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Meaning and Concept of Social Studies

The study of social studies is an integral component of general education up to the
secondary level of school education is considered crucial because it helps the
students to understand the society and the world in which they live.
It also enables them to view the socio-economic developments and changes in the
context of time and space and also in relation to each other.
The curriculum of social studies at the school level draws its subject matter from
history, geography, civics, sociology, and economics. Some elements of commerce
are also included in it.
Man is a social animal. Every individual is a part of the society and it is not mainly
history, geography, civics or economics that matters, but rather man who
influences themselves and is influenced by their history, geography, civics or
economics, and their community.
The subject of social studies directly deals with man and the society in which they
live, carries the special responsibility of preparing young children to become well-
informed and constructive participants in society, capable of developing healthy
and social relationships.
Concept of Social Studies
As Social studies deals with man, their relations with other men, and their
environment therefore, it draws its contents from several social sciences to help us
understand the problem of man and how they deal with them.
Some of the traits of social studies could be:
• Study of society.
• Dealing with the art of living.
• Dealing with human relations.
• Study of contemporary society.
• Study of the present problems of the society: social, economical, and political.
The term ‘social studies’ is of recent origin. Its widespread usage began in 1916 in
the USA. The term’s origin in India can be traced back with the formulation
of the basic system of education in 1937.

Social Studies and Social Sciences

Social sciences deal with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects. Social
sciences generally include disciplines such as economics, political science,
sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and social and economic geography.
Social studies integrate the experience and knowledge concerning human
relationships. One of the earliest usage of the term ‘social studies’ appeared in the
United States in 1906 in an article named The Southern Workman written by
Thomas Jesse Jones. In 1908, Jones expanded this article and published Social
Studies in the Hampton Curriculum (Jones, 1908). Jones became the chairman of
the Committee on Social Studies of the Commission on Reorganization of
Secondary Education Association. That committee’s report in 1916 was widely
recognized, debated and finally accepted as identifying a curriculum area for
secondary schools whose purpose was to prepare young people to become
productive citizens.
The term ‘social studies’ acquired additional legitimation and prestige with the
formation of the National Council for Social Studies in 1921. Social studies
represent a child-centred approach and it is the practical part of human affairs.
Both social studies and social sciences share common body of content. The centre
of focus in social sciences and social studies is man’s relationship to man and their
environment and how they meet their needs.
Social Studies
• They are the simplified portions of social sciences.
• They represent a child-centred approach.
• They are the practical part of human affairs.
• They lay emphasis on the functional part of knowledge.
• They aim at guiding adolescents in their learning selected portions.
Social Sciences
• They are the advanced studies of human society.
• They represent an adult approach.
• They are the theory part of human affairs.
• They lay more emphasis on knowledge.
• They aim at finding out new truth about human relationships.

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