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1. How dependent are we on technology? Technology has made our lives better.

It actually
changed the whole world and our life today. It attracts human beings because of its one-of-a-
kind creation. Technology has been very useful to us because it delivers us information and data
on what’s happening around the world. By just using your hand and tapping on your
smartphone or tablet, you can now receive news tor information. Technology has also a big
impact in our society. In short, Technology has made our daily lives easier and better. I think we
are super dependent on the technology right now. Technology has taught us that life is super
easy. By just browsing in the internet, we can shop our clothes, buy gadgets, buy some food that
we want and much more. With technology, we can communicate with our loved ones in just one
click. Also, technology helps us in our education. Almost all we need is on the internet right now.
We 100% rely now in the technology because it made us advance in all aspects. But we need to
not be super controlled by the technology because it may cause too many bad things. An
example is, it may affect our mental health and may cause us to depression and stress. To sum it
up, Technology has a very big impact on our lives. They make our life quick and easy. It changes
our life and for sure it will be better and better. By just one click, we are modern and advance.
But we should avoid being addicted to the technology. It may also affect our sleep and anxiety.
It affects also our lack of communication without loved ones.
2. How do the different online platforms help you as a student in your chosen track? Different
types of online platforms have made a big role in my education as a TVL student. Online
Platforms are very important not just for me, but also for all the students. These platforms are
key for me to graduate and achieve my goals. From the word Technology on TVL, different
online platforms are very useful because it is very needed in our curriculum to access what are
the new technologies right now. Education are now usually based now on online platforms that
can be found in the internet. As we are having a pandemic, Online platforms help me to
communicate with my teachers and classmates. Using online platforms can assist me by just
searching topics on my specific subject that I am confused. There are some online platforms that
I need to get some information for my courses. Also, it helps me better because online platforms
make my knowledge expand. It also teaches me to be more productive at what our topic or
discussion and encourage me to work at my own. In conclusion, Different Online platforms are
one of the best ways to make your knowledge more. It is a tool for me and all the students to
make our dreams come true. In online platforms, you can see whatever you are trying to see.
You also need to utilize the resources you’ve seen on different online platforms. Lastly, it is a
major role to know more information around the globe.

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