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The COVID 19 pandemic has been taking a tremendous toll on every aspect of society, especially in

education, since it started. It has posed a dangerous threat to everyone's health and forced the
education system to implement an online learning method not as effective as traditional learning.
Moreover, this implementation resulted in a nationwide protest since most people were not prepared
and could not afford this kind of education. During this online learning, teachers and both students and
parents were having a hard time with something that they did not request.

Since online learning started due to the COVID 19, out-of-school youths have increased. It happened as
most of the people in this country are financially incapable of buying the learning equipment needed.
Even though there are alternatives provided by the government like modular learning, no one can
assure that the given education is high quality. However, the challenges do not end here, the students
and teachers have a boatload of paperwork and a stressful school year ahead of them even if they
managed to get the required learning equipment.

Unfortunately, things could not have gotten this worse if proper preventive measures were
implemented. With this, people were robbed not only with their health safety but also their chance to
learn quality education. For sure, one can only hope that everyone picks up a lesson from this mistake.
Lastly, always remember that nothing should compromise quality education because it is an individual's
right to have quality education.

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