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SOLUTIONS {a7, a8, a9},…….

{ an-2,an-1,an}
For minimum people, we can consider the set {a2, a5,
So, MINIMUM people in a set = n / 3
1. Answer: A
so n/3=66/3=22
You can check through the option and find it. if we
7. Answer: C
take option is given that 1 watermelon,2 dates,1
plum for each child. So, he should have bought 3
Let the radius of circle be r
watermelon, 6 dates, and 3 plums for all the three. But
Let the side of square be a
it is given that he spends only 7 pennies. When you
Then diagonal of square= a*sqrt(2)
check the cost of all the fruits .the only option satisfies
This diagonal length = 12*r + 2r * sqrt(2)
the given condition is 1 Watermelon, 2 Dates and 1
(Because the extreme circle's radius is perpendicular to
side of square.)
Thus we get
2. Answer: C
r (6*sqrt(2)+2)=a
x and y are 2 single digit integer to get the maximum
value for equation
Thus ratio: r: a = 1 :( 6*sqrt(2)+2)
= 1: 10.4
Since it is difference between x&y one number should
So, a : r = 10.4 : 1
be maximum and other should be minimum to get
maximum value take x=9&y=1
8. Answer: B
Let us take the ages of Father, Mother, First son,
3. Answer: B
Second son and daughter as F, M, S1, S2 and D
Here, the numerator is in the form of a3-b3=(a-b)
(a2+ab+b2) and the denominator is in the form of
S1: D = 3: 1
M = 3.5 (S2)
a=213 & b=31
S2 = 2/3 (S1)
By cancelling the common terms in the numerator and
the denominator we will get (a-b)
Now, S1: D = 3: 1 => S1 = 3D => S1 = 3(5) => 15
I.e.213-31= 182
So, S1 = 15
S2 = 2/3 (S1) => S2 = 2/3(15) => 10
4. Answer: C
S2 = 10
M = 3.5 (10) => 35
Answer is Thursday
Mother's age is 35
As the condition says that the dwarf lie on Monday,
Tuesday & Wednesday so they will speak truth that
9. Answer: C
they lied on Thursday also on the other side the bytes
speak lie on Thursday and will tell that they spoke lie
a% of a means= a/100*a = a^2/100
on Wednesday. So the day has to be Thursday as no
Similarly, b% of b will be b^2/100
other option satisfies the condition also.
And 2% of ab will be 2ab/100
Now putting in d eqn we will get -
5. Answer: B
a^2+b^2=2ab(100 is eliminated from both sides)
Now, this is the formula of (a-b) ^2=0 which implies, a-
If one letter is in wrong envelope, one other letter
b=0, a=b, so the answer will be 1.
must also be in wrong envelope. So zero is the
probability that exactly 1 letter is inserted in an
10. Answer: A
improper envelope.
Number 7 occurs more often – (1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 2)
6. Answer: A
(5, 2), (6, 1)…6 times.
Whereas number 9 occurs 4 times - (3, 6) (4, 5) (5, 4),
For minimum people in a set we can consider
(6, 3),
handshakes as {a1, a2, a3}, {a4, a5, a6},
Number 10 occurs 3 times - (4, 6), (5, 5), (6, 4) and
Number 11 occurs 2 times - (5, 6), (6, 5). Subtracting, the sum of first 100 numbers from first
So the most probable friend to win the chocolate is 200 gives the sum of next 100 natural numbers,
Rahul 20100-5050 = 15050
Average of next 100 numbers is, 15050/100 = 150.5
11. Answer: A Percentage of avg of first 100 numbers to that of next
Explanation: 100 numbers is,
Given A1 = 2 (50.5/150.5)100 = 33.55
An+1 = An + 2n From the options, 101/301 gives 33.55
Next number in the sequence will be, So, Average of first 100 natural numbers is 101/301
A2 = A1 + 2*1 which can be written as, times of the average of next 100 natural numbers.
A2 – A1 = 2*1  eqn.1
A3 – A2 = 2*2  eqn.2 15. Answer: C
A4 – A3 = 2*3  eqn.3 Explanation:
And so on till, Total ways = 5! = 120
A100 – A99 = 2*99  eqn.99 Let’s suppose the 2 siblings as 1 unit
By adding all the above eqns. we get, So there are 4 units in this premise.
A100 – A1 = 2*(1+2+3+4+……… + 99) They can be arranged in 4! Ways.
(Using sum of n integers formula = n * (n+1)/2) Also the 2 siblings who form one unit can arrange
n=99 themselves in 2! Ways
A100 – A1 = 2 * [99 * (99 + 1)] / 2 So the number of ways the 2 siblings are together is 4!
A100 – A1 = 99 * 100 *2! = 48
A100 – A1 = 9900 So, subtracting 48 from total 120 = 72 ways
A100 = 9900 + 2

12. Answer: C 16. Answer: A

Explanation: Explanation:
From the given data,
akash + amir=130.......(1)
amir + aswanth=102....(2)
ashwanth +akash=116.......(3)
Addeq 2 & 3
2aswanth+ (amir+akash)=218.....(4)
Substitute 1 in 4
Then, aswanth=44
So, Aswanth's weight is 44

13. Answer: B
First solution has 1L milk in 5L solution, hence 0.2L
milk/ litre of sol. 2nd sol has 0.33L milk/litre of sol.
Then he take 3L of first sol and 2L of second sol. so, the
final mixture has 0.2*3+0.33*2=1.26L of milk in 5L of
Mixture. Let he sold first sol in Re1 with 20% gain,
means 1L milk with Re0.2 gain
In the final mix he sold 0.26L free which have a profit
of (0.2/1)*0.26=0.052=5.2% loss

14. Answer: C
Sum of first 100 natural numbers is given by, n(n+1)/2
17. Answer: C
=> (100 x 101)/2 = 5050
Average of first 100 natural numbers is, 5050/100 =
‘abc’ has exactly 3 factors, so ‘abc’ should be square of
a prime number. (This is an important inference, please
Sum of first 200 natural numbers is, (200 x 201)/2 =>
remember this).
Any number of the form paqbrc will have (a + 1) (b + 1) b = 2, 10, 18 satisfy this equation. So, there are three
(c + 1) factors, where p, q, r are prime. So, if a number different values that b can take
has 3 factors, its prime factorization has to be p2.
‘abcabc’ = ‘abc’ * 1001 or abc * 7 * 11 * 13 (again, this 20. Answer: A
is a critical idea to remember) Explanation:
Now, ‘abc’ has to be square of a prime number. It can
be either 121 or 169 (square of either 11 or 13) or it
can be the square of some other prime number.
When abc = 121 or 169, then ‘abcabc’ is of the form
p3q1r1 1, which should have 4 * 2 * 2 = 16 factors.
When ‘abc’ = square of any other prime number (say
172 which is 289), then ‘abcabc’ is of the form
p1q1r1s2 , which should have 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 = 24 factors
So, ‘abcabc’ will have either 16 factors or 24 factors.

18. Answer: C AB=16cm

Explanation: AQ=10cm
and AO=AB/2=8cm
OQ(=OP) is the radius of smaller enclosed circle
two arcs.
Therefore Area of circle with centre O is π * (2)2=4π


1. Answer: C
D cannot be the starting sentence since 'what was built
on' feels incomplete and the paragraph cannot start
that way.
Thus two options starting with D are eliminated.
D - What was built on - This is introduced in C. Thus C
should come before D. Therefore the answer is BACD.

2. Answer: C
A receptacle is an object that is used to store
19. Answer: A something. A repository is a place where something is
Explanation: stored. Thus, Repository is the best bet.
Let track length be equal to T.
Time taken to meet for the first time = T relative 3. Answer: C
speed=T/6−b or T/b−6 Explanation:
Time taken for a lap for A = T/6 The third part is wrong. The word "despite" should be
Time taken for a lap for B = T/b followed by "being..." and not an independent clause.
So, time taken to meet for the first time at the starting In this sentence, the "despite" could be replaced by
point = LCM (T/6, T/b) =T/HCF (6, b) "even though" to make it correct.
Number of meeting points on the track = Time taken to
meet at starting point/Time taken for first meeting = 4. Answer: A
Relative speed / HCF (6, b). Explanation:
So, in essence we have to find values for b such that The given sentence is correct as it is.
6−b/HCF (6, b) = 2 or b−6/HCF (6, b) = 2
5. Answer: D complexity of Merge Sort is O(nLogn) and Insertion sort
Explanation: is O(n^2), merge sort is preferred.
The second sentence in the paragraph reads "..they
need talented people and are willing to pay huge 3. Answer: C
wages to retain them." This is the clue. Explanation:
A binary search cut down your search to half as soon
6. Answer: D as you find middle of a sorted list.
Explanation: The middle element is looked to check if it is greater
The "their" refers to the new industries’. than or less than the value to be searched.
Accordingly, search is done to either half of the given
7. Answer: C list
The second part of the sentence says that local 4. Answer: D
industries argue that this will unreasonably raise wages
to an excessive level.. Further only the word "protest" 5. Answer: C
goes with "against". Thus, the answer should be Explanation:
"protest". We can obtain the sequence by performing operations
in the manner: Push 1 Push 2 Push 3 Pop 3 Push 4 Pop
8. Answer: A 4 Push 5 Pop 5 Pop 2 Pop 1. hence the sequence will be
Explanation: 3,4,5,2,1.
Sharp difference. So, this is the best fit for the blank
6. Answer: D
9. Answer: B Explanation:
Explanation: *b=&a // b holds the address of a **c=&b // c holds
Something very unpleasant is said to be odious. Thus, the address of b and a=4 **c = *(&b) means the value
the word "abhorrent" cannot be the answer. The word at the address of b which is equal to a. **c = 5 // a is
"infamous" is totally unconnected and so, can be ruled modified to 5 So, option (D) is correct.
out straightaway. The word "munificent" means very
generous and so, can also be ruled out as totally 7. Answer: A
irrelevant. The remaining option "palatable", meaning Explanation:
"Pleasant to taste" seems the best choice. 1st function call fun(4, 9), 2nd function call fun(3, 13),
3rd function call fun(2, 16), 4th function call fun(1, 18),
10. Answer: A 5th function call(0, 19) x == 0. So, return y value
The context of the first blank that is, the phrase "far ADVANCED PROGRAMMING
from" and the word "heavily" tells us that the blank
should be filled in with a word that has something to 8. Answer: C
do with "reducing". So, we are left to choose between Explanation:
options 1 and 2. The second part doesn’t seem to make We have prefix expression:
sense if filled with "contentedly". The word, *+3+3↑3+333
"ostensibly", means "apparently" seems to be gel with =*+3+3↑363
the context and so, is the correct choice. Thus, the = * + 3 + 3 729 3
correct answer is receding, ostensibly. = * + 3 732 3
= * 735 3
So, option (C) is correct.
1. Answer: A
9. Answer: C
2. Answer: D Explanation:
Explanation: The post order traversal is g c b d f e a
Both Merge sort and Insertion sort can be used for
linked lists. The slow random-access performance of a 10. Answer: A
linked list makes other algorithms (such as quick sort) Explanation:
perform poorly, and others (such as heap sort) At the end head is changed and return newhead to
completely impossible. Since worst case time print the linked list in reverse
CODING while (n != 0)
1. digit[i] = n % 10;
#include <stdio.h> n = n / 10;
#include <math.h> i++;
int evaluate(int [], int); len = i;
int find(int); for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
int main() if (digit[i] > digit[i + 1])
{ {
int num, result; temp = digit[i];
digit[i] = digit[i + 1];
scanf("%d", &num); digit[i + 1] = temp;
result = find(num);
if (result) return (evaluate(digit, len));
{ }
printf("%d",result); }
else return 0;
{ }
printf("No higher value possible \n");
} int evaluate(int digit[], int len)
return 0; int i, num = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
int find(int num) {
{ num += digit[i] * pow(10, i);
int digit[20]; }
int i = 0, len = 0, n, temp;
return num;
n = num; }

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