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Any theological study is dry, dull and boring. I confess that there were many times in the past

when I have felt that. I say that to my own embarrassment. But God has proven me wrong. It is

fundamentally necessary for me and my church's spiritual health and vitality. I would like to

thank my Systematic Theology Professor Tim Miskimen for introducing theology to me as

contemporary and practical. That theology has significant value in my context now and that it is

related not merely on my believing but in my living as well. Though I admit that the study with

him forced my mind to stretch like it never had been, the motivations he provided made me look

at theology with new eyes. I also thank him for the motivation and the guidance he had given

me so I would even embark on doing this project. I am also thankful to my wife Gigi and my

Disciples of Christ Community Church family who have all encouraged and prayed for me so I

can finish this workbook on the Scriptures.

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Each lesson deals with a specific doctrine about the Word of God. The workbook is designed in

a way that it will be impossible to proceed in the lessons without utilizing an open Bible. It will

contain minimal comments so that the student will, for the most part, just look at the Word of

God and allow it to speak for itself. The student will complete each lesson by answering the

questions according to the Bible verse(s) given. He is encouraged not just to thoughtlessly or

mechanically answer the questions but to reflect and meditate on the verses and write his own



This workbook recommends that the student uses the English Standard Version (ESV). While

the use of other English translations is not absolutely discouraged, there may be occasions

when the student may notice minor variations especially if they are using a more dynamic

thought-for-thought translation or paraphrase of the Bible. The ESV is chosen primarily for its

commitment to emphasizing word-for-word accuracy and literary excellence.

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Engaging our minds in knowing God means engaging our minds in understanding His Word.

Apart from His Word, gaining a deeper knowledge and intimacy with God cannot happen. We

are to feed our mind with Scripture with whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely,

commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise, and to think about them (Phil. 4:8). We are to

read, memorize study, meditate, and apply Scripture to know God himself better. These are

activities of holy thought, carried out in his presence, by his mercy and grace, and through the

enabling power of the Spirit. We are to know from Scripture as much as we can until we find

ourselves developing a new appreciation, confidence and passion for the Bible, the only book

that claims to be the Living Word that abides forever.

Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love

one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable

seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for "All flesh is like

grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the

word of the Lord remains forever." And this word is the good news that was preached to

you. I Pet. 1:22-25

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God's initiative to reveal Himself demonstrates His graciousness since man, on his own, could

not know Him otherwise. As One God in Three Persons- Father, Son and Spirit, He revealed

Himself in various ways and at various times throughout man's history. First, by general

revelation, through the glories of His creation which is clearly seen in nature by all. And second,

by special revelation, through the Scriptures, also known as the Word of God. In this initial

lesson, we will be looking from a larger vantage point the different manifestations or forms God

used to reveal Himself.

1. In what form did God reveal Himself in Gen. 18:1-8 and Gen. 32: 24-32?



This is called theophany, the visible appearance of God in some form. God assumed in both

instances a human form to appear to Abraham and to Jacob. Theologians regard this as a pre-

incarnate appearance of Christ or Christophany.

2. Read the following verses below and examine in what other visible forms has God

manifested in a theophany.

Exodus 3:2-6 ___________________________________________________________

Exodus 40:34-38 ________________________________________________________

3. In John 1:1-3, 14, Col. 1:15, 19 and Heb. 1:1-3, what event could be regarded as

essentially the greatest theophany of all and the ultimate expression of God's special

revelation? Why?


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This event is the "incarnation". Although God is Spirit (John 4:23-24) He has seen fit to be

actively involved within His creation by assuming a human body to walk on the earth and to dwell

among men. He has revealed himself supremely and completely through the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. How did God communicate in Gen. 12:1, I Sam. 3: 10-12, Matt. 3:17 and Acts 9: 3-7?



It was clear to the hearers in these instances that God was speaking to them in a direct and

audible voice. It is also evident here that God spoke to them in ordinary human language since

they clearly understood the message delivered to them.

5. Read Deut. 18:18-20, Jer. 1-9, 1 Sam. 15:1-3 and II Sam. 23:2 In these verses, what

instrument did God used to convey his message to man?



"Thus says YHWH" or "The word of YHWH came to me" are expressions frequently used in the

Old Testament by prophets who serve as a mouthpieces for God. In the New Testament, God

spoke through the recorded speeches of the apostles (Acts 4:31; 8:25; 15:35, Acts 28:28)

6. Aside from using human lips to communicate his sovereign purposes, who or what else

did God used based on these verses: Luke 1:11-20, Acts 5:19-20 and Acts 8:26-29?


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7. What modes of special revelation are referred to in these verses that reveal God's will:

Daniel 2:19; 7:2, 2 Cor. 12:1-13 and in Gen. 28:12-15, Matt. 1:20; 2:12.



8. God also uses a particular form of revelation to authenticate his messenger and to attest

the truth about the message he carries. What is it based on these verses: Exodus 7-11,

1 Kings 17:17-24 and 2 Cor. 12:12?



These are extraordinary or supernatural events which only God can do. Even Jesus was

attested with these (Acts 2:22) which displayed and validated that He is God.

9. Finally, God also unveiled His will and purposes in a form that could be preserved and

be available for all the succeeding generations. Determine what it is by reading Deut. 31:

9-13, Josh. 24:26, Luke 1:1-4 and II Pet. 3:15-16.



From the larger vantage point of various modes of special revelation in this topic, the

next lessons will zoom in to the written form that is regarded as God-breathed

(II Timothy 3:16).

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Summary: From the Scriptures I have studied, I now affirm that God has disclosed Himself in

these various modes or forms:

(1) _________________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________________

(7) _________________________________________________________________________

Putting it into Action!

As a response to the truth about Scripture learned, write a letter to the Sovereign God thanking

Him for the tremendous act of grace of making himself known to His creation through various


Dear God,








In Jesus name, Amen.


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After learning the facts about special revelation in general in lesson one, we now focus our

attention in this lesson to the essential fact of inspiration. Revelation and inspiration are not

identical. Revelation is the message while inspiration is the vehicle that delivers that message.

Inspiration is the miraculous act of God breathing out to His specially chosen human authors the

very exact words that He wanted preserved for all mankind which now makes up the content of

the Old and New Testament.

1. In II Timothy 3:16, how is Scripture given?



The word "God-breathed" is translated in other Bible versions as given by inspiration. The

expression means that which comes out of God's mouth - His Word. Whatever the Scriptures

say, God said. Thus, Scripture acts as the voice or speech of God. The Bible is the only book on

earth that is God-breathed.

2. Read II Timothy 3:14-15. What was it that Timothy has been acquainted with since




3. What is it specifically that is inspired?


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Paul was not inspired, but that which he wrote was inspired. The word scripture or writings mean

the actual writings of God's Word. These writings can consist of nothing else than the words

actually written by the human writer on his manuscript. It was a unique act of the Holy Spirit and

cannot be duplicated by man.

4. In II Peter 1:20-21, Peter not only testified as to Scriptures' divine origin but also defined

the process of inspiration which created it. How did God breathed out the words of His

wonderful Message to His human writers to produce Scripture?



The Greek word for "carried along" means they where continually moved or borne along by the

Spirit of God.

5. In Acts 27: 15, 17 and Eph. 4:14 similar Greek words were used. To what physical

situations were the words "carried along" can be compared to?



This does not mean however, that the human writers were passive. It was not a case of

mechanical dictation. These men wrote, using their unique personalities, vocabulary, writing

styles, and cultural background, under the direction of the Holy Spirit with neither divine nor

human characteristics of the words contradicting. These men were aware of the Spirit's influence

(I Cor. 6 and 7:40) and they were in a cooperation and harmony with God that the words they

willfully chose were exactly the very Words of God Himself. The end product was divine and

human. This is made possible because of God's wise sovereignty.

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6. In Jer. 1:4; Rom. 3:2, I Cor. 2:10, what did the Old Testament and New Testament

writers affirm about what they wrote?



7. Go back to II Timothy 3:16, how much of Scripture is God-breathed?



The Greek word for all can be translated "every." So we can see that each and every Scripture,

every word of it, is inspired. All of Scripture is the holy writings of God.

8. Based on I Cor. 2:13, John 17:8, Matt. 4:4 and Pro. 30:5, what is inspired in the sacred




Inspiration is God revealing in the mind of the writers not just the concepts or thoughts, but the

words as well. God gave them specific words (cf. Matt. 16:16,17) but they also used their own

minds and their own words as is obvious with the various literary styles. These includes

pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, the singular and plural forms, even the jots, the smallest

letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the "tittles" , the smallest appendage that differentiates

between two similar-looking letters in the alphabet (Matt. 5:18). This supernatural process is what

theologians label as the plenary verbal inspiration of Scripture.

9. Read Psalm 119:160, Matt. 5:18, Luke 16:17, John 17:17, and I Pet. 1:25a. What do the

following verses affirm concerning the Word of God?


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Summary: From the Scriptures I have studied, I now affirm the following essential facts about

the inspiration of Scripture.

I believe ____________________________________________________________________






What you write here may be called as your confession statement or a statement of what you

believe concerning the inspiration of Scripture.


Signature above Printed Name

Putting it into Action!

As a response to the truth about Scripture learned, I will confess this conviction about the inspiration of

Scripture publicly by:

posting this confession statement about the inspiration of Scripture in

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram


giving a short testimony among brothers and sisters in the

church worship service

Bible study meeting

fellowship meeting

Sunday school

giving a short testimony among unbelieving relatives and friends

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From the previous lesson, we learned that inspiration is the miraculous act of God breathing out

to His specially chosen human authors the words of Scripture. It does not deny completely

human volition for these men wrote using their unique personalities, vocabulary, writing styles,

and cultural background, under the direction of the Holy Spirit with neither divine nor human

characteristics of the words contradicting. Though the end product was divine and human,

Scripture is first and foremost the word of God. It is exactly what God would say if He were to

speak directly. It is an expression of His authority commanding us what to believe and how to

live. Therefore, to obey Scripture is to obey God Himself.

1. What do the following verses below assert about God?

Isa. 65:16, Jeremiah 10:10, John 3:33, 17:3, 1 Thess. 1:9



2. Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:88 and Numbers 23:19 inform us of one thing which God cannot do.

What is that?



God cannot lie because He is a God of truth. If Scripture is breathed out by a true God, then, it

logically follows that all Scripture is also truth.

3. In Ps. 19:7, Ps. 119:160 and Prov. 30:5, what is the Bible's testimony about itself?


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Theologians refer to this as the absolute infallibility and inerrancy of the Scriptures. It means that

the Bible is absolutely trustworthy and free from error in any part. The Word of God is the

standard of truth. It is the basis of faith and practice.

4. Read the verses below and cite instances that demonstrate the high regard for the

authority of God's Word as the standard of truth as well as the basis of faith and practice.

Luke 5:1 _______________________________________________________________

Acts 4:31; 6:2 ___________________________________________________________

Acts 8:14, 25 ___________________________________________________________

Acts 11:1 ______________________________________________________________

Acts 13:5; 16:32; 19:10 ___________________________________________________

Acts 6:7; 12:24 _________________________________________________________

I Thess. 2:13, Col. 1:25 ___________________________________________________

5. In Luke 24:25-27, why did Jesus rebuke his disciples?



Moses and all the Prophets refer to the entire Old Testament, also referred to as all the Scriptures

6. Based on verses 4, 60, 88, 100, 115 and 167 of Psalm 119, what is the correct response

to the Word of God?


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Law, testimony, precepts, commandment, fear and rules all refer to the Word of God (cf. Ps. 19:

7-9). When God speaks through HIs word, everybody is to listen because God's Word is the final


7. What is God's standard according to James 2:10 in terms of obedience to His Word?



God makes everybody accountable for all that He has commanded. Disobeying one is the same

as breaking the whole since God's commands are all part of an interdependent whole.

8. What specific responses to Scripture are we to avoid according to verses 10, 51, 93,109,

and 110 of Psalm 119?



9. In Isa. 66:2 and John 14:23 what is God's reaction to those who keep and takes His

Word seriously?



10. By contrast, what is God's judgment to those who disobey the Scriptures in these

verses? II Thess. 3:14, I Cor. 5:9-13 and I Cor. 14:37-38


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Summary: From the Scriptures I have studied, I affirm the following things about the authority of


(1) _________________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________________

Putting it into Action!

As a response to the truth about Scripture learned, reflect on this questions:

1. Who or what is the final authority in your life?






2. Is there anything in the Bible that you do not want to believe? To obey?






You are encouraged to seek counsel and be accountable to a mature Christian brother

or sister who can help you in this struggle.

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From the previous lesson, we learned that the Bible is the expression of God's authority

commanding us what to believe and how to live. Thus, to disobey Scripture is to disobey God

Himself. But can the Bible be understood by the common men in the first place? In this lesson,

you will learn that the average person can clearly grasp God's unified intention of leading him

towards eternal salvation.

1. What does I Tim. 2:4 assert about God's desire for all men?



2. What promise in Isa. 46:10-11 and Num. 23:19 does God say He will do to all his plans

and purposes?



If God desires for men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, and if what He has

purposed, He will also do, then He will definitely give a clear and comprehensible message. If

man has no capacity to comprehend the message, then it imputes insincerity to God since it

insinuates that God’s expressed desires are mere pretense. However, God will not contradict

Himself and violate His own character.

3. Romans 10:14, 17 talks about a chain of events necessary for a person to be saved.

What precedes true saving faith?


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4. What according to John was the purpose of the book he wrote in John 20:31?



True faith must have real content- the Word of God. Salvation comes only to those who hear and

believe the message. Yet how can man exhibit faith and believe if he will not be able to

understand God's Word? God's pleadings to man to believe and be saved prove that He has

given him capacity to comprehend His call either by accepting it or by rejecting it.

5. Read the following and explain how these verses testify to Scripture's clarity and


Ps. 19:7; 119:130 ________________________________________________________

Deut. 6:6-7 _____________________________________________________________

Ps. 1:2 ________________________________________________________________

Col. 4:16; I Tim. 4:13 _____________________________________________________

However, Scripture's clarity and comprehensibility does not deny the fact that there are parts that

are difficult to grasp and would require much effort and God-given wisdom. See II Pet. 3:15-16

and John 6:44-45.

6. Other than grasping God's unified intention of leading man towards eternal salvation,

what are some other things cited in these verses that would be impossible if the

Scriptures were not clear or comprehensible?

Eph. 5: 17 _____________________________________________________________

II Tim. 2:15 ____________________________________________________________

Jam. 1: 21-25 ___________________________________________________________

Luke 1:1-4 _____________________________________________________________

Col. 1:25 _____________________________________________________________________

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Acts 17: 11_____________________________________________________________

II Tim. 3: 15-17 __________________________________________________________

7. An obvious fact however, is that not everyone understands the Word of God. We are not

to point the finger however on God for He is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33).

The Scriptures itself cites several reasons for this lack of understanding. Examine the

verses below and determine what some of these reasons are.

II Tim. 2:15 ____________________________________________________________

II Tim. 4:3-4 ____________________________________________________________

I Cor. 1:18; 2:14 _________________________________________________________

Matt. 13:13-15 __________________________________________________________

Luke 24:25 _____________________________________________________________

II Pet. 3:5 ______________________________________________________________

John 8:43 ______________________________________________________________

II Cor. 4: 2-4 ____________________________________________________________

8. The deep things of God however are unveiled to those who are reborn by this agent

since no one knows the things of God except him. According to I Cor. 2:10-13, who is he

and what does he do?




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Summary: From the Scriptures I have studied, I affirm the following things about the clarity of


(1) _________________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________________

Putting it into Action!

As a response to the truth about Scripture learned, reflect on these questions:

1. What portion of your time and energies were devoted to either personally interacting with

biblical truth?




Start a personal study of a book of the Bible (say James) at least 15 minute each day

studying at least 2-4 verses at a time and writing the truth you discovered in a


2. How long has it been since you've joined with another person- or perhaps a small group-

to work through a Bible study together?




Consider scheduling a weekly time with one or more believers to study God's Word

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Though God has revealed himself by general revelation, through the glories of His creation

which is clearly seen in nature by all so as to leave man without excuse, it is not sufficient to

give him understanding of the character and the redemptive purposes of God for him. Thus, it

pleased God to choose some of His words and acts written down and preserved which are

necessary to salvation- the Scriptures. In this lesson, we will investigate the necessity of

Scripture by answering the question "For what purposes is the Bible necessary?".

1. From the last lesson, we learned that one of God purposes is for all men to be saved

and to come to the knowledge of the truth (I Tim. 2:4). In what way is the Bible

necessary for this purpose according to II Tim. 3:14-15?



2. Based on I Pet. I:23, what does God use to produce the new birth that gives life to the

unregenerate person?



3. Romans 10:14,17 assert that true saving faith always has content. What is it?



One must believe the Word of Christ or the gospel message contained in the Bible. Thus, the

Bible is necessary for salvation.

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4. After salvation, God has another intention for which the Bible would be indispensable.

What would that be according to I Pet. 2:2?



Pure spiritual milk here refers to the Word of God.

5. What did Jesus say in Matt. 4:4 that so powerfully illustrate the need for the Word of




A daily intake of food for one's own physical nourishment is important but a daily intake of the

Word of God is even more important because it maintain one's spiritual sustenance.

6. In Col. 1:24-29, Paul mentioned he became a minister to make the word of God fully

known warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom for what end?



7. In Eph. 2:10, Paul revealed of the expected good works God ordained subsequent to

salvation. Based on II Tim. 3:16-17, in what way is the Bible essential for this fruitfulness

or usefulness?


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To be competent means to be capable while to be equipped means to be outfitted or geared up

with the necessary wisdom and skill to achieve a fruitful or useful life and ministry.

8. Other than salvation, spiritual growth or maturity, and a fruitful or useful life and ministry,

to what else is the Bible key so as not to live foolishly according to Eph. 5:17?



9. Based on Col. 1:9-10, what is the benefit or profit of being filled with the knowledge of

God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding?



Discerning God's will is not based on mystical inner impression or feeling, but is fully anchored on

the trustworthy Word of God

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Summary: From the Scriptures I have studied, I affirm the following things about the necessity

of Scripture

(1) _________________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________________

Putting it into Action!

As a response to the truth about Scripture learned, reflect on these questions:

1. Think of your unsaved loved one. What is the one thing above all others that you want

for him or her to read?



2. Do you nourish your spiritual life with the Word of God as much as you feed your

physical body with physical food? What has to change in your daily schedule?



3. Have you ever read the entire Bible in your lifetime? Do you think this lesson on the

necessity of Scripture will cause you to desire to read the Bible at least once a year?

Look for a Bible reading plan or ask someone to help you get started on a Bible reading

program immediately.


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In the previous lesson, we learned that the Bible is necessary for salvation, for spiritual growth

or maturity, for a fruitful or useful life and ministry, and for knowing God's will. In this lesson, we

will investigate why Scripture, by its own assertion, is sufficient or adequate to accomplish each

of these without the need for any extra-biblical insights or any of the ideas of man.

1. God always speaks the truth and always keep His promises. What is God's promise in

Isa. 55:11 concerning His Word?



God's Word is sufficient because it never fails to accomplish its aims. God promises that His

Word will have effect, that it will achieve its intended results in fulfilling God's spiritual purpose in

sending them.

2. How does Heb. 4:12 describe the Bible? What is it able to do?



God's message to man is alive and active capable of penetrating man's deepest thoughts and

feelings such that there is no part of his soul which it could not stir up and deal with. Furthermore,

this word of life (Phil. 2:16) which brings life, lives and abides forever (I Pet. 1:23).

3. What 2 metaphors are used of the Word of God in Jer. 23:29 that testify to its power and



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4. Psalm 19:7–9 makes numerous assertions that clearly demonstrate the Bible’s

sufficiency. Consider carefully what this passage says about what Scripture is and what

it is able to do?

verse The Bible is.. Therefore, the Bible can...

7 ______________ _______________________________________________

7 ______________ _______________________________________________

8 ______________ _______________________________________________

8 ______________ _______________________________________________

9 ______________ _______________________________________________

(See John 15:3)

9 ______________ _______________________________________________

(See John 17:17)

5. Aside from stating that Scripture had its origin in God in II Tim. 3: 16-17, Paul also

mentioned why it is profitable which bear witness to its adequacy. Enumerate the 4 ways

in which Scripture is useful so as to be able to thoroughly equip a man of God for every

good work.




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Summary: From the Scriptures I have studied, I affirm the following things about the sufficiency

of Scripture

(1) _________________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________________

Putting it into Action!

As a response to the truth about Scripture learned, reflect on these questions:

1. What do you spend more time with to deepen your relationship with God- reading the

Bible or reading Christian books? Do you think this lesson on the sufficiency of Scripture

has convinced you about where the emphasis should be?



2. Is there any specific area in your life right where you need God's teaching? Reproof?

Correction? Instruction in righteousness? Are you searching for His perfect will to a

specific area in your life? Where should you be looking for answers?



3. This is the last lesson of this workbook. Is there anyone whom you would like to share

this workbook with? Would you be willing to guide him or her progress through the

material? Request for another copy of this material and express your intentions to the

person you wish to share this with soon.

Name(s) of prospect(s): _________________________________________

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