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Theme 1: Depression - Due to the isolation, the time initial stages of quarantine incurred depression by

the time spent alone in the room and not used to the sudden change.

Supporting Narrative:
“One major thing I faced that I couldn’t share my problems with anyone. This is the biggest thing. Due to
this, I fell into depression again and it was terrifying.”

Theme 2: Difficulty in Traveling – Because of the strict rules implemented to fight the spread of COVID,
traveling has been quite difficult due to protocols that should be followed.

Supporting Narrative:
“It was quite difficult because we had to do tracking instead being on an airplane. Being stuck in the car
for 12 hours is suffocating.

Theme 3: Spending time with Family – As time goes by the quarantine, sometimes family reaches out to
you when isolation is too much. Quarantine prohibits outings, time can be spent with the family more at

Supporting Narrative:
“It was good in terms of self-development and spending time with my family and friends.”

Theme 4: Self-Development – During the quarantine, more time has been given for the people who are
at home. Self-development can happen if one is motivated to do so in order to spend time more wisely
and cope with problems.

Supporting Narrative:
“I took up few hobbies such as gardening and I got focus on forgotten hobbies such as reading and

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