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; List of ~1107 default INI-settings used in Cyberpunk2077 v1.

04, dumped by
infogram (now includes string settings!)
; To change the value of these settings, create/open the
"engine\config\platform\pc\user.ini" file & add the section name + setting
name/value inside it.
; See for more info

; The values here were dumped from memory after loading into a save, so should
contain any setting values that were stored in the archive files, etc.
; (However these values could be affected by my own game settings, or the dumper
itself, so don't rely on them too much)

CodeTweakActionsEnabled = true
EnableLowFPSDetection = true
LOD0BucketSize = 0
LOD0TickRate = 1
LOD1BucketSize = 16
LOD1TickRate = 4
LOD2BucketSize = 16
LOD2TickRate = 8
LOD3TickRate = 16
LODUpdatePeriod = 1.000000
LowFPSThresholdMax = 29
LowFPSThresholdMin = 24
VariableTickRateEnabled = true

TweakCompositeAlternativesLimit = 2

DistanceToCameraForAlwaysSample = 50.000000
EnableRefreshLocoWrappersOnUnlock = true
IKTurnOffDistance = 12.000000
MaxAngleCosineBetweenCameraAndFacial = 0.500000
MaxFacialAnimationsVisible = 3
ReserveSkinningNumCharactersThreshold = 99999
UseAnimSetupCaching = true
UseFishsyncDebug = true
UseLunaticMode = true

FallbackPoseReawakeDistance = 20.000000
PerformanceDisableTime = 5.000000
PerformanceModeThreshold = 15.000000
QualityModeFrameThreshold = 2.000000
QualityModeThreshold = 20.000000

ForceScreenSpace = false

SuffixSeparator = "&"

EnableOverlay = false
EnablePropertiesProfilingCapture = false

DebugEditableView = false
EditAllClassProperties = false
ShowAllClassProperties = false
TraceInteropCommands = false
TraceInteropResults = false

DistanceToPlayerLimit = 3.000000
LogBumpActivation = false
LogBumpCharacter = ""
NavCheckRadius = 0.500000

ForceAspectRatio = 0.000000

MorphingTimeDilation = 3.000000

mandatoryLookAt = true
stickyLookAt = true
variant2 = true
variantMix = false

ShowTraceActionsCheck = false

AppropriateMinDistToPlayer = 10.000000
AppropriateMinLastSeenTime = 10.000000
BaseParkedCarProbability = 0.800000
DespawnLastSeenMinTime = 20.000000
Enabled = true
EnablePedestrians = true
EnableVehicles = true
MinStreamingVelocityNormalizedToBlockSpawn = 10.000000
OnlyCorpoMan = false
PassengerProbabilityModifierOnConsoles = 0.300000
SpawnLimit = 3
UseFrustum = true
ZCutoff = 20
ZCutoffEnabled = true

AheadAngleMax = 45.000000
AheadAngleMin = 30.000000
AheadDistanceMax = 2.000000
AheadDistanceMin = 1.000000
AngularSpeedFactor = 5.000000
BlockingObstaclesDetectionDistance = 2.000000
BorderRepulsionSpeed = 7.000000
CAPlayerDistanceThresholdBack = 10.000000
CAPlayerDistanceThresholdFront = 30.000000
ClosestObstacleToStayInPlace = 2.000000
ComfortZoneRadiusFactor = 1.250000
DebugSlotID = 0
DebugSoftAdherenceOverride = false
DesiredForwardLookupDistance = 0.750000
DestinationDistance = 1.000000
DilatationClamp = -1.000000
DilatationLimit = -1.000000
DirectionSmoothingAngleTolerance = 45.000000
DistanceToStopBuffer = 0.750000
EnableDirectionPostProcess = false
EnableDirectionSmoothing = true
EntryPathPositionSearchDistance = 4.000000
EntryPathPositionSearchStep = 0.300000
FearSpreadRadius = 10.000000
FenceGapRepulsors = false
FixedTimeStep = -1.000000
ForceStopColliders = false
ForceStopRepulsors = true
FrontViewAngle = 45.000000
GlobalDisableLOD = false
InjectedCollidersZTolerance = 2.500000
LaneLightsRecognitionDistance = 25.000000
MarbleDirectionLookUp = 6
MarblePathDisplayMaxPoints = 5
MaxChancesToUseZebra = 4
MaxDirectionChangeAttempts = 4
MaxInterpAngle = 179.000000
MaxLaneCheckToJoinTraffic = 5
MaxResumeMoveAttempts = 10
NarrowGapRepulsors = false
NearEndDistance = 2.000000
NoGameplayNoUpdate = false
NoSpeedUpTime = true
NPCObstaclesMass = 0.950000
NPCSeparationSpeed = 4.000000
ObstacleMarbleRadiusMultiplier = 1.200000
OppositePathToleranceInDeg = 20.000000
OverlapTolerance = 0.100000
PassingPoseStopAnimationTolerance = 0.100000
PathConvergenceSpeed = 5.000000
PathRefreshPlayerRadiusLimit = 10.000000
PlanLimitDistanceToReplan = 2.000000
PlayerObstaclesMass = 1.000000
PostProcessPositionCorrectionSpeed = 5.000000
RotationSpeedFactor = 5.000000
SeparationSpeedFactor = 2.000000
SeparationSpringTime = 5.000000
SharpAngle = 120.000000
SingleThread = false
SlopeSamples = 10
SpeedCompensationFactor = 0.100000
TrafficLightRelevantDistance = 4.000000
VehicleObstaclesMass = 1.050000

BufferForAllowedDrivingOffRoadPercentOfCarWidth = 0.800000
BufferForAllowedDrivingOnPavementPercentOfPavementSide = 0.500000
CheckOnLaneUseLookup = false
EnterWorkspotDelay = 10.000000
ExponentDrivingOnPavement = 2.000000
MaxSpeedDrivingOnPavement = 40.000000
MinimumSpeedForKnockdownByCar = 2.000000
PlayerKnockDownByCarTolerance = 0.000000
EnableFacialSetupCustomization = true

MaxPhysicsStepsCount = 3.000000
MaxTimeDilatation = 1.000000
MinTimeDilatation = 0.050000
PhysicsStepsCountLowPassFilterRc = 1.000000
SolverIterationsWhenSkippingPhysics = 1.000000

DumpNameList = false
GameFallbacksEnabled = true
LODUpdateUseRenderCamera = true
WatchdogLogTextSize = 2.000000

ClassName = "CDebugConsole"

EffectSpeed = 5.000000

BackgroundTeleportsEnabled = true
RenderAttachDebug = false
RenderEntities = false
RenderLastSeenTime = false
RenderStatsDebug = false
VehicleTeleportsEnabled = true
ZeroWastePolicyCooldown = 2.000000

DefaultGameDefinition =
FallbackGameDefinition = "base\quest\demos\e3_2018\e3_2018.gamedef"
SelectedGameDefinition = ""

AnimationDuration = 0.400000
CaretAnimationDuration = 0.500000
CommandHistoryFile = "console_history.lst"
EngineLogEnabled = true
KeyPressNormalRepeatTime = 0.500000
KeyPressQuickRepeatTime = 0.050000
MaxCommandLineHistoryEntries = 100
MaxOutputHistoryEntries = 100
OutputScorllStep = 20.000000
TabLengthInChars = 1
UserAliasesFile = "user_aliases.dat"

ForwardDecalPositionOffsetScale = 0.050000

Antialiasing = true
AntialiasingSuppressed = false
Bloom = true
CharacterLightBlockers = true
CharacterRimEnhancement = true
CharacterSubsurfaceScattering = true
CharacterSubsurfaceTranslucency = false
ChromaticAberration = true
ConstrastAdaptiveSharpening = true
ContactShadows = true
DepthOfField = true
DistantFog = true
DistantGI = true
DistantShadows = true
DistantVolFog = true
DynamicDecals = true
FilmGrain = true
GlobalIllumination = true
Hair = true
ImageBasedFlares = true
LocalShadows = true
MotionBlur = true
RainMap = true
RuntimeTangentUpdate = true
ScreenSpaceHeatHaze = true
ScreenSpacePlanarReflection = true
ScreenSpaceRain = true
ScreenSpaceReflection = true
ScreenSpaceUnderwater = true
SSAO = true
VolumetricClouds = true
VolumetricFog = true
Weather = true

NumAutoSaveSlots = 10
NumEndGameSaveSlots = 0
NumManualSaveSlots = 0
NumPointOfNoReturnSaveSlots = 0
NumQuickSaveSlots = 3

Enable = false
EnableMirrorScaling = true
MirrorScaling = -1.000000
Quality = 2
Sharpness = 0.000000

DownRate = 8.000000
Enable = true
MaxDownStep = 100.000000
MaxUpStep = 50.000000
StepSize = 4
UpRate = 4.000000

ConnectWwiseInFinal = false
ForceExternalLocStore = false
ForceStopSounds = false
Mute = false
NoContainer = false
NoRumble = false
NoSpatial = false
PanicModeThreshold = 1500
PlayEventNotFoundSound = true
UseCamListenerInFreeCam = true
UseSounrceReverb = true
UseXaudio = false

AdditionalAreaRoughness = 0.100000
AlbedoMultiplier = 0.600000
ContactShadowClamp = 0.350000
RoughnessFactor = 1.000000
SpecularRandom_Max = 0.000000
SpecularRandom_Min = -0.300000
UseGlobalContactShadowsOnHair = true
UseLocalContactShadowsOnHair = true
UseReferenceImplementation = false

R = -0.083000
TRT = 0.375000
TT = 0.000000

DebugSwitch1 = false
DebugSwitch2 = false

MultiScatter = 0.470000
R = 0.300000
ScatterDepth = 1.300000
TRT = 0.800000
TT = 0.005000

MultiScatter = 0.470000
R = 0.300000
ScatterDepth = 1.250000
TRT = 0.800000
TT = 0.005000

AAAA_HACK_hairModifiedLocalLightIntensity = true
HACK_Factor0 = 66.000000
HACK_Factor1 = 95.000000
HACK_Factor2 = 213.000000
HACK_Factor3 = 450.000000

MultiScatter = 0.470000
R = 0.350000
ScatterDepth = 0.800000
TRT = 0.800000
TT = 0.005000

DiffuseScatterFactor = 0.000000
Mask_Intensity = 1.000000
ShadowFactorExp = 0.370000
Wrap = 0.350000
Mask_Intensity = 1.000000
Wrap = 0.400000

EXP_BIAS = 16.500000
EXP_SCALE = 17.000000

ClosestBlockersLimit = 16

GlobalCharacterFresnel = 1.500000
LightBlockerInfluence = 0.700000
RoughnessFactor_Bias = 0.000000
RoughnessFactor_Scale = 1.000000

Foliage_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
Foliage_FresnelCoefficient = 2.500000
Foliage_SpecularCoefficient = 1.200000

ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
FresnelCoefficient = 1.500000
SpecularCoefficient = 1.000000

Standard_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
Standard_FresnelCoefficient = 1.500000
Standard_SpecularCoefficient = 1.400000

Weapon_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
Weapon_FresnelCoefficient = 2.400000
Weapon_SpecularCoefficient = 1.400000

GlobalCharacterFresnel = 1.500000
LightBlockerInfluence = 0.700000
RoughnessFactor_Bias = 0.000000
RoughnessFactor_Scale = 1.000000

Foliage_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
Foliage_FresnelCoefficient = 2.500000
Foliage_SpecularCoefficient = 1.200000

ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
FresnelCoefficient = 1.500000
SpecularCoefficient = 1.000000

Standard_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
Standard_FresnelCoefficient = 1.500000
Standard_SpecularCoefficient = 1.400000
Weapon_ConstOffsetCoefficient = 0.000000
Weapon_FresnelCoefficient = 2.400000
Weapon_SpecularCoefficient = 1.400000

SubsurfaceSpecularTint_B = 0.290000
SubsurfaceSpecularTint_G = 0.260000
SubsurfaceSpecularTint_R = 0.125000
SubsurfaceSpecularTintWeight = 0.300000

ContactShadowClamp = 0.600000

CacheTextureMargin = 200.000000

DebugDrawDistance = 150.000000
EnabledLocalDebug = true
FileDimensionsFactor = 324.000000
LocalDebugHorizontalLimit = 160.000000
LocalDebugVerticalLimit = 50.000000
NavCellHeight = 0.300000
NavCellWidth = 0.100000
TrafficDistanceThreshold = 10.000000
ZOffset = 0.000000

Framerate = 30
HighResolutionScreenshot_MS_Count = 8
SkipSamples = 0

HideOverflowWarnings = false
HidePhysicsOverflowWarnings = false
MaxDistance = 1000.000000
PhysicsHighUsageThreshold = 0.800000
PhysicsOverflowWarningTextSpeed = 3
ShowAudioScreenWarnings = true

Scale = 5

CheckerboardSize = 2
Color = 0xff0aa0f0
ColorSpecial = 0xff25d284
ObstructedColor = 0x800aa0f0
ObstructedColorSpecial = 0x8025d284
OpacityOutline = 1.000000
OpcaityFill = 0.500000
SwapFillAndOutline = false

DumpAssembly = false
ForceRecompile = false
Optimize = true
UseLocalCompiler = false
Range = 0.200000
RenderDistance = 10000.000000
ShowAISpots = true
ShowSplines = true
ShowStaticMarkers = true

OffMeshLinkEndPointRadius = 0.400000
OffMeshLinkThickness = 0.100000

ForceAutoHideDistanceMax = 16384.000000

FallbackSlowmotionBucketBegin = 2
FallbackSlowmotionEaseOutCurve = "SandevistanEaseOut"
FallbackSlowmotionThreshold = 8000
ForceAllPrefabVariantsEnabled = false
UseFallbackSlowmotion = false

UsePrefabStreamingVisualization = false

MeshNodeChunkMask = 2147483647

LaneSamplingStep = 1.000000
LoadCollisionDebugResource = false
MinLaneSamplingStep = 0.500000
VisualizationRefreshInterval = 10

CoverageScale = 1.300000
DetailNoiseScale = 0.750000
NoiseScale = 1.100000

Exponent = 2.000000

FallbackCacheDirectory = "cache"
LimitFPS = 60
OverLimitFPS2 = false

DefaultRawStartingPort = 37080

DefaultDebugGameEngineInteropStartingPort = 37085

ActiveIfDebuggerPresent = true
ActiveIfDialogBlocking = false
ActiveIfScriptBreakpointBlocking = false
DumpJobExecutionContext = true
Enabled = true
KillProcess = true
ThreadFrequencyHz = 15
TimeoutSeconds = 120

DebugUseFOVMultiplier = true
ShadowMeshSwitchDistanceSquared = 16.000000

ChargedJump = 1.000000
Climb = 1.000000
Jump = 1.000000
Ladder = 1.000000
ThrusterJump = 1.000000
Vault = 1.000000

ResourceBudget = 14

MountingFacilityFailsafe = true
PlayerTeleportationIfFallsUnderWorld = true
VehicleTeleportationIfFallsUnderWorld = true

enableDebugTag = false

activationDelay = 0.500000
activationTolerance = 0.996000
positionDeltaReset = 0.500000

enabled = true

enabled = true

activationDelay = 0.200000

interactionInTierTestEnabled = true
noEntityTestEnabled = true
testActivationDelay = 1.000000
testNoEntityActivationDelay = 5.000000

FOV = 60.000000
MovPrecision = 1.000000
RotPrecision = 1.000000

FarBlur = 0.000000
FarFocus = 0.000000
Intensity = 0.000000
NearBlur = 0.000000
NearFocus = 0.000000
UseFarPlane = 0.000000
UseNearPlane = 0.000000

Aperture = 8.000000
ISO = 100
ResetISO = false
Shutter = 125.000000

CrowdDistanceCorrection = 1.000000
EyesExtraOffset = 0.150000
EyesOffset = 1.750000
HeadExtraOffset = 0.250000

DumpInteropProcessingTimes = false
FulfillInfoDelimiter = "##"
ScriptTestTickDelayFrames = 2

EffectCacheIndexFile = "base\fx\preload.csv"
GenericFactoryIndexFile = "base\gameplay\factories.csv"
MaxPlayingEffects = 16384

ButtonAcceptTime = 0.100000
ButtonFadeSpeed = 3.000000
StateEffectSpeed = 5.000000
WindowMinHeight = 100
WindowMinWidth = 200

Enable = true

BlobPath = "{root}\gameplay\static_data\compiled\"
DataPath = "{root}\gameplay\static_data"
ReloadTime = 4.000000

AutoJoinServerState = "AutoJoinServer"
BoothModeMainMenuState = "BoothModeMainMenu"
DebugStateMachine = false
FunctionalTestsState = "FunctionalTests"
InitialState = "Initialization"
TestState = "Session"

DefaultFOV = 60.000000
KeyFastMult = 10.000000
KeyMovementSpeed = 5.000000
KeyRotationSpeed = 0.400000
KeySlowMult = 0.100000
MaxFOV = 175.000000
MinFOV = 5.000000
PadMovementMod = 4.000000
PadMovementXSpeed = 2.000000
PadMovementYSpeed = 5.000000
PadRotationXSpeed = 120.000000
PadRotationYSpeed = 60.000000

TagListInitialCount = 1000

Log = false
RayTestsPerThreadLimit = 20
SensorsToUpdateLimit = 60

GalaxyClientID = "53652320436400298"
GalaxyClientID_Tools = ""
GalaxyClientSecret =
GalaxyClientSecret_Tools = ""
LogPath = ""
MaxProfileSize = 4194304
MaxSaveSize = 8388608
MaxSaveSizeTotal = 12582912
MaxSettingsSize = 4194304
SaveCompressedChunkSize = 262144
SaveMaxCompressedChunks = 256
ScreenshotBuffer = 1048576
Wrapper = ""

BuildSKU = ""
DefaultEngine = "CGameEngine"

OverrideMode = 0

NavChecksDebugCount = 5000
ObstacleDistanceToPlayer = 40.000000
SearchInfluenceDrop = 0.050000

cvDisableInputFlushOnLostFocus = false
FakeAxisRepeatRate = 5.000000

EnableGestures = true
EnablePan = true
EnablePinch = true
EnableSwipe = true
FlickForSwipe = true
SwipeHorizontalDeadzoneSq = 0.050000
SwipeVerticalDeadzoneSq = 0.200000

NotifierEventCacheSize = 100

Enabled = true
InitPathLength = 2048
PathIncrementPad = 64
MinInterruptionTimeForThirdInterruption = 20.000000

DecalsHideDistance = 40.000000
DynamicDecalsHideDistance = 20.000000

AudioAdjustmentFactor = 1.000000
AudioAdjustmentThresholdInFrames = 0.010000
AudioTimeLowPassFilter = 1.000000
CloseNeckWeight = 1.000000
CloseNeckWeightDistance = 1.000000
FarNeckWeight = 2.000000
FarNeckWeightDistance = 3.750000
PhaseBlendInFrames = 5.000000
PhaseInFrames = 4.000000
SyncToAudio = true
UseAudioAdjustment = true

Class = "mpLocalPlayer"

CollisionAvoidanceEnabled = true
CoverAngleThreshold = 90.000000
EntityAlignmentEnabled = false
OffMeshLinkReservationEnabled = true
PathCurvatureDetectionDistance = 1.000000
SkippingAIRequestsEnabled = true
SlopeDetectionDistance = 0.900000
StrafeRotationSpeed = 120.000000
StrafeThresholdAngle = 100.000000

MaxIterationsCount = 3.000000

AddLoSPointsDist = 2.000000
AvoidNavmeshFindDist = 0.750000
AvoidTraceCheckLength = 10.000000
AvoidTraceCheckSpacing = 1.200000
AvoidTraceHitsMinDist = 0.500000
AvoidTraceMinDistToTarget = 8.000000
AvoidTracesNumber = 9
DownRayLength = 6.000000
ElevatedNPCMinHeight = 2.500000
ElevatedNPCNaviSearchRadius = 1.500000
FinalTraceHeight = 1.400000
LongRayLength = 20.000000
LoSNavmeshFindDist = 1.000000
MaxAddLoSPointsCount = 2
MaxAvoidPathRatio = 1.500000
MaxRaysNumber = 12
MinLoSTraceLen = 0.500000
NaviCheckRadius = 1.000000
ObstacleLoSTraceDist = 0.200000
SeekersOperationsPerFrame = 1
ShortRayLength = 6.000000
TargetOperationsPerFrame = 1
TryFinalTracesOnlyLongTracesCoeff = 0.700000
TryFinalTracesOnlyMaxDist = 3.000000
TryFinalTracesOnlyMaxTime = 5.000000

AvoidanceMarblesAnticipation = 5
ChainAngleSmooth = 10.000000
ChainAngleVariationTolerance = 120.000000
DirectionSmoothFactorMax = 0.750000
DirectionSmoothFactorMin = 0.600000
EnableAnticipationGrouping = true
EnablePlayerSlot = false
EnableZebraSpread = false
LightSpreadingMarbleAnticipation = 5
LocalPathMinimumPointDistance = 0.600000
LocalPathProjection = false
MarbleAnticipationAngleTolerance = 20.000000
MarbleDebugLimit = 5
MarbleLookupRange = 3.000000
MarbleLookupZOffset = 1.500000
MaximumFrontAngleToIgnoreObstacle = 45.000000
NPCMarbleRepulsionFactor = 1.200000
ObstacleLandingTimeTolerance = 2.000000
ObstacleStopOffset = 0.100000
SafePositionAngleDifferenceTolerance = 45.000000
StaticMarbleRepulsionFactor = 1.300000
ZebraEarlyStopMax = 2.000000
ZebraEarlyStopMin = 0.750000
ZebraSafePositionRadius = 0.500000

BlendedSlopes = false
ClampForwardInterpolationFactor = true
DownDampTime = 60.000000
InterpolationForwardFactor = 0.500000
LevelDampTime = 0.010000
MaxSlopeSamples = 10
PredictionDistance = 0.300000
PredictionFactor = 1.000000
SlopeTolerance = 0.001000
UpDampTime = 60.000000
UpdateType = 1

MoveAwayFromTargetOnInfluenceMap = false
RunFromThreatOnInfluenceMap = false

AllowJoinInProgressDM = true
ClientAuthoritativePosition = false
ClientMovementCorrection = true
ClientTargetTickRate = 30
DebugDump = false
HitRegistrationDebugFrameLifetime = 30.000000
HitRegistrationDebugHistoryLength = -1
HitRegistrationDebugShowMisses = false
InterpolationDelayMilliSecs = 200
LagCompensationEnabled = true
LogInputIssues = true
MaxDesiredPacketSize = 2349
MaxExtrapolationMilliSecs = 100
MaxInputPackFramesCount = 3
MovementSmoothCorrectionTime = 0.200000
MoveOnServerInterval = 0.000000
PositionCorrectionTreshold = 0.010000
RecoverLostButtonInputs = true
RepeatInputActionsIfNoneReceived = true
RotationCorrectionTreshold = 1.000000
ServerTargetTickRate = 30

AlwaysResimulate = false
ClientTooNewStateThreshold = 10
ClientTooOldStateThreshold = 150
Extrapolation = true
LogEachLogicStep = false
LogInputs = false
LogInputsReplication = false
LogMovementSteps = false
LogResimulation = false
LogStatesManagement = false
ResimulationSmoothing = true
ServerInputsMaxHighNum = 15
ServerInputsMaxLowNum = 12
ServerInputsMaxNumSpeedup = 2.000000
ServerInputsMinHighNum = 8
ServerInputsMinLowNum = 5
ServerInputsMinNumSlowdown = 0.500000
UseRealTimeForSubsteps = true

TileDebugDrawDistance = 50.000000
ZOffset = 0.000000

VisualizedAgentSize = 0

BoxHalfSize = 0.500000
PastTimeShift = 3.000000
TimeBtwChecks = 0.200000

PacketLossPercentage = 5
PingMilliSecs = 0
PingVarianceMilliSecs = 30

CoverBoxSize = 2.000000
MaxFindPathsLimit = 3
MaxFindPathsTimeLimitMs = 3.000000

BroadPhaseFraction = 16
DepthBufferDimScale = 6
FillphaseRangeFactor = 40.000000
ForceFullTest = false
MaxDistance = 2000.000000
MaxFarPlane = 8000.000000
MinBufferHeight = 128
MinBufferWidth = 256
MinNearPlane = 0.200000
MultiFrustumOcclusionMode = 1
MultiFrustumUseGlobalOcclusion = true
RastTilesJobGranularity = 1
SortDist0 = 140.000000
SortDist1 = 200.000000
SortDist2 = 260.000000
TestPhasesCount = 6

MaxQueueChars = 128

CollisionFilteringResource = "engine\physics\collision_groups.json"
EnableParticlesWorldPreview = false
RobustQueryLogging = false

Enable = false

Class = "cpPlayer"

InitialInputContext = "Exploration"
InitialUIInputContext = "UIBase"
InputContextFile = "config\inputContexts.xml"
InputDeadzonesFile = "config\inputDeadzones.xml"
InputMappingFile = "config\inputUserMappings.xml"
MPInputContextFile = "config\multi\multiInputContexts.xml"
MPInputMappingFile = "config\multi\multiInputUserMappings.xml"

InitialGameDef = "base\quest\main_menu\04_main_menu.gamedef"

ActiveProfilers = "none"
ProfilerBreakpointThresholdMs = 20.000000
ProfilerServerName = "localhost"
ProfilingLevel = 4

Record = false

AccelerationStructureBuildNumMax = 16
AccumulationSpeed = 0.020000
AmbientOcclusionRadiusFar = -1.000000
AmbientOcclusionRadiusNear = -1.000000
AmbientOcclusionRayNumber = 1
AmbientOcclusionTransitionFar = -1.000000
AmbientOcclusionTransitionNear = -1.000000
AmbientScale = 1.000000
DebugMode = 0
DeflickerStrength = 0.100000
DiffuseIlluminationAOModulation = 0.400000
DynamicInstanceUpdateBatchSize = 128
DynamicInstanceUpdateDistanceFactor = 1.000000
DynamicInstanceUpdateDistanceThreshold = 25.000000
DynamicInstanceUpdateNumMax = 32
DynamicInstanceUpdateUseHalfFloat = false
EmissiveClipRadius = 64.000000
EmissiveRangeScale = 10.000000
EmittanceScale = 1.000000
Enable = true
EnableAmbientOcclusion = true
EnableDiffuseIllumination = true
EnableDirectionalShadow = true
EnableDirectionalShadowCulling = true
EnableGlobalIllumination = false
EnableImportanceSampling = true
EnableLocalLights = true
EnableMirrorMaterialReflection = false
EnableNRD = true
EnableReflection = true
EnableResidencyManagement = false
EnableShadowCasadesOptimization = false
EnableSkinning = true
EnableSpatialFiltering = true
EnableTransparentReflection = true
GeometryUpdateBufferSizeMB = 64
HideFPPAvatar = true
ImportanceSamplingTransitionMax = 4.000000
ImportanceSamplingTransitionMin = 2.000000
LightGridSize = 32
LocalLightBatchSize = 16
LocalLightClipRadius = 32.000000
LocalLightNumMax = 32
LocalLightTraceLightVolumes = false
MaterialProxyNumMax = 65536
MaterialProxyUpdateNumMax = 32
OverrideEnable = false
RayNormalOffset = 0.005000
RayViewOffset = 0.005000
ScratchBufferSizeMB = 32
SkyRadianceExposureRatio = 400.000000
SkyRadianceExposureScaling = true
SkyRadianceScale = -1.000000
SpeedTreeLodDistanceMultiplier = 0.050000
SunAngularSize = 0.500000
SunScatteringScale = 10.000000
SunVisibility = 1.000000
TracingRadius = 200.000000
TracingRadiusReflections = 2000.000000
TransparentReflectionEnvironmentBlendFactor = 1.000000
UploadInstanceData = true
VisibilityCullingRadius = 2000.000000
VisibilityFrustumOffset = 200.000000

Budget = 209715200
EvictAgeLimit = 10

AmbientOcclusion = false
ClipRadius = -1.000000
DiffuseIllumination = false
EnableVisibilityCheck = false
ForcedLod = -1
ImportanceSampling = 0
PrimaryRays = 0
Reflection = false
RenderObjectType = -1
ShaderClock = false
SkipClusteredProxies = false
SkipDynamicMeshes = false
SkipProxiesWithDismembermentData = false
SkipStaticMeshes = false
SkipTransparentMeshes = false
TransparentReflection = false

UseScreenSpaceData = true

ResolutionScale = 1.000000
ResolutionScaleEnable = -1.000000
ResolutionScaleMicroblendFactor = 0.000000
ResolutionScaleNormalFactor = 1.000000

Debug = 0.000000
DiffuseAntiLag = true
DiffuseDenoisingRadius = 60.000000
DiffuseMaxAccumulatedFrameNum = 15
DiffuseMaxAdaptiveRadiusScale = 5.000000
DisocclusionThreshold = 0.005000
EnableAmbientOcclusion = true
EnableLocalCoordinates = true
EnableScalingCompensation = true
MaxHitDistanceDiffuse = 5.000000
MaxHitDistanceSpecular = 20.000000
ReferenceAccumulation = false
SpecularAntiLag = false
SpecularDenoisingRadius = 40.000000
SpecularMaxAccumulatedFrameNum = 15
SpecularMaxAdaptiveRadiusScale = 5.000000
UnitsToMeters = 1.000000

AccumulationSpeed = 0.100000
EnableHalfResolutionTracing = 1
FilterRadius = 128.000000
RoughnessOverride = 0.000000
RoughnessThreshold = 0.990000
UseScreenSpaceData = true

Class = "mpRemotePlayer"

CaptureSequentialFrames = false
AllowShaderCacheReload = true
DecalLookingAngleScalingFactor = 0.100000
DefaultViewportHeight = 720
DefaultViewportWidth = 1280
DepthPrepassDistanceFactor = 12.000000
DissolveTime = 0.500000
DistantShadowsDepthBias0 = 0.500000
DistantShadowsDepthBias1 = 1.800000
DistantShadowsDepthBias2 = 5.000000
DistantShadowsDepthBias3 = 16.000000
DistantShadowsMaxBatchSize = 500
DistantShadowsMaxTrianglesPerBatch = 400000
DistantShadowsProxySortingMode = 2
DistantShadowsUseTodVis = false
EnableDeferredLightsStencil = true
ForcedExposureAvgLum = -1.000000
ForcedInstantAutoExposure = false
ForcedPreExposure = -1.000000
HiResEntityCustomShadowmapSize = -1
MultiLayerSelectionMaxLayersCount = 10
RainMapBatchMaxSize = 300
RainMapBatchMaxTrianglesPerBatch = 200000
RainMapProxySorting = true
RectLightApproximationFactor = 20.000000
ReflectionProbe_FastBlend = false
ReflectionProbeBlend_FillProbeSpill = 0.750000
ReflectionProbeBlend_Global = 3.000000
ReflectionProbeBlend_Local = 0.500000
ReflectionProbeBlend_MovingBlendSpeed = 2.000000
ReflectionProbeBlend_StreamIn = 0.500000
RoughCullingRejectionRange = 60.000000
SceneReferredValuesRange = 2.000000
ShaderCacheReloadTimeCheck = 2.000000
SphereLightApproximationFactor = 0.700000
TimeOfDay = 12.000000
TubeLightApproximationFactor = 2.200000
UiLuminanceScalingFactor = 7.000000
UiLuminanceScalingMax = 10.000000
UiLuminanceScalingMin = 0.750000
UiLuminanceScalingSpeedDown = 0.750000
UiLuminanceScalingSpeedUp = 1.500000
UseExperimentalVolFog = true
UseSkinningLOD = true
VolumetricFogVolume_DefaultAbsorption = 1.000000

BuildDepthChain = true
DynamicTexture = true
Enable = true
FlattenNormals = true
HairClears = false
LutGeneration = true
RaytraceASBuild = true
SSAO = true

Debug = 0
GlassAAQuality = 0
GlassBlurQuality = 0
GlassUseMipChain = true

DistantShadowBlur = 5.000000
DistantShadowForce = 0.600000

Grass = 28
Hair = 28
Particles = 28
Terrain = 0
Trees = 50

MaxRange = 100.000000
MinRange = 0.001000
Size = 48

AutoRefreshTime = 0.100000
ForceSyncMeshLoading = false
LoadingDelay = 0

MaxNoRenderSimTime = 100.000000
MaxOffscreenSimTime = 2.000000

CascadeDegreesLimit = 0.000000
CascadeDepthBias0 = 0.030000
CascadeDepthBias1 = 0.060000
CascadeDepthBias2 = 0.120000
CascadeDepthBias3 = 0.240000
CascadeEnableScissors = true
CascadeFillDepthBias = 20.000000
CascadeFitToWorstCase = true
CascadeFrontCullingPlaneDistance = 300.000000
CascadeRange0 = 6.000000
CascadeRange1 = 20.000000
CascadeRange2 = 50.000000
CascadeRange3 = 100.000000
CascadeScissorsMarigin = 16
CascadeShadowReceiverBiasAlongNormal = 0.020000
CascadesHeuristicForceRefresh = false
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade0 = 20.000000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade1 = 40.000000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade2 = 50.000000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade3 = 50.000000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade0 = 0.100000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade1 = 0.500000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade2 = 1.500000
CascadesHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade3 = 2.000000
CascadeUseBackfacesAsCullingPlanes = true
DistantHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade0 = 50.000000
DistantHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade1 = 100.000000
DistantHeuristicMinMeshAutohideDistInCascade2 = 300.000000
DistantHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade0 = 2.000000
DistantHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade1 = 3.000000
DistantHeuristicMinMeshSizeInCascade2 = 6.000000
DistantShadowsForceFoliageGeometry = false
TimeShiftCooldownTime = 10.000000

BillboardsGlobalBleed = 0.500000
SpeedTreeTerrainNormalmapFlatness = 1.500000

MaxFrameUploadMB = 10485760

HistoryBlend = 0.850000

BulletIntensity = 0.200000
BulletLifeTime = 0.500000
BulletRadius = 0.600000

MaxOutgoingBytesPerSecondFromClient = 100240
MaxOutgoingBytesPerSecondP2P = 10240
MaxOutgoingBytesPerSecondToClient = 100240
MaxSendFrequencyMilliSecs = 10

GameResourceCacheExpirySeconds = 20

DedicatedDecompressionMemoryBytes = 1048576
FloodMinNonLoadingThreads = 2
StreamMaxLoadingThreads = 2
TrickleMaxLoadingThreads = 1

AutoSaveEnabled = true
AutoSavePeriod = 300
AutoSavePeriodOnLock = 30
CheckpointSavePeriod = 60

ProbingDeltaMsec = 100
ProbingTimeBudgetMsec = 1500

AdditionalSpeakerLineCancelFadeOutTime = 0.500000
CancelationFadeOutTime = 0.500000

Enabled = true

AdaptiveModeMaxDilation = 10.000000
AdaptiveModeMaxSpeed = 10.000000
AdaptiveModeMinDilation = 2.000000
ConstantModeDilation = 10.000000
EnableAdaptiveMode = false
EnableDeactivationOnDemand = true
EnableDeactivationOnInput = false
EnableFastForwarding = true

DefaultInterruptDistance = 6.000000
DefaultReturnDistance = 5.000000
DialogLinesFadeOutTime = 0.500000
IntendedInterruptionMinimalTime = 0.500000
PlayReturnFromSectionBeginningIfNPCInterrupted = false
PlayReturnFromSectionBeginningIfPlayerInterruptedAndNPCFirstDialog = false
PlayReturnFromSectionBeginningIfPlayerInterruptedAndPlayerFirstDialog = true

EnableScreenplayComments = false

EnableCompilation = false
Port = 37060
PortRange = 10
ScriptsBlobFilename = "master.redscripts"
SilentCompilation = false
SilentValidation = false

ShowSensesCheckTrace = false

ValidateCRC = false

Class = "mpServerPlayer"

DebugAutoSkipLoadingTimeout = true
DebugLoadingCooldownWarning = 30
DebugTickFinishCounterMax = 1
LoadingResetIOQueuesSeconds = 2.000000
LoadingTimeoutSeconds = 60
MinDurationSeconds = 2.000000
UpdateBehindLoadingScreenDuration = 2.000000

AllowIkThreshold = 0.950000
Enabled = true
EnableFootLockThreshold = 0.950000
FallBackFrameTimeForDisable = 0.100000
FallBackFrameTimeForFootLockDisable = 0.070000
FootLockBlendOffSpeed = 0.500000
FootLockBlendOffSpeedBroken = 0.800000
FootLockBlendOffSpeedPlanted = 0.200000
FootLockEnabled = true
FootLockMaxShift = 0.250000
HipRelativeMaxFootHeight = -0.100000
HipsAdditionalZOffsetFactor = -0.100000
HipsXYOffsetDisableSpeed = 1.000000
HipsXYOffsetSpeed = 1.000000
HipsZOffsetBaseSpeed = 0.800000
HipsZOffsetSpeed = 0.300000
MaxFootHipDistRefMul = 0.900000
MaxXYHipShift = 0.250000
MinCorrectionToEnable = 0.005000
MinFootHipDist = 0.400000
RotationSpeed = 180.000000
TraceAboveGroundDistance = 0.500000
TraceBelowGroundDistance = 0.500000
TranslationSpeed = 2.250000

DistanceBoost = 0.000000
EditorThrottledMaxNodesPerFrame = 500
ForceUnstream = false
MaxNodesPerFrame = 300
MaxNodesPerFrameWHileLoading = 999999
MaxStreamingDistance = 23170.251953
MaxStreamingObserverHeight = 3.000000
MinStreamingDistance = 1.000000
ObserverMaxAirVehicleForwardVelocity = 0.000000
ObserverMaxNonAirVehicleForwardVelocity = 20.000000
ObserverMaxOnFootForwardVelocity = 5.000000
ObserverVelocityOffsetEnabled = false
PrecacheDistance = 0.000000
RadiusNearInvMult = 0.800000
RadiusNearSecondaryRefPointAddend = 200.000000
RadiusNearSubtrahend = 200.000000
RadiusSecondaryRefPointMult = 1.250000
StreamingEnabled = true
TimeLimitAttachingPerFrame = 0.500000
TimeLimitSectorLoadPerFrame = 2.000000
TimeLimitSectorUnloadPerFrame = 1.000000
TimeLimitStreamedPerFrame = 6.000000
TimeLimitStreamedPerFrameWhileLoading = 8.000000

Enabled = true
ForceSSDMode = 0
OnlyIfSingleObserver = true
StreamingQueryRoadDataMaxNN = 5
StreamingQueryRoadDataMaxZOffsetAbove = 5.000000
StreamingQueryRoadDataMaxZOffsetBelow = -0.500000
Strict = false
VisibilityQuery = true
VisibilityQueryActivationDistanceBoost = 40.000000

Enabled = true

DirectionTreshold = 0.600000
DistanceTreshold = 32.000000
Enabled = true
PriorityTreshold = 1

CentralMaxYawDegrees = 30.000000
FakeTotalRoadWidth = 40.000000
MaxSideOfRoadCutoffDistance = 5.000000
MaxStreamingRadius = 64.000000
PeripheralMaxYawDegrees = 60.000000
SaturationVelocity = 20.000000
ThresholdVelocity = 5.000000

StraightConnectionRoadToRoadAngle = 20.000000
StraightConnectionVehicleTurnAngle = 45.000000

Enabled = true

EmulateExcludeFromConsole = false

TimeLimitAttachingPerFrame = 10.000000
TimeLimitDetachingPerFrame = 10.000000
TimeLimitStreamedPerFrame = 12.000000

FallbackFrameBlendDuration = 0.300000
ForceFallbackFrames = false
PreloadWorkspotAnimation = false
ShowStreamedInWorkspotAnims = false
UseFakeStreamingDelay = false

VariableTickRateEnabled = true

ThreatDropFactor = 1.000000

DevForceUseGameplayCamera = false

AccFactorMP = 1.000000
AvoidanceLimitAngle = 5.000000
AvoidZebra2Zebra = true
BottomClampAngle = 15.000000
BrakeFactorMP = 25.000000
BufferBuffer = 0.100000
carExpectedCollisionFactor = 0.700000
CurveLimitFactor = 0.800000
DeathLimit = 10.000000
decelerationFactor = 1.000000
DisableLOD = true
DisplacementCap = 1.000000
DisposeOnSummon = true
FrontAngle = 15.000000
GreenWaveAveragePredictedCarSpeed = 10.000000
GreenWaveLength = 200.000000
leftLaneSpeedIncrease = 0.100000
MaxLocalPathLength = 100.000000
MaxPathLanes = 5
MaxTimeBeforeGreenWave = 10.000000
MinTimeBeforeGreenWave = 7.000000
PathLaneIntersectionDownTolerance = 1.000000
PathLaneIntersectionUpTolerance = 2.000000
PlayerPrediction = 30.000000
roadSpeedOverride = -1.000000
SideAngle = 0.000000
SlotLaneOccupancyArea_Pedestrian = 2.500000
SlotLaneOccupancyArea_Vehicle_Length = 6.000000
SpotDetectionPrecision = 5.000000
SpotDetectionRange = 3.000000
stopOnStaticCollisions = false
StopSpawn = false
StraightTurnLimit = 15.000000
TaxiDespawnLookahead = 100.000000
taxiPathDistance = -1.000000
TeleportationDistance = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000
UncrowdMultiLaneRoads = true
UncrowdOneLaneRoads = true

AnimationLibraryResourceCooldown = 5.000000

PadRotationEnterTime = 0.050000
PadRotationExitTime = 0.500000
PadRotationPitchModif = 0.350000
PadRotationYawModif = 0.350000

PhysXClampHugeImpacts = true
PhysXClampHugeSpeeds = true
PhysXMinTimeStep = 0.011111
PhysXTimeCompensationFactor = 0.800000

AirControlBikePitchHelper = true
AirControlCarRollHelper = true
BikeHackTiltCalcValue = 50.000000
BlockChangeGear = false
EnableAirResistane = true
EnableFreeRotationResistantTorque = true
EnableLowVelStoppingResistance = true
EnableSmoothWheelContacts = true
ForceDebugAll = false
ForcedSurfaceName = ""
ForceMoveToMaxAngularSpeed = 5.000000
ForceMoveToMaxLinearSpeed = 30.000000
ForceSimplifiedMovement = false
MaxForceMoveToTeleportThreshold = 50.000000
physicsCCD = false
trafficVsTrafficCollisions = false
UseDifferential = true
vehicleVsVehicleCollisions = true
VelocitySmoothingTime = 0.300000
WeightTransferMode = 1

BlockAIDrivingPreset = false
ForceAIDrivingPreset = false
PerceptionCollisionPropagationArea = 2.000000
PerceptionNumSweeps = 30
PerceptionNumSweepsRace = 16
PerceptionTargetPropagationArea = 1.500000
OutputMonitor = 0

StrictCrowdLodsEnabled = false

GammaValue = 1.000000
MidPoint = 1.000000
MotionBlurScale = 1.000000
VelocityBufferScale = 100.000000

UseAsyncComputeFFT = true

State = "NONE"

GymsDirectory = "gyms\"
MultiplayerFunctionalTestsDirectory = "test\multi\functional_tests\"
MultiplayerGymsDirectory = "test\multi\gyms\"
MultiplayerOldGymsDirectory = "test\cpo\gyms\"
MultiplayerOldScanDirectory = "test\cpo\worlds\"
MultiplayerScanDirectory = "multi\worlds\"
ScanDirectory = "base\worlds\"
StreamingTeleportMagSq = 4096.000000
TestDirectory = "test\test_worlds\"

UseDebugFallback = false

MaxEntriesPerPage = 8
PoolBudgetKB = 4096

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