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Is nuclear power an interesting alternative?

The 22th august humanity has already consumed the natural resource that the world can
regenerate, although the ecological footprint has been reduced to a 9.3% for the pandemic we
are untenable,for this reason is important to find a new alternative to the way that produced our
electricity.However the people don’t like nuclear energy ,they have the idea of a dangerous
energy and in this kind point of view is important to ask :¿Could nuclear power be an alternative
to consume?,the fast answer is yes but we don’t have the technology yet.

First of all we have to understand that a big percent of the energy in the world is produced by
fossil energy , this could be burning  wood, oil, carbon ,etc… for example the electricity sector
emitted 54.1 million tons of CO2 only in the 2019,but from 2006 to 2014 one of the more used
clean energy have been in decline .The nuclear energy have been reduced in a 7% ,basically is
for 3 reason, number 1 the people think that this is an insecurity energy, number 2 the people
don’t like the nuclear waste and number 3 the people associate it with the nuclear weapons.

Something curious about the Nuclear in  statistics is that it is one of the safest energy , if we got
that coal,petroleum and also biomass have produced more deaths that nuclear power, even
better if we see about the number of explosions only we got 2, from the 448 of the nuclear
reactor that has existed,is important to know that in the 2011 it was giving the 14% percent of
the total energy that globe consumed and in countries like United Stated this is nearly the 20%
of total energy.

The most important stuff about nuclear energy is that we haven’t used all the power that it can
give us , because we use fission process but the fusion process is so powerful that today we
only can use it in weapons special in H bombs, for example inside a H bomb we need so much
energy for make it works, it is known as the first and is a nuclear bomb ,this start the process of
fusion and the process of fusion cause fission too.In another point of view Deuterium is a stable
isotope of hydrogen. In the water we can find an atom of this for every 6500 atoms of hydrogen,
in this it has so much energy that a liter of seawater makes the same energy of 250 liters of oil.

 FInally the humanity have a big ecological problem that would extinguish us if we don’t take
action for that ,nuclear power is important for our future and we need to investigate and lose the
fear of this alternative .Even the fusion process could give more and clean energy than the we

bibliography: 2020. El Déficit Ecológico Se Retrasa Tres Semanas En

2020. [online] Available at: <
ecologico-se-retrasa-tres-semanas-2020_15841> [Accessed 9 September 2020].

Shellenberger, M., 2020. If Nuclear Power Is So Safe, Why Are We So Afraid Of It?. [online]
Forbes. Available at: <
power-is-so-safe-why-are-we-so-afraid-of-it/#2307f4cc6385> [Accessed 9 September 2020].  

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