Reiki Manual Level 1A

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The 5 Principles of Reiki

The first and the foremost lesson that we learn in Reiki, is the set of 5 Principles of
Reiki. A beginner in Reiki may not understand the importance of these principles. But
with regular practice of Reiki on yourself, you will understand the very basis and core
of Reiki are these 5 Principles.

1. Just for Today, I will Not Be Angry

In our day to day life, we experience many unpleasant situations or events like
frustration at work, relationships or health issues. Such incidents tend to make us
angry on ourselves or on people around us. By this, we only harm ourselves giving
out negative vibes to others and the Universe. Anger blocks our thoughts, mind and
our heart. When these are clogged, naturally our Reiki Channel gets blocked,
disrupting the flow of energy. Our aura gets holes resulting in ill health. By staying
calm we and at peace, our thoughts, our mind and heart will only reflect and radiate
positive vibes. The Universe in turn will shower abundance of positivity on us.

2. Just for Today, I Will Not Worry

What happens when we worry? We become insecure and scared. We need to
overcome this. By worrying we complicate things and we get more stuck in the
situation. Again our rational thinking capacity is lost. Our energy is lost. We get what
we give. So if we are worrying we get more worry. So stop worrying. It will never take
you anywhere to the goal but take you away from it.

3. Just for Today, I will do my work honestly.

We all work for our daily bread. But how honest are we in our work? Do we work for
the sake of working or do we work for our passion? Try working honestly and with
proper intention. Hard work always pays. Bringing corruption and bribery and
laziness in your work gets back to you in the same way. There is no substitute to
honest work. You do your duty honestly; the rest will be taken care by the Universe.

4. Just for Today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living


Kindness is one of the noblest deeds anybody can do. You do not have to lose
anything to be kind. Kindness opens your heart to receive more kindness and love
from the Universe.

5. Just for Today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
How nice we feel when someone says thank you to us. So how about making
everyone and everything around us feel good. Just by a small thank you. The feeling
of gratitude makes us humble appreciate the goodness in others. Let us be thankful
to the Almighty for the wonderful life that we have. Let us be thankful to our parents,
our teachers and every person, event, incident and situation that have made an
impact on us. Good things done, come back to us with a greater bang.

After going through these principles you will find that by following these you
automatically become a channel of love and healing. These principles are a “healing”
in themselves ensuring that the channel of healing is never clogged or blocked.
There will be free / uninterrupted flow of Reiki in us as Healers. Our chakras will be
activated and healed. They will radiate and glow with positivity and goodness. The
Aura of this person will be healthy and good. Anyone who comes in contact with this
person will automatically gain the principles of Reiki and so will spread goodness
and kindness around. All positive things will start happening and the Universe will
pour out in abundance. Let’s start by helping our Universe get good things. Let’s
follow the Principles of Reiki. You need not be a Practitioner or a student of Reiki to
follow these set of Principles. It’s free for all and anyone and everyone can benefit
from this.

Do the following for a blissful meditation experience and to enhance your healing

 Sit in a comfortable position.

 Fold your hands in the “Namaste” mudra, in front of your Heart Chakra.
 Visualize Dr. Usui sitting on the tip of the middle fingers.
 Repeat all the 5 principles for 5-10 minutes.
 When you wish to finish, remain in namaste mudra, moving your joint palms
towards your third eye chakra so the tips of the two middle fingers touch the
third eye chakra, and receive blessings from Dr. Usui.

 It is God’s love in its purest form.

 It is completely unconditional.

 It demands nothing of the giver or the receiver.

 It propounds no creed or dogma.

 It requires no specific belief in the Supreme being or in Reiki itself.

 When used in its traditional form as development by Dr. Usui in the Usui
System of Natural Healing, “Reiki heals the body and emotions, bringing
them into balance and promoting health, happiness, prosperity and long

 It is simple. Reiki does what is natural.

 Hands on, Reiki turns on, Hands off Reiki turns off.

 It is a life force and makes no mistakes.

 Power transfers given by a Reiki Master last your entire life.

 Always use Reiki with common sense.

 You have to realize that most of us are as healthy as we want to be.

 You are Reiki. God is the source. You are hooked onto God.

 You are a Divine Being. Reiki is divine.

 Once Reiki is opened there is no way to shut it off. Why would you want to.

 It is healing and an expression of Love. 

Reiki – An Overview
Reiki is a pure form of healing and is not dependent on individual talent or acquired
ability, so the personality of the Healer is less likely to cloud the significance of the
experience. The feeling of being connected directly to God’s healing love and
protection is clearly apparent.

1. Benefits of Reiki
 Helps you take control of your health and well-being.

 Reduces stress and tension.

 Alleviates tiredness and aching muscles.

 Relieves headaches, colds, flu, cuts, burns, fatigue, stomach upsets,

sprains, and other discomforts of day-to-day living.

 Complements other healing systems including standard medical


 Aids in the withdrawal process of addictive drugs.

 Increases the therapeutic effects of both conventional medicines and

alternative remedies.

 Promotes recovery from surgery.

 Reduces the incidence of illness and injury.

 Enhances creativity, communication and learning abilities by improving the

integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

 Increases confidence and self-esteem.

 Helps overcome fear and anxiety.

 Assists in reconnecting with our inner self.

 Is a powerful tool for personal growth and for improving the quality of our

 Heals animals and plants.

2. What Is Reiki?
 Reiki is a powerful natural system that unlocks the inner flow of vital

 Reiki is a powerful tool for personal development and spiritual


 Reiki works at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

 Reiki is abundant cosmic energy.

 Reiki corresponds to all the five elements – earth, water, air fire and ether.

 Reiki is safe and cannot harm anybody.

3. What Reiki Is Not

 Reiki is not a religion, cult or organization, meaning there is no need to
change your present belief.

 Reiki is not hypnosis or a mind control technique.

 Reiki is not limited to a selected few.

 Reiki is not imagination.

 Reiki is not difficult to use.

 Reiki is not a meditation technique.

4. Energy is always in Abundance

As it is a channeled healing, the Reiki Practitioner’s energies are never depleted. It
always increases one's energy leaving one surrounded with a loving feeling of well-

5. Bipolar Nature of Reiki

Clairvoyant observation has indicated that Reiki is bipolar in nature. It is made up of
both male and female healing energies. The male part comes from above. It is
associated with the crown and higher charkas and is called SHIVA in the Tantra
system. The female part comes from below. It is associated with the root chakra and
is called SHAKTI in the Tantra system. These two energies communicate with each
other and decide how much of each polarity is needed so that when the energies

leave the hand, they have a proper combination of the male and female healing

6. How does Reiki Heal?

We are all alive because life force is flowing through us, within our physical body
through the pathways called Chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in
a field of energy called the Aura. Life force nourishes every organ and cell of our
body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted,
it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the
physical body.

The life force is responsive to thoughts and becomes disrupted when we
accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feeling about
ourselves. These negative thoughts and feeling attach themselves to the energy field
in and around the physical body. This causes the negative energy to break apart and
fall away. In doing so, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus
allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

History of Reiki
Reiki: pronounced Ray:Key is a natural healing technique which restores physical
and emotional well-being. This technique is thousands of years old and has been
mentioned in the Atharva Veda. Our Maharishis, Rishis and Saints have all used
Reiki to solve their disciples’ problems. The Ramayana mentions that Lord Rama
with just a glance or a hand gesture could impart new life force energy to his entire
army. This was nothing but Reiki Healing (mass healing) at a distance.

With the passage of time this technique remained limited to a few people and was
almost lost with the saints whose abodes were sometimes unreachable. In the late
1800’s Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist rediscovered this technique.

Some believe that Reiki had its origin thousands of years ago in Tibet. The Tibetan
Monks had mastered the science and art of topping universal life force energy for
man’s use in healing and self-transformation that eventually leads to spiritual
enlightenment. It was taught only to a select and disciplined few, which is a well-
known practice of the oriental world.

1. Meaning of Reiki
Reiki comes from two Japanese Words Rei and Ki. Rei which means 'GOD-
consciousness/Higher Wisdom' and Ki which means 'Life Force Energy'. Therefore,
Reiki is guided life force energy.

Rei - Spiritual Wisdom

Mrs. Takata said that the word Rei means Universal. Research into the esoteric
meaning of the kanji character of Rei has given us a much deeper understanding. It
is more accurately interpreted as super natural knowledge or spiritual
consciousness. This is the wisdom, which comes from God or the Higher Self. This
is the God consciousness, which knows everything, each person, cause of all
problems, difficulties and how to heal them.

Ki - The Life Force

It is called Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit. It is also known as Bioplasma or Odic
force. It is also known as vital life force. As long as something is alive, it has life force
surrounding and circulating it. When it dies, the life force departs.

Life force plays an important role in everything we do. It is also the Primary energy of
our emotions, thoughts and our spiritual life. If the Life force is low, one is more
prone to illness. When the Life force is high and flows freely, one is less prone to

The Chinese have studied it for thousands of years. When Dr. Usui rediscovered
Reiki, there were 32 types of energy or Chi in practice in China.

2.The Reiki Story
The system of healing that evolved from Dr. Usui’s method is called the Usui System
of Natural Healing or Usui Shiki Ryoho. Since neither Dr. Usui nor Dr. Hayashi left
written instructions, the only source of information on the Usui system of natural
healing comes from the verbal instructions Mrs. Takata passed on to her students. A
child was born on 15th August 1865, in Gifu. From an early age he had psychic
abilities. This child was Dr. Usui. After he completed his education he became a
teacher. One day, one of his students asked him why there is so much suffering? Is
there any easy technique or therapy to help humanity to get rid of their problems? He
started searching for an answer to this question. He resigned from his post and
travelled to seek the answer. He visited India, China, and Tibet among other places.
Finally he came across a Sanskrit Sutra according to which he should meditate for
21 days fasting on Mount Koriyama. To keep a count of the number of days he used
21 stones. On the 20th day he was little depressed but continued his meditation. At
the crack of dawn on the 21st day, he saw a beam of light coming towards him as if it
was communicating with him. This light struck him on the forehead. He became
unconscious and in that state he saw different colors of light, bubbles and some
letters or symbols. This was the mystic experience or enlightenment he was blessed
with. Though he had fasted for 21 days he did not feel weak. He came down the
mountain and had many mystic experiences with himself and with others.

In 1922 he established a healing society in Tokyo. In his lifetime he attuned 16

Masters. He died on 9th March 1926. Before his death he gave Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
the responsibility that Reiki should not be lost from the earth or at least not from
Japan. Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was from the royal family and was trained to be a naval
officer. He was born in 1878. He received the Master’s initiation in the year 1926 and
opened Reiki clinics all over Tokyo. He kept a record of hand positions of the
treatment given. These hand positions still serve as guidelines for Reiki Healers. He
created three levels of Reiki initiation, also called as Degrees. Dr. Hayashi attuned
13 Masters in his lifetime. The thirteenth was Madam Hawayo Takata.

The third in succession after Dr. Usui and Dr. Hayashi is Madam Hawayo Takata,
who was born on 20th December 1900. At very early age she fell sick. She had two
daughters, and became a young widow. In 1930 she came to Japan for treatment.
On the operation table she heard a voice telling her, “Surgery is not necessary for
you”. She did not pay much attention but the voice repeated itself three times. Then
she asked her doctor who in turn told her about Dr. Hayashi’s clinic.

She decided to visit the clinic and for Reiki treatment and got better. Now she was
very keen to learn this healing technique. At first Dr. Hayashi refused to teach her
because she was a lady and also a non-Japanese. But later he had the intuition that
all his Masters will die in the World War and since Madam Takata was keen to learn,
it was better to teach her and send her away from Japan. In 1936 she received
initiation for the first degree. After one year she received initiation into the 2nd degree
and in 1938 she received the highest degree, the Reiki Mastership.

Madam Takata initiated 22 Masters in her lifetime. Till 1972 she did not give
mastership to anybody. In 1972 she initiated her first student, but asked her to keep
it a secret as she felt that it was not the right time to reveal the secrets of this energy
to the public. In 1980 she gave initiation to more students. She died in December

3. Evolution of Reiki
The Usui system of natural healing has evolved over time. In its current state, it is
much more organized and structured than the simple, flexible, intuitive method
practiced by Dr. Usui. The following is a description of the evolution of the Usui
System of Reiki.

During his mystical experience on Mount Koriyama, Dr. Usui received the ability to
do Reiki treatments, the Reiki symbols and the ability to pass Reiki onto others. Later
he added the Reiki ideals and the concept that one needs to receive compensation
for a treatment. Dr. Hayashi added the standard hand positions, the three degrees
and their attunement processes. Madam Takata added the fee structure. Members
of the Reiki Alliance added the required waiting periods between levels after Madam
Takata passed on. Phyllis Furumoto, the current Grand Master has stated that the
Usui system may continue to evolve.

4. Anyone Can Learn Reiki

The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have
to be able to meditate. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from
the teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki,
hence it is easily learned by anyone.

Dr.Mikao Usui Dr.Chujiro Hayashi Madam Hawayo Takata

Two Tenets / Rules of Reiki

1. Reiki must only be given when asked for

It is a discipline of Reiki that Reiki Healing must be given to a client only when
he/she gives the requisite permission. This happens because Reiki Healers don’t
merely heal physical ailments, mental trauma, relationship issues, financial
conditions but they also work at a far deeper level of existence. What appears as a
superficial or material healing, is in fact the healing carried out at the Causal level of
existence. Every Reiki Healer is a very powerful karmic Healer and works on the
basic tenet that … the karma is the root cause for all sufferings. If the karma heals,
the problems automatically heals, if the cause heals, the effect automatically heals.
So it becomes mandatory for the Healer to seek permission of the client, because
the healing is likely to bring about changes in the client’s larger karmic blueprint of
life. Also by granting permission, the client opens up his/her aura and receives far
better and more powerful healing from the Healer. So for the highest good taking
permission is a must.

2. Energy Exchange is a must for any healing given.

There must be an exchange of energy to keep the harmony of the universe. We
must receive to be able to give. If the river does not receive, it runs dry. If one does
not receive, one breaks the flow just as if one refuses to give.

In ancient times spiritual Healers, teachers and seekers received housing, food,
clothing and gifts in exchange for their spiritual services. It has always been an
accepted custom that they were supported by the people they served. In fact, it was
considered a blessing to have a spiritually attuned one residing in the area.

In modern times money has become a commodity of exchange. Of course, we could

and may return to a bartering system. Many people work out an exchange of labor or
goods for classes or treatments, and that is an excellent way. But, it usually is
easiest for most people in our time and in our society to exchange money.

For the immediate family members, enough exchange of service / seva happens on
an ongoing basis. So no material Energy Exchange is needed within the closest
circle of the family, but beyond this family circle, in most other cases Energy
Exchange is mandatory. From a small gift to a soulful hug, to a monetory gift …
anything can be an Energy Exchange. It is completely at the Healer’s discretion as to
what or how much he / she wishes to receive. But as we are Baba’s Healers and into
good work and seva, we must take a wise decision as to what Energy Exchange to

Attunement to Reiki
Reiki is a safe, simple natural and easy-to-learn technique. Reiki is not taught in the
way other healing techniques are taught. The Reiki Master transfers it to the student
during an attunement process. This process opens the crown heart and palm
chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful Spiritual experience. The attunement energies
are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by
the Rei or God-consciousness and makes adjustments, depending on the needs of
each student. Reiki Guides and other Spiritual beings also help implement the
process during the attunement. Many report having mystical experiences involving
personal messages, healing, visions and past life experiences. The attunement can
also increase psychic sensitivity. Some students report experiences involving
opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness and other psychic abilities
after receiving a Reiki attunement.

Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the rest of your
life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. Experimentation has found that
additional attunements of the same level add to the value of the level. These benefits
include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the
energy, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity,
and a raised level of consciousness.

The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as
well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body maybe
released along with feeling and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore,
a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the
benefit one receives.

1. First Degree Attunement

This level teaches you the history of Reiki, the basic hand positions for treatments for
self, and many different ways Reiki can be used in our everyday life.

Once attunement is complete you will be certified as a 1st degree traditional Reiki
Practitioner. This is complete by itself. You have Reiki for life. Reiki will help in your
transformation to achieve self-awareness.

2. Second Degree Attunement

This level allows a more comprehensive use of Reiki. Second level of attunement
teaches various symbols, which are powerful, and facilitates healing beyond
distance, space and time. Energies can be sent to cleanse karmic events in previous
births, acts of past lives, and into future too. Once attunement is complete you
become an extremely powerful Reiki Level 2 Healer.

Seven Major Chakras

The 7 Major Chakras

Chakras are basically energy centers, placed in the body where the life force energy
tends to center around. There are seven main chakras located along your spinal
cord; each has its own functions, colors and properties. The energy thus tends to
travel along this column, from top to bottom as in the case of Reiki or from bottom to
top as in the case of Kundalini. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’. Chakras are
described, as being shaped like multicolored lotus petals or spooked wheels, which
whirl at different speeds as they process energy.
Explained below are seven major chakras. There are many systems wherein there
are fewer and many more centers described used but for our purposes, we will only
focus on these.

1. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara– Seventh Chakra

Location: Top of Head
Associated Color: Violet, White
Associated Body Parts: Pineal Gland, Upper brain, Right eye.

2. Brow Chakra or Ajna– Sixth Chakra

Location : Fore Head b/w eye brow
Associated Color: Indigo
Associated Body Parts: Pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, ears,
nose, central nervous system.

3. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha– Fifth Chakra

Location : Throat
Associated Color: Sky Blue
Associated Body parts: Thyroid, gland, throat, Upper lungs, Alimentary
canal, Bronchial sacs.

4. Heart Chakra or Anahata– Fourth chakra
Location: Located at the Chest
Associated Color: Green
Associated Body parts: Thymus Gland, Heart, lower side of lungs,
circulatory system.

5. Solar plexus Chakra or Manipura – Third Chakra

Location: Stomach
Associated Color: Yellow
Associated Body Parts: Pancreas, liver, digestive system, stomach,
spleen, gall bladder, Liver.

6. Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana – Second Chakra

Location: Three fingers below the Navel
Associated Color: Orange
Associated Body Parts: Gonads gland, reproductive system, Excretory
muscle, Sex Organs.

7. Root Chakra or Muladhara – First Chakra

Location: Base of Spine
Associated Color: Red
Associated Body Parts: Adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, leg

The 2 Minor Chakras: Hands and Feet
The four points of the Minor Chakras we will touch on are located at each of the
hands and feet and they work in unison with their own.

1.The Hands Chakra

The palm chakras are extremely important for those who are into spiritual healing as
these chakras are powerful tool for giving and receiving healing. For every Reiki
Healer, it is extremely important to keep their palm chakras balanced as they emit
energy (hands-on) and scan aura using their palms.

Functions of Palm Chakras:

 Healing self
 Scan the aura
 Send and receive energy
 Enhance creativity

Located precisely at the center point between the thumb and index fingers are the
seats of creative energy. They are the mechanical means of energy, brought in
whenever we do something as well as a center for healing out let of many types of
healing techniques. A numbing of or a feeling of cold hands could indicate a blocking
of your inward and outward creative juices.

2.The Feet Chakra

Foot Chakra is one of the most important chakra amongst all the chakras we heal.
Foot chakra helps pass the Divine Energy to Mother Earth, which makes grounding
powerful. Feet have root extended into the Earth. Healthy foot chakra helps pass
energy to all the chakras, as the energy is derived from Earth.

How healthy or open foot chakras help?

 Speeds up healing process.
 Makes grounding powerful.
 Reduces tiredness and stress.
 Heals insomnia.
 Eliminates negative energies, psychic attacks, nightmares.
Located at the center of the top inset or arch of the foot. Help to maintain our
connections to the Earth energy and provides maintenance of the earthly and cosmic
energy which are pulled in by the first or Root Chakra. A vague, ‘spaced-out’ sense
or cold feet indicate closed feet chakra.

The Aura


Mystics from all parts of the world speak of seeing lights around people’s heads, but
there is nothing mystic about it. Anyone can see and experience Aura effectively.
Aura is a magnetic energy field that emanates from and surrounds our physical
body. It carries our personal moods, dispositions, thoughts, problems and
experiences. There are many systems that people have created from their
observations to define the aura field. These systems divide the aura into layers and
define the layers by locations, color, brightness, form, density, fluidity and function.

The Seven Layers of Aura

Each layer can be considered to be a level of higher vibrations. To see each layer
separately and clearly one has to attain a higher level of consciousness or a deep
meditative level. The Aura of an average person extends approximately 10 feet
outward to its physical body. The Aura of ancient masters could extend outwards
from the body for several miles. It is worth mentioning that the aura carries our
moods, feelings and thoughts. That’s why, when you come in contact with some
people, you may feel either drained or uncomfortable or happy and energetic. This is
true with rooms and places also. Now, each LAYER of Aura appears different and
has its own particular function. Each layer is also associated with a CHAKRA or
Energy center of your body.

Reiki Healing through Aura

A complete treatment can also be given with hands 1 to 4 inches from the body
using the standard hand positions, because the hands are in aura the Reiki first
treats to aura before entering the physical body. Illness exists first in the aura before
manifesting in the physical body. Treating through the aura will help prevent physical
illness before it develops.

The Reiki energies will act in a different, often more powerful way, when using this
technique. They will easily travel through the aura to other parts of the energy field;
often flowing through and surrounding several areas at once, filling them with warm,
loving nurturing energy before entering the physical body at the places it is needed.
Many people find this method to be more effective while others prefer physical
contact. You can use one or other, or you can mix the two. Simply allow your
intuition to guide you in deciding where to use physical contact and where to treat
through the aura.

Aura Cleansing
Aura Cleansing is a practice observed in Reiki, a powerful technique for disease
prevention and energizing. Before manifesting in your physical body, any disease
always originates in your aura. All emotions, positive or negative, are visible in the
aura. When you energize the aura, you are actually healing the negative energy that
causes disease.

a. Rock Salt Bath

As human beings we all go through energy fluctuations, at times we may feel
very positive about everything and at times we may succumb to negativity around
us. We may tend to pick the negative energy from the people who surround us or
from the places we may visit. Any negative thoughts or emotions can manifest
into negative vibes and get attached to our Aura making us feel low or sad.
There is a way to protect ourselves from these negative energies using Rock
Salt. Rock salt has the power of neutralizing negative energy

How do we use rock salt to cleanse the negative energy?

1. While taking bath/shower use a few tea spoons of rock salt in the bath tub
or bucket and bathe with that water. You can even make a rock salt
solution in a mug and pour on your body finally after your bath. Taking a
regular shower using rock salt will keep us protected from any negative
2. We can also use rock salt in the water which is used to wipe the floors of
office, home or workplace. This will cleanse the space and neutralise the
negative energy.
3. A glass bowl with Reiki energised rock salt water can be placed in your
home to absorb any negative energy. Placing the bowl in the room of any
sick person will help to clear the negative energy caused by the illness.
Ensure to keep changing the water on a daily basis.

Chakra System Organ Colour Element

Root Chakra Kidney, Bladder, Spinal

Base of Spine Skeletal System Red Earth
(Muladhar) Column, Legs

Sacral Chakra Reproductive Organs,
Below Naval System, Excretory Orange Water
(Swadhistan) Sex Organs

Solar Plexus Chakra Liver, Stomach, Gall Bladder,

Stomach Digestive System Yellow Fire
(Manipura) large Intestine, Spleen

Heart Chakra Heart, lungs, Blood, Liver,
Heart Circulatory System Green Air
(Anahata) Vagus Nerve

Throat, Upper Lungs,

Throat Chakra
Throat Lymphatic System Alimentary Canal, Sky Blue Ether
(Vishudha) Bronchial Sacs

Hypothalamus, Lower Brain

Fore Head b/w Autonomic Nervous
Brow Chakra (Ajna) Spine, Left Eye, Indigo Ether
eye brow System
Nose & Ears

Crown Chakra Cerebro Spinal Upper Brain,

Top of Head Violet Ether
(Sahastra) Nervous System Right Eye
Archangel Michael – ‘Who is Like God’
Angel Michael protects us, showers love on us and holds
us safe from lower energies, darkness and disease.

Angel for Protection

Associated Color: Blue

Archangel Raphael – ‘God Heals’

Archangel Raphael takes great interest in helping those
who ask for help and guides us to be better Healers.

Angel of Healing
Associated Color: Green

Archangel Gabriel – ‘Messenger of God’

If Angel Gabriel visits you, you can be sure that God has
something significant to say to you!

Angel who brings Messages from God

Associated Color: White

Crystal Triangle

The Reiki Procedure
Creating an Reiki Environment for Healing

1. First create a quiet, comfortable and soothing environment for treatment.

2. At home, set aside a room or designate a small area to be regularly used for
client treatment. This ‘Reiki Space’ will become familiar, thus psychologically
comfortable and also becomes charged with the nature of Reiki itself, thereby
facilitating the healing experience.

Before Reiki Treatment

1. Wear comfortable clothing that will not interfere with treatment positions.
2. Always have clean hands, wash with soap in cool running water before
starting the Healing.
3. Place a box of clean tissues and a sheet or blanket within easy reach.

Reiki Invocation Procedure

1. Invoke Gods, Gurus, Masters, Angels, Master Spirits and anybody whom you
wish to invoke, and thank them for being here. Thank Reiki Guru Jaya Di.
2. Thank yourself for being a pure Reiki channel.
3. Thank the Cosmic Energy, Reiki for being here.
4. Place yourself in a Crystal Triangle with an intention, ‘May Love, Light and
Healing flow through me and May I be protected, and may negative energy if
any, flow back as positive energy into the Cosmos’. By saying this prayer
Visualize a Crystal Triangle around you.
5. Thank yourself for accepting Reiki (For Self-Healing)
6. Place an Intention “May the kind Reiki flow for the healing of ___________
(Your name) (say it 3 times)
7. May Reiki flow for____________ (Your name) for the Highest Good.

Starting Reiki treatment

8. Keep your finger together in a cupped position otherwise energy is scattered.
Curve the fingers just slightly to rest upon the contours of the body rather than
making them stiff and flat.
9. Begin by spending 3 minutes on each position. As you practice Reiki and your
bio sensory system becomes more attuned to the universal life energy, you
will sense varying rhythmic rise and fall or energy under your hands. Your
power to channel Reiki will also increase and treatment time will shorten.
Extremely diseased centres will probably need prolonged placements.
Whatever your hands will tell you through its sinusoidal pattern when to break.
Do so at the end of the first cycle of peak-to-ebb flow, just as the energy is
about to rise again.
10. That completes one energy cycle for that particular organ of the body drawing
in most Reiki.

11. If your organs missing due to surgery, treat as if they present anyway. Reiki
can help set up an energy pattern within the body to balance the body as if
that organ were physically present and will release adhesions if they exist.
12. A cold spot indicates a dysfunction or impaired circulation. Hold the area until
13. There is no such thing as a partial treatment because the body is all linked in
as you all know. For instance, if a person has diabetic blindness you are not
going to cure the eyes until you cure the pancreas because pancreas
manufacture insulin and lack of insulin causes diabetes.
14. Apart from emergency situations always give the whole body treatment before
focusing on particular ailments for additional Reiki.
15. The more energy needed to regenerate rejuvenate and revitalize the injured
body the longer the healing will generally take.
16. At the end of healing session all the organs are energized with Reiki energy.

Sealing the Reiki Energy

17. By placing your palms on the Heart Chakra say a prayer:
‘Seal the divine Reiki energy in your Heart Chakra, and pray that healing
continues to energies myself’.

The Reiki treatment is now complete…. Yet the effect of the Reiki on the cells and
energy flow of the body does not end with the treatment but continues to build and
balance the cells and system.

Chakra Cleansing
For 21 days do the Chakra healing as follows.

Method (21 minutes)

1. Both the palms on the Muladhar Chakra (the genital area).

2. Next, after 3 minutes move both the palms from the Muladhar Chakra to
below navel area (Swadhishthan Chakra).

3. Next, after 3 minutes move both the palms from Swadhishthan Chakra to
above naval area (Manipur Chakra).

4. Next, after 3 minutes move both the palms from Manipura Chakra to Heart
Chakra (Anahata Chakra).

5. Next, after 3 minutes move both the palms from Heart Chakra to Throat
Chakra (Vishudha Chakra).

6. Next, after 3 minutes move both the palms from Vishudha Chakra to fore
head between eye brows (Ajna Chakra).

7. Next, after 3 minutes move both the palms from Ajna Chakra to Top of the
head (Sahasrara Chakra).

So in 21 minutes every Chakra gets minimum 3 minutes of energy healing

Tips for using REIKI
When suffering from common ailments a few days of Reiki Healing is done. In case
of old and chronic ailments a minimum of 21 days of Reiki Healing is given. It is
necessary to heal all 24 point of the body for 3 minutes by placing hands on these
points. It is also necessary that full body healing should be done before flowing the
Reiki energy for 20-30 minutes extra to the affected part. However, in case of
emergency the affected part should be given healing immediately e.g. in case of
wounds. If there is little time Reiki energy should be given through the soles of feet.
Below are listed some aliments with their suggested Healing points. Flowing Reiki on
these points when suffering from a particular disease is beneficial.

No. Aliment Points to give Reiki Healing

1. Weather effect and skin disease Full Body

2. Deficiency of Blood Full body, Spleen, Liver
3. Anger, Acidity, Irritation Solar Chakra(Manipura)
4. Arthritis Root Chakra, Knees, Kidneys, Affected Part.
5. Asthma Throat, Upper Part of Lungs, Heart
6. Backache Solar Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Root Chakra, Full
7. Cyst/Tumor in chest Sacral, Chest
8. Fractures Affected Park Over the Plaster
9. Pimples, Burns, Cuts Affected Part
10. Cancer Full Body, Affected Part, Long Time Treatment.
11. Cold and Cough Throat, Heart, Solar Chakra, Upper Lung, Head
12. Lack of concentration Brow Chakra(Ajna)
13. Confidence and Circulation Throat, Heart and Solar Chakra.
14. Muscle Tension Sacral Chakra from Front and back, Affected
15. Sinking feeling Solar Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Knees.
16. Diabetes Pancreas, Liver
17. Alcohol Addiction Full Body, Back side of Heart, Calf Muscles
18. Weakness Soles of Feet, Solar Chakra, Heart, Thyroid
19. Epilepsy Head, Solar Chakra, Eyes, Ears, Jaws, Temples,
Back of Head, Ajna Chakra
20. Food poisoning, Head Injury Heart, Solar Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Shoulders,
Back of Root Chakra
21. Eye Infections Head, Eyes, Ears, Back of the Head, Crown

22. Ailments related to Ladies Sacral Chakra, Uterus

23. Hand and Shoulder Heart, Affected Part

24. Constipation Solar Chakra, Sacral Chakra

25. Headache, Migraine, Head Head, Eyes, Ears, Jaws, Temples, Back of the
Injury Head, Forehead (Ajna)
26. Heart Disease Solar Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Heart

27. Hemorrhage Solar Chakra, Affected Part

28. Blood Pressure Front and back of Neck, Heart, Front and
Backside Sacral Chakra
29. Hair loss and related ailments Head, Eyes, Ears, Affected Part.

30. Wounds Affected Part

31. Legs elated ailment Root Chakra

32. Memory Head, Eyes, Ears, Front and Back of Neck

33. Weight Problem Thyroid

34. Parkinson’s Disease Full Body, Head, Eyes, Ears, Jaws, Temples,
Back of Head, Forehead
35. Pregnancy Heart, Solar Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Root
Chakra, Uterus
36. Spondylitis Backside of Neck, Full Back
37. Cigarette and alcohol addiction Upper Part of Lungs, Heart Knees, Calf Muscles.

38. Strokes Head, Ears, Jaws, Temples, Heart, Solar

Chakra, Sacral Chakra
39. Laziness Heart Chakra

40. Lack of Confidence Thighs

41. Fear Knees

42. Tongue Soles of Feet

43. Tonsils Head, Eyes, Ears, Jaws

44. Ulcer Affected Part

Reiki Treatment Guide
Head Body Legs/Feet Back
Treatment for H1 H2 H3 H4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA BA2 BA3 BA BA
1 4 5
Acne H3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B6 BA3 BA
Allergies H1 H2 H3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B6 L3 BA3
Anxiety H2 H4 B1 B3 B4 B6 L2 BA
Arthritis H1 H2 H3 B6 L3 BA3 BA
Asthma H1 H3 H4 B1 B2 B3 B6 L2 L3 BA3
Back Problem H2 H3 H4 L1 L2 L3 BA BA2 BA3 BA BA
1 4 5
Bronchitis H1 H3 H4 B2 B3 B4 L2 L3 BA2 BA
Broken Bones H1 H3 L3 BA BA
4 5
Hypertension H1 H2 H3 B1 B3 B4 B5 L3
Hypertension H1 H2 H3 L3 BA2 BA3 BA BA
4 5
CP H1 H2 H3 H4 B6 L3 BA BA BA
1 4 5
Circulation H1 H2 H3 B3 B4 L3 Ba Ba3
Common cold H1 H2 H3 B1 B2 B3 B6 L3 BA BA
1 4
Colic H1 H2 H3 H4 B4 B5 B6 L3 BA3 BA
Cysts H1 H2 H3 B1 B2 B3 B6 L3 BA2 BA3 BA
Depression H1 H2 H3 H4 B1 B3 B5 B6 L3 BA2
Diabetes H2 H3 B1 B3 B4 B5 L3 BA3 BA
Dizziness H1 H2 H3 H4 L2 L3
Dysmenorrhea H2 H3 B1 B4 B5 B6 L2 L3 BA3 BA
Eczema H1 H3 H4 B1 B2 B3 B6 L2 L3 BA2 BA3
Endometria H1 H2 H3 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 L2 L3 BA3

Epilepsy H1 H2 H3 H B4 B5 L3 BA BA
4 4 5
Eyes/vision H1 H2 H3 H B5 B6 L2 L3 BA BA3 BA BA
4 1 4 5
Fear H2 H B B3 B4 B6 L2 BA
4 1 4
Fibromyalgia H1 H2 H3 H B B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA BA2 BA3 BA BA
4 1 1 4 5
Gall Bladder H1 H2 H3 B3 B4 B5 B6 L3 BA3 BA
Gout H1 H2 B B5 B6 L2 BA3 BA
1 4
Headache H1 H2 H3 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA
Heart H2 H3 B3 B4 B5 B6 L3 BA BA2 BA
1 4
Hemorrhoids B4 B5 B6 BA
Hearing H1 H2 H3 H B L2 L3 BA
4 1 5
Hips H3 H B5 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA BA
4 1 4
Hormones H1 H2 B B4 B6 BA BA
1 1 4
Immune sys H2 H3 H B B4 B5 BA3 BA
4 1 5
Incontinence H1 H3 B5 B6 L1 L3 BA3 BA
Insomnia H1 H2 H3 B B4 L3 BA
1 1
Kidneys H1 H2 H3 B6 L1 L3 BA3 BA
Lungs H1 H3 H B2 B3 B4 L2 L3 BA2 BA
4 4
Treatment for H1 H2 H3 H B B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA BA2 BA3 BA BA
4 1 1 4 5
Menstrual H2 H3 B B4 B5 B6 L2 L3 BA3 BA
1 4
Metabolism H1 H2 H B B3 B4 L2 BA
4 1 4
Migraine H1 H2 H3 H B4 B5 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA
4 4
MS H1 H2 B2 B3 B4 B6 L1 L2 L3 BA
Nerves H1 H2 H3 H B B4 B6 L1 L3 BA BA BA
4 1 1 4 5
Pancreas H2 H3 B B3 B4 B5 L3 BA3 BA
1 4
Paralysis H2 H3 H B4 L3 BA
4 4
PMS H2 H3 H B B6 L2 L3 BA
4 1 4

Prostate H1 H2 H3 B5 B6 L2 L3 BA3 BA

Psychic H2 H4 B1 34 B4 B6 L2 BA
Sciatica B6 L2 L3 BA
Sinusitis H1 H2 H B1 B6 L2 L3 BA
3 4
Skin H1 H H4 B1 B2 B3 B6 L3 BA3 BA
3 4
Stomach H1 H2 H B3 B4 B5 B6 L3 BA3 BA
3 4
Thyroid H1 H2 H B1 B3 B4 B6
Tinnitus H1 H2 H B1 L2 L3 BA
3 5
Tiredness H1 H2 H B1 B4 B5 L2 L3 BA
3 4
Tremor H1 H2 H B4 L2 L3 BA BA2 BA
3 1 5
Vomiting H1 H2 H B1 B2 B4 L2 L3 BA BA
3 4 5

Reiki Certification
 Spiritual Reiki Healer
 You have powerful channelized REIKI Energy for entire life time. Let it not go
waste ….. GO
 Heal yourself first

Your Reiki is the Midas Touch of Healing

Yet don’t be disillusioned if forever after your degree certification you occasionally
experience a physical or emotional distress. Reiki is not Nirvana or Heaven or
omnipresent Bliss – though compared to what some people have chosen to suffer
and how segments of medical community treat (or can’t treat) certain ailments; it
may seem their way to the healed client.

Disease and subsequent aliments will remain an aspect of mass consciousness for
some time to come in this world’s reality. So when you find yourself in a lowered
energy state, remember Reiki works on you too! And don’t hesitate to request the aid
of other Reiki therapists to magnify the universal life energy flow in you. The increase
of universal life energy through Reiki affects more than your physical and emotional
health though.

“Reiki is an impetus to spiritual growth’’ says Reiki Master Phyllis Furumoto

Follow the happenings of life; they will lead you to places and people that will
promote inner growth. Focal points or priorities of living will be altered. More and
more will find quite a honest change in your actions and your lifestyle. Be prepared
for growth and spiritual healing.
So use your hand…in mixing foods, vitalizing water and healing in all its myriad
forms. Your touch will feel good to others too. Go hug lots of people. Be prepared to
experience growth, consciousness expansion and spiritual strength.
And Reiki………..Reiki……Reiki………..

Frequently Asked Questions
Q 1. Can our crown chakra be made more activated by Reiki?
ANS. Yes, put your right hand above your crown chakra, call Reiki after giving
thanks to Masters and give Reiki.

Q 2. How can one improve his or her healing abilities?

ANS. A Healer who wants to improve his or her healing abilities should meditate on
Reiki’s principles; It helps to concentrate on the issue, and the God consciousness. It
makes the Healer more calm, centered and loving. Those who are more pure at
heart are the best Healers.

Q 3. Is it compulsory to be a vegetarian to be a Reiki channel?

ANS. No, It is not necessary to be a vegetarian. But it is advisable if one does not
take non- veg meals and alcohol three days before and after Reiki initiation of any

Q 4. Can healing by Reiki cause harm?

ANS. No, it can never cause you harm. It has its own intelligence, is guided by God
consciousness, it knows the person’s needed and works accordingly on all levels
such as physical, emotional or spiritual.

Q 5.What can Reiki treat?

ANS. In its long history of uses, Reiki has helped in healing virtually every known
illness and injury. It is always beneficial and improves the effectiveness of other
types of therapy as well. It reduces the healing time after major surgery eliminates
pain, stress. It helps to make a person optimistic.

Q 6. Does one have to stop visiting a regular medical Practitioner or other therapist
while taking Reiki treatment?
ANS. No, as mentioned earlier also, Reiki works well along with other therapies. In
fact it increases the effectiveness of other treatments.

Q 7. Who can learn Reiki?

ANS. Anybody can learn Reiki. It does not require particular religion or belief or
intellectual skills. Most important part is the belief in this particular energy.

Q 8. Can we treat babies also with Reiki? Is it not strong energy for them?
ANS. Do not worry about it being too strong. Reiki automatically adjusts the needs
of the person to be healed. Babies are very open and pure at heart; it does wonders
to them.

Q 9. Can it be used for global crisis?

ANS. Yes, it is one of the wonderful benefits of Reiki. It can be used for anybody,
anywhere in the world with a positive attitude. Many Reiki masters have used it
during earthquakes, cyclones, in hijacking against terrorists or to protect the person
during crisis.

Q 10. How does Reiki help in self- improvement?

ANS. Reiki is largely used to treat self and others physical and emotional problems.
At times, we also need healing. Indirectly we are healed while channeling Reiki to
others. In addition there is one technique called Reiki meditation, which is taught in
Advance Reiki Training. It is of great help in relieving stress before it begins to
damage our physical and mental health. It helps us in becoming a more centered
and loving person. It improves the insight, clarity and awareness. We suddenly
understand something, which was not clear previously. We get answers of some
problems in a flash.


 Quantum leap to higher levels of energy

 Powerful divine symbols for all (healing) physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual) achievements, goals, relationship, personal growth, progress,
ambitions business etc.

 The fastest way to clean negative aura, environment and energize and heal.

 Self-realization (close contact with higher self).

 Third eye opening meditation – to heighten the intuition, clairvoyance &


 Distant/absent healing – sending Reiki energy across time and space.

 Self protecting technique for business, family & travelling.

 Spiritual nutrition – for the fastest attunement with higher spirit – optimum
health energy – permanent cure.


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