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Daniel John B.

8-6 Kowalski

Entertainment Speech

Good Evening to all my name is Daniel Perales one of the grandsons of our
birthday celebrant grandpa Virgilio. What is tall when it's young and short when it's old.
A candle. We are all candles we get young and old we don't stay here on earth
eternally. That is why we experience birthdays. We all have experienced birthdays
because this is a special event to us. We do this every year to show love and respect to
the one who is celebrating. I am honored to be talking in front of here now because he
is the best grandpa a grandson would wish for. He is a man with infinite knowledge and
love. He is a man that can be described to many positive things. He is a great role
model that helps us inspire that if doing good to others, then others will do good to you.
This is true because once I was about 8 years old he helped a man that man was my
father from a financial problem then the proceeding years my father got successful and
worked as manager from a company in Saudi Arabia and my grandfather's business
was supported by my father. Then my grandfather was happy for him and to my father.
This is really true because God himself taught us to help even how small or big it is. I
am really thankful for him because if it weren't for him I wouldn't be here right now. I am
doing this because I owe him my respect for being one of the kindhearted and caring
person to me. As a student of St. John Bosco love others as you love yourself. I would
never trade him for the world. Because I love him so much. As yourself too you wouldn't
someone to leave you especially your dearest and most loved ones. But again we don't
live here eternally but only a limit of time. That is why we need to make every second
count. I know that his journey is almost going to end I am both proud and sad for that
because when his journey ends he can start a new life in a better place and tell great
stories about his journey here. I really would miss him but I am sure that we will see
again. Once again happy birthday to my lovely and caring grandpa Virgilio. May God
Bless you always and more birthdays to come. I wish that you are still a tall candle.

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