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PBL comment Term 3

Primary 1 – Ms. Deby

_________  takes  an  active  role  and  listens  attentively  during  class  discussions. 
Our  topic  for  this  term  is  “Use  less  Plastics”.  He/She  has  an  impressive 
understanding  on  what  interests  her/him.  _______  associates the concepts learnt 
with  his/her  personal  experience  and  conveys  them  confidently.  Moreover,  he/she 
never  hesitates  to  ask  for  clarification  when  needed.  We  are  looking  forward  to 
hearing more insights, _________.  

_________  grasps  the  topic  well  during  the  PBL  period. Our topic for this term is 

“Use  less  Plastics”.  She/He  enhances  the  discussion  through  insightful  comments 
and  frequently discusses concepts about which she/he has learnt based on personal 
experience  without  hesitation.  She/He  follows  directions  and  works  precisely.  We 
would like to hear more from you next term, _______. 


_________  stays  focused  during  the  PBL  period.  Our  topic  for  this  term  is  “Use 
less  Plastics”.  He/She  shows  interest  in  the  topic  given  and  follows  the  discussion 
thoroughly.  He/She  gives  precise  answers  when  a  question  is  raised  to  him/her. 
However,  ________  is  encouraged  to  build  more  self-confidence  to  participate 
more  actively  and  raise  questions to his/her teachers without hesitation. We would 
like to hear more from you next term, _______. 

_________  enjoys ​the time when a topic is being presented during PBL lesson​. Our 
topic  for  this  term  is  “Use  less Plastics”. She/he shows curiosity to what interests 
her/him.  She/he  relates  well  with  friends  yet  needs  to  listen  more  attentively 
during  introduction  and  sharing  times.  She/he  would  benefit  from  showing greater 
desire  to  engage  and  contribute  more  to  improve  her/his  analytical  skill. We would 
like to hear more from you next term, _______. 
PBL comment Term 3
Primary 1 – Ms. Deby

_________ consistently participates in group discussion and is always excited 

when discussing and sharing ideas about the topics given. Our topic for this term is 
“Use less Plastics”. S​he/He is respectful towards others by listening to their 
opinions attentively and taking turns in contributing ideas​ _________ has done 
excellent work.  

_________ usually participates in group discussion. Our topic for this term is “Use 
less Plastics”. _________ shares his/her opinion confidently and show his/her 
interest when it comes to PBL lessons. He/she also manages the time effectively 
when delivering his/her ideas. _________ has done a good job. 

_________ works cooperatively with the group. Our topic for this term is “Use 
less Plastics”. He/she works well in collaborating his/her idea to solve the problem 
given. However, he/she ​is encouraged to participate more actively in sharing 
his/her opinions​. ​ We would like to hear more from you next term, _______. 

_________ enjoys ​the time when a topic is being presented during PBL lesson​. O ​ ur 
topic for this term is “Use less Plastics”. _________ needs to ​participate more 
actively​ i​ n group discussion. He/she requires more support to organize information 
about our topic discussion. We would like to hear more from you next term, 

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