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1. What term would you think when you hear the word nationalism? Why?

The term that immediately comes to my mind is the term “fondness”

because I believe that we Filipinos, are fond of our country the fact that we
are raised here, have lived here, and sooner or later we may die here if we
would not think of migrating. And let me reiterate the fondness I am
insinuating to all of you – fondness I mean, is the urge of happiness we
have whenever our country brings pride by winning and becoming
successful nationally and internationally in sports, pageants, and in other
fields. In other words we become fans of our country especially with its
possessions and achievements, we, real Filipinos are proud of.
2. What would you feel when you see the Philippine Flag?
Whenever I see the Philippine flag, to be honest, a flashback begins on my
mind about the history of it. I don’t know the very detailed scenes way back
then, but I do know that we are now free from oppressors and are now
able to raise our flag.
3. Cite three ways to show your nationalism.
 Embracing the culture and tradition of my country
 Support my country in any ways I can
 Continue living within my country

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