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Diorella B. Estrella


The identity of the Catholic church is deeply rooted to the Holy Trinity. This sets us apart
from other religion. According to St. Augustine of Hippo the Holy Trinity is peculiar hence,
people barely understand its nature. However, the Trinity is often defined as three distinct
personas in one God.

The sun at the upper right side signifies the Holy Trinity. This celestial body has three
parts: heat rays, light rays and chemical rays much like the Trinity. These 3 distinct parts all
together form a sunlight. Without the other darkness would prevail the world. The same goes
with the Holy Trinity there is no God with the absence of an aspect. The sun also symbolizes the
life that the Trinity gave us. If there is no sun the tree would eventually die. This implies that we
are nothing without God. He is our nourishment and we owe everything to Him.

The tree symbolizes God’s creation. The tree is filled with God’s creation from: day and
night, sky and seas, land, animals and most especially man. The humans are placed at the
center of the tree because we are the steward of God’s creation. Our sole purpose is to
reciprocate God’s love through taking care of His masterpiece. We are the seed of God therefor
we must live up to His name.

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