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5445: Week 2

 Classroom should be available to students 15 minutes prior to class starting, you do not
have to be there!
 When giving one on one help to student: have door open, sit near the door
 Broken telephone

 Printing press: printing indulgences and making a fortune, he was a year early, went to
the church and they printed it
o Stories have been retold over and over
o Exodus 15, oldest passage in Bible write stories down, edit them
 There are mistakes in content but not when it comes to religious truth

Literary Techniques and Approaches Used in the Bible

Etiology: is the study of causation. Derived from the Greek word for “giving a reason for”.
The word is most commonly used in medical and philosophical theories, where it refers to the
study of why things occur and the reasons behind the way that things act. It is also used in
philosophy, physics, psychology, government, medicine, and biology in reference to the causes
of various phenomena.  A written explanation to prove and already existing fact

Inerrancy: no mistakes in religious truth

 God did not create Adam and Eve (2 individual people), he created male and female
 Should we believe everything we read in the Bible? NO
 Anything you give your students, preview it first!

Symbolic Numbers: numbers that appear in the Bible

666: During the reign of Caesar Nero (54-68CE)
40: used to represent a long time  Israelites wander in desert for 40 years, it rained for 40
days and nights etc…
7: means perfection  there are seven sacraments; on the 7th day God rested
Old age: means you’re a good person  died at a young age? You or your parents did
something bad and you are being punished

Approaches to the Bible

Scientific Approach: bible reader tries to apply scientific principles to the events in the
readings God separating light from darkness referred to as the big bang (cosmic not a
theological event)
 You can teach evolution in a Catholic school

Literal Approach: reader says that every word in the Bible is correct.
 Cannot take the Bible literally!
Concordist Approach: a blend of 2 things
All three approaches are wrong and should not be followed. The approach that should be
followed is the Critical Approach

Critical Approach: we MUST take the Bible on its terms not ours.

Genesis 19: 5-8

Activity: try to figure out the main message that the author is trying to convey without your bias
 Case of dominance for these men over the angels
 “Take my daughters”  I am willing to get a lower price for my property (women were
not people) to protect the angels

Writers of the Bible:

1. Yahwehistic: writes from the point of view of Yaweh (God)
2. Priestly: writes from the point of he priest. Putting God’s law into effect, doing what
needs to be done for society to run smoothly
3. Historical: puts the events into context, giving the reader a base to start from.

Post it pile up activity: quick feedback about if students understand what you have taught

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