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Ex. EUSA, Rapist, = Gerfiimatorg tests = high Specficity, —ex- Western fle > Folse = Negptive Results: during —Wiedouspericel * ‘he ime frmeme—letusean a. person is expesed_fo_Hiv_fo_the time __halahe—tasts. positive _for_Hiv_antiloatis —_ Suieamciig tins! 6 ceca Se ae ie Gnegire inked —Immuna= Sora Asay >The purpose _of _£1NSA_is_to_clofemina ia. particusar Antigen __Atiloady iS present in_a__sample pro fonest_ in wat_pee (ctstavsion a Ae) _@ a6 ~ antigen _conged was | Tested perm 19 oddeel inte the — als | in present, it lands tothe antigen ___ ees then ec a. —sacenary antibody that \inds pring ____ 40 primary ontiledty Tha_higher the Cone. of _primary_antibedly tha stronger the Cer. spectmeter ts used 40 gue ata of vain _forcotor_oTrength Soe mabe Hl Mond gi tance Seiten —t de HN Rai Si cn eedienimm = 8 combination _antigon | antitandy “bee 5 con itantify__scuta | early infection compared with anti adly~ only et, sina ik_Can__dttect: _HIV__pay_antigan whan antiloely may not yet be presente. _(oluring window periea) —____ = Early detection is impertane because of high risk of transmission that preades _ Gereconversien_and algo. ___potentiod te improve health outcome with early antiretoviray so a thats At _=-Ik_tan also cletarmine _i€a_pationt is infected with NN a pO NOM en 3 Gyults «8 ampticons dus = lo _emnpli te PR RT-PCR Nett page! es piel fire ©_Quatitative—cletectin : Agarose _Gel_etectrmphoresis. © Quantitative —clatection: —Hybridieation scoot te Polymerase unin Rendon = Used mane Coes cf a opedtic OWN Sample - © Hemme Ficaitien (ona polymerase clones The cian, ey sdting rucuotidas) . augue : > eok_tn_in_cenvrted_to_tte_siog throne _‘ronsiptove ence This Stop_—te_nemlados_eny bun _con._ tocar yefere dunalusabien, af Me _erd ok tte fest eye 2 copies RT-PCR > resecsa transerigtose: ene =psint analysis. In _rea)- time PCR} the _axcurnataon of amelftcation ——Produck.i&_measived ase reacion_progiestes.,in_eeat tine, with produc quantification after _each capa Be ae << => A_opctemutor ea pee Se are oe _ Sarengih [era SMnger Aye _Gelor_=__the__Wapur the. _coce._ ctf anita, 808-1 | tote 77 200 iP) _fesitiver “2 gucepreteins _ | Se See ee sia

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