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Target Genes: Bone Proteins
Gerald J. Atkins 1, David M. Findlay 1, Paul H. Anderson 2,
Howard A. Morris 2
Bone Cell Biology Group, Discipline of Orthopaedics and Trauma, University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia, 2 Chemical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia;
School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

VITAMIN D AND SKELETAL phenotype observed in the vitamin D receptor gene

HOMEOSTASIS knockout (VdrKO) mouse can be rescued by feeding
a diet containing high levels of calcium and phosphate
Genome-wide analyses indicate vitamin D, through has led some to conclude that VDR-mediated activity
its active metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25 in bone is essentially redundant [5,6]. Others have sug-
(OH)2D3) and the vitamin D receptor (VDR), has a poten- gested that actions of VDR in bone may in fact impair
tial to regulate the expression of some 3000 genes [1]. mineralization [7,8]. These conclusions are, however,
However, current evidence indicates that the strongest difficult to reconcile against an accumulating large
phenotype exhibited by vitamin-D-deficient humans or body of evidence indicating that vitamin D activity in
animals relates to impaired skeletal health. The first bone is critical for bone cell differentiation and optimal
scientific reports in the early 1900s that rickets was mineral status [9e12]. In this chapter, we examine the
due to vitamin D3 deficiency placed vitamin D as central evidence for direct effects of vitamin D on the bone as
to the regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis. a tissue, and its actions on the constituent cells of
In this context, it appears that the most critical and most bone, in particular bone-matrix-forming osteoblasts,
widely studied endocrine role of vitamin D is its contri- osteocytes, and bone-resorbing osteoclasts.
bution to the maintenance of plasma calcium and phos- There is now evidence that each of the major bone
phate at physiological levels through regulation of cells is capable of producing 1,25(OH)2D3 from the
intestinal absorption of dietary calcium and phosphate. 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) precursor, and that
A central question, however, is whether vitamin D this activity is likely to account for the skeletal effects
acts directly on bone tissue to modulate bone mineral of circulating 25(OH)D3 (see Fig. 23.1). On the weight
homeostasis and bone strength. This question has been of this evidence, we have proposed that bone is an
difficult to answer conclusively due in part to the direct intracrine organ of vitamin D metabolism [13]. The
actions of vitamin D on plasma calcium and phosphate actions of 1,25(OH)2D3 are mediated ultimately by
levels, which indirectly affect bone mineralization and direct effects on individual vitamin-D-responsive
structure. One direct action that has been clearly demon- genes. However, the effects of vitamin D on bone tissue
strated is the ability of plasma 1,25(OH)2D3, at least at as a whole are not yet fully understood but are likely
supraphysiological levels, to stimulate bone resorption due to a combination of direct effects via VDREs, down-
by the activation of osteoclasts [2]. stream effects of the induced gene expression and
The effects of vitamin D deficiency on bone in vivo effects at specific stages of bone cell proliferation and
can apparently be largely corrected by increasing die- differentiation. The effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on important
tary calcium and phosphate [3,4], suggesting that transcription factors, which in turn govern a down-
vitamin D is not an absolute requirement for optimal stream program of gene expression, will also be
bone health. Indeed, the fact that the osteomalacic considered.

Vitamin D, Third Edition DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381978-9.10023-X 411 Copyright Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The 1a-hydroxylation of 25(OH)D3 to 1,25(OH)2D3 in

UVb bone cells was reported almost three decades ago
Skin [23e25] and yet only recently has evidence arisen to
7-dehydrocholesterol suggest that locally produced 1,25(OH)2D3 in osteo-
Vitamin D3 blasts plays a role in osteoblast differentiation and
mineralization and in the regulation of osteoclastogene-
sis and osteoclast activity [9e12,26,27]. We and others
25D have characterized Cyp27b1 promoter activity and
Cyp27b1 mRNA expression in bone tissue associated
bone cells with trabecular bone and growth plate [13,16,28] (see
25D Fig. 23.2). Cyp27b1 mRNA levels were significantly
higher in rat fetal bone than in adult bone and were
Bone shown by in situ hybridization to be present largely in
CYP27B1 growth plate chondrocytes and osteoblasts [29]. We
have demonstrated the age-related regulation of
1,25D Cyp27b1 mRNA expression in rat bone, which is also
increased in the presence of high dietary calcium levels
and is positively associated with bone mineralization
R +1 [20,30]. Similar findings of a relationship between circu-
lating 25(OH)2D levels and osteoid thickness have been
reported in two separate clinical studies [31,32]. Further-
more, the expression of bone Cyp27B1 mRNA is distinct
osteoblasts - proliferation from the regulation of renal Cyp27B1 mRNA [33]. The
- differentiation
- mineralization levels of Cyp24 mRNA in bone, a gene exquisitely regu-
osteoclasts - development lated by 1,25(OH)2D3, are coupled with the levels of
- activity bone Cyp27b21 mRNA expression and independent of
osteocytes - function changes to circulating levels of 1,25(OH)2D3, suggesting
that the local bone production of 1,25(OH)2D3 is respon-
FIGURE 23.1 A major source of active 1,25(OH)2D3 to regulate sible for regulating CYP24 activity [20,34].
bone processes of turnover and mineral homeostasis is now consid-
ered to be the bone itself. The action of the 1a-hydroxylase enzyme
(CYP27B1) in bone cells including osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteo-
cytes, gives rise to the active form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3. 1,25
(OH)2D3 binds to the VDR in the nucleus of target cells whereby it can
alter gene transcription of vitamin-D-responsive genes, including
those involved in essential bone cell activities, such as bone formation
and resorption.


Circulating 1,25(OH)2D3, under nonpathological
conditions, is derived by the actions of the renal 25
hydroxyvitamin D 1a-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) enzyme,
which is highly expressed under certain conditions in
the proximal tubular epithelial cells of the kidney
[14e16]. CYP27B1 is also expressed in a wide range of
extrarenal tissues including bone. Except in the cases
of sarcoidosis [17] and placentation [18], extrarenal FIGURE 23.2 Bioluminescence grayscale heat-map showing
production of 1,25(OH)2D3 does not appear to con- regions of Cyp27b1 promoter activity in a femur (A) of the 1501 bp
tribute significantly to circulating levels [19,20]. Thus, Cyp27b1 promoter-Luciferase reporter transgenic mouse. The darker
local or cell-specific production of 1,25(OH)2D3 in bone intensities of gray (B) represent greater activity of the CYP27B1
promoter. The overlaid grayscale heat-map with the femur image
and other tissues has been generally postulated to act (C) demonstrates greater Cyp27b1 promoter activity in proximal and
in an autocrine or paracrine manner to regulate param- distal regions of the bone consistent with growth plate and trabecular
eters of cell growth and differentiation [21,22]. bone structures.


In human osteoblasts, CYP27B1 mRNA expression Growth plate chondrocytes also express Cyp27b1
and conversion of 25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3 in mRNA and display 1a-hydroxylase activity [43,44].
transformed osteoblasts were demonstrated by Van Evidence suggests that 1,25(OH)2D3-VDR signaling is
Driel and colleagues. By using the pan inhibitor keto- an important pathway for chondrocyte support of osteo-
conazole, they showed the reliance for this effect on clastogenesis during bone remodeling at the growth
cytochrome P450 activity [9]. We have also shown plate [45]. More recently, gene deletion and transgenic
the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA in human primary mouse models of CYP27B1 activity in chondrocytes
osteoblasts isolated from adult femoral bone samples, demonstrated that locally produced 1,25(OH)2D3 in
and human osteosarcoma cell lines, and that 1,25 these cells regulated RANKL-mediated osteoclastogene-
(OH)2D3 can be produced from 25(OH)D3 at physio- sis, endochondral ossification, and chondrocyte devel-
logical concentrations in these cells [12,35]. Using opment in vivo [46].
RNAi gene silencing, the synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3 Intriguing preliminary data have been obtained sug-
and the expression of osteocalcin, osteopontin, RANKL, gesting that the locally produced 1,25(OH)2D3 in bone
and CYP24 mRNA in response to 25(OH)D3, were tissue exerts a differential response from that derived
all dependent on CYP27B1 activity [12,35]. Thus, from the circulation. Thus in a rodent model, when
autocrine 1,25(OH)2D3 synthesis and activity is a circulating levels of 25(OH)D3 are below 80 nmol/L,
common feature of human osteoblastic cells. We also bone loss is detectable as a result of increased bone
showed that treatment with physiological levels of resorption, increased osteoclastogenesis, and increased
25(OH)D3 inhibited cell proliferation and stimulated Rankl expression, driven by elevated circulating 1,25
osteoblast differentiation, increasing the degree of (OH)2D3 levels [47]. On the other hand, when 25(OH)
matrix mineralization by human osteoblasts [12]. 25 D3 levels are adequate and metabolized by bone cells
(OH)D3 mainly circulates in vivo bound to the to 1,25(OH)2D3 then Rankl expression is minimized.
vitamin-D-binding protein, DBP, and this interaction Furthermore there is clearly a differential response to
is thought to exclude 25(OH)D3 from entering cells induction of Cyp24 when osteoblastic cells are incubated
by passive diffusion [36]. The DBP-25(OH)D3 complex with 1,25(OH)2D3 or 25(OH)D3 in vitro. Cells incubated
is reabsorbed specifically by renal tubules via the with 25(OH)D3 at levels of approximately 100 nmol/L
expression of two receptors for DBP, cubilin and induce vitamin-D-responsive genes such as osteocalcin
megalin [37,38]. In further support of 25(OH)D3 and osteopontin in a CYP27B1-dependent manner.
metabolism representing a physiologically important Cyp24 is not significantly induced until levels of 25
pathway in osteoblasts, human osteoblastic cells (OH)D3 reach 400 nmol/L. However, when 1,25
have been shown to express both cubilin and megalin (OH)2D3 is incubated with osteoblastic cells, Cyp24 is
[9,35]. the first gene to be induced at the lowest levels of 1,25
Many studies have shown an effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 (OH)2D3 [11]. The mechanism of such differential effects
on osteoclast formation, focusing on indirect effects is unknown at this time; however it could be related to
via the osteoblast. Certainly, these effects are impor- the ability of vitamin D, especially when locally metab-
tant, as indicated by studies using Vdr-null osteoblasts olized, to induce osteoblast maturation. It has been
[39]. However, we have recently demonstrated that well established that early or pre-osteoblast-like cells
human peripheral blood mononuclear-cell-derived respond to vitamin D in a different manner from mature
osteoclasts convert 25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3 [27]. osteoblast or pre-osteocytic-like cells, as discussed in
As will be discussed further below, conversion of 25 more detail later in this chapter.
(OH)D3 to 1,25(OH)2D3 in osteoclasts dose-dependently In summary, bone cells express the vitamin D meta-
inhibited the resorptive activity, with a maximal effect bolic enzyme CYP27B1 and have the capability of con-
(~30% inhibition) seen at 25(OH)D3 levels >50 nmol/l. verting 25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3, to elicit various
These data suggest that 25(OH)D3 metabolism in cells effects central to bone remodeling, including bone
of the osteoclast lineage optimizes osteoclastogenesis resorption, bone formation, and mineralization. The
and regulates the resorptive behavior of mature osteo- potential and known effects of 25(OH)D3 metabolism
clasts. Cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage have during bone remodeling are depicted in Figure 23.3.
been shown to express Cyp27b1 mRNA and convert Further innovative studies are required to identify and
25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3 [40,41]. Bone marrow characterize these autocrine/paracrine networks of
macrophages also convert 25(OH)D3 into either 1,25 vitamin D metabolism and activity in the in vivo bone
(OH)2D3 or 24,25(OH)2D3. Reichel and coworkers [42] microenvironment to establish the relative roles of
demonstrated that, upon exposure to recombinant endogenous and exogenous sources of 1,25(OH)2D3.
human interferon-gamma (IFN-g), bone-marrow-derived Such studies have the potential to establish a new para-
macrophages initially synthesized 1,25(OH)2D3 from digm for nutritional requirements for vitamin D for
25(OH)D3. optimal skeletal health.




Stromal OB preOC Mature OC Immature OB Mature OB Mature OCy

RANKL ICAM attachment ( v 3) RANKL OCN

M-CSF NFATc1 CTR proliferation differentiation
OC formation TRAcP differentiation FGF23
O C resorption
25D 1,25D

25D 1,25D


Time / Bone Remodeling

FIGURE 23.3 The potential effects of 25(OH)D3 metabolism by bone cells. This cartoon depicts the sequence of cellular events in bone
remodeling and the potential role of metabolism of 25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3 in osteoblasts (OB) and osteocytes (OCy), as well as in osteoclast
(OC) lineage cells. Stromal osteoblasts support osteoclast differentiation from immature OC precursors (preOC), which form bone-resorbing,
mature OC. The resorbed site is then populated by immature OB, which proliferate and differentiate into mature OB. These synthesize an
unmineralized bone matrix, termed osteoid. Certain OBs become entrapped in osteoid (osteoid osteocytes) and these differentiate further into
mature OCy, a process concomitant with bone mineralization. The effects of 25(OH)D3 to 1,25(OH)2D3 conversion, both those reported in the text,
and those inferred from the known effects of exogenous 1,25(OH)2D3, at each stage are listed below each target cell type.

DIRECT ACTIONS OF VITAMIN D osteocalcin, possess vitamin-D-responsive elements

IN BONE (VDRE) within their promoter regions, suggesting
a direct action for 1,25(OH)2D3 on their expression.
Other important bone-matrix-associated genes, such
as type I collagen and osteonectin, may have nonclas-
The osteoblast regulates bone matrix synthesis and sical VDREs in their promoters or be indirectly regu-
contributes to the coordination of bone resorption lated by 1,25(OH)2D3 [52].
during remodeling in response to a large number of As mentioned above, in vitro evidence suggests that
regulatory signals of which 1,25(OH)2D3 appears to 1,25(OH)2D3 exerts effects during both the resorptive
be an important and pleiotropic member. A primary and synthetic phases of bone remodeling. In association
function of the osteoblast is to secrete a specialized with other factors including PTH, 1,25(OH)2D3 can also
organic extracellular matrix, which consists mainly of indirectly induce osteoclastogenesis by stimulating the
type I collagen but also a number of noncollagenous differentiation of bone-marrow-derived promyelocytes
proteins, such as osteocalcin, osteopontin, osteonectin, and monocytes to active osteoclasts [53,54]. The tumor
bone sialoprotein-1, proteoglycans such as versican, necrosis factor (TNF) ligand member, RANKL, itself
and the small chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, a 1,25(OH)2D3-inducible protein, has been shown to be
decorin and biglycan. This organic matrix is ultimately a critical mediator of 1,25(OH)2D3, PTH or inflammatory
mineralized at discrete sites by the incorporation of cytokine-induced osteoclastogenesis [55,56].
calcium and phosphate, to form a mature bone matrix Thus, a paradox exists in that 1,25(OH)2D3 can poten-
(for an excellent review of this topic, see [48]). In vitro tially induce a proresorptive expression pattern, by
studies have shown that 1,25(OH)2D3 is capable increasing expression of RANKL, or a pro-osteogenic
of regulating osteoblast gene transcription, prolifera- pattern in osteoblast lineage cells. One possibility is
tion, differentiation, and mineralization [49e51]. The that the support of osteoclastogenesis and osteogen-
genes of matrix proteins, such as osteopontin and esis are performed by different types of specialized


osteoblasts. A second possibility is that these two The effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblast proliferation
diverse osteoblast functions are performed at different are, however, dependent on species and maturity of
stages of osteoblast differentiation, as depicted in the cell. For example, van den Bemd and coworkers
Figure 23.3. Our previous study [51] showed that in [64] found that in human MG-63 cells, 1,25(OH)2D3
primary human osteoblasts, 1,25(OH)2D3 induced the could suppress proliferation, whereas in rat osteosar-
expression of RANKL in phenotypically immature osteo- coma (ROS 17/2.8) cells, 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulated
blast precursors, identified by their expression of the growth. Murray and coworkers [66] found that 1,25
marker STRO-1 [57]. However, in phenotypically mature (OH)2D3 inhibited proliferation of the rat osteoblast
osteoblasts, negative for STRO-1 expression, an osteocal- cell line, G2, and stimulated proliferation in rat osteo-
cin response predominated [51]. This differential blast cell line, C12. The differences in the effects of 1,25
response was not related to levels of VDR expression, (OH)2D3 on osteoblast proliferation are unclear but
nor to the overall ability of the cells to respond to 1,25 may be due to the differentiation state of the osteo-
(OH)2D3, evidenced by the expression of other blast-like cell line tested. A further complication of the
“synthetic phase” 1,25(OH)2D3-responsive genes such above studies is that immortalized cell lines, in general,
as type I collagen and bone sialoprotein-1, which were proliferate in an uncontrolled fashion, making interpre-
found to be expressed independently of differentiation tation of the data difficult. Using carboxy-fluorescein
stage. Similar results were obtained in mineralizing succinimidyl ester (CFSE), a fluorescent dye that enables
cultures of primary mouse osteoblasts, where the 1,25 the number of cell divisions to be tracked with respect to
(OH)2D3 induction of RANKL expression decreased other fluorescently tagged proteins [70], Atkins et al. [51]
with increasing maturation of the osteoblast [58]. A third showed that while growth was inhibited overall in
and combinatorial model is possible, with the sum of a heterogeneous population of human primary osteo-
signals received by the osteoblast within a permissive blast-like cells in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3, immature
window of its differentiation program determining cells proliferated more than phenotypically mature cells.
either an osteoclastogenic or osteogenic response. This implies that the degree of growth inhibition by 1,25
The above studies imply that the particular cohort of (OH)2D3 relates to the inherent growth potential of
genes expressed in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 in the osteo- a particular cell type. Moreover, the effects of 1,25
blast is regulated according to their stage of differentia- (OH)2D3 on osteoblast proliferation appear to be dose-
tion. Differential responses of osteoblasts to 1,25(OH)2D3 dependent. For example, treatment of human osteo-
may result from different VDR signaling complexes. As blasts with a low dose of 1,25(OH)2D3 (5  10e12 M)
detailed elsewhere in this volume, upon ligation of 1,25 increased proliferation, whereas a pharmacological
(OH)2D3 with VDR and translocation to the nucleus, the dose of 1,25(OH)2D3 (5  10e6 M) showed decreased
complex forms a heterodimer with the retinoid X proliferation [63].
receptor (RXR). This induces a VDR conformation that Type I collagen is expressed in the proliferative stage
is essential for effective binding to the VDRE. This asso- of osteoblast development and is essential for the tensile
ciation serves to recruit nuclear proteins as coactivators strength of bone. Stein and coworkers [71] suggested
or corepressors, necessary for VDR-mediated transcrip- that the inhibition of type I collagen gene expression
tional regulation. In short, the interaction of the 1,25 prevents subsequent extracellular matrix development.
(OH)2D3-bound VDReRXR complex with nuclear The effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 on type I collagen expression
proteins forms a so-called “pre-initiation complex,” during osteoblast proliferation, however, is dependent
which regulates the rate of transcription of the target on the cell model of osteoblast studied. In human
gene [59]. The constitution, and therefore the promoter MG-63 osteosarcoma cells, 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulated the
specificity, of this complex may change with differentia- synthesis of type I collagen [64,72]. In rats and chickens,
tion stage of the cell. It remains to be seen whether other treatment of osteoblasts with 1,25(OH)2D3 reduced type
mechanisms of modifying the 1,25(OH)2D3 response, I collagen mRNA transcription and protein synthesis
such as CpG methylation and inactivation of the [65,73e75]. The effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on type I collagen
VDRE, as has been shown for the RANKL promoter synthesis in osteoblasts also appears to be conditional on
[60], occur for other bone protein genes. the differentiation and proliferation state of the cells. In
proliferating rat osteoblasts, acute 1,25(OH)2D3 treat-
Osteoblast Proliferation and Matrix Synthesis ment inhibited the high levels of type I collagen expres-
In general, 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits the proliferation of sion found at this stage of osteoblast development.
osteoblasts. This antiproliferative activity is associated During mineralization, however, low basal levels
with the ability of 1,25(OH)2D3 to induce osteoblast of type I collagen mRNA were stimulated by acute
differentiation [61,62]. Numerous studies have shown 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment and were unaltered by chronic
the inhibition by 1,25(OH)2D3 of osteoblast proliferation 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment [65]. In the mouse, while 1,25
in the human [51,63,64], rat [65,66], and mouse [67e69]. (OH)2D3 treatment was shown to promote type I



collagen breakdown in calvarial osteoblasts [74], it has and in vitro [11]. This may be due to effects of 1,25
also been shown to stimulate type I collagen synthesis (OH)2D3 on the expression of proteins known to
in early-phase MC3T3-E1 cells and have no effect in be nucleators and regulators of mineralization, and
late-phase MC3T3-E1 cells [49]. possibly others, as will be discussed in the ensuing
Alkaline Phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase activity is important for the Osteopontin
mineralization of bone and represents a useful Osteopontin (OPN), an extracellular glycosylated
biochemical marker of bone formation [76,77]. Osteo- bone phosphoprotein, is one such gene that, in bone,
blasts express the bone- or tissue-non-specific isoform is secreted by late-stage osteoblasts at the mineraliza-
of alkaline phosphatase (TNAP), which is a glycosyl- tion front [65,88]. In human bone marrow cultures,
phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored cell surface and in MG-63 cells, 1,25(OH)2D3 administration was
protein [78]. Treatment of rat osteoblast-like cells with associated with increased levels of OPN mRNA [89].
1,25(OH)2D3 promoted mineralization, which was asso- Cultured rat bone cells and ROS17/2.8 cells were both
ciated with high alkaline phosphatase activity [79e81]. shown to increase OPN mRNA expression and protein
While the alkaline phosphatase gene promoter has no secretion in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 administration
classical VDRE, 1,25(OH)2D3 was also shown to have [90]. Low basal levels of OPN mRNA were seen in rat
a stimulatory effect on alkaline phosphatase mRNA calvarial cultures of intermediate maturity, which
levels, protein synthesis, and activity in human osteo- were markedly up-regulated by 1,25(OH)2D3 [91].
blasts [82,83]. The stage of differentiation of osteoblasts However, 1,25(OH)2D3-mediated stimulation of OPN
has been shown to determine the response of alkaline mRNA in rat calvarial osteoblasts was shown to be far
phosphatase expression to 1,25(OH)2D3. During the greater in premineralization cells than in mature miner-
proliferative period of osteoblast development, 1,25 alizing cells, where levels of OPN mRNA were already
(OH)2D3 inhibited the expression of alkaline phospha- high [65]. OPN is a member of the small integrin-
tase, whereas during mineralization, 1,25(OH)2D3 stim- binding N-linked glycoprotein (SIBLING) family since
ulated alkaline phosphatase mRNA expression [65]. In it contains an ASARM (acidic serine- and aspartate-
the mouse, however, 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulated alkaline rich motif) [92]. The OPN ASARM peptide with three
phosphatase activity only in the early phase of osteo- phosphoserines can inhibit in vitro mineralization
blast differentiation and not in the mineralization and is a substrate for PHEX which can rescue
phase [49]. mineralization.
It has been found that the helix-loop-helix-type tran-
Matrix Gla Protein scription factor (HES-1) is expressed in osteoblastic cells
Matrix Gla protein (MGP), like osteocalcin, requires and is suppressed by 1,25(OH)2D3. Overexpression of
vitamin-K-dependent gamma-carboxylation for its func- HES-1 in ROS17/2.8 cells suppressed the vitamin-D-
tion. MGP has been identified as a calcification inhibitor dependent up-regulation of osteopontin gene expres-
in cartilage and vasculature since MGP-null mice die sion in these cells [90]. TGF-b and PTH were also shown
soon after birth due to aberrant cartilage and arterial to abrogate 1,25(OH)2D3-mediated induction of OPN in
calcification [84]. In both rat UMR 106-01 and ROS17/ ROS17/2.8 cells [93,94], suggesting that multiple tran-
2.8 cells, 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment markedly increased scription factors and hormones may be involved in regu-
MGP mRNA and protein levels [85,86]. The stimulation lating OPN activity.
of MGP mRNA by 1,25(OH)2D3 was shown to be less in
the late stages of rat osteoblast differentiation [87] than Bone Sialoprotein
in earlier stages of osteoblast growth [87]. Bone sialoprotein (BSP) is largely specific for mineral-
ized tissues and is highly expressed during the initial
formation of bone and cementum [95]. The expression
Osteoid/Pre-osteocytes and Bone Mineralization of BSP is suppressed by 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment in rat
Following cessation of proliferation and production calvaria and ROS 17/2.8 cells [96]. A VDRE that is inte-
of the collagenous matrix, certain osteoblasts become grated with an inverted TATA box in the rat BSP
embedded in the matrix, signaling their differentiation promoter mediates the suppression of BSP transcription
into osteoid- or pre-osteocytes, sometimes referred to [97e99]. In human bone marrow stromal cells, 1,25
as mineralizing osteocytes. Matrix mineralization is an (OH)2D3 treatment alone did not significantly affect
active process and evidence suggests that it is tightly the expression of BSP mRNA [89]. However, data from
regulated by protein products of the osteoid-osteocyte our laboratory demonstrate a positive induction of
and mature osteocyte. It has been demonstrated that BSP-1 mRNA by 1,25(OH)2D3 in normal human
vitamin D augments matrix mineralization in vivo osteoblast-like cells (G.J. Atkins et al., unpublished


data), suggesting further differences between human died at birth and had major skeletal deformations char-
and rodent responses to 1,25(OH)2D3. acterized by disrupted mineralization of osteoblasts
[116,117]. Mutations of the three CBFA-1 motifs identi-
Osteocalcin fied on the osteocalcin promoter were found to lead to
In the mature osteoblast, 1,25(OH)2D3 down- abrogation of responsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3 [118].
regulates the expression of BSP and type I collagen Another important site identified in the promoter of
[96,100] and increases the expression of OPN and osteo- the OCN gene is the AP-1 site juxtaposed to the VDRE
calcin (OCN) [101,102]. OCN has a high affinity for of the OCN gene. While this AP-1 site is essential for
calcium ions of hydroxyapatite and is the most abun- 1,25(OH)2D3 induction of the OCN gene [119], the
dant noncollagenous protein in bone [103]. OCN is suppression of OCN gene expression at the onset of
expressed in postproliferative osteoblasts as well as in mineralization appears to be related to the interaction
osteocytes. Ablation of the OCN gene in mice increases of specific transcription factors at this AP-1 site. In
both bone formation and bone mass, although the mech- proliferating osteoblasts, the repression of OCN gene
anism for this remains unclear [104]. While the precise expression is partly due to the expression of c-fos/
function of this protein is not well defined, it has been c-jun, which binds as a heterodimer to the AP-1 site
shown to be a chemotactic factor for osteoclasts and their and blocks the binding of the VDR/RXR complex
precursors [105]. OCN has been widely used as a marker [120,121]. In contrast, in postproliferative osteoblasts
of bone formation [77]. It has recently been reported to approaching mineralization, the expression of fra-2
be released from the matrix in the intact form rather results in binding to the AP-1 site, which facilitates
than as fragments during remodeling as a result of VDR/RXR binding to the VDRE and 1,25(OH)2D3-
osteoclast activity [106]. mediated expression of the OCN gene [121,122].
A number of studies have reported the induction of
both OCN mRNA and protein synthesis by 1,25
(OH)2D3 in human and rat bone cells [63,65,82,83,
91,107e111], although the pattern of 1,25(OH)2D3- Osteocytes are the most long-lived and numerous cell
induced expression of the OCN gene seems to depend type in bone tissue and have emerged over recent years
on the culture system and the stage of maturity of the as key controllers of osteoblast behavior, bone minerali-
cells. For example, in human MG-63 cells, 1,25(OH)2D3 zation, and potentially of osteoclast activity [123,124].
induction of OCN was highest in subconfluent cultures While it has not been studied in detail, it is likely that
and decreased in confluent cultures [112]. Similarly, osteocytes are responsible for the majority of osteocalcin
OCN gene expression was found to have a decreased synthesis, which as discussed above is under the control
responsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3 in mineralizing human of 1,25(OH)2D3. Other key osteocyte derived proteins
osteoblasts, which was suggested to be due to an accu- appear also to respond to 1,25(OH)2D3.
mulation of OCN in the extracellular matrix [113]. There
are, however, reports of 1,25(OH)2D3 down-regulating Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) 23
OCN expression both in chicken embryonic osteoblasts FGF23 is a bone-derived hormone with known endo-
[75] and in mouse osteoblast cultures [114,115]. Recent crine activities in regulating the renal expression of
studies in our laboratories (H.A. Morris & G.J. Atkins CYP27B1, having a negative effect on this enzyme and
et al., unpublished data), using mouse primary osteo- thus inhibiting the renal synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3. The
blasts derived from adult mouse cortical bone, indicate osteocyte is a major source of FGF23 although its expres-
that 1,25(OH)2D3 may stimulate OCN expression in sion has also been linked to osteoblasts. Deletion of the
this species, in contrast to previously published findings, DMP1 gene in mice has revealed a complex relationship
and the direction of OCN expression in response to 1,25 with FGF23, with DMP1-null cells resembling immature
(OH)2D3 may depend on the differentiation stage of the osteocytes and expressing excessive levels of FGF23
cells in question. [125]. It is not yet known whether immature osteocytes
The characterization of the OCN gene has identified predominantly express FGF23 in wild-type mice or in
a number of factors that are potentially involved in the human bone. Importantly, FGF23 has been demon-
development of the osteoblast phenotype. Besides strated to be 1,25(OH)2D3-responsive [126,127]. Addi-
the identification of a VDRE in the distal promoter of tionally, in a recent study, Tang and coworkers
the OCN gene, several other promoter sites have been demonstrated that 25(OH)D3 metabolism in cultured
shown to be critical in the expression of the OCN and neonatal rat calvarial osteoblasts also resulted in the
in osteoblastic differentiation. For example, the require- up-regulation of FGF23 expression [127]. Interestingly,
ment for the osteoblast transcription factor, core binding the action of FGF23 on kidney tubule cells is to decrease
factor alpha (CBFA)-1/AML-3, is best demonstrated in their expression of Cyp27b1 and inhibit their synthesis of
the CBFA-1/AML-3-null mutant mouse. These mice 1,25(OH)2D3 [128]. However, FGF23 has been shown to



increase Cyp27b1 expression in bovine parathyroid cells of CYP27B1, and that the prevailing level of blood 25
[129]. It remains to be seen whether FGF23 also regulates (OH)D3 may govern aspects of both osteoclast formation
osteoblast/osteocyte synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3. Overex- and their resulting activity.
pression of FGF23 has been linked to rickets in X-linked
hypophosphatemia (XLH) and in mouse models of this Effects of Exogenous Vitamin D
disease, such as the Hyp mouse and DMP1 mutant Evidence suggests that 1,25(OH)2D3 has direct effects
mice [130e133]. The pathology in these cases appears on osteoclast precursors, increasing the expression of the
due to the increase in renal phosphate wasting and the key adhesion molecule, aVb3 integrin, in both avian osteo-
decrease in 1,25(OH)2D3 levels. Because of the reciprocal clast precursor cells [139e141] and in the human myelo-
relationship between FGF23 and circulating 1,25 monocytic cell line, HL-60 [142], thus potentially
(OH)2D3 levels, it might seem attractive to treat patients promoting osteoclast adhesion and the formation of the
with XLH with 1,25(OH)2D3. A recent study, however, sealing zone. 1,25(OH)2D3 has been shown to facilitate
showed that treatment of these patients with calcitriol adhesion of osteoclast precursors to stromal osteoblasts
and phosphate resulted in increased FGF23 levels indi- by increasing the expression of the intercellular adhesion
cating that such a treatment may be counter-productive molecule, ICAM-1 [143]. 1,25(OH)2D3 has also been
[134]. shown to increase the expression of the receptor for
RANKL, RANK, in HL-60 cells [144]. We have recently
Dentin Matrix Protein 1 (DMP1) demonstrated a direct effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 on
DMP1 is an acidic phosphorylated extracellular RANKL-induced osteoclast formation from the mouse
matrix protein, and like OPN, is a member of the preosteoclast cell line, RAW 264.7, where 1,25(OH)2D3
SIBLING family [135]. First described as a product of in the copresence of RANKL, increased the resulting
odontoblasts [136], it is now recognized to be highly numbers of multinucleated TRAP-positive osteoclasts
expressed in osteocytes and important for the differenti- and significantly increased osteoclast multinucleation
ation of these cells [125]. Roles for DMP1 and its proteo- [145].
lytic cleavage products, the N-terminal 37 kDa and
C-terminal 57 kDa fragments, are not fully understood Effects of Endogenous Vitamin D
but include nucleation of mineralization, cell attach- It was recently described that, similar to other macro-
ment, and possibly as a transcriptional regulator [137]. phage cell lines and primary cells, the RAW 264.7 cell
As discussed above, DMP1, FGF23, and the CYP27B1 line expresses CYP27B1 and also that CYP27B1 mRNA
have a complex interplay made more complex per- levels increased during their differentiation into
haps by the findings that DMP1 is itself 1,25(OH)2D3- osteoclast-like cells [9]. We recently confirmed that
responsive [138]. The in vivo significance of this human PBMC-derived osteoclasts possess the molecular
observation has yet to be determined. machinery to both respond to and metabolize 25(OH)D3,
as they express cytoplasmic CYP27B1 and nuclear VDR
proteins [26]. Furthermore, CYP27B1 mRNA expression
increased in response to M-CSF/RANKL-induced
Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells of the monocyte/ differentiation of PBMC, suggesting that 25(OH)D3
macrophage lineage whose primary function is to resorb metabolism plays a role in osteoclast differentiation. In
bone during bone remodeling. They accomplish this by a subsequent study, we confirmed that the capacity of
attaching to the mineral surface forming a tight sealing osteoclasts to synthesize 1,25(OH)2D3 increases substan-
zone, and creating a basolateral membrane termed the tially with their differentiation [27]. Metabolism of 25
ruffled border, from which bone-matrix-degrading (OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3 in human PBMC-derived osteo-
enzymes, such as cathepsin K, and protons are secreted clasts resulted in the increased expression of a number
via proton pumps such as the vacuolar ATP-ase complex of genes, principal among these being the osteoclast
(V-ATPase) and carbonic anhydrase II, to break down transcription factor NFATc1 [27]. This may or may
the collagenous matrix and release calcium and phos- not be responsible for the observed concomitant
phate ions, respectively. Osteoclasts may also be increase in expression of a number of osteoclastic
involved in the active coupling of bone resorption to genes, including calcitonin receptor, tartrate-resistant
bone formation by inducing osteoblast proliferation. acid phosphatase (TRAcP), cathepsin K, carbonic
Osteoclasts are generated by the proliferation and fusion anhydrase, and V-ATPase. Notably, 1,25(OH)2D3 treat-
of mononuclear precursors. These complex processes ment also up-regulated the expression of these genes
include several key proteins whose genes are known but generally did so to a lesser extent. It remains to
to be 1,25(OH)2D3-responsive. More recent data indicate be determined if some or all of these genes are
that osteoclasts, like macrophages, are a site of extrare- vitamin-D-responsive in the classical sense or whether
nal 1,25(OH)2D3 synthesis by virtue of their expression their expression was as a consequence of cell


differentiation and the expression of transcription and activities of each of the major bone cell types to opti-
factors, such as NFATc1, that created a permissive mize skeletal structure and strength.
environment for their expression. In the case of V-
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