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Some weak point of Vietnamese People

1. Clever but narrow mind. They only see immediate benefits, but never see
the long-term benefits.

I can give you an example:

Recently, VTV24 has reported about the case that farmers are trying to kill earthworms for the
sake of selling. The reason behind is that recently Chinese traders want to buy earthworms at a
very high price for unknown reasons, so people see this as a money-making opportunity, some
people even spend money to build an oven in order to make dried-worm to sell. But they don’t
know that the elimination of the earthworms will greatly affects the natural structure of the
soil, the lack of worm will make the soil be less porous and thus the plant will not be able to
reach the highest productivity. In addition, imagine that one day (but I’m pretty sure that day
will happen), the Chinese traders stopp buying worms from farmers, then what would farmer
can do with the oven built as well as tons of smelly dead earth worm remain in that oven? It
will be an absolute loss for Vietnamese farmer in the long run.

Another example, when I came to my hometown, I heard a lot of stories from my neighbor like
this: They tried to borrow money for their children to study abroad, regardless of the quality, if
it’s cheap just go there and study at the same time find a job to get money to pay the debts. Just
pretend that you can’t pass a subject so that they can let you stay in their country little bit
longer, therefore, you will have more time to work to earn money to send back. Making money
is easy. Have those parents thought that they are getting money at the expense of their
children’s education, their children’s future? Is that money really worth in the long term?

2. Curious Accompanied with Gossip:

- I went to buy some mango bags to eat last night. In the next morning, neighbors said I am

- Before I was 87kg, after doing exercise regularly, weight reduced to 75kg, the whole
neighborhood say that I am addicted.

- My television is broken in the World Cup. I just calmed the TV to fix it, Seeing my
television, some neighbors immediately murmur, love World Cup betting so much that the
television is sold."

4. Poor community awareness. (Ý thức xã hội kém)

- Time: luôn luôn đến muộ n giờ

If in Japan, arriving 5 minutes earlier than the meeting time, you are then consider to be late
but in Vietnam, 8am to start the meeting means that comes at 8:30 am is till ok.

Có lẽ là do thá i độ củ a mọ i ngườ i đố i vớ i việc đi muộ n quá là dễ dà ng nên mọ i ngườ i có mộ t cá i

mindset là đi muộ n cũ ng chẳ ng là m sao cả .

-The same goes with Queue: if Westerners queue in a straight line then Vietnamese is always a
circle or in a round shape. Tìm mọ i cách để chen hà ng vớ i mộ t vẻ mặ t poker face như đó là mộ t
điều hiển nhiên vậ y.

- Xả rác bừ a bã i, đi VS bừ a bã i

There is pollution everywhere, all over the city, the countryside, in the air, on the ground, under
the ground, people just litter, they have no sense of respect to their land, they just throw the
containers the rubbish everything on the street, even in tet holiday, people even dump the
rubbish into the river, they don’t care about it. VNese people are overusing plastics: go to the
market buy vegetable – got a plastic bag, buy meat – got another plastic bag, go to the coffee
shop to buy the coffee – not just a plastic bag, they will give you a plastic straw and a plastic

- Traffic: Vietnam is honking heaven with crazy traffic pace. Vietnamese do not stop or slow
down when you pass the street. They will horn and you have to get out of their way. It doesn't
matter if it's a motorbike or a big truck. Even sidewalks are off-limits. While you're walking,
motorbike drivers will drive straight at you and expect you to move while shouting. As expected,
if you don't, yup...they'll run you over.

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