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Nama : Natalya Vanka

Kelas : XMIPA
SKRIP penjelasan mapel kimia pada video luring yang akan disampaikan pada cluster
profesi (boleh berisi penggalan skripnya atau keseluruhan skrip yang kemudian di
highlight bagian kimianya)

Hello everyone, welcome to my video, I'm Natalya Vanka from grade 10 science, in
this video, I want to share things I can do with subjects in school to achieve my dream
job. My dream job is as a chef. As a chef, our job is making recipes, determining and
measuring ingredients, cooking, and also serving a dish that tastes good and looks

So I need to learn some subjects in school, like biology, chemistry, mathematics,

craft, history, and English. Why? Because first, in history. To support me studies the
origins and development of traditional food like its ingredients, equipment, techniques
of cookery which later on develop the human culture and create great cultural
identities through regions from the perspective of cuisine and culinary. Next, I have
mathematics, in this subject I use Linear Equation of Three or More Variables
because before I start cooking, I need to prepare food recipes by Linear Equation of
Three or more Variables, for example, I use the equation ax + by + cz = d. a, b, c the
food recipes and x, y, z units, and d is a food. After that is biology, I have learned
about nutrition and a balanced diet, so when I make a portion of food, in a dish, I must
know and put food containing carbohydrates, protein, and fat to have the perfect
components and healthy for consumers, moreover with right food processing, can
maintain the nutrients contained in food ingredients. In addition, there is Chemistry,
in chemistry, it’s about chemical and physical changes. So I need to know more about
changes from food ingredients into something new so that you can make a new food,
for example, chemical changes is processing sugar becomes caramel and for example,
physics changes is melting chocolate and turn it into a new formation. Furthermore, I
have the crafting lesson, crafting is a subject that requires creativity. So I use my
creativity to make a perfect food appearance, additionally, in literacy, I must know
about economics because when I become a chef, I will establish a company,
specifically a restaurant to get more successful and develop my skills as a chef. The
last one is English, the English language is necessary when I become a chef. I will
find English words all the time and also communicate with another chef so I must
have good grammar and pronunciation.

If you want to achieve your dream job you must study well in school and every
subject will support you. Remember, Work hard. Dream big. Never Give up.
Hopefully, this video provides inspiration and motivation to help you achieve your
dream jobs. Thank you for watching my video and bye everyone
TOPIK pembelajaran kimia yang digunakan pada cluster profesi

perubahan kimia dan perubahan fisika

PENJELASAN konsep pembelajaran yang sudah dicari serta dipelajari saat menyusun
skrip video tersebut (berikan penjelasan dan sumber bacaan yang digunakan)

jadi saya memilih profesi chef untuk dimasukan kimia karena terdapat satu topik yang
harus kita pahami dan akan berguna saat kita menjadi chef yaitu perubahan fisika dan
kimia, karena saat kita membuat hidangan makanan pasti kita akan membuat sesuatu
yang menarik dan menginovasikan dari bahan makanan menjadi sesuatu yang baru,
contoh nya perubahan fisika terdapat cokelat yang awalnya berbentuk hanya kotak
dan bisa diubah dengan bentuk yang menarik sebagai hiasan tetapi rasanya tetap
sama. ada juga perubahan kimia yaitu gula menjadi caramel jadi secara kimiawi, gula
yang dipanaskan akan naik titik didihnya dan meningkatkan kepekatannya. Titik didih
gula berada pada suhu 160° C. Apabila gula dipanaskan melebihi titik didih ini,
molekul gula akan memecah dan berubah wujud. Perubahan ini membuat sifat asli
gula jadi berubah pula. Pecahnya molekul gula ditandai oleh tekstur gula yang
berubah menjadi cairan yang lebih lengket berwarna beige hingga cokelat keemasan.
Nama beken-nya adalah karamel (caramel).

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