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The day I got lost

A few years ago, I was driving at a road in Paraná to go to Pontal (a small city in
coat of Paraná) when suddenly I lost my GPS signal. I got really nervous because I was
alone and I didn’t know anything there. Eventually I got the signal back but the GPS
instructions didn`t make any sense and I suspected that I was driving in circles. The
GPS was telling me to turn left, but if I turned left at the point, I was going to fall at a
river. It was impossible.
After I drove blindly for a while, I found myself at a really strange and isolated
place. All I saw were trees and bushes. Unexpectedly I saw an old man with a little
young girl walking on the side of the road. So, I thought: “Thanks God! The kid seems
healthy and happy. The old man must be her grandfather and it must be safe to talk to
him.” Then I stopped the car to ask him how I could go to Pontal. He looked at me and
came towards me. When I was opening the window to talk with him, I realized the he
was holding a really big knife. And my next thought was: “F%$#! I’m probably going to
die and no one will never find my body.” Luckily, he only gave me the instructions and
left. I was very nervous, and I couldn’t really pay any attention at what he was saying.
So, I started driving around again.
I was still completely lost when miraculously I saw a police car parked at the
road. I asked the police for help. The officer said I was really luck for being alive
because that place was really dangerous. So, as the officer realized I wasn’t able to
understand the complicated instructions he was giving, he told me to follow him
because he was going to lead me to the main road so I could get to Pontal.

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