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Universidad Yacambu

Facultad de Humanidades

Coordinacion de Idiomas

Evaluacion III Idioma avanzado

Nombres y apellidos:_____Maria Gabriela Contreras Romero____C I :_____27831906_____


I.True or false. Califica 5 puntos.

1. “ Intelligence “ is an expression commonly used by humans, animals and recently by

machines. ___T_____

2.When a female wasp returns to its hole with food, she takes it inside at once. ____F_____

3.If a machine is able to interact with its environment , it is considered an intelligent one.

4.To deploy the information to establish knowledge about the environment is involved in
the learning process in intelligent machines. ____T________

5.Medical micro-robot project aims to create an insect-like device that is capable of flying
autonomously . ___F_________

II.Match the statement with the corresponding part from the text ( Coloca en el espacio a la
derecha el titulo del parrafo en el cual aparece la afirmacion dada. 1. Introduction,2.
Learning in intelligent machines,3. Application of intelligent machines,4.Chapters included
in this book, 5. Summary). Califica 5 puntos.

1. Some applications of intelligence machines are highlighted___5. Summary________

2. Actroid greets people in four languages ____3. Application of intelligent
3. Its mission is to explore Mars and sending images and information back to Earth
___3. Application of intelligent machines____________
4. If the food is moved , she will put the food back in the threshold ___1.
5. A normal machine has a specific programmed set of tasks ____1.
III. Answer according to the reading. Califica 10 puntos.

1. Give, in your own words, a definition of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence of machines. It is just a concept because a machine

can’t think by themselves but if a machine is able to interact with its environment , it is
considered an intelligent one.

2. What kinds of robots are not considered intelligent machines?

The robots that are operated based on a programmed manner and in a fully controlled
environment .

3. Why have the unmanned Aerial Vehicles been invented?

Because there are some aerial missions and tasks that are not suitable for human pilots
either because it is too dangerous like military operations, or it takes a long time in the air
like mapping tasks.

4. Are there many parts of the Ocean that are unknown to humans?

Yes, there are. Ocean exploration has attracted the attention of scientists for ages.

5. What´s the name given to the robot that avoids obstacles in its way?

Humanoid Robot.

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