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Van Gogh’s Works

Here you will find images of ;Van Gogh drawings, watercolors, graphic works, letter sketches, and Van
Gogh's paintings. Discussions and critiques on Van Gogh's Starry Night, Sunflowers, Irises, Poppies, The
Bedroom, The Mulberry Tree, Blossoming Almond Tree and The Potato Eaters are just a few of the many
pieces which are covered. On the drawings and paintings page, you will find a discussion of a few of Van
Gogh's drawings which he also created as paintings. To search a list of his paintings by name, date, current
location or museum, visit The Gallery section.
Watch New ;Van Gogh Video >

Van Gogh's Life

On this site you will also find Vincent van Gogh's biography, a timeline of his life, Van Gogh quotes, and
much more. You can take a journey in his steps from The Netherlands to Belgium and Paris to Arles seeing the
homes and places Van Gogh knew - many of which can still be visited today.
Vincent van Gogh wrote over 800 letters in his lifetime to family and friends the majority of which were to his
beloved brother Theo Van Gogh. The letters provide insight to the life of the artist as well as his work. They
allow us to know more about his life, how he thought and how he worked than nearly any other artist. In the
Letters section, you can learn more about the significance of Vincent van Gogh's letters and find a link to a
resource containing Van Gogh's translated letters.
Van Gogh had many influences on his life including his family and friends, other artists such as Paul Gauguin,
and his failing mental and physical health. To see how each of these affected his life, please visit the Important
Figures, Artistic Influences and Health sections. For information about how Van Gogh's work has impacted
our society today, view the Impact on Art, Cultural References, and News sections.

The Goods & Community

If you are interested in adding more Van Gogh to your life, the Van Gogh Gallery has plenty to offer.
Download Van Gogh images of some of his most famous paintings as wallpaper for your computer, shop for
Van Gogh posters or prints, or check out some of the additional resources available including links to Van
Gogh exhibitions. If you are a smartphone user then download the free app for any Android or iPhone device
and have access to Van Gogh’s famous paintings right from your phone. There are even lesson plans from
multidiscipline areas for those interested in educating others about Van Gogh's art and life. If you’d like to
enjoy and share your favorite Van Gogh works on social media follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

The Legend
Van Gogh has influenced generations of young artists worldwide since his time. Today we can see his impact
in painting, in poetry, in song and in video. We are happy to display new examples of art that were influenced
by Van Gogh in our community art section.
Tragically, Van Gogh died not knowing the acclaim his art would receive. Today his legacy is immortal, and
he will be forever known as one of the greatest artists of the modern era. Through this website, The Van Gogh
Gallery aims to share his life and legacy with the world.

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