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ENT MCQs @2010

1- Which of the following statements is false ?

A- OSAS has no effect on the intellectual performance. A

B- OSAS is more common in males than females.

C- OSAS is associated with increased incidence of myocardial infarction and


D- Diminshed pharyngeal muscle tone will aggravate symptoms of snoring and

sleep apnea.

E- The most frequently occurring daytime symptom of OSAS is sleepiness.

2- The stapedius muscle is innervated by the cranial nerve :

A- V




E- X

3- Surgical excision of a draining sinus tract deep in the external auditory canal will
include a dissection of :

A- The jugular vein.

B- The superficial temporal artery. E

C- The hyoid bone.

D- The stapes.

E- The facial nerve.

4- The central portion of the hyoid bone should be removed when removing a :

A- Dermoid.

B- Thymic cyst.

C- Branchial cleft cyst. D

D- Thyroglossal cyst.

E- Thyroid nodule.

5- The removal of the second branchial cleft sinus tract may rquire removal of :

A- Thyroid gland.

B- The tonsil. B

C- The parotid gland.

D- The hypoglossal nerve.

E- The hyoid bone.

6- The first pharyngeal pouch forms:

A- The semicircular ducts

B- The ossicular chain. E

C- The cochlea

D- The sacule

E- The middle ear cavity

7- A malformed pinna is :

A- Always associated with middle ear anomalies

B- Pathognomic for An atrophic cochlea C

C- An indication of first and second branchial arch abnormalities and may be

associated with abnormalities of the ossicles

D- A sign 0f sever anomalies of the central auditory pathway

E- Never associated with abnormalities of the middle ear and ossicles

8- Scheibe’s anomaly is best described as

A- Agenisis of the middle ear

B- Malformation of the Vestibule D

C- A conganital malformation of the stapes

D- Dysplasia of the cochlea and the saccule

E- Stenosis of the external auditory canal

9- Rubella infection of the inner ear can result in

A- Scheibe-type dysplasia of the cochlea and saccule

B- Agenisis of the stria vascularis A

C- Malformation of the anterior crista

D- Agenisis of the coclear duct

E- Duplication of the lateral semicircular duct

10- The chorda tympani nerve is a branch of which cranial nerve?


B- X



E- V

11- The tensor tympani muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve ?

A- X



D- V


12- The muscle responsible for Eustachian tube closure is

A- Tensor tympani

B- Tensor vela palatini

C- Salpingopharyngeal E

D- Levator vela palatini

E- Non of the above

13- In the human, the most commonly affected cells of the inner ear in noise trauma are
a- Innear hair cells

b- Intermediate cells of the stria vascularis

c- Outer hair cells C

d- Interdental hair cells

e- All of the above

14- The depression on the face that marks the approximate location of the nasofrontal
angle is called:
A- Rhinion

B- Radix

C- Nasion C

D- Glabella

E- Vermion

15- The following are true facts about the nasal septun except :
A- It is composed of cartilaginous and bony components

B- It is a key component of the internal nasal valve C

C- It forms a support structure from the nasion to the rhinion

D- It support the nasal tip

E- Septal perforations are mostly iatrogenic

16- Trauma to which bony structure causes the highest risk of cerebrospinal fluid leakage
A- Vomer

B- Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone B

C- Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

D- Premaxilla

E- Nasal bones

17- Penetration of which structure allows infection spread from the paranasal
sinuses to the orbit ?

A- Basal lamella

B- Fovea ethmoidalis

C- Uncinate process

D- Lamina papyracea D

E- Choncha bullosa

18- Anterior ethmoidal artery ligation will best control which bleeding situation ?
A- An anterior septal bleed only

B- A posterior septal bleed only

C- An anterior lateral wall bleed only E

D- A posterior lateral wall bleed only

E- An anterior septal and lateral wall bleed only

19- The function of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is to :
A- Adduct the vocal cords

B- Abduct the vocal cords B

C- Oppose or approximate the vocal folds

D- Lengthen the vocal folds

E- Shorten the vocal cords

20- Innervation of the Cricothyroid muscle is by :

A- Efferent fibers from the recurrent laryngeal nerve

B- Efferent fibers from the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve

C- Efferent fibers from the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve C

D- General somatic efferent fibers in the vagus nerve

E- General somatic efferent fibers in the phrenic nerve

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