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The Odyssey: Chapters 5, 6, and 9 Quiz

Fill in Summary
Directions: Fill in the name of the character that fits in the corresponding blank.

_______ ___ appeals to the gods at Olympus that Odysseus has had to suffer long enough on the witch
_____________’s island. Cloudgatherer _____________ finally agrees and sends his messenger
_____________ to tell the witch “that Odysseus will return after all his troubles” (62). The witch agrees
since she realizes she would face terrible consequences if she didn’t cooperate, but she is indignant to
the hypocritical gods. The witch sends Odysseus on his way, and Odysseus has smooth sailing for the
first 17 days. But, on the 18th day, ___________ spots Odysseus, becomes angry, and sends a
tempestuous storm. Then, ______________ sees Odysseus, takes pity on him, and gives him a veil to
float on. Odysseus finally arrives on a rocky shore and falls asleep in an isolated thicket before
continuing on the next stage of his journey.

Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the best answer to each question.

1. How many people did Odysseus send to the island of the lotus eaters?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

2. How does Nausicaa discover Odysseus?

a) Her ball awakens him and he climbs out of the bushes.
b) Odysseus approaches Nausicaa in the marketplace.
c) Nausicaa goes exploring and finds the sleeping Odysseus.
d)Nausicaa does not discover Odysseus, Alcinoos does.

3. How do the Phaiacians feel about outsiders?

a) They are extremely kind and hospitable to outsiders.
b) They would gossip about the outsider.
c) They would completely ignore and shun the outsider.
d) They would worship the outsider as a god.

4. What was the danger of the lotus-eaters?

a) They are extremely violent with highly developed weapons.
b) Their land is inhabited by a multitude of vicious wild animals.
c) They hide in their environment and spy on travelers.
d) Once one started eating the lotus, he would choose to stay there and say good-bye to his
5. How did the delicious wine from Maron Euanthides prove to be useful?
a) It turned out to be poisonous, so Odysseus used it to poison Polyphemos.
b) It saved Odysseus and his crew from dehydration.
c) Odysseus used it to make Polyphemos become drunk so that he would fall asleep and
Odysseus could stab him in the eye.
d) The wine didn’t prove to be useful; it slowed Odysseus down as he was running to escape

6. How did Odysseus trick the Cyclops?

a) He lied to the Cyclops and said that Poseidon had instructed him to visit.
b) He bribed the Cyclops with an object that he didn’t actually have.
c) One of Odysseus’s crew mates posed as Odysseus so that he could fool Polyphemos and
d) He said his name was Noman, so the Cyclops told his fellow Cyclopians that no man was
killing him.

7. How did Odysseus’s crews escape from Cyclops’ cave?

a) They move the rock and slip out of the cave at night while the Cyclops is sleeping
b) They blind the Cyclops and ride his goats out of the cave in the morning
c) Odysseus wins a bet with the Cyclops and is allowed to leave
d) The crew ties up the Cyclops and they run out of the cave

8. Which of these gifts does Calypso NOT give Odysseus?

a) A raft
b) Skins of water and wine
c) A veil to keep him from drowning
d) Food for the journey

9. What must Odysseus do as he throws the veil back in the ocean?

a) Make eye contact with the goddess
b) Say a prayer to Poseidon
c) Provide a sacrifice to Ino
d) Turn his face away

10. What does the Cyclops say as Odysseus’s crew is sailing away?
a) He prays to Poseidon to put a curse on Odysseus
b)He prays to Poseidon to bless Odysseus’s journey
c) He reminds the crew that they forgot to make a sacrifice
d) He makes a prophecy that Odysseus will never reach home

11. Why doesn’t Odysseus die on the rocks of Phaiacia?

a) Athena puts wisdom into his mind
b) He swims along the shore until he finds a river mouth to swim into
c) He prays to the river-god and his prayer is heard
d) All of the above

True or False
Directions: Circle either true or false for each statement.
1. True or false: Odysseus reveals his identity to the Cyclops upon leaving the island.
2. True or false: Nausicaa’s maids are not afraid of Odysseus when they first meet him.
3. True or false: After Poseidon creates the storm to sink Odysseus’s ship, Aphrodite and Ino help him.
4. True or false: Athena convinces Nausicaa to go and wash her clothes in the form of her mother, Arete
5. True or false: Polydemos shows hospitality at first to Odysseus.

Respond to the following question in a multiple sentence essay.

Were Odysseus’s taunts toward the Cyclops justified, and would he have suffered a similar fate had he
kept his mouth shut?


Bonus Questions
The following multiple choice and true/false questions are based off the bonus books 7 & 8.

1. Who tried to get Odysseus to participate in games?

a) Alcinoos
b) Pontanoos
c) Broadsea
d) Laodamas

2. In what form does Athena appear to Odysseus when he first enters Phaiacia?
a) A little boy
b) Herself
c) A little girl
d) Bear cub
3. True or false: Odysseus requests Demodocus to sing of the Trojan horse but breaks down once again.

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