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A CELEBRATION OF SUCCESS We can begin again and change the way we look think changing the way we

think sets us on a new road that trusts more, dares more, loves more, and
Different definition of success to give live more.
Someone said that behind every successful man there’s a woman.
Some people think that success is having a lot of money,  But success and
money are not necessarily the same thing because there are a whole lot of
things that money can’t buy. B. MUST CONSISTENT ON THE RIGHT DIRECTION
Success is having power, but success and power are not necessarily the Walking in the right direction.
same thing. 
Success is not having money, power or not having prestige, position or How can I keep to be headed in to the right direction.
prominence, success is not having your name up in the lights and enjoying a. Remember God’s word. Proverbs 3:1
the applause of men. *God says: “Don’t forget my Word. -- Let your heart keep my
But a success is DISCOVERING AND DOING THE WILL OF GOD AND FOR commandments.”
YOUR LIFE. The word of God becomes the power in life to keep us from sin.
SUCCESS IS FULFILLING THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH GOD CREATED YOU UN The road map, direction and formula of success.
THE FIRST PLACE. Thy word will our step- Psalm 119:105
Thy word will keep your heart pure- Psalm 119:9-11
God created us to succeed – God has given us everything we need to
Thy word assures as our Plan and future- Jeremiah 29:11
succeed in Life.
b. Rely on God’s Promised.
If we want real success in life then we must pursue to God’s direction in life. “He shall direct our Path”
We have the bible- HIS WORD God ordained every step we take the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the
A blueprint road map and authoritative standard for every detail of our lives positive and negative.
and in His word He has given us all the information we need to start living a PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN:
life of success. But God did not make frivolous promises that He does not intend to keep. God is
Joshua 1:8- READ IN THE SCREEN faithful to all His promises. God’s promises may not be fulfilled exactly the way we
want them to be or at the time we want to be, BUT HE ALWAYS KEEPS HIS
Key to living a successful life in God’s way

a. MUST CHANGE THE PERSPECTIVE OF LOOKING AT LIFE. c. Render a proper reverence to God- Fear of the Lord: Proverbs 1:7
Start changing perspective and embrace God’s way and perspective. Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 the whole duty of man is to Fear God.
Our perspective – the way we interpret what’s happening around us- it Fear God means that we recognize Him as supreme and absolute and real- He is
shapes us how we think, how we engage people how we act in our everyday the one who address our Trust.
living. Theme of the Proverbs: the fear of the Lord
God is calling us to align our perspective with His to see things from His Speaks of submission to His will or control
vantage point. Proverbs 1:7 path to gain wisdom start in the fear of the Lord
What you’d like to accomplish in your life time?
You’d much rather strive for success and define success a fulfilling and
prosperous career, satisfying relationship and a happy and productive life.
Then success becomes an idol in our lives when it replaces the relationship
and devotion to God.
Success is not about Achieving things in Life but is about God.

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