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Welcome to the Consulting Accelerator program. Week one, video one.

And this is an important video

because we're going to talk about setting your foundations and you know, just like when you're building
a house, if you build a really awesome house but you don't build it on very good foundations, the house
is going to fall over. And the same is true with your life and your business. You can't build an awesome
life on bad foundations, nor can you build an awesome business on poor foundations.

And you're fooling yourself if you think you can because you know, it might only take a piece of straw
and one day it's just going to break the whole thing down. And it's so important that you get your
foundations right, and that you make sure that they're in check all the time, and you make sure that
everything is built solid. And so that's what we're going to be talking about in week one.

The theme, the overarching theme, for all of our training in week one, is fundamentals in foundation. So
we're going to be teaching you the fundamental laws of nature, the fundamental laws of nature in
business and we're also going to be teaching you how this program works and then how the mechanics
of consulting work, and not just classical consulting, but this new consulting, which I have created,
invented, which is the new age of consulting. So I'm going to show you exactly how that works, how to
think about everything and how you're going to actually go about creating your own consulting business.
Whether that's from scratch or whether you're going to completely reshape and reform the consulting
business that you already have.

So what's really important is, throughout this training, you want to keep an open mind. You know all the
stuff I'm going to be talking to you about in this program, it hasn't really been discussed by anyone else
in any other training. So you know, you're going to be hearing totally new things. Totally new concepts
and ideas, new ways of thinking and you just need to embrace that. You know, if you ... The things that
you already know, if you were to just go and do more of them, then you would just have more of what
you've already got right now. And everyone I know is coming in to this program because they want
change and they want massive improvements. They just don't want incremental improvements, they
want massive earth shaking improvements. And in order to that, we need to totally shake everything up.
And so it's very important that you keep an open mind the whole time. So with that being said, lets dive
right in and get started with this module today, which is setting your foundations.

So here's what we're going to cover. We're going to start off with some general housekeeping and how
to get the most out of this program. And then we're going to talk about important things to remember
going in to this training, and the biggest period of change in your life. And you know what that's going to
look like and why it's important and how to keep everything in check throughout this period of change.
Then we're going to talk about an overview of what his program is all about and what we're going to
cover. So I'm going to give you the 30,000 foot view of how this is going to work. Over the next six,
seven weeks, what are we going to cover and what sort of order and what to expect.
We're also going to talk about your foundations and why the success of your business structurally
depends on them. So foundations aren't just nice to have, they're essential, because if you don't have
them in the long term, you're not going to have a business. So fundamental. And I'm also going to show
you the raw math of consulting and achieving your goals. So we're going to break it right down. You
know, we're going to show you how many calls you need to have. How many ... What closing ratio you
need to be closing at, and we're really just going to break everything down into raw maths and raw
numbers and show you what is required to achieve your goals, regardless of how wild those goals are.
So, that's what we're going to cover.

Now some general housekeeping. So this program is designed to be completed over six weeks, so you'll
notice that I've broken the program out in to six different module, six different categories sorry. Week
one, week two, all the way through to week six and then within each category, there is a number of
different training modules. So categories of the weeks and modules are the things within the weeks.
Now I designed this program to be completed over six weeks, which means you do you know, one week
today, then you do another week the next week and so on and so forth like that.

However, that's not to say that you have to do it that way. You do have lifetime access to this training
material and you can work at whatever pace you want. So you know, if you got a really ... If you've just
had a child and you're working a massive job and you're renovating your house, obviously you probably
won't be able to work at the same pace that other people can. So don't take it as it must be done in six
weeks. I mean you could take up to a year if you wanted to. I just recommend six weeks and I'm sure
you can just figure out what schedule is going to work best for you as well, but don't stress about that.

And each week, you should watch the videos in order, take action, complete the weekly action items
and then join the conversation over in the Facebook group. So each week, we're going to release the
modules to you, and it's really important that you do them in sequential order. So week one, week two,
week three, week four, week five, go one step after the other. It is designed in that way, for a reason.
You know, I just didn't grab a whole bunch of content and just juggle it all around and throw it in to
some different places. I have engineering this thing to be completed in a sequential process and if you
skip a step or you muddle the steps up, it isn't going to work. And I know you're here because you want
results, you want change, and you don't just want to listen to my voice all day. So if you want change,
and you want results, and you don't just want to listen to my voice, then you must do all of the training
in the sequential order, which I've laid it out for you as.

And then I'm going to show you how to join the Facebook group and how the Facebook group works.
And you'll definitely want to join the Facebook group right now. So to do that, you go to Go there right now, click request access and someone
will approve you within 24 hours so you can get in there and join the community.
Now we have some rules for our Facebook group. And I've been building this group for like four or five
years from when it was just me and a couple of other people, all the way through to now, and where
we've got thousands of members. And you know, when we've got a community with so many different
people who are at different stages, you know we've got people who are just joining, who are brand new
to business and consulting. And then we've got people in there who are making eight figures with
consulting. We've got ... We must have more than 50 people in there who are millionaires. You know,
we got a big mixture of people, all ages, all niches, all around the world, different cultures, different
everything. And it's really important that we have some ground rules so this Facebook group can work
well and it can really serve everyone. So here are those rules. And these are vitally important so you
want to make sure you pay close attention to these.

Number one. No promotions. So don't promote your own stuff in there. Don't put a link in there to your
webinar. Don't put a link in there to a landing page with an opt-in. Don't promote your own blog post or
anything in there. And don't promote anyone else's stuff in there either. Just plain simple no
promotions. Then no complaining or negativity of any kind. So we want to keep this a really upbeat,
positive place. We want people to be excited, we want people to be positive and we don't want anyone
in there who's negative. So if you write a negative comment in the Facebook group, we will delete it
immediately, because I have people monitoring the Facebook group 24 seven. So we will delete it
immediately, and we'll ban you from the group. And we don't give any warnings for banning anyone. If
someone breaks any of the rules, we just ban them. And so that's how it works, it's real simple. So don't
complain or put any negativity in the group of any kind.

If you have a complaint that you want to make, then that's totally fine. Just email, and one of my customer support people will look after you, but there is no
complaining or negativity to be in the Facebook group. And then seek to help others before asking for
help yourself. Now this is a good rule in business and in life in general, is you know, if you want to get
help from other people, then you should seek to first of all, give help to other people. So don't just go in
to the group and then start asking all these questions and demanding all these people help you. Jump in
to the group first, see ... You know, look at the conversations that are sort of evolving in there, see
where you can jump in and help and, if you can, go ahead and do it.

And always be looking to serve others because then when you need help, others will be willing to serve
you. And if you break these rules, you will be banned from the group immediately without notice or
without warming. So I'm just setting that standard right here, right now. So please make sure that you
remember these and abide by them. And we have a zero, a very strict zero tolerance policy and staff
policing the community to ensure at all

Section 1 of 15 [00:00:00 - 00:10:04]

Section 2 of 15 [00:10:00 - 00:20:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... Staff policing the community to ensure it all runs smoothly.

How to get help and support. First of all, I notice that a lot of people ask questions that are blatantly
covered in the training. Make sure you're not one of those people. If you say, "How do I do Facebook
ads?" There's a whole module in the course that shows you how to do Facebook ads. Obviously we're
just going to tell you to go and do that. Don't be that person who asks questions like that. First thing's
first, you want to make sure that you've watched all the training videos and done all the work because
most questions ... I can assure you most questions you're going to have, they're covered in the training.
That's number one.

Step two is: If you've gone through the training, you can't find the answer, then try searching for the
answer using our very powerful Consulting Hive Mind search feature. This is a custom platform that I
had developers build. What you can do is you see a magnifying glass at the top right hand corner of the
screen. If you click on that, that pops up a search function which we call the Consulting Hive Mind. What
this does is it searches through all of the training. It searches for words said within any of the videos and
it also searches through Q&A call recordings from ... It searches through thousands and thousands of
hours of archived content which we have. The Hive Mind search feature can be extremely useful when
you're trying to solve a question. All you have to do is define the question and you should be able to find
the answer using the Hive Mind feature.

Right now you have access to the Consulting Accelerator Program, which is the first stage of evolution
for this new world of consulting that I've created. If you've just got access to Accelerator, when you use
the search feature you'll only be able to see Accelerator. Then if you have access to Up Level and the
Quantum Level Mastermind, when you use that search feature you'll be searching all three products in
all three programs at the same time. That's how that one works.

The third thing, if you can't use one or two to solve your question, ask your question in the Facebook
group, and one of our expert coaches or community members will help. This Facebook group, it's
extremely valuable. A lot of people say it's worth more than the cost of admission into this program
alone. I'm sure you can all agree with them once you jump in there. Make sure you join right now, it's Jump in there and request access. Ask questions in there. Join the
conversation, help other people. It's going to become one of your most invaluable resources and assets
that you have in your business and your life, trust me.

Then number four. You can attend one of our two times weekly Q&A calls, which are hosted by some of
my most successful students. These calls happen every Monday at 7:00 pm eastern and every Friday at
12:00 pm eastern. Eastern is New York time, so if you're in another country or another time zone you
can Google what time in New York, or what's the time in New York, and Google will tell you. You just
want to think, "When is 7:00 pm eastern on a Monday in my time zone, and when is 12:00 pm on Friday
eastern time, what's that in my time zone?" Figure out what those times are now so you know when the
calls are going to be happening. Now to register for and attend the calls, you can go to the Facebook
group so make sure you join our Facebook group. It is Go there right now,
register, and then you can click on the events tab at the top of the screen. Then you will be able to see
the upcoming events. That is how you join the group.

If you do all of those things and you can't get the help you're looking for, if you can't solve your
question, then you want to go to number five which is: Try searching our customer help center which
has FAQs, help articles, and solutions to common problems. Your question, chances are a lot of other
people have had that question too. What we will have done is created documentation and a tutorial
which walks you through exactly how to solve it yourself. Make sure you go there. To get to our help
center, you can go to, or you can hover on top of the Help icon at the top of the
screen, which talks about ... Just says help. You can go up there and then select the customer help
center, and you'll be able to go in there and get any help you need.

You can also submit a support ticket to my team. I have a full time team of people who are highly paid to
support professionals. They're helping me and they're helping every customer in my community. If you
need help with anything you can't solve using questions one to five, then submit an email to, and one of my friendly support staff will help you out there. That is how you
can get help and support. It's very important that you remember this. Go through steps one to five
before you send an email because a lot of the time people ask questions via email that they could have
just solved themselves in five seconds if they followed these instructions.

Now here's some important things to remember going into this training. First of all is: There are no
magic pills or flavors of the week in this program. This program teaches you the fundamentals of
business, consulting, and mastering your mind. We're not teaching any gimmicks in here. I'm not
teaching you some loop hole I found in the law which enables you to exploit some rare opportunity for a
limited amount of time until someone smartens up and removes that loop hole. I'm not telling you some
hack I found on the internet to press this button that starts making money. I'm not showing you how to
do any of those things. Nothing we're doing here is a gimmick or a flavor of the week or a magic pill.

What I'm actually teaching you to do here is I'm teaching you the fundamentals of business. I'm teaching
you how to think like a millionaire or a billionaire. I'm also showing you how to master this new age of
consulting which is happening right now. The world's changing a lot and we're moving into this new
period. The systems and everything, and the way of thinking which I've created for consulting ... They're
leading right now and they're beating the traditional way. By learning how this new world of consulting
works, you're going to be able to be at the forefront of that. You're going to be one of the leading
people who is pioneering this new way of consulting. I'm teaching you exactly how that works.
The cool thing about this is that these are going to last you a life time. The lessons you learn in here
about business and about consulting, and about mastering your own mind ... These are going to last you
for the rest of your life. You're going to be collecting dividends on this for every year of the rest of your
life. That's the cool thing about doing things properly.

This program requires you to put in the work. Some of it will challenge you and push you outside of your
comfort zone. Coming into a program that's promising to completely change your life around and help
you achieve your wildest dreams, it's not going to be easy. You're not going to sit down on your couch
with a bag of popcorn, and start tapping on your keyboard and then it's going to happen. It's going to
push you outside of your comfort zone. It's going to challenge you. It's going to make you question
things which you have believed for a long time. Whenever someone goes into a state like this, it's a good
thing. It means that things are changing. It means that you're growing as a person mentally. It means
that your business is growing too. It's important to understand that you will feel uncomfortable at times,
and that's essential if you want change and you want growth. You've got to learn to embrace it.

Most important: Do the work. If you show up to these trainings, take notes and don't do the work, I can
assure you that nothing is going to change or improve for you. It's a guarantee. If you just come here
and listen, do nothing, you're going to get nothing. I guarantee it. You must show up. You must learn,
keep an open mind, and you must take action. You must actually apply the lessons which we're teaching.
You must stick to it. The most important one of all is sticking to it. No, don't just do it for a couple of
days. You've got to stick at it to see the results. That is really important. I know that you're not just here
to hear me speak. I know you're not just here to make some friends because quite honestly there's a lot
cheaper ways, a lot easier ways, to go and make some friends and have a chat to people than joining this
program. If you want change, if you want results, and if you want to be the master of your own life then
make sure you do the work.

Section 2 of 15 [00:10:00 - 00:20:04]

Section 3 of 15 [00:20:00 - 00:30:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... The master of your own life, then make sure you do the work.

Let's talk about taking full responsibility because this is the most important thing to really get your head
around right now coming into this program. Where you are in life right now financially, physically,
mentally ... This is precisely how you have designed it. You are responsible for where you are in life right
now and nobody else. What you have right now, how much money in your bank account, the state of
everything you have ... It's all you. You did that, you designed it and you're the only person responsible
for that. I know for a lot of people, this is kind of hard to come to grips with at first because sometimes
you hear that and you're like, "No. It was to do with the government. It was to do with this person or
that person." It wasn't, it was you. You have to learn to accept that. Right here, right now in week one.

I remember when I first read this, I wanted to fight it too. I was like, "It was this other person or this."
Then I didn't make any progress in life or in business until I fully accepted that it was all me. Make sure
you that you get your head around that one first, and you accept that.

Just like you are responsible for where you are right now, you will be responsible for the results that you
get with this training program. Coming into this program and then you see some of the training pushes
you outside your comfort zone a little bit and you don't do it so you're like, "I don't want to do that. I
want to skip that and forget about it. I'll just dust it under the rug." You don't get any results, and then
you complain. You're saying, "The training wasn't laid out properly." That's not true, that is your fault.
That means that you didn't have the courage to stand up against yourself and push yourself outside of
your comfort zone. Remember, don't blame other things. Don't blame other people. You're responsible
for your own life right now and you're going to be responsible for the results you get with this program.
You have to take full responsibility, 100% for everything.

I've observed ten thousand ... More than ten thousand, it's about ten and a half thousand now. By the
time you're listening to this video, it could be a lot more. Having observed ten thousand students, it is
devastatingly obvious that those who achieve success take full responsibility for their results in life. They
never blame anybody else or play the victim. This is so important. People who are victims don't get
anything in life. You don't want to be the victim. You don't want to say it's the government's fault. You
don't want to say it's my internet connection's fault. You don't want to say, "My computer was too slow
or my back sore, or I was tired, or it was raining outside, or there was traffic." You don't want to be one
of those people because those people don't get anything. Those people are saying that life is out of their
control. They're basically in a pinball machine and whatever happens to them, it was poor me.

You don't want to be that person because they don't get anything in life. When you're someone who
takes full responsibility for everything, you get everything. Make sure that you fully come to grips with
this and fully internalize this right now. Accept it because it is the most important step for creating
change in this entire program.

Coming up against resistance. As you go through these trainings, you're going to come up against some
resistance. Most people believe that resistance is a bad thing and when they face it, they believe the
right thing to do is to stop or try something else with less resistance or no resistance at all. You imagine
that. You imagine going to the gym. This is literally what people do, this is how crazy people are. As
someone goes out and they're like, "I know what I want to do. I want to start my own business." They
make a phone call and they're like, "Hey I'm thinking of starting my own business. I'm thinking of selling
these things. Do you think this is a good idea?" The first person speaks to is like, "No, that's a stupid
idea. You should give up." Then they hang up and then person who is thinking about starting a business
is like, "Oh my God, that was hard. I shouldn't start my own business. I'm going to stop. I'm going to quit
right now." That's someone facing resistance in the business world and then quitting.

Then you imagine if you went to the gym, and you wanted to get fit and healthy. You went to the gym
and you laid down on the bench press machine. You put some weights on and then you pushed up, and
you were like, "Oh my God, this thing is kind of heavy and it's kind of hard to lift. I shouldn't lift anything
at all." If you didn't lift anything at all, if you didn't come up against any resistance in the gym, you
wouldn't grow. The same is true in business. When you come up against resistance, it's not resistance
which you can really touch or see with your eyes. It's not a material form of resistance. It is a mental
form of resistance, but it is the same thing. You're coming up against resistance. That resistance is what
is helping you to grow and to become stronger, and to become a bigger person, and really grow the life
and business that you want. It's really important to understand this.

When you're coming up against resistance, if you think, "This is hard. This is going to be a challenge. All
this is going to push me outside of my comfort zone." That's a good thing. You need to learn to embrace
resistance. When you come up against resistance, you want to embrace it and take it as feedback that
you're doing something right and experiencing growth. These days, when I try something and if I come
up against resistance, and I'm like, "This one's probably it. This is going to be good." I'm trying to take
some big action, the universe gives me a kick in the face back, and I'm like, "It's on now." Now I'm going
to keep pushing because sometimes when I feel that kick back, I know that that's the right thing to do.
It's going to be a challenge and it's really going to push me outside of my comfort zone. I'm excited now.
If I get pushed back or if I face resistance, it just makes me hungrier. I just turn into an animal and the
thing is going to get absolutely demolished. It's important that you adopt that same belief.

Just like in a video game, you're choosing to play at a new level of life. This new level attracts resistance
and growth. It's impossible to grow without facing this resistance. In a video game, you can't advance
from level one to level two and then expect level two to be just as easy as level one. If you wanted to do
that, you could just turn your whole video game and off and start from scratch again. We don't want
that. We're trying to get to level two, level three, level four. When you do that, you're going to face
resistance. It's important to remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with it. If you try to
take off with the wind, you're going to go pretty damn fast and it's pretty hard to do. They don't
recommend it. It takes off into the wind, remember that.

Let's talk about the failure uniform. This one is very important. Like I said, I've observed a lot of people
come through my training. I've noticed that the people who get into these failure mindsets, and the
people who don't get results, they all look the same. I don't mean like they wear the same things so they
look the same. I mean their behavior and their way of thinking, and their way of living, it all looks the
same. I coined this term the failure uniform. It's something that you definitely do not want to be caught
Here's the failure uniform. Number one, feeling like you know everything. If you did know everything,
then you would be the wealthiest person and the most powerful person in the world. You definitely
don't know everything. If you knew everything about consulting, then you would be better at it than me.
Chances are if you were, then you wouldn't have bought this program to learn from me. You don't
everything about the world, and you don't know everything about consulting. I can assure you of that.
You don't want to feel like you know everything. When you get to a module and it's a module on sales,
you don't want to think, "I already know sales." I've had people who are sales veterans who have come
in here with 30 year careers, and they've been top producers, and they're like, "This showed me things
about sales that I never even thought were possible." The worst thing you can do is think that you
already know something because you don't. You're not going to know this new way of doing it which I
have created. Keep an open mind. Put the student hat on. Let go of all those beliefs that you already
know everything.

Using interaction as a replacement for success and your own result. I see this as-

Section 3 of 15 [00:20:00 - 00:30:04]

Section 4 of 15 [00:30:00 - 00:40:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

For success and your own results. I see this as quite common with people who don't do well. They join a
group and then they jump into the Facebook group and they start reaching out to people. They're like,
"Oh, hey. How's it going? Oh, yeah. Should we jump on Skype for a chat?" Or "Hey, are you free to chat
now?" They're pretty much just social butterflies that are having chats with each other and not doing
any work and then not getting any results.

What they're doing is they're using interaction as a replacement for success. When you get success, you
get a dopamine spike in your brain and that's what makes you feel good. That's what happens when you
make some money. If someone's not getting their success or dopamine from that, then they're going to
find something else to do it with. Interacting with other people can be that same release. Doing that is
just fooling yourself. It's fooling yourself that you don't need the success, because eventually it's gonna
dawn on you that you do need it and you will have just tricked yourself. Don't be that person that uses
interaction as a replacement for your own results. You want to come into this program and focus on
your own results first.

It's kind of like in the aviation industry how they recommend that you put your own mask on before
helping others. Well, that's what you should do in this program, too. Before you go and become a social
butterfly, focus on yourself. Get your mind set right. Get your foundations right. Start taking action. Get
in motion and then you can go and join some conversations.
Asking questions about how 'X' relates to 'Y' and trying to understand everything academically. This is
not an academic program and thank god it's not, because it's quite obvious in the world right now that
the sorts of people and the sorts of innovation that academic education systems are creating. It's
stagnant. It's about to explode, really. The whole industry is completely on the tipping point and so we
are going to see the whole thing get shaken up big time and it's because the academic way of learning
has become too rigid and too stagnant and it's over. There's a new age now and the old, traditional ways
of doing things and the old traditional ways of thinking don't work anymore. Don't worry about how my
training relates to 'X' and 'Y' and don't try to understand everything academically, because this isn't an
academics course.

Then talking to people and establishing relationships before gaining your own momentum. You don't
want to do this. You don't want to go out and just make 100 friends before getting momentum for your
business, because like I said, you're not coming into this program just to talk with some friends or make
some friends. You're coming in here to get results and change your life.

Then telling stories instead of asking questions. This is a big one. I noticed that people who failed, they
tell stories. They say things like ... They say, "Okay. Well, here's my situation," and they say where they
started. They talk about all this journey they went through and it's always this big long, complicated
thing and then at the very end, there's the little question. It's like they feel like that we have to have all
of this context before we could answer their little question. They've attached the question to this mess
of story and they can't answer the question when they attach it to the story, but the question is often
very simple when it's just asked as a question. But they refuse to just ask it that way.

Remember when you're in this program it's questions instead of stories. If you're telling a story, it means
you've fooled yourself and if you don't have a question, if you don't know what the question is, it means
you're telling a story. If you're stuck at any stage or if you're feeling like things are hard and if you're
doubting yourself and if all of these things are happening and you just want to tell a massive story, well,
stop. Pause for a moment and think, "Wait a minute. What is the question that I need answered right
now?" Stop for a moment, pause, and be like, "What question could I ask that if I had the answer to this
thing I would understand how to solve this problem?" Very important to stop whenever you're stuck in a
rut like that. Stop and think, "What is the question. How can I ask this question?"

Now, not asking for help in the Facebook group or the weekly Q&A calls. A lot of people, they ... Well,
it's not a lot anymore. It's actually hardly any people. I've noticed that some people, they write in to our
support channels and they ask for help there, but they haven't asked for help in the Facebook group or
the weekly Q&A calls and you definitely do not want to be one of those people, because it takes longer
for us to reply to your support questions via email and you could've got help in less than five minutes if
you wrote the question in the Facebook group. Go to the Facebook group and the Q&A calls first before
you go and ask our customer support team.
Then playing the victim and blaming anything other than yourself. This is a big one. This is the failure
uniform. This is it all wrapped up. It's playing the victim. It's saying, "I'm not successful because of 'X'."
It's saying, "The reason why I'm unhappy and the reason why I don't have what I want and the reason
why things are the way they are, are because of 'X'." 'X' could be anything else that isn't you, so it could
be the weather. The internet. Your back pain. It could be the government. It could be this recent piece
of news that's been on. It could be anything.

The important thing to understand is that 'X' isn't creating anything, it's you. The people who get
success, they take full 100% responsibility for themselves and their situations. You need to take full
responsibility and understand that where you are in life right now is your own doing. You did it all.
Where you want to gt to and the results you're gonna get with this program are all you as well. It's
always you. You definitely don't want to play the victim and blame anyone else, because that is how you
display the failure uniform and I know it well. My coaches know it well and everyone else in the group
knows how to identify the failure uniform very well. Don't be caught wearing it, because ... This isn't
even for me. It's not like I don't want to see people wearing the failure uniform, it's for you. I'm telling
you this advice so that you get results. This isn't a selfish thing from my point of view. This is me wanting
the best for you.

You are going to be attempted to do everything other than the work and making a sale. I mean this, this
is what your procrastinators is going to do. You're starting a new program. There's going to be work to
do. Some things are going to be challenging, pushing you outside of your comfort zone and you're gonna
want to do everything else other than the work. You're gonna want to go get a new hair cut. You're
gonna want to go out with your friends. Go partying. You're gonna want to do everything. Probably want
to even clean your house. You'll probably want to go clean your garage, which you never ever wanted to
do either, but now that you've got this thing to do, you're probably going to want to go do that.

It's very important whenever you feel procrastination to just pause for a moment and feel where that
procrastination is pulling you. Where is it pulling you towards? If I sit down with the intent of, right of,
coming up with my niche, and then I start getting these urges and these feelings to clean my garage and
clean my house and I can feel that pull coming on and it's pulling me over to the garage or over to clean
the house. What's important to do is feel where it's pulling you away from. Not where it's pulling you
towards. If it's pulling me away from doing it, picking my niche and towards cleaning my garage, I know
the right thing to do is pick my niche and to not clean my garage. Whatever way you feel it pulling, go
the opposite and you'll always be doing the right thing at that point in time.

You must do the work. I know I've said this a lot of times. I'm going to keep saying it over and over and
over again until you're just walking around on the street and you've just got me stuck in your brain. It's
just going to be saying, "Do the work. Do the work. Do the work." Because it's one thing to understand
this stuff conceptually. You could go through this whole program 21 times. You could really understand
everything. You could be able to recite this entire program by heart, but it's still not going to do anything
for you unless you do the work. You have to apply it. You have to understand it mentally. You have to
eternalize it and then you actually have to go out and take action. You need both sides. One side on its
own won't do anything, so make sure you do the work and you must stick to it. You can't just do the
work for a day and then not do the work anymore. You can't do the work for a week and then not do it
anymore. It takes continuous and.

Section 4 of 15 [00:30:00 - 00:40:04]

Section 5 of 15 [00:40:00 - 00:50:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... not do it anymore. It takes continuous and consistent effort day after day. You just got to do the work,
do the work, do the work, do the work. Eventually, things will change for you, just boom, all of a sudden
it's like your whole life's changed. That is why you must stick to it. If you get a week in and you don't
have any results, yeah you're a week into something, seven days. A lot of people do get results in seven
days, but just because you don't doesn't really mean anything. It means you just need to stick to it. Keep
at it. People start from all different stages. Some people are just on the brink of getting their first client
when they join. Some people don't know anything about business at all. Different people are going to
achieve results at different stages in time. The only thing that's important is that you must stick to it.

Someone asked me in the Facebook group the other day, they were like, "Sam, if you could tell us the
one most vital, life-changing piece of advice that you could possibly tell us, what would be that one thing
that has resulted in your success? What is that one magic thing?" I was thinking for a while and I was
like, "Oh, that's a good question. What is that one, magic thing?" I thought about it. Then I realized that
it was that I didn't give up. What happened is I chose all of the wrong things. I did everything wrong, but
by doing all the wrong things I eventually found the right things, and then I was able to remember what
the right things were and the wrong things were. I just keyed through every possible variation and found
out what worked and what didn't and eventually got to this point.

Truthfully, everybody is going to get to the point of success. The only thing standing in your way is
sticking to it. The only way you can really possibly lose is by giving up. That really is the most important
thing. You've got to do the work, you've got to learn this stuff, you've got to keep an open mind, you've
got to take action, you've got to be consistent, but the most important thing of all is just sticking to it.
Sticking to it and never giving up. You've got to be relentless and you have to be willing to do whatever it
takes. This is your life. This is your success, your family's life. It's the most important thing in the world.
You must get relentless and do whatever it takes.

Most importantly, you must not wear that failure uniform, not even a sock of it. You don't want to wear
a single piece of that failure uniform, because it's all bad. If you can sense yourself starting to feel like a
victim, if you can sense your self starting to wear that uniform, check yourself and get rid of it. You do
not want to be wearing it because it's just all bad. It causes failure and despair and everything. Make
sure you're not caught wearing it.

Important things to remember. Nothing is a failure. Some things we'll try here will fail and some sales
calls won't end in a yes. Some ads will bomb. You might try some Facebook ads and they're not going to
work. That's totally fine. I do Facebook ads all the time that don't work. It doesn't mean I get all sad and
go have a cry. I just try some different ones. This is important. Society conditions us to think that any
failure is bad and any failure is really bad, but the only way to achieve success is with some failure. Some
things won't work for you. We don't even consider that a failure. We just consider that feedback. That's
feedback from the market to us saying market doesn't really like this or that didn't really work, probably
try something else. It's essential to have some failures, to get that feedback, and then course correct
and get closer to success. Don't look at it as a failure. Look at it as feedback.

Dare to take massive action and know that it will not be perfect, like your ads are going to feel
imperfect. Trust me, your sales calls are going to feel imperfect. You're going to doubt the niche you
pick. That's a fact. I've seen so many different people start this program. I've seen so many people doubt
their own niche. Everyone doubts their own niche. Everyone always thinks that another niche is better
than their own. Believe me, everybody doubts all of their own stuff initially. It's normal. The grass isn't
always greener on the other side. The grass is green that we water it. Don't think, "Oh, that niche is
better than my niche.", or "This way's better than that way.", because it's not. It's just whatever you
stick to. There's people that own $100 million businesses in the lawn mowing niche and there are
people that own massive business in every different niche. It's important to understand that when you
start things aren't going to feel perfect.

Whenever you put something out there for the first time it feels all wrong. When I first created a
training program it felt wrong. When I first did a video it felt wrong. When I first got on the phone and
did a sales call it felt wrong. That's just how it always feels in the beginning. It's important that you take
imperfect action because taking big leaps forward, it feels like that. What you need to do is understand
that feeling comfortable is bad and that feeling a discomfort is good. If you're feeling discomfort it
means you're pushing yourself, it means you're growing as a person and as a business. When I started to
learn this I was like, "Well that means that everyday I should be feeling uncomfortable." Now I use it as a
way to check to see if I'm pushing myself enough. If I have a few days and I'm not feeling challenged or
uncomfortable, I'm like, "Oh, I've got to push myself harder." Now I've learned to make that discomfort,
I've learned to make that real comfort for me. If I'm in an uncomfortable situation I'm thriving. That's
what I love to do. I want to be in uncomfortable situations all day.

I think a lot of other people they don't ever want to be in uncomfortable situations, ever. That's what
comfort is for them. You can reverse these two poles. You can make discomfort your new comfort.
When you do that, then you are going to just be a wild success eating machine. It means that everything
that people get afraid of are things that you do for fun. When you do that you will really conquer life and
business because you have completely reversed the poles on what everyone else does. You want to
start doing that. Whenever you feel discomfort, whenever you feel yourself getting pushed outside of
your comfort zone, just embrace it. Be like, "Okay, I'm doing the right thing. This is awesome. I'm about
to grow and this is what I need to be doing so I'm going to go for it." That's what you want to do.

You have to be willing to do whatever it takes. This is your time and this is your calling to play a bigger
game and become a better person. You will have enrolled in this program for a reason. You would've
seen my ad for a reason, clicked on it, gone through the webinar, purchased this, showing up today all
for a reason. That reason is because it's your calling to play a bigger game. It's your time right now and
you've probably been thinking this a little bit, like "It's probably about time I stepped up." It's not just by
chance. That's why you're here. It's time to step things up big time. What you need to do is lose all your
stories of the past because they are not welcome here. Don't think about your past at all. Lose those
stories. Keep an open mind and get ready to shake things up because this is going to be the biggest
period of growth for you ever.

I will be completely up front with you at all times. If you're going to complain or blame something else,
other than yourself, I'll just tell you to quit and start working for Uber. Uber employs anyone pretty
much and they pay pretty good salaries. I think they pay like 15 bucks an hour or something. They'll take
you. If you want to complain and if you're like, "Oh, this business stuff is hard.", then I'll just tell you to
go work for Uber, and you should if you want to complain. Don't complain. Just suck it up. Realize that
it's all your own doing. You're responsible for your situation. You're responsible for where you're going
in life and who you're becoming.

You just need to embrace it and you need to just learn to grow and understand that we're all here to
win. This is a winners culture. We don't give sympathy and we don't all circle around the person who
wants to complain and feel sad. This is different. The person who feels sad doesn't get any attention in
this group. They don't even get to say. That person has to realize themself that they're choosing to be
sad and they have to suck it up and come and join the winners again. That's how it works in this group.
It's important that you don't complain and that you suck everything up and take responsibility for
everything, because we're here to win and I know that you want to win.

Section 5 of 15 [00:40:00 - 00:50:04]

Section 6 of 15 [00:50:00 - 01:00:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... for everything, because we're here to win and I know that you want to win, so let's do it.

Here's some pitfalls to watch out for. Number one, not making enough offers to people. Your income is
directly related to how many people you have a conversation with. If you don't have any sales this week,
well how many strategy sessions have you done? If you didn't do any strategy sessions, well how many
promotions did you do to generate strategy sessions?

If someone has a problem with their business, I can just ask them a series of questions and I can get right
down to the heart of the problem. If someone comes to me and they're like, "Sam, I haven't made any
money." I'm like, "Okay, well what are you selling?" If they're like, "I don't know." Then I'll be like, "Well,
that's why you don't have any money."

If someone comes to me and they're like, "Sam, I haven't made any money." I'm like, "Have you made
any sales?" They're like, "No." "Well, have you made any sales ... Have you got any strategy sessions?"
They're like, "No." I was like, "Did you do anything to generate any strategy sessions?" They're like, "No."
I'm like, "Well, of course, how could it be any other way?"

I think a lot of people think that success in life comes from some magical source called luck or chance or
something, and that people just walk around in life, and some people are just struck by a piece of
lightening and they got a million bucks, or some people just ... Fluke things, they just take a different
turn on the road one day and bam, they just got a massive business and all this money. They just think
that life works this way.

It doesn't. People get what they work towards, what they deserve, and what they plan for, and what
they ... When they do the work, people get the reward. If you don't have the reward, then you didn't do
the work. It's very simple. Now we just need to find out what part of the work you didn't do.

In order to make a sale, you need to have strategy sessions. In order to have strategy sessions, you need
to promote to get strategy sessions. It's just real simple. When you catch yourself thinking, "Oh my God,
I haven't got any results this week." Well, ask yourself why? Reverse engineer it, and you'll find out why,
and then you know what you need to do next time so that you can make some sales.

Number two, overanalyzing which niche to go with. I see this one a lot. People get torn. They torment
themselves when they're forced to choose something, because your whole life, you're kind of being
taught that it's okay to fence it. You can straddle between this job, that job, kind of being into this thing,
kind of being into that thing. In business that doesn't work very well. You can't fence it on everything.
You have to make a choice.

We're not saying that this one choice is ... We're not saying that you're marrying this choice. When you
pick a niche, you're not marrying it. You don't have to be with it forever. You're not going to be surgically
attached to it for the rest of your life. It's just important that you choose something now so that we can
get to work, and then that niche will either be right or it will be wrong for you. Either way, we're going
to figure out for sure. If it's wrong, it's no problem to swap it out for something else. If it's right, you can
stick to it, but we're never going to get that feedback, whether it's right or wrong, until you choose

It's so important to make a decision. You're never going to have all the information to make the
decision. You're never going to be able to make a perfect decision. There's no such thing as a human
being making a perfect decision. A human being mind and a human being linear language system cannot
compute all the data in the world to be able to make a perfect decision. It's impossible. Not even super
computers, quantum computers, anything, can make a perfect decision. You just need to understand
that, and you need to look at the information, give yourself a reasonable amount of time, make a
decision, and then stick to it, and then eventually you're going to get enough feedback to figure out
whether you should change it up or whether you should stick to it, very simple.

You need to remind yourself, all the time, the best time to act was yesterday, and the next best time is
always now. If you're thinking, "When should I start making sales calls?" The right answer was really
yesterday. That would have been the right time. The next best time is right now, not tomorrow, not next
week, not anything, not when your new headset comes in. That's procrastinating. Now.

The third pitfall is ignoring the mindset side of the process. This program has two key parts, mental and
tactical. I've never met a person who has achieved results without treating both sides with equal
importance. You need to apply the tactics as well as reprogram your mind. You can't have one without
the other. You can't just come in and focus purely on tactics and expect success. I promise you, you
won't have success. You can't just come in here and focus only on the mindset stuff and expect to just lie
down on your couch and have all of these things magically appear.

We've got two schools of thought in our society these days. We've got this spiritual side and we've got
the business side. We've got the people who need to take all day long and eat healthy food, and do yoga
and everything, and then they worry why they don't have any money and why they're now stressed out,
when their mantra is supposed to be being not stressed out. So we've got that side, which is the spiritual

Then we've got this other side, which is the business side. The people who believe spiritual stuff is all
bullshit and it's all about taking wild action. We've got these guys, are awesome at making money, and
they can build big businesses and everything, but they all meet limits. Some people meet their limit at
20 grand, some people it's 30, some people it's 40, 50. Some guys ... Well, I can tell you all of the guys
that make millions and more, they've all mastered both sides.
There's no way to get really super successful without really acknowledging both sides. You need to
acknowledge the mental side of things and the tactical. If you just try and get there all on one, it's not
going to work at all. I've had, in this program so far, I think I've had 15 millionaires and it must be close
to 300 people who've made six figures now. This course has created more success and more results than
anything else. In observing all of those people, and all of their transformations, and all of the results, and
how their lives have changed and everything, they've combined both sides, mindset and tactical. You
need to do the same.

In week two, we're going to teach you a new world view and a new paradigm, which you're going to
program into your mind. When we do that, it's important that you don't dismiss it. You can't just think,
"Oh this is some [Oowoo 00:58:03] stuff that's not going to make any difference. It is. Believe me, it's
going to make more different than you can imagine, if you're someone who thinks like that. For the
person who is already very adapt to mindset stuff, it's not going ... It will still make a massive difference,
but to the person who's closed off to it, it's going to make the most difference of all. It's going to change
that person's world. If you're one of those people who has dismissed it in the past, you're in for some
awesome transformations when you do accept it this time.

And then working on anything that is not promoting to generate strategy sessions, or doing strategy
sessions and making offers to people. Once we've got your mindset sorted, once we've got your
foundation set, and once you know what your niche is, and you've got your action plan and you're ready
to go, then the only things that are really important is promoting to generate strategy sessions, and then
doing strategy session. That's it. I mean you just need to do both of those things and you're going to be
making money.

We're at week one, video one, of this program and I'm sure a lot of people are having initial doubts.
They're like, "Will this actually work for me? I just spent this money. Is this thing going work? How do I
know I just didn't buy something which is going to be a scam or something like that?" Some people have
these thoughts and that's fine. I'm going to show you what this program is all about.

I'll start off with my story. I got started when I was 21 years old. I had just gone through college. I was
finishing up my college degree ,and I was doing an internship at [inaudible 00:59:48]. I was working in a
corporate job and there's my laptop right there. I was just ... I just got this job. I thought this was what
life was supposed to be like. I thought this was like success, but my whole life, I'd been ...

Section 6 of 15 [00:50:00 - 01:00:04]

Section 7 of 15 [01:00:00 - 01:10:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

Life was supposed to be like. I thought this was like success. My whole life I'd been told that you go to
school, then you go to college and then you know, you get a job at a corporate, and that's what success
is supposed to be like. Like you've made it, that's it, that's success. And then I got there, and at first I was
kind of excited and then I looked around and I was like, is this really what it's supposed to be really like?
Because I didn't feel very successful, I didn't feel very happy. I didn't feel like the work I was doing was
very important at all, and I definitely wasn't making much money. And I looked around and I realized
that it wasn't me just thinking that, it was pretty much everyone. And it was a very weird moment for
me because I was like how did this happen? I followed everybody's advice. I was that person who went
to the career planner, asked his mum and dad, asked all his friends, I listened to the teachers, I listened
to what society told me to do. Society told me, you go to school, then you go to college, you get good
grades and then you get an internship and then you get into the corporate world and, then your work
your way up the ladder and you save and you're going to make lots of money and that's what success is.

And I was like ... It was like a pretty strange time because I was like, well I listened to what society said. I
listened to what the public opinion was and all evidence is showing me that public opinion was wrong.
But then I was like well, how can this be? Surely everyone can't be wrong. Surely not, you can't be right.
I would be delusional if I was thinking everyone was wrong because how could one small insignificant
person like me be more right and smarter than everyone. And it was kind of a weird situation. It was the
first time I'd ever questioned everything. Or ever questioned everyone. And then I started looking. Like
that question really is what sparked it all for me. That question made me start looking. Like truthfully I'd
never even looked. Like I never thought well what is another way to have a job? What is another way to
make money?

And once I questioned it, I immediately was ... I don't know, just google this thing. So I went to Google
and I was like alternative ways to make an income, other than employment. And I just started searching
around. I was like how are other people even making money? And then I started thinking, oh yeah, how
do those really rich people make money? Like that guy who owns that nice house on that street, what
does he do that enables him to make all that money? These were just questions I'd never really asked
before. I'd never even really chosen to look, let alone looked. And it wasn't until I was confronted by this
evidence, which I had in front of me, which was me and my new job. I was like this isn't awesome, and
society lied to me. Society told me that this was going to be awesome. So for the first time in my life, I
really questioned society, I questioned everyone.

And really questioning that and going against it is what led me on the beginnings of searching, like what
are the alternatives? And I quickly found that starting your own business is a way better deal, than
having a job. Like I'm shocked. You can't even understand how different these two things are. Like a job,
you're working for someone else. You're getting paid a limited amount, which is their decision whether
that goes up or down. They can fire you at any time and they do, all the time. It's not like it's a really rare
event and everything is out of your control and you're basically like a slave.

And with business, you've got everything right. Usually with decisions somethings not all awesome and
something's not all bad, but the difference with having a job and owing your own business, it's honestly
one of those ones where having the job is all bad and having the business is all good. Because you've got
freedom, you've got passion, what you're doing actually make a difference. Everything is in your total
control. You've got full creativity. You can do whatever you want. You can live wherever you want, you
can make as much money as you want and the difference is just like night and day. And after I stated
researching all of the stuff, I thought man, this is ... I can't stay at this job. I've to try this thing out. I'm
going to start my own business. And so that's what I did.

I quit my job at Vodafone and I started my own business. And I was 21 years old and I had to move back
home with my parents in to their garage because they had downsized their house since I had left and I
had to move back home there to save some money. And this is where I worked. This is where I lived and
worked each day. I would literally go to sleep at night on that couch over there and then in the morning,
I'd wake up and work from that desk supported by concrete blocks. I would just pull my chair up to
there, start working and sleep on that couch. And this where I got my start. Like I had no money. I sold
my car and everything I had and I think I would have scraped together like three thousand bucks or
something but I had a lot of student debt. I had at least 40, 50 grand in student debt. So I mean ... And
I'd no income because I'd just quit my job. So this is where I started and I'm not exaggerating at all when
I say that I didn't know anything.

Like I knew less than you guys would know for sure, because somehow you've had the intelligence to
buy this program. I didn't even have any intelligence to do anything like that. I didn't even know
programs existed to actually learn stuff like this. So I was far less sophisticated than you are right now
and that's not even an exaggeration. And I had to figure everything out myself and I started out by
creating a number of different businesses. I started an online job board and that didn't work out. That
failed. I started a office lunch delivery business, that didn't work out and it failed. And my whole first
year, I was spinning my tires. I wasted all the money I had. I got credit cards and family loans and more
debt and everything and you know, after that whole ... I spun my tires for a year. I was like working 12
hours a day, didn't get any results. Had nothing to show for it and was beating myself up and thinking ...
You know everyone was telling me, you know man maybe it's time you went back and got a job.

And you know, it was a really hard time and it was through going through all those failures and
everything that I figured out what didn't work. And as I went through what didn't work, it taught me not
to make those mistakes again and when I tried something again, and that still didn't work, it if didn't
work but it was still worked a little bit better than the other one, I could kind of get a sense for which
was closer to the truth and, which was further away from the truth, based on how bad the failure was.
And eventually after going through enough failures and paying enough attention, I was able to find you
know, where the truth was.

Like where the true advice was. Like if someone was teaching you on how to get customers, on how to
make sales, on how to make money, on how you should think, on all this different stuff, it really blew my
mind and it fascinated me that what we're taught is wrong. Like the things, which they teach you in
school, the things which your parents tell you, the things which you read on the news, in the
newspapers, the things that you read in books, the things that they teach you in University even, if you
do an MBA, even if you go to Harvard. It doesn't matter where you get the stuff from, it's all wrong. And
if you go on the internet and you google these things like, it really blew my mind that common opinion
was not right.

And it was just an ongoing discovery from when I first questioned public opinion and when I first
questioned public opinion it was when I was at my job at Vodafone and my whole life everyone told me
if you do this you'll be happy, I wasn't happy, and I did what they said. So I questioned, I questioned
everyone. I was like well, how can everyone be wrong? Like surely me, little insignificant me, surely I
can't be right and the rest of the world is wrong? And it turned out that I was right there.

And then throughout these different processes, it turned out that I was right with a lot of things. And it
taught me that when ... It taught me that you should never really listen to public opinion and quite often
when public opinion says one thing, quite often you should look the other way and really conduct your
own research. You know a lot of the time public opinion can be right, but seriously most of the time, it
can be wrong. And I'm not saying there's one hard rule to follow. You don't just always deny it or always
follow it, the most important thing is for you to just be able to judge and interpret situations for yourself
and come up with your own conclusions. You know, conduct your own research, conduct your own ...
Come up with your own

Section 7 of 15 [01:00:00 - 01:10:04]

Section 8 of 15 [01:10:00 - 01:20:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... you know, conduct your own research, come up with your own conclusions, and make decisions for
yourself. But you can't rely on other people to tell you what to do, and you can't rely on other people to
make decisions for you. You can use people as guidance and everything, but it is so important in life that
you understand how things work, and you're able to compute information and generate results and
decisions yourself.

By going through all of this failure, I kind of started to figure out what the truth was, and then I was able
to start my own consulting business after about 12 months. In that first year, I made zero. I lost money.
And then in the first year I started my consulting business, I made a hundred thousand, then in the next
year it was 500,000, then in the next year it was 1.2 million, then 2.4 million, and then it really just went
kaboom last year, in 2016, where I made 18.25 million. You know, that's pretty crazy. That's pretty much
from losing 50 grand in a year, to almost 20 million in a year in like five years, by the time I was 26. That
was the massive transformation that happened.
Then I ended up living in Manhattan, in New York. I had an awesome apartment, I was making more
money than I ever could imagine anyone could make, and consistently making more than a hundred
thousand dollars a day. That's a lot of money. What's pretty crazy is that I definitely, you might look at
me now and think, "Oh, Sam, he must be some genius," or, "Sam, he must have something which we
don't," or, "He must have been gifted," or, "He must have inherited a bunch of money," or, "He must
have a higher IQ," or, "He must have something different than us."

I'm telling you that we're not. Where I got started, I was definitely less sophisticated than where you are
right now, I can guarantee that. The only difference is that I stuck to it, number one, and number two is I
had a really good mechanism of working like a process for going through things, for figuring out whether
something was right or wrong, and constantly improving. You know, I took this whole thing for granted,
this system that I used inside my brain to filter through tons of information, and figure out what worked
and what didn't, and be able to make decisions, and get to where I am now.

That filtration system, and that way of thinking, is now kind of, it's become this training program. The
secret weapon, which I've used my whole life, to go from zero, or minus 50,000 really, to more than 20
million, and more than a hundred thousand a day consistently, is what this training program is all about.
So this training program really is my life's work at this point. I've put everything that has helped me get
here, I have rolled it up and I have put it inside this program. I've really taken everything that I've ever
learned, boiled it down, distilled it, and turned it into this program.

This program, it's like an exact science for how to do something, which everyone thought was totally up
to chance. The whole world thought that becoming successful, becoming rich, wealthy, starting your
own business and transforming your own life, people thought that that was a fluke. And society labeled
it as like, miracle story. Right? That's pretty much what they labeled it as, and it's not, truthfully, it's not.
There's no such thing as a miracle, it's just cause and effect, and it's how you think.

What I've done in this program is I've taken something, which the world thought was a miracle, and I
have turned it into an exact, precise science, which anyone can follow. Anyone can use it to do what I've
done, or more. That's what this program really is. It helped me make that transformation, and it didn't
just help me.

If it was just me that had made that transformation, then I would probably take sides with anyone and
say, "Well look, yeah, that probably was a fluke." But I was able to do this in four years. And not just me,
The true test was the rest of my students. I started teaching other people how to do this stuff as well,
and we've had world leading results like nothing else the world's ever seen. We've had 15 millionaires,
we've had 232 six-figure earners, and we've had 10 1/2 thousand happy customers.
That has happened in like three years. All the millionaires came in one year, and I know this year we're
going to add at least 20, 30 millionaires to that list. We're not even at the stage where we're really even
making a dent, we're only really getting started with this thing. I have enough evidence collected now,
not just from my own story and my own transformation, but through the transformation of other
people, I have evidence that this thing works. And it works so much better than the current way that is
being taught throughout society in the world, that it really is revolutionary.

There has been no time, at least that we have documentation of, where there has ever existed a system
or a science to take someone from a situation in their life where they would appear like they're doomed,
to a situation in their life where they are making more than $20 million a year. Nothing has ever existed
like that, and that's what this program is.

You're lucky enough to be in here, and made this decision. It's obviously you're ready for it, that's why
you're here, and that's why you're listening to this video right now. It's your time, and it's the time
where you're ready to step up and make a massive growth transition in your life. It's so important that
you don't doubt this program, because that's the only thing that can really trip you up is doubting
yourself or doubting this program. I've got enough evidence to show you that you shouldn't doubt this
program. I've got more evidence than the public opinion does to support theirs.

So you shouldn't doubt the program, and we have evidence to back that up. And you shouldn't doubt
yourself, because we have the evidence to back that one up, too. We have transformed 15 people from
having a nine-to-five job and making 30, 40 grand a year, to making multiple millions. That's a lot of
evidence. So don't doubt yourself, don't doubt the program. It works, and it works surprisingly well. You
just need to trust the process, trust yourself, and do the work. If you do all of that, then everything will
happen for you.

Here's some of my successful students and their stories. Dave Rogenmosser. He used to make 50 grand
a year working a nine-to-five job, and then he made over a hundred grand in his first 90 days. And then
he went on to make over a hundred grand a month within 10 months of joining the program, and now
he's a millionaire. And from it, he was able to propose to his wife, and that was thanks to the finances
and the freedom that this program provided.

Here's Paul Ryan. Well, his name was Paul Ryan, but he had to change it to Paul Xavier because Paul
Ryan is some famous person in America, and when people Googled him on the internet, he could never
compete with this other guy, so that's a funny story why he had to change his last name.

Paul used to make $45,000 a year as a government contractor working a nine-to-five job. Then he joined
my program, and he grew his agency to over a hundred grand a month with his business partner Mark
Ford. He was able to travel the world for a year, while running his business, and living totally on his

Here's Andrew Argue. He used to run a generalist agency, and he was making 17 grand a month. He was
helping a range of different businesses with a range of different things, working real hard and making 17
grand a month. Within 90 days of joining the program, he became a specialist in the accounting niche,
and he was making more than 200 grand a month. And I'm not joking, that happened within 90 days.
Since then, he's continued to do that every single month, and he's growing. Now he's knocking on the
doors of 300 grand a month, which is an insane transformation in a very short amount of time.

Here's Courtney Martin. She made $120,000 in her first 90 days of starting. She quit her job and
completely changed her life with this.

Here's Jake Englehorn. He had a marketing agency and it was stalled at five grand a month. It had been
there for years. We're not talking about just a small little plateau here, we're talking about a total
stalemate sort of position, where he was at five grand a month.

Section 8 of 15 [01:10:00 - 01:20:04]

Section 9 of 15 [01:20:00 - 01:30:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

You know, a stalemate sort of position where he was at five grand a month, and then he joined the
program and was able to get to $88,000 a month within six months. That's more than a million dollars a
year, and he consistently beat that month every month since.

Here's Josh Harris, and Josh Harris is one of the coaches in my program. If you're on one of the Q&A
course, he will be on there. Josh was struggling to make ends meet. He was making three grand a
month. Seriously, you can ask him, he was making less than $3,000 a month and he had two kids and he
had a mortgage and everything. He joined the program and he grew to $120,000 a month. That's more
than $1.2 million a year. He upgraded his family home, he got rid of his old home, he got a nice, massive
home in Florida. He got a Tesla, the one he'd always dreamed of. He's completely changed his life. If you
saw Josh back when I saw him and if you saw him now, you wouldn't even think that they were the
same people. He was able to make this massive transformation.

Here's Chris Evans and Taylor Welch. They are business partners together and they were doing 20 grand
a month, struggling with done-for-you clients. They joined this program and grew to over 200 grand a
month in 10 months. That's like 10x in 10 months. I just heard from them in February of 2017, and
they're close to 300 grand a month now. These guys massively transformed their life and business as
And that's just the start of it, seriously. There is no reason why you can't make a return on your
investment this week. I'm not joking, this isn't an exaggeration. People have made return on their
investments on the first day. Sometimes you jump into a program and you realize that you were thinking
about something the wrong way or something pops into your head and you're like, "Oh, I should try
this.", and people do something and it makes them money. Don't feel like you have to go through this
whole thing from start to finish before you take any action. If something appears to you and you feel like
you should do it right now, at any stage throughout the training, do it. There is no reason why you can't
make and ROI on your investment this week, today. No reason at all. People do it all the time.

I expect big things from this group and I expect big things from you as a member within this group. I
know that you're serious about success since you enrolled in this program. Now, it's your time to reach
out and grab it. You wouldn't be here, you wouldn't have attended the webinar, you wouldn't have
purchased this program and you wouldn't have watched this video and got on to this point right now if
you weren't ready for it. Now, it is your time and you've just got to have the courage and the belief to
reach out and grab it.

The record for sales during this six week program is $126,000 within the six weeks. Obviously, if we were
to add up total amount of time, people have made multiple millions with it, but within the six weeks it's
$126,000. It's on. If someone wants to beat that record, you can go for and there's a pretty big prize for
it if you do. I encourage it.

I like to introduce some friendly competition because in our community we are a culture of winners. All
we do is win. In society it's like they've formed this belief that winning should be played down and we
should give all the attention and sympathy to the people who aren't winning. All that does is it locks the
people who aren't winning in their losing positions, because now they're getting feedback from
everyone as the loser. They're like, "There's my sympathy.", and it's just making the problem worse.
Society has got it around it the wrong way. The winners should get attention and everyone should be
winners. If someone isn't a winner, it's their choice and they put themself in that situation and it's their
own doing and they should get themself out of there. Sympathy and everything, it does not help.

We have different views in this program and this is part of the reason why this program works so
profoundly well is because we think differently and we operate on a different set of rules. We celebrate
success. We don't downplay it. We don't call someone a loudmouth or a showoff when the win. We give
them praise because if you're jealous of other people who achieve success and you call them a showoff,
then subconsciously you're never going to be able to have success yourself because your subconscious is
telling you the whole time that other people are going to say that when you win. As a member of this
group, if you want to be able to win then you need to encourage other people to win too and you need
to be truly happy for them when they do win. In this group we're all about winning and we celebrate

Here's the different prizes we send out. When you get your first client, every student who gets their first
client does something which we call ringing the bell. This started out as a ... I don't even know who
started this thing to tell you the truth. It wasn't me. That was the culture of this group just developed
over time. Someone in the Facebook group got a client and then posted this picture of a bell, and they
said, "Ring the bell, I just got a client." I didn't really think anything of it. I was like, "That's kind of
smart.", and then over time more people started copying it. They'd post the same image of this bell and
they'd say, "Ring the bell, just got a client.", and then "Ring the bell, just got a client." I was like, "Whoa,
this thing has become the culture and a trend and a ritual within this program." It's still here today and
it's a really awesome thing to do because everyone's looking forward to that first client.

Everything changes when you get that first client. It's evidence that you've made the right decision. It's
evidence to yourself that you are capable of doing this, and it's evidence that this program works and
these methods I'm teaching you work. Your first thing you should look forward to is that first client and
ringing that bell. When you get your first client, you want to go into the Facebook group, say "Ring the
bell.", post a picture of a bell, and then everyone's going to cheer you on. Then, my community manager
Nick, he's going to be sending you out a prize in the mail too. We give prizes to everyone that gets their
first client.

Then, to everyone who gets to six figures, the next stage, after you're getting clients you want to get to
six figures. It's 100 grand a year. Every student who gets to six figures gets an invite to come hang out
with me at my apartment and offices in New York City for a day. If you get your business to six figures,
post in the Facebook group, ring the bell, tell everyone about your story, and then Nick, who is my
community manager, he's going to reach out and we're going to arrange a time where you can come
and hang out. We usually put them into groups because a lot of people are achieving six figures now,
and we hold these things every month or so.

Then, seven figures. This is a million dollars a year. Every student who gets to seven figures gets an invite
to join me on a private jet for a day where we talk business, hang out and have fun. It's totally on my
shout, costs me a fortune, but it's totally worth it because if someone can get themself to seven figures
there's a insane transformation and it deserves a massive reward. This isn't something that's that rare.
We've got 15 people who have made more than a million dollars with this program. A lot of them
started from absolute zero. Not only can it be done, but it's done all the time. it's done more than once a
month these days. This is not an impossible thing we're talking about here. These things happen all the
time. People post about their first clients, there's more than 10 of them a day. These things are
happening all the time.
When you join this program and get into it, society's going to make out to you that it's hard to be
successful, that getting a client is a pipe dream and that making seven figures, if you think you can do
that, you're just totally whack. That's what most people are going to say to you but I'm here today to tell
you that this is normal. It is normal. People do it all the time. It's going to become normal for you as you
start, you join the community, as you start associating yourself with other people in this community who
think this way that we think, when you work on your mindset, when you reprogram your mind to all of
this stuff. You're going to realize that it's not only possible but it's actually surprisingly easy. You want to
start thinking this way and you want to put these goals in mind. The first thing you're shooting for, the
second thing, the third thing. Know the journey that's ahead of you. Know the different milestones
which you're aiming for, and always keep that end result in mind. Throughout applying these different
processes ...

Section 9 of 15 [01:20:00 - 01:30:04]

Section 10 of 15[01:30:00 - 01:40:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... because throughout applying these different processes, going through the training, it's a journey, and
you're going to have ... Throughout a journey, there's ups and downs, there's times where you feel a
little bit outside of your comfort zone and challenging times, but it's all worth it if you keep that end
result in mind, so you always want to keep that end result in mind, and you want to use it as a way to
help yourself get through everything.

Here's just some of the results. You can just scroll through the Facebook group right now, if you've just
joined. It's just back to back to back ... we're talking thousands of testimonials, thousands, and I'm not
even joking when I say thousands. There's more than 1000. Here is one of the meetups. Here's my
apartment in New York. Here's some of my students. Here's us all hanging out, so these things really do
happen. The students who get the results are real. Their businesses are real. They have real clients. I'm
real. What I'm teaching is real, and these meetups happen all the time, and all these people really do
make all of this money. Here's the private jet trip which we went on, and this was one to Miami. Here's
all of these guys here, and girl, got into seven figures with this training, so it really does happen, and it
happens all the time, and it's actually normal, and it should be expected by you.

You're probably thinking, "Well, what is it about this training that is so damn good, because I don't see
other programs that really produce results like that? What is it that makes it different? Why should I
trust this thing? What is it?" and what it is is it's the perfectly engineered change agent. What I've done
is I've really looked at what's required in order to make someone change, and not just a small, little
change. I mean profound change, like taking someone from who they are to a totally different person,
and I don't mean that in a weird spooky way, like, "Oh, my God. He's changing people." I mean in a good
way, like taking someone who doubts himself, taking someone who's down and depressed, who feels
like they're worthless and worth nothing, and turning them into a proud, healthy, fit millionaire, literally
changing someone like that.
This is what it requires to do that, and I'll tell you why most people get it wrong. Most people get it
wrong is because they just teach you information. They just teach you some tactics. They're like, "Oh,
you need to start an e-commerce store. You need to sell this thing, you need to sell that thing, and then
you're going to have success," but it's not ... Just the information alone won't work, because what will
happen, if you just have good information, you'll apply that, but then you're going to stop working for
the day, and you're going to go down into your living room, and you're going to sit on the couch, and
then you're going to turn on the TV, and the TV's going to start flashing colors at you, and you're going
to watch Game of Thrones and all this other stuff, unaware of how that's programming you, and then
you're also going to start talking to the rest of your family or your friends, and they're going to ask you
what you been doing, and you're gonna say, "Oh, I've been working on my new business," and they're
going to be like, "What, Dave? You're starting a business? You serious mate? You sure you're not getting
your hopes up too much?" This is what people do. People are pretty crazy.

Your friends and society and your family and everyone around you has only seen you as you are. They
only know you as you exist right now, so if you tell them that you're wanting to do something awesome
and something amazing then they're going to doubt you. They're going to question you and they're
going to make you try ... They're going to try and pull you back down to their level, because if you do
that, that means that they should do that too, and maybe they don't want to do that. Maybe they're too
frightened. They're going to try and pull you back down to their level. You might have some good
information, but then you go into your living room, then you go hang out with your friends, and the
community you're around is just going to pull on you, and then you're going to run into some questions,
and you're going to have some uncertainties and some issues, and then there's not to be anyone there
to answer those questions. There's not going to be any mentor or any experts to help.

Then you're going to self-sabotage in ways you can't possibly imagine. You're going start doing irrational
things which seem totally contradictory to what you want to achieve. You're going to start being late to
meetings. You're going to start spending money on things you knew you shouldn't do. You're going to
start waking up late, not being able to get out of bed. You're going to start doing all sorts of things which
are very strange because they seem in total contradiction to what you want to do, and you're going to
self-sabotage. Any good work you achieve, you're going to end up just breaking it all back down again,
and it's going to be a constant battle of building up a wall and then smashing it down, building it up,
smashing it down, building it up, smashing it down, and it's never going to get built, and it's going to be
painful to see it get half built and then see it get demolished, over and over and over again. That's all
happening in your mind, and that is what we call your paradigm.

A paradigm is a basically a collection of beliefs and concepts and models and frameworks, and it's all of
this conceptual stuff which you glue it altogether and you stack it all on top of each other, and that's
how you perceive reality. That's how you see things, that's how you think, and if you see a situation, that
is how you make your decision to react from that situation. That's a paradigm.
I've observed, when trying to help other people and trying to help myself, that you need all four of these
things. I've tried to just learn information, and then I've ended up not doing very well. I've ended up
breaking that information back down or not being able to apply it. I've tried to work on mindset, but
then I go out with my friends again, and they pollute my mindset back to where it was in the first place.
It seems like, no matter what you do, it seems to get smashed back down again. The important thing
that I've learned is to create change you need all four of these things, and I've learned and observed. I
put a painful amount of observation into psychology and into society and what makes everyone do what
they do, and come up with what I call "the perfectly engineered change agent," which is this program,
and it is the combination of these four things.

Number one is the proven process. I turned the unknown gray area of how to start a consulting business
and turned it into a precise science. While others use guesswork, we use a predictable, proven process,
and we're certain that it's going to make you wealthy. It's not even up to chance. The thing that's up to
chance is whether you'll do it or not. We've got a proven process.

The other thing we've got is number two, is a new paradigm. I engineered a new way to think and
reprogram your mind that is so profound that it's like seeing for the first time, and people say this.
People are like, "I see the world differently. Things are different now. My life's changed," and I'm not
kidding with this stuff. When you go through and you do this and you reprogram your mind and you
install this new paradigm which I created, you're going to see things differently, you're going to behave
differently, and you're truly going to become a different person, and for the better.

Successful people take lifetimes to build their mental comprehension mechanisms, like billionaires. If
you've ever wondered what makes a billionaire a billionaire, they think different. They see the world
different. What you see as a problem, they see as an opportunity. What you see as disaster, they see as
something else. You don't see the same things they see, and you definitely don't have the same
thoughts that they have. People who are really successful, they have these paradigms and these
worldviews which are profoundly different than the ones which society has adopted and installed into
us, and there hasn't been really a time before where someone has gone out and really given everyone
the right ... or at least a more right paradigm, so that everyone can think properly. That is what I have
done here. I have created this paradigm, and we're able to get it installed in just a few weeks really, and
in most people ... It took me my entire life to figure out how to do this, and it takes billionaires their
entire lives too, but we literally get you thinking differently. We get you seeing the world differently in
just a few weeks.

Then we've got our winning community.

Section 10 of 15[01:30:00 - 01:40:04]

Section 11 of 15[01:40:00 - 01:50:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

... Just a few weeks. Then we've got our winning community, so it's hard to change your life when you're
surrounded by people you've always been with. All of our students join a worldwide community of
people on the same path so that their dreams aren't laughed at, but achieved on a daily basis. Like I said,
society gives sympathy to people who don't win and it frowns upon winners, which is really messed up if
you think about it. In my society here, in our group, our community, we only celebrate winners. People
who lose, they've got to choose for themself to come be a winner.

So you get access to the Facebook group and you want to start hanging out in the Facebook group. You
can still be friends with the people you're friends with. You can still be friends with your parents and
your family and all that. I'm not saying you have to leave them or anything. You don't need to leave
them at all but what you do need is a healthy balance between people who believe that they can win
and your family and your friends because if you just have your family and your friends they're going to
pull on your beliefs again and you're going to end up coming back down to their level. You need to have
a healthy balance and so always remember that.

Most of the time it's not a good idea to talk about your dreams and your business ideas in front of
people who aren't in business for themselves because they will criticize it and they don't have any way
to really judge it. How can they judge it? They're not in business themself. So probably a good idea to
ask business questions and talk about your dreams and everything with people who are in our
community and then when it comes to hanging out with your family and stuff and your friends, totally
do it but keep them nice and separate, and that way you can keep your mind in the right place and in
expert mentorship.

Everyone needs advice and help when you're tackling new challenges, but true experts are out of reach
for most people. You know experts cost a lot of money. I don't even sell my time anymore. People
routinely offer me five, six grand for an hour and I say no every time. If you don't believe me, you can try
it. So you could email through and I guarantee 6K for an hour, it's going to get rejected. I'm not even just
making that up. People who have really good advice, they're expensive and most of the time for most
people experts are out of reach. However, I've figured out a way to get expert mentors in touch with
ordinary, everyday people in a way that is really economic and works and that our Facebook community
and our group calls. I jump in the Facebook group, I comment in stuff, I've got millionaire experts and
coaches and who jump in and they help on there too and that's the way we can provide expert
mentorship to everyone.

This is what I call the perfectly engineered change agent. At a high level this is the four elements that go
into this program which I created. We've got the proven process, the paradigm, the winning community
and the expert mentorship. As you're going through this process, it's important to remember these four
things, remember that one thing on its own isn't going to get you where you want to go. You can't just
have the mindset without the process. You can't just have the mindset without the community. You
can't just have the community without the mindset. You can't just have the expert mentorship without
the process. You need it all. All four things are as important as each other and if you take one out, the
whole thing will fall over, so you must keep all four at all times.

Now, here's an overview of how this program works. Here's the 30,000 foot view of what we're in for
over these next few weeks. On Week One, that's where we are right now, I'm going to teach you Natural
Law and your Foundations. Natural Law is the laws of nature, why do things do what they do? If you
throw something up in the air why does it come back down? What are the rules that this universes
operates on? Because you need to understand that if you want to be in control of your life.

So I'm going to teach you Natural Law, I'm going to teach you your foundations. I'm going to teach you
things in here that are obscene, they are not found in this modern day and I can't even explain how I
was able to learn all of these things because it took a lifetime to figure out all of this stuff. I'd to learn
things which are insane, so much stuff to figure this out. It just must have been what I was supposed to
do because I was able to figure it all out and now that's what this program is all about. In Week One,
which is this week, I'm going to teach you all about Natural Law, all about cause and effect and how you
are the person that has hold of the steering wheel in your life, not anyone else.

I'm also going to show you how to set your foundations, so that's like the foundations that your business
is going to be built on, so that's like your niche, your offer. Who are we selling to? And then what are we
selling to them? Then what message are we using to communicate with these people and show them
what we've got for sale? All the basic stuff and all of things which are critical to building a solid business
are we going to cover in Week One and it is very important. I think a lot of people think "Oh, Week One
it's overview, we just skip it." Not true. You have to do everything in Week One and put a lot of effort
into it.

Then on Week Two, next week, we will cover the New Paradigm and World View. Here is where I am
going to show you a new way to think and that is pretty rare, it's become pretty rare these days that
someone teaches someone how to think. I find that society and everything says that the way we think is
right and we just need more thinking to be able to solve problems. But we've had world-leading and
scientists and experts on the same missions for 100+ years now using that old way of thinking and it still
hasn't found a result. I found that the current way of thinking is wrong.

I know that many of the billionaires and everything, we share the same world views. I've been able to
figure out what these are, how they came up with them and everything and I'm going to teach you that.
I'm going to teach you from ... It doesn't matter where you are, you could be broke, you could be in
some third world country and it doesn't matter, I can teach you how to start thinking like a billionaire
and seeing the world through new eyes. That's going to change everything for you, it's going to
completely shake up everything and you're going to learn that obstacles that you thought were
obstacles aren't obstacles at all and this is really going to unlock the gates.

Then in Week Three, I'm going to actually teach you the Alchemy of Client Conversion. So this is the
science of taking someone from a total stranger to a paying customer in the shortest possible amount of
time with the least possible amount of effort possible. I've worked on this science for a long time,
figured out, keyed through all the different variables, I've tested so many different things and I've
literally found out the science and the psychology behind taking someone from a total stranger to a
paying client with one call. One phone call, no joking. I'm going to teach that to you in Week Three.
We're going to show you the sales script, we're going to show you things to watch out for, how to
handle objections. I'm not talking about sales the way you're used to, I'm talking about this new age of
sales which I've created. It's like Sales 2.0 and I'm going to teach you that.

Then at Week Four, the Alchemy of Client Attraction. This is how to attract customers to you. In Week
Three we teach you how to convert them from a stranger into a customer, but then on Week Four I'm
going to teach you how to attract them. How to get them to notice you. How to get them to kind of put
their hand up so to speak so that you know that that is who you want to have a conversation with.
Because most people, they look at the world and they think everyone's got their hand up, but they
don't. You need a way to sieve through lots of people to find out who is more likely to buy that's not
then someone else, and that's what I'm going to teach you in Week Four, the Alchemy of Client

I'm going to teach you in here, Facebook Ads which is a paid method and I'm also going to teach you
three organic methods. Organic methods are things that you can do right away which are free. You don't
have to spend money on ads, you don't have to learn all this technology, you don't have to do these
things which are really complicated or technical. In Week Four, we're going to focus on things you can
do ...

Section 11 of 15[01:40:00 - 01:50:04]

Section 12 of 15[01:50:00 - 02:00:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

In week four, we're going to focus on things you can do immediately which are free, and that's we call
the Alchemy of Client Attraction, and that's going to help you get a client real quick. Then, in week five,
Fractal Facebook Evolution. Now, I've even questioned whether I should release this here or not,
because this is pretty insane stuff. The way everyone has been using Facebook ads is totally wrong. I've
purchased the best programs from the best people in the world. I've learned under the best people in
the world at Facebook. However, I've realized that they're doing it wrong. The way people think about
Facebook, the way people run ads, the way people do everything with Facebook ads, it's wrong.
There's a new way to look at Facebook. There's a new way to use it that is ... It's profound. It's like night
and day compared to the old way of doing things, and I'm not just saying that. I've spent millions on
Facebook. Sometimes I've spent close to a million dollars in a month just on ads, and it makes me
millions, and I spend millions on it. I at least spend more money than anyone else I know in this entire
industry on ads, so it comes with some [infidence 01:51:29] that I say, when I say that this is a new way
of doing Facebook. I questioned even putting it in this training, because I was like this might be too
damn good to put in here, but I thought, no, that's stupid thinking. Let's just put it in here anywhere.
This is going to be awesome.

This is going to change the game for everyone, because once we've got your foundations set properly,
like if we understand who we're selling to, what we're selling, and how we're selling it, we understand
our message, that's our foundations, once we have that, once we've reprogrammed our mind to think
accurately instead of the wrong way, which is constantly causing us to self-sabotage, then we can take
action. Then we can do things to generate appointments. We can conduct those appointments and
convert the people into clients. Now all of a sudden, we've got something to sell. We know who we're
selling it to. We know what our message is. We know what to say, and we're thinking straight, so we're
not drunk like most people. Then we are converting them, too.

Now we've got a whole system together, which is from start to finish. It's working, and it's all working
together. You're out there, you're doing things, and you're generating clients. You're generating money.
That happens just in the training from week one to week four. However, I didn't put this program
together just to help someone get one client, two clients, whatever. I put this program together with no
limits in mind, so with how many results you're going to get. I want to teach you Fractal Facebook
Evolution. It's how you can use Facebook ads to become a automated way of really scaling your

Once you've figured out how to get week one to week four together, and you're making money, you're
getting clients, with this new way I'm going to show you of doing Facebook ads, it's going to show you
how to literally just scale this thing right up, crank it right up as high as you want. I've been able to scale
my consulting business to more than a hundred grand a day, so this year we should make over 50 million
dollars, which is a lot of money. Next year I plan to make over 100 million, and I won't even be getting
near the limit at 100 million. I'm in for a lot more, and so that's the sort of ... To be able to achieve those
things, you can't use the traditional model of selling, the traditional model of consulting. You certainly
can't use the traditional model of Facebook ads.

I've invented this new way of doing Facebook ads, and I'm going to show you how it works and show
you how you can put it to work in your business to really scale things further than you ever thought
were possible. Then in week six, I'm going to show you Minimum Viable Service Delivery. Once we've got
a client, we've got to deliver the value. I mean, we've got to do what we said we're going to do, and
we've got to help them create their transformation. We've got to deliver on the work which we said we
would do.

In the traditional way of doing things is hourly. I'm not joking. Literally, most consulting firms still charge
per hour. They're like, "We're $120 per hour." I mean, my legal firms who help me ... I've got a lot of
lawyers that help me with stuff, and in lots of different countries, and they help me. They're on retainer,
and they send me their bills at the end of each month, and they all just do it hourly. I'm like, "This is
madness. This is how everyone is charging for things is hourly?" If I charged hourly, I'd be in a lot of
trouble because I wouldn't make much money, and I'd be constantly depressed because I just wanted to
work all the time, but I couldn't. I have no control over making more money without having to spend
more time. It's just locked. That way of thinking is locking time to money. When you've locked two
things together like that, there's no way out. It's just like being in prison.

I've created a new model of service delivery, which we call Minimum Viable Service Delivery. I'm going
to show you how that works so that we are only offering the smallest, most simple, most refined, and
most repeatable and most systematic service in a way that requires as little of us as possible. We're
looking for a way to deliver services to people where we have to do as little as possible. The way that the
current world works, the way that the current school of thought works out there in the world, is that the
more stuff you do and the more hours you do for the client, the more money you make. Well, I've gone
and flipped those poles and decided that time has nothing to do with money. It's all about creating the
minimum viable service delivery. It's all about offering that one core essential thing that sets off a chain
reaction and causes a massive result for your client.

I'm not talking about how to con your clients here. I don't want you to think, "Sam is saying we should
do no work and charge lots of money." I am saying that, but I'm saying you still need to deliver the
result. I'm saying your client doesn't care if you do no work but deliver the result that was promised.
Your client never cared about how much work you did anyway. All he cared about was the result, so
we're going to play with some different things here, and I'm going to show you how to engineer your
own minimum viable service delivery so that you can work as little as possible and make as much as
possible with no limits.

It's a pretty profound six weeks. Nothing that you learn in these six weeks is going to be taught to you
anywhere else, because I didn't copy this from anybody else. This isn't like I think most of this industry
works is someone sees ... It's something I call monkey see, monkey do. It's like monkey see something
happen, monkey do thing, monkey teach other people how to do thing. This is pretty much how the
whole industry works, and it's gone and got itself all out of whack. I mean, there's people copying things
that aren't even right. You've probably noticed this now out in society. A lot of things people are saying
are right or wrong, and a lot of people are saying something is wrong, and it's right.
When that sort of chaos starts to happen anywhere in the world, it means that things have gotten out of
order. It means that things are at a tipping point. It means that things have gotten too distorted, and
they need to be shaken up and reformed back to what is right. That has certainly happened with a lot of
online education. It certainly happened with a lot of online courses and things out there. I mean, I know
because I've bought a lot of them. I know because I hear the voices of all of my customers. Most people
are teaching people how to do what they do, and then they learned that from someone. If you follow
the node all the way down to where that person learned it from, the source which they got it from just
made it up, and it wasn't even right to begin with. It's distorted.

When you go through this program, everything you learn in here is going to be different. The way I think,
the way I have engineered this, every single way of doing things in here is different. A lot of it
contradicts the normal way of doing things. It's important that you know that I just didn't make this stuff
up. I actually figured it out from practice, from actually trying it, and not just trying it, but trying it with a
massive amount of people. I just didn't collect a small ...

Section 12 of 15[01:50:00 - 02:00:04]

Section 13 of 15[02:00:00 - 02:10:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

But trying it with a massive amount of people. I didn't just click the small amount of data and think,
"Okay this works." I needed a ton of data, more data than you could possibly imagine. These things
work, and even though they're going to contradict things which other people are saying, I can tell you I'd
be at millions on it, this stuff is going to be more effective.

This is going to be a profound six weeks for all of you going through this program. I just encourage you
to keep an open mind and do the work, just one step at a time. It's designed to six weeks for a reason.
You're supposed week one in week one, week two in week two, week three in week three and just walk
through one step after the other. Make sure you do the work and make sure you take the action.

I have thrown in two bonuses just to say thanks for putting your trust in me and this program. I have put
in two bonus modules. One is called week seven and that's just leveling up to evolution stage 2.0 of this
new world of consulting. You're going to notice very quickly that this traditional consulting and
traditional business, which is the way things have always been done, then there's this new way of doing
business, in this new way of thinking, in this new way of consulting which I created. Inside this new way
of doing things, there is different roles, there's different levels, it's a whole new world to learn really.

There is multiple stages of evolution for a consultant to go through. In accelerator I'm teaching you level
one. That's how to really get started, that's how to get your first few clients in. It's really how to go from
anywhere from getting started all the way up to about six figures with your consulting business. That's
about 100 grand a year. When you're at that stage or you're close to that stage, then you want to look at
leveling up to evolution stage 2.0, then I'm going to show you some strategies and some tactics on really
how to scale things up to the next level.

There's a big, big difference in thinking to go from 100 grand a year to 100 grand a day. I did that in
three years, so it's pretty big. If you put a marketing message out on the internet and you're like, "How I
went from 100 grand a year to 100 grand a day," most people would just write scam on that ad. Most
people write scam on the ads that say they make hardly any money. Some would definitely write scam
on the ad.

I figured out exactly how to do that. I'm going to show you all of the thinking and all of the engineering
behind making that happen. That's what we call evolution stage 2.0 and I show you that in week seven,
then we're going to have a DM bonus. This is a digital marketing bonus. This is going to show you
specifics of digital marketing. Throughout this process I encourage you to pick your own niche. The
reason why I encourage you to do that is because every person is slightly different. Every person has
different passions, tastes, experiences, all sorts of stuff. It's not always a good idea for everyone to do
the same thing. That's how you create distortion.

In this program, I don't just say, "Here's the niche everyone and here's what we're selling," because if I
was to do that for a couple of years, then the thing wouldn't work anymore because there would be too
many people selling the same thing without any differentiation. That's how you cause a mutated
species. If you do that with mutations of crops, animals or anything, you'd end up making the thing
sickened or die. The same thing happens in business too. I'm not going to force the evolution of your
guy's businesses. Every single one has to have it's piece, which has got you in it, which is unique, in order
to create a wide variety of different businesses, a wide variety of different species and to really create
innovation in the world instead of just the thinking which has gotten us into a lot of trouble in the past,
which is doing what everyone else is doing and ending up with overcrowded industries, and ended up in
businesses that have no differentiation and no profit. That's not fun, that's not cool.

I encourage everyone to pick their own niche, however I'm also going to show people some things about
digital marketing. When I went through the different stages of becoming a consultant and everything, I
chose digital marketing to be my niche. There's lots of different niches within digital marketing too, so
it's not totally jamming it into one thing. I'm going to teach you exactly how I got into digital marketing,
the things I had to learn, how I was structuring my office, how I pricing things, how I was outsourcing
work to contractors. I'm going to show you everything I was doing when I got started so if you're brand
new and totally unable to pick a niche, then you can use this as a fallback plan. You can use digital
marketing in following my footsteps and learn what I did and do what I did so that you can get your start
I only want you guys to use this if you absolutely can't come up with a niche on your own. I encourage
coming up with a niche on your own first because I've noticed the people who pick a unique niche, they
have a passion for it and they care for it, they always end up making the most money, having the most
fun and it's like they don't even have any competition. The people that end up copying a niche off of
everyone else, they often end up with the least amount of money, the least amount of fun and the most

I encourage unique thinking here. I encourage coming up with your own stuff, but if you do need a
fallback plan, I will teach you digital marketing and everything as well. You can still make decent money
in digital marketing. You can still make six figures, but you know it sort of starts to get hard to make
more than about four or five hundred grand a year with the digital marketing stuff because the
marketplace is a bit more crowded. I do encourage, and I know that I'm starting to sound like a robot
now, but I do encourage that unique thinking. We want people to have unique businesses because
that's what this world needs.

It's all about these four key things really. We're going to learn a whole bunch of different stuff
throughout this training and I'm going to teach you a whole bunch of different things, and your head's
going to hurt. It's really important to just come back and simplify everything down to four key things.
Really, we're doing all of this different stuff, but it all falls within four key categories.

These are the categories. Number one is solid foundations. You've got to have solid foundations. That is,
you've got to have your niche, you've got to figure out the problem that your niche has, you've got to
figure out the solution which you're providing, the offer, your message, all that stuff. Those are your
foundations and you've got to have them set solid. Number one.

Number two is your paradigm and your world view. You've got to adopt this new way of thinking. The
way we have thought in the past, is society has got us to a point where we are stuck and it's the wrong
thinking. In order to evolve more, we need a different way to think. I'm going to teach you that new way
which I pioneered. A new way to see the world and we're going to get that installed and we're going to
get you seeing clearly in week two. In week three, sorry we're not talking about weeks anymore, we're
talking about the four most important things. The second most important thing is the paradigm and the
world view.

The third most important thing is generating strategy sessions. It's so important that you're just
generating strategy sessions every day. You want to be doing something to generate strategy sessions.
That needs to be so drilled into your mind that you're doing it every day. You need to be doing strategy
sessions, not just generating them, you need to be jumping on them, you need to be talking to these
people, you need to be improving your process, you need to be thinking how can I improve, what went
wrong, what went right. You need to be doing this every day.

These four things together, that's all you need. You want to just remember these four things. Every
single day your effort and your attention should be on one of these four things or a combination of these
four things. If you do that, then there's no way that you can't be successful. You show me someone out
there in the world that is doing these four things right that isn't-

Section 13 of 15[02:00:00 - 02:10:04]

Section 14 of 15[02:10:00 - 02:20:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

Show me someone out there in the world that is doing these four things right that isn't rich. I know that
you won't find one. I haven't found a single human in the world that is doing these four things who isn't
disgustingly rich and very happy. That is what you need to do. You want to always keep it simple.

The only thing that should be on your mind is your foundations. Who is your target customer? What
problem do they have? How does that affect them? What do they desire? What are the prevailing
trends in the market? How can I better solve my customer's problem? How can I help my customer
achieve their desires?

Your paradigm and world view. Am I confident in my plan in the future? Are the thoughts that occupy
my head during the day constructive or destructive? What are they, and where do these thoughts come
from? What bad habits do I need to break? What good habits do I need to form?

Then generating strategy sessions and closing strategy sessions. What can I do this week, this month,
and today to generate one new strategy session per day? Once your foundations are in place, this is all
that matters. You just want to be doing these four things. These should be the only things on your mind.
If you're thinking about anything that isn't one of these four things, it's noise. Block it out. Forget about
it. A lot of people are on a ton of different people's email lists. Just unsubscribe from them all. I'm telling
you you don't need anything else other than what's in here to make a lot of money. You can ask the
other people, as well. They'll tell you the same thing. Just block out all the noise.

If you're a person that watches TV all the time. Stop watching it. If you like watching Game of Thrones,
stop watching it. You might think, "Oh, I don't want to give that up," but you have to give up the things
that are noisy and distractive if you want to have a calmer mind. You can't be doing a million different
things. You want to keep things nice and calm and you don't want to be listening to too many different
messages. The things that I do, I never listen to ads either. If I'm in the car and someone has ads on, I
have to either turn that radio off or I have to put some earphones in because I can't listen to that and
can't listen to talk back. I can't listen to the news, can't read the news. I can't really listen to most
people's conversations about things because they're polluted. Their world views and what they say is
not true, and a lot of the time when you get surrounded by that stuff, you start thinking it, too. Once you
start thinking that way, it's impossible to start thinking the right way and achieve success.

Those are the only four things you want to have on your mind. If you find that other things are popping
up and getting on your mind, you need to work at getting them out, the TV, ads, news. Definitely stop
watching the news. That things has become very harmful.

Strategy sessions equal money. If you want to know how do some people make so much money as a
consultant and how do other people not make that much money, it's real simple. They just do more
strategy sessions. This is back from when I was doing 350 grand a month, which was a year and a bit ago
now. When I was making 350 grand a month, this is what my calendar looked like. This isn't just made
up or photoshopped. I took this screenshot back then when I was at 350 grand a month for the first time
either. This is what my calendar looked like on a typical day. You can see all of those different strategy
sessions there. It's just back to back to back, just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, just all
packed with high quality conversations with people who were interested in my services.

If you want to make a lot of money as a consultant, your calendar should look like this. If you're not
making a lot of money as a consultant and you look at your calendar, then it's probably not going to look
like this. It's pretty simple. Lots of strategy sessions equals lots of money. You want to keep that in your

Here's some testimonials from different students. Here's Dave and he said, "Had our first $10,000 day
today. Eighteen coaching calls from our list lined up in the next three days. Pulling for a 40K week." I
won't read all of these out to you, but the key thing you're going to notice, the trend across all of these
different testimonials, is that they talk about a lot of money and then they talk about a lot of strategy
sessions. It doesn't take a genius to work out that the two are related. Lots of money, lots of strategy
sessions. Here's Andrew [inaudible 02:15:26]. "Twenty-one strategy sessions and five sales this week."
The two are related. Lots of strategy sessions, lots of sales.

Here's Naomi. "7K month recurring for 12 months." Not a bad deal. That's almost 100 grand from one
deal. She's talking over here on the right-hand side. She says her course is filling up. "Doing these high
ticket sales course can be a real game changer for your business, and I have to thank you for that." The
reason why she's doing the best month she's ever had is because she's doing a lot of calls. Here's Jeff
[Simmus 02:16:06] on the left, and he's doing a lot of sales, too, because he's making a lot of calls.
Here's Chris Evans. This is back when they were doing a 100 grand a month. They're close to 300 grand a
month now. How did he achieve this? Strategy sessions. It's that simple. If you want to make a lot of
money, you got to do a lot of strategy sessions. If you want to generate a lot of strategy sessions, then
you got to do a lot of promotions to generate strategy sessions. It's really, really, really simple.

The only four things that matter, solid foundations, paradigm and world view, and generating strategy
sessions and doing strategy sessions. It is that simple. These four things are so important that I made
you a printout to put on your wall. I want you to print this one out and I want you to stick it up on your
wall somewhere where you're going to see it every day next to your computer, just to remind you
because I know that your memory is going to forget. All of our memories forget. Mine forgets things all
the time, too, and I have to really try hard to remember the things that are important.

You want to keep reminding yourself every day of the only four things that matter, your foundations,
your paradigm, your world view, generating strategy sessions, and doing the strategy sessions. Pin this
up on your wall, print it out, make sure you do it right now. Just pause this video. If you look below this
video in the resources section, you will see that it says Four Things Printout. Download that. Print it out.
Put it on your wall right now. You can see the quote below. It says, "You will be tempted to do anything
other than the work in closing a sale." Keep it simple and execute on these four things daily. That's as
simple as it is. If you feel yourself getting pulled in other directions, you know what to do with your inner
procrastinator. You just flip it. You just reverse its poles. If it's pulling you towards something, feel where
it's pulling you away from and do that. Don't go with it. Don't go with that thing. When you feel
something pulling, go against it.

Let's talk about the raw math of achieving your goals. I like math because a lot of people think that you
set goals and it's just a fluke or luck and then goals happen or they don't happen and you don't know
why either way. This is how most people think. It's pretty crazy, but I like to divide it down into some
simple math so we can see what's involved for achieving our goals.

This is a spreadsheet, and you can open this on Microsoft Excel or you can use Google Docs, which is You can see these two tabs here. One says recurring revenue metrics and the other
says one off revenue metrics. You'll learn what both of these are very soon in this module ... In this
category, sorry, in week one. We will have further training on this, but basically recurring revenue is
when you charge a monthly fee and your clients pay you just that recurring fee every month.

Let's say you do digital marketing and you sell ... Let's say you do Facebook ads for realtors. All right? I
just made that up. If you do Facebook ads for realtors and you charge, say, 3 grand a month or 2 grand a
month, that's recurring revenue. However, if you have a training program or a coaching program, let's
say it's a 6-week program, which you help people for 6 weeks, then that might be a one off purchase
where they pay you, I don't know, 3, 5 grand, 10-
Section 14 of 15[02:10:00 - 02:20:04]

Section 15 of 15[02:20:00 - 02:31:01] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section)

They pay you, I don't know, three, five grand, ten grand, and then that's one-off, so it doesn't recur
month after month. Pretty simple. So I've created two models here, so whatever your business model
ends up being, you can play with them to see how much money you're going to make over time.

The first thing that we do is we set our starting revenue, which is where we are at, right now, and then
we basically set our targets, so pretty simple. Say, right now, I'm making zero dollars a month. I'm
starting from the very beginning. Let's say that I want to add three grand a month in a new, recurring
revenue each month. I can use this model, so if I plug in three grand here, over here, it says, "Clients

This is using a $1,500 per month average for a client. If you were charging more, then you can change
this around. I recommend for people just getting started, 1,500 bucks a month is a good price to really
get started with. I don't think it should be any less, and it definitely can be more if you feel confident,
but if you're someone who's not confident charging any more than 1,500, then start at 1,500.

In order to make three grand a month, we need to get two more clients. Strategy sessions needed – this
is using a one in four conversion rate, so 25% conversion rate. That means I need to do eight strategy
sessions in order to make $3,000 a month, so that is eight strategy sessions will get me two clients,
which will make me $3,000 a month. Then, if we divide that by days, you know, judging by how many
days there are in a month, that tells me how many strategy sessions I need to do per day. It's coming up
here was 0.4, so that's less than one a day. That's like less than one every second day, so if you were to
do a strategy session every second day, and if you were to close one in four, and if your price was 1,500
bucks a month, and if you were to start from absolute scratch, here's what you would make over the
year. You'd be making 432 grand by the end of the 12 months.

You see, it's pretty crazy, like I think a lot of people don't do the math to actually figuring out how to
achieve their goals. They set a goal. They're like, "Oh, I want to make six figures," and then they wonder
why they don't make six figures. It's because they never really looked at kind of the mechanics of it. If
we just stick to something as simple as this, like selling our services as 1,500 bucks a month, doing eight
strategy sessions a month, which is less than one every second day, and if we do that consistently over
12 months, we're going to be make 432 grand by the end of the year.

You can play was these numbers. Like if your business was already, for example, at $20,000 a month,
and let's say your new revenue target was 10,000 a month, instead of three, and if we would
extrapolate that out over the whole year, I mean, we've got 1.7 million: way bigger, right? You can play
with this. You can play with the stuff. You can see where your starting position is, you can see what
different variables you can plug into the system, and you can see what your end result is going to be at
the end of a year, at the end of six months, all that sort of stuff, so definitely go in and have a play with

One of our business metrics ... Just zoom in a bit. Here, you want to set your program price, and then
you want to set your monthly revenue target, and then this will tell you how many clients you need and
how many strategy sessions you need, and then how many that is per day, and then what your annual
revenue will be at the end of the year. You can play was both of these. If you sell both, you can play with
the one which relates to your business model. Totally up to you, but right now, what you definitely want
to do is you want to start thinking about your goals.

Like first of all, how much money are you making right now? We've got to get crystal clear on that. Write
that down. Then, you want to think, "Well, how much money do I want to be making at the end of the
year?" You really want to give that some thought. Don't just say the first thing that pops into your mind.
Don't just ask your uncle or your friend how much he thinks you should make. Figure that out for
yourself. How much do you want? Then, play was these models and figure out what is involved to get
there, because when you look at where you want to go, and then you look at where you are now, this
thing will tell you what's involved each step of the way, so that you can get there. It's a very powerful,
very simple little model, so definitely take the time to do that.

That pretty much brings us to the end of this introductory video. I know it's pretty long, but it's a really
important video, because I really need to tell you how this thing is different. Like if I don't tell you how
this thing is different at this crucial, first point of the program, then your mind is probably not going to
be open to the different things which I'm going to say, and the different things which we're going to be
learning. You need to understand exactly how I came up with all this stuff.

I just didn't sit down in front of my computer, and make some stuff up so that I could sell it on the
internet and make money. That's what a lot of people do. A lot of people make a program purely so that
they can make money themself, and they rush it, and they make it in two days. It's not tested, not
proven, and they have little thought our care for the results that the people get. That is not true with my
one. With my one, the most important thing is the results the people get, not the ... I'm not trying to
make people feel good with my training, because I know that if I make people feel good in the short
term, then I'd just sugar coat everything, and I'd just tell them some nice things. But I know that they'll
feel good in the short term, but in the long term, they won't feel good.

I know that in order to have long-term happiness, long-term success, the things which we have to go
through now are a little bit challenging and push you outside your comfort zone a bit, so I just want you
to understand how this training was put together. It's my life's work. It's taken me my entire life to
figure all this stuff out. I've rebuilt this program more times ... Well, it's not more times than I can count,
but we're probably up at like 15, 16 times I've rebuilt this program and really thought about this with a
disturbing amount of thought to figure out how I can create as much positive change as I possibly can.

It's really important that you keep an open mind to this stuff, and that you follow this process step-by-
step, one video after the other. If you need to get support anywhere throughout your journey, use the
search feature first. Check the content. Most things are covered in the content. Go to our Facebook
group. Use the weekly Q&A calls. Use our help center. There is tons of places to get help. Use these first,
before submitting a support ticket, because it's way faster, way easier, way better for you if you solve
your own problem, instead of having to ask our customer support, which there will be a small delay in
reading it and replying back.

This program is the absolute real deal, and there is no other program out there with results anywhere
close to this, not even 10 times less, so we're talking about a literal night and day difference. This
process is proven and all you need to do is do the work. That's it. Follow the process, one step after the
other, do the work, and you're going to be good. Make sure that you avoid the failure uniform at all
costs. Understand the failure uniform. Understand what that person looks like. Make sure that you are
not that person.

And the only four things that matter, and the raw math to achieving your goals. We covered those four
things. Make sure you really internalized that. Make sure that you print that out and put it on your wall
next to your computer. Definitely print that out and put it on your wall next to your computer, because I
guarantee you that by next Wednesday, you're going to have forgotten those four things. Our memory is
like a sieve. I'm not just saying that about yours. It's about all of ours. Our memories are very, very, very
inaccurate. We need reminders of things that are important. Those four things are important, so you
want to print it out, right now. Stick it on your wall, and you know, let's keep things simple, and let's
make sure that we keep you on track the whole time throughout this program.

That pretty much wraps up this first introductory video. I want to thank you for choosing to invest in
yourself through this program. It's an amazing decision. You're going to definitely appreciate the results,
once you go through all this stuff. It was a very wise decision, and I'm really looking forward to working
with you throughout this whole program to implement everything, and to really bring about some
awesome exponential change. Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the other video, right now.

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