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Understanding Similarities and Differences of Culture: A Mini-portfolio

Inspiring Cultural Appreciation

Countries within Asia, the great kingdom in the Middle East, and the southern region

where the worldwide phenomenon, K-hallyu originated. Welcome to the Land of the Two

Holy Mosques, and The Land of the Morning Calm; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and South


Two nations in the same continent but are distinct and different from each other.

Nations where dominantly Muslims, and on the other hand, the majority are atheists.

Countries with only one language used but with different dialects. A highly opposite of each

other in terms of governance and climate yet had a big contribution in the world for

producing big companies.

As you go along in this paper you may know the differences and some points of

similarities between these two countries. Ahlan wa Sahlan! Eoseo Osibsio!


Likeness and Contrast Matrix

Description Saudi Arabia “Land of the South Korea “Land of the

Two Holy Mosques” Morning Calm”

Location Middle East (Western Asia) East Asia, Southern part of

the Korean Peninsula

Religion Islam (Sunni and Shia) 56% (atheists) 44% (with

religion) according 2015

Korean census
Language Arabic (3 dialects; Najdi, Korean (7 dialects;

Hejazi, and Khaliji) Gyeonggi, Gangwon,

Jeollado, Jeju, and Seoul)

Climate Desert Climate Temperate (winter, summer,

spring, and autumn)

Government Totalitarian Absolute Centralized Democratic

Monarchy Republic

image from image from

google google
Big Companies SABIC (Saudi Basic Samsung Electronics


image from

image from
Hyundai Motors

Saudi Aramco (Oil

image from
Company) image from

Annyeonghaseyo! Marhabaan! In this paper, I am going to give you some outline of

the likenesses and contrasts of Saudi Arabia and South Korea. You may ask why these

nations, why not? As you read the data beneath I hope you will gain interest in the countries

and might as well plan to visit them soon.

Childbirth Practices

In Saudi, ladies have no full power over labor systems, their male gatekeeper or even

their better half should give them consent before heading off to some pregnancy measure, this

includes whether they need to go through a Cesarean section or some other conveyance

techniques. Also, having the data of their pregnancy and the due date of the conveyance,

ladies are likewise obliged to get consent from their male gatekeeper before getting those

previously mentioned.

Having numerous changes about giving ladies an opportunity, starting at 2019, ladies

in Saudi was given the chance or to have full command over labor strategies without the

assent of their male gatekeeper; this is in interests to the offer of the realm to give ladies

opportunity (Aldroubi, 2019).

While Saudi has transformed its labor rehearses, then again, South Korea has

numerous traditions with regards to pregnancy, here are some it:

1. Customarily, when a lady acknowledged she was pregnant, she would disclose to

her relative first, at that point her significant other and ultimately her mom.

2. The infant eats, feels, thinks, and sees what the mother eats, feels, thinks, and sees.

In South Korea, pregnant ladies should just glance at delightful things, they are obliged to

just consume nourishments, particularly vegetables. They are illegal to eat duck during
pregnancy for the infant may have webbed feet. Eating tofu is likewise a no during pregnancy

for it dismantles right away and I don't know what is its connection. In conclusion, the family

is doing all the stuff to just give glad considerations to the pregnant and frustrate negative


3. Fun fact, they believe that some pregnant women had a dream where it will also

indicate her child's future.

Additionally, in the nation, the legislature is offering pregnancy help. While applying,

you should have the proof to demonstrate that you are pregnant like a clinical testament,

generally, the moving of assets is through ATM cards (Lee, 2020).

The previously mentioned is a portion of the traditions who's despite everything

winning in South Korea up to this date. The two nations may have novel labor rehearses yet

one thing is without a doubt, direction and love of the guardians are the equivalents and both

unlimited in any capacity. Beneath we will speak more about the family orientation, child-

rearing styles, and table manners of the two nations. Did you build interest in the two

nations? I bet you will gain more interest while reading more. Keep on reading!

Family Orientation

The family seems to be the centerpiece of the society of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's

families are usually patrilinear and patrilocal, which means that perhaps the lady moves to

her husband's home in family life, heredity is aided by the father. Customarily, the other,

more distant family lived as a clan or a faction. All Muslims have the same practice in which

men are entirely dependent on the family, to be employed for their families, and are required

to continuously suffice their families' needs. And while the ladies are in charge of dealing

with her, the better half, and the kids, to put it simply, the housewife. At present, women
mostly work for their families, so it is not uncommon in Saudi Arabia to have a share of fund

control between two family members (Joseph, 2018).

We may locate the similitudes on how Saudi Arabian family is to other Muslim

families around the globe, yet what about in South Korea, what is their family structure?

We'll see!

Korea's family life is exceptional. Family culture can fluctuate by family and district,

but Korean culture is generally centered on Confucianism. Korea's family culture has a few

parallels to that of other Confucian-affected nations but has changed from its conventional

origins because of rapid changes.

In Korea, a happy family is just as important as the joy of any aspect of it. Progress

within the family is significant. Youngsters should be encouraged to look after their elders

and to share their thoughts in an amenable manner. Some adult children live with their people

who love them. In either case, the will of mature guardians to be self-sufficient and to live

with their life partners at home is becoming more grounded.

Indeed, because of an enlarged population, a change by knowledge, and other factors,

the styles of families have been sorted out. Individual and social awareness of various sorts of

families, such as single parents, grandparent grandchildren, ethnic, sensitive, reconstituted

families, etc., is growing.

Child-rearing Styles

In Saudi, guardians are definitive and lenient. Well, we think about how Muslims are

so severe with regards to their youngsters particularly their girls, they are truly valuable to

them. The investigation of the European Archives of Pediatric Dentistry (2020) came about

that there two child-rearing styles in the realm to be specific definitive and tolerant.
Presently, in light of the consequence of the examination, Saudi Arabian are known to

be severe, while in South Korea they have this mystery on the most proficient method to

bring up savvy and effective kids.

Nunchi is a specialization in observing what everyone else thinks and, behave, and

then adjusting accordingly. It's the potential to instantly peruse alive with an accentuation on

a community, not specific people (Hong, 2019).

Hong (2019), nunchi is a powerhouse in Korea. Still, others venture to suggest that it

helps you to understand the mind, but there's nothing more to it. An all-around sharpened and

brittle nunchi would help you pick up the right partner in your everyday life or company,

sparkle at work, make sure you're up against people who think you hurt, and even reduce

your social uneasiness.

In typical Korean youth uplifting, nunchi is on a pattern with a left and a right look

before you traverse the pavement and don't hit others. Guardians as early as the age of three

exhibits, nunchi to their children.

Eating Etiquettes

Social graces are both an unquestionable requirement for the two nations. They have

manners that ought to be watched particularly in Saudi when you are visiting there. Strictly

no swine related dishes.

Before suppers, as the food is served, visitors state, Sahtain (what might be compared

to bon appetit), or Bismillah (for the sake of God), when supper is over visitors ought to

likewise say, Daimah (may there consistently be bounty at your table).

Sabtu (2019), all through the district, individuals use spoons, forks, and blades, if

vital, or no utensils by any means. Since the spoon is a higher priority than the fork, keep the
spoon in the correct hand, and put it down to change to the fork if and when you need it.

Never utilize your left hand for eating, particularly if you are eating legitimately with your


In Saudi, you need to wash your hands before you plunk down to eat. You will

likewise need to wash your hands again toward the finish of the feast. Go through your

correct hand when picking and eating food, never your left hand. Keep your side. Try not to

put your left hand on the table, and don't pass food with your left hand. Liquor will generally

not be presented with the feast. People might be approached to eat independently. On the off

chance that people are feasting together, ladies ought not legitimately to contact food that is

being served to a Muslim male, other than the individuals who are her close family members.

The most regarded position is in the table, with the second most notable individual, or the

respected visitor situated close to the top of the table (Sabtu, 2019).

In South Korea, they are more specific to the most proficient method to utilize the

utensils, what to act while having dinners with the older, and they particularly into the

subtleties. They are into spicy foods. The following are a portion of the social graces in South

Korea: (adapted from recovered, August 31,


 At first, taste soup or kimchi juice, and afterward, rice or different dishes. Use a spoon

for rice and fluid nourishments, for example, stews or soups; use chopsticks for

different food sources.

 Do not make clamors with a spoon or chopsticks hitting the rice bowl or other food


 Do not grasp the rice bowl or soup bowl during the feast.

 Do not look around the rice or side dishes with the spoon.
 Do not select what you don't care for or shake off-flavors.

 Do not leave any hint of food on the spoon while eating.

 During the supper, uneatable parts, for example, bones or fish bones are discreetly

disposed of by enclosing them by a paper with the goal that others won't see them.

Try not to put them on the table or floor.

 When hacking or wheezing during a dinner, face the other route from the table and

spread your mouth with your hand or napkin.

 The side course and the rice must be eaten from one side.

 Using your hand to take the food is prohibited.

 Chew food with your shut mouth and don't make commotions while biting.

 Leaving the table while eating is not also tolerated.

 Enjoy your food solely with no distractions like reading books or newspapers.

 Use an individual plate for a dish served for a group, and sauces, for example, soy and

vinegar sauce or sweet and harsh hot pepper soybean glue.

 Try to stay up with others by eating not very quick or excessively moderate. While

having supper with the old, hang tight for them to put the spoon and chopsticks on the

table toward the finish of the dinner.

 At the finish of the dinner, pour sungnyung (bubbled water in the rice cooker or

singed rice tea) into the rice bowl and drink.

 After supper, put the spoon and chopsticks out where they were set first and put

utilized napkins on the table after folding it a tad on the off chance that they are


 When utilizing a toothpick, spread your mouth with one hand and dispose of it the

toothpick a while later so others won't see it.

 When feasting with old individuals, space farthest away from the passage entryway is

the best spot, so hold it for the older.

 When having dinner with the old, trust that the older folks will hold their spoon first

and stay up with them.

 Sit with your body in an upstanding, straight position.

 When the older individual is getting up after completing the feast, get up together.

 If you completed the dinner before the old, place the spoon in the rice bowl or

sungnyung bowl, and when the old individual has completed the feast, place it on the


We are as of now done handling about the most widely recognized things you have to

know when you are intending to live or to visit Saudi Arabia and South Korea. Are you still

with me? I know that it is way more formal but those things are significant so please bear

with it. For now, let us investigate some other fascinating things you might need to think

about these nations, their similitudes, and contrasts. Have you at any point pondered the class

of music these individuals are tuning in to? We as a whole realize that tuning in to music is

the best thing to ease the pressure, express your inclination, and to escape from this

disordered world particularly that we are managing the COVID-19 pandemic. In the

following conversation, we will discuss the impacts and class of music on the two nations.


Music invigorates the brain. When we tune in to music there's simply this thing that

can cause you to feel better, now and then you simply score to the beat although you don't

have the foggiest idea how to move, and sincerely it is more simple to remember the verses

than to fathom to your lessons, right? I surmise this is the impact and the intensity of the

In the realm of Saudi Arabia, the majority of them thought about music, explicitly

popular music a powerful method to elevate disposition, this is as indicated by the

consequence of the review directed by Deezer among the 7,500 individuals across 8 nations

where Saudi Arabia is one the participants (Arab News, 2020). There are additionally

eminent artists in Saudi Arabia, in reality, last 2017 google doodle honored the 70th birthday

celebration of Etab. Etab is considered as the pioneer of Saudi Arabian music, she performed

openly when she was 13. She was instituted as the Brunette of the Arabian Song (Arab News,

2017). Before music is restricted in Saudi Arabia, but because of the changes declared by

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, last 2019, he gave a regal

declaration permitting music to be played in eateries around the realm (MEE, 2019).

On the opposite side of the paper, Korean pop these days is universally adored and

tuned in to, I am additionally a devoted enthusiast of Korean pop. I realize that there are

misguided judgments and some of the individuals are being ethnocentric with the Korean

pop, this may sound one-sided yet I don't have the foggiest idea why they disdain Korean

pop, I mean it is still music, it conveys great and profound messages, I don't have a clue why,

however, I regard their stand.

Korean pop is quickly developing and supporting various pieces of the world. One

reason that might be the explanation of its development was the addition of ubiquity of the

tune Gangnam Style by Psy in 2012. The tune bested at number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100

last October 6, 2012 (Billboard, 2012). Just as of September 1, 2020, Bangtan Sonyeondan

(BTS) outperformed the record of Psy and made history as the first Kpop craftsman to head

the Billboard Hot 100. The subsequent Asian act to do as such since 1963 (Billboard, 2020).

This is a major achievement to the gathering, that even the President of South Korea, Moon

Jae-in praised them through his twitter account. The septet bunch set numerous records that

they even attached with what The Beatles did during their time, a portion of their records was
that they sold out their tickets during their 2-day Love Yourself Tour in the notable Wembley

Stadium in London (Soompi, 2019). With the effect of BTS internationally, the Korean pop

industry made its inception to grow more around the globe.

The effect music is large that even a gathering from a little organization developed

and picked up ubiquity around the globe. Music can cause us to join together. The fans are

assorted yet for their adoration for the music the world gets one.

Pictographs of the Contrasts and Similitudes

Contrast(Saudi Arabia) Similitude Contrast(South Korea)

Beliefs are not too Supported by the Beliefs and customs are
rampant government still prevailing up to this
(pregnancy assisstance) date

Figure 1: Points of Differences and Similarities(Childbirth Practices)

Contrast(Saudi Arabia) Similitude Contrast(South Korea)

Patrilineal and Both open to conjoint Based on Confucianism

patrilocal finances of the husband
and wife


e 2: Points of Differences and Similarities(Family Orientation)

Contrast(Saudi Arabia) Similitude Contrast(South Korea)

Authoritative Hands on parents Future of their child is

number one


e 3: Points of Differences and Similarities(Child-rearing Practices)

Contrast(Saudi Arabia) Similitude Contrast(South Korea)

Strictly no swine Very particular with the Into spicy foods

details when on the
dining table


e 4: Points of Differences and Similarities(Eating Etiquettes)

Contrast(Saudi Arabia) Similitude Contrast(South Korea)

Isolated in their area but Into pop music Spreading and growing
more lenient now Loves music rapidly internationally


e 5: Points of Differences and Similarities(Music)

To conclude, both nations have contrasted with each other, although they are on the

same continent. I assume all things are in contrast to each other, since each, has its

uniqueness. But as I have navigated, and while researching the above details, I have also seen

likeness between them, and that is so commendable. Despite the discrepancies, there are also

likeness in items.

The Pertinence of Cultural Appreciation

     "Strength lies in differences, not on similarities", a quotation from Stephen R.

Covey. Appreciating culture is a way of showing respect and not being judgmental. This is in

line with respect despite differences. As of today, we are on the process of globalization and

by globalization, we can meet diversified cultures and beliefs. Villacorta (2018) said that

cultural appreciation is a big leap of humanity over the years. People appreciated more the

cultural wealth of other races. We all know that racism still exists but unlike before, we as

human beings, as one species are now being grateful for the cultures that exist, so we can

watch and learn their way of life. In connection to the countries included in this paper, last

October 2019, the group BTS from South Korea again made history for they are the first non-

local artist to sell out and to perform on the King Fahd International Stadium (Soompi, 2019).

The group was personally invited by the prince of the kingdom for he wants his realm to be

more open to others, and also the prince loosens some of the nation's restrictions just for

BTS. This is a manifestation that cultural appreciation is a powerful weapon for it destroys

boundaries, it creates understanding and respect for others culture, and most especially it

creates camaraderie and unification; just like what happened in the concert, beyond

differences in religion and practices they were made as one, for the love of music and the

love of BTS.

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