “against communism”.
– Follow the Money by Virginia McClaughry, September 27,

By 1967, Hubbard’s next intelligence mission was clear.

As CASE OFFICER, he needed to kookify things up for his next task.

“Before we tie into a religious group,” an SPD officer

told me some time ago, “it’s got to be so offbeat that
anyone in the Agency who belongs to it may be fired as
a security risk-and that does not include the Holy
– Without Cloak and Dagger by Miles Copeland; 1974, (page scan)

Per a lecture he gave a year later colloquially known as RJ67,

December 1966 happens to have also been when he began
planning the new myth for scientology, and boy was it a doozy.
Why? He said it was because he had “gone as far as he could go” and
that he needed to to a “contact” and put the “injured member” on the
right spot for the galactic catastrophe.

In his fictional sci-fi and universal order tale that he called the Wall of
Fire and made an Advanced level of Scientology courses – he
resurrects and creates a new myth, a new flood story, updated and

Xenu The Galactic Overlord
and the Body Thetans.

This is examined in great detail in my library compendium A

Comprehensive History of the Oahspe but here’s the part where he
inserts that this whole thing was a “solution” for overpopulation.

From the written OT III materials – found in the Internet Archive

The head of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around
larger stars visible from here) (founded 95,000,000 years
ago, very space opera) solved overpopulation (250
billion or so per planet – 178 billion on average) by mass

He also utilized in the elongated OT III story, a movie script

called Revolt in The Stars, an segment of the earlier Persianized Flood

The Persian Zahhak story –

…he bound Zahhāk [The Dragon Man…Reptilian] and

imprisoned him in a cave underneath Mount
Damāvand binding him with a lion’s pelt tied to great
nails fixed into the walls of the cavern, where he will
remain until the end of the world.

This mountain is mythologized as being located near the southern coast

of the Caspian Sea, in Āmol county, Māzandarān, 66 km (41 miles)
northeast of Tehran. Damavand is, as any cursory reading of Persian
literature will indicate, an obvious transliteration of the Mount Olympus
of declamatio Greek mythology from the 1400’s.
Hubbard’s version –

After a decisive defeat by forces loyal to the Confederation, Xenu and

his renegades are “sentenced to be exhibited on every planet to the
populations of each planet and then imprisoned in a
mountain sustained for eons by life-supports.”

Hubbard describes the scene on Mount Xenu on Planet Tawn before

the entrance is sealed and the prisoners plunged into pitch blackness.

Cables and wires lay in heaps on the copper sheathed

floor. Several white-coated doctors and their attendants
worked busily around a semicircle of hospital-style
tables on which the prisoners, strapped down, were
lying. Xenu was staring dully upwards as one doctor
fastened tubes to his wrists and another fastened them
to his ankles. The first doctor, having finished the
wrists, began to put two prongs around Xenu’s throat.
Wetting his dry, cracked lips, Xenu looked up at the
doctor, some terror showing in his glazed eyes. ‘These
devices keep one alive forever?’

‘Don’t talk,’ snapped the doctor. A guard stepped

forward. ‘Don’t talk to the prisoner!’

Despairing, Xenu rolled his eyes. ‘How long is

forever?’ No one answered, no one knew.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Revolt in the Stars, available at Wikileaks, or
in html format at the Internet Archive.

The BBC’s Panorama show did an segmented expose (April 27, 1987)
called The Road To Total Freedom, where they created an animated
version of the OT III story – here’s a video of that part of the show.

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