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1. (b) 12.5
Class mark = (Upper limit + Lower limit)/2
= (15 + 10)/2
= 25/2
= 12.5

2.  (d) 10
∑fi = 24
∑fi = x + 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 14 + x
24 = 14 + x
x = 24 – 14 = 10

3. (d) a × b
For any two positive integers a and b, HCF (a, b) × LCM (a, b) = a × b.

4. (a) 0≤ P(E) ≤ 1
Probability can be 0,1 or any value from 0 to 1.
5. (b) 13
The prime factorisation of 26 and 91 is;
26 = 2 x 13
91 = 7 x 13
Hence, HCF (26, 91) = 13

6.  (a) a cone and a cylinder

A cylindrical pencil sharpened at one edge is the combination of a cone and a cylinder.
7. (c) (3 + √7) (3 – √7)
If we solve, (3 + √7) (3 – √7), we get;
(3 + √7) (3 – √7) = 32 – (√7)2 = 9 – 7 = 2 [By a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b)]

8. (c) 132/7
Angle of the sector is 60°
Area of sector = (θ/360°) × π r2
∴ Area of the sector with angle 60° = (60°/360°) × π r2 cm2
= (36/6) π cm2
= 6 × (22/7) cm2
= 132/7 cm2

9. (a) 3 cm
Explanation: As per the given question:

AB is the tangent, drawn on the circle from point A.

So, OB ⊥ AB
Given, OA = 5cm and AB = 4 cm
Now, In △ABO,
OA2 = AB2 + BO2 (Using Pythagoras theorem)
⇒ 52 = 42 + BO2
⇒ BO2 = 25 – 16
⇒ BO2 = 9
⇒ BO = 3

10.  (a) (2πrθ)/360
If θ is the angle (in degrees) of a sector of a circle of radius r, then the area of the sector is

11. (b) 4
Degree is the highest power of the variable in any polynomial

12.  (c) (0, 0)

As per midpoint formula, we know;
x-coordinate of the midpoint = [2 + (-2)]/2 = 0/2 = 0
y-coordinate of the midpoint = [4 + (-4)]/2=0/2=0
Hence, (0, 0) is the midpoint of AB.

13. (d) No solution

Given, 9x + 3y + 12 = 0 and 18x + 6y + 26 = 0
a1/a2 = 9/18 = 1/2
b1/b2 = 3/6 = 1/2
c1/c2 = 12/26 = 6/13
Since, a1/a2 = b1/b2 ≠ c1/c2
So, the pairs of equations are parallel and the lines never intersect each other at any point,
therefore there is no possible solution.

14 (c) AB/DE = BC/EF = CA/FD

If two triangles are similar, i.e. when ΔABC ~ ΔDEF, then
(i) their corresponding angles are equal and 
∠A = ∠D, ∠B = ∠E, ∠C = ∠F and
(ii) their corresponding sides are in the same ratio (or proportion).
15.  (c) 1
 By identity,1+ tan2A = sec2A
So, 1= sec2A - tan2A
sec2A – tan2A =1
16. (c) no real roots
2x2 – √5x + 1 = 0
Comparing with the standard form of a quadratic equation,
a = 2, b = -√5, c = 1
b2 – 4ac = (-√5)2 – 4(2)(1)
= 5 – 8 
= -3 < 0
Therefore, the given equation has no real roots.

17. (b) 4 units

The distance of a point from the x-axis is equal to the ordinate of the point.

18. (c) 0°
Explanation: sin 2A = sin 0° = 0
2 sin A = 2 sin 0° = 0

19. (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
We know that the coordinates of the point P(x, y) which divides the line segment joining

the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) in the ratio m : n is
m+ n
m+n )
mx2 +n x 1 my2 +n y 1

So, Reason is correct. Here, x1 = 1, y1 = 2, x2 = -1, y2 = 1, m = 1, n = 2

Now, x-coordinate =1/3 and y-coordinate =5/3
So, Assertion is correct
Correct option is (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
20. (d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.
Explanation: Since HCF × LCM = a × b
⇒ 3072 = 16 × 162
⇒ 3072 ≠ 2592
21. The condition for parallel lines is:
a1/a2 = b1/b2 ≠ c1/c2
Hence, 3/2 = 2k/5
3x+y = 7 (1)
x+3y=13 (2)
on multiplying eqn (1) by 3 and subtracting from (2) from (1) we get
9x+3y = 21
x+3y = 13
8x = 8
x =1
put in (1)
3(1)+y =7

22. sin 60° = √3/2, sin 30° = ½, cos 60° = ½ and cos 30° = √3/2
(√3/2) x (√3/2) + (½) x (½)
= (3/4) + (1/4)
= 4/4

23. Consider a circle with the centre “O” and P is the point that lies outside the circle. Hence, the
two tangents formed are PQ and PR.
We need to prove: PQ = PR.
To prove the tangent PQ is equal to PR, join OP, OQ and OR. Hence, ∠OQP and ∠ORP are
the right angles.
Therefore, OQ = OR (Radii)
OP = OP (Common side)
By using the RHS rule, we can say, ∆ OQP ≅ ∆ ORP.
Thus, by using the CPCT rule, the tangent PQ = PR.

24. Given,
PQ || RS
∠P = ∠S (Alternate angles) 
and ∠Q = ∠R 
Also, ∠POQ = ∠SOR (Vertically opposite angles) 
Therefore, ∆ POQ ~ ∆ SOR (by AAA similarity criterion)
Hence proved.

Area that cow can graze will be one fourth of the area of circle of radius 14 m
1 1 22
Area of ground that cow can graze = π r2 = x x 14 x14 = 154 m2
4 4 7
Area of the sector = θ/360 × π × r2
Base and height of the triangle formed will be = radius of the circle
Area of the minor segment = area of the sector – area of the triangle formed
Radius of circle = r = 20 cm and
Angle subtended = θ = 90°
Area of the sector = θ/360 × π × r2 = 90/360 × 22/7 × 202
Or, area of the sector = 314.2 cm2
Area of the triangle = ½ × base × height = ½ × 20 × 20 = 200 cm2
Area of the minor segment = 314.2 – 200 = 114.2 cm2

26. Let 8 + 2√3 be a rational number.
Then the co-primes x and y of the given rational number where (y ≠ 0) is such that:
8 + 2√3 = x/y
Rearranging, we get,
2√3 = (x/y) – 8
√3 = 1/2[(x/y) – 8]
Since x and y are integers, thus, 1/2[(x/y) – 8] is a rational number.
Therefore, √3 is also a rational number. But this confronts the fact that √3 is irrational.
Thus, our assumption that 8 + 2√3 is a rational number is wrong.
Hence, 8 + 2√3 is irrational.

27. 2x2 – 7x + 3 = 0
On comparing the given equation with ax2 + bx + c = 0, we get,
a = 2, b = -7 and c = 3
By using quadratic formula, we get,
x = [-b±√(b2 – 4ac)]/2a
⇒ x = [7±√(49 – 24)]/4
⇒ x = [7±√25]/4
⇒ x = [7±5]/4
⇒ x = 7+5/4 or x = 7-5/4
⇒ x = 12/4 or 2/4
∴ x = 3 or ½

28. P(E) = Number of favourable outcomes /Total outcomes

Total Cards = 52
(a) P(Ace of red colour )= 2/52 = 1/26
(b) P(10 of club )= 1/52
(c) P(face card of spade) =3/52
Kritika takes out a ball from the bag without looking into it. So, it is equally likely that she
takes out any one of them from the bag.
Let Y be the event ‘the ball taken out is yellow’, B be the event ‘the ball taken out is blue’, and
R be the event ‘the ball taken out is red’.
The number of possible outcomes = Number of balls in the bag = n(S) = 3.
(i) The number of outcomes favourable to the event Y = n(Y) = 1.
So, P(Y) = n(Y)/n(S) =1/3
Similarly, (ii) P(R) = 1/3
and (iii) P(B) = ⅓

29.  3x2–x–4
⇒ 3x2–4x+3x–4 =0
⇒ x(3x-4)+1(3x-4)=0
⇒ (3x – 4)(x + 1)=0
Therefore, zeroes of polynomial equation3x2 – x – 4 are (4/3, -1)
Sum of zeroes = (4/3)+(-1) = (1/3)= -(-1/3) = -(Coefficient of x) / (Coefficient of x2)
Product of zeroes=(4/3)×(-1) = (-4/3) = (Constant term) /(Coefficient of x2 )
 A quadratic polynomial can be written using the sum and product of its zeroes as:
x2 – (α + β)x + αβ
Where α and β are the roots of the polynomial.
Here, α = 0 and β = √5
So, the polynomial will be:
x2 – (0 + √5)x + 0(√5)
= x2 – √5x

30. Given,
sin θ + cos θ = √3
Squaring on both sides,
(sin θ + cos θ)2 = (√3)2
sin2θ + cos2θ + 2 sin θ cos θ = 3
Using the identity sin2A + cos2A = 1,
1 + 2 sin θ cos θ = 3
2 sin θ cos θ = 3 – 1
2 sin θ cos θ = 2
sin θ cos θ = 1
sin θ cos θ = sin2θ + cos2θ
⇒ (sin2θ + cos2θ)/(sin θ cos θ) = 1
⇒ [sin2θ/(sin θ cos θ)] + [cos2θ/(sin θ cos θ)] = 1
⇒ (sin θ/cos θ) + (cos θ/sin θ) = 1
⇒ tan θ + cot θ = 1
Hence proved.

31. As per the given question:

∠ABC = 90° (angle in Semicircle is right angle)

∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
∠A = 180° – (90° + 50°)
∠A = 40°
Or ∠OAB = 40°
Therefore, ∠BAT = 90° – 40° = 50°


We are given a triangle ABC in which a line parallel to side BC intersects other two sides AB
and AC at D and E respectively
To prove that AD/ DB= AE/ EC
Const:Let us join BE and CD and then draw DM ⊥ AC and EN ⊥ AB.
Proof: Now, area of Δ ADE (= 1/ 2 base × height)
= 1/ 2 AD × EN
ar(ADE) = 1 /2 AD × EN
Similarly, ar(BDE) = 1/ 2 DB × EN,
ar(ADE) = 1/ 2 AE × DM and ar(DEC) = 1 /2 EC × DM.
Therefore, ar(ADE)/ ar(BDE) = 1/2 AD × EN /1/2 DB × EN AD/DB ………………
and ar(ADE) /ar(DEC) = 1/2 AE × DM/1/ 2 EC × DM AE/EC ………………
Here,Δ BDE and DEC are on the same base DE and between the same parallels BC and DE.
So, ar(BDE) = ar(DEC) …………………(3)
Therefore, from (1), (2) and (3), we have : AD/ DB = AE /EC
33. CI fi Xi fixi
0-20 17 10 170
20-40 f1 30 30f1
40-60 32 50 1600
60-80 f2 70 70f2
80-100 19 90 1710
68+f1 +f2 3480 +30f1+70f2

Mean =∑fixi/∑fi
50= 3480 +30f1 +70f2/ 68+f1 +f2
5 = 348 +3f1 + 7f2 /68+f1 +f2
340 +5f1 + 5f2 = 348 +3f 1+ 7f2
2f1 - 2f2 =8
f1 -f2 =4 …………..(1)
Also, 68+f1 +f2 =120
f1 +f2 = 52 …………..(2)
add (1 )and (2)
2 f1 = 56

f1 = 28
put in (1)
f2 = 24
CI fi Cf
20-30 p P
30-40 15 p+15
40-50 25 p+40 = cf
50-60 20 =f p+60
60-70 q p+q+60
70-80 8 p+q+68
80-90 10 p+q+78

Given N = 90
N/2 = 45
Which lies in the interval 50-60
l = 50,f = 20 ,cf = 40+p ,h = 10
median = l+ 2 xh

50 = 50 + x10
5− p
50 = 50 + x10

5− p

Also 78 + p+ q = 90
78 + 5 +q = 90
q= 7

34. Let the duration of the flight be x hours.

According to the given,
(600/x) – [600/(x + 1/2) = 200
(600/x) – [1200/(2x + 1)] = 200
[600(2x + 1) – 1200x]/ [x(2x + 1)] = 200
(1200x + 600 – 1200x)/ [x(2x + 1)] = 200
600 = 200x(2x + 1)
x(2x + 1) = 3
2x2 + x – 3 = 0
2x2 + 3x – 2x – 3 = 0
x(2x + 3) – 1(2x + 3) = 0
(2x + 3)(x – 1) = 0
2x + 3 = 0, x – 1 = 0
x = -3/2, x = 1
Time cannot be negative.
Therefore, x = 1
Hence, the original duration of the flight is 1 hr.

Radius of hemisphere = 5cm
Volume of hemisphere = 2/3 π r3 = 2/3 x22/7 x 5 x5 x5 =5500/21 = 261.90 cm3
Radius of cone = 5 cm
Height of cone = 10-5 = 5 cm
Volume of cone = 1/3 π r2 h
= 1/3 x 22/7 x 5x5x5
= 2750/21 = 130.95 cm3
Total volume of ice cream cone = 261.90 + 130.95 = 392.85 cm3
As 1/6th part is left unfilled with ice cream
Therefore required volume of ice cream is = 392.85 -1/6(392.85)
= 392.85 – 65.475
= 327.4 cm3


Diameter of cylinder = 6cm

Radius of cylinder = 3 cm
Height of cylinder = 12 cm
CSA of cylinder = 2 πrh = 2 x 3.14 x 3 x 12 = 226.08 cm2
Area of base circle =πr2 = 3.14 x3x3 = 28.26 cm2
Slant Height of cone = 5 cm
Radius of cone = 3 cm
CSA of cone = πrl
=3.14 x 3 x 5 = 47.1 cm2
TSA of rocket = 47.1 + 226.08+ 28.26
= 301.44 cm2


36 (a) 1000, 1100,1200,1300

(b) a30 =a+29d
= 1000+29(100)
= 1000+2900
= Rs 3900
(c ) a40 =a+39d
= 1000+39(100)
= 1000+3900
= Rs 4900
S30 = n/2[2a +(n-1)d]
= 30/2[2(1000)+ (30-1)100]
=15 (2000+2900)
= Rs 73500


(a) y= 80 m
In △ BED
tan30o = 80/x+y
1/√ 3 = 80/x+y
x+y = 80√ 3
x+y = 138.4 m
(c )

Now,x+y =138.4
x + 80 =138.4
x = 58.4m
Distance covered from point C to D = x = 58.4 m
Time taken = 2 sec
Speed = distance/time
= 58.4/2
= 29.2 m/s
38. (a) Coordinates of Ramesh position = (45,10)
(b) Coordinates of Rahul position = (5,20)
(c)Coordinates of point E =(40,40)
Coordinates of point G =(30,5)
Distance = √ (40−30)2 +( 40−5)2
=√ 100+1225
=√ 1325 = 5√ 53 units

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