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For my formative, inspired by the art piece “sunflower” by Vincent Van Gogh, I decided

to change up some things. I drew lavender instead of sunflower because I wanted to create my
own meaning to the piece, to me, lavender flowers represent peacefulness, calmness, and
purity, just like how Vincent Van Gogh decided to paint sunflowers to represent gratitude. The
color that the artist has used most in his artwork was yellow, mine is purple but just to make the
flower stand out a little more I used green for the plant’s stem. First I sketched out my design
with a pencil, then I used watercolor and acrylic color to paint over the sketch. I used acrylic
paint to draw the lavender, I used a small brush to stoke the plant. Then I shuffled the color
tone, I layer out light purple and dark purple and just shuffled it to make it detailed. I decided to
use water color because it is easier to blend out and shade, it also is easier for me to add little
details with it.

The reason I chose to draw lavender is because it reminded me of a dream I had as a

kid, I was in a land filled with lavenders. I was completely alone and it was so peaceful, so I
decided to paint it. Purple to me is a very interesting color, when I see it, it really just stands out
and I think that it means loyalty and loneliness. In my dream I was alone and it was very
peaceful so i thought that the color would really help express the artwork more and since the
color of the lavender plant is already purple and they have quite the same meaning, I decided to
paint it.

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