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Fix on the Easiest Black Hat CPA Method Ever 

This method is very simple and very unethical/black hat. If you’re not okay with that you shouldn’t be
here in the first place! 

The first thing that I need to point out is that, with all black hat leads, you will need to cover your tracks.  

The best method out there is to have legit and converting campaigns and add these black hat leads in at 
less than 15% of total leads. 

The second option is to keep it small. Pure black hat leads are fine as long as you keep it to less than $40 
a day per network, this will keep you from being manually reviewed. In addition to this you will want to 
change the offer that you promote every couple of days to insure you don’t earn enough over the
month from a particular advertiser to warrant them looking at your leads. 

Both of these reasons are because these leads will NOT convert for the advertiser and are very black hat. 

In addition you need to water down your numbers with junk traffic. If you’re converting at 40% that 
looks pretty fishy. You can purchase junk traffic from places like traffic holder or you can go poor man 
style and simply submit your redirect to social bookmarking sites ( is great for this) and get 
some real but non converting traffic mixed in. 

With that being said let us move on to this method and get you earning some serious $$ quickly and 

This method may have been seen by many of you in the past, however it has been unworking/fixed for 
some months now until I added a combination of JS, HTML and sneaky thinking to get this working 

The basic premise is to use’s mTurk system where you pay random people a few cents for
a few minutes of their time. So you’ve heard of it, well the twist – and very black hat aspect – that is 
being added here is I am making it impossible for the user to ‘submit’ this task (called HIT) that you have
created. Therefore you are getting a few minutes of a real person’s time to complete a CPA offer for you
and are in face never paying out a cent. This means that $1 in funds can literally get you an unlimited 
number of $1­$5 one page CPA submits! 

The first thing you need to do is to head to and sign up as a requester. Use 
bogus details if you like, it doesn’t matter. If you are outside of the US simply Google something such as 
“New York Shopping” and use a random address for a shop you pull up, there is no sort of checking or
verification involved. 

Next thing you want to do is to get your offer ready. What you will need is an offer where the user can 
complete it for free. E­mail/Zip submits work for this but I personally recommend using Biz Opp free 
offers. The traditional one will be one page full of info that you get paid after even though the user 
doesn’t pay any money. 
Once you have chosen the proper offer and got the URL with your affiliate code in it you are going to 
want to create a redirect. This is to disguise the origin of your lead as well as to make it look more 
legitimate to your soon to be lead. 

In order to do this you are going to want to create a new notepad document and copy+paste the 
following in to it: 


<meta HTTP­EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url="> 


Of course you are going to need to replace the URL with the URL for the offer you have chosen. Save this 
document and then right click on it and rename it to “index.html”. This is to use a domain for this, if you
have a domain but are using it for something else then name it something such as “1.html” and upload it 
and instead of promoting “” you will promote “”. It works just as well if
you don’t want to drop money on a domain. You will now upload this to your server in order to tie it to a 
domain. The poor man’s option is to use free web hosting and a service such as to host and 
promote your redirect. 

We’re now going to head over to Mturk and create a new HIT with your requester account. It is
important that you follow what is about to come EXACTLY. If you don’t it will not work and people will 
submit your HITs which will cost you money. Because of this I recommend that you read through the 
next part and understand exactly what you need to do before you come back and create the HIT. 

Start by creating a HIT from the “Blank template”. 

On the first page use a catchy title. I usually use one such as “Test My New Website’s Data Collection
Functionality”. With a description such as “Very fast HIT – 1 Minute or Less!”. Go ahead and change the
“HIT Expiration” to 100 days, no sense in ending it early if it keeps earning for ya! Most CPA offers 
require US traffic, because of this be such to change the requirement to a location of United States. I 
recommend paying about $0.80. This is because it’s a good rate, or so it seems, to the person and yet 
with Mturk’s fee still comes out to less than $1 (the amount Amazon requires you to fund to your
account to get started). 

Now go to “Design Layout”. This next part is very important and must be done exactly in the correct
fashion. Go to “Edit HTML Source”. Be sure NOT to leave the HTML mode for the duration or it will close
out with a </div> tag and ruin the code that you will be inserting. 

The following is the exact code of my last campaign, with only the URL changed for my protection. Copy 
and paste all of it then I will tell you what to change: 

<script language="javascript">

var state = 'none';

function showhide(layer_ ref) {

if (state == 'block') {

state = 'none';

else {

state = 'block';

if (document.all) { //IS IE 4 or 5 (or 6 beta)

eval( "document.all." + layer_ ref + ".style.display = state");

if (document.layers) { //IS NE TS C AP E 4 or below

document.layers[layer_ ref].display = state;

if (document.getE lementById &&!document.all) {

hza = document.getE lementById(layer_ ref); = state;



<p><style type="text/css">


outline: none;

a img {


</style> <script type="text/javascript">

function toggleAlert() {

toggleDisabled(document.getE lementById("content"));

function toggleDisabled(el) {

try {

el.disabled = el.disabled ? false : true;

catch(E ){

if (el.childNodes && el.childNodes.length > 0) {

for (var x = 0; x < el.childNodes.length; x++) {



<h1>Test W ebsite's Data C heck F eature</h1>

<p>This HIT is to test a data check feature on our new website. P lease use real info as this is to detect:</p>

<p>1. F ake e-mail addresses, phone numbers, addresses, etc. C heck against database to valdiate.</p>

<p>2. G ibbirish names. C heck algorithm to detect unbelievable names.</p>


<p>P lease visit <b></b></p>


<p>C omplete the data input portion at the bottom of the page.</p>


<p>O n the next page look for the second paragraph which begins with <span class="main-text">&quot;<b>Now, I was not trying to


<p><span class="main-text">W here the stars appear please place this word in the box below and hit S ubmit.</span></p>



<p><input type="text" name="Q 2" id="Q 2" size="20" /></p>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></p>


<div id="div1" style="display: none;">

<div id="content">



<td><input type="text" name="foo" /></td>



<td><select name="bar">









<input type="checkbox" onclick="toggleAlert()" value="toggleAlert()" />

Now, The only part you need to change is found: 

<p>P lease visit <b></b></p>


<p>C omplete the data input portion at the bottom of the page.</p>


<p>O n the next page look for the second paragraph which begins with <span class="main-text">&quot;<b>Now, I was not trying to

First of all, you will obviously want to change “” to the URL that is your redirect.

You will notice that I leave out the http://www. This is to make it not a clickable link so that the user will 
have to copy and paste it into a new window further hiding your referrer. 

The second part is what the user is looking for before he or she submits this HIT, or tries to, for payment. 
Although you can use anything you want it will take a lot longer to get flagged if you actually go through 
the offer one time yourself, with fake info of course, and find a sentence on the second page. This is 
because it will simply appear as an error on Mturks part when people try to submit and they will forget 
about it and move on, having only lost a couple of minutes of their lives. 

Once you have replaced these values it is very important that you go about moving to the next stop in a 
particular way. Normally you would hit Preview and Finish but we’re going to do this differently to avoid
that </div> tag from closing out at the end and adding another, and real, submit button. 
Save this HIT while still in “Edit HTML Source mode”. Now on the tab in the top center of the screen click
on “Publish”. 
Select the HIT that you have just created and fund your account with $1. It will accept any credit card as 
well as VCC. If you are outside of the US you may still use your CC or VCC with a fake address. It will also 
accept PayPal virtual cards if you have no card. If you cannot come up with $1 for literally a no work 
unlimited income then you have some issues, I know you can do if you are motivated enough (WalMart 
sells these for $3). 

That’s all there is to it. People will now complete your CPA offer for you and then go to claim their $0.80
only to find that Mturk is working strangely and they cannot complete the HIT. Most users will now drop 
the HIT to go work on another one. In the event that they do not (very rare) it will automatically go back 
to the marketplace after 60 minutes for the next lead. I usually average around $10­$15 an hour with 
this method at the expense of $1 total and about 15 minutes work whenever you want to change up the 

Hope you enjoy and remember the important part is to create the HIT exactly as I showed, if you don’t
people will be able to submit it and you’ll lose that precious $1! A little side note, at any time you can
cancel your HIT and get the $1 credited back to your account to be used for a new HIT! 

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