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Chinapat P.

30 January 2020

Work Log
Ambassador Hotel Bangkok

28 August 2019
For the Capstone Project, students are required to do one of the activities that school
provides for them. There are scienti c experiment, make an artistic portfolio, design and
build something, make their own business, or do an internship. After choosing to do an
internship I think of a couple of places to do an intern. I was looking forward to work at the
hospital, company, or restaurant along with Mon and Phu. My main goal was to work at
place where there are many of foreigners, beside collecting 48 hours, which was the
requirement of MUIDS, I am looking forward to improve my English language skills which I
saw the opportunities in working at those places, not only the American customers but other
nationals as well.
After setting up all my plans the rst place that came in my mind was Thai AirWays,
which seem to be impossible but my mom has a connection there, so it wasn’t hard for me to
apply as a trainee but unfortunately most of the companies, including Thai AirWays, do not
accept trainees that are under 18 years old according to the law and policy of Thailand. I got
rejected by my rst place so I continued to apply at my second choices which was MiSwaco,
the oil company, this place created a huge opportunities for me I complete my goal. My aunt
used to work here she told me that working here was tough due to the work of a company but
she used to speak English all the time because there were nobody speaking Thai my aunt boss
is a foreigner, the customers are foreigners, and even Thai people use English as their rst
language. After applied the result was the same I got denied by the same answer as Thai
Airways, I started to feel worried about choosing internship as my project due to my age but I
didn’t discourage me. Restaurant, my third place, is my last hope I went to the Ambassador
Hotel Bangkok to apply for my intern. They have good attitude about students applying for
an intern especially when I told them that I’m from MUIDS and needed to work to graduate
from the school after convincing them to accept me as a trainee they accepted my request I
told them that I have 2 more friends that would like to work here as well, surprisingly they’re




welcome to accept all 3 of us the answers made me relief I immediately called Mon and Phu
to told them that we are welcome to work here.

29 September 2019
I got the application and the recommendation letter form from Mr.Walsh. I, Mon, and
Phu quickly lled the form for the hotel. We were free to choose when we will do an intern,
fortunately our school will have 7 days break in October and that t to my 5 days plan of
doing intern so we chose to start on the 20 October and have it end by 25 October which was
5 days. We needed to work 8 hours a day, which was a lot, though normal people work the
same but it was tough for us, as a student, to work that much. We chose to be waiters for our
position in the restaurant, after lling in the forms we went to the hotel on 11 October to
hand the formal letters in.

11 October 2019
In the morning about 10 a.m. Mon came to my dorm and
we both get ready for our rst day of getting a real job. Phu didn’t
came with us because he still at Phuket, his hometown, he will
followed us to the hotel on 15 October which mean I and Mon
have to come with him again. Before noon my dad pick we up
and drove straight to the hotel when we arrived Mr.Chanya, the
manager of food and beverage section that we were applying to
do the intern, was waiting for us at the hotel’s café. I and Mon
walked straight to him and greet him with manner then I handed
the school former letters to him. He walked us through the hotel
and staff room to the human resources room to register for new
employee. I was exited in this place because this is new for me and it is the rst time that I
have a chance to saw the hidden part of the hotel, it wasn’t beautiful as the hotel interior
design instead it looks poor and old. When the registration was nished Mr.Chanya
introduced us to Mr.Ake, our boss while we’re in work time, then Mr.Chanya went back to
work. Mr.Ake took us around the hotel like a guide showing new things to their tourists. He
walked us to locker room, the room we should change our uniform, the room was quite
smelly compare to other parts we went through we kept our dresses, shoes, and valuable
things in the locker and locked it to protect from being lost. The other rooms were canteen,





the laundry, the place where tick our check-in and check-out time, and the last place is where
we received our new uniform in every morning before work. The tour took us a couple hours
but it didn’t feel long at all. After we nished our mission here we said goodbye to the staff
there and went back to the dorm.

15 October 2019
This day was Tuesday, normally we had to go to the school but because of Phu’s
absences on last Friday we needed to go back to the hotel for Phu’s registration as a trainee.
We didn’t travel by car we went there by the sky train instead. It was a tired trip, in the
morning Phu came to my dorm to pick me up we went to the Bang wa station by Phu’s dad
car and meet-up with Mon there. On the way we stopped at Siam station to eat some
breakfast we needed to wait till the doors are open, we had taco as our rst meal then we get
going to the hotel. The hotel is at Nana station, me and Mon brought Phu to the same of ce
we went earlier the method was quick after nished from the of ce I took Phu for a quick tour
like Mr.Ake did when we came. We were heading back to the school but the school will be
dismiss before we arrive so we decided to stay at Siam Paragon and play bowling. At the end
of the day we didn’t got any absent but we got excused absent instead because of the school
policy we have rights to be absent for 1 day if we’re doing an intern which bene ts us for
staying Siam.

20 October 2019
First day of my work, Sunday, regularly I used to woke up late on weekend because of
this habit I was nearly late for the work I arrived at the hotel just in time, 8 a.m., I quickly
changed my out ts and went straight to the hotel restaurant. Mon and Phu arrived rst so
they’re waiting for me. Our boss told us what we going to do while we work here, we had to
work in the morning and afternoon and we have a lunch break after nishing the morning
job. For our rst day we were quite active and excited to see many foreigners, rather than us
and other staff there were not many Thai people here which was good for me to accomplish
my goal. Mr.Ake introduced the staff who work at the same place to us and told us that they
will tell me what to do and how to do for the morning job. Staffs were very friendly, they’re
funny and kind. We were not allowed to play phone, sit, stand still and talk to each others,
and drink in work time because of the CCTV camera that was watching all the time and
from many angle. In the morning the job sound easy we just had to walk around and collect




the plates that consumer already nished but the hard part was when guest wasn’t at their
table we needed to decide ourselves whether to keep the plate or leave it on the table;
sometime I misunderstood with the Indian customers because when I asked them about the
nished plate they didn’t answer back but they shook their head instead and the point was
they didn't do it in a normal way they shook their head to the right 1 time. For Indian shook
head to the right means: go on or yes but I never work with Indians so sometime I leave their
plate where it was and walked away. When there were fewer guests I didn’t paid much
attention to the job I started to lazy and pick my phone up, Mr.Ake saw it and advised me
that “if you want to use the phone go in the kitchen and play wherever the CCTV cannot
see” I apologised to him knowing that my action would get him in to trouble. Before we got to
lunch we had our last job to do we had to prepare the table for afternoon guest, the staff
taught us how to do. We had to arranged placemat, knife, fork, spoon, and a glass per seat
and we had to repeat the same for every seat in the hall. It was a lot but with the number of
people we nished within hour and went to the canteen to have our lunch. The foods today
were delicious I ate lots of it after lunch we went to our rest at our room. We didn’t know
what to do next so we decided to stayed quietly in the room until somebody call us out. An
hour had passed by and Mr.Ake came to call us out to work as
we taught, we went to the same place we worked in the morning
but luckily today’s Sunday and we were free in the afternoon our
boss told us to stay in the hall until 4 p.m. then we were free to
go. I went to slept at the sofa on the upper oor of the
restaurant. When I woke up Mon and Phu were in a trouble,
they went to 7-11 to bought some snacks and was caught by the
CCTV camera, the grand manager knew and give our boss
caution. Mr.Ake came to them and told that going to minimart
in work time is not allowed but it’s the rst time so they were not
in a big trouble. It was 4 p.m. we changed back to our out ts tick
the check-out ticket return uniforms to the laundry and we went back home. It was a tired
day but the fact remains this is only the rst day!

21 October 2019
The second day of the internship I arrived at hotel a little early than yesterday. I walked
to the uniform room as soon as I arrived to get the out ts then I went to check the time I




arrive in at the ticket machine. After I got changed I and my other two friends walked to the
restaurant and did our job like the rst day but today, which was Monday, we needed to work
in the afternoon. In the morning our boss moved Phu to the front zone, the front zone is more
like restaurant than the buffet zone where I and Mon work, he needed to greet the customer
and check their room number before taking orders from them. Mr.Ake, our boss, taught us
new techniques about carrying plates and glasses so we could collect it more easily, the
technique helped us a lot we were able to collected more plates and glasses at a time and it
also reduce the time we had to walk back and forth. We should not collected the nished
plates from the table by our bare hands we should use the tray to collect it to ensure that we
won’t accidentally drop any materials. When it was 10.30 we repeated the same method we
did on the rst day then we went to eat lunch as normal. After we nished went to rest in the
same room but today we knew more about our schedules. In the noon we walked to the same
place as yesterday, the number of customers having lunch today surprised us their were more
than 200 people today. Unlike the breakfast, as soon as the guest came to reserved their seats
we had to ll the water for them we had to re ll the water for them when the cup was empty
or the water was less than half a cup. The lunch work was easier and the customers eat more
neat than the breakfast, which were mostly the Indians, all the customers nished their meals
at the same time so it was even easy for us to collected the plates. After that we prepared the
breakfast set for the customer who going to come on the next day. Today we were dismissed at
3 p.m. and we will be free at this time from today on because on the rst day we over stayed
and got 1 extra hour for our internship project.

22 October 2019
Today was the third day of my intern as a trainee. Our boss separated us to 3 different
zone. Phu chose to work at the same zone he did yesterday, which was the easiest area because
there were few guest having foods there. Mon and I stayed at the same zone but I was
assigned to take care of the front part and Mon was assigned to work at the middle part. I was
better at my job as a waiter I collected the plates more professional and I knew when I should
kept customer’s plates. The techniques taught by Mr.Ake was helpful for us after doing same
things for 3 days my skills started to improve. Today at lunch we got Vietnam bank’s worker
as our guests they visited Thailand for some reasons and they stayed at this hotel. This group
of customer made our day easier they have more manner than the Indian especially they ate
the food that didn’t contain many spices as Indians did so the table wasn’t dirty as the




morning. Today the guests nished their meals early so we got to rest before changing our
clothes back, we prepared the table for the next morning like we did 2 days before. At 3 p.m.
we changed our clothes back, check-out at the time machine, and return our uniforms as
normal then we separated and each of us went back home tiredly.

23 October 2019
Today was the toughest day for us, I arrived just in time as other day, repeat the same
method but in our lunch time we didn’t want to have the meals hotel prepared for us so we
decided to sneak to the family mart behind the hotel. Our heart beats went faster we spent
time in there for a while buying foods and snacks like we didn’t ate anything for days then we
sent one person to the cashier and others two were watching if anybody could see us or not
after we bought the food we sneaked back the same way we came nobody saw us we went to
the room where we rest enjoy the meals until our next job. In the afternoon we came down as
usual but when I saw the guests I was shocked there are lots of them. Our boss said today 3
companies have seminar at the hotel that why there are lots of them. We nished our work
late than usual but still dismissed at the same time. When it was the time we went back home
and rest.

24 October 2019
Today was the fth day and was of messed up day also, I forgot to set the alarm I woke
up at 8 a.m. I quickly get changed and went to sky train. I arrived at the hotel around 9 a.m.
which was really late for a work person but fortunately Mon already check-in for me so I as a
time in the ticket still be on time but the real me was so late. When I arrived I went to work as
normal. Today I had In the afternoon the guests came for lunch late than normal effecting us
but I thought that was fair because I came late either. We were dismissed a little bit late today.

25 October 2019
This was the last day of internship, today we were dismissed 1 hour earlier because the
rst day we stayed an hour longer. Came to the last day we worked as hard as we can in the
morning we were really focus on work we weren’t talking or feeling lazy but in the afternoon
we were chilled in our room we didn’t went down to work like we used to. Our boss didn’t got






mad at us instead he told us to wait in the room where we were until 2 p.m. to have a
conversation with the person that going to grade us. We keep waiting the time passed 2 p.m.
but still no one call us to go in. The person whose going to score us was so late that I thought
her might forgot to come, we kept waiting for a few minutes longer. After nishing
conversation with her, she gave us hours and scoring form to us also she gave us the letter that
we needed to handed to the school. We have a short conversation with her she knew about us
going to 7-11 but she didn’t angry at us, her words taught us a lot we’ve learnt new life skills
by working here. After we nished the conversation we changed our out ts back and went
back home.

Internship Re ection
As a result, to graduate from MUIDS’s internship requirements students have to collect
48 hours from working at place of their choices. I chose to be a waiter, I’ve experienced new
things and also learn something new from working here. Internship is a project that prepared
students before getting their real job, normally we will get to do the intern while we’re
studying year 3 in college, but MUIDS has this project while we’re just grade 11 which is 4
years earlier than normal. 6 days of intern is worth for my time, working as a waiter gave me
new skills I knew how hard my parents faced each day. “We all needed to work hard before
getting successful” working as a waiter changed my mind. I knew how it was before becoming
manager in the hotel, working as waiter was very tough for me. I had a chance to walk
through the door with ‘staff only’ sign and I learnt new Indian culture which was shocking
their head instead of saying “yes”. I had spoke to many foreigners while working here, it
improved my language skills: listening and speaking.




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