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Pn This brochure contains information on health, home busi- nesses and other stimulating subjects, some of which may be of interest to you, ‘We investigate and test many opportunity offers extended to the public. Unfortunately, most of trem are worthless. They may be very speculative and unproven, outdated, require ‘an excessive amount of expertise, lack a reasonable earnings potertial, or they may be outight frauds. The two most ‘obvious home work frauds are envelope stuffing and home assembly. Legitimate firms generally only employ local workers, Diane Mergen: akhough at substandard wages in many cases Companies ent that offer bone fide home employment opportunttes with decent pay are usually looking for experts and professionals with acvarced computer skils or ther special experience. We have incliced a selection of what we consider viable and realistc home business ‘opportunities. However, we cannot guarantee success for anybody. You have to decide ‘nich offers are compatible with your personal sills and ambition. Our reports are solely designed to stimulate your entrepreneurial ming and offe profitable ideas end resources, ‘At tris peint I wsh to remind you that money and wealth are rot the most important elements in our lives. AS you know, without heath the richest man or woman is truly poor, ‘One of today's most serous health hazards are foods prepared for you by othet people. “These foods include fest foods, processes supermarket foods, restaurant fare, etc. Most purveyors of commercial foods are only interested In profs, not in providing wholesorre: foods, Consequently, expect foods prepared with hydrogenated ols, transfats, wrang sugars, artifelal sweeteners (the most dangerous one of whicn Is Corn Syrup ~ also cated Com Sugar), toxic tap water, vegetables sprayed with pesticides and grown with artificial ferilizers, fumigated or géneticaly modified, feediot beet, farm raised fish, etc. ‘When the body eventually reacts to years of abuse, most people run to their doctors, What they con't realize Is chat they are runring right into the arms of the “beast” who wil now keep them pumped up with toxic prescription drugs. From here on they are milked dry fon the "Siw and miserable” track to the graveyard. Degeneretive diseases are telling ‘approximately three milion Americans every year Remember, if you don't gve a rip about your own health, nebody else will! Make your quest for health at least as important as your quest for wealth. A good way 10 start is to Subscribe to Dr, Mercola's excelent and free alternative electronic health newsletter. For ore information vist:, He is an acdaimed Surgeon end Naturopath. [Dr Mercola's mission isto reform our fatally famed "Disease Maintenance” system, "f you wsh to order any information from us, please De awere that some of our Information consists solely of referrals to ore or sveral product or service sources, “These referrals are marked with an astersk (*). The final information will be avaible at er ‘additional Cost from these scurces. Al of our information consists cf simple, stapled copies if the report or referral has more than one page. If you desi literature with a “slicke-” ‘eppearance, cur service is not fer you. We have a Three Month Money Back Guarantee for reports. We also refund referral fees if the source can't be reached, does not deliver or ifthe purchase resulted in a refund. Th ebsing, 1 wish to say that whether or not any of our reports or referrals are of interest to you, T wish you the best of success in all of your endeavors. om Dear Business Friend: Dienx Morgan ‘Scoopified is published 4 times annually. Paper subscriptions are $10 for 1 year. asic cnline version without editorials, etc. a: wnw.sccopified net. Scoopified PO Box 277 Belingham WA 98227 >

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