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1/22/2020 Outbound REST Web Services RESTMessageV2 and SOAPMessageV2 execute() vs executeAsync() Best Practices - Support and …

Outbound REST Web Services RESTMessageV2 and

SOAPMessageV2 execute() vs executeAsync() Best Practices

Number: KB0694711 (
Description sysparm_article=KB0694711) 

RESTMessageV2 and SOAPMessageV2 are javascript API's that ServiceNow customers can use to create SOAP or
REST style web service calls out of ServiceNow. The API's can be used either with the execute() method or the
executeAsync() method. The API's can be used with a MID Server or without a MID Server. This document
discusses the behavior under the covers when combining these two options in various combinations and the
consequent implications on performance.
NOTE: The illustrations here will all use RESTMessageV2 as the example, but the same principles all apply to
SOAPMessageV2 as well.

Call Directly from the instance

This is the default behavior. In order to use a MID Server, you must explicitly specify the MID Server to be used. In
this case an HTTP request will be sent from your ServiceNow instance to the web server end point that you

Keeping it simple with execute()

Using the execute() method means that a web service call will execute directly from the ServiceNow instance on
the currently executing thread and we will wait for the response to be returned. If the execute() method is used
then the thread will pause until a response is received. This method can be problematic depending on how long
it takes for the request to be processed and a response returned to ServiceNow. While ServiceNow is waiting for
a response, whatever thread initiated the call will be frozen. For example, if the call was initiated by end user
activity, then the end user will experience a frozen screen until the response is returned.
Benefits: Using execute() is simple. You call the method and it returns the Response object in one line of code.
Then you do your response handling against response object API (SOAPResponseV2 or RESTResponseV2).
Drawbacks: The executing thread is frozen until the response comes back. While a direct call is by
far the simplest option, if your web service call is initiating from the UI, this can be a problem. 1/7
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Breaking out of your dull synchronous life with executeAsync()

Usually executeAsync() is used with a MID Server. However, you can also use it without a MID Server. Using
the executeAsync() method without a MID Server will send the SOAP/REST request through a scheduled job
(sys_trigger table) and the details of the response to the REST request will be stored in the ECC Queue
(ecc_queue table). This means that the currently executing thread will move to the next line directly a er the
scheduled job has been created and will not wait on that line of code for the response to come back. This helps
improve performance time for requests triggered by the UI. However, since the thread moves on without waiting
for a response there is no way to handle the response.
Besides not being able to handle the response, executeAsync() also introduces a couple layers of complexity due
to using a scheduled job and the ECC queue. Since the request now executes on a scheduled job, this means
whatever latency was hitting the users from the UI will now be shi ed to the scheduled job queue. This could be
problematic if the scheduled job queue fills up with slow web service request calls or other jobs. Also, this
method incurs the overhead of creation and execution of a scheduled job - a process that usually takes around 6
to 10 seconds. That can have devastating performance impact if you need your web service to execute
within couple milliseconds! The user who initiated the original thread won't have to wait, which is good, but the
overall response time for the integration will be impacted. This makes executeAsync() a questionable choice for
any integration that needs to execute in near real-time. However, if your integration can tolerate a few seconds of
added latency to each request, maybe this will work for you. 2/7
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So, the above method improves the situation in some ways because now the UI is not getting hung while we wait
for the web service response. However, since we are not waiting for the response we have no way to handle the
response! Our web request has presumably been sent out across the ether to do its work, but how do we know if
it worked or not - what response came back? Ground control to Major Tom, can you hear me Major Tom?!
To overcome the issue of not being able to handle the response, sometimes people decide to use the
waitForResponse(seconds) method. However, I am going to recommend that unless you are using a MID Server,
this is almost never a good idea! Why, you say? I will tell you why. Because the method waitForResponse() causes
the initiating thread to freeze again, so we are back to poor response times on the initiating thread - the problem
we were trying to avoid by becoming asynchronous. The fact is, when used in combination with
waitForResponse(), executeAsync() is no longer asynchronous.

Don't worry. I have a solution. We can make your web service request truly asynchronous and we can handle the
response too! ANNOUNCER VOICE: Now introducing (queue generic fanfare music) the
setEccTopic() method! The setEccTopic() method takes a little more development work, but it allows for truly
asynchronous request handling, while at the same time benefitting from the ability to define a custom "sensor"
that will handle the response. There are still some drawbacks to this method. We now have two scheduled jobs
that must be created, scheduled, picked up and processed and therefore have at least 12-20 seconds of added
latency before we can start processing the response, but, by and large, this is a good solution as long as your
web service can tolerate the added latency. See below diagram. Also, there is an in-depth discussion of this
method's usage here: KB0563615 - RESTMessageV2 API EccTopic Support (https://hi.service- 3/7
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Benefits: If waitForResponse() is not used, then executeAsync() method will allow the executing thread to
continue immediately without waiting for a response. This can speed things up considerably - an important
concern when your web service is triggered by the UI. However, if response handling is required, then it is
recommended to use the setEccTopic() method in combination with executeAsync() to achieve the solution.
Drawbacks: Most web service implementations expect some type of response handling for the requests that are
sent out. Using the waitForResponse() method allows you to process a request, but then loses any performance
advantage from being processed asynchronously. setEccTopic() allows asynchronous response handling but like
all executeAsync() method implementations, it does suffer from the inherent lag of scheduling a job and the
potential of latency from other jobs causing queue overload.

Using a MID Server

Using a MID Server is a way to have a web service request initiated from a point within your, ServiceNow's
customer's, network. A MID Server is a Java Virtual Machine that sits inside your network firewall and talks to the
ServiceNow instance [mostly] through a SOAP integration.
There are two places where you can configure a SOAP or REST web service to use a MID Server. You can do it
either directly in the javascript via the RESTMessageV2.setMIDServer(string) method, or through the
use_mid_server field in the sys_rest_message_fn table if you are defining your RESTMessage methods that way.

Use execute() or executeAsync(), they work the same

When a MID Server is used, the execute() command implicitly becomes asynchronous and both methods act the
same way. Whatever method you use to execute the request, the waitForResponse() method must be used to get
the response back from the MID Server. 4/7
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Summary 5/7
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Benefits: Generally the reason for using a MID Server to execute a REST or SOAP message is concern about
exposing web service endpoints to external clients. By having the MID Server act as a go-between to your web
service, you can keep the web service exposed only to consumers within your network. Another reason that
using a MID Server might be preferable is to offload the REST or SOAP requests from the main ServiceNow
instance to the remote MID Server for execution.
Drawbacks: As with the previous scenario, the main drawback of this method is if you want to handle the HTTP
response, you must use the waitForResponse(sec) method, that freezes the executing thread until the response
has totally completed. This potentially overloads the thread pool if multiple threads are attempting to do the
same thing at the same time. As a general rule of thumb, it is a bad idea to have a computer thread busy doing
NOTE: There is one exception the above drawback. If you need to handle the HTTP response in a truly
asynchronous way and are willing to write the extra code. There is a way that you can do this without freezing
the thread that initiates the request. You can use a custom "probe" business rule on the ecc_queue to handle the
"input" ECC record that brings back the response. See KB0563615 - RESTMessageV2 API EccTopic Support
( for details.

HTTP Timeout
The HTTP timeout value is how long a request will wait for TCP connection to the web service endpoint. This can
be set manually for each request using the setHttpTimeout(milliseconds)
(!/api_doc?v=kingston&id=r_RMV2-setHttpTimeout_N) method. This
timeout value applies to both synchronous and asynchronous requests.

ECC Timout
The ECC timeout value is the amount of time that an asynchronous request will wait for the response to show up
in the ECC Queue. This timeout applies to all asynchronous requests, both with a MID Server and without.
However, this does not apply to synchronous requests because they do not use the ECC Queue. This can be
controlled globally using the properties
or glide.soap.outbound.ecc_response.timeout. This is also controlled on a per request basis through passing the
number of seconds to the waitForResponse(seconds) (!/api_doc?
v=kingston&id=r_RESTResponseV2-waitForResponse_N) method.

Additional Information
KB0659194 - Troubleshooting outbound REST web services (/
KB0563615 - RESTMessageV2 API EccTopic Support (
Developer site: Direct RESTMessageV2 API (!/api_doc?
v=kingston&id=c_RESTMessageV2API) 6/7
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Article Information
Last Updated:2019-08-20 20:30:47

Helpful? 7/7

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