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I- Entoure la bonne réponse / 10

1) Have you read « The old man and the sea » ? - Yes, I … a long time ago
a) read b) have read c) will read
2) When they … the station, i'll be there to welcome them.
a) arrived b) will arrive c) arrive
3) He ….......................before the war. a) is smoking b) used to smoke c) will smoke
4) When I rang her up last night, I …................................she was angry.
a) would realise b) realised c) have been realising
5) You won't make me ….............. a) to laugh b) laughing c) laugh
6) I'd leave that job if I ….......... a) could b) can c) am able to
7) Most women like fur coats but fortunatly Diana …....... a) isn't b) doesn't c) won't
8) I ….............. on the day the new president was elected
a) have come b) will come c) came
9) No one …...................... to invade Britain since 1066.
a) has been able b) is able c) was able
10) Look ! It ….......................... a) had moved b) is moving c) would move
11) I was sure he ….......................immediately.
a) will accept b) is accepting c) would accept
12) Could they …..................................if I hadn't been there ?
a) have done it b) to do it c) do it
13) You'd better ….....................a new racket : this one is too old.
a) bought b) to buy c) buy
14) Why not … tonight ? a) to stay b) stay c) staying
15) I saw them …..........................from jail. a) to escape b) escaped c) escape
16) …...............I borrow your pen , please ? a) Could b) Should c) Would
17) I have just bought his latest novel. - …...........................................
a) So did I b) So have I c) So would I
18) I …....................... when the new president is elected.
a) have come b) will come c) came
19) Gunpowder …....................invented several years ago in China.
a) was b) has been c) had been
20) Why doesn't he let us in ? - …...............................asleep, I suppose.
a) He must be b) he had to be c) he should be

II- Entoure l'auxiliaire qui convient. / 10

1) I a) don't b) won't c) wouldn't know if he speaks English or not.

2) A lion becomes dangerous only when it a) has b) is c) was attacked.
3) They a) are b) have been c) had been crying for an hour when their mother went
4) a) Let's b) Should we c) Can we go now ! Our plane takes off in an hour's time.
5) He a) isn't b) doesn't c) hasn't come yet. It's too early.
6) Our boat a) had b) has c) was sunk by a torpedo during World War II
7) He a) is b) has c) had said to be honest.
8) She works more than he a) is b) do c) does .
9) I'd go home if I a) would b) could c) should , I'm too unhappy here.
10) I a) was b) have c) had told you were ill. - Who told you that ?
11) The parents havent't got any money and neither a) have b) are c) do the children.
13) « What you can you do, what you a) can't b) haven't c) don't you teach.
14) We a) would b) have c) will meet tomorrow in front of Buckingham Palace.
15) I'd like to find a better job. - a) Will b) Would c) Do you really ?
16) a) Do they b) Let them c) Can they go out ! I don't want them in my house.
17) I agree with you. - a) So would I b) So am I c) So do I.
18) a) Shall b) Would c) Should I carry your bag, Madam ?
19) I a) don't b) can't c) wouldn't help laughing : it is so funny !
20) Most people like Harry Potter films. I a) don't b) haven't c) am not

III- Après avoir bien lu le contexte, complète ces phrases avec les différentes formes du
verbe courant « play » : to play / play / plays / played / have played / has played /
Had played / playing / 25

1) What are they doing ? They're playing the guitar.

2) What did they do last Saturday afternoon ? - They played football.
3) I'd like to play the piano very well.
4) What did they do ? They didn't work, they played cards.
5) When did you play tennis with them for the last time ?
6) What were they doing when you saw them ? - They were playing cards.
7) Are you sure that playing the piano isn't so difficult ?
8) I used to play rugby when I was at school.
9) I have never played the violin before that special day.
10) They had been playing for half an hour when I arrived.
11) I'm sure you would enjoy hearing him play the trumpet.
12) Tonight I'm playing ;the organ in church for the first time.
13) You mustn't play before dinner.
14) I think you ought to play now !
15) Play or not play : that is the question.
16) You wouldn't have played if you hadn't done your homework.
17) I know you'd rather play with your friends.but I want you to go home.
18) He was disappointed because he plays not play.
19) He can't help playing the trumpet at three in the morning !
20) You'd better work instead of playing .
21) Can't you play louder, I can't hear anything !
22) He generally plays well but he seems exhausted today.
23) They had played for two hours : i'd like them to go home now.
24) You shouldn't have played for so long : no wonder you are so tired now.
25) « Hamlet » is a play written by Shakespeare.


IV- Les 25 phrases suivantes vous proposent de placer 50 verbes irréguliers d'après leur
sens et au temps qui vous emble le mieux convenir. Ils sont placés après chaque phrase, à
l'infinitif et dans un ordre qui n'est pas obligatoirement celui de la phrase. /25

1)Wake up ! It's time to get up. ( wake up / get up)

2) You'd better not drive if you want to drink (drink / drive)
3) If you had learn your lesson yesterday, you would know it now. ( know / learn )
4) The Titanic has hit a rock and it sunk ;. (sink / hit)
5) Last night I saw the thief steal the money and run away. (run / see )
6) I don't understand a word when you speak English. Where did you learn it? ( speak /
understand / learn)
7) If you had not leaned out of the window, you would have not fallen.
( lean / fall )
8) I gave him $10 last year and now he refuses to lend them back. ( refuse / give / lend )
9) I swear I was telling the truth at Court last week. ( swear / tell )
10) Last night he went down on the floor and lie to sleep at once. ( go / lie )
11) He threw a ball to me but I haven't caught it.
( throw / catch)
12) He was bite by a dog but he bleed . ( bleed / bite )
13) The flowers I sowed in Spring are growing well. ( Sow / grow)
14) The book you chose just cost £10. ( cost : choose)
15) During my last holidays I wrote several letters but I sent none of them. ( send / write )
16) I never bear hearing you sing as a child . ( sing / bear )
17) They built a house in 1977 and it burned in 1981. ( build / burn)
18) Sorry, I forgot what I wanted to say.
( want / forget )
19) Look! I spent all the money I won in Las Vegas last week.
( win / spend )
20) He has never forgave me for beating him at Monopoly.
( forgive / beat )
21) He thinks he will become a great artist in the future.
( become / think )
22) The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. ( set / rise )
23) The sun is shining ! Let's go to the beach. ( go / shine )
24) I have never heard the enemies who creep into the camp. ( Creep / hear )
25) The wind blew all night and this morning the lake was frozen
( freeze / blow )


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