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In The Future Handwriting Will Still Be Used

Handwriting is the writing done with a writing instrument , such as a pen or pencil, in
the hand. Handwriting includes both printing and cursive style and is separate from
formal calligraphy or typerface. But there is a quote that says ''Handwriting is no
longer useful in the modern world" from this statement I don't completely agree
because handwriting will have a place where people want to intersect with pen and
paper for more sensation, using old style writing skills to express art, handwriting can
stimulates fine motor skills of hands and fingers, and the brain functions differently
when handwriting compared to entering writing through a keyboard or touch screen.
Research has shown that writing can enhance memory. Students will continue to learn
more when facing new thoughts through handwriting rather than typing. Cursive is a
type of handwriting that generates many diametrically opposed opinions. People
either love it, or hate it. Cursive lovers talk only about the advantages of cursive,
while haters talk only about the disadvantages. William Klemm, Ph.D, Professor of
Neuroscience at the University of Texas A&M, published research that revealed that
what is called functional specialization develops the act of writing in cursive. He
explains this as the "integrating sensation, motion and thinking" brain. He goes on to
illustrate how brain imaging experiments show that different areas of the brain are co-
activated where the brain areas function more effectively together, almost like a
"super brain." It's not only that the handwriting mechanical process is quicker, but it
makes the brain more efficient. And for cursive handwriting, this was specific.
According to BBC News, cursive is no longer taught in schools in countries such as
Finland but they teach students to type. In the United States, the requirement for
cursive writing has been abandoned. Since 2013, this requirement is no longer the
main standard. However, several states in the United States still offer cursive writing
courses in basic education. One of them is in Arizona, but not the majority. Cursive
will likely disappear, but its value cannot be underestimated. The invention of the
telephone, typewriter, computer keyboard, and e-mail did not make us completely
eliminate the use of the pen in everyday life. And, handwriting itself is a fluid
behavior and can adapt to situations. It is still very possible that cursive writing is still
used among those who like design, aesthetics, and among their lovers. In a journal
article Trends in Neuroscience and Education, authors Karin James and Laura
Engelhardt find that handwriting may be important in helping children learn letters. In
the study, a group of preschool children practiced recognizing letters in various ways,
including handwriting and typing on a keyboard. After that, the children were shown
various letters while lying on the MRI scanner. The scans showed that when children
looked at the letters they practiced in handwriting, there were parts of their brains that
were active that were different from the letters they practiced on the keyboard. This
means that it is possible that handwriting can help children master reading and
writing. So, handwriting can have cognitive advantages, give sensitivity to art, give it
a personal touch, and can help students learn faster. Handwriting can stimulate the
fine motor skills of the hands and fingers. According to a study by the University of
Washington, when you write by hand, a part of your brain works differently than a
keyboard. This is what William Klemm responded to in his 2013 article Psychology
Today. "There are many advantages in the thinking skills used in reading and
writing," he said. '' To be able to write clear cursive characters, motor control is
needed. Especially around the fingers. You have to concentrate on what you are going
to do and how to write it down. You have to practice. Research on the visual abilities
of the brain has shown that cursive scripting activates a passive brain region when
typing on the keyboard. '' Academic research continues to show that handwriting can
stimulate visual recognition and visual absorption. So, Handwriting is important to
stimulates fine motor skills of hands and fingers of a writing tool, such as a pen or
pencil and hone the art of writing that we have.

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