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Health Notions, Volume 0Number 0 (Month 0000)

ISSN 2580-4936

Reporting incidents in the treatment room that have not been optimal and the prevalence of Nearly
Injury or Unexpected Events is often not going well in carrying out its role as manager. The statement is
supported by the results of the study of Casida (2008) which states that factors affecting the application of
patient safety measures include leadership behavior of the head of the room where blamming culture is still
strong, lack of trust, not understanding the benefits, and the role of space chief in mentoring, supervision
and monitoring evaluation. One effort to build and develop a safety culture (including the culture of
incident reporting) in health services is through structural empowerment including through empowering
care unit managers (Swanson & Tidwell, 2011).

1.2 Purpose

General purpose:
This study aims to identify the effectiveness of a leadership model based on patient safety towards incident
reporting and continuing learning in the hospital.

Special purpose:
Known (1) Description of the leadership of the head of the room, reporting of incidents, continuous
learning about patient safety in the hospital before and after the intervention. (2) Effect of the application
of a leadership model based on patient safety culture on incident reporting and ongoing learning about
patient safety. (3) The effectiveness of applying a leadership model based on patient safety culture to
incident reporting and ongoing learning about patient safety. (4) The dominant factor influences incident
reports and learning about patient safety.

This excellent research using quasi experiment pre-post test with control group design methodology
that consists of two phases: the development phase capacity building program on the theme head space
research and testing stage / intervention based leadership model of safety culture. The population in this
study were implementing nurses who worked in the RSUD while the study sample was nurses who worked
in the inpatient hospital that had implemented a patient safety program. The technique of extracting ampel
using the criteria for inclusion and exclusion or simple random sampling method . The questionnaire trial
was conducted on 35 nurses at Pasar Rebo Hospital in Jakarta. Data analysis using computer programs,
namely univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis


3.1. Equality of Leadership Model Based on Patient Safety Culture

The Mann-Whitney test results show that several components/sub-variables of leadership have
equality between intervention groups with control (p-value ≥ 0.05), namely trust, political skills, individual
considerations, ideal influence,and intellectual stimulation. There is a component of unequal leadership
that is self-confidence, effective communication, change / renewal, and mentoring , meaning that one
(group / intervention) has a higher average than the other group . In general, from the results of
the pre - post test in the intervention group, it was seen that there were only two variables in the
implementation of patient safety culture-based leadership which changed significantly including trust and
individual consideration (p- value < 0.05 ) with an average increase of 0.18 and 0.16.

1| Publisher: Humanistic Network for Science and Technology

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