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Investigate all about punctuation. 

The punctuation marks are those grammar rules which help to interpret and
define the expressions of a text; they also make reading easier and help to
understand the direction of words. The objective of the score is that the ideas
expressed contain structure and an order that distinguishes the main ideas from
the secondary ones without losing the relationship between them.

Investigate all about the

The Comma ( , )

The comma is that punctuation mark which is used to indicate a brief pause
within a sentence. The comma has the shape of a small hook (,) and is written
close to the word or sign that precedes it and must be separated by a space
from the word or sign that follows it. It is worth mentioning that the comma is
one of the most used spelling signs.

The period ( . )

The period is undoubtedly an orthographic sign in a circular shape, being one of

the most important punctuation marks and its main function is to indicate the
end of a sentence (that is not exclamatory or interrogative). The use of the point
helps the writing of a text to be read in an orderly manner in several parts, each
of which contains a central idea. The period is written without separating from
the word, or number or other sign that precedes it and then separated by a
space from the element that follows it.

It is important to mention that there are three kinds of points, which are:

Point and followed which is the one who separates the sentences that form a

Full stop is when the period is written at the end of a paragraph and the next
sentence starts a new paragraph, it is called full stop.

Final point is when it appears at the end of a writing or is used to divide

important parts of a text, as would be the case with the chapters of a book, it is
called an end point.
The Question Mark ( ? )

The question mark is one that indicates that it is an interrogative statement, that
the speaker asks something. Question marks are double signs, they are written
to indicate the beginning and end of a question. That is, the question marks are
orthographic signs that are responsible for enclosing interrogative sentences, so
that these are immediately transformed into questions.

The Exclamation point ( ! )

Exclamation marks are those punctuation marks which are used to express
various emotions. These signs are essential in all dialects when speaking and
expressing oneself, since they are important to give the right intonation to
phrases or expressions such strong emotions such as surprise, joy, sorrow,
among others.

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