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Topic: Formal Report.

Name and Last name:

Hazel Benita Vanegas Hernández
Neyling Mariángeles Ordoñez Mendoza

1st year, Group #3, IGI

Date: October 24th 2019

At the request of Manuel Pérez González General Manager of the company "AGROSA", the
directive of the branch of Herrera, belonging to the same body, is pleased to present the following
report. It will cover the following aspects: poor security, poor police participation and non-
existent prevention systems. The objective of this report is to analyze and find solutions to the
wave of robberies that plague the branch. Analysis Poor security is the main cause of the branch
becoming one of the most attractive objectives of the sector for thugs. The poor preparation of
the personnel in charge of this work is well known to the perpetrators of these robberies. This is
largely due to the few requirements imposed by the company at the time of hiring. Another factor
is the low number of employees in charge of security, who are overcome by not being able to
monitor all units at once. However, the participation of the police in the investigation and
prevention of these criminal acts, both in the branch and in surrounding areas, is something that
has shone by its absence. On the one hand, the military body in charge of surveillance and
protection of the sector has a limited workforce, which makes it difficult to confront the current
wave of crimes. On the other hand, the members of the police force are elderly people, who have
a hard time doing their homework, this causes the thugs to feel indifferent to the police presence.
All this has resulted in the potential and habitual clients being be deterred from making your
purchases after 7:00 pm.

Another aspect to be discussed is the practically non-existence of mechanisms, tools or systems

for supervision and surveillance. As these systems are not available, the activities within the
facilities are not registered, this makes the branch an idyllic place to carry out any type of theft.
The need for these systems becomes more evident when presenting formal accusations against
the subjects, given that when they do not have evidence, they are quickly released without any
penalty or punishment. Given this situation, the number of robberies only grows exponentially, as
does the number of people who perform these acts. Recommendations In order to solve the
facets and finally the problem described above, the following recommendations are proposed:

Hire a larger number of guards and train existing security measures to perform better. This action
can be done through a company specialized in security. The rest of the staff can also be instructed
to detect and act appropriately in case of any suspicious event, which can be achieved through
talks and conferences. Send a formal call to the police force in the region in order to control
criminal actions and renew the aging staff. Also, ask the nearest department to provide ready-to-
dispatch units in case of a precarious situation. Install theft sensors and surveillance cameras in
strategic locations. Another measure to take is to provide the vigilantes with Walkie-talkie "so
that there is a more fluid and efficient communication between them. Conclusion In conclusion,
given this situation, sales have gradually fallen to a minimum, just as it has. In fact, the number of
clients, if the problem is not solved, the branch is in danger of ceasing its activities in the sector,
consequently, urgent attention is demanded by the company and rapid police action in order to
start this problem at the root.

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