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I. Answer questions

1. How do we recognize and differentiate business messages from other types of

communication? Create a table comparing a business message found in an email or an
advertisement or a brochure with informal writing found on a site such as Facebook.

From  the Cheesebro et. al. textbook, communication in general is known as the process
of sending and receiving messages, and business communication is the same. While
other types of communication mostly aim to make meaning, business messaging
includes the content or ideas related to business. It’s not only for external audiences
(who are outside the organization: customers, government agencies,...) but also for
internal targets (CEO, employees who are working in the same organization). Next, the
messages in business communication need to be clear and understandable; contrast to
normal communications that their messages are translated in figurative meaning. This
point is the key element that defines business messages. In order to give a professional
idea, each organization must guarantee they have a clear, comprehensive and correct
message because no firms want to discredit their brand by themselves. The way their
receivers access is totally different between business messages and other kinds of
communication. Because in business, organizations have to use the most suitable,
professional channels to attract clients to their projects, information (mostly for making
profit, marketing,...), but in other types, people deliver their messages in interesting
ways just for expressing feelings and sharing personal ideas (not for profit). To sump up,
the most common evidence that we can easily recognize business messages is their
content and presentation.



Business messages Informal writing found on a

Content (words, - The messages are clear, - The present is colourful,
format, design…) academic and interesting with many
understandable icons, attractive images.
- Have professional present - The information may be

Purpose - Make profit - Share their thought, ideas,

- Attract attention of clients feelings
- Persuade, sale products… - To receive likes,
comments, shares from
2. Briefly explain three specific situations where communication skills will be important in
your future occupation?

First of all, when you want to apply for a job at an organization or a company, you must
have a perfect CV to persuade employers to accept your application. That means you
need to use all of your communication skills that you have, especially writing skill, and
show those skills professionally and effectively. Your CV should contain correct, clear
and understandable content along with coherent performance in order to show your
knowledge, experiences and qualifications. Therefore, to get employer’s interest
through your CV, communication skills will help you alot.
Next, a job interview which you have to face after your CV catches the interest of
recruiters is the final round of deciding whether you are suitable for that company or
not. In this case, if you want to get a high salary that you expect, then you have to show
the interviewers your values. And to convince them that you absolutely deserve the
given salary, it is important to apply communication skills efficiently and professionally.
The last specific circumstance is the meetings you join while working in a team or an
organization. This is a golden time for you to show off all of your ideas, and to convey
effectively your messages to everyone, make sure you are the master of communication
skills. Because the way you present projects, persuade the listeners plays an important
role in your career promotion.

3. Describe a time when you experienced a breakdown in communication due to lack of

clarity or purposefulness of your, or someone else’s, verbal or non-verbal symbols.
What did you learn from this experience?

When I was in grade 8, my group was chosen as the biology report group. And during
our teamwork, I could not express my idea to my teammates, so we had a big argument.
At that time, my idea was making a short graphic video about climate changing, but
when I told my friends, the messages I sent to them were incorrect and confusing. I had
no concept about persuading people effectively, and I messed things up. Thanks to my
teacher, who helped us calm the controversy, taught me using verbal communication
properly. And finally, we finished our presentation perfectly.

II. Self-reflection:

After some sessions, I found that the knowledge in this term is extremely helpful to me,
especially in writing an email. The way I send my ideas, communicate with people is
improving, and through the sessions, I noticed that I still have to learn a lot in order to
utilize my knowledge effectively. However, when I want to send an email, now I can
write it correctly and professionally with suitable form and language. Besides, thank to
helpful materials and lecturers in this subject, these communication skills play an
important role in finishing my assignments and presentations because I understand the
meaning of applying skills in my work. I also know that there are still some mistakes
from myself because of the lack of understanding, but I will always try my best to
improve my weakness. And of course, I will keep practicing those useful skills in specific
situations to deserve with the knowledge that I received.

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