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Nicholas Hevrin

 Eng 223-1801


Individual Analysis Essay

The collaborative midterm allowed my group to use flash fiction in an effort to conquer systemic

racism. This was a good learning experience as I was able to see how others in my group interpret flash

fiction that I have also read and interpreted on my own. We were able to apply these interpretations to the

social issue we as a group decided we could work to conquer. I feel that this lesson helped me get closer

to the course outcomes. 

This project allowed me to demonstrate the ability to connect and contextualize literary works.

We looked through many stories and connected them to our social issue of systemic racism. This allowed

a deeper dive into the literary works presented in the class text. As a group, we believe we picked the best

stories to express our themes. 

The core questions were selected based on what we felt was most relevant to our social issues.

This allowed us to keep the pages relevant to the subject and not confuse those visiting the site with

questions that did not pertain to our topic. The survey and video created a good interactive area that

allows you to self-reflect on how systemic racism impacts your life and if you can do even more to help

conquer systemic racism. When writing my answers for the core questions I thought about how I could

relate this question to future generations. Systemic racism will take quite some time to conquer and is not

only our fight but a fight for future generations as well. 

Peer reviews were positive for our website. Lisa Williams enjoyed our video saying it was a

“great touch.” Christi Carey enjoyed our video. She thought the themes we selected were great choices on

our social issue. Our survey was also a bright spot, as Saivi liked the questions that we decided on. The
peer reviews made me feel good about the effort we put towards our website. It is nice to see that the hard

work is paying off in the end.

I feel that we did a great job of tying the entire website together. If I were to do this assignment

again, I would have started at the beginning of the semester so that we could answer even more of the

core questions. Each member of the group could answer all the questions, and we could combine these

answers together to give the optimal response. This would be done instead of having each member answer

a specific question in order to complete the assignment.

In conclusion, this assignment was a great way to work with others. It also allowed us to apply

flash fiction to themes other than our three selected themes at the beginning of the semester. A fresh look

at the texts is always helpful and being able to bounce ideas off of the others in the group created even

better answers to the core questions and website itself. Creating a website was a good way to get closer to

the overall course outcomes.

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