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CLASS 22 nd of APRIL


Adjectives with suffixes

Fill in the blanks with an adjective derived from the word given.

Versión para imprimir

1. My car is really very (economic)………………………. .

2. There was a (comedy)…………………… opera on TV last night.

3. He's a very (ambition)………………………. man.

4. The school organises (education) visits.

5. She cries a lot because she's really very (sense)…………………………. .

6. They held a long (philosophy)…………………………. discussion about the subject.

7. The plane was caught in an (electricity)…………………… storm.

8. I haven't had a very (product)…………………. day.

9. We visited a (history)…………………….. house last weekend.

10. I love (classic)………………………… music.

Idioms with DOG

a dog's life = constantly worried, troubled or miserable

every dog has his day = everyone can succeed sooner or later

love me, love my dog = if one loves somebody, one should love everyone and everything associated with

to be like a dog with two tails = to be very happy

to be as sick as a dog = be ill, vomiting a lot

to give a dog a bad name (and hang him) = once a person has lost his reputation, it's difficult to regain it

to go to the dog = (an organization) become less efficient

to let sleeping dogs lie = to let it be quiet

to make a dog's breakfast of something = to do something very badly

not to stand/have a dog's chance = to have no chance at all

to work like a dog = to work a lot

to treat somebody like a dog = to treat somebody with no respect at all

to die like a dog = to die in misery, with no honour nor dignity

dog eat dog = (adj) when people compete against each other and do anything to get what they want; a
dog eat dog world/situation.

the tail wagging the dog = situation in which a minor part of something controls the course of the whole

his bark is worse than his bite = perro que ladra no muerde

barking dogs seldom/never bite = people who look aggressive are not really too bad

you can't teach an old dog new tricks = it's difficult for an old person to change or do new things

top dog = person who has the most power in a group

the underdog = a person or team that is weaker than the others, and is always expected to be

doggy bag = small bag for taking home the food that is left over from a meal in a restaurant


Choose the right answer.

1. I think you are very tired because you . You shouldn't worry so much.

2. Tom doesn't like computers, he's not very interested in them either. You know what they say... .

3. I'm poor and I have no job, but I don't care. I know that .

4. Ellen works hard everyday and at weekends she has to take care of her family. She never goes out, I
think she has .

5. I know I'm a bit strange for you, but you want to be with me... So, .

6. Since the new boss took over, this firm .

7. Nelson hasn't study at all, he of passing this exam!

Idioms with DUCK

a sitting duck = somebody easy to attack
an ugly duckling = a person who at first seems unpromising but later becomes admired
like a duck to water = without fear, naturally
like water off a duck's back = (of criticisms) without any effect
a dead duck = a plan that will probably fail
a lame duck = a person/organization in trouble that needs help
to duck a subject/question = to avoid a difficult or unpleasant subject/question

Choose the right answer.
1. He wasn't afraid at all, he jumped from the plane………………………… .
2. Tamara looks very pretty now! She wasn't that pretty some time ago. She's like…………………….. .
3. I don't hear all those criticisms. For me, they are …………………………… .
4. Out in the vast field, the soldiers were………………… for the enemy.
5. Even before starting, they admitted that the project was…………………….. .
6. This organization needs the help of the employees to survive, it's really…………………… .
7. When the issue……………… was mentioned, and everyone wanted to know, Norbert

Idioms with FISH

like a fish out of water = strange, different to the rest = como sapo de otro pozo
like a fish in muddy/troubled waters = in confused subjects
a big fish (in a little pond) = an important person (in a small community or a restricted situation)
an odd fish = an eccentric person
to dream like fish = to dream a lot
to drink like a fish = to drink a lot of alcohol
to have bigger/other fish to fry = to have something more important to do
neither fish, flesh nor good red herring = too ambiguous
there are (plenty of) other fish in the sea = there are (many) other people/things.



Fill in the blanks with any word
Sam is a puppy belonging to pub landlord, Steve Lock. A short time ………………………. Steve's friend John
……………………….. helping to lay a carpet when he slipped and chopped the top of his finger a knife.
The horrified landlord picked ………………….. the piece of finger and put it on the table and he bandaged
his friend's bleeding wound. They had…………………. that they could have the finger
stitched…………………………. on when they got to hospital.
, Sam the puppy had other ideas. The dog waited until the two men were……………………. of the room and
then jumped……………………….. the table and ate the finger.
Fortunately,………………….. to pub landlord Steve, his friend John saw the funny side of the story. John
says the finger really hurts a little but that it should be all right at the end even if it is a little flat on
…………………………. . He is now keeping an eye………………………………… Sam to make that he doesn't come
back for a second helping.


Fill in the blanks with any word

I have always found it difficult to say ………………. certain what my memories from my ………………..
childhood are. Are………………. memories learnt at a later age from overhearing our parents tell of our
exploits? Well, there is a particular incident that I would love to claim as a genuine memory.
When I was ………………… three years old, I went to the post office with my mother she was going to buy
some stamps. While she was……………. served, I happened to notice a small stocking which was hanging
from the counter. It was there …………………… collect contributions for a charity for blind. While
………………. back was turned, I took the stocking and emptied ………………….. contents into my coat pocket.
Of course, I was very young to know any better.
When it was realized what I …………………………. done, everybody roared with laughter……………….. for my
mother who was a little embarrassed. She immediately emptied the money back into the stocking and
incidentally, a few pennies of my …………………. . One of the clerks was something of an amateur
cartoonist and he made a drawing of me robbing an old lady. This cartoon……………………. displayed in
the post office for the next couple of years.


Complete the transformations using the word given.
1. Lucy is pregnant again.
Lucy is…………………………………… baby.
2. I wish I hadn't bought that old car.
It's………………………………… that old car.
3. They're living temporarily in a caravan.
For…………………………………………….. they're living in a caravan.
4. It was careless of her to go to the airport without checking the flight status.
She ……………….. the flight status before going to the airport.
5. Liz couldn't remember anything about the accident.
Liz………………………. the accident.
6. Noah succeeded in finishing all his homework on time.
Noah…………………………………. all his homework on time.
7. I really hate spaghetti.
What I ………………………………. spaghetti.
8. Laura’s parents were certain that she would be a great dancer.
Laura’s parents ……………………………… that she would be a great dancer.
9. In the end it was discovered that Peter was a liar.
Peter………………………. a liar.
10. It's quite possible that the last person to leave didn't turn off the lights.
The last person……………………………………….. the lights on.
1. It was a simple trick, but the kids were taken in by it.
It was a simple trick, but ………………………………………….
2. He has been forced to resign.
He has been………………………………. .
3. My driver's license needs renewing.
I have to…………………………………….. .
4. Laura has just insured her life.
Laura has just………………………………………. her life.
5. I used to work with that girl.
………………………………………………I used to work with.
6. These rainy days make me feel miserable.
These rainy……………………………………….. days .
7. She is good at looking after the sick.
She is well………………………………… the sick.
8. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Don't worry, I won't…………………………………………… anyone.
9. I would like to thank you from all the staff.
I would like to thank you………………………………… the staff.
10. You can walk to the library easily from the school.
The library is……………………………………….. distance of the school.

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