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Text Writer : Izza Vithry Hayah (1902030056)

I’m Izza Vithry Hayah. You can call me Izza or Izza Viha. I’m a muslim. I
was born in Palopo, January 11, 2001. And now, I’m 19 years old. I’m from a
simple family. I’m the last of two siblings and I have an older brother. I study at
the State Islamic Institute of Palopo, I majored in Arabic.
I’m a introvert girl. I fill my energy when I’m alone. I feel a bit
uncomfortable when in a crowd of people. I am also an overthink person, but I
always try to stay normal. Usually people judge me as a quiet girl. That's true, but
if I'm with people who are close to me, I can be a very fussy person.
I love listening to the Quran. Because one of the tips to get peace of mind
and heart is through the Qur'an. My favorite reciters are Muhammad al-Naqeeb,
Ziyad Patel, Shaykh Maher Al-Mu'aiqly, Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Ossy, Shaykh
Yasser al-Dossary, Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sudays, Islam Sobhi, Zain Abu
Kautsar, Bara Masoud, and Fadli Abdullah.
My goal is working at home. I want to work as a writer and have my own
website. I have big dreams to be able to master Arabic and other sciences. I also
had a great desire to be able to live in the city of the Prophet Muhammad
‫ﷺ‬, Medina An Nabawiyyah. I want to study there and be able to
enjoy worship at the Prophet's Mosque.

 Question:
1. What is my name?
2. Where and when was I born?
3. What are the characters that I have?
4. What is my hobby and why do I like to do it?
5. What is one of my goals that I want to achieve?

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