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Life, Works and Writings of Rizal

Chapter 6 Lesson 1

Learning Check!!
Instructions: Basing from the previous texts answer the following. Make your answer short, brief but
substantial enough to answer the question.

1. What is the legacy of Rizal to the Filipino Nation?

- Jose Rizal is remembered for his intelligence, courage, passion, and of course, his spirit of
patriotism. To this day, he reminds the people of the Philippines how important our Independence
is. Rizal Day is a Philippine national holiday and is annually celebrated on December 30 th to
commemorate the life and works of our hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. His founding of La Liga Filipina in 1892, a
self-help organization that got people involved in the reforms in the colonial government had an
effect in the beginnings of the Philippine Independence in 1898. In honor of Jose Rizal, various
establishments were named after him including streets, a University and even in the province.
2. Discuss and describe how these efforts of Rizal helped the Filipinos in its present sovereignty.
- Sovereignty is the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a territory. These efforts
of Rizal helped the Filipinos in its present sovereignty to become patriots wherein they were able to
fight and to defend our country from enemies. Through his efforts the Philippines become an
independent nation.

3. Identify the manifestations of Rizal’s legacy at present.

- The enduring greatness of Rizal lies in the richness of his ideas and the nobility of his examples. The
validity of his progressive thoughts and soul-searching teachings is his legacy to humanity. Instances
in which he displayed courage, will-power, leadership and self-abnegation are admirable. Events
revealing his honesty, love and faith in God, love for fellowmen and love for parents are shining
virtues for everyone.

4. Discuss and describe what legacy you would like to leave. How will you make it sure it would be

For me, the legacy I would like to leave is being an active youth in our community. While we are still
young I would like to encourage my fellow youths in our community to continue doing well for
others, continue in serving the Lord. Being a youth participant for an organization helps you to
increase competencies, self-esteem, skills and knowledge. That’s why I always tell to them that
whenever there is a mass gathering in our “gimong” or prayer meeting they should participate so
that they will have the knowledge on what are the things that are needed to prepare during mass
because they will be the next in line to continue what we have started as a youth.

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